scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1016/J.THERIOGENOLOGY.2006.10.003 |
P698 | PubMed publication ID | 17137620 |
P2093 | author name string | Jonas G Wilson-Leedy | |
Rolf L Ingermann | |||
P2860 | cites work | Cryopreservation of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) spermatozoa. | Q33244801 |
Cell_motility: a cross-platform, open source application for the study of cell motion paths | Q33246163 | ||
Computer assisted semen analyzers in andrology research and veterinary practice | Q34484110 | ||
Membrane hyperpolarization removes inactivation of Ca2+ channels, leading to Ca2+ influx and subsequent initiation of sperm motility in the common carp | Q35047521 | ||
Quality control of refrigerated and cryopreserved semen using computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), viable staining and standardized fertilization in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). | Q43540110 | ||
Sperm Quality as Reflected Through Morphology in Salmon Alternative Life Histories1 | Q43829245 | ||
Overview of studies on rat sperm motion analysis using a Hamilton-Thorne Sperm Analyzer--collaborative working study | Q43900497 | ||
The effect of 4-nonylphenol on semen quality, viability of gametes, fertilization success, and embryo and larvae survival in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). | Q45264693 | ||
K+-independent initiation of motility in chum salmon sperm treated with an organic alcohol, glycerol | Q46844314 | ||
Effect of technical settings on canine semen motility parameters measured by the Hamilton-Thorne analyzer | Q49152907 | ||
Spermatozoal competition in common carp (Cyprinus carpio): what is the primary determinant of competition success? | Q50748804 | ||
Quantitative characteristics of Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus L., semen throughout the reproductive season | Q51836265 | ||
Rapid adjustments of sperm characteristics in relation to social status. | Q55407460 | ||
Physio-Chemical Characteristics of Seminal Plasma and Development of Media and Methods for the Cryopreservation of European eel Sperm | Q63467021 | ||
Synchronous triggering of trout sperm is followed by an invariable set sequence of movement parameters whatever the incubation medium | Q67790655 | ||
Evaluation of the "Hamilton Thorn computer-based automated system" for dog semen analysis | Q73602562 | ||
Sperm metabolism of the telost fishes Chalcalburnus chalcoides and Oncorhynchus mykiss and its relation to motility and viability | Q78140434 | ||
Seminal plasma proteins prolong the viability of rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykiss) spermatozoa | Q80335708 | ||
Computer-aided evaluation of assessment of "grade a" spermatozoa by experienced technicians | Q82262048 | ||
P433 | issue | 3 | |
P921 | main subject | Danio rerio | Q169444 |
software | Q7397 | ||
open-source software | Q1130645 | ||
sperm motility | Q27116486 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 661-672 | |
P577 | publication date | 2006-11-29 | |
P1433 | published in | Theriogenology | Q15761715 |
P1476 | title | Development of a novel CASA system based on open source software for characterization of zebrafish sperm motility parameters | |
P478 | volume | 67 |
Q50923397 | A feeding model of oyster larvae (Crassostrea angulata). |
Q90847002 | A microfluidic device for motility and osmolality analysis of zebrafish sperm |
Q40677096 | A new Bayesian network-based approach to the analysis of sperm motility: application in the study of tench (Tinca tinca) semen |
Q50275435 | A novel sperm adaptation to evolutionary constraints on reproduction: Pre-ejaculatory sperm activation in the beach spawning capelin (Osmeridae). |
Q92079311 | A sublethal dose of the neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid reduces sperm density in a songbird |
Q60297328 | ATP content and viability of spermatozoa drive variability of fertilization success in the Pacific oyster ( Crassostrea gigas ) |
Q92376996 | Acute and sub-acute bisphenol-B exposures adversely affect sperm count and quality in adolescent male mice |
Q98511149 | Adult exposure to acidified seawater influences sperm physiology in Mytilus galloprovincialis: Laboratory and in situ transplant experiments |
Q46488887 | Alkaline phosphatase added to capacitating medium enhances horse sperm-zona pellucida binding. |
Q100416627 | Alternative reproductive tactics are associated with sperm performance in invasive round goby from two different salinity environments |
Q60292510 | Alternative reproductive tactics, sperm mobility and oxidative stress in Carollia perspicillata (Seba’s short-tailed bat) |
Q90000143 | Aluminum, at an environmental concentration, associated with acidic pH and high water temperature, causes impairment of sperm quality in the freshwater teleost Astyanax altiparanae (Teleostei: Characidae) |
Q31041107 | An on-chip pollutant toxicity determination based on marine microalgal swimming inhibition |
Q110757750 | Ancestral Sperm Ecotypes Reveal Multiple Invasions of a Non-Native Fish in Northern Europe |
Q29994795 | Antioxidant allocation modulates sperm quality across changing social environments |
Q92150575 | Assessing the potential for post-ejaculatory female choice in a polyandrous beach-spawning fish |
Q43812744 | Assessment of DNA damage in sperm after repeated non-invasive sampling in zebrafish Danio rerio. |
Q60489493 | Assessment of oocyte and trochophore quality in Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas |
Q36134716 | Automated Sperm Head Detection Using Intersecting Cortical Model Optimised by Particle Swarm Optimization |
Q91749059 | Automated semen analysis by SQA Vision® versus the manual approach-A prospective double-blind study |
Q85025138 | Automated sperm head morphology analyzer for open-source software |
Q60292529 | Badge Size Reflects Sperm Oxidative Status within Social Groups in the House Sparrow Passer domesticus |
Q90870974 | Behavior of ACRBP-deficient mouse sperm in the female reproductive tract |
Q35546952 | Behavioral mechanism of human sperm in thermotaxis: a role for hyperactivation. |
Q60511084 | Biological characteristics of sperm in European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) |
Q87993573 | CASA-Mot in mammals: an update |
Q101165932 | CFAP45 deficiency causes situs abnormalities and asthenospermia by disrupting an axonemal adenine nucleotide homeostasis module |
Q56689001 | Catsper3 and Catsper4 Are Essential for Sperm Hyperactivated Motility and Male Fertility in the Mouse1 |
Q50066999 | Changes in external osmolality and ionic composition affect Megaleporinus obtusidens sperm motility. |
Q46557446 | Characterization of rheotaxis of bull sperm using microfluidics |
Q51145752 | Chemically moderated gamete preferences predict offspring fitness in a broadcast spawning invertebrate |
Q89044494 | Chemically-dispersed crude oil and dispersant affects sperm fertilizing ability, but not sperm swimming behaviour in capelin (Mallotus villosus) |
Q58776307 | Comparisons of reproductive function and fatty acid fillet quality between triploid and diploid farm Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) |
Q84627454 | Complex patterns of multivariate selection on the ejaculate of a broadcast spawning marine invertebrate |
Q38165991 | Computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA): capabilities and potential developments |
Q37058735 | Condition‐dependent expression of pre‐ and postcopulatory sexual traits in guppies |
Q35690219 | Cryopreservation of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus (Linnaeus, 1758) milt |
Q88017465 | Development of an in vitro toxicological test system based on zebrafish (Danio rerio) sperm analysis |
Q28365499 | Development of computer-assisted sperm analysis plugin for analyzing sperm motion in microfluidic environments using Image-J |
Q57800747 | Development of microfluidic dilution network-based system for lab-on-a-chip microalgal bioassays |
Q46912245 | Dietary carotenoids do not improve motility or antioxidant capacity in cichlid fish sperm |
Q34914316 | Different computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) systems highly influence sperm motility parameters. |
Q34458698 | Different swimming behaviors of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) spermatozoa close to solid and free surfaces |
Q92601520 | Differential investment in pre- and post-mating male sexual traits in response to prolonged exposure to ambient UVB radiation in a fish |
Q43757950 | Effect of aging on male reproduction in zebrafish (Danio rerio) |
Q57166133 | Effect of frame rate capture frequency on sperm kinematic parameters and subpopulation structure definition in boars, analysed with a CASA-Mot system |
Q95669989 | Effects of Salinity and Pesticide on Sperm Activity and Oviposition Site Selection in Green Treefrogs,Hyla cinerea |
Q51148872 | Effects of an early-life paraquat exposure on adult resistance to oxidative stress, plumage colour and sperm performance in a wild bird. |
Q91939241 | Effects of cooling rates on the quality of Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836) sperm |
Q90843433 | Effects of diisononyl phthalate (DiNP) on the endocannabinoid and reproductive systems of male gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) during the spawning season |
Q52611032 | Effects of progesterone on sperm motility in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). |
Q92244976 | Effects of temperature on sperm motility of burbot Lota lota: spontaneous activation and calcium dependency |
Q90948398 | Effects on fertility of motile sperm to egg ratio with use of cryopreserved Rhamdia quelen semen at different post-activation times |
Q97536400 | Efficiency and cell viability implications using tip type electroporation in zebrafish sperm cells |
Q98505112 | Egg-sperm interaction in sturgeon: role of ovarian fluid |
Q39401511 | Evaluation of methods to determine sperm density for the European eel, Anguilla anguilla. |
Q54731322 | Evaluation of sperm motility with CASA-Mot: which factors may influence our measurements? |
Q110527787 | Evaluation of stallion sperm motility with ImageJ using a cell phone camera and a light microscope |
Q95293830 | Evidence of rapid adaptive trait change to local salinity in the sperm of an invasive fish |
Q51156751 | Evidence that fertility trades off with early offspring fitness as males age. |
Q51553358 | Evolution of sperm quality but not quantity in the internally fertilized fish Xiphophorus nigrensis |
Q98237215 | Expanding the Limits of Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis through the Development of Open Software |
Q92133681 | Experimental manipulation of reproductive tactics in Seba's short-tailed bats: consequences on sperm quality and oxidative status |
Q51369884 | Exposure to 17α-ethinylestradiol decreases motility and ATP in sperm of male fighting fish Betta splendens |
Q41889619 | Exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of genistein during activation does not affect sperm motility in the fighting fish Betta splendens |
Q57699063 | Expression of pre- and postcopulatory traits under different dietary conditions in guppies |
Q48365195 | Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) is present in human spermatozoa and is related with sperm motility. The use of recombinant FGF2 to improve motile sperm recovery |
Q51288684 | Fins improve the swimming performance of fish sperm: a hydrodynamic analysis of the Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii |
Q52323252 | Fish sperm motility analysis: the central role of the flagellum. |
Q92960384 | Freezing ovarian fluid does not alter how it affects fish sperm swimming performance: creating a cryptic female choice 'spice rack' for use in split-ejaculate experimentation |
Q37782440 | Frenetic activation of fish spermatozoa flagella entails short-term motility, portending their precocious decadence |
Q46752243 | Genotype-by-environment interactions underlie the expression of pre- and post-copulatory sexually selected traits in guppies |
Q37598904 | Germplasm cryobanking in zebrafish and other aquarium model species. |
Q97642556 | Going beyond conventional parameters to unveil sperm quality in fish: the use of fibre optic technology to assess mitochondrial respiratory performance |
Q46315471 | Gonadorelin increases semen production and does not affect its quality in Leporinus obtusidens |
Q46323688 | Immigrant reproductive dysfunction facilitates ecological speciation |
Q33963971 | Immune activation reduces sperm quality in the great tit. |
Q88432675 | Implementation of novel statistical procedures and other advanced approaches to improve analysis of CASA data |
Q30490403 | Implementing an open-access CASA software for the assessment of stallion sperm motility: Relationship with other sperm quality parameters. |
Q46137566 | Influence of osmolality and ions on the activation and characteristics of zebrafish sperm motility |
Q51029631 | Inter-population ovarian fluid variation differentially modulates sperm motility in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. |
Q60297360 | Involvement of Mitochondrial Activity and OXPHOS in ATP Synthesis During the Motility Phase of Spermatozoa in the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas1 |
Q58719066 | Is sperm morphology functionally related to sperm swimming ability? A case study in a wild passerine bird with male hierarchies |
Q52664063 | Juvenile exposure to vinclozolin shifts sex ratios and impairs reproductive capacity of zebrafish |
Q34403011 | Linking sperm length and velocity: the importance of intramale variation. |
Q87904392 | Low concentrations of glyphosate-based herbicide cause complete loss of sperm motility of yellowtail tetra fish Astyanax lacustris |
Q51514897 | Marine phytoplankton motility sensor integrated into a microfluidic chip for high-throughput pollutant toxicity assessment |
Q67242162 | Measuring sperm swimming performance in birds: effects of dilution, suspension medium, mechanical agitation, and sperm number |
Q100449937 | Melatonin regulates ATP content and fertilising capacity of Onychostoma macrolepis spermatozoa by inhibiting ROS accumulation during semen storage in vitro |
Q51529007 | Metabolism of motile zebrafish sperm |
Q94950043 | Methodological considerations for examining the relationship between sperm morphology and motility |
Q51536856 | Microalgal motility measurement microfluidic chip for toxicity assessment of heavy metals |
Q30452281 | Microfluidic mixing for sperm activation and motility analysis of pearl Danio zebrafish |
Q91353822 | Microfluidic retention of progressively motile zebrafish sperms |
Q41719704 | Microfluidics and numerical simulation as methods for standardization of zebrafish sperm cell activation |
Q48227417 | Modification of sperm quality after sexual abstinence in Seba's short-tailed bat, Carollia perspicillata |
Q110527837 | Modifications to the imagej computer assisted sperm analysis plugin greatly improve efficiency and fundamentally alter the scope of attainable data |
Q43056467 | Motility and fertility of the subtropical freshwater fish streaked prochilod (Prochilodus lineatus) sperm cryopreserved in powdered coconut water. |
Q35582912 | Motility initiation of sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus) spermatozoa: Describing the propagation of the first flagellar waves. |
Q98567035 | Nanopolystyrene beads affect motility and reproductive success of oyster spermatozoa (Crassostrea gigas) |
Q47954653 | Natural and artificial spawning strategies with fresh and cryopreserved semen in Rhamdia quelen: Reproductive parameters and genetic variability of offspring. |
Q51648829 | No evidence for sperm priming responses under varying sperm competition risk or intensity in guppies |
Q49430125 | No evidence of inbreeding depression in sperm performance traits in wild song sparrows. |
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Q59792129 | Ocean Acidification Impairs Foraging Behavior by Interfering With Olfactory Neural Signal Transduction in Black Sea Bream, |
Q93056898 | Ocean acidification impact on ascidian Ciona robusta spermatozoa: New evidence for stress resilience |
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Q48569668 | Optimization of the sperm:oocyte ratio and sperm economy in the artificial reproduction of Rhamdia quelen using fructose as a sperm motility modulator. |
Q33493255 | Out-of-season sperm cryopreserved in different media of the Amazonian freshwater fish pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus). |
Q46365406 | Oxidative stress affects sperm performance and ejaculate redox status in subordinate house sparrows. |
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Q35265073 | Patterns of genetic variation and covariation in ejaculate traits reveal potential evolutionary constraints in guppies |
Q34447402 | Postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance in guppies. |
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Q59232833 | Preliminary results on sperm motility and testicular histology of two feral fish species,Oreochromis mossambicusandClarias gariepinus, from a currently DDT-sprayed area, South Africa |
Q90077440 | Production of live young with cryopreserved sperm from the endangered livebearing fish Redtail Splitfin (Xenotoca eiseni, Rutter, 1896) |
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Q55498819 | Quantitative genetic evidence that males trade attractiveness for ejaculate quality in guppies. |
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Q37408427 | Re-visiting the Protamine-2 locus: deletion, but not haploinsufficiency, renders male mice infertile. |
Q49386115 | Rearing in captivity affects spermatogenesis and sperm quality in greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810). |
Q46972078 | Relationships between sperm length and speed differ among three internally and three externally fertilizing species |
Q89933179 | Repeated immune challenges affect testosterone but not sperm quality |
Q52601733 | Reproductive consequences of exposure to waterborne phytoestrogens in male fighting fish Betta splendens. |
Q52879819 | Rival seminal fluid induces enhanced sperm motility in a polyandrous ant. |
Q92131355 | Sea urchin reproductive performance in a changing ocean: poor males improve while good males worsen in response to ocean acidification |
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Q91615725 | Small RNAs in Rat Sperm Are a Predictive and Sensitive Biomarker of Exposure to the Testicular Toxicant Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether |
Q51898910 | Social cues of sperm competition influence accessory reproductive gland size in a promiscuous mammal |
Q30840615 | Social dominance explains within-ejaculate variation in sperm design in a passerine bird |
Q92795044 | Social dominance, but not parasite load, affects sperm quality and sperm redox status in house sparrows |
Q30670905 | Sperm competition risk drives plasticity in seminal fluid composition |
Q83930566 | Sperm competition roles and ejaculate investment in a promiscuous mammal |
Q44406758 | Sperm cryopreservation affects postthaw motility, but not embryogenesis or larval growth in the Brazilian fish Brycon insignis (Characiformes). |
Q36358725 | Sperm in hot water: direct and indirect thermal challenges interact to impact on brown trout sperm quality |
Q51731987 | Sperm kinematics and subpopulational responses during the cryopreservation process in caprine ejaculates |
Q59232801 | Sperm motility and testicular histology as reproductive indicators inClarias gariepinusfrom an eutrophic impoundment, South Africa |
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Q60426839 | Sperm performance under hypoxic conditions in the intertidal fish Porichthys notatus |
Q57299694 | Sperm quality in wild-caught and farmed males of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) |
Q93046468 | Sperm swimming behaviors are correlated with sperm haploid genetic variability in the Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus |
Q33668734 | Sperm swimming velocity predicts competitive fertilization success in the green swordtail Xiphophorus helleri |
Q57269567 | Sperm traits of masculinized fish relative to wild-type males: a systematic review and meta-analyses |
Q95283166 | Sperm-Driven Micromotors Moving in Oviduct Fluid and Viscoelastic Media |
Q64060666 | Sperm-duct gland content increases sperm velocity in the sand goby |
Q92987698 | Spermatozoa motility in bivalves: Signaling, flagellar beating behavior, and energetics |
Q61465056 | Spermatozoa quality and sperm lipid composition in intensively cultured and wild burbot (Lota lota) |
Q63466909 | Standardization of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) sperm motility evaluation by CASA software |
Q37827236 | Statistical Series: Opportunities and challenges of sperm motility subpopulation analysis. |
Q48589957 | Storage of Steindachneridion parahybae oocytes at different temperatures |
Q41358745 | Stressful environments induce novel phenotypic variation: hierarchical reaction norms for sperm performance of a pervasive invader |
Q55037926 | Subordinate male cichlids retain reproductive competence during social suppression. |
Q83190896 | Subpopulation distribution of motile sperm relative to activation medium in steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) |
Q35138598 | Survival, growth and reproduction of cryopreserved larvae from a marine invertebrate, the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). |
Q55323787 | Systematic studies of all PIH proteins in zebrafish reveal their distinct roles in axonemal dynein assembly. |
Q54957098 | Tactic-specific differences in seminal fluid influence sperm performance |
Q54592355 | Testing the interactive effects of carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids on ejaculate traits in the guppy Poecilia reticulata (Pisces: Poeciliidae) |
Q51736409 | The antidepressant fluoxetine alters mechanisms of pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). |
Q51064821 | The dynamics of sperm cooperation in a competitive environment |
Q34110256 | The expression of pre- and postcopulatory sexually selected traits reflects levels of dietary stress in guppies |
Q36211578 | The genetic basis and fitness consequences of sperm midpiece size in deer mice |
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Q34781428 | Toxicity of environmental contaminants to fish spermatozoa function in vitro—A review |
Q46801924 | Use of diatom motility features as endpoints of metolachlor toxicity. |
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Q53841131 | pH controls spermatozoa motility in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). |
Q28511187 | αTAT1 is the major α-tubulin acetyltransferase in mice |
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