scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1038/PROTEX.2013.026 |
P932 | PMC publication ID | 4180084 |
P50 | author | William E. Moerner | Q1387059 |
P2093 | author name string | Matthew D Lew | |
Alexander R S von Diezmann | |||
P2860 | cites work | Ultra-high resolution imaging by fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy | Q24673523 |
Sub-diffraction-limit imaging by stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) | Q27860490 | ||
Imaging intracellular fluorescent proteins at nanometer resolution | Q27860767 | ||
Simultaneous, accurate measurement of the 3D position and orientation of single molecules | Q30528836 | ||
Three-dimensional, single-molecule fluorescence imaging beyond the diffraction limit by using a double-helix point spread function | Q33408484 | ||
Localizing and tracking single nanoscale emitters in three dimensions with high spatiotemporal resolution using a double-helix point spread function | Q33517738 | ||
In vivo Three-Dimensional Superresolution Fluorescence Tracking using a Double-Helix Point Spread Function | Q33610062 | ||
Three-dimensional superresolution colocalization of intracellular protein superstructures and the cell surface in live Caulobacter crescentus | Q34059523 | ||
Photon efficient double-helix PSF microscopy with application to 3D photo-activation localization imaging | Q34072753 | ||
The double-helix microscope super-resolves extended biological structures by localizing single blinking molecules in three dimensions with nanoscale precision. | Q34253342 | ||
Wide-field subdiffraction imaging by accumulated binding of diffusing probes | Q35539682 | ||
Quantitative Multicolor Subdiffraction Imaging of Bacterial Protein Ultrastructures in Three Dimensions | Q36690739 | ||
Microscopy beyond the diffraction limit using actively controlled single molecules | Q37055761 | ||
Super-resolution imaging in live Caulobacter crescentus cells using photoswitchable EYFP. | Q37127433 | ||
Extending microscopic resolution with single-molecule imaging and active control | Q38009345 | ||
P921 | main subject | software | Q7397 |
open-source software | Q1130645 | ||
P577 | publication date | 2013-02-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Protocol exchange | Q27724952 |
P1476 | title | Easy-DHPSF open-source software for three-dimensional localization of single molecules with precision beyond the optical diffraction limit | |
P478 | volume | 2013 |
Q48276744 | 3D single-molecule super-resolution microscopy with a tilted light sheet |
Q33655484 | A bisected pupil for studying single-molecule orientational dynamics and its application to three-dimensional super-resolution microscopy |
Q33627231 | Bacterial scaffold directs pole-specific centromere segregation |
Q30724788 | Correcting field-dependent aberrations with nanoscale accuracy in three-dimensional single-molecule localization microscopy. |
Q37151186 | Generalized recovery algorithm for 3D super-resolution microscopy using rotating point spread functions |
Q92371120 | Novel fibrillar structure in the inversin compartment of primary cilia revealed by 3D single-molecule superresolution microscopy |
Q104459053 | Quantifying accuracy and heterogeneity in single-molecule super-resolution microscopy |
Q91576470 | Resolving Cytosolic Diffusive States in Bacteria by Single-Molecule Tracking |
Q90831666 | Revealing Nanoscale Morphology of the Primary Cilium Using Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy |
Q38682378 | Single Particle Tracking: From Theory to Biophysical Applications. |
Q54988028 | Single-molecule tracking in live Yersinia enterocolitica reveals distinct cytosolic complexes of injectisome subunits |
Q56334320 | Single-molecule tracking in live Yersinia enterocolitica reveals distinct cytosolic complexes of injectisome subunits |
Q54206430 | Spatial organization and dynamics of RNase E and ribosomes in Caulobacter crescentus. |
Q47889621 | Three-Dimensional Super-Resolution in Eukaryotic Cells Using the Double-Helix Point Spread Function. |
Q52571604 | Tilted Light Sheet Microscopy with 3D Point Spread Functions for Single-Molecule Super-Resolution Imaging in Mammalian Cells. |
Q64999917 | Topologically-guided continuous protein crystallization controls bacterial surface layer self-assembly. |
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