Computer-assisted mass spectrometric analysis of naturally occurring and artificially introduced cross-links in proteins and protein complexes.

scientific article published in January 2006

Computer-assisted mass spectrometric analysis of naturally occurring and artificially introduced cross-links in proteins and protein complexes. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID16403016
P5875ResearchGate publication ID7368959

P50authorJaap Willem BackQ73728057
Jozef Van BeeumenQ123124366
P2093author name stringErmanno Gherardi
Chris G de Koster
Leo J de Koning
Frank Vanrobaeys
Merel A Nessen
Luitzen de Jong
Piotr T Kasper
P2860cites workStructure of phosphate-free ribonuclease A refined at 1.26 .ANGQ27728590
Crystal structure of the NK1 fragment of HGF/SF suggests a novel mode for growth factor dimerization and receptor bindingQ27766474
Mass Spectrometric Sequencing of Proteins from Silver-Stained Polyacrylamide GelsQ27860531
Mass spectrometry-based proteomicsQ28182890
Met, metastasis, motility and moreQ28235183
Role of accurate mass measurement (+/- 10 ppm) in protein identification strategies employing MS or MS/MS and database searching.Q30744805
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2006-01-01
P1433published inFEBS JournalQ1388041
P1476titleComputer-assisted mass spectrometric analysis of naturally occurring and artificially introduced cross-links in proteins and protein complexes

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cites work (P2860)
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