Why do females mate multiply? A review of the genetic benefits

scientific article

Why do females mate multiply? A review of the genetic benefits is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID10740892
P5875ResearchGate publication ID12575206

P50authorMichael D. JennionsQ47577576
P2093author name stringPetrie M
P577publication date2000-02-01
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inBiological ReviewsQ2500948
P1476titleWhy do females mate multiply? A review of the genetic benefits

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cites work (P2860)
Q21090182A cost of sexual attractiveness to high-fitness females
Q56421621A mechanism for cryptic female choice in chinook salmon
Q45274494A molecular analysis of African lion (Panthera leo) mating structure and extra‐group paternity in Etosha National Park
Q33940023A nonspecific fatty acid within the bumblebee mating plug prevents females from remating.
Q33283992A preference for a sexual signal keeps females safe
Q34341491Activity predicts male reproductive success in a polygynous lizard.
Q55880284Adaptations to Ovulation
Q51481980Additive Genetic Variance, Heritability, and Inbreeding Depression in Male Extra-Pair Reproductive Success
Q50939035Additive genetic variance in polyandry enables its evolution, but polyandry is unlikely to evolve through sexy or good sperm processes
Q51150506Affairs happen-to whom? A study on extrapair paternity in common nightingales
Q51966419Age-specific mating strategies and reproductive senescence
Q35101213Ageing and the evolution of female resistance to remating in seed beetles
Q44211131Aggregation and mating success of Capnodis tenebrionis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae).
Q58112309An Inconvenient Truth: The Unconsidered Benefits of Convenience Polyandry
Q33277670An experimental test for indirect benefits in Drosophila melanogaster
Q51686461An introduction to genetic quality in the context of sexual selection
Q26995485Assessing the potential for post‐copulatory sexual selection in elasmobranchs
Q34988263Bateman's principles and human sex roles
Q42636601Bayesian paternity analysis and mating patterns in a parasitic nematode, Trichostrongylus tenuis.
Q64233067Behavioural and transcriptional changes in post-mating females of an egg parasitoid wasp species
Q37299426Benefits of extra-pair mating may depend on environmental conditions-an experimental study in the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus).
Q111346252Benefits of polyandry in Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Q38859312Benefits of polyandry: Molecular evidence from field-caught dung beetles.
Q50893800Bet-hedging as a mechanism for the evolution of polyandry, revisited
Q37992233Bet‐hedging—a triple trade‐off between means, variances and correlations
Q30413484Beyond sex allocation: the role of mating systems in sexual selection in parasitoid wasps
Q35178464Bias in the heritability of preference and its potential impact on the evolution of mate choice
Q58086965Biparental mealybugs may be more promiscuous than we thought
Q96127979Black widows as plastic wallflowers: female choosiness increases with indicators of high mate availability in a natural population
Q21090736Breeding Biology and Variable Mating System of a Population of Introduced Dunnocks (Prunella modularis) in New Zealand
Q29544889Breeding behaviour of the Omei tree frogRhacophorus omeimontis(Anura: Rachophoridae) in a subtropical montane region
Q59133040Brood-tending males in a biparental fish suffer high paternity losses but rarely cuckold
Q51787331Can non-directional male mating preferences facilitate honest female ornamentation?
Q34165005Can patterns of chromosome inversions in Drosophila pseudoobscura predict polyandry across a geographical cline?
Q34490775Causes of lifetime fitness of Darwin's finches in a fluctuating environment
Q55035876Changes in women's sexual interests and their partners' mate-retention tactics across the menstrual cycle: evidence for shifting conflicts of interest.
Q47981786Chaotic dynamics of allele frequencies in condition-dependent mating systems
Q51146412Chemical Cues that Guide Female Reproduction in Drosophila Melanogaster
Q50937757Choosing mates: good genes versus genes that are a good fit.
Q51189702Choosy but not chaste: multiple mating in human females
Q33979851Cloacal bacterial diversity increases with multiple mates: evidence of sexual transmission in female common lizards
Q34573848Coevolving parasites and population size shape the evolution of mating behaviour.
Q51602785Comparing the performance of analytical techniques for genetic PARENTAGE of half-sib progeny arrays
Q24649561Compatibility counts: MHC-associated mate choice in a wild promiscuous primate
Q33972202Complex genotype by environment interactions and changing genetic architectures across thermal environments in the Australian field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus
Q33996912Concealed fertility and extended female sexuality in a non-human primate (Macaca assamensis)
Q51716725Condition dependence of reproductive strategy and the benefits of polyandry in a viviparous lizard
Q34483027Conditional expression of women's desires and men's mate guarding across the ovulatory cycle
Q47624779Conflict and cooperation over sex: the consequences of social and genetic polyandry for reproductive success in dunnocks.
Q36076275Consequences for conservation: population density and genetic effects on reproduction of an endangered lagomorph
Q36667851Context-dependent genetic benefits of polyandry in a marine hermaphrodite.
Q51405604Convenience polyandry or convenience polygyny? Costly sex under female control in a promiscuous primate
Q33475645Cool sex? Hibernation and reproduction overlap in the echidna
Q40336043Correlations between heterozygosity and measures of genetic similarity: implications for understanding mate choice
Q84916717Costs and benefits of polyandry in a placental poeciliid fish Heterandria formosa are in accordance with the parent-offspring conflict theory of placentation
Q111346657Costs and benefits of reproduction in predaceous ladybird: Effect of multiple matings on reproduction and offspring development
Q37677531Covariance of paternity and sex with laying order explains male bias in extra-pair offspring in a wild bird population
Q30444932Cross-generational fitness benefits of mating and male seminal fluid
Q51283628Cuticular hydrocarbons as a basis for chemosensory self-referencing in crickets: a potentially universal mechanism facilitating polyandry in insects.
Q50025159Cycle-specific female preferences for visual and non-visual cues in the horse (Equus caballus).
Q35823508Declining extra-pair paternity with laying order associated with initial incubation behavior, but independent of final clutch size in the blue tit
Q34613807Decomposing variation in male reproductive success: age‐specific variances and covariances through extra‐pair and within‐pair reproduction
Q36349295Demographic mechanisms of inbreeding adjustment through extra-pair reproduction
Q33611520Density drives polyandry and relatedness influences paternal success in the Pacific gooseneck barnacle, Pollicipes elegans
Q90377205Deposition, removal and production site of the amorphous mating plug in the spider Philodromus cespitum
Q37710130Detection of female mating status using chemical signals and cues
Q30470673Determinants of Natural Mating Success in the Cannibalistic Orb-Web Spider Argiope bruennichi
Q27329687Detrimental effects of an autosomal selfish genetic element on sperm competitiveness in house mice
Q53595035Direct versus indirect sexual selection: genetic basis of colour, size and recruitment in a wild bird
Q52947676Directional postcopulatory sexual selection revealed by artificial insemination
Q56526860Distinct behavioural strategies underlying asymmetric mating interactions between invasive and indigenous whiteflies
Q60046211Diversity of social-genetic relationships in the socially monogamous pied flycatcher () breeding in Western Siberia
Q33492736Do genetic diversity effects drive the benefits associated with multiple mating? A test in a marine invertebrate
Q38078466Do male secondary sexual characters signal ejaculate quality? A meta-analysis
Q58376700Do ornaments, arrival date, and sperm size influence mating and paternity success in the collared flycatcher?
Q38370845Do sperm possess a molecular passport? Mechanistic insights into sperm selection in the female reproductive tract.
Q36056173Do the benefits of polyandry scale with outbreeding?
Q52664032Does genetic diversity hinder parasite evolution in social insect colonies?
Q83182196Does genetic diversity reduce sibling competition?
Q37105352Does multiple paternity influence offspring disease resistance?
Q35371524Does polyandry really pay off? The effects of multiple mating and number of fathers on morphological traits and survival in clutches of nesting green turtles at Tortuguero
Q51363439Drosophila melanogaster females change mating behaviour and offspring production based on social context
Q27334281Drosophila melanogaster females restore their attractiveness after mating by removing male anti-aphrodisiac pheromones
Q39998312Early psychosocial stress affects men's relationship length
Q36338225Effect of male mating history and age on remating by female European corn borer
Q56986791Effects of multiple mating on the fecundity of an invasive pest (Octodonta nipae): the existence of an intermediate optimal female mating rate
Q79358363Efficient utilization of very dilute aquatic sperm: sperm competition may be more likely than sperm limitation when eggs are retained
Q51762710Egg-hatching benefits gained by polyandrous female locusts are not due to the fertilization advantage of nonsibling males.
Q35801587Enigmas of mammalian gamete form and function
Q31150628Environmental quality alters female costs and benefits of evolving under enforced monogamy.
Q58486549Environmental, social, morphological, and behavioral constraints on opportunistic multiple paternity
Q51467650Estimating genetic benefits of polyandry from experimental studies: a meta-analysis
Q38954307Estimating mating rates in wild Drosophila melanogaster females by decay rates of male reproductive proteins in their reproductive tracts.
Q57446717Evidence for multiple paternity in two species of Orconectes crayfish
Q29027996Evidence of extra-pair paternity in two socially monogamous Australian passerines: the Crescent Honeyeater and the Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Q54432702Evidence of female-promoted polyandry in Trinidadian guppies
Q44641502Evidence of multiple paternity and mate selection for inbreeding avoidance in wild eastern chipmunks
Q51156751Evidence that fertility trades off with early offspring fitness as males age.
Q30422973Evolution of divergent female mating preference in response to experimental sexual selection
Q35035130Evolution of female multiple mating: A quantitative model of the "sexually selected sperm" hypothesis
Q35816548Evolution of human mate choice
Q30433599Evolution of mate choice and the so-called magic traits in ecological speciation
Q47617628Evolution of precopulatory and post-copulatory strategies of inbreeding avoidance and associated polyandry
Q37899274Evolutionary causes and consequences of sequential polyandry in anuran amphibians.
Q45992029Evolutionary significance of promiscuity in an aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae).
Q56961574Experimental Removal of Sexual Selection Reveals Adaptations to Polyandry in Both Sexes
Q39830107Experimental evidence that brighter males sire more extra-pair young in tree swallows
Q30435236Extra-pair mating and evolution of cooperative neighbourhoods
Q39544548Extra-pair paternity and the variance in male fitness in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia)
Q51222150Extra-pair paternity confirmed in wild white-handed gibbons.
Q51647972Extra-pair young in house wren broods are more likely to be male than female
Q33265543Extrapair mating between relatives in the barn swallow: a role for kin selection?
Q33542985Extreme female promiscuity in a non-social invertebrate species
Q55023170Extreme sequential polyandry insures against nest failure in a frog.
Q52610739Facultative sperm storage in response to nutritional status in a female insect
Q56523011Fallow deer polyandry is related to fertilization insurance
Q46308526Feed-backs among inbreeding, inbreeding depression in sperm traits, and sperm competition can drive evolution of costly polyandry
Q57176458Female Chemical Signalling Underlying Reproduction in Mammals
Q51647939Female aggression predicts mode of paternity acquisition in a social lizard
Q34853321Female and male genetic effects on offspring paternity: additive genetic (co)variances in female extra-pair reproduction and male paternity success in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia).
Q34302638Female and male moths display different reproductive behavior when facing new versus previous mates
Q58376707Female collared flycatchers choose neighbouring and older extra-pair partners from the pool of males around their nests
Q42909623Female competition and aggression: interdisciplinary perspectives
Q37773392Female competition and its evolutionary consequences in mammals
Q30620428Female control of mate plugging in a female-cannibalistic spider (Micaria sociabilis).
Q28292212Female crickets assess relatedness during mate guarding and bias storage of sperm towards unrelated males
Q34169300Female economic dependence and the morality of promiscuity
Q38218617Female extra-pair mating: adaptation or genetic constraint?
Q24650754Female extrapair mate choice in a cooperative breeder: trading sex for help and increasing offspring heterozygosity
Q50529626Female feeding regime and polyandry in the nuptially feeding nursery web spider, Pisaura mirabilis
Q35242459Female influence on pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection and its genetic basis in Drosophila melanogaster
Q92981039Female loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta L.) rarely remate during nesting season
Q54432799Female mating decisions: maximizing fitness?
Q30541012Female mediation of competitive fertilization success in Drosophila melanogaster
Q46942906Female monopolization mediates the relationship between pre- and postcopulatory sexual traits.
Q53848773Female multiple mating behaviour, early reproductive failure and litter size variation in mammals
Q57484114Female multiple mating for fertility assurance in red flour beetles (Tribolium castaneum)
Q36034398Female multiple matings and male harassment and their effects on fitness of arrhenotokous Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
Q30443805Female partner preferences enhance offspring ability to survive an infection
Q49561462Female polyandry affects their sons' reproductive success in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum
Q58867362Female polyandry under male harassment: the case of the common toad (Bufo bufo)
Q34687342Female promiscuity is positively associated with neutral and selected genetic diversity in passerine birds.
Q30463858Female teneral mating in a monandrous species
Q35553024Females Choose Mates Based on Genetic Relatedness in a Small Dasyurid Marsupial, the Agile Antechinus (Antechinus agilis).
Q47602982Females increase offspring heterozygosity and fitness through extra-pair matings
Q33691806Females of a gift-giving spider do not trade sex for food gifts: a consequence of male deception?
Q50457522Females remate more frequently when mated with sperm-deficient males.
Q30664934Females sample more males at high nesting densities, but ultimately obtain less attractive mates.
Q55055919Females solicit sneakers to improve fertilization success in the bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus).
Q28280520Females use self-referent cues to avoid mating with previous mates
Q48423249Fertility cycle patterns in motives for sexual behavior
Q33910028Field estimates of parentage reveal sexually antagonistic selection on body size in a population of Anolis lizards
Q81578179First copulation increases longevity and fecundity of Histiostoma feroniarum (Acari: Astigmata: Acaridida) females
Q33354325Fitness consequences of female multiple mating: a direct test of indirect benefits
Q51718627Fitness consequences of parental compatibility in the frog Crinia georgiana
Q39669929Fitness effects of female mate choice: preferred males are detrimental for Drosophila melanogaster females.
Q37215227Flexible mate choice when mates are rare and time is short.
Q58044393Frequency of multiple paternity in an unexploited tropical population of sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
Q47366635Functional significance of seminal receptacle length in Drosophila melanogaster
Q47761638Gene dispersal and outbreeding in a philopatric mammal
Q34631522Genetic Analysis of Captive Spawning Strategies for the Endangered Rio Grande Silvery Minnow
Q51751771Genetic analysis reveals promiscuity among female cheetahs
Q51574397Genetic and nutritional effects on male traits and reproductive performance in Tribolium flour beetles
Q36726507Genetic and phenotypic influences on copulatory plug survival in mice
Q33526041Genetic and potential non-genetic benefits increase offspring fitness of polyandrous females in non-resource based mating system
Q37150983Genetic compatibility and hatching success in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus).
Q51313392Genetic conflicts, intrinsic male fertility, and ejaculate investment
Q34811159Genetic covariance between components of male reproductive success: within-pair vs. extra-pair paternity in song sparrows
Q46743168Genetic diversity does not explain variation in extra-pair paternity in multiple populations of a songbird.
Q52603567Genetic diversity within honeybee colonies prevents severe infections and promotes colony growth
Q36200462Genetic effects on mating success and partner choice in a social mammal
Q102369324Genetic monogamy and mate choice in a pair-living primate
Q57206943Genetic relationships within colonies suggest genetic monogamy in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber)
Q58045956Genetic similarity between mates and extra-pair parentage in three species of shorebirds
Q37011314Genetics of mating and sex determination in the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortus
Q35840993Genotype Reconstruction of Paternity in European Lobsters (Homarus gammarus)
Q51167705Give one species the task to come up with a theory that spans them all: what good can come out of that?
Q21135572Good Genes and Sexual Selection in Dung Beetles (Onthophagus taurus): Genetic Variance in Egg-to-Adult and Adult Viability
Q79855566Good genes and the maternal effects of polyandry on offspring reproductive success in the bulb mite
Q51535551Heritability of female extra-pair paternity rate in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia)
Q98613426Heritability of the extra-pair mating behaviour of the pied flycatcher in Western Siberia
Q34206584Hierarchical polygyny in multiparous lesser flat-headed bats
Q37414796High degree of multiple paternity in the viviparous Shiner Perch, Cymatogaster aggregata, a fish with long-term female sperm storage
Q64964350High levels of multiple paternity in a spermcast mating freshwater mussel.
Q55005089High levels of polyandry, but limited evidence for multiple paternity, in wild populations of the western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus).
Q47901763High multiple paternity and low last-male sperm precedence in a hermaphroditic planarian flatworm: consequences for reciprocity patterns
Q51406685High temperatures reveal cryptic genetic variation in a polymorphic female sperm storage organ
Q37058738Host-parasite genotypic interactions in the honey bee: the dynamics of diversity
Q28754459Human oestrus
Q37243180Human-modified habitats change patterns of population genetic structure and group relatedness in Peter's tent-roosting bats
Q46465825Impact of cryptic female choice on insemination success: Larger sized and longer copulating male squid ejaculate more, but females influence insemination success by removing spermatangia
Q116336740Implications of Small Population Size in a Threatened Pitviper Species
Q37037748Implications of multiple mating for offspring relatedness and shoaling behaviour in juvenile guppies
Q101630480Implications of social dominance and multiple paternity for the genetic diversity of a captive-bred reptile population (tuatara)
Q47652071Implicit attitudes and executive control interact to regulate interest in extra-pair relationships.
Q51534645In hot pursuit: fluctuating mating system and sexual selection in sand lizards
Q26865124Inbreeding depression in male gametic performance
Q61804730Inclusive fitness benefits mitigate costs of cuckoldry to socially paired males
Q38730133Increase in multiple paternity across the reproductive lifespan in a sperm-storing, hermaphroditic freshwater snail.
Q36161374Increased extra-pair paternity in broods of aging males and enhanced recruitment of extra-pair young in a migratory bird
Q46823153Increased hatching success as a direct benefit of polyandry in birds
Q74519731Increased heterozygosity for MHC class II lineages in newborn males
Q52542321Indirect partner choice through manipulation of male behaviour by female fowl, Gallus gallus domesticus
Q51384650Indirect selection on female extra-pair reproduction? Comparing the additive genetic value of maternal half-sib extra-pair and within-pair offspring
Q51000367Individual Recognition and Odor in Rat-Like Hamsters: Behavioral Responses and Chemical Properties
Q57003432Influence of alternate reproductive tactics and pre- and postcopulatory sexual selection on paternity and offspring performance in a lizard
Q58045849Influence of translocation strategy and mating system on the genetic structure of a newly established population of island ptarmigan
Q36708915Influences of population density on polyandry and patterns of sperm usage in the marine gastropod Rapana venosa
Q110671962Inter-individual variations in male and female mating bonds within a population of Eld’s deer in Hainan Island, China
Q53181021Intralocus sexual conflict, adaptive sex allocation, and the heritability of fitness.
Q29039778Intrasexual selection and group spawning in quacking frogs (Crinia georgiana)
Q57484108Is Male Cohabitation Costly for Females of the Spider Stegodyphus lineatus (Eresidae)?
Q57143836Is there indirect selection on female extra-pair reproduction through cross-sex genetic correlations with male reproductive fitness?
Q101635118Kinship Analysis of Offspring of the Giant South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa) Using Microsatellite DNA Markers
Q48094426Lack of multiple paternity in the oceanodromous tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier).
Q33554387Large Numbers of Matings Give Female Field Crickets a Direct Benefit but not a Genetic Benefit
Q57237190Last male sperm precedence in a polygamous squid
Q57146287Last male sperm precedence is modulated by female remating rate in
Q56169359Levels of extra-pair paternity are associated with parental care in penduline tits (Remizidae)
Q83497798Litter quality and inflammatory response are dependent on mating strategy in a reptile
Q30500403Lonely hearts or sex in the city? Density-dependent effects in mating systems
Q51715391Long-term fitness benefits of polyandry in a small mammal, the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus
Q60689214Long-term fitness consequences of female extra-pair matings in a socially monogamous passerine
Q36296575Low level of extra-pair paternity between nearest neighbors results from female preference for high-quality males in the yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia).
Q46250952Low level of polyandry constrains phenotypic plasticity of male body size in mites
Q35762991Low reproductive skew despite high male-biased operational sex ratio in a glass frog with paternal care
Q24676058MHC-based patterns of social and extra-pair mate choice in the Seychelles warbler
Q58557397MHC-linked susceptibility to a bacterial infection, but no MHC-linked cryptic female choice in whitefish
Q50919135Major histocompatibility complex alleles, sexual responsivity, and unfaithfulness in romantic couples.
Q40977125Major histocompatibility complex similarity and sexual selection: different does not always mean attractive
Q58653544Male Remating Success and the Frequency of Copulatory Plugs in the Green Lynx SpiderPeucetia viridans(Araneae, Oxyopidae)
Q57237036Male breeding success is predicted by call frequency in a territorial species, the agile frog (Rana dalmatina)
Q35080249Male courtship behavior and weapon trait as indicators of indirect benefit in the bean bug, Riptortus pedestris
Q51400011Male house mice evolving with post-copulatory sexual selection sire embryos with increased viability
Q52940710Male phenotype predicts insemination success in guppies
Q47350886Male reproductive success increases with alliance size in Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus).
Q33361048Male sexual ornament size is positively associated with reproductive morphology and enhanced fertility in the stalk-eyed fly Teleopsis dalmanni
Q60337474Male-male competition and parental care in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis): an experiment controlling for differences in territory quality
Q34776323Males and females contribute unequally to offspring genetic diversity in the polygynandrous mating system of wild boar
Q24522431Males of social insects can prevent queens from multiple mating
Q33561485Males of the orb-web spider Argiope bruennichi sacrifice themselves to unrelated females
Q63437953Manipulation of Olfactory Signaling and Mate Choice for Conservation Breeding: a Case Study of Harvest Mice
Q38829750Marital Dissolution and Child Educational Outcomes in San Borja, Bolivia
Q35693478Mate Choice Drives Evolutionary Stability in a Hybrid Complex
Q56656964Mate Choice and Genetic Quality: A Review of the Heterozygosity Theory
Q58797439Mate availability does not influence mating strategies in males of the sexually cannibalistic spider
Q84422263Mate choice for major histocompatibility complex genetic divergence as a bet-hedging strategy in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Q51253749Mate guarding and frequent copulation in birds: A meta-analysis of their relationship to paternity and male phenotype
Q51703871Maternal inheritance, epigenetics and the evolution of polyandry
Q46318366Maternal sexual interactions affect offspring survival and ageing
Q55889091Mating Strategies in Relation to Sexually Selected Infanticide in a Non-Social Carnivore: the Brown Bear
Q34420264Mating opportunities in Sangalopsis veliterna females: costs and benefits
Q30874064Mating order-dependent female mate choice in the polygynandrous common lizard Lacerta vivipara
Q39169572Mating patterns of female Leon Springs pupfish Cyprinodon bovinus
Q51033932Mating portfolios: bet-hedging, sexual selection and female multiple mating
Q57007075Mating system and intrapatch mobility delay inbreeding in fragmented populations of a gecko
Q64923971Mating system change reduces the strength of sexual selection in an American frontier population of the 19th century.
Q34361641Mating system variation drives rapid evolution of the female transcriptome in Drosophila pseudoobscura
Q101630489Mating system, multiple paternity and effective population size in the endemic flatback turtle (Natator depressus) in Australia
Q64118547Matriline effects on metamorphic traits in a natural system in the European common frog (Rana temporaria)
Q30054148Measuring mating competition correctly: available evidence supports operational sex ratio theory
Q34629265Methoprene application and diet protein supplementation to male melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae, modifies female remating behavior
Q37510216Microsatellite evidence for high frequency of multiple paternity in the marine gastropod Rapana venosa
Q34123788Moderate multiple parentage and low genetic variation reduces the potential for genetic incompatibility avoidance despite high risk of inbreeding
Q35101546Molecular assessment of mating strategies in a population of Atlantic spotted dolphins
Q42673154Molecular determination of paternity in a natural population of the multiply mating polygynous lizard Eulamprus heatwolei
Q33697872Molecular evidence for high frequency of multiple paternity in a freshwater shrimp species Caridina ensifera
Q43821819Molecular evidence for multiple paternity in a population of the Viviparous Tule Perch Hysterocarpus traski
Q29392352Molecular evidence of post-copulatory inbreeding avoidance in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
Q47188054Multi-male mating, probability of conception, and litter size in the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster).
Q56505303Multimodal flight display of a neotropical songbird predicts social pairing but not extrapair mating success
Q34288985Multiple Mating and Family Structure of the Western Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma californicum pluviale: Impact on Disease Resistance
Q35959570Multiple Paternity in a Reintroduced Population of the Orinoco Crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius) at the El Frío Biological Station, Venezuela
Q116336486Multiple Paternity in the Common Five-lined Skink (Plestiodon fasciatus)
Q24647170Multiple benefits of multiple mating in guppies
Q34277691Multiple fitness benefits of polyandry in a cephalopod
Q35105096Multiple mating and clutch size in invertebrate brooders versus pregnant vertebrates.
Q73788724Multiple mating and sequential mate choice in guppies: females trade up
Q54432809Multiple mating influences offspring size in guppies
Q29354041Multiple paternity and female-biased mutation at a microsatellite locus in the olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea).
Q35932864Multiple paternity and hybridization in two smooth-hound sharks.
Q79325917Multiple paternity and population genetic structure in natural populations of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa
Q73930875Multiple paternity assessed in the cuttlefish Sepiella japonica (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) using microsatellite markers
Q33865670Multiple paternity does not depend on male genetic diversity
Q53139847Multiple paternity in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus L.) assessed with microsatellite markers.
Q40428017Multiple paternity in a wild population of Armadillidium vulgare: influence of infection with Wolbachia?
Q30899511Multiple paternity in clutches of common lizard Lacerta vivipara: data from microsatellite markers.
Q53144657Multiple paternity in loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nests on Melbourne Beach, Florida: a microsatellite analysis
Q37152895Multiple paternity in reptiles: patterns and processes
Q22242006Multiple paternity in socially monogamous prairie voles ( Microtus ochrogaster )
Q111946260Multiple paternity in the swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus)
Q34405888Multiple paternity in wild house mice (Mus musculus musculus): effects on offspring genetic diversity and body mass
Q46877262Mutation-order divergence by sexual selection: diversification of sexual signals in similar environments as a first step in speciation
Q51629300Natural and sexual selection in a wild insect population
Q34811121Neighbouring-group composition and within-group relatedness drive extra-group paternity rate in the European badger (Meles meles).
Q34117911Neighbours' breeding success and the sex ratio of their offspring affect the mate preferences of female zebra finches
Q33778242No detectable fertility benefit from a single additional mating in wild stalk-eyed flies
Q80988370No discrimination against previous mates in a sexually cannibalistic spider
Q41464656No evidence for MHC class I-based disassortative mating in a wild population of great tits.
Q40581985No evidence for a trade-off between sperm length and male premating weaponry.
Q50332777No evidence for female discrimination against male house mice carrying a selfish genetic element.
Q21090059No need to discriminate? Reproductive diploid males in a parasitoid with complementary sex determination
Q64923447No support for the sexy-sperm hypothesis in the seed beetle: Sons of monandrous females fare better in post-copulatory competition.
Q57002813Non-random paternity of offspring in a highly promiscuous marine snail suggests postcopulatory sexual selection
Q52568241Nonadaptive female pursuit of extrapair copulations can evolve through hitchhiking.
Q36492946Nonadditive indirect effects of group genetic diversity on larval viability in Drosophila melanogaster imply key role of maternal decision‐making
Q58376745Occurrence of extra-pair paternity is connected to social male's MHC-variability in the scarlet rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus
Q51319439Offspring fitness varies with parental extra-pair status in song sparrows,Melospiza melodia
Q36014139On the evolutionary consequences of increasing litter size with multiple paternity in wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa).
Q52641730Opposites attract? Mate choice for parasite evasion and the evolutionary stability of sex.
Q51294127Optimal mate choice patterns in pelagic copepods
Q46787679Optimal numbers of matings: the conditional balance between benefits and costs of mating for females of a nuptial gift-giving spider
Q51824402Outbred embryos rescue inbred half-siblings in mixed-paternity broods of live-bearing females
Q33214141Paternal alleles enhance female reproductive success in tropical pythons.
Q46259518Paternity Analysis of Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) Reveals Complex Mating Patterns
Q46501055Paternity analysis reveals wide pollen dispersal and high multiple paternity in a small isolated population of the bird-pollinated Eucalyptus caesia (Myrtaceae).
Q34137303Paternity and dominance loss in male breeders: the cost of helpers in a cooperatively breeding mammal
Q46847502Paternity testing using microsatellite DNA markers in captive Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae).
Q33694363Phenotypic plasticity in female mate choice behavior is mediated by an interaction of direct and indirect genetic effects in Drosophila melanogaster.
Q46245247Plant-mediated female transcriptomic changes post-mating in a tephritid fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni
Q40830814Pollination by sexual deception promotes outcrossing and mate diversity in self-compatible clonal orchids.
Q46087809Polyandrous females acquire indirect benefits in a nuptial feeding species
Q40801522Polyandrous females avoid costs of inbreeding.
Q51509522Polyandrous females benefit by producing sons that achieve high reproductive success in a competitive environment
Q44794072Polyandrous females found fitter populations
Q51161713Polyandrous females produce sons that are successful at post-copulatory competition
Q41994488Polyandrous females provide sons with more competitive sperm: Support for the sexy-sperm hypothesis in the rattlebox moth (Utetheisa ornatrix).
Q34793696Polyandry Has No Detectable Mortality Cost in Female Mammals
Q93060340Polyandry and trade-off between fecundity and longevity in female Dichelops furcatus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
Q36622099Polyandry as a mediator of sexual selection before and after mating
Q24652895Polyandry enhances offspring survival in an infanticidal species
Q38211983Polyandry in nature: a global analysis.
Q51736283Polyandry in the wild: temporal changes in female mating frequency and sperm competition intensity in natural populations of the tettigoniid Requena verticalis
Q34068564Polyandry increases offspring viability and mother productivity but does not decrease mother survival in Drosophila pseudoobscura
Q39442687Polyandry increases reproductive performance but does not decrease survival in female Brontispa longissima
Q52594727Polyandry produces sexy sons at the cost of daughters in red flour beetles
Q42010740Polyandry-fecundity relationship in insects: methodological and conceptual problems
Q36622147Polyandry: the history of a revolution
Q34680892Polygyny and extra-pair paternity enhance the opportunity for sexual selection in blue tits
Q111347632Polygyny influences the fitness of Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister
Q35572323Positive feedback and alternative stable states in inbreeding, cooperation, sex roles and other evolutionary processes
Q24683629Possible role of female discrimination against 'redundant' males in the evolution of colour pattern polymorphism in guppies
Q28601200Post-copulatory opportunities for sperm competition and cryptic female choice provide no offspring fitness benefits in externally fertilizing salmon
Q24678576Post-copulatory sexual selection and female fitness in Scathophaga stercoraria
Q52967397Post-mating clutch piracy in an amphibian
Q31149734Post-mating interactions and their effects on fitness of female and male Echinothrips americanus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), a new insect pest in China
Q47577419Post-mating sexual selection increases lifetime fitness of polyandrous females in the wild
Q51192971Predicting evolutionary responses to selection on polyandry in the wild: additive genetic covariances with female extra-pair reproduction
Q58868943Prevalence of multiple mating by female common dormice, Muscardinus avellanarius
Q51174896Promiscuity resolves constraints on social mate choice imposed by population viscosity
Q51381298Promiscuity, paternity and personality in the great tit.
Q34526115Promiscuous females protect their offspring
Q51420242Promiscuous mating produces offspring with higher lifetime fitness
Q56432246Psychological and Physiological Adaptations to Sperm Competition in Humans
Q35035184Quantifying inbreeding avoidance through extra-pair reproduction.
Q51775092Quantitative measure of sexual selection with respect to the operational sex ratio: a comparison of selection indices
Q31159532Rapid range expansion is not restricted by inbreeding in a sexually cannibalistic spider
Q92101497Recent immigrants alter the quantitative genetic architecture of paternity in song sparrows
Q51275937Reconstructing paternal genotypes to infer patterns of sperm storage and sexual selection in the hawksbill turtle
Q56431247Reconstructing the invasion and the demographic history of the yellow-legged hornet, Vespa velutina, in Europe
Q24644634Reed bunting females increase fitness through extra-pair mating with genetically dissimilar males
Q34095557Remating in Drosophila melanogaster: are indirect benefits condition dependent?
Q64074493Reproductive Strategy Inferred from Major Histocompatibility Complex-Based Inter-Individual, Sperm-Egg, and Mother-Fetus Recognitions in Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
Q37153056Reproductive investment when mate quality varies: differential allocation versus reproductive compensation
Q36939285Role of evolutionary and ecological factors in the reproductive success and the spatial genetic structure of the temperate gorgonian Paramuricea clavata
Q36472865Same school, different conduct: rates of multiple paternity vary within a mixed-species breeding school of semi-pelagic cichlid fish (Cyprichromis spp.).
Q35972342Seasonal effects on egg production and level of paternity in a natural population of a simultaneous hermaphrodite snail
Q51711720Selfish genetic elements and sexual selection: their impact on male fertility.
Q46747376Seminal fluid mediates ejaculate competition in social insects.
Q33583287Sequential male mate choice under sperm competition risk
Q50773251Sequential mate choice and sexual isolation in threespine stickleback species.
Q36519192Sequential ovulation and fertility of polyoestrus in American black bears (Ursus americanus).
Q33840643Serial monogamy as polygyny or polyandry? : marriage in the tanzanian pimbwe
Q50671231Sex Differences in Post-Coital Behaviors in Long- and Short-Term Mating: An Evolutionary Perspective
Q55724989Sex gap in aging and longevity: can sex chromosomes play a role?
Q52975441Sex-biased predation by polecats influences the mating system of frogs.
Q51495111Sex-specific differential survival of extra-pair and within-pair offspring in song sparrows, Melospiza melodia
Q89513756Sex-specific patterns of senescence in artificial insect populations varying in sex-ratio to manipulate reproductive effort
Q58202996Sexual Conflict and Sexual Selection in the Goodeinae, a Clade of Viviparous Fish with Effective Female Mate Choice
Q58557670Sexual Selection and Life-History Decisions: Implications for Supportive Breeding and the Management of Captive Populations
Q51409156Sexual antagonism for testosterone maintains multiple mating behaviour
Q35642222Sexual antagonism in the pistil varies among populations of a hermaphroditic mixed-mating plant.
Q35248789Sexual cannibalism as a manifestation of sexual conflict
Q35164338Sexual conflict arising from extrapair matings in birds
Q57318880Sexual conflict in mammals: consequences for mating systems and life history
Q24676760Sexual conflict over mating and fertilization: an overview
Q33938588Sexual conflict, life span, and aging
Q52950893Sexual conflicts in spotted hyenas: male and female mating tactics and their reproductive outcome with respect to age, social status and tenure
Q34171423Sexual selection and sperm quantity: meta-analyses of strategic ejaculation.
Q55036817Sexual selection and the risk of extinction in birds.
Q46581047Sexual selection on skeletal shape in Carnivora
Q34258502Sexual selection: conflict, kindness and chicanery
Q35889182Sexually selected dichromatism in the hihi Notiomystis cincta: multiple colours for multiple receivers
Q36622129Sexually transmitted infections in polygamous mating systems
Q56341114She gets many and she chooses the best: polygynandry inSalamandrina perspicillata(Amphibia: Salamandridae)
Q57915312Signal Reliability, Sex-Specific Genotype-by-Environment Interactions in Cuticular Hydrocarbon Expression, and the Maintenance of Polyandry through Chemosensory Self-Referencing in Decorated Crickets,Gryllodes sigillatus
Q38917453Single and multiple mating reduces longevity of female dumpling squid (Euprymna tasmanica).
Q34992041Single-male paternity in coelacanths
Q57699131Sire attractiveness influences offspring performance in guppies
Q50491912Sire coloration influences offspring survival under predation risk in the moorfrog
Q61450935Size-dependent mating pattern in a nuptial gift-giving insect
Q37599086Social and coevolutionary feedbacks between mating and parental investment
Q36477835Social pairing of Seychelles warblers under reduced constraints: MHC, neutral heterozygosity, and age.
Q29541497Social structure influences extra-pair paternity in socially monogamous mammals
Q29031546Sociogenetic organisation of two desert ants
Q36089169Sources of (co)variation in alternative siring routes available to male great tits (Parus major).
Q57235654Spatial variation in food availability predicts extrapair paternity in the arctic fox
Q91708741Spawning behavior of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): Spawning synchrony, vibrational communication, and mate guarding
Q46896309Specialization for aggression in sexually dimorphic skeletal morphology in grey wolves (Canis lupus).
Q30498926Speciation in birds: genes, geography, and sexual selection
Q51072329Sperm competition and the evolution of seminal fluid composition
Q52011470Sperm competition games: sperm selection by females
Q34570003Sperm competitive ability in Drosophila melanogaster associated with variation in male reproductive proteins
Q31126285Sperm length influences fertilization success during sperm competition in the snail Viviparus ater
Q50679994Sperm-induced modification of the oviductal gene expression profile after natural insemination in mice
Q50524491Strategic promiscuity helps avoid inbreeding at multiple levels in a cooperative breeder where both sexes are philopatric
Q51491889Strong male/male competition allows for nonchoosy females: high levels of polygynandry in a territorial frog with paternal care.
Q52640999Superior sperm competitors sire higher-quality young.
Q34068905Superiority of extra-pair offspring: maternal but not genetic effects as revealed by a mixed cross-fostering design.
Q39165510Tactic-specific benefits of polyandry in Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Q36701381Temperature can shape a cline in polyandry, but only genetic variation can sustain it over time.
Q34328795The Female Perspective of Mating in A. femoralis, a Territorial Frog with Paternal Care – A Spatial and Genetic Analysis
Q48341000The Morning after the Night Before : Affective Reactions to One-Night Stands among Mated and Unmated Women and Men.
Q38983774The Psychometric Evaluation of Human Life Histories.
Q56853380The Study of Sex Differences
Q58098461The alien slipper limpet Crepipatella dilatata (Lamarck, 1819) in northern Spain: A multidisciplinary approach to its taxonomic identification and invasive biology
Q55036048The breeding biology of lemon sharks at a tropical nursery lagoon.
Q40429938The combined effects of pre- and post-copulatory processes are masking sexual conflict over mating rate in Gerris buenoi
Q34022071The concept of superfetation: a critical review on a 'myth' in mammalian reproduction.
Q36622143The consequences of polyandry for population viability, extinction risk and conservation
Q47373043The context-dependent effect of multiple paternity on effective population size
Q37664182The contrasting role of male relatedness in different mechanisms of sexual selection in red junglefowl
Q46545196The copulatory plug delays ejaculation by rival males and affects sperm competition outcome in house mice
Q35796448The cost of promiscuity: sexual transmission of Nosema microsporidian parasites in polyandrous honey bees
Q33360253The costs and benefits of multiple mating in a mostly monandrous wasp.
Q29399389The dissimilar costs of love and war: age-specific mortality as a function of the operational sex ratio
Q27026124The dynamic relationship between polyandry and selfish genetic elements
Q35038251The dynamics of two- and three-way sexual conflicts over mating
Q35034499The effect of multiple paternity on genetic diversity of small populations during and after colonisation
Q38439089The evolution of mate choice: a dialogue between theory and experiment
Q36081207The evolution of optimal female mating rate changes the coevolutionary dynamics of female resistance and male persistence
Q52659276The evolution of polyandry: intrinsic sire effects contribute to embryo viability
Q52641724The evolution of polyandry: patterns of genotypic variation in female mating frequency, male fertilization success and a test of the sexy-sperm hypothesis
Q99233996The evolution of pueriparity maintains multiple paternity in a polymorphic viviparous salamander
Q40451409The evolution of repeated mating under sexual conflict.
Q77827999The evolution of risky behaviour in the presence of a sexually transmitted disease
Q34110256The expression of pre- and postcopulatory sexually selected traits reflects levels of dietary stress in guppies
Q33379288The genetic architecture of fitness in a seed beetle: assessing the potential for indirect genetic benefits of female choice
Q28235787The genetic basis of traits regulating sperm competition and polyandry: can selection favour the evolution of good- and sexy-sperm?
Q34992068The heritability of multiple male mating in a promiscuous mammal
Q36622138The incidence and selection of multiple mating in plants
Q51538790The influence of maternal effects on indirect benefits associated with polyandry.
Q38925962The molecular basis and reproductive function(s) of copulatory plugs
Q46977481The more the better - polyandry and genetic similarity are positively linked to reproductive success in a natural population of terrestrial salamanders (Salamandra salamandra).
Q51785721The quantitative genetic basis of polyandry in the parasitoid wasp, Nasonia vitripennis
Q34082577The relationship between sexual selection and sexual conflict
Q33333949The relative nature of fertilization success: implications for the study of post-copulatory sexual selection
Q36555274The repeatability of mating failure in a polyandrous bug
Q30611297The role of male harassment on female fitness for the dengue vector mosquito Aedes aegypti
Q47094815The timing of female genital mutilation and the role of contralateral palpal insertions in the spider Cyclosa argenteoalba.
Q35754203Tracing reinforcement through asymmetrical partner preference in the European common vole Microtus arvalis
Q88867727Transgenerational effects of maternal sexual interactions in seed beetles
Q33891439Turgid female toads give males the slip: a new mechanism of female mate choice in the Anura.
Q35995846Ultimate Drivers and Proximate Correlates of Polyandry in Predatory Mites
Q54432823Uncoupling the links between male mating tactics and female attractiveness
Q90170637Unique multiple paternity in the endangered big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) in an ex situ population in South China
Q31153915Using RNA sequencing to characterize female reproductive genes between Z and E Strains of European Corn Borer moth (Ostrinia nubilalis).
Q33685633Variability in multiple paternity rates for grey reef sharks (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) and scalloped hammerheads (Sphyrna lewini).
Q58791248Variation and Repeatability of Female Choice in a Chorusing Katydid, Ephippiger ephippiger: an Experimental Exploration of the Precedence Effect
Q37105626Variation in parent-offspring kinship in socially monogamous systems with extra-pair reproduction and inbreeding.
Q46241672Variation in the benefits of multiple mating on female fertility in wild stalk-eyed flies
Q55933287Vespa velutina: a new invasive predator of honeybees in Europe
Q57655579Vibratory communication in the jumping spider Phidippus clarus: polyandry, male courtship signals, and mating success
Q30462180Weighing costs and benefits of mating in bushcrickets (Insecta: Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), with an emphasis on nuptial gifts, protandry and mate density.
Q46077350What determines sex roles in mate searching?
Q21561006When Less Is Best: Female Brown-Headed Cowbirds Prefer Less Intense Male Displays
Q34459256When does conservation genetics matter?
Q37316582When does female multiple mating evolve to adjust inbreeding? Effects of inbreeding depression, direct costs, mating constraints, and polyandry as a threshold trait.
Q51408037When mothers make sons sexy: maternal effects contribute to the increased sexual attractiveness of extra-pair offspring
Q36346157When not to copy: female fruit flies use sophisticated public information to avoid mated males
Q37308099Why do female mice mate with multiple males?
Q27686913Why do sperm carry RNA? Relatedness, conflict, and control
Q50974126Why inclusive fitness can make it adaptive to produce less fit extra-pair offspring
Q38929584Within-clutch variation in offspring sex determined by differences in sire body size: cryptic mate choice in the wild
Q52038225Women's sexual interests across the ovulatory cycle depend on primary partner developmental instability
Q59089830reply: Sexual conflict and speciation

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