OpenMS: a flexible open-source software platform for mass spectrometry data analysis

scientific article

OpenMS: a flexible open-source software platform for mass spectrometry data analysis is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1017141397
P698PubMed publication ID27575624

P50authorRuedi AebersoldQ7377799
Oliver KohlbacherQ29998906
David WojnarQ29998961
Knut ReinertQ29998984
Stephan AicheQ47155908
Jyoti ChoudharyQ56421088
Lars MalmströmQ30347545
George RosenbergerQ39404611
Hannes L. RöstQ39404671
P2093author name stringWitold E Wolski
Xiao Liang
Sven Nahnsen
Uwe Schmitt
Oliver Schilling
Timo Sachsenberg
Chris Bielow
Erhan Kenar
Mathias Walzer
Lars Nilse
Hans-Christian Ehrlich
Johannes Veit
Hendrik Weisser
Marc Rurik
Julianus Pfeuffer
Fabian Aicheler
Petra Gutenbrunner
Sandro Andreotti
P2860cites workGalaxy: a comprehensive approach for supporting accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational research in the life sciencesQ21092859
GENCODE: producing a reference annotation for ENCODEQ21184138
OpenMS - an open-source software framework for mass spectrometryQ21284208
A cross-platform toolkit for mass spectrometry and proteomicsQ24629036
Open mass spectrometry search algorithmQ28286936
Fast and Efficient XML Data Access for Next-Generation Mass SpectrometryQ28648175
The mzTab data exchange format: communicating mass-spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics experimental results to a wider audienceQ28654922
The mzQuantML data standard for mass spectrometry-based quantitative studies in proteomicsQ28687007
The mzIdentML data standard for mass spectrometry-based proteomics resultsQ28727227
PRIDE Inspector: a tool to visualize and validate MS proteomics dataQ28732132
mzML--a community standard for mass spectrometry dataQ28743778
TANDEM: matching proteins with tandem mass spectraQ29615238
OpenSWATH enables automated, targeted analysis of data-independent acquisition MS dataQ48317444
PeptideShaker enables reanalysis of MS-derived proteomics data sets.Q49024658
Probabilistic Consensus Scoring Improves Tandem Mass Spectrometry Peptide IdentificationQ57011814
Code shareQ59069689
Devil in the detailsQ60098590
Publisher Correction: OpenSWATH enables automated, targeted analysis of data-independent acquisition MS dataQ89866869
Skyline: an open source document editor for creating and analyzing targeted proteomics experimentsQ30080030
SeqAn an efficient, generic C++ library for sequence analysisQ30481303
A guided tour of the Trans-Proteomic PipelineQ30497827
eMZed: an open source framework in Python for rapid and interactive development of LC/MS data analysis workflowsQ30590250
Automated label-free quantification of metabolites from liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry dataQ30687071
aLFQ: an R-package for estimating absolute protein quantities from label-free LC-MS/MS proteomics dataQ30806107
Workflows for automated downstream data analysis and visualization in large-scale computational mass spectrometry.Q30885283
The Perseus computational platform for comprehensive analysis of (prote)omics dataQ31110953
ProteoWizard: open source software for rapid proteomics tools developmentQ33349681
Efficient marginalization to compute protein posterior probabilities from shotgun mass spectrometry dataQ33659299
MSSimulator: Simulation of mass spectrometry data.Q33883963
Targeted data extraction of the MS/MS spectra generated by data-independent acquisition: a new concept for consistent and accurate proteome analysisQ34133645
TOPPAS: a graphical workflow editor for the analysis of high-throughput proteomics dataQ34267896
An automated pipeline for high-throughput label-free quantitative proteomicsQ34326747
Expression Atlas update--an integrated database of gene and protein expression in humans, animals and plants.Q34498575
Improving GENCODE reference gene annotation using a high-stringency proteogenomics workflowQ34529175
The generating function of CID, ETD, and CID/ETD pairs of tandem mass spectra: applications to database searchQ35006588
Quantitative variability of 342 plasma proteins in a human twin populationQ35174121
Efficient visualization of high-throughput targeted proteomics experiments: TAPIR.Q35581032
File Formats Commonly Used in Mass Spectrometry ProteomicsQ36455695
Photo-cross-linking and high-resolution mass spectrometry for assignment of RNA-binding sites in RNA-binding proteins.Q38304574
Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissues (FFPE) as a Robust Source for the Profiling of Native and Protease-Generated Protein Amino Termini.Q38380965
qcML: an exchange format for quality control metrics from mass spectrometry experimentsQ38417783
pyOpenMS: a Python-based interface to the OpenMS mass-spectrometry algorithm libraryQ38451051
Contribution of cathepsin L to secretome composition and cleavage pattern of mouse embryonic fibroblastsQ39463052
Toward improved peptide feature detection in quantitative proteomics using stable isotope labelingQ40990458
MSstats: an R package for statistical analysis of quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomic experimentsQ42658640
Semi-supervised learning for peptide identification from shotgun proteomics datasets.Q45965072
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectsoftwareQ7397
open-source softwareQ1130645
data analysisQ1988917
P577publication date2016-08-30
P1433published inNature MethodsQ680640
P1476titleOpenMS: a flexible open-source software platform for mass spectrometry data analysis

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q38963773On Mass Ambiguities in High-Resolution Shotgun Lipidomics.
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Q39203410Proteomics and integrative omic approaches for understanding host-pathogen interactions and infectious diseases.
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Q90697640Pyteomics 4.0: Five Years of Development of a Python Proteomics Framework
Q48260096QCloud: A cloud-based quality control system for mass spectrometry-based proteomics laboratories.
Q92235337Quantification of Dynamic Protein Interactions and Phosphorylation in LPS Signaling Pathway by SWATH-MS
Q50422068Quantitative Peptidomics with Isotopic and Isobaric Tags.
Q112300749Quantitative Proteomics Using Isobaric Labeling: A Practical Guide
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Q114864180Recent advances in proteomics and metabolomics in plants
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Q94671866Reproducible molecular networking of untargeted mass spectrometry data using GNPS
Q90270278Review of Issues and Solutions to Data Analysis Reproducibility and Data Quality in Clinical Proteomics
Q38722471Review of emerging metabolomic tools and resources: 2015-2016.
Q114868045Review: Metabolomics as a prediction tool for plants performance under environmental stress
Q92585094SIP-Metaproteomics: Linking Microbial Taxonomy, Function, and Activity
Q63352058SIRIUS 4: a rapid tool for turning tandem mass spectra into metabolite structure information
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Q92377449SPECTRUM - A MATLAB Toolbox for Proteoform Identification from Top-Down Proteomics Data
Q94570867Scientific workflow managers in metabolomics: an overview
Q92066743Screening a Resource of Recombinant Protein Fragments for Targeted Proteomics
Q104575962Semiautomated glycoproteomics data analysis workflow for maximized glycopeptide identification and reliable quantification
Q98287501Sex-dependent role of microglia in disulfide HMGB1-mediated mechanical hypersensitivity
Q90669773Simplified high yield TAILS terminomics using a new HPG-ALD 800K-2000 polymer with precipitation
Q112708217Site-Specific Profiling of 4-Thiouridine Across Transfer RNA Genes in Escherichia coli
Q103838392SmartPeak Automates Targeted and Quantitative Metabolomics Data Processing
Q92661453Soil Nutrient Detection for Precision Agriculture Using Handheld Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Multivariate Regression Methods (PLSR, Lasso and GPR)
Q98391938Symbolic Aggregate Approximation Improves Gap Filling in High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data Processing
Q47869899Synaptic markers of cognitive decline in neurodegenerative diseases: a proteomic approach
Q39114389System-Wide Quantitative Proteomics of the Metabolic Syndrome in Mice: Genotypic and Dietary Effects.
Q91003920Systematic Assessment of the Effect of Internal Library in Targeted Analysis of SWATH-MS
Q88361131Systematic analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid proteome of fibromyalgia patients
Q102369470Systematic classification of unknown metabolites using high-resolution fragmentation mass spectra
Q91558490Systems Biology in Aging Research
Q31140100Tag-Count Analysis of Large-Scale Proteomic Data.
Q114869382Tandem Mass Spectrometry Molecular Networking as a Powerful and Efficient Tool for Drug Metabolism Studies
Q38695893Targeted Feature Detection for Data-Dependent Shotgun Proteomics
Q108788328Thapsigargins and induced chemical defence in Thapsia garganica
Q38894547The Human Proteome Organization-Proteomics Standards Initiative Quality Control Working Group: Making Quality Control More Accessible for Biological Mass Spectrometry.
Q99591360The Implementation of Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Workflows in Clinical Routines of Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Applicability and Perspectives
Q47111216The Role of Electron Transfer Dissociation in Modern Proteomics
Q47692841The SeqAn C++ template library for efficient sequence analysis: A resource for programmers
Q36374116The importance of bioinformatics for connecting data-driven lipidomics and biological insights.
Q30491708The mzIdentML data standard version 1.2, supporting advances in proteome informatics.
Q115715262The rawrr R Package: Direct Access to Orbitrap Data and Beyond
Q94571328The secreted inhibitor of invasive cell growth CREG1 is negatively regulated by cathepsin proteases
Q92580547The three-dimensional structure and recognition mechanism of Manduca sexta peptidoglycan recognition protein-1
Q91391484ThermoRawFileParser: Modular, Scalable, and Cross-Platform RAW File Conversion
Q93167993Tools and resources for metabolomics research community: A 2017-2018 update
Q93229825Tracing incorporation of heavy water into proteins for species-specific metabolic activity in complex communities
Q112278674Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis in LUHMES Cells Overexpressing Alpha-Synuclein
Q93389109UHPLC-MS Analyses of Plant Flavonoids
Q92528644Untargeted Metabolomics Reveals Molecular Effects of Ketogenic Diet on Healthy and Tumor Xenograft Mouse Models
Q91065330Untargeted characterisation of dissolved organic matter contributions to rivers from anthropogenic point sources using direct-infusion and high-performance liquid chromatography/Orbitrap mass spectrometry
Q102050870Untargeted metabolomics for Achilles heel of engineered nanomaterials' risk assessment
Q50113453Updates on Resources, Software Tools, and Databases for Plant Proteomics in 2016-2017.
Q91395183Using MetaboAnalyst 4.0 for Comprehensive and Integrative Metabolomics Data Analysis
Q114873073Using MetaboAnalyst 5.0 for LC–HRMS spectra processing, multi-omics integration and covariate adjustment of global metabolomics data
Q57798239apQuant: Accurate label-free quantification by quality filtering
Q103805733diaPASEF: parallel accumulation-serial fragmentation combined with data-independent acquisition
Q97688244hcapca: Automated Hierarchical Clustering and Principal Component Analysis of Large Metabolomic Datasets in R
Q111934132lcmsWorld: High-Performance 3D Visualization Software for Mass Spectrometry
Q113307511matchms - processing and similarity evaluation of mass spectrometry data.
Q92869418mineXpert: Biological Mass Spectrometry Data Visualization and Mining with Full JavaScript Ability
Q63352284mzTab-M: A Data Standard for Sharing Quantitative Results in Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics
Q105264612patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening
Q90622040psims - A Declarative Writer for mzML and mzIdentML for Python
Q122159813psm_utils: A High-Level Python API for Parsing and Handling Peptide-Spectrum Matches and Proteomics Search Results
Q47552608pymzML v2.0: introducing a highly compressed and seekable gzip format.
Q91753630spectrum_utils: A Python Package for Mass Spectrometry Data Processing and Visualization

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