Development of a novel CASA system based on open source software for characterization of zebrafish sperm motility parameters

scientific article published on 29 November 2006

Development of a novel CASA system based on open source software for characterization of zebrafish sperm motility parameters is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID17137620

P2093author name stringJonas G Wilson-Leedy
Rolf L Ingermann
P2860cites workCryopreservation of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) spermatozoa.Q33244801
Cell_motility: a cross-platform, open source application for the study of cell motion pathsQ33246163
Computer assisted semen analyzers in andrology research and veterinary practiceQ34484110
Membrane hyperpolarization removes inactivation of Ca2+ channels, leading to Ca2+ influx and subsequent initiation of sperm motility in the common carpQ35047521
Quality control of refrigerated and cryopreserved semen using computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), viable staining and standardized fertilization in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus).Q43540110
Sperm Quality as Reflected Through Morphology in Salmon Alternative Life Histories1Q43829245
Overview of studies on rat sperm motion analysis using a Hamilton-Thorne Sperm Analyzer--collaborative working studyQ43900497
The effect of 4-nonylphenol on semen quality, viability of gametes, fertilization success, and embryo and larvae survival in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).Q45264693
K+-independent initiation of motility in chum salmon sperm treated with an organic alcohol, glycerolQ46844314
Effect of technical settings on canine semen motility parameters measured by the Hamilton-Thorne analyzerQ49152907
Spermatozoal competition in common carp (Cyprinus carpio): what is the primary determinant of competition success?Q50748804
Quantitative characteristics of Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus L., semen throughout the reproductive seasonQ51836265
Rapid adjustments of sperm characteristics in relation to social status.Q55407460
Physio-Chemical Characteristics of Seminal Plasma and Development of Media and Methods for the Cryopreservation of European eel SpermQ63467021
Synchronous triggering of trout sperm is followed by an invariable set sequence of movement parameters whatever the incubation mediumQ67790655
Evaluation of the "Hamilton Thorn computer-based automated system" for dog semen analysisQ73602562
Sperm metabolism of the telost fishes Chalcalburnus chalcoides and Oncorhynchus mykiss and its relation to motility and viabilityQ78140434
Seminal plasma proteins prolong the viability of rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykiss) spermatozoaQ80335708
Computer-aided evaluation of assessment of "grade a" spermatozoa by experienced techniciansQ82262048
P921main subjectDanio rerioQ169444
open-source softwareQ1130645
sperm motilityQ27116486
P577publication date2006-11-29
P1433published inTheriogenologyQ15761715
P1476titleDevelopment of a novel CASA system based on open source software for characterization of zebrafish sperm motility parameters

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cites work (P2860)
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