Katsukawa Shun'ei

Japanese painter (1762-1819)

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Katsukawa_Shun'ei

Abstract is: Katsukawa Shun'ei (Japanese: 勝川 春英; 1762 – 13 December 1819) was a Japanese ukiyo-e artist. Shun'ei's real surname was Isoda (磯田), and his father was a landlord named Isoda Jirōbei (磯田 次郎兵衛). Shun'ei belonged to the Katsukawa school of artists; his earliest work dates to 1778. He designed mainly yakusha-e portraits of kabuki actors, and began producing ōkubi-e bust portraits as early as 1791. He illustrated a seven-volume kabuki guide called Shibai kinmō zue ("Illustrated Guide to the Theatre"). He also made musha-e warrior prints and prints of sumo wrestlers. In c. 1800 he took over as head from his teacher, Shunshō. His most prominent students were and Katsukawa Shunsen. Shun'ei and several other artists, including Utamaro and Toyokuni, were jailed and manacled for 50 days in 1804 for producing prints depicting Toyotomi Hideyoshi based on the Ehon taikōki ("Illustrated Chronicles of the Regent"). * Prints by Shun'ei * * * * *

Wikimedia Commons category is Katsukawa Shun'ei

Born 1762-01-01 in Tokyo (Q7473516)
Died 1819-01-01

Katsukawa Shun'ei is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P6844abART person ID146800
P6804Art Gallery of South Australia creator ID6029
P5597Artcyclopedia artist IDshunei_katsukawa
P6295ARTIC artist ID57917
P2042Artsy artist IDshunei
P2843Benezit IDB00168921
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID177928048
P1871CERL Thesaurus IDcnp02158649
P1472Commons Creator pageKatsukawa Shun'ei
P935Commons galleryKatsukawa Shun'ei
P13049DDB person (GND) ID1093243015
P2163FAST ID444282
P227GND ID1093243015
P10297Google Arts & Culture entity IDg121hxrk8
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/121hxrk8
P269IdRef ID242556477
P4927Invaluable.com person IDamf67eew3h
P8189J9U ID987010636022405171
P6698Japan Search name ID勝川春英
P7711Joconde author IDT513-37312
P244Library of Congress authority IDnr00003511
P10882Met Constituent ID11396
P3603Minneapolis Institute of Art constituent ID5392
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID316165018
P349NDL Authority ID00270316
P5273Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art person ID7331
P7831NMVW ID79732
P8317Philadelphia Museum of Art entity ID42545
P5271Saint Louis Art Museum person ID2686
P245Union List of Artist Names ID500057323
P214VIAF cluster ID9681456
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJjddmM4TvTDBgQK6yTbVC

P7763copyright status as a creatorcopyrights on works have expiredQ71887839
P27country of citizenshipJapanQ17
P1343described by sourceJapanese Woodblock Prints: Artists, Publishers and Masterworks 1680-1900Q67940122
P6379has works in the collectionMetropolitan Museum of ArtQ160236
Art Institute of ChicagoQ239303
Art Gallery of New South WalesQ705551
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of ArtQ1976985
Minneapolis Institute of ArtQ1700481
National Museum of World CulturesQ17153751
Vanderbilt Museum of ArtQ18563658
Print CollectionQ105027234
P1814name in kanaかつかわ しゅんえい
P1559name in native language勝川春英
ukiyo-e artistQ33082999
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikiProject New York Public LibraryQ121437821
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P1066student ofKatsukawa ShunshōQ1358636
P937work locationJapanQ17

Reverse relations

creator (P170)
Q20487362Portrait of a beautiful woman (Bijin)
Q103308368Shinbai Kinmo Zui (The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Theatre), Volumes 2,3 and 5 (Books 3,4,5, 7 and 8)
Q96146824The Actor Morita Kanya VIII as Tatsugorō
Q105483214The pirate Watonai subduing a tiger

student of (P1066)
Q3074344Katsukawa Shunsen
Q17224355Katsukawa Shunsho II

Q1358636Katsukawa ShunshōstudentP802
Q28684967Monument of the Biographical Sketch of Katsukawa Shun'eidedicated toP825

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Katsukawa Shun'eiwikimedia
Egyptian Arabic (arz / Q29919)كاتسوكاوا شونىwikipedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)Katsukawa Shun'eiwikipedia
      Katsukawa Shun’eiwikipedia
      Katsukawa Shun'eiwikipedia
      Katsukawa Shun'eiwikipedia
      Кацукава Сюн'ейwikipedia

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