Use of gene-expression profiling to identify prognostic subclasses in adult acute myeloid leukemia

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Use of gene-expression profiling to identify prognostic subclasses in adult acute myeloid leukemia is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_plhs3s6xkveb5dxdr54qzp6ghy
P698PubMed publication ID15084693

P50authorRobert TibshiraniQ3938444
Jonathan R. PollackQ73921770
Eric BairQ55483301
Hartmut DöhnerQ66385451
Konstanze DöhnerQ66385457
P2093author name stringLars Bullinger
Richard F Schlenk
Stefan Fröhling
P2860cites workDistinct types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profilingQ27860529
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectleukemiaQ29496
adult acute myeloid leukemiaQ53673331
P577publication date2004-04-01
P1433published inThe New England Journal of MedicineQ582728
P1476titleUse of gene-expression profiling to identify prognostic subclasses in adult acute myeloid leukemia

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q36057626EVI1 is critical for the pathogenesis of a subset of MLL-AF9-rearranged AMLs.
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Q79906767East and west together. Abstracts of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Meeting. Dubrovnik, Croatia. September 15-19, 2007
Q33846983Effects of the NUP98-DDX10 oncogene on primary human CD34+ cells: role of a conserved helicase motif
Q34548156Engagement of SIRPα inhibits growth and induces programmed cell death in acute myeloid leukemia cells
Q38740919Enhanced Fructose Utilization Mediated by SLC2A5 Is a Unique Metabolic Feature of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Therapeutic Potential
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Q36257547GATA2 Inhibition Sensitizes Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells to Chemotherapy
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Q38331348Gene expression profile reveals deregulation of genes with relevant functions in the different subclasses of acute myeloid leukemia.
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Q84562440Gene expression profiling in the leukemic stem cell-enriched CD34+ fraction identifies target genes that predict prognosis in normal karyotype AML
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Q35848938Gene expression profiling of adult acute myeloid leukemia identifies novel biologic clusters for risk classification and outcome prediction
Q40428994Gene expression profiling of leukemic cell lines reveals conserved molecular signatures among subtypes with specific genetic aberrations.
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Q33538325Gene expression signatures in childhood acute leukemias are largely unique and distinct from those of normal tissues and other malignancies.
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Q37176769HOX expression patterns identify a common signature for favorable AML.
Q43065853HOXA/PBX3 knockdown impairs growth and sensitizes cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia cells to chemotherapy
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Q24652901High throughput digital quantification of mRNA abundance in primary human acute myeloid leukemia samples
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Q38288838Human CD34+ cells expressing the inv(16) fusion protein exhibit a myelomonocytic phenotype with greatly enhanced proliferative ability
Q33729914Hypermethylation and down-regulation of DLEU2 in paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia independent of embedded tumour suppressor miR-15a/16-1.
Q35607293IL8-CXCR2 pathway inhibition as a therapeutic strategy against MDS and AML stem cells
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Q40956513Integrated analysis of proteome, phosphotyrosine-proteome, tyrosine-kinome, and tyrosine-phosphatome in acute myeloid leukemia
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Q36203024Meta-analysis of microarray results: challenges, opportunities, and recommendations for standardization
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Q36437006MiR-495 is a tumor-suppressor microRNA down-regulated in MLL-rearranged leukemia
Q37738573MicroRNA expression in acute myeloid leukemia
Q36288982MicroRNA expression signatures accurately discriminate acute lymphoblastic leukemia from acute myeloid leukemia
Q33691247MicroRNAs expression signatures are associated with lineage and survival in acute leukemias
Q37374567MicroRNAs in the ontogeny of leukemias and lymphomas
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Q37165359Molecular assessment of depression from mRNAs in the peripheral leukocytes.
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Q36186561Molecular cytogenetics in haematological malignancy: current technology and future prospects
Q37809866Molecular diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia
Q37082659Molecular dissection of valproic acid effects in acute myeloid leukemia identifies predictive networks
Q37588387Molecular gene signature and prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer
Q38169021Molecular pathogenesis of AML: translating insights to the clinic
Q37724869Molecular pathways involved in loss of graft function in kidney transplant recipients.
Q37206155Molecular profiling in the age of cancer genomics
Q40276097Molecular profiling reveals myeloid leukemia cell lines to be faithful model systems characterized by distinct genomic aberrations
Q37236994Molecular prognostic markers for adult acute myeloid leukemia with normal cytogenetics
Q40377138Molecular signature analysis: the potential of gene-expression analysis in cardiomyopathy
Q34403639Molecular signatures in acute myeloid leukemia.
Q34244973Molecular signatures in childhood acute leukemia and their correlations to expression patterns in normal hematopoietic subpopulations.
Q36586291Multiplex-FISH (M-FISH): technique, developments and applications
Q24597256Musashi-2 regulates normal hematopoiesis and promotes aggressive myeloid leukemia
Q39090287Musashi2 modulates K562 leukemic cell proliferation and apoptosis involving the MAPK pathway
Q40902348Mutated genes and driver pathways involved in myelodysplastic syndromes—a transcriptome sequencing based approach
Q28298423NUP98 dysregulation in myeloid leukemogenesis
Q89944347Network Properties of Cancer Prognostic Gene Signatures in the Human Protein Interactome
Q37829192New Prognostic Markers in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Perspective from the Clinic
Q31116667New data on robustness of gene expression signatures in leukemia: comparison of three distinct total RNA preparation procedures
Q38328340New insights into MLL gene rearranged acute leukemias using gene expression profiling: shared pathways, lineage commitment, and partner genes
Q39900008Next-generation sequencing of cancer genomes: back to the future.
Q33414663Non-negative matrix factorization for the analysis of complex gene expression data: identification of clinically relevant tumor subtypes
Q36228053Normal and leukaemic stem cells
Q92996721Not Only Mutations Matter: Molecular Picture of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Emerging from Transcriptome Studies
Q37709333Notch signaling: switching an oncogene to a tumor suppressor.
Q41691430Novel harmonic regularization approach for variable selection in Cox's proportional hazards model
Q53632146Novel mutations in the FLT3 gene in adult patients with refractory acute myeloid leukemia
Q37810969Older patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Q41895366Oncogenic fusion proteins expressed in immature hematopoietic cells fail to recapitulate the transcriptional changes observed in human AML.
Q44666362Overexpression of GATA2 predicts an adverse prognosis for patients with acute myeloid leukemia and it is associated with distinct molecular abnormalities.
Q36163066Overexpression of IL-1 receptor accessory protein in stem and progenitor cells and outcome correlation in AML and MDS.
Q36628305PBX3 is an important cofactor of HOXA9 in leukemogenesis
Q38345022POU4F1 is associated with t(8;21) acute myeloid leukemia and contributes directly to its unique transcriptional signature
Q35543402Pathway-based analysis of the hidden genetic heterogeneities in cancers
Q81170940Pattern robustness of diagnostic gene expression signatures in leukemia
Q36668271Perspectives of proteomics in acute myeloid leukemia
Q37627876Pharmacogenomics in acute myeloid leukemia.
Q34781553Phase II trial of tipifarnib as maintenance therapy in first complete remission in adults with acute myelogenous leukemia and poor-risk features
Q46370523Phenotype in combination with genotype improves outcome prediction in acute myeloid leukemia: a report from Children's Oncology Group protocol AAML0531.
Q37132871Possible role for gene expression profiling in predicting responses to conventional or targeted drugs in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia
Q64085970Predicting Complete Remission of Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Machine Learning Applied to Gene Expression
Q31109949Predicting patient survival from microarray data by accelerated failure time modeling using partial least squares and LASSO.
Q47322162Predicting phenotypes from microarrays using amplified, initially marginal, eigenvector regression
Q33237070Predicting survival outcomes using subsets of significant genes in prognostic marker studies with microarrays
Q37059396Prediction of molecular subtypes in acute myeloid leukemia based on gene expression profiling
Q40109282Predictive tests for individualization of pharmacological cancer treatment
Q46028092Profiling of drug-metabolizing enzymes/transporters in CD33+ acute myeloid leukemia patients treated with Gemtuzumab-Ozogamicin and Fludarabine, Cytarabine and Idarubicin.
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Q38183943Prognostic factors for acute myeloid leukaemia in adults--biological significance and clinical use.
Q91199392Prognostic hallmarks in AML
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Q44133432Prognostic significance of MSI2 predicts unfavorable outcome in adult B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Q36929806Progress in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia
Q38324390Prospective gene expression analysis accurately subtypes acute leukaemia in children and establishes a commonality between hyperdiploidy and t(12;21) in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Q33880813Proteasome enzymatic activities in plasma as risk stratification of patients with acute myeloid leukemia and advanced-stage myelodysplastic syndrome
Q38660073Proteogenomics approaches for studying cancer biology and their potential in the identification of acute myeloid leukemia biomarkers
Q90462212Proteome and Phosphoproteome Changes Associated with Prognosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Q33244998Proteomics of acute myeloid leukaemia: Cytogenetic risk groups differ specifically in their proteome, interactome and post-translational protein modifications
Q33420426Proteomics: analysis of spectral data
Q33518038Quantitative comparison of microarray experiments with published leukemia related gene expression signatures
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Q33384448Randomization in laboratory procedure is key to obtaining reproducible microarray results
Q37206159Recent advances in the molecular diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal cancer
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