Integrative meta-analysis of differential gene expression in acute myeloid leukemia

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Integrative meta-analysis of differential gene expression in acute myeloid leukemia is …
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P819ADS bibcode2010PLoSO...5.9466M
P932PMC publication ID2830886
P698PubMed publication ID20209125
P5875ResearchGate publication ID41809740

P50authorJohn StamatoyannopoulosQ62565798
P2093author name stringBrady G Miller
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The t(7;11)(p15;p15) translocation in acute myeloid leukaemia fuses the genes for nucleoporin NUP98 and class I homeoprotein HOXA9Q24317238
ITM2A is induced during thymocyte selection and T cell activation and causes downregulation of CD8 when overexpressed in CD4(+)CD8(+) double positive thymocytesQ24671904
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A new homeobox gene contributes the DNA binding domain of the t(1;19) translocation protein in pre-B ALLQ28254962
Hox expression in AML identifies a distinct subset of patients with intermediate cytogeneticsQ28256635
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Thromboxanes: synthase and receptorsQ28277535
RGS10 is a selective activator of G alpha i GTPase activityQ28287882
Overexpression of HOXB3 in hematopoietic cells causes defective lymphoid development and progressive myeloproliferationQ28304818
GO::TermFinder--open source software for accessing Gene Ontology information and finding significantly enriched Gene Ontology terms associated with a list of genesQ29616254
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Venn Mapping: clustering of heterologous microarray data based on the number of co-occurring differentially expressed genesQ30883294
Gene expression profiles in acute myeloid leukemia with common translocations using SAGE.Q33231820
Proteomic analysis of acute myeloid leukemia: Identification of potential early biomarkers and therapeutic targetsQ33235659
Homeobox gene expression plus autocrine growth factor production elicits myeloid leukemiaQ33868950
Hoxa9 transforms primary bone marrow cells through specific collaboration with Meis1a but not Pbx1bQ33889059
Acute myeloid leukemias with reciprocal rearrangements can be distinguished by specific gene expression profilesQ34098676
Ribonuclease activity associated with human eosinophil-derived neurotoxin and eosinophil cationic proteinQ34189784
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Constitutive overexpression of the integral membrane protein Itm2A enhances myogenic differentiation of C2C12 cellsQ34301116
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Hypothalamic hormones a.k.a. hypothalamic releasing factors.Q34383347
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Versican: signaling to transcriptional control pathways.Q36538369
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HOX expression patterns identify a common signature for favorable AML.Q37176769
Impact of new prognostic markers in treatment decisions in acute myeloid leukemiaQ37495374
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Mutations in nucleophosmin (NPM1) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML): association with other gene abnormalities and previously established gene expression signatures and their favorable prognostic significanceQ38321981
Gene expression profile reveals deregulation of genes with relevant functions in the different subclasses of acute myeloid leukemia.Q38331348
Gene expression profiles at diagnosis in de novo childhood AML patients identify FLT3 mutations with good clinical outcomesQ38338957
Differential expression of drug-resistance-related genes between sensitive and resistant blasts in acute myeloid leukemiaQ38435287
Gene expression profile related to prognosis of acute myeloid leukemiaQ40056525
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Identification of genes with abnormal expression changes in acute myeloid leukemiaQ40168272
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Flt3 tandem duplication mutations cooperate with Wnt signaling in leukemic signal transduction.Q40471481
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Functional characteristics and gene expression profiles of primary acute myeloid leukaemia cells identify patient subgroups that differ in susceptibility to histone deacetylase inhibitorsQ42521206
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High meningioma 1 (MN1) expression as a predictor for poor outcome in acute myeloid leukemia with normal cytogeneticsQ44034346
Biologic and clinical significance of the FLT3 transcript level in acute myeloid leukemiaQ44646947
Correlation of neuropilin-1 overexpression to survival in acute myeloid leukemiaQ44740278
Distinct gene expression patterns associated with FLT3- and NRAS-activating mutations in acute myeloid leukemia with normal karyotypeQ45240539
Thromboxane synthase (TBXAS1) polymorphisms in African-American and Caucasian populations: evidence for selective pressureQ46679983
Gene expression profiling of pediatric acute myelogenous leukemiaQ47266175
Large matrix proteoglycans, versican and perlecan, are expressed and secreted by human leukemic monocytesQ47680787
Genome‐wide analysis of acute myeloid leukemia with normal karyotype reveals a unique pattern of homeobox gene expression distinct from those with translocation‐mediated fusion eventsQ47973072
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalQ20007257
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectacute myeloid leukemiaQ264118
P577publication date2010-03-01
P1433published inPLOS OneQ564954
P1476titleIntegrative meta-analysis of differential gene expression in acute myeloid leukemia

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