OpenFilters: open-source software for the design, optimization, and synthesis of optical filters.

scientific article published on May 2008

OpenFilters: open-source software for the design, optimization, and synthesis of optical filters. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID18449250

P50authorStéphane LaroucheQ47389794
P2093author name stringLudvik Martinu
P2860cites workGradient-index antireflection coatingsQ84491661
Rugate filter theory: an overviewQ85058120
Design and plasma deposition of dispersion-corrected multiband rugate filters.Q33184281
Optical Interference Coatings Design Contest 2007: triple bandpass filter and nonpolarizing beam splitterQ46663906
Dispersion implementation in optical filter design by the Fourier transform method using correction factorsQ50880966
Optical coating design approaches based on the needle optimization techniqueQ51071739
Modified needle method with simultaneous thickness and refractive-index refinement for the synthesis of inhomogeneous and multilayer optical thin filmsQ51622158
Fast computation method for derivatives of multilayer stack reflectanceQ51661655
Derivation of a matrix describing a rugate dielectric thin filmQ52564764
Computational manufacturing as a bridge between design and productionQ81497641
Implementation of a numerical needle method for thin-film designQ82716296
Application of the needle optimization technique to the design of optical coatingsQ82716302
Graphics in optical coating designQ82719496
Optical thin film synthesis program based on the use of Fourier transformsQ83133566
Versatile computer program for absorbing optical thin film systemsQ83823506
Simulation of a rugate filter via a stepped-index dielectric multilayerQ84190680
Fourier transform technique applied to quarterwave optical coatingsQ84371870
Synthesis of high rejection filters with the Fourier transform methodQ84425262
Iterative correction process for optical thin film synthesis with the Fourier transform methodQ84452377
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectopen-source softwareQ1130645
P577publication date2008-05-01
P1433published inApplied OpticsQ4781557
P1476titleOpenFilters: open-source software for the design, optimization, and synthesis of optical filters

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