scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P8978 | DBLP publication ID | journals/tmi/IsgumSRPVG09 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1109/TMI.2008.2011480 |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 19131298 |
P50 | author | Max A. Viergever | Q30415303 |
Ivana Isgum | Q52143086 | ||
Bram van Ginneken | Q58101398 | ||
Marius Staring | Q117276673 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Mathias Prokop | |
Annemarieke Rutten | |||
P433 | issue | 7 | |
P304 | page(s) | 1000-1010 | |
P577 | publication date | 2009-01-06 | |
P1433 | published in | IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging | Q15751775 |
P1476 | title | Multi-atlas-based segmentation with local decision fusion--application to cardiac and aortic segmentation in CT scans | |
P478 | volume | 28 |
Q55949165 | A Generative Model for Probabilistic Label Fusion of Multimodal Data |
Q36490090 | A Kalman Filtering Perspective for Multiatlas Segmentation |
Q55949135 | A Probabilistic, Non-parametric Framework for Inter-modality Label Fusion |
Q35868658 | A Supervised Patch-Based Approach for Human Brain Labeling |
Q41761820 | A dynamic tree-based registration could handle possible large deformations among MR brain images |
Q24600552 | A generative model for image segmentation based on label fusion |
Q48109174 | A non-rigid registration method for the analysis of local deformations in the wood cell wall. |
Q41903630 | A transversal approach for patch-based label fusion via matrix completion |
Q41865254 | A unified framework for cross-modality multi-atlas segmentation of brain MRI |
Q36372806 | Abdominal multi-organ segmentation from CT images using conditional shape-location and unsupervised intensity priors. |
Q34857330 | An algorithm for optimal fusion of atlases with different labeling protocols |
Q41531099 | Approaching expert results using a hierarchical cerebellum parcellation protocol for multiple inexpert human raters |
Q47640490 | Atlas ranking and selection for automatic segmentation of the esophagus from CT scans |
Q36011564 | Atlas-based rib-bone detection in chest X-rays |
Q62494571 | Automated Agatston Score Computation in non-ECG Gated CT Scans Using Deep Learning |
Q42410887 | Automated algorithm for atlas-based segmentation of the heart and pericardium from non-contrast CT. |
Q43775581 | Automated aorta segmentation in low-dose chest CT images |
Q51713884 | Automated aortic calcium scoring on low-dose chest computed tomography |
Q36586148 | Automated cerebellar lobule segmentation with application to cerebellar structural analysis in cerebellar disease |
Q88295744 | Automated muscle segmentation from CT images of the hip and thigh using a hierarchical multi-atlas method |
Q31055332 | Automated pericardial fat quantification from coronary magnetic resonance angiography: feasibility study. |
Q40585874 | Automated pericardium delineation and epicardial fat volume quantification from noncontrast CT. |
Q46850619 | Automatic CT simulation optimization for radiation therapy: A general strategy |
Q85835002 | Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Kidneys in 3D CT Images Using Random Forests |
Q91672400 | Automatic Segmentation of Hippocampus for Longitudinal Infant Brain MR Image Sequence by Spatial-Temporal Hypergraph Learning |
Q39144291 | Automatic atlas-based three-label cartilage segmentation from MR knee images |
Q59319786 | Automatic image-based segmentation of the heart from CT scans |
Q37490226 | Automatic labeling of MR brain images by hierarchical learning of atlas forests |
Q48108316 | Automatic labeling of MR brain images through extensible learning and atlas forests |
Q41653159 | Automatic multiorgan segmentation in CT images of the male pelvis using region-specific hierarchical appearance cluster models |
Q91954724 | Automatic multiorgan segmentation in thorax CT images using U-net-GAN |
Q51081131 | Automatic segmentation of the aortic root in CT angiography of candidate patients for transcatheter aortic valve implantation |
Q47808615 | Automatic thoracic anatomy segmentation on CT images using hierarchical fuzzy models and registration |
Q37138315 | Brain extraction in pediatric ADC maps, toward characterizing neuro-development in multi-platform and multi-institution clinical images. |
Q38130598 | Challenges and methodologies of fully automatic whole heart segmentation: a review. |
Q42080634 | Characterizing spatially varying performance to improve multi-atlas multi-label segmentation. |
Q37348138 | Clinical evaluation of multi-atlas based segmentation of lymph node regions in head and neck and prostate cancer patients |
Q85108231 | Combined Model-Based Segmentation and Elastic Registration for Accurate Quantification of the Aortic Arch |
Q40007491 | Comprehensive Modeling and Visualization of Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology from CT Imaging and Computer Simulations |
Q48334166 | Concatenated Spatially-localized Random Forests for Hippocampus Labeling in Adult and Infant MR Brain Images |
Q82051752 | Confidence-Guided Sequential Label Fusion for Multi-atlas Based Segmentation |
Q42496536 | Consistent cortical reconstruction and multi-atlas brain segmentation. |
Q85108613 | Construction of Patient Specific Atlases from Locally Most Similar Anatomical Pieces |
Q40090398 | Construction of multi-region-multi-reference atlases for neonatal brain MRI segmentation |
Q36149552 | Direct estimation of patient attributes from anatomical MRI based on multi-atlas voting |
Q48530324 | Discriminative generalized Hough transform for object localization in medical images |
Q45952821 | Enhancing atlas based segmentation with multiclass linear classifiers. |
Q36393322 | Estimating a reference standard segmentation with spatially varying performance parameters: local MAP STAPLE |
Q35702317 | Estimation of Mouse Organ Locations Through Registration of a Statistical Mouse Atlas With Micro-CT Images |
Q34794564 | Evaluation of Multi-Atlas Label Fusion for In Vivo MRI Orbital Segmentation |
Q33814573 | Evaluation of a multi-atlas based method for segmentation of cardiac CTA data: a large-scale, multicenter, and multivendor study. |
Q37385643 | Evaluation of group-specific, whole-brain atlas generation using Volume-based Template Estimation (VTE): application to normal and Alzheimer's populations |
Q44387916 | Expert-driven label fusion in multi-atlas-based segmentation of the prostate using weighted atlases |
Q42034325 | Formulating Spatially Varying Performance in the Statistical Fusion Framework |
Q37498652 | Fully automatic segmentation of the mitral leaflets in 3D transesophageal echocardiographic images using multi-atlas joint label fusion and deformable medial modeling. |
Q33564750 | Groupwise multi-atlas segmentation of the spinal cord's internal structure |
Q36162981 | Hemorrhage detection and segmentation in traumatic pelvic injuries |
Q35340304 | Hierarchical performance estimation in the statistical label fusion framework |
Q34300283 | Hippocampal volumetry for lateralization of temporal lobe epilepsy: automated versus manual methods |
Q87242595 | How Many Templates Does It Take for a Good Segmentation?: Error Analysis in Multiatlas Segmentation as a Function of Database Size |
Q43085321 | How much will linked deformable registrations decrease the quality of multi-atlas segmentation fusions? |
Q47436299 | Intensity inhomogeneity correction of SD-OCT data using macular flatspace. |
Q37452541 | Investigation of morphometric variability of subthalamic nucleus, red nucleus, and substantia nigra in advanced Parkinson's disease patients using automatic segmentation and PCA-based analysis |
Q38740157 | Iterative multi-atlas-based multi-image segmentation with tree-based registration |
Q51675492 | Label Fusion in Atlas-Based Segmentation Using a Selective and Iterative Method for Performance Level Estimation (SIMPLE) |
Q91559551 | Label fusion method combining pixel greyscale probability for brain MR segmentation |
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Q45958401 | Local label learning (LLL) for subcortical structure segmentation: application to hippocampus segmentation. |
Q48103324 | Local manifold learning for multiatlas segmentation: application to hippocampal segmentation in healthy population and Alzheimer's disease. |
Q47585783 | Localized-atlas-based segmentation of breast MRI in a decision-making framework |
Q46548167 | Low-complexity atlas-based prostate segmentation by combining global, regional, and local metrics |
Q36725416 | MUSE: MUlti-atlas region Segmentation utilizing Ensembles of registration algorithms and parameters, and locally optimal atlas selection |
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Q37395662 | Multi-Atlas Segmentation with Joint Label Fusion. |
Q92384136 | Multi-Atlas and Multi-Modal Hippocampus Segmentation for Infant MR Brain Images by Propagating Anatomical Labels on Hypergraph |
Q48227019 | Multi-atlas and unsupervised learning approach to perirectal space segmentation in CT images |
Q50763709 | Multi-atlas based segmentation using probabilistic label fusion with adaptive weighting of image similarity measures |
Q30993235 | Multi-atlas learner fusion: An efficient segmentation approach for large-scale data |
Q42540748 | Multi-atlas multi-shape segmentation of fetal brain MRI for volumetric and morphometric analysis of ventriculomegaly |
Q37057658 | Multi-atlas registration and adaptive hexahedral voxel discretization for fast bioluminescence tomography |
Q26825130 | Multi-atlas segmentation of biomedical images: A survey |
Q37558908 | Multi-atlas segmentation of subcortical brain structures via the AutoSeg software pipeline |
Q42004546 | Multi-atlas segmentation with joint label fusion and corrective learning-an open source implementation |
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Q33584205 | Multi-contrast multi-atlas parcellation of diffusion tensor imaging of the human brain |
Q35633898 | Multiatlas segmentation as nonparametric regression. |
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Q30978155 | Multiatlas whole heart segmentation of CT data using conditional entropy for atlas ranking and selection. |
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