RDF dataset

collection of RDF graphs. contains one default graph and zero or more named graphs

RDF dataset is …
instance of (P31):
field of studyQ2267705
field of studyQ1047113

sublass of (P279):
data setQ1172284

External links are
P973described at URLhttps://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-dataset

P1889different fromRDF graphQ31386861
P527has part(s)RDF named graphQ3115590
RDF default graphQ110263559

Reverse relations

manifestation of (P1557)

has use (P366)

main subject (P921)
Q28608438A Preliminary Investigation of Reversing RML: From an RDF dataset to its Column-Based data source
Q111894292BANDAR: Benchmarking Snippet Generation Algorithms for (RDF) Dataset Search
Q57239524Co-evolution of RDF Datasets
Q131320063Discovering a Representative Set of Link Keys in RDF Datasets
Q95688978Estimating Characteristic Sets for RDF Dataset Profiles Based on Sampling
Q57539605Extracting relevant questions to an RDF dataset using formal concept analysis
Q57239561Large-Scale RDF Dataset Slicing
Q120984859Optiquevqs: A Visual Query System Over Ontologies For Industry
Q57524091Torpedo: Improving the State-of-the-Art RDF Dataset Slicing

Q31202231subject pagefollowsP155
Q107507940COCIinstance ofP31
Q31386861RDF graphdifferent fromP1889

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