invasive plant

plant species that is not native to a specific location that has a tendency to spread to a degree that causes damage

invasive plant is …
instance of (P31):
group of living thingsQ16334298

sublass of (P279):
invasive speciesQ183368

External links are
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID12548816n
P227GND ID4271854-5
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/121m7kpd
P244Library of Congress authority IDsh95005232
P8189National Library of Israel J9U ID987007551678505171
P691NL CR AUT IDph976247

P2579studied inbotanyQ441
invasion biologyQ42985020
P910topic's main categoryCategory:Invasive plantsQ7228328

Wikimedia Commons Images

P18: image

FileName: 00 1916 Blüten und Früchte des Wiesen-Storchschnabel.jpg

Description: Flowers and fruits of the meadow cranesbill (Geranium pratense), also called blue billwort, a plant with a height of 30 to 50 centimeters. The invasive plant is generally considered to be an environmentally harmful weed.

Artist: W. Bulach

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Attribution is required.

P18: image

FileName: 00 1804 Gewöhnlicher Blutweiderich - Lythrum.jpg

Description: Gewöhnlicher Blutweiderich, eine Unterart der Blutweideriche (Lythrum). Ein Staudengewächs, das teilweise als Eindringling gilt, sich schnell verbreitet und heimische Arten verdrängt. Außerhalb ihres natürlichen Vorkommens daher eine potentiell invasive Pflanze.

Artist: W. Bulach

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Attribution is required.

Reverse relations

field of work (P101)
Q120607015Karolina Olszanowska-Kuńka
Q56452250Annabel L. Smith
Q104666885Brennan L. Kessenich
Q1066200Charles Sutherland Elton
Q56787561Claude Lavoie
Q98049262David Hatler Webb
Q5363183Elizabeth May McClintock
Q112343608Fanghao Wan
Q111749844Irena Perglová
Q125917736Leon Bates
Q95989373Marcos Salas-Pascual
Q36635391Mario Sanz Elorza
Q26713424Nejc Jogan
Q44089437Peter G. Mason
Q118923207Pushpa Soti
Q21512716Roman Türk
Q61328865Urs Schaffner
Q112546061Václav Somol

subclass of (P279)
Q4887429Beneficial weed
Q123987921invasive cactus
Q121798913invasive herb
Q116168162invasive mangrove
Q126922659invasive orchid
Q111795818invasive seaweed
Q111114776invasive shrub
Q111114675invasive tree
Q111118578invasive weed

main subject (P921)
Q122113772Biotické invázie: vysokoškolská učebnica
Q122084229Biotické ohrožení památek zahradního umění - řasy, sinice a invazní rostliny: kritický katalog výstavy
Q122011574Botanický inventarizační výzkum zaměřený na monitoring invazních a expanzivních druhů rostlin: výzkumná zpráva za vegetační sezónu r. 2017
Q122044736EMAPi 2019: 15th International Conference on Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions: Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 September: integrating research, management and policy: book of abstracts
Q122088332Hodnocení efektivity likvidace invazních druhů rostlin: certifikovaná metodika
Q122037057Introdukované dřeviny - potenciál a rizika jejich pěstování: sborník příspěvků: 25.4.2019, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Truba 839, Šlechtitelská stanice
Q122004863Invazivní nepůvodní druhy ve vztahu k legislativě České republiky: sborník příspěvků: 14.11.2017, Národní zemědělské muzeum, Praha
Q122027382Invazní nepůvodní druhy s významným dopadem na Evropskou unii: jejich charakteristiky, výskyt a možnosti regulace: metodika AOPK ČR
Q122116082Invazní nepůvodní druhy s významným dopadem na Evropskou unii: jejich charakteristiky, výskyt a možnosti regulace: metodika AOPK ČR
Q122040526Jak na invazní druhy rostlin: návody k omezení a likvidaci křídlatky a bolševníku
Q122032228Kontroly stavu stromů při prohlídkách silničních komunikací: metodická příručka
Q122075071Metodika identifikace vybraných nepůvodních vodních organizmů
Q122088331Monitoring ohrožení zájmových lokalit invazními nepůvodními druhy: certifikovaná metodika
Q122034768Příručka k managementu invazních druhů rostlin v Orlové a Mszane
Q122034766Příručka k určování invazních druhů rostlin v Orlové a Mszane
Q122037753Strategie řešení invazních druhů rostlin v obcích česko-polského pohraničí
Q51171057'Raising the bar': improving the standard and utility of weed and invasive plant research. A workshop held at B-Bar Ranch, Emigrant, Montana, USA, June 2012.
Q120599445(Not) sweeping invasive alien plants under the carpet: results from the use of mulching sheets for the control of invasive Carpobrotus spp.
Q114923359100 years of biological control of invasive alien plants in South Africa: History, practice and achievements
Q11422958815 N uptake by mycorrhizal native and invasive plants from a N-eutrophied shrubland: a greenhouse experiment
Q1051838353-formylindole from Murraya exotica
Q120247517Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the United States. Edited by Eric M  Coombs, , Janet K  Clark, , Gary L  Piper, and , Alfred F  Cofrancesco, Jr. Corvallis (Oregon): Oregon State University Press. $4
Q119801980Invasive Plant Science and Management Receives First Impact Factor from Thomson Reuters
Q119802053Invasive Plant Science and Management: Progress in the first 2.5 years
Q120247731Invasive Plants of California's Wildlands. Carla C. Bossard , John M. Randall , Marc C. Hoshovsky
Q114928904Nassella trichotomain modified tussock grasslands in New Zealand: a case study in landscape-scale invasive plant population monitoring
Q119796740Review:Sampling Weedy and Invasive Plant Populations for Genetic Diversity Analysis
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Q114912425A Catalogue of Natural Enemies of Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa: Classical Biological Control Agents Considered, Released and Established, Exotic Natural Enemies Present in the Field, and Bioherbicides
Q110809266A Catalogue of the Insects, Mites and Pathogens that have been used or Rejected, or are Under Consideration, for the Biological Control of Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa
Q56394810A Comparison of Herbivore Damage on Three Invasive Plants and Their Native Congeners: Implications for the Enemy Release Hypothesis
Q56780797A Comparison of Plastic Responses to Competition by Invasive and Non-invasive Congeners in the Commelinaceae
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Q119681281A Conceptual Model of Phytoremediation with Spontaneous Invasive Plants in Brownfield Remediation: A Case in Massachusetts, USA
Q114912447A Context for the 2011 Compilation of Reviews on the Biological Control of Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa
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Q120598202A New Flavonoside from the Invasive Plant Macfadyena unguis-cati
Q104818776A New Record of an Invasive Aquatic Plant Hydrocharis morsus-ranae (Hydrocharitaceae), Reaching to the Kashmir Himalaya
Q114911984A New Series. The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. Instruction for Preparation Accounts
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Q114025308A Program to Eradicate Twenty-Four Nonnative Invasive Plant Species from Santa Cruz Island
Q114044286A Review of Avian Dispersal of Non-Native and Invasive Plants in the Southeastern United States
Q56782307A Review of the Biology and Ecology of Three Invasive Perennials in New York State: Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and Pale Swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum rossicum)
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Q51791495A candidate for Lr19, an exotic gene conditioning leaf rust resistance in wheat.
Q56775112A cellular automata model for population expansion of Spartina alterniflora at Jiuduansha Shoals, Shanghai, China
Q114039719A comparative assessment of the contribution of two different models for clearing invasive alien plants using grazing regimes in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Q56785194A comparison of invasive and non-invasive dayflowers (Commelinaceae) across experimental nutrient and water gradients
Q56431821A comparison of landscape fragmentation analysis programs for identifying possible invasive plant species locations in forest edge
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Q35319206A comprehensive test of evolutionarily increased competitive ability in a highly invasive plant species
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Q56771833A cross-continental test of the Enemy Release Hypothesis: leaf herbivory on Acer platanoides (L.) is three times lower in North America than in its native Europe
Q111160033A decade of expansion of the invasive plant Carex kobomugi in a coastal foredune system
Q111321609A diagnostic LAMP assay for rapid identification of an invasive plant pest, fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Q110064634A dynamic modeling tool to anticipate the effectiveness of invasive plant control and restoration recovery trajectories in South African fynbos
Q56527416A fast-track for invasion: invasive plants promote the performance of an invasive herbivore
Q33285709A first step in understanding an invasive weed through its genes: an EST analysis of invasive Centaurea maculosa
Q56785215A fuzzy classification technique for predicting species’ distributions: applications using invasive alien plants and indigenous insects
Q56562425A global assessment of invasive plant impacts on resident species, communities and ecosystems: the interaction of impact measures, invading species' traits and environment
Q56379757A global systematic review of ecological field studies on two major invasive plant species, Ageratina adenophora and Chromolaena odorata
Q120524231A herbivory-induced increase in the proportion of floating seeds in an invasive plant
Q117818080A hybrid of the invasive plant Sphagneticola trilobata has similar competitive ability but different response to nitrogen deposition compared to parent
Q56769049A landscape-scale assessment of the long-term integrated control of an invasive shrub in South Africa
Q35651589A long-term experimental case study of the ecological effectiveness and cost effectiveness of invasive plant management in achieving conservation goals: bitou bush control in booderee national park in eastern australia
Q39551131A meta-analysis of trait differences between invasive and non-invasive plant species
Q120433870A method for quantifying relative competitive advantage and the combined effect of co-invasion for two invasive plants
Q31075499A mistletoe tale: postglacial invasion of Psittacanthus schiedeanus (Loranthaceae) to Mesoamerican cloud forests revealed by molecular data and species distribution modeling.
Q90159926A modeling workflow that balances automation and human intervention to inform invasive plant management decisions at multiple spatial scales
Q51165117A modular approach to biomass allocation in an invasive annual (Microstegium vimineum; Poaceae).
Q91642294A multi-criterion approach for prioritizing areas in urban ecosystems for active restoration following invasive plant control
Q46920852A multi-genome analysis approach enables tracking of the invasion of a single Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) clone throughout the New World.
Q56511937A multi-scale framework for evaluating the benefits and costs of alternative management strategies against invasive plants
Q51180485A multi-species experiment in their native range indicates pre-adaptation of invasive alien plant species.
Q92605379A native parasitic plant and soil microorganisms facilitate a native plant co-occurrence with an invasive plant
Q120647900A native parrot as an invasive plant controller
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Q110668642A new gall midge species (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) as a potential candidate for biological control of the invasive plant Cortaderia selloana (Poaceae)
Q119804139A new interaction in an invasive plant in Brazil: Horismenus abnormicaulis (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) parasitizing Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) in seeds pods of Leucaena leucocephala (Fabaceae)
Q35131693A new perspective on trait differences between native and invasive exotic plants
Q35729449A new perspective on trait differences between native and invasive exotic plants: comment
Q35729460A new perspective on trait differences between native and invasive exotic plants: reply
Q111349126A new whitefly of quarantine importance infesting a native and invasive plant, Rubus ellipticus Sm. (Rosaceae) in the Western Himalaya, India
Q120629207A novel invasive plant detection approach using time series images from unmanned aerial systems based on convolutional and recurrent neural networks
Q51186048A novel preference for an invasive plant as a mechanism for animal hybrid speciation.
Q56753248A phylogenetic comparative study of preadaptation for invasiveness in the genus Silene (Caryophyllaceae)
Q56785449A practical approach to assess the native status of a rare plant species: the controverse of Buxus sempervirens L. in northern France revisited
Q57609737A pre-release assessment of the relationship between the invasive alien plant, Pereskia aculeata Miller (Cactaceae), and native plant biodiversity in South Africa
Q120562212A preliminary assessment of the genetic structure of the invasive plant Cortaderia selloana (Poaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula
Q111140659A preliminary assessment of the presence and distribution of invasive and potentially invasive alien plant species in Laikipia County, Kenya, a biodiversity hotspot
Q56945091A prioritization process for invasive alien plant species incorporating the requirements of EU Regulation no. 1143/2014
Q30758225A process-based approach to predicting the effect of climate change on the distribution of an invasive allergenic plant in Europe
Q57609722A promising biological control agent for the invasive alien plant,Pereskia aculeataMiller (Cactaceae), in South Africa
Q94922898A rapid and sensitive method to assess seed longevity through accelerated aging in an invasive plant species
Q56334566A rapid survey of the invasive plant species in western Angola
Q39396895A resurrection study reveals rapid adaptive evolution within populations of an invasive plant
Q111166646A review and refinement of the concept of containment for the management of invasive plants
Q98561651A review of adaptive evolution of defense strategies in an invasive plant species, Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera)
Q114914882A review of adaptive evolution of defense strategies in an invasive plant species, Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera)
Q56783998A review of remote sensing of invasive weeds and example of the early detection of spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) and babysbreath (Gypsophila paniculata) with a hyperspectral sensor
Q114925097A review of the impacts of major terrestrial invasive alien plants in Ireland
Q114930019A review of the importance of invasive alien plants in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Serengeti National Park
Q110664020A review of the influence of root-associating fungi and root exudates on the success of invasive plants
Q118318685A review on the effects of invasive plants on mycorrhizal fungi of native plants and their underlying mechanisms
Q111171493A risk-based inventory of invasive plant species of Queensland, Australia: Regional, ecological and floristic insights
Q112786967A screening system to predict wildfire risk of invasive plants
Q51696693A set of primers for plastid indels and nuclear microsatellites in the invasive plant Heracleum mantegazzianum (Apiaceae) and their transferability to Heracleum sphondylium.
Q33299511A social analysis of the bioinvasions of Dreissena polymorpha in Spain and Hydrilla verticillata in Guatemala
Q110828959A strategic study of the impact of invasive alien plants in the high rainfall catchments and riparian zones of South Africa on total surface water yield#
Q56778652A study of the population dynamics of Spartina alterniflora at Jiuduansha shoals, Shanghai, China
Q90170356A survey of invasive plants on grassland soil microbial communities and ecosystem services
Q56949414A systematic review of arthropod community diversity in association with invasive plants
Q35093202A systems-wide comparison of red rice (Oryza longistaminata) tissues identifies rhizome specific genes and proteins that are targets for cultivated rice improvement
Q56965079A tale of two studies: Detection and attribution of the impacts of invasive plants in observational surveys
Q55839813A taxonomic, biogeographical and ecological overview of invasive woody plants
Q56763971A test of baker’s law: breeding systems of invasive species of Asteraceae in China
Q56438848A tree well travelled: global genetic structure of the invasive treeAcacia saligna
Q31076690AFLP genome scan to detect genetic structure and candidate loci under selection for local adaptation of the invasive weed Mikania micrantha
Q110827231AM Fungi Alleviate Phosphorus Limitation and Enhance Nutrient Competitiveness of Invasive Plants via Mycorrhizal Networks in Karst Areas
Q35928436AM and DSE colonization of invasive plants in urban habitat: a study of Upper Silesia (southern Poland)
Q56654626AM fungi facilitate the competitive growth of two invasive plant species, Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Bidens pilosa
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Q113854808Abiotic factors, not herbivorous pressure, are primarily responsible for the performance of an invasive aquatic plant
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Q113818756Aboveground herbivory increases soil nematode abundance of an invasive plant
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Q34793784Accidental introductions are an important source of invasive plants in the continental United States
Q56582156Acclimation to high salinity in the invasive CAM plantAptenia cordifolia
Q56922818Accommodating scenarios of climate change and management in modelling the distribution of the invasive tree Schinus molle in South Africa
Q111165475Accumulation and Output of Heavy Metals by the Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora in a Coastal Salt Marsh
Q51179144Acer negundo invasion along a successional gradient: early direct facilitation by native pioneers and late indirect facilitation by conspecifics.
Q113876828Acid deposition at higher acidity weakens the antagonistic responses during the co-decomposition of two Asteraceae invasive plants
Q56780905Activated Carbon as a Restoration Tool: Potential for Control of Invasive Plants in Abandoned Agricultural Fields
Q35003326Activated carbon decreases invasive plant growth by mediating plant-microbe interactions
Q56772670Activated carbon may have undesired side effects for testing allelopathy in invasive plants
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Q120000291Adaptive and non-adaptive evolution of trait means and genetic trait correlations for herbivory resistance and performance in an invasive plant
Q124792510Adaptive constraints at the range edge of a widespread and expanding invasive plant
Q33816295Adaptive divergence for a fitness-related trait among invasive Ambrosia artemisiifolia populations in France.
Q56418011Adaptive phenotypic plasticity and competitive ability deployed under a climate change scenario may promote the invasion of Poa annua in Antarctica
Q118178402Adaptive photosynthetic strategies of the invasive plant Sphagneticola trilobata and its hybrid to a low-light environment
Q41886741Adaptive potential of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) populations against the novel emerging pathogen Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus
Q56775835Adaptive rather than non-adaptive evolution of Mimulus guttatus in its invasive range
Q51160442Admixture between native and invasive populations may increase invasiveness of Mimulus guttatus.
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Q98580637Adsorption and mechanistic study of the invasive plant-derived biochar functionalized with CaAl-LDH for Eu(III) in water
Q60498780Advancements in satellite remote sensing for mapping and monitoring of alien invasive plant species (AIPs)
Q120411420Advancing environmental design with phytoremediation of brownfield soils using spontaneous invasive plants
Q120370332Advantage, Invasive Plants
Q118164453Advantages of growth and competitive ability of the invasive plant Solanum rostratum over two co-occurring natives and the effects of nitrogen levels and forms
Q114645493Adventive and invasive plant species of natural ecosystems in the Republic of Khakassia
Q56782251Aerial photographs as a tool for assessing the regional dynamics of the invasive plant speciesHeracleum mantegazzianum
Q23303901Aetokthonos hydrillicola gen. et sp. nov.: Epiphytic cyanobacteria on invasive aquatic plants implicated in Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy
Q57000561African sunbirds hover to pollinate an invasive hummingbird-pollinated plant
Q120016228African sunbirds hover to pollinate an invasive hummingbird-pollinated plant
Q58237644Age structure and growth of the woody legume weed Cytisus scoparius in native and exotic habitats: implications for control
Q110674710Age-gender feeding differences in dwarf blue sheep, Pseudois schaeferi (Cetartiodactyla, Bovidae) magnified by the expansion of an invasive plant species
Q56514731Agrilus auroguttatus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Seasonal Development Within Quercus agrifolia (Fagales: Fagaceae) in Southern California
Q118164459Agroecology and invasive alien plants: A winner-take-all game
Q56770123Agropyron elongatum HMW-glutenins have a potential to improve wheat end-product quality through targeted chromosome introgression
Q114959005Alfred E. Hartemink, Invasion of Piper aduncum in the Shifting Cultivation Systems of Papua New Guinea
Q111164731Alien Express: The threat of aquarium e-commerce introducing invasive aquatic plants in Brazil
Q114921668Alien Invasive Aquatic Plant Species in Botswana: Historical Perspective and Management
Q111147549Alien Invasive Plant Effect on Soil Fauna Is Habitat Dependent
Q101106084Alien Invasive Plants in Nanning, China
Q124828382Alien and Potentially Invasive Plants in Four Lagoons on the Island of Cozumel, Mexico
Q114924054Alien and invasive plant species in plant communities of floodplain forests of the Małopolska Upland / Obce oraz inwazyjne gatunki roślin w zbiorowiskach lasów łęgowych Wyżyny Małopolskiej
Q114953235Alien invasive plant Amaranthus spinosus mainly altered the community structure instead of the α diversity of soil N-fixing bacteria under drought
Q114955609Alien invasive plants in China: risk assessment and spatial patterns
Q111323120Alien, Naturalized and Invasive Plants in China
Q58067755Aliens in Transylvania: risk maps of invasive alien plant species in Central Romania
Q51171161Alkaloid concentration of the invasive plant species Ulex europaeus in relation to geographic origin and herbivory.
Q114930060Allee effect in an invasive alien plant, pale swallow-wortVincetoxicum rossicum(Asclepiadaceae)
Q34326703Allele identification for transcriptome-based population genomics in the invasive plant Centaurea solstitialis
Q120340334Allelochemical run-off from the invasive terrestrial plant Impatiens glandulifera decreases defensibility in Daphnia
Q112491115Allelochemicals Identified From Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) and Their Allelopathic Effects on Invasive Alien Plants
Q124985472Allelopathic Effects of Caffeic Acid and Its Derivatives on Seed Germination and Growth Competitiveness of Native Plants (Lantana indica) and Invasive Plants (Solidago canadensis)
Q92107144Allelopathic Effects of Native Versus Invasive Plants on One Major Invader
Q57105059Allelopathic Effects of Three Sweet Potato Cultivars ( Ipomoea batatas ) on the Invasive Plant Mikania micrantha
Q56779812Allelopathic activity of Elodea canadensis and Elodea nuttallii against epiphytes and phytoplankton
Q118118778Allelopathic activity of broom (Scoparia dulcis L.) on the germination of invasive plants
Q111373371Allelopathic effect of invasive plants (Eriochloa villosa, Asclepias syriaca, Fallopia x bohemica, Solidago gigantea) on seed germination
Q124854749Allelopathic effects of the invasive plant Wedelia (Sphagneticola trilobata L.) aqueous extract on common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Q30320533Allelopathic inhibition of germination by Alliaria petiolata (Brassicaceae).
Q33980376Allelopathic interactions between invasive plant Solidago canadensis and native plant Phragmites australis
Q118131203Allelopathic invasive plants as phytoinhibitor bioresource material in weed control: A review
Q56782182Allelopathic potential of Medicago arborea, a Mediterranean invasive shrub
Q110847636Allelopathic potential of Phragmites australis extracts on the growth of invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q114943835Allelopathic potential of invasive wetland plant Veronica peregrina
Q119588604Allelopathic potential of native invasive plants: The evidence from southern China
Q114909610Allelopathic potential of segetal and ruderal invasive alien plants
Q114730733Allelopathy and Allelochemicals of Imperata cylindrica as an Invasive Plant Species
Q114730742Allelopathy and Allelochemicals of Leucaenaleucocephala as an Invasive Plant Species
Q110756552Allelopathy effects of invasive alien Ageratina adenophora on native shrub species of chir pine forest in the central Himalaya, India
Q111160238Allelopathy is pervasive in invasive plants
Q111322029Allelopathy of Knotweeds as Invasive Plants
Q111149401Allelopathy of Lantana camara as an Invasive Plant
Q86297178Allelopathy of the invasive plant Bidens frondosa on the seed germination of Geum japonicum var. chinense
Q107764723Allergenic invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Poland: threat and selected aspects of biology
Q58261238Alleviation of Summer Drought Boosts Establishment Success of Pinus sylvestris in a Mediterranean Mountain: An Experimental Approach
Q125027807Alliance between invasive plants management and farming: Cutting and livestock browsing reduce resprout and fruit production in an invasive shrub
Q111172166Allocation of invasive plant management expenditures for conservation: Lessons from Florida, USA
Q56772091Allometric growth, disturbance regime, and dilemmas of controlling invasive plants: a model analysis
Q47246215Allopolyploid origin of highly invasive Centaurea stoebe s.l. (Asteraceae).
Q28757378Allopolyploid speciation in Persicaria (Polygonaceae): insights from a low-copy nuclear region
Q58134036Allozyme variation and population genetic structure of an invasive plant,ageratina altissima(white snake root), in Seoul
Q120572710Altered diversity and functioning of soil and root-associated microbiomes by an invasive native plant
Q56778064Altered stream-flow regimes and invasive plant species: the Tamarix case
Q118178601Alternatives to Invasive Plants Commonly Found in Central Florida Landscapes
Q118178603Alternatives to Invasive Plants Commonly Found in North Florida Landscapes
Q118178593Alternatives to Invasive Plants Commonly Found in South Florida Landscapes
Q56785575Altitudinal variation in fertility and vegetative growth in the invasive plant Rubus alceifolius Poiret (Rosaceae), on Réunion island
Q56339531Ambrosia artemisiifolia in the Czech Republic
Q120564999Amine-functionalized magnetic biochars derived from invasive plants Alternanthera philoxeroides for enhanced efficient removal of Cr(VI): performance, kinetics and mechanism studies
Q33774694Amorpha fruticosa - A Noxious Invasive Alien Plant in Europe or a Medicinal Plant against Metabolic Disease?
Q35015584Amplicon pyrosequencing reveals the soil microbial diversity associated with invasive Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii DC.).
Q111159439Amur maple (Acer ginnala): an emerging invasive plant in North America
Q114944426An Approach towards Promoting Progress with the Control of Woody Alien Invasive Plants in Natal
Q55870285An Evolutionary Approach to Understanding the Biology of Invasions: Local Adaptation and General-Purpose Genotypes in the Weed Verbascum thapsus
Q114912428An Introduction to the Fourth Decadal Review of Biological Control of Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa (2011–2020)
Q118129752An Invasive Plant Parthenium hysterophorus Reduces Native Forage Cover
Q56447211An Invasive Plant Species Decreases Native Plant Reproductive Success
Q111159375An Invasive Plant Watch List for the National Capital Regional National Parks (USA)
Q57255361An Invasive Succulent Plant (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) Influences Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in a Neotropical Semiarid Zone
Q118130043An Invasive Weed Plant <i>Verbesina encelioides</i> (Cav.) Benth. - A Future Threat to Herbaceous Vegetation in Dry Area of Gujarat
Q114948659An Update on the Rapid Response to four terrestrial invasive alien plants in KwaZulu-Natal
Q34627483An allelochemical from Myrica gale with strong phytotoxic activity against highly invasive Fallopia x bohemica taxa.
Q56435533An analysis of soil free-living and plant-parasitic nematode communities in three habitats invaded by Heracleum sosnowskyi in central Lithuania
Q56420095An approach to the development of a national strategy for controlling invasive alien plant species: The case of Parthenium hysterophorus in South Africa
Q47819922An assessment of stakeholder perceptions and management of noxious alien plants in Spain
Q112606335An assessment of the distribution and potential ecological impacts of invasive alien plant species in eastern Africa
Q56564214An assessment of the effectiveness of a large, national-scale invasive alien plant control strategy in South Africa
Q118175853An assessment of the native and invasive horticultural plants sold in the mid-Atlantic region
Q59155063An economic assessment of the contribution of biological control to the management of invasive alien plants and to the protection of ecosystem services in South Africa
Q51185837An evaluation of mechanisms preventing growth and survival of two native species in invasive Bohemian knotweed (Fallopia xbohemica, Polygonaceae).
Q111818620An evaluation of phytochemical screening of Lantana camara Linn. (An invasive plant species of Pakistan)
Q35929467An exotic invasive plant selects for increased competitive tolerance, but not competitive suppression, in a native grass
Q56775711An experimental study on physical controls of an exotic plant Spartina alterniflora in Shanghai, China
Q55839676An expert system for screening potentially invasive alien plants in South African fynbos
Q51662822An explicit test for the contribution of environmental maternal effects to rapid clinal differentiation in an invasive plant.
Q112406246An invasive alien Proteaceae lures some, but not all nectar‐feeding bird pollinators away from native Proteaceae in South African fynbos
Q33591550An invasive clonal plant benefits from clonal integration more than a co-occurring native plant in nutrient-patchy and competitive environments
Q110758923An invasive fish promotes invasive plants in Minnesota lakes
Q118112139An invasive plant Sonchus asper (L.) Hill: A review of its ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, and pharmacological properties
Q30300829An invasive plant alters phenotypic selection on the vegetative growth of a native congener
Q30300962An invasive plant alters pollinator-mediated phenotypic selection on a native congener
Q60480985An invasive plant and climate change threat index for weed risk management: Integrating habitat distribution pattern and dispersal process
Q96223788An invasive plant experiences greater benefits of root morphology from enhancing nutrient competition associated with arbuscular mycorrhizae in karst soil than a native plant
Q35166736An invasive plant promotes its arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses and competitiveness through its secondary metabolites: indirect evidence from activated carbon
Q111159444An invasive plant provides refuge to native plant species in an intensely grazed ecosystem
Q101410521An invasive plant rapidly increased the similarity of soil fungal pathogen communities
Q33334618An invasive plant-fungal mutualism reduces arthropod diversity
Q111440331An investigation of alien invasive plants around Dongting Lake area and their control countermeasures
Q120506846An investigation of outdoor recreational users' willingness to participate in aquatic invasive plant control
Q114083452An overlooked invasive alien plant of Jejudo Island: Commelina caroliniana (Commelinaceae)
Q56937322An overview of invasive plants in Brazil
Q60568064Analysis of interactions between the invasive tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) and the native black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Q56451315Analysis of introduction history of invasive plants in Brazil reveals patterns of association between biogeographical origin and reason for introduction
Q56775601Andropogon gayanus (Gamba Grass) Invasion Increases Fire-mediated Nitrogen Losses in the Tropical Savannas of Northern Australia
Q114912363Antibacterial activity of eight invasive alien plants against selected multi-drug resistant microorganisms
Q56435113Antifungal activity of some invasive alien plant leaf extracts against mango (Mangifera indica)anthracnose caused byColletotrichum gloeosporioides
Q35687494Antimicrobial activities of endophytic fungi obtained from the arid zone invasive plant Opuntia dillenii and the isolation of equisetin, from endophytic Fusarium sp.
Q46176059Antimicrobial terpenes from oleoresin of ponderosa pine treePinus ponderosa: A defense mechanism against microbial invasion
Q118119317Antioxidant Activity and In-vitro Cytotoxicity Study of Novel Dombeya wallichii (An invasive plant) against Human Lung Cancer Cell Line
Q111846217Antioxidant activity of an invasive plant, Melastoma malabathricum and its potential as herbal tea product
Q46474407Antioxidant response of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica when epiphytized by the invasive macroalgae Lophocladia lallemandii
Q111322856Antioxidant, Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitory, and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activities of Extracts of the Invasive Plant Spartina anglica (Cord-Grass)
Q111818592Antioxidants and secondary metabolites changes in stomata and pollens of invasive alien plant Lantana camara
Q114947519Antioxidative Responses and Metal Accumulation in Invasive Plant Species Growing on Mine Tailings in Zanjan, Iran
Q118109667Antitermitic effect of invasive plants on subterranean termite,Odontotermes wallonensisWasmann. (Termitidae: Isoptera)
Q107764684Apophytes as invasive plants in the vegetation of Poland
Q46476215Apparent competition with an invasive plant hastens the extinction of an endangered lupine
Q124805876Apparent competition with an invasive plant hastens the extinction of an endangered lupine
Q119820572Applicability of invasive alien plants in controlling harmful organisms of cultivated plants
Q114595253Application Natura 2000 Data For The Invasive Plants Spread Prediction*
Q118175053Application of Invasive Plants as Biochar Precursors in the Field of Environment and Energy Storage
Q111161434Application of airborne hyperspectral data for mapping of invasive alien Spiraea tomentosa L.: a serious threat to peat bog plant communities
Q115466393Application of environmental DNA analysis for detecting potential sources of invasive aquatic plant Egeria densa in a riverine network
Q111158633Application of environmental DNA methods for the detection and abundance estimation of invasive aquatic plant Egeria densa in lotic habitats
Q56376198Application of species distribution models for protected areas threatened by invasive plants
Q35795634Applications of remote sensing to alien invasive plant studies
Q118137902Appling the One-Class Classification Method of Maxent to Detect an Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora with Time-Series Analysis
Q117769668Applying Ecologically Based Invasive-Plant Management
Q57027339Approaches to strategic risk analysis and management of invasive plants: lessons learned from managing gamba grass in northern Australia
Q51147916Aquatic and terrestrial morphotypes of the aquatic invasive plant, Ludwigia grandiflora, show distinct morphological and metabolomic responses.
Q46343319Aquatic macrophyte mats as dispersers of one invasive plant species
Q120500044Aqueous Cr (VI) removal performance of an invasive plant-derived biochar modified by Mg/Al-layered double hydroxides
Q60580650Arboricultural Introductions and Long-Term Changes for Invasive Woody Plants in Remnant Urban Forests
Q124798578Arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate fungi colonization in an invasive plant from Patagonian wetlands
Q57442778Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance P uptake and alter plant morphology in the invasive plant Microstegium vimineum
Q92659334Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve the growth and disease resistance of the invasive plant Wedelia trilobata
Q33458466Arbuscular mycorrhizal status of some Kashmir Himalayan alien invasive plants
Q56383871Archaeal rhizosphere communities differ between the native and invasive lineages of the wetland plant Phragmites australis (common reed) in a Chesapeake Bay subestuary
Q59152533Are Invaders Moving Targets? The Generality and Persistence of Advantages in Size, Reproduction, and Enemy Release in Invasive Plant Species with Time since Introduction
Q118126931Are Invasive Plants a Threat to Native Biodiversity? It Depends on the Spatial Scale
Q117046433Are Iron-Rich Calcareous Mine Sites Easily Invaded by Invasive Plant Species?
Q38968386Are Mojave Desert annual species equal? Resource acquisition and allocation for the invasive grass Bromus madritensis subsp. rubens (Poaceae) and two native species
Q56764636Are We “Missing the Boat” on Preventing the Spread of Invasive Plants in Rangelands?
Q125365797Are alien plant species superior to natives, and is this determined by performance measure and study design? A meta-analysis
Q111158546Are arthropod communities in grassland ecosystems affected by the abundance of an invasive plant?
Q56381468Are birds, wind and gravity legitimate dispersers of fleshy-fruited invasive plants on Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile?
Q33278882Are exotic natural enemies an effective way of controlling invasive plants?
Q47253954Are invaders moving targets? The generality and persistence of advantages in size, reproduction, and enemy release in invasive plant species with time since introduction
Q55870606Are invasive plant species better competitors than native plant species? - evidence from pair-wise experiments
Q118129667Are invasive plants an inevitable consequence of evolution?
Q35816595Are invasive plants more competitive than native conspecifics? Patterns vary with competitors
Q56780216Are islands more susceptible to plant invasion than continents? A test using Oxalis pes-caprae L. in the western Mediterranean
Q56435538Areas of high conservation value in Georgia: present and future threats by invasive alien plants
Q57262042Arthropod Surveys on Palmyra Atoll, Line Islands, and Insights into the Decline of the Native Tree Pisonia grandis (Nyctaginaceae)1
Q33244028Arthropod food web restoration following removal of an invasive wetland plant
Q125419929Arthropods Associated with Invasive Frangula alnus (Rosales: Rhamnaceae): Implications for Invasive Plant and Insect Management
Q56894926Asexual populations of the invasive weed Oxalis pes-caprae are genetically variable
Q56766029Asexual propagations of introduced exotic macrophytes Elodea nuttallii, Myriophyllum aquaticum, and M. propinquum are improved by nutrient-rich sediments in China
Q113085294Aspects of the Ecology of an Invasive Plant, Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata), in Central Illinois
Q56563832Assessing Stakeholder Perspectives on Invasive Plants to Inform Risk Analysis
Q36101131Assessing and Managing the Current and Future Pest Risk from Water Hyacinth, (Eichhornia crassipes), an Invasive Aquatic Plant Threatening the Environment and Water Security
Q114750369Assessing and Predicting the Distribution of Riparian Invasive Plants in Continental Portugal
Q114924557Assessing distribution changes of selected native and alien invasive plant species under changing climatic conditions in Nyeri County, Kenya
Q101226451Assessing ecological uncertainty and simulation model sensitivity to evaluate an invasive plant species' potential impacts to the landscape
Q56380465Assessing escapes from short rotation plantations of the invasive tree species Robinia pseudoacacia L. in Mediterranean ecosystems: a study in central Italy
Q124827822Assessing feasibility in invasive plant management: a retrospective analysis of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) control
Q56767734Assessing invasive plant infestation and disturbance gradients in a freshwater wetland using a GIScience approach
Q124978785Assessing invasive plant species in Louisville’s Urban Forest
Q41995213Assessing plant community composition fails to capture impacts of white-tailed deer on native and invasive plant species
Q56639515Assessing potential biological control of the invasive plant, tree-of-heaven,Ailanthusaltissima
Q118164481Assessing risk from invasive alien plants in China: Reconstructing invasion history and estimating distribution patterns of Lolium temulentum and Aegilops tauschii
Q56289077Assessing the Economic, Environmental, and Societal Losses from Invasive Plants on Rangeland and Wildlands1
Q120718034Assessing the Efficacy of Phenological Spectral Differences to Detect Invasive Alien Acacia dealbata Using Sentinel-2 Data in Southern Europe
Q114919717Assessing the Temporal Variation in the Perceived Eects of Invasive Plant Species on Rural Livelihoods: A Case of Mikania micrantha Invasion in Nepal
Q56765712Assessing the areas under risk of invasion within islands through potential distribution modelling: The case of Pittosporum undulatum in São Miguel, Azores
Q98164386Assessing the current and potential future distribution of four invasive forest plants in Minnesota, U.S.A., using mixed sources of data
Q58651654Assessing the effectiveness of invasive alien plant management in a large fynbos protected area
Q56946933Assessing the effects of short-term Spartina alterniflora invasion on labile and recalcitrant C and N pools by means of soil fractionation and stable C and N isotopes
Q106687363Assessing the environmental impacts of invasive alien plants: a review of assessment approaches
Q56425513Assessing the extent and the environmental drivers of Eucalyptus globulus wildling establishment in Portugal: results from a countrywide survey
Q51146085Assessing the flexibility of the Analytic Hierarchy Process for prioritization of invasive plant management
Q56781680Assessing the impact of Impatiens glandulifera on riparian habitats: partitioning diversity components following species removal
Q113904334Assessing the impact of an invasive plant in a Protected Natural Area: Island of Cozumel, Mexico
Q110862724Assessing the impacts of canopy openness and flight parameters on detecting a sub-canopy tropical invasive plant using a small unmanned aerial system
Q56458785Assessing the importance of human activities for the establishment of the invasive Poa annua in Antarctica
Q56461295Assessing the invasive potential of Eucalyptus globulus in Australia: quantification of wildling establishment from plantations
Q111147468Assessing the performance and accuracy of invasive plant habitat suitability models in detecting new observations in Wisconsin
Q111163984Assessing the performance of different OBIA software approaches for mapping invasive alien plants along roads with remote sensing data
Q56772405Assessing the residual effects of Carpobrotus edulis invasion, implications for restoration
Q111165631Assessing the risk of plant species invasion under different climate change scenarios in California
Q56774868Assessing the risk of pollen-mediated gene flow from exotic Eucalyptus globulus plantations into native eucalypt populations of Australia
Q114950679Assessing the risk of potentially invasive plant species in central Europe
Q46102195Assessing the speed and predictability of local adaptation in invasive California poppies (Eschscholzia californica).
Q56355676Assessing the status of biological control as a management tool for suppression of invasive alien plants in South Africa
Q114726594Assessing the synergistic potential of Sentinel-2 spectral reflectance bands and derived vegetation indices for detecting and mapping invasive alien plant species
Q114944218Assessing the viable agricultural land use options after clearing invasive alien plants in the Mokolo Catchment, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Q56775261Assessing the vulnerability of riparian vegetation to invasion by Mimulus guttatus: relative importance of biotic and abiotic variables in determining species occurrence and abundance
Q111165626Assessing vulnerability and resistance to plant invasions: a native community perspective
Q118120964Assessment of Current Status of Invasive Aquatic Plants in Louisiana
Q117046471Assessment of Habitat Selection by Invasive Plants and Conditions with the Best Performance of Invasiveness Traits
Q111829008Assessment of economic and environmental impact of invasive plant species
Q56427712Assessment of functional forms of crop yield loss models of invasive plant species applied in decision support tools and bioeconomic modelling
Q114920372Assessment of the Potential of Introduction, Establishment and Further Spread of Invasive Alien Plant Species of European Union Concern in Lithuania
Q113696240Assessment of the Potential of the Invasive Arboreal Plant Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae) as an Economically Prospective Source of Natural Pesticides
Q91276143Assessment of the health impact of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera L.), an invasive plant species in Islamabad, Pakistan
Q56380299Association of non-native Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii, Caprifoliaceae) with other invasive plant species in eastern deciduous forests in southwestern Ohio
Q36148388Associations between an Invasive Plant (Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Medusahead) and Soil Microbial Communities
Q35664333Asymmetric effects of native and exotic invasive shrubs on ecology of the West Nile virus vector Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae).
Q56540259Australian family ties: does a lack of relatives help invasive plants escape natural enemies?
Q111154365Autonomous Robotics for Identification and Management of Invasive Aquatic Plant Species
Q111168449Autonomous apomixis in Praxelis clematidea (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae), an invasive alien plant
Q39921562Avoidance by grazers facilitates spread of an invasive hybrid plant
Q56766697BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH: Population expansion in an invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum: a test of the channelled diffusion model
Q56766701BIODIVERSITY RESEARCH: Turning up the heat: the impacts of Andropogon gayanus (gamba grass) invasion on fire behaviour in northern Australian savannas
Q56949660Back to the basics: using density series to test regulation versus limitation for invasive plants
Q35869613Bacterial community structure in freshwater springs infested with the invasive plant species Hydrilla verticillata
Q34916133Bacterial endophytes enhance competition by invasive plants
Q56168844Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica disperse seeds of Rooikrans Acacia cyclops, an invasive alien plant in the Fynbos Biome
Q114102295Baseline data for identifying potentially invasive plants in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos
Q50561604Basic bio-ecological parameters of the invasive red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Phoenix canariensis under Mediterranean climate.
Q34401626Bayesian inference of a complex invasion history revealed by nuclear and chloroplast genetic diversity in the colonizing plant, Silene latifolia
Q51146071Beasts or beauties? Laypersons’ perception of invasive alien plant species in Switzerland and attitudes towards their management
Q56785178Beautés fatales: Acanthaceae species as invasive alien plants on tropical Indo-Pacific Islands
Q108922336Beetle assemblage dynamics after invasive ice plant ( Carpobrotus ) removal on a small Mediterranean island
Q56767771Behavioral consequences of plant invasion: an invasive plant alters rodent antipredator behavior
Q117045091Belowground bud bank of invasive plants contributes to their successful invasion in coastal wetlands
Q46245517Belowground competition drives invasive plant impact on native species regardless of nitrogen availability
Q34555634Belowground legacies of Pinus contorta invasion and removal result in multiple mechanisms of invasional meltdown
Q111320003Belowground mechanism reveals climate change impacts on invasive clonal plant establishment
Q56908668Belowground mutualists and the invasive ability of Acacia longifolia in coastal dunes of Portugal
Q118130459Beneficial effects of cadmium on plant defense of an invasive plant
Q118129861Benefits of Classical Biological Control for Managing Invasive Plants
Q34470885Beta-rhizobia from Mimosa pigra, a newly discovered invasive plant in Taiwan.
Q114689120Big Data Monitoring System Design and Implementation of Invasive Alien Plants Based on WSNs and WebGIS
Q111159856Bio-herbicide potential of naturalised Desmodium uncinatum crude leaf extract against the invasive plant species Parthenium hysterophorus
Q119966154Biochar mitigation of allelopathic effects in three invasive plants: evidence from seed germination trials
Q34987434Biocontrol attack increases pollen limitation under some circumstances in the invasive plant Centaurea solstitialis
Q56451733Biodiversity and invasibility: Distribution patterns of invasive plant species in the Himalayas, Nepal
Q56452355Bioenergy and Invasive Plants: Quantifying and Mitigating Future Risks
Q111824985Bioenergy potential from invasive alien plants: Environmental and socio-economic impacts in Eastern Cape, South Africa
Q114920267Biofuel feedstock production potential in stream buffers of the inland Pacific Northwest: Productivity and management issues with invasive plants
Q35602905Biogeographic effects on early establishment of an invasive alien plant
Q56383845Biogeographic gradients in ecosystem processes of the invasive ecosystem engineer Phragmites australis
Q37532522Biogeographic variation in genetic variability, apomixis expression and ploidy of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) across its native and introduced range
Q111160004Biogeographic variation in resistance of the invasive plant, Alliaria petiolata, to a powdery mildew fungus and effect of resistance on competitive dynamics
Q56779495Biogeographical comparison of the arthropod herbivore communities associated with Lepidium draba in its native, expanded and introduced ranges
Q111159247Biogeography and phenology of oviposition preference and larval performance of Pieris virginiensis butterflies on native and invasive host plants
Q60580660Biogeography of Invasive Plant Species in Urban Park Forests
Q56383848Biogeography of Phragmites australis lineages in the southwestern United States
Q56783906Biological Control of Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa: Necessity, Circumspection, and Success
Q118126350Biological Control of Invasive Climbing Plants in South Africa
Q106585149Biological Control of Weeds as a Feasible Option against Invasive Exotic Plants in Protected Natural Areas of Argentina
Q38967299Biological Invasion Influences the Outcome of Plant-Soil Feedback in the Invasive Plant Species from the Brazilian Semi-arid
Q55839323Biological Invasion of the Drew University (New Jersey) Forest Preserve by Norway Maple (Acer platanoides L.)
Q114104968Biological activity of Gunnera tinctoria, an invasive plant in the island of S. Miguel (Azores)
Q56767844Biological consequences of invasion by reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea)
Q56576727Biological control as an invasion process: disturbance and propagule pressure affect the invasion success of Lythrum salicaria biological control agents
Q56567411Biological control of Melaleuca quinquenervia: an Everglades invader
Q56518998Biological control of invasive golden wattle trees (Acacia pycnantha) by a gall wasp, Trichilogaster sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), in South Africa
Q56744861Biological control of invasive plant species: A stochastic analysis
Q27026960Biological control of invasive plant species: a reassessment for the Anthropocene
Q56779859Biological control of invasive plants through collaboration between China and the United States of America: a perspective
Q113879108Biological control of the invasive plant Tradescantia fluminensis with the fungus Kordyana brasiliensis in Australia: Host range and initial releases
Q111165613Biology of Invasive Plants 1. Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.) C.K. Schneid
Q120374558Biology of Invasive Plants 2.Lycium ferocissimumMiers
Q120373640Biology of Invasive Plants 3. Vincetoxicum nigrum (L.) Moench and Vincetoxicum rossicum (Kleopow) Barbarich
Q125466447Biology of Invasive Plants 4. Arundo donax L.
Q120374936Biology of Invasive Plants: a new series within Invasive Plant Science and Management
Q114927510Biology of invasive alien plants in Canada. 13. Stratiotes aloides L.
Q38178895Biology, ecology and management of the invasive parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.).
Q111165546Biomass Allocation, Plantlet Survival, and Chemical Control of the Invasive Chandelier Plant (Kalanchoe delagoensis) (Crassulaceae)
Q38971613Biomass allocation, growth, and photosynthesis of genotypes from native and introduced ranges of the tropical shrub Clidemia hirta
Q113083144Biomass harvest of invasiveTyphapromotes plant diversity in a Great Lakes coastal wetland
Q56095789Biomass of invasive plant species as a potential feedstock for bioenergy production
Q120563248Biomass structure of exotic invasive plant Galinsona parviflora
Q56591400Biophysical Correlates with the Distribution of the Invasive Annual Red Brome (Bromus rubens) on a Mojave Desert Landscape
Q46276715Bioprospecting on invasive plant species to prevent seed dispersal
Q33932055Biosecurity policy and the use of geospatial predictive tools to address invasive plants: updating the risk analysis toolbox
Q114912398Biosorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution by an Invasive Alien Plant <i>Iva xanthifolia nutt</i> Biomass
Q114921910Biotic Predictors Improve Species Distribution Models for Invasive Plants in Western U.S. Forests at High But Not Low Spatial Resolutions
Q51145975Biotic constraints on the establishment and performance of native, naturalized, and invasive plants in Pacific Northwest (USA) steppe and forest
Q51186280Biotic constraints on the invasion of diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa) in North American grasslands.
Q56379934Biotic interactions with natural enemies do not affect potential range expansion of three invasive plants in response to climate change
Q113873954Biotic predictors improve species distribution models for invasive plants in Western U.S. Forests at high but not low spatial resolutions
Q56366540Biotic resistance buffers the effects of nutrient enrichment on the success of a highly invasive aquatic plant
Q56331387Biotic resistance by snails and fish to an exotic invasive aquatic plant
Q108935994Biotype of the invasive plant species Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae: Eupatoriae) in the Zamboanga Peninsula, the Philippines
Q56923328Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) beloved and despised: A story of an invasive tree in Central Europe
Q118138179Both Adaptability and Endophytic Bacteria Are Linked to the Functional Traits in the Invasive Clonal Plant Wedelia trilobata
Q56513153Both complete clearing and thinning of invasive trees lead to short-term recovery of native riparian vegetation in the Western Cape, South Africa
Q56931854Botryosphaeriaceae occurring on native Syzygium cordatum in South Africa and their potential threat to Eucalyptus
Q114919221Bovine manure as a dispersing agent for weeds and invasive alien plants
Q114217055Breaking down barriers to consistent, climate‐smart regulation of invasive plants: A case study of US Northeast states
Q119779068Breeding for sterility in invasive ornamental plants©
Q111170781Breeding system and pollination ecology of a potentially invasive alien Clematis vitalba L. in Ireland
Q114908613Breeding system of a noxious invasive alien plant,Ambrosia artemisiifoliaL.
Q56785201Breeding systems of invasive alien plants in South Africa: does Baker's rule apply?
Q33239229Bromus tectorum invasion alters nitrogen dynamics in an undisturbed arid grassland ecosystem
Q56572113Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) as an invader and threat to biodiversity in arid environments: A review
Q119627075Bumble bee parasite prevalence but not genetic diversity impacted by the invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera
Q56556741Burial of Zostera marina seeds in sediment inhabited by three polychaetes: Laboratory and field studies
Q30815310Burkholderia sp. induces functional nodules on the South African invasive legume Dipogon lignosus (Phaseoleae) in New Zealand soils
Q33417674Cage matching: head to head competition experiments of an invasive plant species from different regions as a means to test for differentiation
Q119800367California Invasive Plant Research Needs Assessment
Q111325041Camera Assisted Roadside Monitoring for Invasive Alien Plant Species Using Deep Learning
Q106196272Can citizen science data guide the surveillance of invasive plants? A model-based test with Acacia trees in Portugal
Q56548619Can floral traits predict an invasive plant's impact on native plant-pollinator communities?
Q46240415Can hybridization cause local extinction: a case for demographic swamping of the Australian native Senecio pinnatifolius by the invasive Senecio madagascariensis?
Q46344861Can nutrient enrichment influence the invasion of Phragmites australis?
Q96822305Can polyploidy confer invasive plants with a wider climatic tolerance? A test using Solidago canadensis
Q117787674Can secondary compounds of an invasive plant affect larval amphibians?
Q33769173Can the life-history strategy explain the success of the exotic trees Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia in Iberian floodplain forests?
Q111173105Can the native faunal communities be restored from removal of invasive plants in coastal ecosystems? A global meta‐analysis
Q110626344CanDarapsa myron(Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) Successfully Use the Invasive PlantAmpelopsis brevipedunculataas a Food Resource?
Q56781735Canada goldenrod (Solidago Canadensis): An invasive alien weed rapidly spreading in China
Q97896324Capacity for clonal integration in introduced versus native clones of the invasive plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris
Q24201731Cardamine occulta, the correct species name for invasive Asian plants previously classified as C. flexuosa, and its occurrence in Europe
Q56770130Catechin-metal interactions as a mechanism for conditional allelopathy by the invasive plantCentaurea maculosa
Q118178578Cat’s-Claw Vine, Dolichandra unguis-cati—A Showy but Invasive Plant in Florida
Q55870801Causes and Consequences of Invasive Plants in Wetlands: Opportunities, Opportunists, and Outcomes
Q56783464Causes and consequences of extreme variation in reproductive strategy and vegetative growth among invasive populations of a clonal aquatic plant, Butomus umbellatus L. (Butomaceae)
Q104282985Causes of differences in the distribution of the invasive plants Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Ambrosia trifida in the Yili Valley, China
Q60538827Challenges in invasive alien plant control in South Africa
Q56532863Challenges in predicting the future distributions of invasive plant species
Q42437832Challenging the view that invasive non-native plants are not a significant threat to the floristic diversity of Great Britain
Q60489436Changes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities during invasion by an exotic invasive plant
Q120628690Changes in biomass and spatial distribution of Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John, an invasive submerged plant, in oligomesotrophic Lake Kizaki from 1999 to 2002
Q34474088Changes in defense of an alien plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia before and after the invasion of a native specialist enemy Ophraella communa
Q55842457Changes in density, biomass, seed production and soil seed banks of the non-native invasive plant, Chromolaena odorata, along a 15 year chronosequence
Q56775049Changes in forest structure and species composition following invasion by a non-indigenous shrub, Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii)
Q117812100Changes in non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria inhabiting rhizosphere soils of an invasive plant Ageratina adenophora
Q56894707Changes in respiratory mitochondrial machinery and cytochrome and alternative pathway activities in response to energy demand underlie the acclimation of respiration to elevated CO2 in the invasive Opuntia ficus-indica
Q51181118Changes in soil diversity and global activities following invasions of the exotic invasive plant, Amaranthus viridis L., decrease the growth of native sahelian Acacia species.
Q56514555Changes in soil microbial community structure and metabolic activity following conversion from native Pinus massoniana plantations to exotic Eucalyptus plantations
Q124958988Changes in the Occurrence of Five Invasive Plant Species in Different Ecosystem Types between 2009–2018 in Hungary
Q60299317Changes in the potential distribution of invasive plant species in continental Spain in response to climate change
Q56454996Changes in the understorey of mixed coniferous forest plant communities dominated by the American black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.)
Q110829949Characterisation of invasive plant proliferation within remnant riparian green corridors in Lusaka District of Zambia using Sentinel-2 imagery
Q114952041Characteristics and influencing factors of cadmium biosorption by the stem powder of the invasive plant species Solidago canadensis
Q56580803Characteristics of Information Available on Fire and Invasive Plants in the Eastern United States
Q101105445Characteristics of Nitrogen Metabolism and Soil Nitrogen of Invasive Plants
Q33280421Characteristics of the microbial community in rhizosphere of Camptotheca acuminata cultured with exotic invasive plant Eupatorium adenophorum
Q110704105Characteristics of the soil seed bank of invasive and non-invasive plants in their native and alien distribution range
Q104141689Characterization and utilization of biochars derived from five invasive plant species Bidens pilosa L., Praxelis clematidea, Ipomoea cairica, Mikania micrantha and Lantana camara L. for Cd2+ and Cu2+ removal
Q56763910Characterization of HMW Glutenin Subunits in , , , , and Their Addition Lines in Wheat
Q120251005Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of the invasive plant Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. (Asterales: Asteraceae)
Q90666486Characterization of the fungal community in the canopy air of the invasive plant Ageratina adenophora and its potential to cause plant diseases
Q46793305Characterization of the salt stress vulnerability of three invasive freshwater plant species using a metabolic profiling approach
Q111808754Characterizing Pathways of Invasive Plant Spread to Alaska: I. Propagules from Container-Grown Ornamentals
Q111808757Characterizing Pathways of Invasive Plant Spread to Alaska: II. Propagules from Imported Hay and Straw
Q39640872Characterizing the Status (Disturbed, Hybrid or Novel) of Swamp Forest Fragments in a Caribbean Ramsar Wetland: The Impact of Anthropogenic Degradation and Invasive Plant Species
Q40309057Characterizing the landscape dynamics of an invasive plant and risk of invasion using remote sensing
Q42926938Chemical Composition and Toxicity against Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum of the Essential Oil of Murraya exotica Aerial Parts
Q56557377Chemical and structural effects of invasive plants on herbivore-parasitoid/predator interactions in native communities
Q111163044Chemical composition and phytotoxicity of essential oil from invasive plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
Q35154319Chemical defenses (glucosinolates) of native and invasive populations of the range expanding invasive plant Rorippa austriaca
Q43265679Chemical interaction in the invasiveness of cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv.).
Q56775791Chemical profile of the North American native Myriophyllum sibiricum compared to the invasive M. spicatum
Q98950594Chemical responses of an invasive plant to herbivory and abiotic environments reveal a novel invasion mechanism
Q118129595Chemical, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Anti-proliferative Features of the Essential Oil Extracted from the Invasive Plant Solidago canadensis L.
Q96766243Chemico-Proteomics Reveal the Enhancement of Salt Tolerance in an Invasive Plant Species via H2S Signaling
Q57406052Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense) Removal and its Effect on Native Plant Communities of Riparian Forests
Q42604062Chloroplast DNA diversity of Hieracium Pilosella (Asteraceae) introduced to New Zealand: reticulation, hybridization, and invasion
Q56333610Chromolaena odorata (Siam weed) in eastern Africa: distribution and socio-ecological impacts
Q120170085Citizen science can complement professional invasive plant surveys and improve estimates of suitable habitat
Q56431332Citizen science contributes to our knowledge of invasive plant species distributions
Q114919273Classical Biological Control for the Management of Alien Invasive Plants in Ireland
Q56773895Classification and habitat characteristics of plant communities invaded by the non-native Rosa rugosa Thunb. in NW Europe
Q110828582Clearing invasive alien plants as a cost-effective strategy for water catchment management: The case of the Olifants river catchment, South Africa
Q56765615Clearing of invasive alien plants under different budget scenarios: using a simulation model to test efficiency
Q56432835Climate Change May Alter Both Establishment and High Abundance of Red Brome (Bromus rubens) and African Mustard (Brassica tournefortii) in the Semiarid Southwest United States
Q114124723Climate Change May Bring about Increased Problems of Invasive Plants
Q57049308Climate Dynamics, Invader Fitness, and Ecosystem Resistance in an Invasion-Factor Framework
Q110675353Climate Mismatch between Introduced Biological Control Agents and Their Invasive Host Plants: Improving Biological Control of Tropical Weeds in Temperate Regions
Q114381790Climate change and dispersion dynamics of the invasive plant species Chromolaena odorata and Lantana camara in parts of the central and eastern India
Q55870305Climate change and the potential distribution of an invasive alien plant:Acacia niloticassp.indicain Australia
Q28730454Climate change and the potential distribution of an invasive shrub, Lantana camara L
Q56754997Climate change and weed adaptation: can evolution of invasive plants lead to greater range expansion than forecasted?
Q36324590Climate change both facilitates and inhibits invasive plant ranges in New England
Q110809060Climate change effects on biological control of invasive plants by insects
Q56768646Climate change might drive the invasive tree Robinia pseudacacia into nature reserves and endangered habitats
Q56557304Climate change might increase the invasion potential of the alien C4 grass Setaria parviflora (Poaceae) in the Mediterranean Basin
Q56545600Climate suitability and human influences combined explain the range expansion of an invasive horticultural plant
Q56451465Climate warming alters competition between two highly invasive alien plant species and dominant native competitors
Q28542716Climate warming may facilitate invasion of the exotic shrub Lantana camara
Q35227982Climatic niche conservatism and biogeographical non-equilibrium in Eschscholzia californica (Papaveraceae), an invasive plant in the Chilean Mediterranean region
Q38368216Climatic niche of Selinum alatum (Apiaceae, Selineae), a new invasive plant species in Central Europe and its alterations according to the climate change scenarios: Are the European mountains threatened by invasion?
Q39264683Clinal differentiation during invasion: Senecio inaequidens (Asteraceae) along altitudinal gradients in Europe
Q56770553Clipping at early florescence is more efficient for controlling the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora
Q118125105Clonal Integration of the Invasive Plant Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitch in Stress of Flooding Type Combination
Q56776889Clonal diversity and structure of the invasive aquatic plant Eichhornia crassipes in China
Q110756646Clonal fragments of stoloniferous invasive plants benefit more from stolon storage than their congeneric native species
Q37260669Clonal integration affects growth, photosynthetic efficiency and biomass allocation, but not the competitive ability, of the alien invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides under severe stress
Q114938128Clonal integration benefits invasive alien plants under water variability in a native community
Q36222788Clonal integration increases relative competitive ability in an invasive aquatic plant
Q56484365Clonal structure and reduced diversity of the invasive alien plant Erigeron annuus in Lithuania
Q60578110Clonal structure of invasive hoary cress (Lepidium draba) infestations
Q82434550Cloning and functional analysis of a high DP fructan:fructan 1-fructosyl transferase from Echinops ritro (Asteraceae): comparison of the native and recombinant enzymes
Q56451610Closing the Knowing-Doing Gap in Invasive Plant Management: Accessibility and Interdisciplinarity of Scientific Research
Q114951408Co-combustion characteristics of coal with invasive alien plant chars prepared by torrefaction or slow pyrolysis
Q56517178Co-introduction of exotic rhizobia to the rhizosphere of the invasive legume Acacia saligna, an intercontinental study
Q117788653Co-occurrence pattern of bacteria and fungi on the leaves of the invasive aquatic plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q111159742Co-occurring invasive plant interactions do not predict the impacts of invasion in experimental tallgrass prairie communities
Q56752659Coast live oak, Quercus agrifolia, susceptibility and response to goldspotted oak borer, Agrilus auroguttatus, injury in southern California
Q35961032Coevolution between native and invasive plant competitors: implications for invasive species management
Q111155277Coflowering invasive plants and a congener have neutral effects on fitness components of a rare endemic plant
Q118137151Collaborative Adaptive Stewardship for Invasive Alien Plants Management in South Africa
Q124795649Collating existing evidence on cumulative impacts of invasive plant species in riparian ecosystems of British Columbia, Canada: a systematic map protocol
Q111826848Collective action for changing forests: A spatial, social-ecological approach to assessing participation in invasive plant management
Q114725484Collective action in the area-wide management of an invasive plant disease
Q55870937Colonising aliens: caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feeding on Piper aduncum and P. umbellatum in rainforests of Papua New Guinea
Q120286972Combining image processing and machine learning to identify invasive plants in high-resolution images
Q34718211Combining inferential and deductive approaches to estimate the potential geographical range of the invasive plant pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum
Q46032410Combining local- and large-scale models to predict the distributions of invasive plant species.
Q35729397Combining mesocosm and field experiments to predict invasive plant performance: a hierarchical Bayesian approach
Q110620548Combining the effects of surrounding land-use and propagule pressure to predict the distribution of an invasive plant
Q56779068Combustion characteristics of north-eastern USA vegetation tested in the cone calorimeter: invasive versus non-invasive plants
Q114921649Common Invasive Medicinal Plant Species in East Midnapore District, West Bengal, India
Q117046167Common Poisonous Weed and Invasive Plant Species in Florida Residential Landscapes
Q56776089Common Reed (Phragmites australis) Response to Mowing and Herbicide Application
Q91239976Common St. John's Wort (Malpighiales: Hypericaceae): An Invasive Plant in Maine Wild Blueberry Production and Its Potential for Indirectly Supporting Ecosystem Services
Q93021583Common mycorrhizal networks influence the distribution of mineral nutrients between an invasive plant, Solidago canadensis, and a native plant, Kummerowa striata
Q124029534Community composition of ants beneath invasive plant Rosa rugosa
Q56768142Community effects of invasive macrophyte control: role of invasive plant abundance and habitat complexity
Q34416290Community impacts of Prosopis juliflora invasion: biogeographic and congeneric comparisons
Q56654751Community perception and prioritization of invasive alien plants in Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape, Nepal
Q56452499Community phylogenetic diversity and abiotic site characteristics influence abundance of the invasive plant Rhamnus cathartica L
Q117787513Community response to transgenic plant release: predictions from British experience of invasive plants and feral crop plants
Q110744789Community‐level direct and indirect impacts of an invasive plant favour exotic over native species
Q51032926Comparative AB-QTL analysis in barley using a single exotic donor of Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum.
Q111528380Comparative Study of Compensatory Response and Morphological Plasticity of Five Invasive Plants
Q56769033Comparative ecological niche models predict the invasive spread of variable-leaf milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) and its potential impact on closely related native species
Q56748874Comparative effects of water level variations on growth characteristics of Myriophyllum aquaticum
Q118119835Comparative evaluation of organic manure from some invasive plants, poultry manure and NPK on the growth of <i>Corchorus olitorius</i> L
Q35465170Comparative genomics in the Asteraceae reveals little evidence for parallel evolutionary change in invasive taxa
Q114955475Comparative performance of invasive alien Eichhornia crassipes and native Ludwigia stolonifera under non-limiting nutrient conditions in Lake Naivasha, Kenya
Q111163049Comparative study on the floral spectral reflectance of invasive and non-invasive plants
Q125718444Comparative study reveals management of a dominant invasive plant facilitates subtropical forest regeneration
Q33722357Comparative water use of native and invasive plants at multiple scales: a global meta-analysis
Q110756469Comparing biocontrol and herbicide for managing an invasive non‐native plant species: Efficacy, non‐target effects and secondary invasion
Q56433806Comparing impacts of alien plants and animals in Europe using a standard scoring system
Q51192131Comparing indigenous and introduced populations of Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cav.) Blake: response of seedlings to water and pH levels.
Q118155148Comparing the Performance of CMCC-BioClimInd and WorldClim Datasets in Predicting Global Invasive Plant Distributions
Q56775245Comparing the rate of invasion by Heracleum mantegazzianum at continental, regional, and local scales
Q56763582Comparing the reproductive success and pollination biology of an invasive plant to its rare and common native congeners: a case study in the genus Cirsium (Asteraceae)
Q114954488Comparison of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur in Coastal Wetlands Dominated by Native and Invasive Plants in the Yancheng National Nature Reserve, China
Q56563805Comparison of Transect-Based Standard and Adaptive Sampling Methods for Invasive Plant Species
Q97539826Comparison of allelopathic effects of two typical invasive plants: Mikania micrantha and Ipomoea cairica in Hainan island
Q111172245Comparison of defence and performance traits between one widespread clone and native populations in a major invasive plant species
Q110756393Comparison of ecophysiological and leaf anatomical traits of native and invasive plant species
Q56776453Comparison of foliar terpenes between native and invasive Solidago gigantea
Q30850963Comparison of genetic diversity of the invasive weed Rubus alceifolius poir. (Rosaceae) in its native range and in areas of introduction, using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers.
Q56773498Comparison of medusahead-invaded and noninvaded Wyoming big sagebrush steppe in southeastern Oregon
Q111163085Comparison of mining spoils to determine the best substrate for rehabilitating limestone quarries by favoring native grassland species over invasive plants
Q56504356Comparison of native and invasive Rhododendron ponticum populations: Growth, reproduction and morphology under field conditions
Q51181394Comparison of quantitative and molecular genetic variation of native vs. invasive populations of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L., Lythraceae).
Q56783460Comparison of survey methods for an invasive plant at the subwatershed level
Q55869602Comparison of the effect of elevated CO2 on an invasive species (Centaurea solstitialis) in monoculture and community settings
Q47720165Comparison of the effects of exogenous native phytochrome and in-vivo irradiation on in-vitro transcription in isolated nuclei from barley (Hordeum vulgare).
Q56745683Comparison of the herbivore defense and competitive ability of ancestral and modern genotypes of an invasive plant, Lespedeza cuneata
Q110809199Comparison of the life history of a native insect Laelia coenosa with a native plant Phragmites australis and an invasive plant Spartina alterniflora
Q59898113Comparison of the performance of native and invasive plants of Senecio vulgairs L
Q59898116Comparison of the performance of native and invasive plants of Senecio vulgairs L
Q56778585Comparisons of Mycorrhizal Responsiveness with Field Soil and Commercial Inoculum for Six Native Montane Species and Bromus tectorum
Q110862047Comparisons of invasive plants in southern Africa originating from southern temperate, northern temperate and tropical regions
Q114917134Compatibility of the Invasive Alien Lemna minuta and Its Potential Biocontrol Agent Cataclysta lemnata
Q56762089Competition between Lemna minuta and Lemna minor at different nutrient concentrations
Q55842471Competition between Native Populus deltoides and Invasive Tamarix ramosissima and the Implications for Reestablishing Flooding Disturbance
Q33392441Competition between the invasive macrophyte Caulerpa taxifolia and the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: contrasting strategies
Q56778170Competition between two invasive Hydrocharitaceae (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) (Royle) and Egeria densa (Planch)) as influenced by sediment fertility and season
Q117865685Competition effect exerted by two nonnative invasive plant species on a native under contrasting conditions of resource availability
Q51191862Competition for pollination: effects of pollen of an invasive plant on seed set of a native congener.
Q120648339Competition in a changing world: invasive aquatic plant is limited by saltwater encroachment
Q30313780Competition overwhelms the positive plant-soil feedback generated by an invasive plant.
Q120599477Competition shifts the advantage of the invasive plant Bidens alba to a disadvantage under soil ammonia nitrogen
Q111502440Competitive Effects between Invasive Plant Flaveria bidentis and Three Pasture Species
Q110625712Competitive ability, not tolerance, may explain success of invasive plants over natives
Q55870393Competitive control of invasive vegetation: a native wetland sedge suppresses Phalaris arundinacea in carbon-enriched soil
Q56459518Competitive dominance of the invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera: using competitive effect and response with a vigorous neighbour
Q111440126Competitive effects between the invasive plant Chromolaena odoratum( L.) R. King et H. Rob. and four forage grasses
Q55870539Competitive effects of the invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Herder (Caprifoliaceae), on the growth and survival of native tree seedlings
Q43854343Competitive impacts and responses of an invasive weed: dependencies on nitrogen and phosphorus availability
Q56771089Competitive interaction between Microstegium vimineum and first-year seedlings of three central hardwoods1
Q42381284Competitive interactions between a nonmycorrhizal invasive plant, Alliaria petiolata, and a suite of mycorrhizal grassland, old field, and forest species
Q33681266Competitive interactions between native and invasive exotic plant species are altered under elevated carbon dioxide
Q60532365Competitive interactions between the alien invasive annual grass Avena fatua and indigenous herbaceous plants in South African Renosterveld: the role of nitrogen enrichment
Q42510317Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Elodea canadensis and comparative analyses with other monocot plastid genomes
Q34273744Complete chloroplast genome sequence of a major invasive species, crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora)
Q39627740Complete chloroplast genome sequences of Praxelis (Eupatorium catarium Veldkamp), an important invasive species
Q57033591Complete plastid genome assembly of invasive plant, Centaurea diffusa
Q110829140Complex Undisturbed Riparian Zones Are Resistant to Colonisation by Invasive Alien Plant Species
Q45208086Complex population dynamics and control of the invasive biennial Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard).
Q114031743Composition, Distribution, and Factors Affecting Invasive Plants in Grasslands of Guizhou Province of Southwest China
Q119823414Composted invasive plant Ageratina adenophora enhanced barley (Hordeum vulgare) growth and soil conditions
Q56450046Composting Invasive Plants in the Rio Grande River
Q118180725Composting of Aerial Parts of Crofton Weed (Eupatorium adenophorumSpreng), the Top Invasive Plant in Southwest China
Q120561884Comprehensive Characterization of Second-Generation Biofuel from Invasive Freshwater Plants by FT-ICR MS
Q52705714Con-specific neighbours may enhance compensation capacity in an invasive plant.
Q114952887Conceptualizing, categorizing and recording the outcomes of biological control of invasive plant species, at a population level
Q112110596Concise, comprehensive reviews of how invasive plants interact with plants, animals, and microbes
Q33785806Conclusions about niche expansion in introduced Impatiens walleriana populations depend on method of analysis.
Q39425947Confirmed field hybridization of native and introduced Phragmites australis (Poaceae) in North America.
Q56453327Conflicting values: ecosystem services and invasive tree management
Q117769641Connecticut Nursery and Landscape Industry Preferences for Solutions to the Sale and Use of Invasive Plants
Q30982986Connecting differential responses of native and invasive riparian plants to climate change and environmental alteration
Q110626065Consensus when experts disagree: A priority list of invasive alien plant species that reduce ecological restoration success
Q113890997Consequences of Coastal Wetlands Reclamation and the Need for Integrating Impact Assessment of Invasive Alien Plants Species and Coastal Armoring in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Q56776307Consequences of invasion by the alien plant Mimulus guttatus on the species composition and soil properties of riparian plant communities in Scotland
Q51416827Consequences of plant-pollinator and floral-herbivore interactions on the reproductive success of the Canary Islands endemic Canarina canariensis (Campanulaceae).
Q56783048Consequences of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr), invasion on pollination of Euphorbia characias (L.) (Euphorbiaceae)
Q56764792Conservation benefits of biological control: The recovery of a threatened plant subsequent to the introduction of a pathogen to contain an invasive tree species
Q57228722Conserving a geographically isolated Charaxes butterfly in response to habitat fragmentation and invasive alien plants
Q60400008Considering the preferences for nitrogen forms by invasive plants: a case study from a hydroponic culture experiment
Q113900813Considering urban uses at a fine spatial resolution to understand the distribution of invasive plant species in cities
Q56923565Consistency in the habitat degree of invasion for three invasive plant species across Mediterranean islands
Q56773968Consistent performance of invasive plant species within and among islands of the Mediterranean basin
Q30667224Conspecific plasticity and invasion: invasive populations of Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) have performance advantage over native populations only in low soil salinity
Q104386566Constituents of Murraya exotica L. Structure elucidation of new coumarins.
Q56784842Constraints in range predictions of invasive plant species due to non-equilibrium distribution patterns: Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) in North America
Q56486811Constraints to native plant species establishment in coastal dune communities invaded by Carpobrotus edulis: Implications for restoration
Q110626030Constructing Standard Invasion Curves from Herbarium Data—Toward Increased Predictability of Plant Invasions
Q51191725Construction cost and invasive potential: comparing Lythrum salicaria (Lythraceae) with co-occurring native species along pond banks.
Q114920216Construction of the Invasive Alien Plants Distribution Using Drone and Image Learning
Q56768066Containment and spot eradication of a highly destructive, invasive plant pathogen (Phytophthora cinnamomi) in natural ecosystems
Q33679423Contemporary Remotely Sensed Data Products Refine Invasive Plants Risk Mapping in Data Poor Regions
Q56425180Contemporary evolution of an invasive plant is associated with climate but not with herbivory
Q120247247Contrasting Effects of Allelochemicals from Two Invasive Plants on the Performance of a Nonmycorrhizal Plant
Q93276458Contrasting Effects of Aqueous Tissue Extracts from an Invasive Plant, Bidens pilosa L. var. radiata, on the Performance of Its Sympatric Plant Species
Q28830844Contrasting Pollinators and Pollination in Native and Non-Native Regions of Highbush Blueberry Production
Q56766600Contrasting effects of an invasive ant on a native and an invasive plant
Q31142528Contrasting effects of invasive plants in plant-pollinator networks
Q56775386Contrasting effects of resource availability and plant mortality on plant community invasion by Bromus tectorum L
Q49907381Contrasting effects of specialist and generalist herbivores on resistance evolution in invasive plants
Q110809016Contrasting impacts of highly invasive plant species on flower-visiting insect communities
Q110758533Contrasting impacts of invasive plants and human-altered landscape context on nest survival and brood parasitism of a grassland bird
Q56455839Contrasting levels of evolutionary potential in populations of the invasive plant Polygonum cespitosum
Q35961774Contrasting the effects of environment, dispersal and biotic interactions to explain the distribution of invasive plants in alpine communities
Q58710053Contribution of cocoa plantations to the conservation of native ants (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with a special emphasis on the Atlantic Forest fauna of southern Bahia, Brazil
Q111163836Control method that may limit an invasive plant in a protected area: Stem breaking decreases alien goldenrod performance and enhances pest attack
Q118126973Control of Invasive Plant Mile-a-Minute (Mikania micrantha) with the Local Crop Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) and Applications of the Herbicide Bentazon
Q118112551Control of Invasive Plants by the Phytotoxicity Effect of Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench
Q56489213Control of Invasive Plants: Ecological and Socioeconomic Criteria for the Decision Making Process
Q114910921Control of Nonnative Invasive Woody Plant Species at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, New York City
Q56766893Control of one invasive plant species allows exotic grasses to become dominant in northern Great Plains grasslands
Q114919363Controlling Invasive Exotic Plants in North Florida Forests
Q114919366Controlling Invasive Exotic Plants in North Florida Forests
Q114919368Controlling Invasive Exotic Plants in North Florida Forests
Q118178581Controlling Invasive Exotic Plants in North Florida Forests
Q56441754Controlling an invasive plant at the edge of its range: towards a broader understanding of management feasibility
Q109382312Controlling invasive plant species in ecological restoration: A global review
Q113799244Controlling the abundance of a native invasive plant does not affect species richness or functional diversity of wet grasslands
Q110704106Controlling the seed bank of the invasive plant Acacia saligna: comparison of the efficacy of prescribed burning, soil solarization, and their combination
Q111829176Conversion of an invasive plant into a new solid phase for lead preconcentration for analytical purpose
Q114954606Conversion of organic carbon from decayed native and invasive plant litter in Jiuduansha wetland and its implications for SOC formation and sequestration
Q120556816Converting biomass of agrowastes and invasive plant into alternative materials for water remediation
Q119694215Cooperative Prevention Systems to Protect Rangelands From the Spread of Invasive Plants
Q114950524Coordinating invasive plant management among conservation and rural stakeholders
Q57049442Corallita (Antigonon leptopus): Intentional Introduction of a Plant with Documented Invasive Capability
Q56894460Correction for Lankau et al., Evolutionary limits ameliorate the negative impact of an invasive plant
Q111147434Correction to: Effects of ecoregional vulnerability on habitat suitability of invasive alien plants: an assessment using 13 species on a global scale
Q114208102Correction to: Potential distribution of aquatic invasive alien plants, Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia molesta under climate change in Sri Lanka
Q92073536Correction: Development of molecular markers for invasive alien plants in Korea: a case study of a toxic weed, Cenchrus longispinus L., based on next generation sequencing data
Q56892399Correction: Invasive Plant Suppresses the Growth of Native Tree Seedlings by Disrupting Belowground Mutualisms
Q43188269Correction: Specialist Insect Herbivore and Light Availability Do Not Interact in the Evolution of an Invasive Plant
Q56784801Correlational patterns between invertebrate species composition and the presence of an invasive plant
Q114952941Corrigendum to “Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of invasive alien plant clearing: a case study from South Africa” [Biol. Conserv. 155 (2012) 128–135]
Q120328144Corrigendum to: Mislabelling may explain why some prohibited invasive aquatic plants are still being sold in Belgium
Q114918477Corrigendum: Invasive Aquatic Plants as Ecosystem Engineers in an Oligo-Mesotrophic Shallow Lake
Q56923623Cortaderia selloana invasion across a Mediterranean coastal strip
Q35279661Coselected genes determine adaptive variation in herbivore resistance throughout the native range of Arabidopsis thaliana
Q110809430Costs of induced defenses for the invasive plant houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale L.) and the potential importance for weed biocontrol
Q119612219Could phytoseiid mites impair biological control of the invasive plant, Ailanthus altissima?
Q104392383Coumarins of Murraya exotica—absolute configuration of auraptenol
Q95455337Creation of an interest circle on invasive plants in the Botanical Garden of Sancti Spíritus, Cuba
Q119633808Critic's Choice: Invasive Plants Versus Oklahoma's Biodiversity
Q114102292Critical issues and new challenges for research and management of invasive plants in the Pacific Islands
Q56378264Critical legal and environmental view on the Ramsar Convention in protection from invasive plant species: an example of the Southern Pannonia region
Q117042908Cross-species coprophagy in small stream detritivores counteracts low-quality litter: native versus invasive plant litter
Q34013574Cryptic invasion by a non-native genotype of the common reed, Phragmites australis, into North America
Q62557123Cultivar selection prior to introduction may increase invasiveness: evidence from Ardisia crenata
Q119613549Current Status and Solutions for Preventing, Controlling Invasive Plants in Na Hang District, Tuyen Quang Province, Vietnam
Q56770389Current and Potential Distributions of Three Non-Native Invasive Plants in the Contiguous USA
Q111344328Current and potential distribution of Senecio madagascariensis Poir. (fireweed), an invasive alien plant in Japan
Q120041595Current and potential geographical distribution of the invasive plant Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) in eastern and southern Africa
Q56780099Current distribution and potential extent of the most invasive alien plant species on La Reunion (Indian Ocean, Mascarene islands)
Q56511239Current mismatch between research and conservation efforts: The need to study co-occurring invasive plant species
Q118125607Current status and management options for invasive plants at the Mihintale Wildlife Sanctuary
Q34576626Curvilinear effects of invasive plants on plant diversity: plant community invaded by Sphagneticola trilobata
Q110744970Cuscuta australis restrains three exotic invasive plants and benefits native species
Q111170825Cytocompatible cellulose nanofibers from invasive plant species Agave americana L. and Ricinus communis L.: a renewable green source of highly crystalline nanocellulose
Q56773457Cytogeography ofSolidago gigantea(Asteraceae) and its invasive ploidy level
Q101107146Cytology of Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae), An Invasive Plant in China
Q114925125Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial Activity of Common Invasive Alien Plant Species of Gopalganj, Bihar (India)
Q56508975DNA Barcoding Invasive Species of South Africa: Alien invasive plants of the North-West Province
Q51181353DNA barcoding discriminates the noxious invasive plant species, floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f.), from non-invasive relatives.
Q46312983DNA barcoding of invasive plants in China: A resource for identifying invasive plants
Q55870410DNA polymorphism among 18 species of Triticum–Aegilops complex using wheat EST–SSRs
Q110829277Dam-induced difference of invasive plant species distribution along the riparian habitats
Q91524769Data maps and method for evaluating the indicator of the risk of propagation of invasive exotic plant species on work zones
Q93000353Data on foliar nutrient concentration of invasive plants in the recipient habitat and their native habitat
Q92463470Dataset on preliminary phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of selected invasive alien plant species used in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections in Waterberg district, South Africa
Q117925325De Waal, L. C., L. E. Child, P. M. Wade and J. H. Brock: Ecology and Management of Invasive Riverside Plants. ‐ John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 1994; 217 S., £ 45.00
Q111161270Decay patterns of invasive plants and plastic trash in urban streams
Q120506768Decline of the invasive plant Asparagus asparagoides within the first seven years after release of biological control agents in Australia
Q56773190Declines in plant species richness and endemic plant species in longleaf pine savannas invaded by Imperata cylindrica
Q114953112Decomposition of an N-fixing invasive plant compared with a native species: Consequences for ecosystem
Q56559104Decreased indirect defense in the invasive tree, Triadica sebifera
Q56525390Decreased insect visitation to a native species caused by an invasive tree in the Cape Floristic Region
Q56533559Decreased resistance and increased tolerance to native herbivores of the invasive plantSapium sebiferum
Q114742926Deep learning detects invasive plant species across complex landscapes using Worldview‐2 and Planetscope satellite imagery
Q56771958Deer Facilitate Invasive Plant Success in a Pennsylvania Forest Understory
Q114919054Deer and Invasive Plant Species Suppress Forest Herbaceous Communities and Canopy Tree Regeneration
Q118182476Deer and invasive plant removal alters mycorrhizal fungal communities and soil chemistry: Evidence from a long-term field experiment
Q113850087Deer and invasive plants in suburban forests: assessing variation in deer pressure and herbivory
Q112315636Deer feeding selectivity for invasive plants
Q111166631Defence responses of native and invasive plants to the native generalist vine parasite Cassytha pubescens – anatomical and functional studies
Q56752267Defining optimal sampling effort for large-scale monitoring of invasive alien plants: a Bayesian method for estimating abundance and distribution
Q118137665Deinking of Screen-Printed Electrodes Printed on Invasive Plant-Based Paper
Q56506590Delineating native and invasive plant functional groups in shrub-steppe vegetation using bidirectional reflectance
Q110828628Delta arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla) in the Yangtze River: an invasive aquatic plant and the potential ecological consequences
Q51193023Demographic and genetic invasion history of a 9-year-old roadside population of Bunias orientalis L. (Brassicaceae).
Q33507265Demographic and genetic patterns of variation among populations of Arabidopsis thaliana from contrasting native environments
Q44552487Demographic performance predicts invasiveness of species in the Commelinaceae under high-nutrient conditions
Q56926103Demography and management of the invasive plant species Hypericum perforatum. I. Using multi-level mixed-effects models for characterizing growth, survival and fecundity in a long-term data set
Q55870454Demography and management of the invasive plant species Hypericum perforatum. II. Construction and use of an individual-based model to predict population dynamics and the effects of management strategies
Q30397111Demography of the invasive geophyte Oxalis pes-caprae across a Mediterranean island
Q56451358Density dependence, precipitation and biological control agent herbivory influence landscape-scale dynamics of the invasive Eurasian plantLinaria dalmatica
Q120170074Description of the herbivore and natural enemy community associated with the seeds of an invasive plant in Brazil
Q56771641Designing an effective clipping regime for controlling the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora in an estuarine salt marsh
Q111163227Designing an optimal sampling strategy for a national level invasive alien plant assessment: A South African case study
Q56770138Destruction without extinction: long-term impacts of an invasive tree species on Galápagos highland vegetation
Q56770722Detecting an Invasive Shrub in Deciduous Forest Understories Using Remote Sensing
Q60539825Detecting subcanopy invasive plant species in tropical rainforest by integrating optical and microwave (InSAR/PolInSAR) remote sensing data, and a decision tree algorithm
Q118137927Detection of Aquatic Invasive Plants in Wetlands of the Upper Mississippi River from UAV Imagery Using Transfer Learning
Q91828818Detection of an invasive aquatic plant in natural water bodies using environmental DNA
Q124981925Detection of invasive plants using NAIP imagery and airborne LiDAR in coastal Alabama and Mississippi, USA
Q56771660Deterioration of Sediment Quality in Seagrass Meadows (Posidonia oceanica) Invaded by Macroalgae (Caulerpa sp.)
Q56767773Determinants of the geographical extent of invasive plants in China: effects of biogeographical origin, life cycle and time since introduction
Q114922508Determination Of Priority Species For Invasive Plant Management In Wetlands Of Wasur National Park Merauke
Q118112459Determination of naphthoquinones in invasive alien plants Impatiens glandulifera Royle and I. balfourii Hook.f. from Croatia
Q110862676Determination of nutrients and fiber contents of seven invasive plants and their decomposition rates
Q114911479Determining a charge for the clearing of invasive alien plant species (IAPs) to augment water supply in South Africa
Q120146724Determining representative pseudo-absences for invasive plant distribution modeling based on geographic similarity
Q59153685Determining the feasibility of harvesting invasive alien plant species for energy
Q59153733Developing an approach to defining the potential distributions of invasive plant species: a case study ofHakeaspecies in South Africa
Q33931709Developing dynamic mechanistic species distribution models: predicting bird-mediated spread of invasive plants across northeastern North America
Q111165620Developing minimal-input techniques for invasive plant management: perimeter treatments enlarge native grass patches
Q111846412Development and approbation of methodology for monitoring invasive plant species: the Case of Latvia
Q36082558Development of EST-SSR markers for the invasive plant Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae).
Q118106879Development of Invasive Plant Recognition System Based on Deep Learning
Q33224677Development of a genomic library of near isogenic lines (NILs) in melon (Cucumis melo L.) from the exotic accession PI161375.
Q111174142Development of a mathematical model to evaluate the rate of aggregate risk of invasive alien plant species: Fuzzy risk assessment approach
Q51191320Development of a scale for measuring invasive plant environmentalism.
Q114955568Development of antibacterial and UV protective cotton fabrics using plant food waste and alien invasive plant extracts as reducing agents for the in-situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles
Q118131570Development of drone-based methodology for inventory and monitoring invasive plants along river banks in Croatia
Q91318780Development of molecular markers for invasive alien plants in Korea: a case study of a toxic weed, Cenchrus longispinus L., based on next generation sequencing data
Q120568111Development of negative soil feedback by an invasive plant near the northern limit of its invaded range
Q120367318Development of novel polymorphic microsatellite markers in the invasive plant shortawn foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis Sobol.)
Q56435486Development of species-specific environmental DNA (eDNA) markers for invasive aquatic plants
Q38893265Developmental patterns of the invasive bramble (Rubus alceifolius Poiret, Rosaceae) in Réunion island: an architectural and morphometric analysis
Q56482726Developmentally-programmed division of labour in the clonal invader Carpobrotus edulis
Q51179250Diet breadth influences how the impact of invasive plants is propagated through food webs.
Q118164493Differences and related physiological mechanisms in effects of ammonium on the invasive plant Xanthium strumarium and its native congener X. sibiricum
Q55845583Differences in dry weight partitioning and flowering phenology between native and non-native plants of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.)
Q57001329Differences in functional traits and reproductive allocations between native and invasive plants
Q56377224Differences in interactions of aboveground and belowground herbivores on the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides and native host A. sessilis
Q51145015Differences in wetland nitrogen cycling between the invasive grass Microstegium vimineum and a diverse plant community.
Q35924352Different Responses of an Invasive Clonal Plant Wedelia trilobata and its Native Congener to Gibberellin: Implications for Biological Invasion
Q37196033Different traits determine introduction, naturalization and invasion success in woody plants: Proteaceae as a test case
Q111160426Differential and interacting impacts of invasive plants and white-tailed deer in eastern U.S. forests
Q113904192Differential effects of transgenerational plasticity on morphological and photosynthetic properties between an invasive plant and its congeneric native one
Q56517124Differential impact on soil microbes of allelopathic compounds released by the invasive Acacia dealbata Link
Q56943263Differential influence of four invasive plant species on soil physicochemical properties in a pot experiment
Q28239573Differential responses of invasive Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae) and native C. scandens to changes in light quality
Q56768985Differential responses to allelopathic compounds released by the invasiveAcacia dealbataLink (Mimosaceae) indicate stimulation of its own seed
Q56767979Differentiation in growth and biomass allocation among three native Alternanthera philoxeroides varieties from Argentina
Q33953829Differentiation of reproductive and competitive ability in the invaded range of Senecio inaequidens: the role of genetic Allee effects, adaptive and nonadaptive evolution
Q110809421Differing interactions between an introduced beetle and a resident root nematode mediated by an invasive plant and its native congener
Q58849486Digestion of fruit of invasive alien plants by three southern African avian frugivores
Q111160057Direct and indirect community effects of the invasive plant pathogen Austropuccinia psidii (myrtle rust) in eastern Australian rainforests
Q56435553Direct and indirect effects of invasion by the alien tree Ailanthus altissima on riparian plant communities and ecosystem multifunctionality
Q34092987Direct and indirect effects of invasive plants on soil chemistry and ecosystem function
Q56437326Direct and indirect impacts of different water regimes on the invasive plant, alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides), and its biological control agent,Agasicles hygrophila
Q117788460Direct interactions between invasive plants and native pollinators: evidence, impacts and approaches
Q96223157Disease in Invasive Plant Populations
Q56775198Disentangling relationships between habitat conditions, disturbance history, plant diversity, and American black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) invasion in a European temperate forest
Q56767171Disentangling the dynamics of invasive fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis Poir. species complex) in the Hawaiian Islands
Q56776315Disentangling the roles of climate, propagule pressure and land use on the current and potential elevational distribution of the invasive weed Oxalis pes-caprae L. on Crete
Q35142558Disparate origins of Bradyrhizobium symbionts for invasive populations of Cytisus scoparius (Leguminosae) in North America
Q56480004Dispersal Mechanisms of the Invasive Alien Plant Species Buffalobur (Solanum rostratum) in Cold Desert Sites of Northwest China
Q56381802Dispersal by generalist frugivores affects management of an invasive plant
Q35536182Dispersal pathways and genetic differentiation among worldwide populations of the invasive weed Centaurea solstitialis L. (Asteraceae).
Q111145285Disposal methods for selected invasive plant species used as ornamental garden plants
Q111431457Disrupting ectomycorrhizal symbiosis: Indirect effects of an annual invasive plant on growth and survival of beech ( Fagus sylvatica ) saplings
Q56925946Disruption of an exotic mutualism can improve management of an invasive plant: varroa mite, honeybees and biological control of Scotch broom Cytisus scoparius in New Zealand
Q35073415Dissecting impact of plant invaders: do invaders behave differently in the new range?
Q56763585Distinct invasion sources of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in Eastern and Western Europe
Q120143422Distribution Patterns and Determinants of Invasive Alien Plants in China
Q100989502Distribution Patterns of Invasive Plants in Heilongjiang Province and the Impact Factors
Q111830365Distribution and Abundance of the Invasive Plant Species Chromolaena odorata L. in the Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines
Q111147518Distribution and Habitat Preferences of the Invasive Alien Rosa rugosa (Rosaceae) in Archipelago Sea National Park, SW Finland
Q118175759Distribution and Management of Invasive Plant Populations in State Park Properties of the North Carolina Coastal Plain
Q114922849Distribution and Socio-economic Impacts of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Ethiopia: A Review
Q101038096Distribution and damage of invasive plant Mikania micrantha in Guangxi
Q51186553Distribution and frequency of galls induced by Anisodiplosis waltheriae Maia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on the invasive plant Waltheria indica L. (Sterculiaceae).
Q101036908Distribution and harmful effects of alien invasive plant Parthenium hysterophorus in Guangxi
Q56778629Distribution and impact of exotic gall flies (Lipara sp.) on native and exotic Phragmites australis
Q111825591Distribution and impact of invasive alien plant species in Bardia National Park, western Nepal
Q114908055Distribution and implication of alien invasive plant species of Assam: a review
Q56383927Distribution and management of invasive alien plant species in protected areas in Central Europe
Q56329816Distribution and socio-ecological impacts of the invasive alien cactus Opuntia stricta in eastern Africa
Q59516081Distribution characteristic of invasive alien plants in Jeju Island
Q114950983Distribution characteristics of invasive alien plants in Jejudo
Q56749554Distribution modelling of Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) invasion in the Cumberland Plateau and Mountain Region, USA
Q56490800Distribution models of invasive plants over-estimate potential impact
Q114908706Distribution of Invasive Plant Species in Relation to Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors in Five Nature Reserves in Northern China
Q120170490Distribution of N and recently fixed C among a common mycorrhizal network linking an invasive plant, Solidago canadensis, and a native plant, Kummerowia striata
Q33576661Distribution of flower morphs, ploidy level and sexual reproduction of the invasive weed Oxalis pes-caprae in the western area of the Mediterranean region
Q114925147Distribution of invasive alien plant species, Bellucia pentamera, in forest conservation of oil palm plantation, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Q114920341Distribution of invasive plants and their association with wild ungulates in Barandabhar Corridor Forest, Nepal
Q56742651Distribution of invasive plants in China in relation to geographical origin and life cycle
Q56767999Distribution of invasive plants in a spatially structured urban landscape
Q110828552Distribution of invasive plants in the Nitra river basin: threats and benefits for food production
Q56336166Distribution of invasive plants in urban environment is strongly spatially structured
Q107759688Distribution of selected invasive plant species in the Romensko-Poltavsky Geobotanical District (Ukraine)
Q38621322Distribution of the invasive plant species Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden. in the Komi Republic (Russia).
Q111161537Distribution pattern and ecological determinants of an invasive plant Parthenium hysterophorus L., in Malakand division of Pakistan
Q114908629Distribution pattern and their influcing factors of invasive alien plants in Beijing
Q114908574Distribution pattern of alien invasive plants in typical parks in Beijing
Q56453232Distribution pattern of the invasive alien plant Bunias orientalis in Rów Podtatrzański trench, north of the Tatra Mts, Poland
Q58134250Distribution pattern of white snakeroot as an invasive alien plant and restoration strategy to inhibit its expansion in Seoripool park, Seoul
Q98561915Distribution patterns of alien invasive plants and their influences on native plants of Hainan Island
Q118178591Distribution, Identification and Management of Two-Leaf Nightshade (Solanum diphyllum), an Invasive Plant in Florida
Q56432912Distribution, demography and dispersal model of spatial spread of invasive plant populations with limited data
Q114930015Distribution, density and impact of invasive plants in Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya
Q56423822Distribution, diversity, and traits of native, exotic, and invasive climbing plants in Michigan
Q57027226Distribution, habitat and biomass of Pittosporum undulatum, the most important woody plant invader in the Azores Archipelago
Q56763653Distributional Changes and Range Predictions of Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) in Rocky Mountain National Park
Q118175663Disturbance and Invasive Plant Occurrence along High-Elevation Boundaries Surrounding California Protected Areas
Q56766633Disturbance-mediated competition: the interacting roles of inundation regime and mechanical and herbicidal control in determining native and invasive plant abundance
Q118139066Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter, a Rapidly Spreading Invasive Plant: Chemistry and Bioactivity
Q110626334Diversity and Distribution of Invasive Plant Species in Suburban Vegetation of Kashmir Himalayas
Q111319976Diversity and pathogenicity of Alternaria species associated with the invasive plant Ageratina adenophora and local plants
Q55870967Diversity and succession of adventive and indigenous vascular understorey plants in Pinus radiata plantation forests in New Zealand
Q56771577Diversity declines in Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass) patches
Q114922222Diversity of Invasive Alien Plants in Soor Sarovar Bird Sanctuary (SSBS), Keetham, Agra, India
Q114066218Diversity of Invasive Plants in The Panjang Island Reserve Jepara Central Java, Indonesia
Q35724155Diversity of endophytic and rhizoplane bacterial communities associated with exotic Spartina alterniflora and native mangrove using Illumina amplicon sequencing
Q125739253Diversity of fungal endophytes isolated from the invasive plant Solanum rostratum
Q114751065Diversity of invasive alien plants species of lesser Himalayas-Pakistan
Q113890430Diversity of naturalized and invasive plant species across land use types in an inner Tarai Valley of Central Nepal
Q46831900Diversity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in native and invasive Senecio pterophorus (Asteraceae): implications for toxicity
Q114925148Diversity, risk and management feasibility of invasive alien plants in the border zone of Sicike-cike Nature Tourism Park, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Q33771097Diversity, structure and function of fish assemblages associated with Posidonia oceanica beds in an area of the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the role of non-indigenous species
Q36228324Do David and Goliath Play the Same Game? Explanation of the Abundance of Rare and Frequent Invasive Alien Plants in Urban Woodlands in Warsaw, Poland
Q113142102Do Plants Have a Choice of Traits to Be Modulated? Evidence from an Invasive Plant Mikania micrantha Kunth in Different Urban Environments
Q114944154Do abandoned farmlands promote spread of invasive alien plants? Change detection analysis of black wattle in montane grasslands of the Eastern Cape
Q56773820Do allelopathic compounds in invasive Solidago canadensis s.l. restrain the native European flora?
Q56377312Do associations between native and invasive plants provide signals of invasive impacts?
Q110704010Do common assumptions about the wetland seed bank following invasive plant removal hold true? Divergent outcomes following multi‐year Phragmites australis management
Q110663946Do dense layers of invasive plants elevate the foraging intensity of small mammals in temperate deciduous forests? A case study from Pennsylvania, USA
Q111164574Do distribution and expansion of exotic invasive Asteraceae plants relate to leaf construction cost in a man-made wetland?
Q31144789Do invasive alien plants benefit more from global environmental change than native plants?
Q93029566Do invasive alien plants differ from non-invasives in dominance and nitrogen uptake in response to variation of abiotic and biotic environments under global anthropogenic change?
Q51149146Do invasive alien plants really threaten river bank vegetation? A case study based on plant communities typical for Chenopodium ficifolium-An indicator of large river valleys.
Q47137540Do invasive plants structure microbial communities to accelerate decomposition in intermountain grasslands?
Q56777693Do invasive plants threaten the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh?
Q56380288Do multiple mechanisms drive the dominance of an invasive plant (Ranunculus ficaria, Ranunculaceae) along an urban stream?
Q117788359Do native and invasive plants differ in their interactions with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi? A meta-analysis
Q56764215Do power line rights-of-way facilitate the spread of non-peatland and invasive plants in bogs and fens?
Q56531477Do priority effects benefit invasive plants more than native plants? An experiment with six grassland species
Q56768349Do short-lived and long-lived alien plant species differ regarding the traits associated with their success in the introduced range?
Q56943270Do the impacts of alien invasive plants differ from expansive native ones? An experimental study on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities
Q110744912Do vegetal communities dominated by invasive exotic plant species affect the structure of bird communities in an Atlantic Forest area?
Q114919709Documentation of Invasive Alien Plants Species of Rupandehi District, Western Nepal
Q114948647Documentation of alien invasive plants used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS related symptoms by traditional healers of Vhembe district municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Q118175841Does Altering Local Water Availability for an Invasive Plant (Raphanus raphanistrum) Affect Floral Morphology and Reproductive Potential?
Q56452358Does Elevated Temperature and Doubled CO2 Increase Growth of Three Potentially Invasive Plants?
Q57267150Does Prunus serotina act as an aggressive invader in areas with a low propagule pressure?
Q64929613Does Soil Nutrient Heterogeneity Improve the Growth Performance and Intraspecific Competition of the Invasive Plant Myriophyllum aquaticum?
Q84338895Does clonal integration improve competitive ability? A test using aspen (Populus tremuloides [Salicaceae]) invasion into prairie
Q56425565Does disturbance enhance the competitive effect of the invasive Solidago canadensis on the performance of two native grasses?
Q59305832Does endophyte symbiosis resist allelopathic effects of an invasive plant in degraded grassland?
Q56776900Does enemy release matter for invasive plants? evidence from a comparison of insect herbivore damage among invasive, non-invasive and native congeners
Q56782951Does forest gap size affects population size, plant size, reproductive success and pollinator visitation in Lantana camara, a tropical invasive shrub?
Q56771087Does frugivory by European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) facilitate germination in invasive plants?1
Q57206630Does invasion involve alternation of germination requirements? A comparative study between native and introduced strains of an annual Brassicaceae, Cardamine hirsuta
Q57061360Does invasive plant management aid the restoration of natural ecosystems?
Q56333526Does leaf litter from invasive plants contribute the same support of a stream ecosystem function as native vegetation?
Q111160043Does public awareness about invasive plants pays off? An analysis of knowledge and perceptions of environmentally aware citizens in Portugal
Q55869847Does temperature limit the invasion of Impatiens glandulifera and Heracleum mantegazzianum in the UK?
Q56782234Does the invasive plant Elymus athericus modify fish diet in tidal salt marshes?
Q110829372Does the invasive plant, Impatiens glandulifera, promote soil erosion along the riparian zone? An investigation on a small watercourse in northwest Switzerland
Q34085016Does the invasive species Ailanthus altissima threaten floristic diversity of temperate peri-urban forests?
Q56069355Does the invasive species Reynoutria japonica have an impact on soil and flora in urban wastelands?
Q34628092Does time since introduction influence enemy release of an invasive weed?
Q120633395Dominant Fungal Epiphytes Promote Growth of the Invasive Plant Ipomoea cairica Through Hormone Interactions
Q120486669Doped biochar from an invasive plant “Eichhornia crassipes” for the oxygen reduction reaction
Q96591411Double-edged effects of climate change on plant invasions: Ecological niche modeling global distributions of two invasive alien plants
Q120521688Drivers of growth and establishment of the invasive plant Rumex acetosella within Andean fallow systems
Q57922086Drivers of risk perceptions about the invasive non-native plant Japanese knotweed in domestic gardens
Q90862180Drivers of the relative richness of naturalized and invasive plant species on Earth
Q117769151Drone-Based Identification and Monitoring of Two Invasive Alien Plant Species in Open Sand Grasslands by Six RGB Vegetation Indices
Q119953142Drought stress intensifies the phytotoxicity of five Asteraceae exotic invasive plants
Q33951897Drought tolerance and plasticity in the invasive knapweed Centaurea stoebe s.l. (Asteraceae): effect of populations stronger than those of cytotype and range
Q38921857Drought tolerance in the alpine dandelion, Taraxacum ceratophorum (Asteraceae), its exotic congener T. officinale, and interspecific hybrids under natural and experimental conditions
Q33347168Drought-herbivory interaction disrupts competitive displacement of native plants by Microstegium vimineum, 10-year results
Q56763404Drought-induced mortality of a foundation species (Juniperus monosperma) promotes positive afterlife effects in understory vegetation
Q46176554Dual purpose secondary compounds: phytotoxin of Centaurea diffusa also facilitates nutrient uptake
Q90109600Dual-locus DNA metabarcoding reveals southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons Owen) have a summer diet dominated by toxic invasive plants
Q60494998Dwarf pine: invasive plant threatens biodiversity of alpine beetles
Q111846255Dynamic monitoring and analysis of alien invasive land plants in autumn and winter in Qionghai Lake
Q120000929Dynamics and mechanisms of secondary invasion following biological control of an invasive plant
Q111163262Dynamics of invasive alien plant species in China under climate change scenarios
Q30985591E-commerce trade in invasive plants
Q120023068EMAPi: A fresh source for invasive plant research
Q111244426EPIDEMIE: a major new Mediterranean research initiative on invasive plants, within insular habitats
Q114930241EPPO prioritization process for invasive alien plants
Q114929999EPPO/CoE Workshop - How to manage invasive alien plants? The case study ofEichhornia crassipes
Q96687983Earlier onset of flowering and increased reproductive allocation of an annual invasive plant in the north of its novel range
Q61413509Early detection of invasive plants: principles and practices
Q114944355Early detection of the invasive alien plant Solidago altissima in moist tall grassland using hyperspectral imagery
Q114742862Early detection, herbicide resistance screening, and integrated management of invasive plant species: a review
Q56767199Early distribution and spread of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Central and Eastern Europe
Q120363879Echiumin E, an Aryl Dihydronaphthalene Lignan from the Australian Invasive Plant Paterson’s Curse (Echium plantagineum)
Q30647358Eco-evolutionary responses of Bromus tectorum to climate change: implications for biological invasions
Q56776104Ecological Genetics of Plant Invasion: What Do We Know?
Q111319822Ecological Networks in Urban Forest Fragments Reveal Species Associations between Native and Invasive Plant Communities
Q56420405Ecological Niche Modeling of Invasive Plant Species According to Invasion Status and Management Needs: The Case ofChromolaena odorata(Asteraceae) in South Africa
Q112771394Ecological Principles Underpinning Invasive Plant Management Tools and Strategies
Q112889954Ecological Rehabilitation, an approach to assisting ecosystems modified by invasive plants : Applied and Validated via Kaitorete Spit, a case study
Q111502388Ecological Responses of the Invasive Alien Plant Solidago canadensis to Changes of Soil Water Content
Q29030802Ecological and socio-economic impacts of invasive water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes ): a review
Q37740290Ecological application of biotic resistance to control the invasion of an invasive plant, Ageratina altissima.
Q117769201Ecological aspects of volatile organic compounds emitted by exotic invasive plants
Q57386867Ecological factors controlling the abundance of non-native invasive black cherry (Prunus serotina) in deciduous forest understory in Belgium
Q56943200Ecological fits, mis-fits and lotteries involving insect herbivores on the invasive plant, Bunias orientalis
Q33904581Ecological impacts of invasive alien plants: a meta-analysis of their effects on species, communities and ecosystems
Q56523333Ecological impacts of the invasive grass Sorghum halepense on native tallgrass prairie
Q113876253Ecological impacts of the invasive plant Xanthium strumarium and the impacts of three aboveground herbivores on the invader
Q56764785Ecological niche modelling of an invasive alien plant and its potential biological control agents
Q113094861Ecological restoration of ecosystems degraded by invasive alien plants in South African Fynbos: Is spontaneous succession a viable strategy?
Q111826443Ecological risk assessment of potentially invasive alien plant species in Cibodas Biosphere Reserve, West Java, Indonesia
Q118160279Ecologically Based Invasive Plant Management: Step by Step
Q56528649Ecology and Impacts of the Invasive Species, Lantana camara, in a Social-Ecological System in South India: Perspectives from Local Knowledge
Q56766348Ecology and Impacts of the Large-Statured Invasive Grasses Arundo donax and Phragmites australis in North America
Q117769524Ecology and Management of Invasive Riverside Plants.
Q56770778Ecology and management of alien plant invasions in South African fynbos: Accommodating key complexities in objective decision making
Q117044402Ecology and management of invasive plants in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic regions: evidence and synthesis from Macquarie Island
Q117813434Ecology and management of invasive riverside plants
Q117813752Ecology and management of invasive riverside plants
Q114961995Ecology and management of invasive riverside plants, edited by Louise C. de Waal, Lois E. Child, P. Max Wade and John H. Brock. John Wiley, Chichester, 1994. ISBN 0 471 94257 X. £45.00 hb
Q110829475Ecology and management of invasive riverside plants, edited by Louise C. de Waal, Lois E. Child, P. Max Wade and John H. Brook, Wiley, Chichester, 1994. No. of pages: 217. ISBN 0 471 94257 X
Q124808915Ecology of Lantana camara: An invasive plant species in Amurum Forest Reserve, Jos Plateau, Central Nigeria
Q56452766Ecology of Native vs. Introduced Phragmites australis (Common Reed) in Chicago-Area Wetlands
Q117769387Ecology of weeds and invasive plants: relationship to agriculture and natural resource management, 3rded Steven R. Radosevich , Jodie S. Holt , Claudio M. Ghersa . Hoboken, New Jersey. Wiley-Interscience. 2007. xvii + 454 pp US $ 84.95. I
Q119796665Economic Savings from Invasive Plant Prevention
Q117479759Economic and Social Impacts of Wildfires and Invasive Plants in American Deserts: Lessons From the Great Basin
Q56783469Economic issues in the management of plants invading natural environments: Scotch broom in Barrington Tops National Park
Q39676286Ecophysiological attributes of the native Acer saccharum and the exotic Acer platanoides in urban oak forests in Pennsylvania, USA.
Q56772771Ecophysiological characteristics of invasive Spartina alterniflora and native species in salt marshes of Yangtze River estuary, China
Q56422605Ecophysiological constraints of two invasive plant species under a saline gradient: Halophytes versus glycophytes
Q110756433Ecophysiological traits of invasive alien Acacia cyclops compared to co-occuring native species in Strandveld vegetation of the Cape Floristic Region
Q55839682Ecophysiology of Introduced Pennisetum Setaceum on Hawaii: The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity
Q30664798Ecophysiology of invasive plants: osmotic adjustment and antioxidants
Q57056759Ecosystem Impacts of Exotic Plants Can Feed Back to Increase Invasion in Western US Rangelands
Q55870763Ecosystem Level Impacts of Invasive Acacia saligna in the South African Fynbos
Q114923228Ecosystem Services: The Significance of Contributions by Invasive Plant Species
Q39120973Ecosystem legacy of the introduced N2-fixing tree Robinia pseudoacacia in a coastal forest
Q40950654Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities coinvading with Pinaceae host plants in Argentina: Gringos bajo el bosque
Q33288624Ectomycorrhizal fungi of the Seychelles: diversity patterns and host shifts from the native Vateriopsis seychellarum (Dipterocarpaceae) and Intsia bijuga (Caesalpiniaceae) to the introduced Eucalyptus robusta (Myrtaceae), but not Pinus caribea (Pina
Q60489437Edaphic factors and feedback do not limit range expansion of an exotic invasive plant
Q120375328Editorial for Invasive Plant Science and Management, Volume 12
Q120374697Editorial for Invasive Plant Science and Management, Volume 13
Q120374029Editorial for Invasive Plant Science and Management, Volume 14
Q120373866Editorial for Invasive Plant Science and Management, Volume 15
Q118154044Editorial for Invasive Plant Science and Management, Volume 16
Q114750594Editorial: Biology and Management of Weeds and Invasive Plant Species Under Changing Climatic and Management Regimes
Q117769177Editorial: Invasive alien plant species: From the molecular to the economic approach
Q113057363Editorial: Trait-Based Plant Community Assembly, Ecological Restoration, and the Biocontrol of Invasive Exotic Plant Species
Q120376257Effect of Herbicide Management Practices Used by Invasive Plant Managers onBerteroa incana(Hoary Alyssum) Seed Biology and Control
Q118116914Effect of Invasive Aquatic Plants (Azolla a., Myriophyllum a. and Cyperus a.) Biochar Amendment on Maize Growth: An Assessment
Q56785341Effect of Invasive Plant Species on Temperate Wetland Plant Diversity
Q117769091Effect of Landscape Composition and Invasive Plants on Pollination Networks of Smallholder Orchards in Northeastern Thailand
Q119729024Effect of Prolonged Exposition to Pulp Mill Effluents on the Invasive Aquatic Plant Egeria Densa and Other Primary Producers: A Mesocosm Approach
Q114603829Effect of Simulated Acid Rain on Gas Exchanges of Three Compositae Invasive Plants
Q35560720Effect of an invasive plant and moonlight on rodent foraging behavior in a coastal dune ecosystem
Q56575795Effect of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) on soil chemical and microbiological properties in the eroded hilly area of China’s Loess Plateau
Q111158831Effect of density and neighbours on interactions between invasive plants of similar growth form
Q118111375Effect of exogenous calcium ions on the parasitic effects ofCuscuta australison the invasive plantAlternanthera philoxeroides
Q56999149Effect of invasive Acacia dealbata Link on soil microorganisms as determined by PCR-DGGE
Q114746278Effect of leaf water extracts of four Asteraceae alien invasive plants on germination performance of Lactuca sativa L. under acid deposition
Q120512167Effect of native Suaeda japonica structure on the initial seed settlement of an invasive plant Spartina anglica
Q120506823Effect of nitrogen on the preference and performance of a biological control agent for an invasive plant
Q56774473Effect of nitrogen, water and neighbor density on the growth of Hesperis matronalis and two native perennials
Q33324289Effect of prolonged exposition to pulp mill effluents on the invasive aquatic plant Egeria densa and other primary producers: a mesocosm approach
Q56782958Effect of soil flooding on photosynthesis, carbohydrate partitioning and nutrient uptake in the invasive exotic Lepidium latifolium
Q56767616Effect of temperature and nutrients on the competition between free-floating Salvinia natans and submerged Elodea nuttallii in mesocosms
Q35618465Effect of temperature and nutrients on the growth and development of seedlings of an invasive plant
Q56780373Effect of the exotic invasive plant Solidago gigantea on soil phosphorus status
Q113050244Effect of the season of selective removal of invasive plants on the restoration of native vegetation in gravelly riverbeds
Q119694228Effective Management of Invasive Plants
Q120599473Effective and timely use of models to inform on-the-ground management of invasive plants
Q33401097Effective carbon partitioning driven by exotic phloem-specific regulatory elements fused to the Arabidopsis thaliana AtSUC2 sucrose-proton symporter gene
Q92621469Effective governance for management of invasive alien plants: evidence from the perspective of forest and wildlife officers in Sri Lanka
Q43137290Effective use of neonicotinoids for protection of citrus seedlings from invasion by Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae).
Q60351469Effectiveness of Calluna-heathland restoration methods after invasive plant control
Q111373559Effectiveness of native bumblebees as pollinators of the alien invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera (Balsaminaceae) in Ireland
Q111373540Effectiveness of native bumblebees as pollinators of the alien invasive plant Impatiens flandulifera (Balsaminaceae) in Ireland
Q114909119Effects of Artificial Aging on Seed Vigor and Physiological Characteristics of the Invasive Alien Plant Aegilops tauschii
Q56534154Effects of Bromus tectorum invasion on microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling in two adjacent undisturbed arid grassland communities
Q114120947Effects of Climate Change on Weeds and Invasive Alien Plants in Sri Lankan Agro-Ecosystems: Policy and Management Implications
Q124962505Effects of Clipping an Invasive Plant Species on the Growth of Planted Plants of Two Co-Occurring Species in a Greenhouse Study
Q114917371Effects of Elevated Temperature and High and Low Rainfall on the Germination and Growth of the Invasive Alien Plant Acacia mearnsii
Q118143870Effects of Glyphosate Application on Physiologically Integrated Clones of the Invasive Plant Carpobrotus edulis
Q28109696Effects of Invasive Alien Plants on Fire Regimes
Q118143845Effects of Invasive Plant Diversity on Soil Microbial Communities
Q118126971Effects of Invasive Plant Mikania micrantha on Plant Community and Diversity in Farming Systems
Q35935673Effects of Invasive-Plant Management on Nitrogen-Removal Services in Freshwater Tidal Marshes
Q114919049Effects of Long-Term Manual Invasive Plant Removal on Forest Understory Composition
Q56778149Effects of Microstegium Vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus on native woody species density and diversity in a productive mixed-hardwood forest in Tennessee
Q56770621Effects of Nutrient Addition and Competition on Biomass of Five Cirsium Species (Asteraceae), Including a Serpentine Endemic
Q110828708Effects of Phragmites australis (Common Reed) Invasion on Aboveground Biomass and Soil Properties in Brackish Tidal Marsh of the Mullica River, New Jersey
Q55842069Effects of Posidonia oceanica canopy on Caulerpa taxifolia size in a north-western Mediterranean bay
Q113096617Effects of Prescribed Fire and Season of Burn on Recruitment of the Invasive Exotic Plant, Potentilla recta, in a Semiarid Grassland
Q118111365Effects of Prevention and Control of Extracting Solution from Four Invasive Plants onAchatina Fulica
Q113142607Effects of Region and Elevation on Adaptation of Leaf Functional Traits of an Invasive Plant Erigeron annuus in China
Q110862097Effects of Riparian Invasive Nonindigenous Plants on Freshwater Quantity and Ecological Functioning in Mesic Temperate Landscapes
Q117768552Effects of Root Exudates from Invasive Plant (<i>Mirabilis jalapa</i>) on Soil Microenviroment under Different Land-Use Types
Q118111915Effects of Soil Moisture Condition and Shading on Growth of Invasive Plant Burcucumber (Sicyos angulatus L.)
Q30914303Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on soil respiration in the Yangtze River estuary, China
Q37113143Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on the communities of methanogens and sulfate-reducing bacteria in estuarine marsh sediments
Q118106914Effects of Temperature on Seed Germination of Invasive Plant Rorippa amphbia (L.) Besser
Q51146107Effects of UV-B radiation on germination characteristics in invasive plants in New Zealand
Q30000272Effects of UV-B radiation on leaf hair traits of invasive plants-Combining historical herbarium records with novel remote sensing data
Q55839277Effects of an Introduced Aquatic Plant, Hydrilla verticillata, on Benthic Communities in the Upper Chesapeake Bay
Q56463183Effects of an Invasive Alien Poaceae on Aquatic Macrophytes and Fish Communities in a Neotropical Reservoir
Q56637761Effects of an Invasive Plant Species, Celastrus orbiculatus, on Soil Composition and Processes
Q119791233Effects of an Invasive Plant, Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera), on Development and Survival of Anuran Larvae
Q56391298Effects of an aphid pest on an invasive plant in the Peruvian Andes
Q120229908Effects of an invasive plant Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) on herb communities
Q56772075Effects of an invasive plant on a desert sand dune landscape
Q34732438Effects of an invasive plant on population dynamics in toads
Q56550414Effects of an invasive plant on the performance of two parasitoids with different host exploitation strategies
Q34279439Effects of an invasive plant transcend ecosystem boundaries through a dragonfly-mediated trophic pathway
Q120561842Effects of cadmium and nutrients on the growth of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q46367061Effects of chemical management for invasive plants on the performance of Lithobates pipiens tadpoles
Q57027499Effects of climate change on the future distributions of the top five freshwater invasive plants in South Africa
Q42023378Effects of climate, invasive species and anthropogenic impacts on the growth of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in Liguria (NW Mediterranean Sea).
Q118111393Effects of clipping on the growth, gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of invasive plant,Flaveria bidentis
Q117788608Effects of clonal integration on allelopathy of invasive plant Wedelia trilobata under heterogeneous light conditions
Q56774562Effects of clonal integration on photosynthesis of the invasive clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q37096532Effects of clonal integration on the invasive clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides under heterogeneous and homogeneous water availability
Q56449900Effects of co-occurring non-native invasive plant species on old-field succession
Q120641191Effects of competition and mowing on growth and reproduction of the invasive plant Erigeron annuus at two contrasting altitudes
Q55870676Effects of defoliation by horse chestnut leafminer ( Cameraria ohridella ) on reproduction in Aesculus hippocastanum
Q120068917Effects of different scenarios of temperature rise and biological control agents on interactions between two noxious invasive plants
Q115290913Effects of disturbance, topography, and soil conditions on the distribution of invasive plants in Wenzhou
Q111147433Effects of ecoregional vulnerability on habitat suitability of invasive alien plants: an assessment using 13 species on a global scale
Q40124882Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on invasive plants: comparison of purple and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L. and C. esculentus L.).
Q111805480Effects of elevated temperature on chemistry of an invasive plant, its native congener and their herbivores
Q98562202Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and nitrogen deposition on the growth of invasive plant Triadica sebifera
Q56779373Effects of eutrophication and snails on Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) invasion
Q57049949Effects of exotic invasive trees on nitrogen cycling: a case study in Central Spain
Q56447644Effects of extreme temperature on seedling establishment of nonnative invasive plants
Q114930698Effects of forest windstorm disturbance on invasive plants in protected areas of southern Illinois, USA
Q56561549Effects of fragment size and water depth on performance of stem fragments of the invasive, amphibious, clonal plant Ipomoea aquatica
Q56558858Effects of fragmentation on the survival and growth of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q56783044Effects of fruit position on fruit mass and seed germination in the alien species Heracleum mantegazzianum (Apiaceae) and the implications for its invasion
Q35670122Effects of generalist herbivory on resistance and resource allocation by the invasive plant, Phytolacca americana
Q118111318Effects of glyphosate on photosynthetic characteristics of an invasive plant Solidago canadensis and an indigenous plant Imperata cylindrica
Q55870467Effects of herbivory simulated by clipping and jasmonic acid on Solidago canadensis
Q56769696Effects of invasion of fire-free arid shrublands by a fire-promoting invasive alien grass (Pennisetum setaceum) in South Africa
Q120270784Effects of invasive alien plants on birds: some examples from North America
Q56571731Effects of invasive macrophytes on freshwater fish and macroinvertebrate communities: the role of invasive plant traits
Q120145428Effects of invasive plant Galinsoga parviflora Cav. on plant diversity
Q56378085Effects of invasive plant patch size and distance on the pollination and reproduction of native boreal plants
Q111138511Effects of invasive plant species on species diversity: implications on ruderal vegetation in Bratislava City, Slovakia, Central Europe
Q35213741Effects of invasive plants on arthropods
Q91585444Effects of invasive plants on fire regimes and postfire vegetation diversity in an arid ecosystem
Q119831141Effects of invasive plants on interactions between tritrophics in native ecosystems
Q110862460Effects of invasive plants on the health of forest ecosystems on small tropical coral islands
Q56767384Effects of invasive woody plants on avian nest site selection and nesting success in shrublands
Q56784099Effects of landscape structure on the invasive spread of black cherry Prunus serotina in an agricultural landscape in Flanders, Belgium
Q120500574Effects of leachates of the invasive plant, Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) on soil microbial community
Q111440049Effects of leaf extracts of the invasive plant Celosia argentea L.on body mass and pupal development of Tirathaba rufivena Walker
Q117818078Effects of leaf litter on inter-specific competitive ability of the invasive plant Wedelia trilobata
Q118111338Effects of light intensity on growth and biomass allocation of invasive plants Mikania micrantha and Chromolaena odorata
Q51183174Effects of metal lead on growth and mycorrhizae of an invasive plant species (Solidago canadensis L.).
Q56785090Effects of nitrogen addition on the invasive grass Phragmites australis and a native competitor Spartina pectinata
Q119831215Effects of nutrient levels on growth characteristics and competitive ability of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), an aquatic invasive plant
Q111826961Effects of occurrence record number, environmental variable number, and spatial scales on MaxEnt distribution modelling for invasive plants
Q33737710Effects of orientation on survival and growth of small fragments of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q50453559Effects of polyploidy on secondary chemistry, physiology, and performance of native and invasive genotypes of Solidago gigantea (Asteraceae).
Q56764302Effects of resource availability and propagule supply on native species recruitment in sagebrush ecosystems invaded by Bromus tectorum
Q56765796Effects of resource availability on tolerance of herbivory in the invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides and the native Alternanthera sessilis
Q56742387Effects of salinity on photosynthesis and respiration of the seagrass Zostera japonica: A comparison of two established populations in North America
Q56769814Effects of salt marsh invasion by Spartina alterniflora on sulfate-reducing bacteria in the Yangtze River estuary, China
Q117769178Effects of salt stress on interspecific competition between an invasive alien plant Oenothera biennis and three native species
Q56772068Effects of saltmarsh invasion by Spartina alterniflora on arthropod community structure and diets
Q46783868Effects of self-compatibility on the distribution range of invasive European plants in North America.
Q111249009Effects of simulated herbivory and resource availability on the invasive plant, Alternanthera philoxeroides in different habitats
Q57143542Effects of simulated herbivory and resources on Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum, Euphorbiaceae) invasion of native coastal prairie
Q28484658Effects of soil characteristics, allelopathy and frugivory on establishment of the invasive plant Carpobrotus edulis and a co-occurring native, Malcolmia littorea
Q34114254Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity on intraspecific competition in the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q56383388Effects of submergence and eutrophication on the morphological traits and biomass allocation of the invasive plantAlternanthera philoxeroides
Q110745107Effects of the Exotic Invasive Shrub Lonicera maackii on the Survival and Fecundity of Three Species of Native Annuals
Q111375402Effects of the annual invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera on the Collembola and Acari communities in a deciduous forest
Q110829296Effects of the invasive plant Lupinus polyphyllus on vertical accretion of fine sediment and nutrient availability in bars of the gravel-bed Paloma river
Q56771261Effects of the invasive plant Mikania micrantha H.B.K. on soil nitrogen availability through allelopathy in South China
Q110809334Effects of the invasive plant Spartina alterniflora on insect diversity in Jiuduansha wetlands in the Yangtze River Estuary
Q102205302Effects of the invasive plant Xanthium strumarium on diversity of native plant species: A competitive analysis approach in North and Northeast China
Q33529387Effects of the invasive plant garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on bacterial communities in a northern hardwood forest soil
Q56425248Effects of the invasive plantEupatorium adenophorumon the exotic mealybugPhenacoccus solenopsis(Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) and their natural enemies
Q110809335Effects of the invasive plantSpartina alternifloraon insect diversity in Jiuduansha wetlands in the Yangtze River Estuary
Q55869981Effects of the invasive, nonindigenous seagrass Zostera japonica on nutrient fluxes between the water column and benthos in a NE Pacific estuary
Q56114231Effects of timing of prescribed fire on the demography of an invasive plant, spotted knapweed Centaurea maculosa
Q56936480Effects of two nitrogen-fixing invasive plants species on soil chemical properties in south-central Chile
Q56556389Effects of vegetation cutting on the invasive plant Coreopsis lanceolata vary with vegetation type
Q56426593Effects of warming and nitrogen on above- and below-ground herbivory of an exotic invasive plant and its native congener
Q114954710Effects of water-level fluctuation and invasive water plants on pheasant-tailed jacana (Hydrophasianus chirugus) at the Annaiwilundawa Ramsar site of northwestern Sri Lanka
Q47139561Effects of white-tailed deer and invasive plants on the herb layer of suburban forests
Q120282127Effects ofRhinoncomimus latipeson the growth and reproduction ofPersicaria perfoliata,an invasive plant in North America
Q58592869Effects on soil, microclimate and vegetation of the native-invasive Retama monosperma (L.) in coastal dunes
Q56452361Efficacy of Several Herbicides on Yellow Archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon)
Q114909811Efficacy of invasive alien plants in controlling Arionidae slugs
Q114984493Efficacy of labile carbon addition to reduce fast‐growing, invasive non‐native plants: A review and meta‐analysis
Q110809253Efficacy of the stem powder of an invasive alien plant, Chromolaena odorata (L) (Asteraceae) against Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
Q125561751Efficiency and ecological safety of herbicide haloxyfop-R-methyl on removal of coastal invasive plant Spartina alterniflora
Q31102512Efficient distinction of invasive aquatic plant species from non-invasive related species using DNA barcoding.
Q54355623Efficient selection of somatic hybrids in Nicotiana tabacum L. using a combination of drug-resistance markers introduced by transformation.
Q111147035Ehrharta erecta Lam. (Poaceae, Ehrhartoideae): distribution in Italy and taxonomy of one of the most invasive plant species in the world
Q120421252Either low inoculum or a multi-trophic interaction can reduce the ability of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to kill an invasive plant
Q56769156Elaeagnus angustifolia Elevates Soil Inorganic Nitrogen Pools in Riparian Ecosystems
Q90225114Electron Beam Irradiation Isolates Cellulose Nanofiber from Korea "Tall Goldenrod" Invasive Alien Plant Pulp
Q120284837Electrophotography toner adhesion on agro-industrial residue and invasive plant papers
Q118139281Elevated CO2 and Increased N Intensify Competition between Two Invasive Annual Plants in China
Q56767834Elevated CO2 increases energy-use efficiency of invasive Wedelia trilobata over its indigenous congener
Q56780673Elevated enzyme activities in soils under the invasive nitrogen-fixing tree Falcataria moluccana
Q49913367Elevated nitrogen allows the weak invasive plant Galinsoga quadriradiata to become more vigorous with respect to inter-specific competition
Q113787366Elevated temperature decreases preferences of native herbivores to an invasive plant
Q56379913Elodea canadensis (Michx.) in Polish lakes: a non-aggressive addition to native flora
Q34332437Elucidating the native sources of an invasive tree species, Acacia pycnantha, reveals unexpected native range diversity and structure
Q111159058Embracing the Allelopathic Potential of Invasive Aquatic Plants to Manipulate Freshwater Ecosystems
Q114948674Emerging invasive alien plant survey for prioritisation in Gauteng protected areas, South Africa
Q56945178Emerging invasive alien plants for the Mediterranean Basin
Q37112706Endophytes influence protection and growth of an invasive plant
Q56931786Endophytic and canker-associated Botryosphaeriaceae occurring on non-native Eucalyptus and native Myrtaceae trees in Uruguay
Q57015274Enemy release does not increase performance of Cirsium arvense in New Zealand
Q120641019Engineered invasive plant cellulose fibers as resources for papermaking
Q56777252Enhanced Growth and Seed Properties in Introduced vs. Native Populations of Yellow Starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis)
Q56501782Enhanced allelopathy and competitive ability of invasive plant Solidago canadensis in its introduced range
Q56771413Enhanced fitness due to higher fecundity, increased defence against a specialist and tolerance towards a generalist herbivore in an invasive annual plant
Q51147403Enhanced shoot investment makes invasive plants exhibit growth advantages in high nitrogen conditions.
Q41313064Enhanced sulfamethazine removal by steam-activated invasive plant-derived biochar.
Q111831771Enhancement of phosphate adsorption by chemically modified biochars derived from Mimosa pigra invasive plant
Q128031836Enhancing invasive alien plant eradication outcomes: Lessons learned from South Africa
Q113872143Enhancing liquid hydrocarbon production from invasive plant via ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis coupled with electron-beam irradiation cracking
Q92318612Enrichment of soil rare bacteria in root by an invasive plant Ageratina adenophora
Q38469252Ensemble habitat mapping of invasive plant species
Q35024753Entangled effects of allelic and clonal (genotypic) richness in the resistance and resilience of experimental populations of the seagrass Zostera noltii to diatom invasion
Q57060891Entangled invasive lives: indigenous invasive plant management in northern australia
Q51594196Entomopathogenic nematodes, phoretic Paenibacillus spp., and the use of real time quantitative PCR to explore soil food webs in Florida citrus groves.
Q111138351Environmental Changes Caused by the Clonal Invasive Plant Solidago canadensis
Q56767730Environmental Conditions Promoting Non-native Phragmites australis Expansion in Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands
Q110828624Environmental DNA analysis of invasive aquatic plant, Egeria densa in the Oota River, Japan
Q111823699Environmental DNA as a Tool for the Analysis of Aquatic Invasive Plants in Raystown Lake
Q111159409Environmental DNA detection of aquatic invasive plants in lab mesocosm and natural field conditions
Q111835468Environmental Impacts of Invasive Alien Plant Species on the Biodiversity of the Nyika National Park, Rumphi District, Malawi
Q114749307Environmental Preferences of an Invasive Plant Species, Bidens frondosa (Asteraceae), in European Russia and Western Siberia
Q56571437Environmental Tolerances of Miscanthus sinensis in Invasive and Native Populations
Q56772814Environmental and climatic variables as potential drivers of post-fire cover of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) in seeded and unseeded semiarid ecosystems
Q56453006Environmental and human factors influencing invasive plant species in Songshan National Nature Reserve
Q51182829Environmental constraints on the invasion of Triadica sebifera in the eastern United States: an experimental field assessment.
Q120524222Environmental factors and non-chemical methods to suppress growth of the invasive plant Gutenbergia cordifolia
Q111163561Environmental factors associated with the spatial distribution of invasive plant pathogens in the Iberian Peninsula: The case of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands
Q111837210Environmental factors influencing the distribution of Opuntia stricta, an invasive alien plant in the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Q40710125Environmental niche variation and evolutionary diversification of the Brachypodium distachyon grass complex species in their native circum-Mediterranean range.
Q56770344Environmental predictors of the occurrence of exotic Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle and native Egeria najas Planch. in a sub-tropical river floodplain: the Upper River Paraná, Brazil
Q111837948Environmental resource deficit may drive the evolution of intraspecific trait variation in invasive plant populations
Q56784863Environmental severity and variation in the reproductive traits of Impatiens glandulifera
Q64116348Environmental water allocations are insufficient to control an invasive wetland plant: evidence from a highly regulated floodplain wetland
Q56526132Environmentally-contingent behaviour of invasive plants as drivers or passengers
Q56447718Epiblema tetragonana and Epinotia ustulana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), two potential biological control agents for the invasive plant, Rubus ellipticus
Q118129586Epigenetics and the success of invasive plants
Q93166277Epiphytic fungi induced pathogen resistance of invasive plant Ipomoea cairica against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Q35579919Equilibrium and kinetic studies of copper biosorption by dead Ceriporia lacerata biomass isolated from the litter of an invasive plant in China
Q57060923Eradicating Bodies in Invasive Plant Management
Q56945134Eradication and control of invasive alien plants in the Mediterranean Basin: towards better coordination to enhance existing initiatives
Q33772667Ericaceous dwarf shrubs affect ectomycorrhizal fungal community of the invasive Pinus strobus and native Pinus sylvestris in a pot experiment.
Q110829916Errata: Integrating pan-sharpening and classifier ensemble techniques to map an invasive plant (Spartina alterniflora) in an estuarine wetland using Landsat 8 imagery
Q51259677Erratum to: Chemical Defenses (Glucosinolates) of Native and Invasive Populations of the Range Expanding Invasive Plant Rorippa austriaca.
Q56433708Escaped Miscanthus sacchariflorus reduces the richness and diversity of vegetation and the soil seed bank
Q98237303Essential Oil Enriched with Oxygenated Constituents from Invasive Plant Argemone ochroleuca Exhibited Potent Phytotoxic Effects
Q55842118Establishment and survival of three invasive taxa of the genusReynoutria (Polygonaceae) in mesic mown meadows: A field experimental study
Q114922984Establishment of an Invasive Plant Species (Conium maculatum) in Contaminated Roadside Soil in Cook County, Illinois
Q56417162Establishment of invasive plant species in canopy gaps on Robinson Crusoe Island
Q56458686Establishment of target and invasive plant species on a reclaimed coal mining dump in relation to their occurrence in the surroundings
Q120485550Establishment, spread and early impacts of the first biocontrol agent against an invasive plant in continental Europe
Q59153673Estimates of the impacts of invasive alien plants on water flows in South Africa
Q114947043Estimating the Value of Invasive Aquatic Plant Control: A Bioeconomic Analysis of 13 Public Lakes in Florida
Q111164979Ethnobotanical survey of invasive alien plant species used in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections in Waterberg District, South Africa
Q114948648Ethnobotanical survey of invasive plant species used by traditional healers for the treatment of various diseases in the Capricorn district, Limpopo Province
Q34783280Ethnobotany of Heracleum persicum Desf. ex Fisch., an invasive species in Norway, or how plant names, uses, and other traditions evolve
Q118109548Ethnomedicinal importance of some invasive plants of Chhattisgarh, India
Q101069806Eurasian watermilfoil in the Tennessee Valley
Q56516949European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) dieback – A conservation biology challenge
Q114951990Evaluating Google Street View for tracking invasive alien plants along roads
Q56213176Evaluating Restoration Methods across a Range of Plant Communities Dominated by Invasive Annual Grasses to Native Perennial Grasses
Q111165603Evaluating landscape characteristics of predicted hotspots for plant invasions
Q56448039Evaluating stakeholder awareness and involvement in risk prevention of aquatic invasive plant species by a national code of conduct
Q56543381Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of invasive alien plant clearing: A case study from South Africa
Q56334408Evaluating the efficacy of invasive plant control in response to ecological factors
Q111829980Evaluating the invasive plant, Prosopis juliflora in the two initial growth stages as a potential candidate for heavy metal phytostabilization in metalliferous soil
Q34089007Evaluating the performance of volunteers in mapping invasive plants in public conservation lands
Q56774405Evaluating the post-release efficacy of invasive plant biocontrol by insects: a comprehensive approach
Q56770024Evaluation and Characterization of Seedling Resistances to Stem Rust Ug99 Races in Wheat–Alien Species Derivatives
Q114752554Evaluation of Botanicals of Invasive Plant Species and Fungicides against Fungal Pathogens of Forest Nursery
Q110862506Evaluation of Fuel Quality of Invasive Alien Plants and Tropical Hardwoods as Potential Feedstock Materials for Pyro-Gasification
Q114594298Evaluation of Mass Development of the Invasive Plant Pistia stratiotes in the Water Bodies of the Left-Bank Flood Plain of the Dnieper River nearby Kyiv on the Basis of Satellite Data
Q111161956Evaluation of rust pathogenicity (Phragmidium violaceum) as a biological control agent for the invasive plant Rubus ulmifolius on Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile
Q117818332Evaluation of the field impact of an adventitious herbivore on an invasive plant, yellow toadflax, in Colorado, USA
Q113904683Evaluation of two invasive plant invaders in Europe (Solidago canadensis and Solidago gigantea) as possible sources of botanical insecticides
Q34035140Evidence does not support a role for gallic acid in Phragmites australis invasion success
Q119791194Evidence for Negative Impacts on Terrestrial Salamanders following Invasive Plant Removal
Q56767290Evidence for a combination of pre-adapted traits and rapid adaptive change in the invasive plant Centaurea stoebe
Q120594653Evidence for a new regime shift between floating and submerged invasive plant dominance in South Africa
Q57061363Evidence for allelopathy as a mechanism of community composition change by an invasive exotic shrub, Chrysanthemoides monilifera spp. rotundata
Q46952103Evidence for multiple sources of invasion and intraspecific hybridization in Brachypodium sylvaticum (Hudson) Beauv. in North America
Q35878950Evidence for rapid ecological range expansion in a newly invasive plant
Q38859170Evidence for rapid evolutionary change in an invasive plant in response to biological control
Q34778646Evidence for shifts to faster growth strategies in the new ranges of invasive alien plants
Q52654590Evidence for the enemy release hypothesis in Hypericum perforatum.
Q56764618Evidence of Qualitative Differences between Soil-Occupancy Effects of Invasive vs. Native Grassland Plant Species
Q110850823Evidence of Sexual Reproduction in the Invasive Common Reed (Phragmites australis subsp. australis; Poaceae) in Eastern Canada: A Possible Consequence of Global Warming
Q117788598Evidence of functional and structural changes in the microbial community beneath a succulent invasive plant in coastal dunes
Q111158548Evidence of indirect biotic resistance: native ants decrease invasive plant fitness by enhancing aphid infestation
Q114908757Evidence, Perceptions, and Trade-offs Associated with Invasive Alien Plant Control in the Table Mountain National Park, South Africa
Q47596445Evolution in invasive plants: implications for biological control
Q56091462Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability in Invasive Nonindigenous Plants: A Hypothesis
Q114909508Evolution of an Invasive Species Research Program and Implications for Large-Scale Management of a Non-native, Invasive Plant Pathogen
Q57052091Evolution of dispersal traits along an invasion route in the wind-dispersed Senecio inaequidens (Asteraceae)
Q56769744Evolution of enhanced reproduction in the hybrid-derived invasive, California wild radish (Raphanus sativus)
Q56514342Evolution of fast-growing and more resistant phenotypes in introduced common mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
Q56771590Evolution of invasiveness in plants following hybridization
Q111172784Evolution of physiological performance in invasive plants under climate change*
Q117047016Evolution of the Secondary Metabolites in Invasive Plant Species Chromolaena odorata for the Defense and Allelopathic Functions
Q112323653Evolutionary changes in an invasive plant support the defensive role of plant volatiles
Q57296189Evolutionary changes in growth, regrowth and carbohydrate storage in an invasive plant
Q51180042Evolutionary constraints on adaptive evolution during range expansion in an invasive plant.
Q56783776Evolutionary increase in sexual and clonal reproductive capacity during biological invasion in an aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus (Butomaceae)
Q37314290Evolutionary limits ameliorate the negative impact of an invasive plant
Q35142347Evolutionary responses of native plant species to invasive plants: a review
Q37100874Evolutionary tradeoffs for nitrogen allocation to photosynthesis versus cell walls in an invasive plant
Q56740366Examining Local Transferability of Predictive Species Distribution Models for Invasive Plants: An Example with Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica)
Q114943888Examining Loggers’ Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Invasive Forest Plants: A Minnesota Case Study
Q118140727Exogenous Appliance of Nano-Zeolite and Nano-Silicon Elevate Solidago canadensis Invasive Plant Tolerance to Water Deficiency
Q57270852Exotic Mammals and Invasive Plants Alter Fire-Related Thresholds in Southern Temperate Forested Landscapes
Q119953419Exotic Plants of Halimun Salak Corridor: Micro-Environment, Detection and Risk Analysis of Invasive Plants
Q30867200Exotic Spartina alterniflora invasion alters ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of CH4 and N2O and carbon sequestration in a coastal salt marsh in China
Q119791604Exotic and Invasive Plants in Canaan Valley
Q95455426Exotic invasive or potentially invasive plants in the Soroa Orchid Botanical Garden, Cuba
Q117787537Exotic invasive plant accumulates native soil pathogens which inhibit native plants
Q56434626Exotic invasive plants alter thermal regimes: implications for management using a case study of a native ectotherm
Q56390833Exotic invasive plants increase productivity, abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrogen availability in intermountain grasslands
Q114927523Exotic litter of the invasive plantLigustrum lucidumalters enzymatic production and lignin degradation by selected saprotrophic fungi
Q55842135Exotic species and estuaries: managing Spartina anglica in Tasmania, Australia
Q60570714Expansion Rates and Recruitment Frequency of Exotic Smooth Cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora (Loisel), Colonizing Unvegetated Littoral Flats in Willapa Bay, Washington
Q56547590Expansion of invasive alien plant species in the republic of Bashkortostan, the Southern Urals: Analysis of causes and ecological consequences
Q114000131Expansion of the Invasive Plant Species Reynoutria japonica Houtt in the Upper Bistrița Mountain River Basin with a Calculus on the Productive Potential of a Mountain Meadow
Q56777541Expansion pathways of the exotic common reed (Phragmites australis): a historical and genetic analysis
Q112598569Expansion potential of invasive tree plants in ecoregions under climate change scenarios: an assessment of 54 species at a global scale
Q111163048Expansion risk of invasive plants in regions of high plant diversity: A global assessment using 36 species
Q117768502Experiences with invasive plant management and ecology in Alberta
Q101575522Experimental Warming Changes Phenology and Shortens Growing Season of the Dominant Invasive Plant Bromus tectorum (Cheatgrass)
Q111171261Experimental admixture among geographically disjunct populations of an invasive plant yields a global mosaic of reproductive incompatibility and heterosis
Q35191961Experimental assessment of the water quality influence on the phosphorus uptake of an invasive aquatic plant: biological responses throughout its phenological stage
Q120416933Experimental control tests of Pistia stratiotes L., an invasive aquatic plant of lentic habitats (Fez, Morocco)
Q55842136Experimental demography of rhizome populations of establishing clones of Solidago altissima
Q55842132Experimental demography of the old-field perennial Solidago altissima: the dynamics of the shoot population
Q56778218Experimental evidence for an alkali ecotype of Lolium multiflorum, an exotic invasive annual grass in the Central Valley, CA, USA
Q56459670Experimental evidence for indirect facilitation among invasive plants
Q56784155Experimental evidence for the effects of additional water, nutrients and physical disturbance on invasive plants in low fertility Hawkesbury Sandstone soils, Sydney, Australia
Q57277735Experimental evidence on the importance of disturbance intensity for invasion of Lantana camara L. in dry rainforest–open forest ecotones in north-eastern NSW, Australia
Q56433093Experimental test of the Invasional Meltdown Hypothesis: an exotic herbivore facilitates an exotic plant, but the plant does not reciprocally facilitate the herbivore
Q56448715Explaining the rank order of invasive plants by stakeholder groups
Q111167330Exploring integrative research in the context of invasive alien plant management
Q35599758Exploring origins, invasion history and genetic diversity of Imperata cylindrica (L.) P. Beauv. (Cogongrass) in the United States using genotyping by sequencing
Q56531144Exploring the potential for climatic factors, herbivory, and co-occurring vegetation to shape performance in native and introduced populations of Verbascum thapsus
Q59615416Exploring the predation of UK bumblebees (Apidae, Bombus spp.) by the invasive pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea: examining the effects of annual variation, seasonal variation, plant density and bumblebee gender
Q117811925Expression and costs of induced defense traits in Alliaria petiolata, a widespread invasive plant
Q46750788Expression of constitutive and inducible chemical defenses in native and invasive populations of Alliaria petiolata
Q56768860Extent and Reproductive Mechanisms of Phragmites australis Spread in Brackish Wetlands in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland (USA)
Q55842071Extent and degree of hybridization between exotic (Spartina alterniflora) and native (S. foliosa) cordgrass (Poaceae) in California, USA determined by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs)
Q44656888Extracts of the invasive shrub Lonicera maackii increase mortality and alter behavior of amphibian larvae
Q117045471Extreme environments as reservoirs of invasive plants: the case of the garbage dump in Huehuetlan El Grande, Puebla, Mexico
Q120506559Facile synthesis of magnetic biochar from an invasive aquatic plant and basic oxygen furnace slag for removal of phosphate from aqueous solution
Q56785085Facilitating grassland diversification using the hemiparasitic plant Rhinanthus minor
Q56781368Facilitation and Inhibition of Seedlings of an Invasive Tree (Acer platanoides) by Different Tree Species in a Mountain Ecosystem
Q34465107Facilitation and competition among invasive plants: a field experiment with alligatorweed and water hyacinth
Q111159711Facilitation of management plan development via spatial classification of areas invaded by alien invasive plant
Q56780710Facilitations between the Introduced Nitrogen-fixing Tree, Robinia pseudoacacia, and Nonnative Plant Species in the Glacial Outwash Upland Ecosystem of Cape Cod, MA
Q34228669Facilitative ecological interactions between invasive species: Arundo donax stands as favorable habitat for cattle ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) along the U.S.-Mexico border
Q114960639Factors Influencing Family Forest Owners’ Interest in Community-led Collective Invasive Plant Management
Q55869712Factors affecting invasion and persistence of broom Cytisus scoparius in Australia
Q56383840Factors affecting post-control reinvasion by seed of an invasive species, Phragmites australis, in the central Platte River, Nebraska
Q57566787Factors affecting the establishment of Cytisus scoparius in southern France: implications for managing both native and exotic populations
Q124814844Factors influencing smallholder Farmer's willingness to adopt sustainable land management practices to control invasive plants in northern Tanzania
Q51146113Factors influencing the local scale colonisation and change in density of a widespread invasive plant species, Lantana camara, in South India
Q111173560Factors responsible for the distribution of invasive plant species in the surroundings of railway areas. A case study from SE Poland
Q30774987Fanwort in Eastern China: An Invasive Aquatic Plant and Potential Ecological Consequences
Q112802872Fast invasives fastly become faster: Invasive plants align largely with the fast side of the plant economics spectrum
Q111159359Fast seedling root growth leads to competitive superiority of invasive plants
Q114948874Feature level image fusion of optical imagery and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for invasive alien plant species detection and mapping
Q62173425Federal Interagency Coordination for Invasive Plant Issues – The Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds (FICMNEW)
Q118407239Feedback of Fungicide on Invasive Plant Ageratina adenophroa and Companion Plants
Q119624090Feeding Selectivity and Performance of a Semi-Terrestrial Caddisfly (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) on Leaf Litter from Native and Invasive Plants
Q33506245Feeding outside the forest: the importance of crop raiding and an invasive weed in the diet of gallery forest ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) following a cyclone at the Beza Mahafaly special reserve, Madagascar
Q46485795Few effects of invasive plants Reynoutria japonica, Rudbeckia laciniata and Solidago gigantea on soil physical and chemical properties
Q114917834Fibers Obtained from Invasive Alien Plant Species as a Base Material for Paper Production
Q114924451Field Determination of Optimal Dates for the Discrimination of Invasive Wetland Plant Species Using Derivative Spectral Analysis
Q58030738Field Variability of Invading Populations of Spartina densiflora Brong. in Different Habitats of the Odiel Marshes (SW Spain)
Q114930771Field‐based ecological studies to assess prospective biological control agents for invasive alien plants: An example from giant rat's tail grass
Q56784875Finding optimal control strategies for invasive species: a density-structured model for Spartina alterniflora
Q114915036Findings of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in the Western regions of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Q112312297Fine-scale clonal structure and diversity of invasive plant Mikania micrantha H.B.K. and its plant parasite Cuscuta campestris Yunker
Q56766440Fine-scale spatial distribution of seedling establishment of the invasive plant, Leucaena leucocephala, on an oceanic island after feral goat extermination
Q119996412Fine-tuning of a mowing regime, a method for the management of the invasive plant,Ambrosia artemisiifolia, at different population densities
Q56388062FinnPRIO: a model for ranking invasive plant pests based on risk
Q56771732Fire Alters Emergence of Invasive Plant Species from Soil Surface-Deposited Seeds
Q118178576Fire and Invasive Plant Interactions
Q36562993Fire management impacts on invasive plants in the western United States
Q102976221Fire weather effects on flammability of indigenous and invasive alien plants in coastal fynbos and thicket shrublands (Cape Floristic Region)
Q56774936Fire, native species, and soil resource interactions influence the spatio-temporal invasion pattern of Bromus tectorum
Q118163681First Report of Benzoxazinoid Compounds in Woolly Cupgrass (Eriochloa villosa Thunb. Kunth), an Invasive Plant
Q120233456First Report of Plant Growth Promoting Endophytic Bacteria from Medicinal Invasive Plants (Chromolaena odorata)
Q54708075First record of Phoma selaginellicola on Selaginella kraussiana (African clubmoss): an invasive plant species in New Zealand
Q111373115First record of Plasmopara obducens on Impatiens walleriana in Taiwan: a destructive disease or chance of limiting the competitive ability of an invasive plant?
Q114954118First report of Pestalotiopsis clavispora from Selaginella kraussiana (African club moss): an invasive plant species in New Zealand
Q118644762First report of the invasive aquatic plant Elodea nuttallii (Hydrocharitaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula
Q56434928Flood regime affects soil stoichiometry and the distribution of the invasive plants in subtropical estuarine wetlands in China
Q110829230Flood wash-out conditions of an exotic and invasive plant,Eragrostis curvula, in Arakawa River, Japan
Q112312734Flooding compromises compensatory capacity of an invasive plant: implications for biological control
Q56769187Flooding effects on rapid responses of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides to defoliation
Q56779351Flora and lepidoptera fauna adversely affected by invasive Lupinus polyphyllus along road verges
Q100530529Floral biology of Bidens pilosa var. radiata, an invasive plant in Taiwan
Q37348401Floral nectar production and carbohydrate composition and the structure of receptacular nectaries in the invasive plant Bunias orientalis L. (Brassicaceae).
Q125404671Floral scent and pollination of the invasive plant Coreopsis lanceolata in Japan
Q111845789Florida Nursery Sales and Economic Impacts of 14 Potentially Invasive Landscape Plant Species
Q46452820Floristic characteristics of alien invasive seed plant species in China
Q114927101Floristics and Diversity of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Humbo District, South Ethiopia
Q55842400Flowering Ecotypes of Capsella bursa-pastoris(L.) Medik. (Brassicaceae) Analysed by a Cosegregation of Phenotypic Characters (QTL) and Molecular Markers
Q56383768Flowering phenology influences bee community dynamics in old fields dominated by the invasive plant Centaurea stoebe
Q33387147Flowering phenology of invasive alien plant species compared with native species in three Mediterranean-type ecosystems
Q114951802Flowsheet analysis of gasification-synthesis-refining for sustainable aviation fuel production from invasive alien plants
Q81559922Foliar manganese accumulation by Maytenus founieri (Celastraceae) in its native New Caledonian habitats: populational variation and localization by X-ray microanalysis
Q98562124Foliar nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of alien invasive plants and co-occurring natives in Xishuangbanna
Q56570658Foliar production and decomposition rates in urban forests invaded by the exotic invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii
Q56458967Forecasting the Vulnerability of Lakes to Aquatic Plant Invasions
Q120204529Forest Disturbances and Nonindustrial Forest Landowners: Management of Invasive Plants, Fire Hazards and Wildlife Habitats After a Hurricane
Q56771054Forest Roads Facilitate the Spread of Invasive Plants
Q56529845Forest plant diversity is threatened by Robinia pseudoacacia (black-locust) invasion
Q114060901Forest regrowth reduces richness and abundance of invasive alien plant species in community managed Shorea robusta forests of central Nepal
Q56750974Forests are not immune to plant invasions: phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation allow Prunella vulgaris to colonize a temperate evergreen rainforest
Q117047057Four Invasive Plant Species in Southwest Saudi Arabia Have Variable Effects on Soil Dynamics
Q36227156Four-trophic level food webs reveal the cascading impacts of an invasive plant targeted for biocontrol
Q111320821Fourteen New Species of Foliar Colletotrichum Associated with the Invasive Plant Ageratinaadenophora and Surrounding Crops
Q111153748Fractional Cover Mapping of Invasive Plant Species by Combining Very High-Resolution Stereo and Multi-Sensor Multispectral Imageries
Q55842164Fragmentation as a Strategy for Caulerpa Species: Fates of Fragments and Implications for Management of an Invasive Weed
Q56332784Frequency of invasive plant occurrence is not a suitable proxy for abundance in the Northeast United States
Q125572380Fresh water collection strategy: Invasive plant-based cellulose aerogels for highly efficient interfacial solar evaporation
Q29306336From European Priority Species to Invasive Weed: Marsilea azorica (Marsileaceae) is a Misidentified Alien
Q120324960From allelopathy to agrochemistry: a new approach for the valorisation of invasive plants
Q36288758From endogenous to exogenous pattern formation: Invasive plant species changes the spatial distribution of a native ant.
Q120294226From roots to invasion: unravelling the significance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in invasive alien plants
Q56764009Frugivory by introduced black rats (Rattus rattus) promotes dispersal of invasive plant seeds
Q110757172Fruit and seed traits of native and invasive plant species in Hawai‘i: implications for seed dispersal by non-native birds
Q114947873Fruit displays of indigenous and invasive alien plants in the south-western Cape
Q56764024Fruit quantity of invasive shrubs predicts the abundance of common native avian frugivores in central Pennsylvania
Q56773809Fruit removal of an invasive exotic species (Ligustrum lucidum) in a fragmented landscape
Q56771904Functional Group Responses to Reciprocal Plant Litter Exchanges between Native and Invasive Plant Dominated Grasslands
Q55841995Functional Roles of Invasive Non-Indigenous Plants in Hurricane-Affected Subtropical Hardwood Forests
Q56974817Functional and performance comparisons of invasive Hieracium lepidulum and co-occurring species in New Zealand
Q113197969Functional aspects of Pistia stratiotes, an invasive plant of Al Jawahir (Fez) wadi lentic habitats
Q111163452Functional differentiation of invasive and native plants along a leaf efficiency/safety trade-off
Q56772656Functional grouping and establishment of distribution patterns of invasive plants in China using self-organizing maps and indicator species analysis
Q111160222Functional segregation of resource-use strategies of native and invasive plants across Mediterranean biome communities
Q111147461Functional trait perspective on suitable habitat distribution of invasive plant species at a global scale
Q122997943Functional traits underlying performance variations in the overwintering of the cosmopolitan invasive plant water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) under climate warming and water drawdown
Q111162363Functional traits vary among fleshy-fruited invasive plant species and their potential avian dispersers
Q56441236Fungal endophytes associated with roots of nurse cushion species have positive effects on native and invasive beneficiary plants in an alpine ecosystem
Q63885103Fungal endophytes from seeds of invasive, non-native Phragmites australis and their potential role in germination and seedling growth
Q70076043Fungi associated with invasive plant species in Cuba
Q60489433Fungi from a non-native invasive plant increase its growth but have different growth effects on native plants
Q111838929Future Spatial Prediction of Invasive Plant Merremia peltata in Indonesia
Q111147536GIS-based habitat model to predict potential areas for the upcoming occurrences of an alien invasive plant, Mimosa pigra L.
Q51180397Gene flow and population admixture as the primary post-invasion processes in common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) populations in France.
Q56774035General guidelines for invasive plant management based on comparative demography of invasive and native plant populations
Q110625738General laws of biological invasion based on the sampling of invasive plants in China and the United States
Q112308979Genetic Analysis of Invasive Plant Populations at Different Spatial Scales
Q56524292Genetic Diversity for Wheat Improvement as a Conduit to Food Security
Q114923173Genetic Diversity of an Alien Invasive Plant Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) in China
Q114940582Genetic Variation and Molecular Biogeography of a North American Invasive Plant Species (Alliaria petiolata, Brassicaceae)
Q56751028Genetic Variation in the Common Reed, Phragmites australis, in the Mississippi River Delta Marshes: Evidence for Multiple Introductions
Q104818071Genetic Variation of Invasive Aquatic Plant Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John (Hydrocharitaceae) in Japan
Q107461708Genetic and epigenetic regulation of phenotypic variation in invasive plants – linking research trends towards a unified framework
Q35960906Genetic control of invasive plants species using selfish genetic elements
Q34056463Genetic differentiation in life-history traits of introduced and native common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) populations
Q110630316Genetic diversity and population structure of an invasive plant species differ in two non‐native regions with differing climate and invasion success
Q56334347Genetic diversity and population structure of the invasive plant Solanum rostratum in China
Q56773420Genetic diversity and structure of the invasive treeMiconia calvescensin Pacific islands
Q56783515Genetic diversity does not affect the invasiveness of fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum) in Arizona, California and Hawaii
Q41842046Genetic diversity of rhizobia associated with Acacia longifolia in two stages of invasion of coastal sand dunes
Q118123419Genetic diversity of the invasive plant Coreopsis grandiflora at different altitudes in Laoshan Mountain, China
Q56531130Genetic diversity, reproductive mode, and dispersal differ between the cryptic invader, Phragmites australis, and its native conspecific
Q35028354Genetic evidence for predominantly hydrochoric gene flow in the invasive riparian plant Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan balsam).
Q119612080Genetic identification of an invasive plant ( Parthenium hysterophorus) and its crude extract phytotoxicity against palm oil weed ( Diodia ocimifolia)
Q56777877Genetic structure and habitat selection of the tall form Spartina alterniflora Loisel. in China
Q55870679Genetic structure of the invasive Chromolaena odorata in China
Q33596589Genetic uniformity characterizes the invasive spread of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), a clonal aquatic plant
Q41774821Genetic variability and founder effect in the pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea (Sarraceniaceae) in populations introduced into Switzerland: from inbreeding to invasion
Q34240432Genetic variation and evolution of secondary compounds in native and introduced populations of the invasive plant Melaleuca quinquenervia
Q51180841Genetic variation and local adaptation at a cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion edge in western Nevada.
Q51192468Genetic variation in Pueraria lobata (Fabaceae), an introduced, clonal, invasive plant of the southeastern United States.
Q56556265Genetic variation in anti-herbivore chemical defences in an invasive plant
Q56773202Genetic variation in photosynthetic characteristics among invasive and native populations of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea)
Q38971618Genetic variation of introduced Hawaiian and native Costa Rican populations of an invasive tropical shrub, Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae).
Q37079840Genetics, novel weapons and rhizospheric microcosmal signaling in the invasion of Phragmites australis
Q90618965Genome sequence of the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica EP155: A fundamental resource for an archetypical invasive plant pathogen
Q41907469Genome size reduction can trigger rapid phenotypic evolution in invasive plants
Q50420230Genome-wide signatures of flowering adaptation to climate temperature: regional analyses in a highly diverse native range of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Q35213828Genomics of invasion: diversity and selection in introduced populations of monkeyflowers (Mimulus guttatus).
Q34194150Genotypic diversity enhances invasive ability of Spartina alterniflora
Q35052821Genotypic diversity of an invasive plant species promotes litter decomposition and associated processes
Q114103117Geographic Distribution Shift of Invasive Plant Austroeupatorium inulifolium in the Future Climate Projection
Q56653834Geographic differentiation of management objectives for invasive species: a case study of Hymenachne amplexicaulis in Australia
Q46963637Geographic patterns of herbivory and resource allocation to defense, growth, and reproduction in an invasive biennial, Alliaria petiolata
Q30390393Geographic selection bias of occurrence data influences transferability of invasive Hydrilla verticillata distribution models
Q56776597Geographic structure, genetic diversity and source tracking of Spartina alterniflora
Q120012834Geographic variation of litter chemistry and palatability in an invasive plant versus its native competitor
Q35052795Geographical and temporal changes of foliar fungal endophytes associated with the invasive plant Ageratina adenophora
Q114756239Geographical distribution and spatio-temporal changes in the occurrence of invasive plant species in Slovak Republic
Q56946768Geographical diversification of growth-defense strategies in an invasive plant
Q56489311Geospatial Assessment of Invasive Plants on Reclaimed Mines in Alabama
Q111163245Geostatistical models with the use of hyperspectral data and seasonal variation – A new approach for evaluating the risk posed by invasive plants
Q56778809Germination ecology of invasive alien Anthemis cotula helps it synchronise its successful recruitment with favourable habitat conditions
Q56568121Germination patterns and implications for invasiveness in three Taraxacum (Asteraceae) species
Q111173469Germination response of invasive plants to soil burial depth and litter accumulation is species‐specific
Q56784268Germination response to heat and smoke of 22 Poaceae species from grassy woodlands
Q111163566Germination, survival, and early growth of three invasive plants in response to five forest management regimes common to US northeastern deciduous forests
Q35755013Global Invader Impact Network (GIIN): toward standardized evaluation of the ecological impacts of invasive plants
Q89601764Global gene flow releases invasive plants from environmental constraints on genetic diversity
Q34400927Global invasion of Lantana camara: has the climatic niche been conserved across continents?
Q39258342Global invasive potential of 10 parasitic witchweeds and related Orobanchaceae
Q110809128Global patterns of arthropod herbivory on an invasive plant, the physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.)
Q120170086Global patterns of phylogenetic relatedness of invasive flowering plants
Q111173188Global patterns of rainfall partitioning by invasive woody plants
Q111160007Global patterns of reproductive and cytotype diversity in an invasive clonal plant
Q112304430Global plant invaders: a compendium of invasive plant taxa documented by the peer‐reviewed literature
Q31135737Global warming increases the interspecific competitiveness of the invasive plant alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q56591677Gone but Not Forgotten? Invasive Plants' Legacies on Community and Ecosystem Properties
Q56398171Gone with the wind and the stream: Dispersal in the invasive species Ailanthus altissima
Q56428060Governing invasive plants: Policy and practice in managing the Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus) – Bushfire nexus in northern Australia
Q56441906Gradualism in Acacia dealbata Link invasion: Impact on soil chemistry and microbial community over a chronological sequence
Q56355656Grasses as invasive plants in South Africa revisited: Patterns, pathways and management
Q56778077Greater capacity for division of labour in clones of Fragaria chiloensis from patchier habitats
Q114241712Greater chemical signaling in root exudates enhances soil mutualistic associations in invasive plants compared to natives
Q56764877Greater performance of introduced vs. native range populations of Microstegium vimineum across different light environments
Q34822793Greater sexual reproduction contributes to differences in demography of invasive plants and their noninvasive relatives
Q114722965Green Pioneers: Raising awareness of invasive plants for all ages
Q120143372Green Synthesis of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Using Invasive Alien Plant Parthenium hysterophorus and Their Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities
Q110848511Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Vary Between Phragmites Australis and Native Vegetation Zones in Coastal Wetlands Along a Salinity Gradient
Q115456018Greenhouse gas emissions following an invasive plant eradication program
Q110827125Groundwater use of invasive alien plant, mesquite in Sudan
Q111163197Growing density interacts with competitor identity to modulate nitrogen form preference of an invasive plant
Q119738536Growth Measurements of Invasive Plant Mikania micrantha Kunth (Mile a Minute Weed), A Threat of Biodiversity
Q55842222Growth and competition of Cytisus scoparius, an invasive shrub, and Australian native shrubs
Q56947144Growth and morphology in relation to temperature and light availability during the establishment of three invasive aquatic plant species
Q112313831Growth and phenology of Dittrichia graveolens, a rapidly spreading invasive plant in California
Q60540799Growth and photosynthesis of four invasive aquatic plant species in Europe
Q51182843Growth and photosynthetic responses to zinc stress of an invasive cordgrass, Spartina densiflora.
Q57049522Growth and reproductive potential of the invasive exotic vine Vincetoxicum rossicum in northern New York State
Q114726539Growth of invasive plant species communities as a substantial issue in post-mining land development
Q92229038Growth performance and emergence of invasive alien Rumex confertus in different soil types
Q55841999Growth rates, salt tolerance and water use characteristics of native and invasive riparian plants from the delta of the Colorado River, Mexico
Q56774470Growth trajectories and size-dependent reproduction in the highly invasive grass Microstegium vimineum
Q56166877Growth, Leaf Characteristics, and Spore Production in Native and Invasive Tree Ferns in Hawaii
Q64951729Growth-promoting characteristics of potential nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the root of an invasive plant Ageratina adenophora.
Q50149559Growth-suppressing and algicidal properties of an extract from Arundo donax, an invasive riparian plant, against Prymnesium parvum, an invasive harmful alga
Q114930003Guidelines for the management of invasive alien plants or potentially invasive alien plants which are intended for import or have been intentionally imported
Q56269248Gut passage effect of the introduced red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) on germination of invasive plant species in Mauritius
Q48076773HCF208, a homolog of Chlamydomonas CCB2, is required for accumulation of native cytochrome b6 in Arabidopsis thaliana
Q91191184Habitat Affects the Chemical Profile, Allelopathy, and Antioxidant Properties of Essential Oils and Phenolic Enriched Extracts of the Invasive Plant Heliotropium Curassavicum
Q111147537Habitat Preference of Great-Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major Linnaeus, 1758) and Lesser-Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor Linnaeus, 1758) in the Presence of Invasive Plant Species - Preliminary Study
Q56771012Habitat suitability modelling of an invasive plant with advanced remote sensing data
Q39298605Habitat-Specific Resilience of the Invasive Shrub Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera Maackii) During Repeated Clipping
Q56433713Harmonia + and Pandora +: risk screening tools for potentially invasive plants, animals and their pathogens
Q114961716Harvesting invasive plants to reduce nutrient loads and produce bioenergy: an assessment of Great Lakes coastal wetlands
Q62836995Has the frequency of invasive higher plants stabilized? Results from a long‐term monitoring program of Danish habitats
Q57036960Have your cake and eat it too: greater dispersal ability and faster germination towards range edges of an invasive plant species in eastern Australia
Q118164597Heat wave event facilitates defensive responses in invasive C3 plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. under elevated CO2 concentration to the detriment of Ophraella communa
Q114938182Heavy drought reduces the decomposition rate of the mixed litters of two composite invasive alien plants
Q124802653Heavy metal induced resistance to herbivore of invasive plant: implications from inter- and intraspecific comparisons
Q121889299Heavy metal pollution is more conducive to the independent invasion of Solidago canadensis L. than the co-invasion of two Asteraceae invasive plants
Q56782170Hedychium gardnerianum Invasion into Hawaiian Montane Rainforest: Interactions Among Litter Quality, Decomposition Rate, and Soil Nitrogen Availability
Q28959965Herbarium Records, Actual Distribution, and Critical Attributes of Invasive Plants: Genus Crotalaria in Taiwan
Q51147785Herbarium specimens show patterns of fruiting phenology in native and invasive plant species across New England.
Q57127657Herbicide effectiveness in controlling invasive plants under elevated CO: Sufficient evidence to rethink weeds management
Q59278429Herbicide usage for invasive non-native plant management in wildland areas of North America
Q114730754Herbicide-Resistant Invasive Plant Species Ludwigia decurrens Walter
Q111319774Herbicides—Unexpected Allies against Invasive Plants
Q120366966Herbicides─Unexpected Allies against Invasive Plants
Q110809008Herbivore accumulation on invasive alien plants increases the distribution range of generalist herbivorous insects and supports proliferation of non-native insect pests
Q56397852Herbivore release drives parallel patterns of evolutionary divergence in invasive plant phenotypes
Q120506835Herbivory alters competitive interactions between two invasive aquatic plants
Q56783318Herbivory alters resource allocation and compensation in the invasive tree Melaleuca quinquenervia
Q113899811Herbivory changes biomass allocation but does not induce resistance among ramets of an invasive plant
Q112312213Herbivory on invasive exotic plants and their non-invasive relatives
Q55839238Herbivory, growth, seed production, and resprouting of an exotic invasive shrub Cytisus scoparius
Q35728913Heterogeneity of clonal patterns among patches of kudzu, Pueraria montana var. lobata, an invasive plant
Q119691858Heterogeneous Consumer Preferences for Native and Invasive Plants: Evidence from Experimental Auctions
Q33919448Hidden diversity of endophytic fungi in an invasive plant
Q56766927Hieracium pilosella invasion in the Tierra del Fuego steppe, Southern Patagonia
Q33399901Hierarchical models facilitate spatial analysis of large data sets: a case study on invasive plant species in the northeastern United States.
Q50773205High genetic diversity in French invasive populations of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, as a result of multiple sources of introduction.
Q37377279High genetic diversity is not essential for successful introduction
Q120339934High interspecific competitiveness of the invasive plant Xanthium italicum Moretti severely reduces the yield and quality of Carthamus tinctorius L.
Q118133407High photosynthetic capacity and energy-use efficiency benefit both growth and chemical defense in invasive plants
Q56770292High propagule production and reproductive fitness homeostasis contribute to the invasiveness of Lespedeza cuneata (Fabaceae)
Q36726038High water-use efficiency and growth contribute to success of non-native Erodium cicutarium in a Sonoran Desert winter annual community
Q46255712High-density native-range species affects the invasive plant Chromolaena odorata more strongly than species from its invasive range
Q124987238High-impact invasive plants expanding into mid-Atlantic states: identifying priority range-shifting species for monitoring in light of climate change
Q119994380High-throughput sequencing reveals bacterial community composition in the rhizosphere of the invasive plant Flaveria bidentis
Q56604595Higher plasticity in ecophysiological traits enhances the performance and invasion success of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) in alpine environments
Q111164115Highly invasive alien plant Reynoutria japonica Houtt. represents a novel source for pharmaceutical industry - evidence from phenolic profile and biological activity
Q56545855Highly plastic response in morphological and physiological traits to light, soil-N and moisture in the model invasive plant, Phalaris arundinacea
Q46706239Highly porous activated carbons from resource-recovered Leucaena leucocephala wood as capacitive deionization electrodes
Q35653824Historic Mining and Agriculture as Indicators of Occurrence and Abundance of Widespread Invasive Plant Species
Q34528099Historic land use influences contemporary establishment of invasive plant species
Q58651661Historical costs and projected future scenarios for the management of invasive alien plants in protected areas in the Cape Floristic Region
Q56783165Historical land-use legacy and Cortaderia selloana invasion in the Mediterranean region
Q90589463Historicising perceptions and the national management framework for invasive alien plants in South Africa
Q56570844History of exposure to herbivores increases the compensatory ability of an invasive plant
Q111159927History, impacts, and management in Africa of the world’s most invasive aquatic plant
Q56775574Holcus lanatus invasion slows decomposition through its interaction with a macroinvertebrate detritivore, Porcellio scaber
Q56778036Home away from home - objective mapping of high-risk source areas for plant introductions
Q51171337Homoeology of Thinopyrum junceum and Elymus rectisetus chromosomes to wheat and disease resistance conferred by the Thinopyrum and Elymus chromosomes in wheat.
Q124879044Horticulture could facilitate invasive plant range infilling and range expansion with climate change
Q110808977Host range expansion of a Polygonaceae-associated leaf beetle to an invasive aquatic plant Myriophyllum aquaticum (Haloragaceae)
Q114227405Host range tests reveal Paectes longiformis is not a suitable biological control agent for the invasive plant Schinus terebinthifolia
Q112313839Host shift capability of a specialist seed predator of an invasive plant: roles of competition, population genetics and plant chemistry
Q28264012Host shift to an invasive plant triggers rapid animal hybrid speciation
Q111375714Host specificity of Euops chinesis, a potential biological control agent of Fallopia japonica, an invasive plant in Europe and North America
Q107137296Hotspots of invasive plant abundance are geographically distinct from hotspots of establishment
Q33737988Housing is positively associated with invasive exotic plant species richness in New England, USA
Q118127401How Can Phytochemists Benefit from Invasive Plants?
Q26830952How a phosphorus-acquisition strategy based on carboxylate exudation powers the success and agronomic potential of lupines (Lupinus, Fabaceae)
Q56451434How can knowledge of the climate niche inform the weed risk assessment process? A case study of Chrysanthemoides monilifera in Australia
Q37632334How can phytochemists benefit from invasive plants?
Q111158076How canopy shadow affects invasive plant species classification in high spatial resolution remote sensing
Q56389952How much do phenotypic plasticity and local genetic variation contribute to phenotypic divergences along environmental gradients in widespread invasive plants? A meta-analysis
Q56434884How much do we know about distribution and ecology of naturalized and invasive alien plant species? A case study from subtropical southern Brazil
Q114564880How to communicate on pests and invasive alien plants? Conclusions of the EPPO/CoE/IUCN- ISSG/DGAV/UC/ESAC Workshop
Q114121194How weevils have become weapons in the UK's fight against invasive plants
Q111828930How well do local stakeholders’ perceptions of environmental impacts of an invasive alien plant species relate to ecological data?
Q112795056Huff and puff and blow down: invasive plants traits response to strong winds at the Southern Oceanic Islands
Q56453080Human Infrastructure and Invasive Plant Occurrence Across Rangelands of Southwestern Wyoming, USA
Q110029228Human activity strongly influences genetic dynamics of the most widespread invasive plant in the sub‐Antarctic
Q30827796Hurricane activity and the large-scale pattern of spread of an invasive plant species
Q111327415Hybridization With an Invasive Plant of Xanthium strumarium Improves the Tolerance of Its Native Congener X. sibiricum to Cadmium
Q41843515Hybridization and invasion: an experimental test with diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa Lam.).
Q42166276Hybridization and invasion: one of North America's most devastating invasive plants shows evidence for a history of interspecific hybridization
Q40159206Hybridization and morphogenetic variation in the invasive alien Fallopia (Polygonaceae) complex in Belgium
Q33576757Hybridization and sexual reproduction in the invasive alien Fallopia (Polygonaceae) complex in Belgium
Q46151404Hybridization between introduced smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora; Poaceae) and native California cordgrass (S. foliosa) in San Francisco Bay, California, USA.
Q44594939Hybridization between invasive Spartina densiflora (Poaceae) and native S. foliosa in San Francisco Bay, California, USA.
Q114912381Hybridization between native and invasive alien plants: an overlooked threat to the biodiversity of Sri Lanka
Q56769318Hybridization dynamics of invasive cattail (Typhaceae) stands in the Western Great Lakes Region of North America: a molecular analysis
Q37655359Hybridization of an invasive shrub affects tolerance and resistance to defoliation by a biological control agent
Q56769026Hybridization of invasive Phragmites australis with a native subspecies in North America
Q56094467Hybridization, polyploidy and invasion: lessons from Spartina (Poaceae)
Q56751083Hydrilla verticillata (Hydrocharitaceae), a recent invader threatening Brazil’s freshwater environments: a review of the extent of the problem
Q64116345Hydrologic and mechanical control for an invasive wetland plant, Juncus ingens, and implications for rehabilitating and managing Murray River floodplain wetlands, Australia
Q120506588Hydrothermal processing of biomass from invasive aquatic plants
Q111154786Hyperspectral Imaging for Identification of an Invasive Plant Mikania micrantha Kunth
Q97091136Hypomethylation of the aquatic invasive plant, Ludwigia grandiflora subsp hexapetala mimics the adaptive transition into the terrestrial morphotype
Q111147515INHABIT: A web-based decision support tool for invasive plant species habitat visualization and assessment across the contiguous United States
Q111839012Identification and assessment of invasive plant species at Bogor Botanic Gardens, Indonesia
Q120641038Identification and comparison of allelopathic effects from leaf and flower volatiles of the invasive plants Mikania micrantha
Q118129836Identification and fungitoxicity of volatiles of invasive plant <I>Wedelia trilobata</I> L.
Q36977285Identification and localization of bioactive naphthoquinones in the roots and rhizosphere of Paterson's curse (Echium plantagineum), a noxious invader
Q114948672Identification and prioritising invasive alien plants hot spot areas in Gauteng
Q111502311Identification of Flavonoids in Alien Invasive Plant Eupatorium catarium
Q120080767Identification of Mangrove Invasive Plant Derris Trifoliate Using UAV Images and Deep Learning Algorithms
Q119796731Identification of Volatile Compounds Released by Leaves of the Invasive Plant Croftonweed (Ageratina adenophora, Compositae), and their Inhibition of Rice Seedling Growth
Q52735106Identification of host fruit volatiles from domestic apple (Malus domestica), native black hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii) and introduced ornamental hawthorn (C. monogyna) attractive to Rhagoletis pomonella flies from the western United States.
Q57061369Identification of volatile compounds released by roots of an invasive plant, bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera spp. rotundata), and their inhibition of native seedling growth
Q118178557Identification, Biology, and Control of Small-Leaf Spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis): A Widely Introduced Invasive Plant
Q117769106Identifying Critical Thresholds in the Impacts of Invasive Alien Plants and Dune Paths on Native Coastal Dune Vegetation
Q111161459Identifying habitats and corridors of an invasive plant, Ageratina altissima, in an urban forest
Q111165622Identifying high-impact invasive plants likely to shift into northern New England with climate change
Q56366879Identifying invasive plant species using field spectroscopy in the VNIR region in successional systems of north-central Virginia
Q60464682Identifying invasive plant species: what plant propagators need to know about the science behind invasive plant assessment protocols©
Q114948677Identifying priority areas for the management of invasive alien plants in the Cape Floristic Region
Q107461665Identifying safe cultivars of invasive plants: six questions for risk assessment, management, and communication
Q56772367Identifying the most noxious invasive plants in China: role of geographical origin, life form and means of introduction
Q56784050Identifying, preventing and controlling invasive plant species using their physiological traits
Q118120062Identity and Generic Placement of Phestinia costella Hampson (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae) Reared on the Invasive Plant Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King & H. Rob. (Asteraceae)
Q108549762Identity of parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Braconidae and Eulophidae) reared from aquatic leaf-mining flies (Diptera, Ephydridae) on invasive Brazilian waterweed Egeria densa in South Africa
Q114930262Image-driven electronic identification keys for invasive plant species in the Netherlands
Q114746972Immediate and long-term effects of invasive plant species on soil characteristics
Q114923733Impact and status of invasive alien plant species (IAPS), Nicotiana glauca, in Eastern and Southern Zones of Tigray regional state, Ethiopia
Q55839327Impact of Carpets of the Invasive Moss Campylopus Introflexus on Calluna Vulgaris Regeneration
Q119790886Impact of Competition and Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth of Centaurea stoebe, an Invasive Plant of Sand Dunes
Q114923735Impact of Invasive Alien Plant, Xanthium Strumarium, On Species Diversity and Composition of Invaded Plant Communities in Borena Zone, Ethiopia
Q111503645Impact of Invasive Plant Conyza bonariensis on Vicia faba and Zea mays Root Tip Chromosomes Behaviour
Q119726045Impact of Invasive Plants in Changing Pattern of Native Biodiversity from Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra State
Q56744040Impact of Invasive Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on Snail Hosts of Schistosomiasis in Lake Victoria, East Africa
Q56424328Impact of Ligustrum lucidum on the soil seed bank in invaded subtropical seasonally dry woodlands (Córdoba, Argentina)
Q56767558Impact of Prunus serotina invasion on understory functional diversity in a European temperate forest
Q33483357Impact of alien plant invaders on pollination networks in two archipelagos.
Q114944253Impact of an alien invasive plant Amaranthus retroflexus on wetland sediment properties under two growth stages
Q59160563Impact of an invasive alien plant on litter decomposition along a latitudinal gradient
Q56782400Impact of an invasive plant (Elymus athericus) on the conservation value of tidal salt marshes in western France and implications for management: Responses of spider populations
Q56774454Impact of avian frugivores on dispersal and recruitment of the invasive Prunus serotina in an agricultural landscape
Q118129828Impact of different allelochemicals on protective enzyme system of exotic invasive plant <I>Ipomoea cairica</I> (Linn.) Sweet
Q50794157Impact of ecological factors on the initial invasion of Bt transgenes into wild populations of birdseed rape (Brassica rapa).
Q56441504Impact of exotic insect herbivores on native tritrophic interactions: a case study of the African cotton leafworm,Spodoptera littoralisand insects associated with the field mustardBrassica rapa
Q58855081Impact of introduced honey bees on native pollination interactions of the endemic Echium wildpretii (Boraginaceae) on Tenerife, Canary Islands
Q114919723Impact of invasive alien plant species on aquatic biodiversity of Koshi Tappu Wetlands : Ramsar Site, Nepal
Q114948559Impact of invasive alien plants Gutenbergia cordifolia and Tagetes minuta on native taxa in the Ngorongoro crater, Tanzania
Q98469870Impact of invasive alien plants on native plant communities and Natura 2000 habitats: State of the art, gap analysis and perspectives in Italy
Q111140556Impact of invasive alien plants on water provision in selected catchments
Q56769090Impact of invasive plant and environmental conditions on denitrification potential in urban riparian ecosystems
Q111173765Impact of invasive plant control on soil loss: a case study on Robinson Crusoe Island
Q117780578Impact of invasive plant management on soil activity and litter decomposition in a tropical forest restoration
Q111159814Impact of invasive plant species on the livelihoods of farming households: evidence from Parthenium hysterophorus invasion in rural Punjab, Pakistan
Q56449807Impact of invasive plants in Mediterranean habitats: disentangling the effects of characteristics of invaders and recipient communities
Q118129846Impact of invasive plants on food webs and pathways
Q56771690Impact of invasive plants on the species richness, diversity and composition of invaded communities
Q114939777Impact of mine dumps on transport the invasive plant species to Upper Silesia
Q110862066Impact of non-native invasive plant species cover on phytoplankton and zooplankton communities in temperate ponds
Q56782962Impact of predation on establishment of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines in soybean, Glycine max
Q56780461Impact of the Invasive Alien Plant Solidago Giganteaon Primary Productivity, Plant Nutrient Content and Soil Mineral Nutrient Concentrations
Q55870711Impact of the invasive alien grass Melinis minutiflora at the savanna-forest ecotone in the Brazilian Cerrado
Q91989363Impact of the invasive plant Solidago gigantea on soil nematodes in a semi-natural grassland and a temperate broadleaved mixed forest
Q38884193Impact of the invasive plant Syzigium jambos (Myrtaceae) on patterns of understory seedling abundance in a Tropical Premontane Forest, Costa Rica.
Q110809391Impact of the invasive plant species "" toxins on the larvae of the invasive insect species "": A damaging pest of date palm trees in Saudi Arabia
Q56931275Impact of the invasive rust Puccinia psidii (myrtle rust) on native Myrtaceae in natural ecosystems in Australia
Q51146425Impact scores of invasive plants are biased by disregard of environmental co-variation and non-linearity
Q56769978Impact threshold for an alien plant invader, Lantana camara L., on native plant communities
Q56780949Impacts from invasive plant species and their control on the plant community and belowground ecosystem at Rocky Mountain National Park, USA
Q56780190Impacts of Falcataria moluccana Invasion on Decomposition in Hawaiian Lowland Wet Forests: The Importance of Stand-level Controls
Q56925967Impacts of Invasive Plants on Australian Rangelands
Q125543662Impacts of Invasive Plants on Native Vegetation Communities in Wetland and Stream Mitigation
Q111147522Impacts of Invasive Plants on Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) Roosting Habitat
Q37254211Impacts of a native parasitic plant on an introduced and a native host species: implications for the control of an invasive weed
Q51183773Impacts of alien invasive plants on soil nutrients are correlated with initial site conditions in NW Europe.
Q110756614Impacts of an invasive alien Proteaceae on native plant species richness and vegetation structure
Q34806917Impacts of an invasive non-native annual weed, Impatiens glandulifera, on above- and below-ground invertebrate communities in the United Kingdom
Q38682394Impacts of an invasive plant are fundamentally altered by a co-occurring forest disturbance
Q111147450Impacts of an invasive plant on bird communities differ along a habitat gradient
Q59160561Impacts of an invasive plant on primary production: Testing a functional trait-based framework with a greenhouse experiment
Q56774344Impacts of clearing invasive alien plants from 1995 to 2005 on vegetation structure, invasion intensity and ground cover in a temperate to subtropical riparian ecosystem
Q56545416Impacts of climate change and land-use on the potential distribution of an invasive weed: a case study of Lantana camara in Australia
Q111163812Impacts of invasive alien plants on ecosystem services of Ramsar lake cluster in middle mountain Nepal
Q59153711Impacts of invasive alien plants on water quality, with particular emphasis on South Africa
Q56424833Impacts of invasive nonnative plant species on the rare forest herb Scutellaria montana
Q51185997Impacts of invasive plant species on riparian plant assemblages: interactions with elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and nitrogen deposition.
Q114927507Impacts of invasive plant species on soil biodiversity: a case study of dog-strangling vine (Vincetoxicum rossicum) in a Canadian National Park
Q110626386Impacts of invasive plants on animal behaviour
Q111140836Impacts of invasive plants on animal diversity in South Africa: A synthesis
Q39051003Impacts of invasive plants on carbon pools depend on both species' traits and local climate.
Q56763766Impacts of invasive plants on ecosystems in natural reserves in Jiangsu of China
Q35782229Impacts of invasive plants on resident animals across ecosystems, taxa, and feeding types: a global assessment
Q56459276Impacts of land-cover change on the water flow regulation ecosystem service: Invasive alien plants, fire and their policy implications
Q94572174Impacts of soil properties and functional diversity on the performance of invasive plant species Solidago canadensis L. on post-agricultural wastelands
Q56767138Impacts of the emerald ash borer (EAB) eradication and tree mortality: potential for a secondary spread of invasive plant species
Q55870905Impacts of the exotic, nitrogen-fixing black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) on nitrogen-cycling in a pine–oak ecosystem
Q56459135Impacts of the invasive annual herb Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. on soil microbial carbon source utilization and enzymatic activities
Q56778119Impacts of the invasive exotic Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) D.C. on the native flora and soils of the UAE
Q111160304Impacts of the invasive plant Carpobrotus edulis on herbivore communities on the Iberian Peninsula
Q56767840Impacts of the invasive plant Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) on plant communities and ecosystem processes
Q108935304Impacts of the removal of invasive Carpobrotus on spider assemblage dynamics
Q114925695Impacts of woody invasive alien plant species on rural livelihood: Generalized propensity score evidence from Prosopis spp. invasion in Afar Region in Ethiopia
Q119694218Implementing Ecologically Based Invasive Plant Management: Lessons From a Century of Demonstration Projects in Park Valley, Utah
Q56516903Implementing Policies to Control Invasive Plant Species
Q117042037Implications of climate change for biocontrol efficacy across the northern range of the invasive plant Linaria dalmatica
Q51182648Importance of plant traits and herbivory for invasiveness of Phragmites australis (Poaceae).
Q113255970Importance of researching invasive species against the threat of future pandemics: the study of invasive plants in Azerbaijan
Q36022364Improved Predictions of the Geographic Distribution of Invasive Plants Using Climatic Niche Models
Q117769672Improving Potential Geographic Distribution Models for Invasive Plants by Remote Sensing
Q114952259Improving the classification of invasive plant species by using continuous wavelet analysis and feature reduction techniques
Q114930253Improving the prevention of alien plant invasion in the EPPO region: the need to focus on highly invasive plants with (still) limited distribution - examples from Israel
Q56547331In Vivo Antifungal Activities of the Methanol Extracts of Invasive Plant Species Against Plant Pathogenic Fungi
Q56763336In their native range, invasive plants are held in check by negative soil-feedbacks
Q110663939In-season leaf damage by a biocontrol agent explains reproductive output of an invasive plant species
Q60239893Inbreeding diminishes herbivore-induced metabolic responses in native and invasive plant populations
Q37481074Incest versus abstinence: reproductive trade-offs between mate limitation and progeny fitness in a self-incompatible invasive plant.
Q52696501Incidence of invasive Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) and its introduced parasitoid Tamarixia radiata (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Florida citrus.
Q56435173Incipient Invasion of Urban and Forest Habitats in New Hampshire, USA, by the Nonnative Tree, Kalopanax septemlobus
Q34156698Incorporating stakeholder preferences in the selection of technologies for using invasive alien plants as a bio-energy feedstock: applying the analytical hierarchy process.
Q36020690Incorporation of an invasive plant into a native insect herbivore food web
Q34098658Increase in toxicity of an invasive weed after reassociation with its coevolved herbivore.
Q57009639Increased Methane Emissions by an Introduced Phragmites australis Lineage under Global Change
Q56783037Increased Topsoil Mineral Nutrient Concentrations Under exotic invasive plants in Belgium
Q56455515Increased compensatory ability of an invasive plant to above- and below-ground enemies in monocultures
Q56775155Increased competitive ability and herbivory tolerance in the invasive plant Sapium sebiferum
Q56774761Increased fitness and plasticity of an invasive species in its introduced range: a study using Senecio pterophorus
Q30659183Increased invasive potential of non-native Phragmites australis: elevated CO2 and temperature alleviate salinity effects on photosynthesis and growth
Q114953117Increased methane emissions from an invasive wetland plant under elevated carbon dioxide levels
Q56445831Increased nitrogen deposition alleviated the competitive effects of the introduced invasive plant Robinia pseudoacacia on the native tree Quercus acutissima
Q112831839Increased nitrogen deposition increased the competitive effects of the invasive plant Aegilops tauschii on wheat
Q28710579Increased phenotypic plasticity to climate may have boosted the invasion success of polyploid Centaurea stoebe
Q34315227Increased population growth rate in invasive polyploid Centaurea stoebe in a common garden
Q110862336Increased precipitation magnifies the effects of N addition on performance of invasive plants in subtropical native communities
Q33619396Increased relative abundance of an invasive competitor for pollination, Lythrum salicaria, reduces seed number in Mimulus ringens
Q110809122Increased reproductive capacity and physical defense but decreased tannin content in an invasive plant
Q56091463Increased resistance to generalist herbivores in invasive populations of the California poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
Q118130657Increased seed consumption by biological control weevil tempers positive CO2 effect on invasive plant (Centaurea diffusa) fitness
Q114954767Increased spatial dominance in high nitrogen, saturated soil due to clonal architecture plasticity of the invasive wetland plant, Phalaris arundinacea
Q56785241Increased susceptibility to enemies following introduction in the invasive plant Silene latifolia
Q124988332Increasing Invasive Plant Pest Early Detection Through Interagency First Detector Education
Q117046272Increasing coastal reclamation by Invasive alien plants and coastal armoring threatens the ecological sustainability of coastal wetlands
Q111327829Increasing flavonoid concentrations in root exudates enhance associations between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and an invasive plant
Q107461714Increasing impacts by Antarctica’s most widespread invasive plant species as result of direct competition with native vascular plants
Q96110762Indirect effects of biocontrol of an invasive riparian plant (Tamarix) alters habitat and reduces herpetofauna abundance
Q56773211Induced chemical defenses in invasive plants: a case study with Cynoglossum officinale L
Q56773723Influence of Drought and Shade on Seedling Growth of Native and Invasive Trees in the Seychelles
Q114923758Influence of Invasive Plants Parthenocissus vitacea and Vinca minor on Biodiversity Indicators of Forest Communities
Q111173995Influence of Invasive Plants Parthenocissus vitacea and Vinca minor on Biodiversity Indices of Forest Communities
Q56777938Influence of Invasive Tree Kill Rates on Native and Invasive Plant Establishment in a Hawaiian Forest
Q60617074Influence of Land Use and Site Characteristics on Invasive Plant Abundance in the Quinebaug Highlands of Southern New England
Q114730987Influence of Mechanical Wounding and Compartmentalization Mechanism on the Suppression of Invasive Plant Species Using the Example of Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)
Q119796753Influence of Neighboring Vegetation Height on Seed Dispersal: Implications for Invasive Plant Management
Q120019036Influence of Temporal Scale of Sampling on Detection of Relationships between Invasive Plants and the Diversity Patterns of Plants and Butterflies
Q111147524Influence of a Large-scale Removal of an Invasive Plant (Melaleuca quinquenervia) on Home-range Size and Habitat Selection by Female Florida Panthers (Puma concolor coryi) within Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida
Q55869758Influence of a non-native invasive tree on primary succession at Mt. Koma, Hokkaido, Japan
Q57015259Influence of insects and fungal pathogens on individual and population parameters of Cirsium arvense in its native and introduced ranges
Q117044296Influence of institutional arrangements on invasive plant species management from multilevel perspectives: a case study in Vietnam’s national parks
Q34154926Influence of invasive plant Coreopsis grandiflora on functional diversity of soil microbial communities.
Q120496721Influence of invasive plants on nematode communities under simulated CO2 enrichment
Q56770296Influence of light and nutrient conditions on seedling growth of native and invasive trees in the Seychelles
Q110862862Influence of the population spatial structure on seed rain distribution of an invasive plant under harsh environment
Q110862843Influence of two co-occurring invasive plant species on resident woody species and surface soil properties in Chipinge Safari Area, Zimbabwe
Q112317487Influences of plant interspecific competition and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on nitrogen form preference of an invasive plant
Q55870917Influences of salinity and shade on seedling photosynthesis and growth of two mangrove species, Rhizophora mangle and Bruguiera sexangula, introduced to Hawaii
Q58849193Ingestion by an invasive parakeet species reduces germination success of invasive alien plants relative to ingestion by indigenous turaco species in South Africa
Q56764182Inhibition of an invasive plant (Mikania micrantha H.B.K.) by soils of three different forests in lower subtropical China
Q93014764Inhibition of harmful algae Phaeocystis globosa and Prorocentrum donghaiense by extracts of coastal invasive plant Spartina alterniflora
Q120201642Inhibition of invasive plant Mikania micrantha rapid growth by host-specific rust (Puccinia spegazzinii)
Q56331045Inhibition of restorative succession by invasive plant species: Examples from southeastern Belarus
Q35145711Inhibitory potential of naphthoquinones leached from leaves and exuded from roots of the invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera.
Q113696861Initial In Vitro Assessment of the Antifungal Activity of Aqueous Extracts from Three Invasive Plant Species
Q56774340Initial response of riparian plant community structure to clearing of invasive alien plants in Kruger National Park, South Africa
Q112313589Innate and evolutionarily increased advantages of invasive Eupatorium adenophorum over native E. japonicum under ambient and doubled atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Q34396229Insect herbivory and propagule pressure influence Cirsium vulgare invasiveness across the landscape
Q110809055Insect herbivory facilitates the establishment of an invasive plant pathogen
Q110809117Insect herbivory stimulates allelopathic exudation by an invasive plant and the suppression of natives
Q56782138Insect pollinators of the invasive plant, Rosa multiflora (Rosaceae), in Iowa, USA
Q114915059Insecticidal Activities of the Leaf Extract of the Invasive Alien Plant, Chromolaena odorata (L.) (Asteraceae) Against Macrotermes species (Termites)
Q111440025Insecticidal activity of extracts from the invasive alien plant,Alternanthera philoxeroides,against two kinds of pests
Q57001374Insights into Ecological Effects of Invasive Plants on Soil Nitrogen Cycles
Q117801919Insights into individual and cooperative invasive plant management on family forestlands
Q124972595Insights into the Mechanisms Involved in Lead (Pb) Tolerance in Invasive Plants—The Current Status of Understanding
Q56779713Intact forests provide only weak resistance to a shade-tolerant invasive Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.)
Q111244438Integrated Fire Management as a Renewing Agent of Native Vegetation and Inhibitor of Invasive Plants in Vereda Habitats: Diagnosis by Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
Q111171719Integrating knowledge of ecological succession into invasive alien plant management: A case study from Portugal
Q56406317Integrating pan-sharpening and classifier ensemble techniques to map an invasive plant (Spartina alterniflora) in an estuarine wetland using Landsat 8 imagery
Q56768456Integrating species distribution models and interacting particle systems to predict the spread of an invasive alien plant
Q117764082Integration of ecological impacts by invasive exotic plants: a methodological approach
Q56777152Inter-specific competition: Spartina alterniflora is replacing Spartina anglica in coastal China
Q34155655Interacting impacts of invasive plants and invasive toads on native lizards
Q112765894Interaction between Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Invasive Alien Plants
Q111159582Interaction between invasive plant leaf litter and NaCl on two model amphibians
Q111174146Interactions Among Invasive Plants: Lessons from Hawai‘i
Q57043113Interactions between a leafhopper and rust fungus on the invasive plant Asparagus asparagoides in Australia: A case of two agents being better than one for biological control
Q56926119Interactions between density-dependent processes, population dynamics and control of an invasive plant species, Tripleurospermum perforatum (scentless chamomile)
Q26998851Interactions between exotic invasive plants and soil microbes in the rhizosphere suggest that 'everything is not everywhere'
Q120282648Interactions between fungal endophytes and pathogens isolated from the invasive plant kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata)
Q34085941Interactions between invasive plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: a review
Q117788603Interactions between invasive plants and heavy metal stresses: a review
Q56766208Interactions between invasive plants and insect herbivores: A plea for a multitrophic perspective
Q56779369Interactions between two co-dominant, invasive plants in the understory of a temperate deciduous forest
Q110745250Interactive disturbances drive community composition, heterogeneity, and the niches of invasive exotic plant species during secondary succession
Q34758395Interactive effect of herbivory and competition on the invasive plant Mikania micrantha
Q33249116Interactive effects of habitat productivity and herbivore pressure on the evolution of anti-herbivore defense in invasive plant populations
Q34227726Interactive effects of herbivory and competition intensity determine invasive plant performance
Q62173415Interagency Partnering for Weed Prevention – Progress on Development of a National Early Detection and Rapid Response System for Invasive Plants in the United States
Q51185387Intercontinental dispersal prior to human translocation revealed in a cryptogenic invasive tree.
Q55839152Interference effects of the invasive plantCarduus nutans L. against the nitrogen fixation ability ofTrifolium repens L
Q113873435Interpreting expert-judged priorities of invasive alien plant species by ex post weed risk scoring: A study in Japan
Q34298577Intra-specific hybridization: generator of genetic diversification and heterosis in Andrographis paniculata Nees. A bridge from extinction to survival.
Q56777283Intraspecific variation of Melaleuca quinquenervia leaf oils in its naturalized range in Florida, the Caribbean, and Hawaii
Q55870803Introduced plants of the invasive Solidago gigantea (Asteraceae) are larger and grow denser than conspecifics in the native range
Q56764277Introduced populations of Genista monspessulana (French broom) are more dense and produce a greater seed rain in California, USA, than native populations in the Mediterranean Basin of Europe
Q34189371Introduction history and population genetics of the invasive grass Bromus tectorum (Poaceae) in Canada
Q56941920Introduction to the Invasive Plant Species and the New Bioeconomy Symposium
Q60578112Introgression between invasive saltcedars (Tamarix chinensis and T. ramosissima) in the USA
Q40726590Introgression of chromosome segments from multiple alien species in wheat breeding lines with wheat streak mosaic virus resistance.
Q117043775Invaders at the doorstep: Using species distribution modeling to enhance invasive plant watch lists
Q113694440Invaders in disguise. Conservation risks derived from misidentification of invasive plants
Q56768355Invasibility or invasiveness? Effects of habitat, genotype, and their interaction on invasive Rhododendron ponticum populations
Q56749736Invasion Prediction on Alaska Trails: Distribution, Habitat, and Trail Use
Q56425982Invasion Risk in a Warmer World: Modeling Range Expansion and Habitat Preferences of Three Nonnative Aquatic Invasive Plants
Q56929321Invasion Shadows: The Accumulation and Loss of Ecological Impacts from an Invasive Plant
Q56458975Invasion Success in Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica): A Population Genetic Approach Exploring Genetic Diversity and Historical Introductions
Q114927774Invasion Vectors and Distribution of Some Invasive Plant Species in Armenia
Q56772327Invasion and management of a woody plant, Lantana camara L., alters vegetation diversity within wet sclerophyll forest in southeastern Australia
Q112482641Invasion biology and control of invasive woody plants in eastern forests
Q49706395Invasion by Cordgrass Increases Microbial Diversity and Alters Community Composition in a Mangrove Nature Reserve.
Q56780584Invasion dynamics and potential spread of the invasive alien plant species Ageratina adenophora (Asteraceae) in China
Q55839037Invasion dynamics of Impatiens glandulifera — A century of spreading reconstructed
Q56556035Invasion dynamics of Lantana camara L. (sensu lato) in South Africa
Q55870830Invasion dynamics of two alien Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae) taxa on a Mediterranean island: I. Genetic diversity and introgression
Q44581434Invasion dynamics of two alien Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae) taxa on a Mediterranean island: II. Reproductive strategies
Q35545561Invasion genetics of the Bermuda buttercup (Oxalis pes-caprae): complex intercontinental patterns of genetic diversity, polyploidy and heterostyly characterize both native and introduced populations
Q56544203Invasion history of North American Canada thistle, Cirsium arvense
Q114742824Invasion landscapes as social‐ecological systems: Role of social factors in invasive plant species control
Q55841623Invasion of Deciduous Forest Preserves in the New York Metropolitan Region by Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii DC.)
Q51192500Invasion of Gleditsia triacanthos in Lithraea ternifolia Montane Forests of Central Argentina.
Q56517227Invasion of Impatiens glandulifera affects terrestrial gastropods by altering microclimate
Q40412239Invasion of Lepidium draba (Brassicaceae) in the western United States: distributions and origins of chloroplast DNA haplotypes
Q56459120Invasion of Ligustrum lucidum (Oleaceae) in the southern Yungas: Changes in habitat properties and decline in bird diversity
Q58213912Invasion of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and the rise of the boreal ecosystem in Fennoscandia
Q34772268Invasion of Old World Phragmites australis in the New World: precipitation and temperature patterns combined with human influences redesign the invasive niche
Q47841166Invasion of Pinus halepensis Mill. following a wildfire in an Argentine grassland nature reserve
Q56766041Invasion of Solidago gigantea in contrasting experimental plant communities: effects on soil microbes, nutrients and plant-soil feedbacks
Q56946860Invasion of Spartina alterniflora Enhanced Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks in the Yangtze Estuary, China
Q56434852Invasion of Spartina alterniflora in China is greatly facilitated by increased growth and clonality: a comparative study of native and introduced populations
Q56487058Invasion of a mined landscape: what habitat characteristics are influencing the occurrence of invasive plants?
Q56566335Invasion of alien Acacia dealbata on Spanish Quercus robur forests: Impact on soils and vegetation
Q55842247Invasion of an Old-Growth Forest in New York by Ailanthus altissima: Sapling Growth and Recruitment in Canopy Gaps
Q56923253Invasion of mesic mountain fynbos by Pinus radiata
Q111163115Invasion shadows in soil system overshadow the restoration of invaded ecosystems: Implications for invasive plant management
Q34924044Invasion success in a marginal habitat: an experimental test of competitive ability and drought tolerance in Chromolaena odorata
Q110531284Invasional conflict: Do invasive insect herbivores mediate the effects of enemy release for their invasive plant hosts?
Q56999214Invasive Acacia longifolia induce changes in the microbial catabolic diversity of sand dunes
Q34083239Invasive Acer negundo outperforms native species in non-limiting resource environments due to its higher phenotypic plasticity
Q55968998Invasive Acer platanoides inhibits native sapling growth in forest understorey communities
Q117046547Invasive Alien Plant Species for Use in Paper and Packaging Materials
Q110862227Invasive Alien Plant Species in Nigeria and Their Effects on Biodiversity Conservation
Q113206472Invasive Alien Plant Species—Raising Awareness of a Threat to Biodiversity and Ecological Connectivity (EC) in the Adriatic-Ionian Region
Q110862229Invasive Alien Plants Elicit Reduced Production of Flowers and Fruits in Various Native Forest Species on the Tropical Island of Mauritius (Mascarenes, Indian Ocean)
Q114911428Invasive Alien Plants In Brazil: A Nonrestrictive Revision of Academic Works
Q113204090Invasive Alien Plants and Invasion Risk Assessment on Pingtan Island
Q104614472Invasive Alien Plants in Africa and the Potential Emergence of Mosquito-Borne Arboviral Diseases-A Review and Research Outlook
Q114919013Invasive Alien Plants in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review and Synthesis of Their Insecticidal Activities
Q114911754Invasive Alien Plants of Indian Himalayan Region—Diversity and Implication
Q114914970Invasive Alien Plants of Palamau Tiger Reserve, Jharkhand
Q56546674Invasive Alien Plants of Uttarakhand Himalaya
Q114947289Invasive Alien Plants. An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian Subcontinent. Edited by J. R. Bhatt, J. S. Singh, S. P. Singh, R. S. Tripathi and R. K. Kohli. Wallingford, UK: CABI (2012), pp. 314, £95.00. ISBN 978-1-84593-907-6.
Q122998697Invasive Alien Species as a Potential Source of Phytopharmaceuticals: Phenolic Composition and Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activity of Robinia pseudoacacia L. Leaf and Flower Extracts
Q56776734Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides: biology, ecology and management
Q39410466Invasive Andropogon gayanus (gamba grass) is an ecosystem transformer of nitrogen relations in Australian savanna.
Q114939800Invasive Aquatic Plant Species of Chenderoh Reservoir, Malaysia and Jatiluhur Reservoir, Indonesia
Q60047649Invasive Aquatic Plants as Ecosystem Engineers in an Oligo-Mesotrophic Shallow Lake
Q51188080Invasive Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) do not replace native ants as seed dispersers of Dendromecon rigida (Papaveraceae) in California, USA.
Q39002106Invasive Buddleja davidii allocates more nitrogen to its photosynthetic machinery than five native woody species
Q55870249Invasive California poppies (Eschscholzia californica Cham.) grow larger than native individuals under reduced competition
Q114923213Invasive Earthworms and Plants in Indiana Old- and Second-Growth Forests
Q56772100Invasive Exotic Plants in the Tropical Pacific Islands: Patterns of Diversity
Q56773496Invasive Mahonia plants outgrow their native relatives
Q110758787Invasive Nitrogen-Fixing Plant Amplifies Terrestrial–Aquatic Nutrient Flow and Alters Ecosystem Function
Q118175020Invasive Ornamental Plants: Problems, Challenges, and Molecular Tools to Neutralize Their Invasiveness
Q110809443Invasive Plant (Microstegium vimineum) Reduces Abundance and Richness of Insect Communities
Q56740164Invasive Plant Atlas of New England: The Role of Citizens in the Science of Invasive Alien Species Detection
Q117794958Invasive Plant Ecology and Management: Linking Processes to Practice. Edited by T. A. Monaco and R. L. Sheley. Wallingford, UK: CABI (2012), pp. 216, £75.00. ISBN 978-1-84593-811-6.
Q117794962Invasive Plant Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems. 2nd edition. By B. D. Booth, S. D. Murphy and C. J. Swanton. Wallingford, UK: CAB International (2010), pp. 214, £37.50 (Paperback). ISBN 978-1-84593-605-1.
Q62173432Invasive Plant Management in the United States National Wildlife Refuge System
Q119921417Invasive Plant Relations in a Global Pandemic: Caring for a “Problematic Pesto”
Q119800541Invasive Plant Researchers Should Calculate Effect Sizes, Not P-Values
Q61999804Invasive Plant Species
Q114911838Invasive Plant Species (Weed) Challenge in Conservation in Australia
Q111149504Invasive Plant Species Biomass—Evaluation of Functional Value
Q108540266Invasive Plant Species Distribution Is Structured by Soil and Habitat Type in the City Landscape
Q124981814Invasive Plant Species Driving the Biotic Homogenization of Plant-Frugivore Interactions in the Atlantic Forest Biodiversity Hotspot
Q103833479Invasive Plant Species Establishment and Range Dynamics in Sri Lanka under Climate Change
Q111839784Invasive Plant Species and Microbial Processes in a Tidal Freshwater Marsh
Q111173996Invasive Plant Species as Inhibitors of Restorative Successions
Q114947611Invasive Plant Species in Diked vs. Undiked Great Lakes Wetlands
Q118105361Invasive Plant Species in Ghana: Route of Spread, Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact
Q56528369Invasive Plant Species in the National Parks of Vietnam
Q117047961Invasive Plant Species of the Wide Area of the Town of Lukavac as a Threat to Biodiversity
Q114947290Invasive Plant Species of the World. By E. Weber. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing (2003), pp. 548, £75.00. ISBN 0-85199-695-7
Q111838517Invasive Plant Species of the World: A Reference Guide to Environmental Weeds (2nd edition)
Q114940447Invasive Plant Species of the World: A Reference Guide to Environmental Weeds. By Ewald Weber. Wallingford (United Kingdom) and Cambridge (Massachusetts): CABI Publishing. $140.00. vii + 548 p; ill.; no index. ISBN: 0–85199–69
Q114922107Invasive Plant Species: Consumer Awareness, Knowledge, and Expectations
Q111845611Invasive Plant Species: Results of a Consumer Awareness, Knowledge, and Expectations Survey Conducted in Pennsylvania
Q112307442Invasive Plant and Experimental Venue Affect Tadpole Performance
Q114118119Invasive Plants Are a Valuable Alternate Protein Source and Can Contribute to Meeting Climate Change Targets
Q114750434Invasive Plants Differentially Impact Forest Invertebrates, Providing Taxon-Specific Benefits by Enhancing Structural Complexity
Q110862240Invasive Plants Distribution Modeling: A Tool for Tropical Biodiversity Conservation With Special Reference to Sri Lanka
Q114730629Invasive Plants Diversity, Ecological Status, and Distribution Pattern in Relation to Edaphic Factors in Different Habitat Types of District Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan
Q120207469Invasive Plants Have Higher Resistance to Native Generalist Herbivores Than Exotic Noninvasive Congeners
Q114151797Invasive Plants May Adapt to Climate Change Better than Native Species
Q37685569Invasive Plants Rapidly Reshape Soil Properties in a Grassland Ecosystem.
Q114166253Invasive Plants and Climate Change Will Alter Desert Landscapes
Q114749942Invasive Plants and Species Richness Impact Litter Decomposition in Riparian Zones
Q117769515Invasive Plants and Water Resources in the Western Cape Province, South Africa: Modelling the Consequences of a Lack of Management
Q114910924Invasive Plants and the Green Industry
Q120625532Invasive Plants as Foci of Mosquito-Borne Pathogens: Red Cedar in the Southern Great Plains of the USA
Q57114163Invasive Plants as Novel Food Resources, the Pollinators’ Perspective
Q56782311Invasive Plants can Inhibit Native Tree Seedlings: Testing Potential Allelopathic Mechanisms
Q101105225Invasive Plants in Guangxi Province
Q101105352Invasive Plants in Guangzhou, China
Q118178612Invasive Plants in Natural Areas: Air Potato (Dioscorea bulbifera)
Q111154612Invasive Plants in Support of Urban Farming: Fermentation-Based Organic Fertilizer from Japanese Knotweed
Q56486838Invasive Plants in Wildlife Refuges: Coordinated Research with Undergraduate Ecology Courses
Q119806300Invasive Plants in the Coastal Vegetal Communities in Valencia (Spain)
Q28959076Invasive Plants of California's Wildlands
Q93957487Invasive Plants of California's Wildlands by Carla C. Bossard, John M. Randall, Marc C. Hoschovsky
Q119692592Invasive Plants of Horticultural Origin
Q118121769Invasive Plants of West Africa: Concepts, Overviews and Sustainable Management
Q119694156Invasive Plants on Rangelands: A Global Threat
Q113727544Invasive Plants with Native Lookalikes: How Mistaken Identities Can Lead to More Significant Plant Invasions and Delay Management
Q98202746Invasive Plants: Turning Enemies into Value
Q51181731Invasive Robinia pseudoacacia in China is nodulated by Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium species that share similar nodulation genes with native American symbionts.
Q56431364Invasive Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius, Fabaceae) and the pollination success of three Garry oak-associated plant species
Q56780075Invasive Spartina alterniflora: biology, ecology and management
Q112509725Invasive Stages within Alien Species and Hutchinson’s Duality: An Example Using Invasive Plants of the Family Fabaceae in Central Chile
Q56771064Invasive White Sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis) Control with Herbicides, Cutting, and Flaming
Q110809358Invasive Woody Plants and Their Effects on Arthropods in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities
Q111147456Invasive alien plant control improves foraging habitat quality of a threatened island flying fox
Q120472504Invasive alien plant control: The priority to save one of the most rapidly declining island-endemic plant species worldwide
Q114944669Invasive alien plant management.
Q47710280Invasive alien plant species dynamics in the Himalayan region under climate change
Q56783135Invasive alien plant species in China: regional distribution patterns
Q114923730Invasive alien plant species in Ethiopia: ecological impacts on biodiversity a review paper
Q111827174Invasive alien plant species in Romania of European Union concern
Q110663968Invasive alien plant species in unmanaged forest reserves, Austria
Q116816728Invasive alien plant species of Hassan District, Karnataka, India
Q107764722Invasive alien plant species of the southern part of the Nowogard Plain (NW Poland)
Q111174251Invasive alien plant species, fragmentation and scale effects on urban forest community composition in Durban, South Africa
Q94560530Invasive alien plant species: Their impact on environment, ecosystem services and human health
Q114945613Invasive alien plants - case studies from Europe and North America
Q56475787Invasive alien plants affect grassland ant communities, colony size and foraging behaviour
Q63627896Invasive alien plants along roadsides in Europe
Q60629896Invasive alien plants and South African rivers: a proposed approach to the prioritization of control operations
Q113081690Invasive alien plants and environmental remediation: a new paradigm for sustainable restoration ecology
Q112324982Invasive alien plants and weeds in South Africa: A review of their applications in traditional medicine and potential pharmaceutical properties
Q114949057Invasive alien plants as an alternative resource for concrete production – multi-scale optimization including carbon compensation, cleared land and saved water runoff in South Africa
Q46301395Invasive alien plants benefit more from clonal integration in heterogeneous environments than natives.
Q120433875Invasive alien plants in China: An update
Q56773221Invasive alien plants in China: diversity and ecological insights
Q56779865Invasive alien plants in China: role of clonality and geographical origin
Q34680907Invasive alien plants in Croatia as a threat to biodiversity of South-Eastern Europe: distributional patterns and range size
Q114920355Invasive alien plants in Poland – the state of research and the use of the results in practice
Q92028082Invasive alien plants in Polish national parks-threats to species diversity
Q107461626Invasive alien plants in Sergipe, north-eastern Brazil
Q117951917Invasive alien plants in areas of the Namib Naukluft Park disturbed by man
Q56773981Invasive alien plants in marine protected areas: the Spartina anglica affair in the European Wadden Sea
Q114930244Invasive alien plants in plant health revisited: another 10 years
Q114929996Invasive alien plants in plant health: a review of the past ten years
Q56487563Invasive alien plants in the Pampas grasslands: a tri-national cooperation challenge
Q56534204Invasive alien plants increase CH4 emissions from a subtropical tidal estuarine wetland
Q56777587Invasive alien plants infiltrate bird-mediated shrub nucleation processes in arid savanna
Q109690441Invasive alien plants occurring in Lesotho: Their ethnobotany, potential risks, distribution and origin
Q63627898Invasive alien plants of Russia: insights from regional inventories
Q60529879Invasive alien plants progress to dominate protected and best-preserved wet forests of an oceanic island
Q100530097Invasive and non-invasive plants differ in response to soil heavy metal lead contamination
Q114924488Invasive and potentially invasive plant species in State Nature Biosphere Reserves of the Altai Republic (Russia)
Q114928046Invasive and potentially invasive plants of the Middle Volga region
Q110829225Invasive aquatic plant (Alternanthera philoxeroides) facilitates the invasion of western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in Yangtze River, China
Q56417716Invasive aquatic plants in China
Q60533602Invasive aquatic plants in the aquarium and ornamental pond industries: a risk assessment for southern Ontario (Canada)
Q38948854Invasive capacity of Tamarix ramosissima in a Mojave Desert floodplain: the role of drought.
Q46957667Invasive clonal plant species have a greater root-foraging plasticity than non-invasive ones
Q56770057Invasive exotic plant indicators for ecosystem restoration: An example from the Everglades restoration program
Q56767346Invasive grasses and native Asteraceae in the Brazilian Cerrado
Q56658843Invasive herb Impatiens glandulifera has minimal impact on multiple components of temperate forest ecosystem function
Q56449429Invasive host for invasive pest: when the Asiatic cherry fly (Drosophila suzukii) meets the American black cherry (Prunus serotina) in Europe
Q111137089Invasive mangroves produce unsuitable habitat for endemic goby and burrowing shrimp pairs in Kāneʻohe Bay, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i
Q33736798Invasive mechanism and control strategy of Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel)
Q118109826Invasive melliferous plants in the flora of Serbia
Q110862479Invasive nitrogen-fixing plants increase nitrogen availability and cycling rates in a montane tropical grassland
Q46490540Invasive non-native plants have a greater effect on neighbouring natives than other non-natives
Q37402597Invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides suffers more severe herbivory pressure than native competitors in recipient communities
Q111147405Invasive plant Arundo donax alters habitat use by carnivores
Q120556988Invasive plant Bidens pilosa as an ecofriendly antibiofilm-antimicrobial against Staphylococcus aureus for bovine mastitis control
Q112176544Invasive plant Reynoutria japonica produces large amounts of phenolic compounds and reduces the biomass but not activity of soil microbial communities
Q33896287Invasive plant alters ability to predict disease vector distribution
Q46438747Invasive plant alters community and ecosystem dynamics by promoting native predators.
Q56772258Invasive plant architecture alters trophic interactions by changing predator abundance and behavior
Q118110992Invasive plant atlas of New England
Q106606439Invasive plant benefits a native plant through plant-soil feedback but remains the superior competitor
Q56556435Invasive plant cover impacts the desirability of lands for conservation acquisition
Q56435260Invasive plant distributions recapitulate patterns found in native plant assemblages in a heterogeneous landscape
Q117765914Invasive plant ecology
Q117765933Invasive plant ecology in natural and agricultural systems
Q56452460Invasive plant ecosystem engineer facilitates community and trophic level alteration for brackish marsh invertebrates
Q35131701Invasive plant erodes local song diversity in a migratory passerine
Q111173755Invasive plant feedbacks promote alternative states in California vernal pools
Q120466782Invasive plant hitchhikers: Appalachian Trail thru-hiker knowledge and attitudes of invasive plants and leave No trace practices
Q117043697Invasive plant indirectly affects its self-expansion and native species via bio-geomorphic feedbacks: Implications for salt marsh restoration
Q118130311Invasive plant indirectly regulates native plant decomposition by affecting invertebrate communities
Q51181043Invasive plant integration into native plant-pollinator networks across Europe.
Q111159013Invasive plant management creates ecological traps for snakes
Q56929323Invasive plant management must be driven by a holistic understanding of invader impacts
Q110531360Invasive plant mats promoted the decomposition of native leaf litter by micro-, meio-, and macroinvertebrates in an eutrophic freshwater lake in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China
Q117787927Invasive plant population and herbivore identity affect latex induction
Q114644142Invasive plant reduces cane toad threat to blue-tongues
Q110809422Invasive plant removal increases insect herbivory pressure on a native tree due to an increase in resource quality
Q117787609Invasive plant removal method determines native plant community responses
Q56330295Invasive plant removal: assessing community impact and recovery from invasion
Q111170769Invasive plant rhizome production and competitiveness vary based on neighbor identity
Q33790005Invasive plant species alters consumer behavior by providing refuge from predation.
Q35857391Invasive plant species and litter decomposition: time to challenge assumptions
Q56771222Invasive plant species and soil microbial response to wildfire burn severity in the Cascade Range of Oregon
Q114645516Invasive plant species and the consequences of its prevalence in biodiversity
Q110861919Invasive plant species and their disaster-effects in dry tropical forests and rangelands of Kenya and Tanzania
Q124798579Invasive plant species and their threat to biodiversity
Q56390581Invasive plant species are locally adapted just as frequently and at least as strongly as native plant species
Q114923754Invasive plant species as a cause of delay of restorative succession
Q114920268Invasive plant species as potential bioenergy producers and carbon contributors
Q114946443Invasive plant species carry legacy of colonialism
Q56441367Invasive plant species do not create more negative soil conditions for other plants than natives
Q112251629Invasive plant species identity affects soil microbial communities in a mesocosm experiment
Q114908133Invasive plant species in lawns of Belgrade roads
Q56433505Invasive plant species in the Swedish flora: developing criteria and definitions, and assessing the invasiveness of individual taxa
Q38369408Invasive plant species in the West Indies: geographical, ecological, and floristic insights.
Q114750861Invasive plant species in the area of the significant landscape Gajna
Q111841218Invasive plant species in the forest parks of Yekaterinburg
Q114920362Invasive plant species in the three microregions of Nitra region, South-west Slovakia
Q114928106Invasive plant species in three cities of the Udmurt Republic
Q114919468Invasive plant species influence on the elements of green infrastructure of cities on the example of the Moscow agglomeration
Q56426103Invasive plant species may serve as a biological corridor for the invertebrate fauna of naturally isolated hosts
Q114751222Invasive plant species of the areas of the Belogorye nature reserve
Q114908248Invasive plant species of the world: a reference guide to environmental weeds
Q46825857Invasive plant species set up their own niche
Q113929672Invasive plant species that experience lower herbivory pressure may evolve lower diversities of chemical defense compounds in the exotic range
Q56936389Invasive plant species thresholds in the forests of Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile
Q110829725Invasive plant species – threat to grasslands in river valleys
Q120507245Invasive plant suppresses charismatic seabird – the construction of attitudes towards biodiversity management options
Q21092774Invasive plant suppresses the growth of native tree seedlings by disrupting belowground mutualisms
Q111845596Invasive plant-crofton weed as adsorbent for effective removal of copper from aqueous solution
Q46172287Invasive plant-derived biochar inhibits sulfamethazine uptake by lettuce in soil
Q111165323Invasive plant-derived dissolved organic matter alters microbial communities and carbon cycling in soils
Q83018589Invasive plants
Q56331375Invasive plants accelerate nitrogen cycling: evidence from experimental woody monocultures
Q56943287Invasive plants affect arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi abundance and species richness as well as the performance of native plants grown in invaded soils
Q120501067Invasive plants alter soil properties and nutrient dynamics: A case study of Anthemis cotula invasion in Kashmir Himalaya
Q117044391Invasive plants and agri-food waste extracts as sustainable alternatives for the pre-emergence urban weed control in Portugal Central Region
Q34056229Invasive plants and enemy release: evolution of trait means and trait correlations in Ulex europaeus
Q46377142Invasive plants and forest ecosystems
Q114908213Invasive plants and forest ecosystems
Q57046316Invasive plants and invaded ecosystems in Australia: implications for biodiversity
Q111246456Invasive plants and natural habitats: the role of alien species in the urban vegetation
Q56547062Invasive plants and plant diversity as affected by groundwater depth and microtopography in the Great Basin
Q56777132Invasive plants and their ecological strategies: prediction and explanation of woody plant invasion in New England
Q56783108Invasive plants and their escape from root herbivory: a worldwide comparison of the root-feeding nematode communities of the dune grass Ammophila arenaria in natural and introduced ranges
Q119631330Invasive plants as a factor of floristic diversity degradation in Deliblato sands SNR
Q111322010Invasive plants as biosorbents for environmental remediation: a review
Q51146433Invasive plants as catalysts for the spread of human parasites
Q56450763Invasive plants as drivers of regime shifts: identifying high-priority invaders that alter feedback relationships
Q34742538Invasive plants as feedstock for biochar and bioenergy production
Q57067453Invasive plants as novel food resources, the pollinators' perspective
Q46254102Invasive plants as potential food resource for native pollinators: A case study with two invasive species and a generalist bumble bee.
Q118145828Invasive plants as potential sustainable feedstocks for biochar production and multiple applications: A review
Q118119332Invasive plants as reservoirs of viral infection for economically important crops
Q57056728Invasive plants decrease microbial capacity to nitrify and denitrify compared to native California grassland communities
Q111173453Invasive plants differ from native plants in their impact on native communities
Q93261644Invasive plants differentially affect soil biota through litter and rhizosphere pathways: a meta-analysis
Q56940027Invasive plants do not display greater phenotypic plasticity than their native or non-invasive counterparts: a meta-analysis
Q56459674Invasive plants escape from suppressive soil biota at regional scales
Q98469848Invasive plants exert disproportionately negative allelopathic effects on the growth and physiology of the earthworm Eisenia fetida
Q92802153Invasive plants facilitated by socioeconomic change harbor vectors of scrub typhus and spotted fever
Q119669636Invasive plants from the perspective of vegetation ecologists: Results of the IAVS Survey
Q33971782Invasive plants have broader physiological niches
Q35891790Invasive plants have different effects on trophic structure of green and brown food webs in terrestrial ecosystems: a meta-analysis
Q117044473Invasive plants have greater growth than co‐occurring natives in live soil subjected to a drought‐rewetting treatment
Q34553298Invasive plants have scale-dependent effects on diversity by altering species-area relationships
Q111160316Invasive plants in Brazil: climate change effects and detection of suitable areas within conservation units
Q111173458Invasive plants in Minnesota are “joining the locals”: A trait‐based analysis
Q107765970Invasive plants in North America: a view from Ukraine
Q57054926Invasive plants in a rapidly changing climate: an Australian perspective
Q56461489Invasive plants in conservation linkages: a conceptual model that addresses an underappreciated conservation issue
Q107461620Invasive plants in the Brazilian Caatinga: a scientometric analysis with prospects for conservation
Q57779727Invasive plants induce the taxonomic and functional replacement of dune spiders
Q35762560Invasive plants may promote predator-mediated feedback that inhibits further invasion
Q92467483Invasive plants negatively impact native, but not exotic, animals
Q111159879Invasive plants of eastern Canada: history, impacts, management, and stories
Q118147227Invasive plants of the Kampinos National Park outskirts – the current state and threats to the protected area
Q118110945Invasive plants of the upper Midwest: an illustrated guide to their identification and control
Q56784545Invasive plants on disturbed Korean sand dunes
Q120382858Invasive plants scale warming peaks quickest
Q119983949Invasive plants taking over the U.S.
Q56345139Invasive plants threaten the least mobile butterflies in Switzerland
Q36670159Invasive plants transform the three-dimensional structure of rain forests
Q51192426Invasive plants versus their new and old neighbors: a mechanism for exotic invasion.
Q56560525Invasive plants – Do they devastate or diversify rural livelihoods? Rural farmers’ perception of three invasive plants in Nepal
Q56764656Invasive plants – friends or foes? Contribution of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) to livelihoods in Makana Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Q119823003Invasive plants – occurrence, importance and threat to biodiversity
Q114950530Invasive plants, amenity migration, and challenges for cross-property management: Opening the black box of the property-centric landholder
Q55842532Invasive plants: approaches and predictions
Q124969333Invasive plants: approaches and predictions
Q118129674Invasive plants: what we know and what we want to know
Q56480512Invasive potential of Eucalyptus globulus: Seed dispersal, seedling recruitment and survival in habitats surrounding plantations
Q56773582Invasive riparian plant litter alters aquatic insect growth
Q56779791Invasive river plants from Portuguese floodplains: What can species attributes tell us?
Q114947424Invasive shrub removal benefits native plants in an eastern deciduous forest of North America
Q56770546Invasive species control: Incorporating demographic data and seed dispersal into a management model for Rhododendron ponticum
Q114920346Invasive terrestrial plant species in the Romanian protected areas. A review of the geographical aspects
Q111373121Invasive terrestrial plant species in the Romanian protected areas. Case study: Fallopia japonica in the Maramureş Mountains Natural Park
Q56453252Invasive trees and shrubs: where do they come from and what we should expect in the future?
Q56774975Invasive trees show only weak potential to impact nutrient dynamics in phosphorus-poor tropical forests in the Seychelles
Q107765975Invasive vascular plant species in the south-western part of the Silesian Upland (south Poland)
Q107759779Invasive vascular plant species of oxbow lakes in south-western Poland
Q110828877Invasive woody plants affect the composition of native lizard and small mammal communities in riparian woodlands
Q107988973Invasive woody plants as foci of tick-borne pathogens: eastern redcedar in the southern Great Plains
Q114917786Invasive-Plant-Removal Frequency—Its Impact on Species Spread and Implications for Further Integration of Forest-Management Practices
Q56765699Invasiveness potential of Miscanthus sinensis: implications for bioenergy production in the United States
Q57233074Inventory and Ventilation Efficiency of Nonnative and Native Phragmites australis (Common Reed) in Tidal Wetlands of the Chesapeake Bay
Q114914969Inventory of Invasive alien Plants in India
Q55871005Invertebrate communities associated with a native (Vallisneria americana) and an alien (Trapa natans) macrophyte in a large river
Q111439824Investigation and hazard evaluation of exotic invasive plants in agricultural ecosystems in Guangdong Province
Q114728946Investigation of fungal root colonizers of the invasive plant Vincetoxicum rossicum and co-occurring local native plants in a field and woodland area in Southern Ontario
Q126272683Investigation of the Allelopathic Effect of Two Invasive Plant Species in Rhizotron System
Q119753828Investigation of the invasive plant infestation of the railway line between Gödöllő and Hatvan
Q101106478Investigation on the Invasive Plants in Nanjishan Nature Reserve of Poyang Lake
Q111819066Involvement of Boiling Stable Antioxidant Enzymes in Adaptation of Invasive Alien Plant Lantana to Abiotic Stress under Natural Conditions
Q111145499Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato), a promising replacement control crop for the invasive alien plant Ageratina adenophora (Asteraceae) in China
Q42022318Iridoid glycoside variation in the invasive plant Dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica (Plantaginaceae), and sequestration by the biological control agent, Calophasia lunula.
Q46157029Is (-)-catechin a novel weapon of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe)?
Q56783825Is Pinus radiata invading the native vegetation in central Chile? Demographic responses in a fragmented forest
Q56527350Is a new invasive herb emerging? Molecular confirmation and preliminary evaluation of natural hybridization between the invasive Sphagneticola trilobata (Asteraceae) and its native congener S. calendulacea in South China
Q51146030Is it worth the effort? Spread and management success of invasive alien plant species in a Central European National Park
Q56781231Is management of an invasive grass Agropyron cristatum contingent on environmental variation?
Q56772054Is patience a virtue? Succession, light, and the death of invasive glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus)
Q35034682Is physiological performance a good predictor for fitness? Insights from an invasive plant species
Q56780095Is spread of the neophyte Spartina anglica recently enhanced by increasing temperatures?
Q56945125Is terrestrial plant import from East Asia into countries in the EPPO region a potential pathway for new emerging invasive alien plants?
Q111174117Is the cure worse than the disease? Comparing the ecological effects of an invasive aquatic plant and the herbicide treatments used to control it
Q42035170Is the invasion of the common reed, Phragmites australis, into tidal marshes of the eastern US an ecological disaster?
Q114945638Is there evidence for the post-invasion evolution of increased size among invasive plant species?
Q55870965Islands, Exotic Herbivores, and Invasive Plants: Their Roles in Coastal California Restoration
Q110862673Isolation and characterization of nitrogen fixing bacteria that nodulate alien invasive plant species Prosopis juliflora (Swart) DC. in Marigat, Kenya
Q56926061Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the invasive plant Cytisus scoparius
Q56571244Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from the invasive plant Lantana camara L
Q34174378Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from the invasive plant Solidago canadensis (Asteraceae).
Q111439830Isolation and identification of a potential allelochemical from the invasive plant Eupatorium adenophorum
Q111159746It doesn’t take two to tango: increased capacity for self-fertilization towards range edges of two coastal invasive plant species in eastern Australia
Q114922208JENIS-JENIS TUMBUHAN ASING INVASIF DI TAMAN WISATA ALAM GUNUNG MEJA MANOKWARI, PAPUA BARAT ((Invasive Plant Species at Gunung Meja Recreational Park, Manokwari West Papua)
Q41603724Jack-and-master trait responses to elevated CO2 and N: a comparison of native and introduced Phragmites australis.
Q114043063Japanese Chaff-flower, Achyranthes japonica (Amaranthaceae), on the Erie islands, an invasive plant new to Canada
Q55870798Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) as an Invasive Species; History, Ecology, and Context
Q114954535Joint toxic effects of heavy metals and atrazine on invasive plant species Solidago Canadensis L.
Q114920460Keragaman dan Pengendalian Tumbuhan Invasif di KHDTK Samboja, Kalimantan Timur (Diversity and Management of Invasive Plants in Samboja Research Forest, Kalimantan Timur)
Q114926372Key Informant Perceptions on the Invasive Ipomoea Plant Species in Kajiado County, South Eastern Kenya
Q56421059Knotweed (Fallopia spp.) Invasion of North America Utilizes Hybridization, Epigenetics, Seed Dispersal (Unexpectedly), and an Arsenal of Physiological Tactics
Q120485520Knowledge and perceptions of invasive plant biocontrol in Europe versus the rest of the world
Q56395626Knowledge, perceptions and willingness to control designated invasive tree species in urban household gardens in South Africa
Q28751256Kudzu (Pueraria montana) invasion doubles emissions of nitric oxide and increases ozone pollution
Q112317182Kudzu in Europe: niche conservatism for a highly invasive plant
Q117883889L. C. de Waal, L.E. Child, P.M. Wade & J.H. Brock: Ecology and Management of Invasive Riverside Plants
Q111320805LC-DAD-MS Phenolic Characterisation of Six Invasive Plant Species in Croatia and Determination of Their Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activity
Q51180848Lack of belowground mutualisms hinders Pinaceae invasions.
Q120512559Lack of genetic variation of an invasive clonal plant Eichhornia crassipes in China revealed by RAPD and ISSR markers
Q117800914Land Manager Perceptions of Opportunities and Constraints of Using Livestock to Manage Invasive Plants
Q117771773Land Manager and Researcher Perspectives on Invasive Plant Research Needs in the Midwestern United States
Q111157075Land use management in the Galapagos: A preliminary study on reducing the impacts of invasive plant species through sustainable agriculture and payment for ecosystem services
Q56778748Landscape ecology of Phragmites australis invasion in networks of linear wetlands
Q109403960Landscape level effects of invasive plants and animals on water infiltration through Hawaiian tropical forests
Q56452366Landscape-Level Simulation of Weed Treatments to Evaluate Treatment Plan Options
Q56763682Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) invasion effects on soil physicochemical properties
Q57277732Lantana camara L. invasions in dry rainforest - open forest ecotones: The role of disturbances associated with fire and cattle grazing
Q56558889Lantana camara invasion in a heterogeneous landscape: patterns of spread and correlation with changes in native vegetation
Q56527513Large-scale rodent control reduces pre- and post-dispersal seed predation of the endangered Hawaiian lobeliad, Cyanea superba subsp. superba (Campanulaceae)
Q57405910Late-Season Targeted Grazing of Yellow Starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) with Goats in Idaho
Q111327460Latitudinal and Longitudinal Trends of Seed Traits Indicate Adaptive Strategies of an Invasive Plant
Q56654733Latitudinal pattern of flowering synchrony in an invasive wind-pollinated plant
Q21560753Latitudinal patterns in phenotypic plasticity and fitness-related traits: assessing the climatic variability hypothesis (CVH) with an invasive plant species
Q39226612Latitudinal population differentiation in two species of Solidago (Asteraceae) introduced into Europe
Q56785190Latitudinal trends in growth and phenology of the invasive alien plant Impatiens glandulifera (Balsaminaceae)
Q111159545Latitudinal trends in growth, reproduction and defense of an invasive plant
Q56459494Latitudinal trends in herbivory and performance of an invasive species, common burdock (Arctium minus)
Q57071660Latitudinal variation in soil biota: testing the biotic interaction hypothesis with an invasive plant and a native congener
Q114961573Leaf Decomposition and Stream Macroinvertebrate Colonisation of Japanese Knotweed, an Invasive Plant Species
Q55842520Leaf Phenology and Seasonal Carbon Gain in the Invasive Plant, Bunias orientalis L
Q56766615Leaf litter and understory canopy shade limit the establishment, growth and reproduction of Microstegium vimineum
Q56771940Leaf phenology and freeze tolerance of the invasive shrub Amur honeysuckle and potential native competitors
Q51185353Leaf phenology and seasonal variation of photosynthesis of invasive Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry) and two co-occurring native understory shrubs in a northeastern United States deciduous forest.
Q112301809Leaf trait association in relation to herbivore defense, drought resistance, and economics in a tropical invasive plant
Q51185061Leaf trait relationships of native and invasive plants: community- and global-scale comparisons.
Q51190499Leaf-level phenotypic variability and plasticity of invasive Rhododendron ponticum and non-invasive Ilex aquifolium co-occurring at two contrasting European sites.
Q120041554Leafcutter ants: a small dispersal agent of the invasive plant Murraya paniculata
Q56752275Learning from our mistakes: minimizing problems with invasive biofuel plants
Q92812860Leaves of Invasive Plants-Japanese, Bohemian and Giant Knotweed-The Promising New Source of Flavan-3-ols and Proanthocyanidins
Q113904291Legacies of invasive plant management: effects of leaching from glyphosate-treated and untreated plants on germination and early growth of native macrophytes
Q111845330Legal Aspects of Invasive Alien Plant Species Regulation
Q56765317Lemna valdiviana Phil. (Araceae) as a potential invasive species in Italy and Europe: Taxonomic study and first observations on its ecology and distribution
Q34400234Lepidopterans as potential agents for the biological control of the invasive plant, Miconia calvescens
Q90594213Lesser leaf herbivore damage and structural defense and greater nutrient concentrations for invasive alien plants: Evidence from 47 pairs of invasive and non-invasive plants
Q60575385Lessons from agriculture may improve the management of invasive plants in wildland systems
Q56554772Lessons learned from invasive plant control experiments: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q51171939Letter to the editor. Biosecurity policy and the use of geospatial predictive tools to address invasive plants: updating the risk analysis toolbox.
Q118182162Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit in Brazil: history of an invasive plant.
Q56764530Lianas escape self-thinning: Experimental evidence of positive density dependence in temperate lianas Celastrus orbiculatus and C. scandens
Q35385446Life history trait differentiation and local adaptation in invasive populations of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in China
Q100692515Life history variation and demography of the invasive plant Eschscholzia californica Cham. (Papaveraceae), in two altitudinal extremes, Central Chile
Q99353326Life history variation in an invasive plant is associated with climate and recent colonization of a specialist herbivore
Q56383834Life on the edge: reproductive mode and rate of invasive Phragmites australis patch expansion
Q33951857Light limitation and litter of an invasive clonal plant, Wedelia trilobata, inhibit its seedling recruitment
Q59067132Light-inducible and chloroplast-associated expression of a chimaeric gene introduced into Nicotiana tabacum using a Ti plasmid vector
Q33442006Lights, camera…citizen science: assessing the effectiveness of smartphone-based video training in invasive plant identification
Q117769689Limitations to Postfire Seedling Establishment: The Role of Seeding Technology, Water Availability, and Invasive Plant Abundance
Q111324819Limited natural regeneration of unique Scalesia forest following invasive plant removal in Galapagos
Q56778922Limiting factors for seedling emergence and establishment of the invasive non-native Rosa rugosa in a coastal dune system
Q46437800Limiting similarity and Darwin's naturalization hypothesis: understanding the drivers of biotic resistance against invasive plant species
Q35760748Limits to Future Adaptation in the Invasive Plant Polygonum cespitosum: Expression of Functional and Fitness Traits at Elevated CO2.
Q56767542Limits to local spatial spread in a highly invasive annual grass (Microstegium vimineum)
Q41620260Lineage overwhelms environmental conditions in determining rhizosphere bacterial community structure in a cosmopolitan invasive plant
Q56946878Linear spectral mixture analysis of Landsat TM data for monitoring invasive exotic plants in estuarine wetlands
Q35961021Linking concepts in the ecology and evolution of invasive plants: network analysis shows what has been most studied and identifies knowledge gaps
Q56752220Linking functional traits to impacts of invasive plant species: a case study
Q111161389Linking responses of native and invasive plants to hurricane disturbances: implications for coastal plant community structure
Q111163370Linking traits of invasive plants with ecosystem services and disservices
Q110829694Litter accumulation and biomass dynamics in riparian zones in tropical South America of the Asian invasive plant Hedychium coronarium J. König (Zingiberaceae)
Q111164449Litter breakdown of invasive alien plant species in a pond environment: Rapid decomposition of Solidago canadensis may alter resource dynamics
Q56764283Litter legacy increases the competitive advantage of invasive Phragmites australis in New England wetlands
Q56765725Litter of an alien tree, Casuarina equisetifolia, inhibits seed germination and initial growth of a native tree on the Ogasawara Islands (subtropical oceanic islands)
Q33323052Litter pool sizes, decomposition, and nitrogen dynamics in Spartina alterniflora-invaded and native coastal marshlands of the Yangtze Estuary
Q56773209Little evidence for negative effects of an invasive alien plant on pollinator services
Q34260191Livestock as a potential biological control agent for an invasive wetland plant
Q55256178Living in two worlds: Evolutionary mechanisms act differently in the native and introduced ranges of an invasive plant.
Q56432797Living with Invasive Plants in the Anthropocene: The Importance of Understanding Practice and Experience
Q27348577Living with aliens: effects of invasive shrub honeysuckles on avian nesting
Q114752584Local Knowledge, Perceptions and Uses Values of Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, an Invasive Native Plant Species in Burkina Faso, West Africa
Q56562407Local adaptation across a fertility gradient is influenced by soil biota in the invasive grass, Bromus inermis
Q108863149Local adaptation of invasive plant, Synedrella nodiflora, in urban tropical lowland landscape Universitas Indonesia
Q56451481Local and intermediated-intensity soil disturbances increase the colonization and expansion dynamics of an invasive plant in Southern Patagonian rangelands
Q56383867Local and regional disturbances associated with the invasion of Chesapeake Bay marshes by the common reed Phragmites australis
Q56773462Local escape of an invasive plant, common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifoliaL.), from above-ground and below-ground enemies in its native area
Q56946420Local knowledge regarding ecosystem services and disservices from invasive alien plants in the arid Kalahari, South Africa
Q113728550Local perceptions and ethnobotanical uses values of Senna obtusifolia, an invasive native plant species in Burkina Faso, West Africa
Q56766705Local population differentiation in Bromus tectorum L. in relation to habitat-specific selection regimes
Q56778617Local population dynamics of an invasive tree species with a complex life-history cycle: A stochastic matrix model
Q35626318Loci under selection during multiple range expansions of an invasive plant are mostly population specific, but patterns are associated with climate
Q111165149Long period exposure to serious cadmium pollution benefits an invasive plant (Alternanthera philoxeroides) competing with its native congener (Alternanthera sessilis)
Q56772384Long term dynamics of Rosa multiflora in a successional system
Q114116161Long-Term Changes of Aquatic Invasive Plants and Implications for Future Distribution: A Case Study Using a Tank Cascade System in Sri Lanka
Q110790055Long-Term Habitat Degradation Drives Neotropical Macrophyte Species Loss While Assisting the Spread of Invasive Plant Species
Q111806082Long-Term Management of an Invasive Plant: Lessons from Seven Years ofPhragmites australisControl
Q33945217Long-distance dispersal and high genetic diversity are implicated in the invasive spread of the common reed, Phragmites australis (Poaceae), in northeastern North America
Q56774088Long-term changes in forest composition and diversity following early logging (1919–1923) and the decline of American chestnut (Castanea dentata)
Q56639517Long-term control of the invasive tree Ailanthus altissima: Insights from Mediterranean protected forests
Q57052410Long-term legacies and partial recovery of mycorrhizal communities after invasive plant removal
Q100731898Long-term trends indicate that invasive plants are pervasive and increasing in eastern national parks
Q41981231Longitudinal trends in climate drive flowering time clines in North American Arabidopsis thaliana
Q35046312Loss of specificity: native but not invasive populations of Triadica sebifera vary in tolerance to different herbivores
Q56605333Lost in the weeds: Ligustrum sinense reduces native plant growth and survival
Q28660057Low functional redundancy among mammalian browsers in regulating an encroaching shrub (Solanum campylacanthum) in African savannah
Q35750700Low genetic diversity despite multiple introductions of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Europe
Q36220384Low persistence of a monocarpic invasive plant in historical sites biases our perception of its actual distribution
Q33921725Lower resistance and higher tolerance of invasive host plants: biocontrol agents reach high densities but exert weak control
Q39400604Macaria mirthae Vargas et al (Lepidoptera: Geometridae): Confirmation of the Use of an Invasive Host Plant in the Northern Atacama Desert of Chile Based on DNA Barcodes
Q56768430Macroinvertebrate communities of hypoxic habitats created by an invasive plant ( Trapa natans ) in the freshwater tidal Hudson River
Q56740306Maine Nursery and Landscape Industry Perspectives on Invasive Plant Issues
Q56422553Maize and pea germination and seedling growth responses to compost generated from biowaste of selected invasive alien plant species
Q111845155Major environmental factors and traits of invasive alien plants determine their spatial distribution: a case study in Korea
Q112778648Major environmental factors and traits of invasive alien plants determining their spatial distribution
Q114752938Management Strategies Determine How Invasive Plant Impacts on Rangeland Provisioning Services Change Net Revenue on California Annual Rangeland
Q118126719Management Strategies for Invasive Plants in Pacific Northwest Prairies, Savannas, and Oak Woodlands
Q114908981Management and Monitoring of Invasive Alien Plant Species, <i>Coreopsis lanceolata</i> L., in an Elementary School
Q92753868Management feasibility of established invasive plant species in Queensland, Australia: A stakeholders' perspective
Q56769610Management of Microstegium vimineum Invasions and Recovery of Resident Plant Communities
Q111174245Management of UK priority invasive alien plants: a systematic review protocol
Q114916488Management of invasive plant species in Nigeria through economic exploitation: lessons from other countries
Q110829104Management of invasive plant species in the valley of the River Ślepiotka in Katowice – the example of the REURIS project
Q111159213Management of invasive plants through ecological resistance
Q56768136Managing Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe)–Infested Rangeland after Wildfire
Q35035064Managing breaches of containment and eradication of invasive plant populations
Q111163095Managing environmental contamination through phytoremediation by invasive plants: A review
Q56350070Managing for biodiversity: impact and action thresholds for invasive plants in natural ecosystems
Q56570809Managing invasions at the cost of native habitat? An experimental test of the impact of fire on the invasion of Chromolaena odorata in a South African savanna
Q31160356Managing invasive aquatic plants in a changing system: strategic consideration of ecosystem services
Q56776749Managing invasive aquatic plants: problems and prospects
Q114943978Managing invasive plants in a rural-amenity landscape: the role of social capital and Landcare
Q100233458Managing invasive plants on Great Plains grasslands: A discussion of current challenges
Q114951419Managing invasive plants on public conservation forestlands: Application of a bio-economic model
Q64214081Managing invasive plants on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island
Q117800067Managing invasive plants through a nature-based approach in complex landscapes
Q35002072Managing invasive populations of Asian longhorned beetle and citrus longhorned beetle: a worldwide perspective.
Q56764408Managing invasive weeds under climate change: considering the current and potential future distribution of Buddleja davidii
Q111825484Managing the invasive plant Carpobrotus edulis: is mechanical control or specialized natural enemy more effective?
Q56481126Many alien invasive plants disperse against the direction of stream flow in riparian areas
Q120080713Mapping Invasive Aquatic Plants in Sentinel-2 Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks Trained With Spectral Indices
Q56452390Mapping Invasive Plant Distributions in the Florida Everglades Using the Digital Aerial Sketch Mapping Technique
Q114578813Mapping Invasive Plant Species with Hyperspectral Data Based on Iterative Accuracy Assessment Techniques
Q111839075Mapping Invasive Plants in Riverbank Vegetation
Q111173791Mapping Understory Invasive Plants in Urban Forests with Spectral and Temporal Unmixing of Landsat Imagery
Q111148917Mapping an Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora by Combining an Ensemble One-Class Classification Algorithm with a Phenological NDVI Time-Series Analysis Approach in Middle Coast of Jiangsu, China
Q56777969Mapping an invasive plant, Phragmites australis, in coastal wetlands using the EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral sensor
Q28652246Mapping current and potential distribution of non-native Prosopis juliflora in the Afar region of Ethiopia
Q56419831Mapping invasive alien Acacia dealbata Link using ASTER multispectral imagery: a case study in central-eastern of Portugal
Q117788798Mapping invasive alien plant species with very high spatial resolution and multi-date satellite imagery using object-based and machine learning techniques: A comparative study
Q60539835Mapping invasive plant species in tropical rainforest using polarimetric Radarsat-2 and PALSAR data
Q108906406Mapping invasive plant with UAV-derived 3D mesh model in mountain area—A case study in Shenzhen Coast, China
Q114928846Mapping invasive plants in wetlands
Q113640744Mapping invasive plants using hyperspectral imagery and Breiman Cutler classifications (randomForest)
Q111167812Mapping invasive plants with citizen science. A case study from Trieste (NE Italy)
Q56775704Mapping invasive wetland plants in the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve using quickbird satellite imagery
Q56525202Mapping invasive woody plants in Azores Protected Areas by using very high-resolution multispectral imagery
Q113692569Mapping of Invasive Alien Plants: The Contribution of the Southern African Plant Invaders Atlas (SAPIA) to Biological Weed Control
Q114909607Mapping of occurrence and population dynamics of invasive plant species Heracleum mantegazzianum in the agricultural landscape
Q117043649Mapping of understorey invasive plant species clusters of Lantana camara and Chromolaena odorata using airborne hyperspectral remote sensing
Q114918033Mapping the Distribution and Dispersal Risks of the Alien Invasive Plant Ageratina adenophora in China
Q51145645Mapping the Flowering of an Invasive Plant Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Is There Potential for Biocontrol Monitoring?
Q113201650Mapping the economic loss of ecosystem services caused by the invasive plant species Antigonon leptopus on the Dutch Caribbean Island of St. Eustatius
Q56782164Mapping the invasive species Phragmites australis in linear wetland corridors
Q56433151Mapping the occurrence of Chromolaena odorata (L.) in subtropical forest gaps using environmental and remote sensing data
Q111163371Mapping the socio-ecological impacts of invasive plants in South Africa: Are poorer households with high ecosystem service use most at risk?
Q104892389Mapping understory invasive plant species with field and remotely sensed data in Chitwan, Nepal
Q33712628Massively parallel sequencing and analysis of expressed sequence tags in a successful invasive plant
Q39028766Matching the origin of an invasive weed for selection of a herbivore haplotype for a biological control programme
Q110620571Maternal Environment Influences Propagule Pressure of an Invasive Plant, Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae)
Q56783301Matrix Models as a Tool for Understanding Invasive Plant and Native Plant Interactions
Q34160924Mature non-native black-locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) forest does not regain the lichen diversity of the natural forest.
Q56766012Measurement of volatile terpene emissions in 70 dominant vascular plant species in Hawaii: aliens emit more than natives
Q56769400Measuring edge contrast using biotic criteria helps define edge effects on the density of an invasive plant
Q56591757Measuring the Effects of Invasive Plants on Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Prospects
Q119960706Measuring the growth force of invasive plant cells using Flexure integrated Lab-on-a-Chip (FiLoC)
Q119847249Mechanical and Rheological Properties of PHBV Bioplastic Composites Engineered with Invasive Plant Fibers
Q111504358Mechanism of AM Fungi on Competitive Growth between Invasive Plant Flaveria bidentis and Native Plant Setaria viridis
Q55841688Mechanisms of Expansion for an Introduced Species of Cordgrass, Spartina densiflora, in Humboldt Bay, California
Q56742078Mechanisms of Phragmites australis invasion: feedbacks among genetic diversity, nutrients, and sexual reproduction
Q55869692Mechanisms of resistance of Mediterranean annual communities to invasion by Conyza bonariensis: effects of native functional composition
Q120599374Media myopia distorts public interest in US invasive plants
Q114921909Medicinal Properties of Selected Invasive Plant Species in the Philippines
Q56449527Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) loss between 1842 and 2009
Q56782173Melding ecology, classical weed biocontrol, and plant microbial ecology can inform improved practices in controlling invasive plant species
Q56432828Meta-Analysis of Exotic Forages as Invasive Plants in Complex Multi-Functioning Landscapes
Q36709209Meta-analysis reveals evolution in invasive plant species but little support for Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability (EICA).
Q101107034Metabolic Characteristics of Invasive Plant Ipomoea cairica in South China by de novo Transcriptomics
Q96431951Metabolomic differences between invasive alien plants from native and invaded habitats
Q120599364Metabolomic profiling reveals shifts in defenses of an invasive plant
Q111327685Metabolomics Reveals the Allelopathic Potential of the Invasive Plant Eupatorium adenophorum
Q120324331Metabolomics of fabaceous invasive plants from Colombia: an approach for lead finding from nature
Q114954096Methane productivity evaluation of an invasive wetland plant, common reed
Q111818597Methodology to map the spread of an invasive plant (Lantana camara L.) in forest ecosystems using Indian remote sensing satellite data
Q118175667Methods for Prioritizing Invasive Plants in Protected Areas: A Systematic Review
Q33570625Microbial community on healthy and diseased leaves of an invasive plant Eupatorium adenophorum in Southwest China
Q56556941Microbial-mediated feedbacks of leaf litter on invasive plant growth and interspecific competition
Q120074083Microclimate is a strong predictor of the native and invasive plant‐associated soil microbiome on San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos archipelago
Q56383837Microsatellite analysis to estimate realized dispersal distance in Phragmites australis
Q114929418Microsatellite markers for the invasive plant species white sweetclover (Melilotus alba) and yellow sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis)
Q39263638Microsatellite markers reveal two admixed genetic groups and an ongoing displacement within the French population of the invasive plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans
Q46037250Microsatellite variation points to local landscape plantings as sources of invasive pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) in California.
Q64264031Microstructural and Thermo-Physical Characterization of a Water Hyacinth Petiole for Thermal Insulation Particle Board Manufacture
Q114955496Mihály B. and Botta-Dukát Z. 2004. Biological Invasion in Hungary – Invasive Plants. (In Hungarian)
Q56365597Mild abiotic stresses have different effects on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of young woody and herbaceous invasive plants
Q56449440Minimizing Risks of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Tropical Production Forest Management
Q120597927Minnesota horticultural industry survey on invasive plants
Q120328150Mislabelling may explain why some prohibited invasive aquatic plants are still being sold in Belgium
Q111159901Mixed evidence for shifts to faster carbon capture strategies towards range edges of two coastal invasive plants in eastern Australia
Q30815735Modeling Hawaiian ecosystem degradation due to invasive plants under current and future climates
Q56891974Modeling Hawaiian ecosystem degradation due to invasive plants under current and future climates
Q111159077Modeling Invasive Plant Species in Kenya’s Northern Rangelands
Q55839739Modeling Invasive Plant Spread: The Role of Plant-Environment Interactions and Model Structure
Q92239742Modeling Top-Down and Bottom-Up Drivers of a Regime Shift in Invasive Aquatic Plant Stable States
Q121638081Modeling habitat suitability across different levels of invasive plant abundance
Q112830151Modeling impacts of human footprint and soil variability on the potential distribution of invasive plant species in different biomes
Q56932269Modeling invasive alien plant species in river systems: Interaction with native ecosystem engineers and effects on hydro-morphodynamic processes
Q34125618Modeling population dynamics, landscape structure, and management decisions for controlling the spread of invasive plants
Q56450371Modeling potential invasion range of alien invasive species, Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit. in India: Comparison of MaxEnt and GARP
Q114929197Modeling the Dynamics of Complex Spatial Systems Using GIS, Cellular Automata and Fuzzy Sets Applied to Invasive Plant Species Propagation
Q111168037Modeling the geographic spread and proliferation of invasive alien plants (IAPs) into new ecosystems using multi-source data and multiple predictive models in the Heuningnes catchment, South Africa
Q46573414Modeling the presence probability of invasive plant species with nonlocal dispersal
Q110862847Modelled distribution of an invasive alien plant species differs at different spatiotemporal scales under changing climate: a case study of Parthenium hysterophorus L
Q35730447Modelling Hotspots for Invasive Alien Plants in India
Q111165139Modelling and validation of the spatial distribution of suitable habitats for the recruitment of invasive plants on climate change scenarios: An approach from the regeneration niche
Q56781316Modelling establishment probabilities of an exotic plant, Rhododendron ponticum, invading a heterogeneous, woodland landscape using logistic regression with spatial autocorrelation
Q111145588Modelling hot spot areas for the invasive alien plant Elodea nuttallii in the EU
Q56926095Modelling integrated weed management of an invasive shrub in tropical Australia
Q111824996Modelling invasive alien plant distribution: A literature review of concepts and bibliometric analysis
Q56772469Modelling spread of the invasive macrophyteCabomba caroliniana
Q61798219Modelling the current fractional cover of an invasive alien plant and drivers of its invasion in a dryland ecosystem
Q56668988Modelling the local spread of invasive plants: importance of including spatial distribution and detectability in management plans
Q101035089Module biomass structure and seed germination traits of the exotic invasive plant Gaura parviflora
Q101037185Module biomass structure of the alien invasive plant Conyza canadensis
Q114911757Molecular Characterization of Bacterial Community Composition in the Rhizosphere of Invasive Plant Species Amur Honeysuckle (&lt;i&gt;Lonicera maackii&lt;/i&gt;) in an Urban Wetland Forest
Q56192638Molecular Systematics and the Control of Invasive Plants: A Case Study of Tamarix (Tamaricaceae)
Q51185668Molecular and morphological evidence reveals introgression in swarms of the invasive taxa Fallopia japonica, F. sachalinensis, and F. xbohemica (Polygonaceae) in the United States.
Q46216846Molecular and quantitative trait variation across the native range of the invasive species Hypericum canariense: evidence for ancient patterns of colonization via pre-adaptation?
Q36939252Molecular approach to describing a seed-based food web: the post-dispersal granivore community of an invasive plant
Q33255620Molecular basis of plant gene expression during aphid invasion: wheat Pto- and Pti-like sequences are involved in interactions between wheat and Russian wheat aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae).
Q34523289Molecular characterization of Wolbachia strains associated with the invasive Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri in Brazil
Q40664466Molecular cytogenetic characterization of novel wheat-Thinopyrum bessarabicum recombinant lines carrying intercalary translocations.
Q56766556Molecular data provide strong evidence of natural hybridization between native and introduced lineages of Phragmites australis in North America
Q83332779Molecular diversity of rhizobia nodulating the invasive legume Cytisus scoparius in Australia
Q56775493Molecular evidence for a single genetic clone of invasive Arundo donax in the United States
Q56379838Molecular evidence for hybridization between invasive Solidago canadensis and native S. virgaurea
Q51188696Molecular evidence for multiple introductions of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata, Brassicaceae) to North America.
Q56751007Molecular markers reconstruct the invasion history of variable leaf watermilfoil (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) and distinguish it from closely related species
Q111824429Monitoring Invasive Plant Species Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
Q111321796Monitoring Re-Growth of Invasive Plants Using an Autonomous Surface Vessel
Q110828953Monitoring River Restoration Efforts: Do Invasive Alien Plants Endanger the Success? A Case Study of the Traisen River
Q111164095Monitoring and water quality impacts of an herbicide treatment on an aquatic invasive plant in a drinking water reservoir
Q120562207Monitoring invasive alien plants dynamics: application in restored areas
Q114026876Monitoring the Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora in Jiangsu Coastal Wetland Using MRCNN and Long-Time Series Landsat Data
Q120080731Monitoring the Spatiotemporal Distribution of Invasive Aquatic Plants in the Guadiana River, Spain
Q56555994Monitoring the invasion of an exotic tree (Ligustrum lucidum) from 1983 to 2006 with Landsat TM/ETM+ satellite data and Support Vector Machines in Córdoba, Argentina
Q120250830Monograph of invasive plants in Europe N°6: Asclepias syriaca L
Q60531315Monographs of invasive plants in Europe: Carpobrotus
Q120250796Monographs on Invasive Plants in Europe N°7: Rhododendron ponticum L.
Q57022897Monographs on Invasive Plants in Europe:Baccharis halimifoliaL
Q120250899Monographs on invasive plants in Europe N° 2: Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms
Q111168195Monographs on invasive plants in Europe N° 4: Arundo donax L.
Q120250849Monographs on invasive plants in Europe N° 5: Ambrosia trifida L.
Q60547391Monographs on invasive plants in Europe. A new series forBotany Letters. Rationale and instructions
Q111440080Monthly growth dynamics of new shoots of an invasive forest plant,Merremia boisiana,in Hainan Province,China
Q111440081Monthly growth dynamics of the shoots of invasive plant Mikania micrantha in Hainan
Q56768050Morphological and physiological traits in the success of the invasive plant Lespedeza cuneata
Q56556576Morphological differentiation in a common garden experiment among native and non-native specimens of the invasive weed yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis)
Q114914233Motivations and contributions of volunteer groups in the management of invasive alien plants in South Africa’s Western Cape province
Q114909616Mountain Matokit and Vrgorac city: a new localities of threatened and invasive plant taxa in Croatia
Q56785406Movement of invasive aquatic plants into Minnesota (USA) through horticultural trade
Q36912144Moving from a regional to a continental perspective of Phragmites australis invasion in North America
Q36166182Multi-Phase US Spread and Habitat Switching of a Post-Columbian Invasive, Sorghum halepense
Q111167687Multi-scale assessment of invasive plant species diversity using Pléiades 1A, RapidEye and Landsat-8 data
Q114930190Multi-trophic impacts of an invasive aquatic plant
Q111147477Multilocus approach reveals a complex evolutionary history of the invasive mile-a-minute plant, Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae), in its natural habitat
Q56641108Multiple common garden experiments suggest lack of local adaptation in an invasive ornamental plant
Q56510063Multiple introductions and no loss of genetic diversity: invasion history of Japanese Rose, Rosa rugosa, in Europe
Q33875162Multiple introductions boosted genetic diversity in the invasive range of black cherry (Prunus serotina; Rosaceae).
Q46321958Multiple introductions, admixture and bridgehead invasion characterize the introduction history of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Europe and Australia.
Q117045002Multiple introductions, polyploidy and mixed reproductive strategies are linked to genetic diversity and structure in the most widespread invasive plant across Southern Ocean archipelagos
Q33881461Multiple mechanisms underlie rapid expansion of an invasive alien plant
Q110775559Multiple seed dispersal modes of an invasive plant species on coastal dunes
Q111166039Multiscale Invasive Plant Monitoring: Experiences from the Greater Everglades Restoration Area
Q56780992Multiscale responses of soil stability and invasive plants to removal of non-native grazers from an arid conservation reserve
Q56763559Multispecies interactions among a plant parasite, a pollinator and a seed predator affect the reproductive output of an invasive plant, Cytisus scoparius
Q114917358Multispectral Approach for Identifying Invasive Plant Species Based on Flowering Phenology Characteristics
Q56424286Multitrophic enemy escape of invasive Phragmites australis and its introduced herbivores in North America
Q111161124Multivariate analysis of invasive plant species distributions in southern US forests
Q28239416Multivariate forecasts of potential distributions of invasive plant species
Q104394819Murrayatin, a coumarin from murraya exotica
Q114725009Myriophyllum rubricaule sp. nov., a M. aquaticum look-alike only known in cultivation
Q56771806Native Cuscuta campestris restrains exotic Mikania micrantha and enhances soil resources beneficial to natives in the invaded communities
Q56779312Native and Exotic Distributions of Siamweed (Chromolaena odorata) Modeled Using the Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Production
Q114929296Native and alien invasive plants: more of the same?
Q56769323Native and exotic invasive plants have fundamentally similar carbon capture strategies
Q112312551Native and invasive plant interactions in wetlands and the minimal role of invasiveness
Q58855087Native birds and insects, and introduced honey bees visiting Echium wildpretii (Boraginaceae) in the Canary Islands
Q29542586Native forest generalists dominate carabid assemblages along a stand age chronosequence in an exotic Pinus radiata plantation
Q56430440Native insects and invasive plants encounters
Q34639895Native macrophyte density and richness affect the invasiveness of a tropical poaceae species
Q33867315Native perennial grasses show evolutionary response to Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) invasion
Q125022572Native plants change the endophyte assembly and growth of an invasive plant in response to climatic factors
Q45942288Native range genetic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana is strongly geographically structured and reflects Pleistocene glacial dynamics.
Q36805815Native-Invasive Plants vs. Halophytes in Mediterranean Salt Marshes: Stress Tolerance Mechanisms in Two Related Species
Q56437867Native-range habitats of invasive plants: are they similar to invaded-range habitats and do they differ according to the geographical direction of invasion?
Q117788805Natural Dyes from Three Invasive Plant Species in The United States
Q56458982Natural History Survey of the Ornamental Grass Miscanthus sinensis in the Introduced Range
Q56766033Natural Selection and Genetic Constraints on Flowering Phenology in an Invasive Plant
Q56783371Natural selection for resistance to the allelopathic effects of invasive plants
Q120599377Naturalized and invasive alien plants in the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Q57024363Naturalized and invasive plant species in the evergreen forests of the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania
Q114946310Nearly half of India prone to invasive alien plants
Q120296622Nectar and pollen of the invasive century plantAgave americanaas a food resource for endemic birds
Q29541006Nectar chemistry modulates the impact of an invasive plant on native pollinators
Q111840336Negative Impact of Invasive Plants on Riverbank Vegetation
Q56432870Negative competitive effects of invasive plants change with time since invasion
Q96110597Negative impacts of invasive plants on conservation of sensitive desert wildlife
Q33379003Negative per capita effects of two invasive plants, Lythrum salicaria and Phalaris arundinacea, on the moth diversity of wetland communities
Q51185184Negative plant-soil feedbacks may limit persistence of an invasive tree due to rapid accumulation of soil pathogens.
Q36024035Neighbour Origin and Ploidy Level Drive Impact of an Alien Invasive Plant Species in a Competitive Environment
Q56774754Neighbourhood analyses of the allelopathic effects of the invasive tree Ailanthus altissima in temperate forests
Q56781326Neighbourhood association of Cortaderia selloana invasion, soil properties and plant community structure in Mediterranean coastal grasslands
Q120623310Nesaecrepida infuscata: a biological control agent of the invasive plant Mimosa pigra
Q110757127Neutral effect of an invasive plant species with specialized flower structure on native pollinator communities
Q105731159New Records of Invasive Exotic Plant Species in St. Lucie County, Florida
Q111838789New Vision on Invasive Alien Plant Management System
Q58677006New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium
Q58677220New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 10
Q58677238New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 11
Q58677284New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 12
Q58677027New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 2
Q58677046New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 3
Q58677069New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 4
Q58677102New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 5
Q58677132New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 6
Q58677168New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 7
Q58677190New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 8
Q58677543New and Interesting Records of Adventive Plants from the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium 9
Q119788331New county records in Texas (U.S.A.) for the invasive aquatic plant Hygrophila polysperma (Acanthaceae)
Q120411553New frontiers of invasive plants for biosynthesis of nanoparticles towards biomedical applications: A review
Q36367963New gSSR and EST-SSR markers reveal high genetic diversity in the invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. and can be transferred to other invasive Ambrosia species
Q114236874New invasive alien plant species in the forest‐steppe and northern steppe subzones of European Russia: secondary range patterns, ecology and causes of fragmentary distribution
Q102255473New record of Iochroma arborescens (Solanaceae) for India, a potential invasive plant from America with notes on its typification
Q118109779New records of Pseudocercospora oenotherae and Synchytrium fulgens on the invasive coastal plant Oenothera laciniata in Taiwan
Q33352945Next-generation sequencing-based transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of the common reed, Phragmites australis (Poaceae), reveals genes involved in invasiveness and rhizome specificity
Q110756365Niche Models Differentiate Potential Impacts of Two Aquatic Invasive Plant Species on Native Macrophytes
Q56769770Niche based distribution modelling of an invasive alien plant: effects of population status, propagule pressure and invasion history
Q118111291Niche characteristics of the invasive plant Ageratum conyzoides and its commonly associated weeds
Q64032097Niche expansion of the invasive plant species Ageratina adenophora despite evolutionary constraints
Q53686274Niche opportunities for invasive annual plants in dryland ecosystems are controlled by disturbance, trophic interactions, and rainfall.
Q57057003Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in the invasive alien Fallopia japonica: seasonal variation, differences among habitats types, and comparison with native species
Q57001363Nitrogen Deposition Influences the Allelopathic Effect of an Invasive Plant on the Reproduction of a Native Plant: Solidago canadensis versus Pterocypsela laciniata
Q125628806Nitrogen acquisition strategy and its effects on invasiveness of a subtropical invasive plant
Q56432973Nitrogen addition increases intraspecific competition in the invasive wetland plantAlternanthera philoxeroides, but not in its native congenerAlternanthera sessilis
Q113904253Nitrogen addition, but not pulse frequency, shifts competitive interactions in favor of exotic invasive plant species
Q56773973Nitrogen allocation, partitioning and use efficiency in three invasive plant species in comparison with their native congeners
Q56384640Nitrogen enrichment contributes to positive responses to soil microbial communities in three invasive plant species
Q56996925No Paradox for Invasive Plants
Q56767584No adaptation to altitude in the invasive plantErigeron annuusin the Swiss Alps
Q56776690No difference in competitive ability between invasive North American and native European Lepidium draba populations
Q56556777No evidence for evolutionarily decreased tolerance and increased fitness in invasive Chromolaena odorata: implications for invasiveness and biological control
Q35038268No evidence for local adaptation in an invasive alien plant: field and greenhouse experiments tracing a colonization sequence
Q56383202No evidence that plant-soil feedback effects of native and invasive plant species under glasshouse conditions are reflected in the field
Q100416402No evidence that rapid adaptation impedes biological control of an invasive plant
Q56774892No evolution of increased competitive ability or decreased allocation to defense in Melaleuca quinquenervia since release from natural enemies
Q111249722Nodule Symbiosis of Invasive Mimosa pigra in Australia and in Ancestral Habitats: A Comparative Analysis
Q73942016Nodule invasion and symbiosome differentiation during Rhizobium etli-Phaseolus vulgaris symbiosis
Q105621248Nomenclatural Notes on Alien Invasive Vascular Plants in China
Q100989499Nomenclatural Notes on Alien Invasive Vascular Plants in China (2)
Q105621627Nomenclatural Notes on Alien Invasive Vascular Plants in China (3)
Q34805244Non-Additive effects on decomposition from mixing litter of the invasive Mikania micrantha H.B.K. with native plants
Q55870495Non-Indigenous Woody Invasive Plants in a Rural New England Town
Q56511976Non-geographic collecting biases in herbarium specimens of Australian daisies (Asteraceae)
Q92267133Non-invasive plant disease diagnostics enabled by smartphone-based fingerprinting of leaf volatiles
Q101298296Non-native and invasive alien plants on fluvial islands in the São Francisco River, northeastern Brazil
Q56512587Non-native conditions favor non-native populations of invasive plant: demographic consequences of seed size variation?
Q114919589Nonnative invasive plants in the Penobscot Experimental Forest in Maine, USA: Influence of site, silviculture, and land use history1,2
Q56780779North American History of Two Invasive Plant Species: Phytogeographic Distribution, Dispersal Vectors, and Multiple Introductions
Q111165522Not All Roads Lead to Rome: A Meta-analysis of Invasive Plant Impact Methodology
Q56561801Note to McGlynn’s article “Native and invasive plant interactions in wetlands and the minimal role of invasiveness” in Biological Invasions (2009) 11:1929–1939
Q119632145Notes on the nomenclature, characteristics, status, and biology of Field Thesium, Thésium des Champs (<i>Thesium ramosum</i> Hayne; Thesiaceae/Santalaceae), a potentially serious invasive plant in Alberta
Q55839172Novel alloplasmic Nicotiana plants by ?donor-recipient? protoplast fusion: cybrids having N. tabacum or N. sylvestris nuclear genomes and either or both plastomes and chondriomes from alien species
Q35104138Novel chemistry of invasive exotic plants
Q33960942Novel chemistry of invasive plants: exotic species have more unique metabolomic profiles than native congeners
Q111162605Novel fuzzy linguistic based mathematical model to assess risk of invasive alien plant species
Q114912366Novel interval multiple linear regression model to assess the risk of invasive alien plant species
Q111161181Novel plant-soil feedbacks drive adaption of invasive plants to soil legacies of native plants under nitrogen deposition
Q46121129Novel weapons and invasion: biogeographic differences in the competitive effects of Centaurea maculosa and its root exudate (+/-)-catechin
Q28473824Novel weapons testing: are invasive plants more chemically defended than native plants?
Q51183823Novel weapons: invasive plant suppresses fungal mutualists in America but not in its native Europe.
Q114948594Noxious to ecosystems, but relevant to pharmacology: Four South African alien invasive plants with pharmacological potential
Q33851522Nuclear and chloroplast microsatellites show multiple introductions in the worldwide invasion history of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Q111164977Nuisance to Invasive Ornamentals: Proceedings from the ASHS Invasive Plants Research Group 2020 Workshop
Q35510611Number of conspecifics and reproduction in the invasive plant Eschscholzia californica (Papaveraceae): is there a pollinator-mediated Allee effect?
Q56784757Nurse effect of the native cushion plant Azorella monantha on the invasive non-native Taraxacum officinale in the high-Andes of central Chile
Q92174719Nutrient addition does not increase the benefits of clonal integration in an invasive plant spreading from open patches into plant communities
Q91318571Nutrient addition increases the capacity for division of labor and the benefits of clonal integration in an invasive plant
Q55869653Nutrient availability in the sediment and the reciprocal effects between the native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and the introduced rhizophytic alga Caulerpa taxifolia
Q124880372Nutrient enrichment triggers contrasting sexual reproductive responses in native and invasive plants in a saltmarsh
Q31147055Nutrient limitation of native and invasive N2-fixing plants in northwest prairies
Q120132436Nutritional Assessment of Invasive Alien Plants as Bioprospecting Resources in Mizoram, an Indo-Burma Mega Biodiversity Hotspot in India
Q56764404Object-Based Image Analysis for Detection of Japanese Knotweed s.l. taxa (Polygonaceae) in Wales (UK)
Q55841980Observations on the Reproductive Biology of Miconia calvescens DC (Melastomataceae), an Alien Invasive Tree on the Island of Tahiti (South Pacific Ocean)1
Q114952544Occurrence and damage of invasive alien plants in Dehong Prefecture, western of Yunnan Province
Q119659731Occurrence of Invasive Plant in three phytogeographical region of Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh
Q111228793Occurrence of alien invasive plant species in vegetation syntaxa of Ukraine
Q110828730Occurrence of invasive alien plant species in the floodplain forests along the Mura River in Slovenia
Q110809169Oenothera biennis l.: An invasive alien plant species as a reservoir of aphidophagous insects in agroecosystems
Q111845350On the economics of controlling an invasive plant: a stochastic analysis of a biological control agent
Q118129867On the niche stasis of intercontinental invasive plants
Q40185277On the origin of the invasive olives (Olea europaea L., Oleaceae).
Q56876423On the utility of population models for invasive plant management: response to Evans and Davis
Q55839695One hundred years of Spartina altemiflora (Poaceae) in Willapa Bay, Washington: random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis of an invasive population
Q120500677One-pot pyrolysis of a typical invasive plant into nitrogen-doped biochars for efficient sorption of phthalate esters from aqueous solution
Q111832468One-pot pyrolysis of metal-embedded biochar derived from invasive plant for efficient Cr(VI) removal
Q111159117Open-Source Processing and Analysis of Aerial Imagery Acquired with a Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial System to Support Invasive Plant Management
Q111171241Optical traits perform equally well as directly‐measured functional traits in explaining the impact of an invasive plant on litter decomposition
Q117440485Optimal Livestock Management on Sagebrush Rangeland with Ecological Thresholds, Wildfire, and Invasive Plants
Q51185304Optimal control for management of an invasive plant species.
Q51187108Optimal eradication: when to stop looking for an invasive plant.
Q56452035Optimal spatial management of an invasive plant using a model with above- and below-ground components
Q35601506Optimising and communicating options for the control of invasive plant disease when there is epidemiological uncertainty
Q100523110Optimising risk-based surveillance for early detection of invasive plant pathogens
Q111165320Organic matter priming by invasive plants depends on dominant mycorrhizal association
Q29038776Origin and evolution of invasive naturalized material of Rhododendron ponticum L. in the British Isles
Q34378468Origin of the invasive Arundo donax (Poaceae): a trans-Asian expedition in herbaria
Q56768899Origin, diffusion and reproduction of the giant reed (Arundo donax L.): a promising weedy energy crop
Q125463626Ornamental Invasive Plants in Florida with Research-founded Alternatives
Q60345201Ostracod (Crustacea) colonization of a native and a non-native macrophyte species of Hydrocharitaceae in the Upper Paraná floodplain (Brazil): an experimental evaluation
Q124852863Outbreak of a new alien invasive plant Salvia reflexa in north‐east China
Q117042567Overabundant deer and invasive plants drive widespread regeneration debt in eastern United States national parks
Q56745272Overabundant suburban deer, invertebrates, and the spread of an invasive exotic plant
Q114929998PM 3/74(1): EPPO guidelines on the development of a Code of conduct on horticulture and invasive alien plants
Q56778100PRIMER NOTE: Development of microsatellites for the invasive riparian plant Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan balsam) using intersimple sequence repeat cloning
Q52722093Palatability and tolerance to simulated herbivory in native and introduced populations of Alliaria petiolata (Brassicaceae).
Q35626284Parallel evolution in an invasive plant: effect of herbivores on competitive ability and regrowth of Jacobaea vulgaris
Q64119051Parallel functional differentiation of an invasive annual plant on two continents
Q56775944Parallel patterns of clinal variation in Solidago altissima in its native range in central USA and its invasive range in Japan
Q118139264Parasitism Shifts the Effects of Native Soil Microbes on the Growth of the Invasive Plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q114919294Participation of invasive plant species in the formation of plant communities during regenerative successions
Q59209416Partitioning and diversity of nuclear and organelle markers in native and introduced populations of Epipactis helleborine (Orchidaceae)
Q112826721Partitioning net ecosystem carbon exchange of native and invasive plant communities by vegetation cover in an urban tidal wetland in the New Jersey Meadowlands (USA)
Q111161303Passive recovery of an urban forest in the Pacific Northwest after removal of invasive plants
Q114912184Past approaches and future challenges to the management of fire and invasive alien plants in the new Garden Route National Park
Q33850099Pastoralism versus Agriculturalism-How Do Altered Land-Use Forms Affect the Spread of Invasive Plants in the Degraded Mutara Rangelands of North-Eastern Rwanda?
Q111846555Pasture clearing from invasive woody plants in the Pantanal: a tool for sustainable management or environmental destruction?
Q56771285Patch dynamics of a native grass in relation to the spread of invasive smooth brome (Bromus inermis)
Q51243465Paths to selection on life history loci in different natural environments across the native range of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Q56563874Pathways of Invasive Plant Spread to Alaska: III. Contaminants in Crop and Grass Seed
Q36939207Pathways of introduction of the invasive aquatic plant Cabomba caroliniana
Q56333093Patterns and mechanisms of invasive plant impacts on North American birds: a systematic review
Q97434678Patterns of genetic diversification in the invasive hybrid plant pathogen Phytophthora x alni and its parental species P. uniformis
Q35068951Patterns of genetic diversity reveal multiple introductions and recurrent founder effects during range expansion in invasive populations of Geranium carolinianum (Geraniaceae).
Q50607283Patterns of hybridization and introgression between invasive Ulmus pumila (Ulmaceae) and native U. rubra.
Q33729060Patterns of introduction and adaptation during the invasion of Aegilops triuncialis (Poaceae) into Californian serpentine soils
Q111172348Patterns of invasive plant abundance in disturbed versus undisturbed forests within three land types over 16 years
Q114928352Patterns of invasive plant species distribution in the Upper Volga basin
Q56773904Patterns of spread of Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. invasion in a Natural Reserve in southern South America
Q33944416Paving the way for invasive species: road type and the spread of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia).
Q101238878People's Knowledge and Risk Perceptions of Invasive Plants in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Q120250087People’s perceptions and uses of invasive plant Psidium guajava in Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, Limpopo Province of South Africa
Q56763990Per capita community-level effects of an invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum, on vegetation in mesic forests in northern Mississippi (USA)
Q89067443Perceptions of impact: Invasive alien plants in the urban environment
Q113913029Perceptions of the impacts of invasive alien plants in the riparian zone of the Ganga River: Insights from Varanasi, India
Q56768126Perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium): Properties of Invaded Tidal Marshes
Q56555862Perennial cereal crops: An initial evaluation of wheat derivatives
Q55870338Performance Comparisons of Co-Occurring Native and Alien Invasive Plants: Implications for Conservation and Restoration
Q114188152Performance and ecological impacts of benthic barriers for the control of an invasive plant in a small urban lake
Q56780004Performance of Bromus tectorum L. in relation to soil properties, water additions, and chemical amendments in calcareous soils of southeastern Utah, USA
Q64241561Performances of machine learning algorithms for mapping fractional cover of an invasive plant species in a dryland ecosystem
Q93163128Perovskite Solar Cells: A Porous Graphitic Carbon based Hole Transporter/Counter Electrode Material Extracted from an Invasive Plant Species Eichhornia Crassipes
Q32945125Pervasive human-mediated large-scale invasion: analysis of spread patterns and their underlying mechanisms in 17 of China's worst invasive plants
Q114929992Pest risk analysis and invasive alien plants: progress through PRATIQUE*
Q56517166Phenolic inputs by invasive species could impart seasonal variations in nitrogen pools in the introduced soils: A case study with Polygonum cuspidatum
Q42030692Phenolic metabolites in leaves of the invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii, and their potential phytotoxic and anti-herbivore effects
Q56423154Phenological dynamics of the invasive plantAcacia longifoliain Portugal
Q111160904Phenology of the Alien Invasive Plant Species Prosopis juliflora in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas in Response to Climate Variability and Some Perspectives for Its Control in Ethiopia
Q118143831Phenotypic Plasticity Drives the Successful Expansion of the Invasive Plant Pedicularis kansuensis in Bayanbulak, China
Q110630338Phenotypic differentiation among native, expansive and introduced populations influences invasion success
Q51180719Phenotypic divergence during the invasion of Phyla canescens in Australia and France: evidence for selection-driven evolution.
Q56940064Phenotypic plasticity and performance of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) in habitats of contrasting environmental heterogeneity
Q56384469Phenotypic plasticity and population differentiation in response to salinity in the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora
Q51188665Phenotypic plasticity in vegetative and reproductive traits in an invasive weed, Lythrum salicaria (Lythraceae), in response to soil moisture.
Q34182532Phenotypic plasticity influences the size, shape and dynamics of the geographic distribution of an invasive plant
Q56769234Phenotypic plasticity of Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis in response to nitrogen addition and intraspecific competition
Q56779584Phenotypic plasticity of invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides in relation to different water availability, compared to its native congener
Q30773329Phenotypic plasticity of invasive Spartina densiflora (Poaceae) along a broad latitudinal gradient on the Pacific Coast of North America.
Q110615529Phenotypic plasticity of two invasive alien plant species inside a deciduous forest in a strict nature reserve in Italy
Q113746752Phenotypic variation in floral traits of an invasive plant (Solanum rostratum) and its impact on reproductive fitness
Q39002098Photosynthesis, nitrogen allocation and specific leaf area in invasive Eupatorium adenophorum and native Eupatorium japonicum grown at different irradiances
Q51192304Photosynthesis, photoinhibition, and nitrogen use efficiency in native and invasive tree ferns in Hawaii.
Q57049341Photosynthetic Performance of Invasive Vincetoxicum Species (Apocynaceae)
Q31118414Photosynthetic characteristics of an invasive plant Conyza canadensis and its associated plants
Q51191104Photosynthetic characteristics of invasive and noninvasive species of Rubus (Rosaceae).
Q35949198Photosynthetic electron-transfer reactions in the gametophyte of Pteris multifida reveal the presence of allelopathic interference from the invasive plant species Bidens pilosa
Q56769172Phragmites australis (Common Reed) Invasion in the Rhode River Subestuary of the Chesapeake Bay: Disentangling the Effects of Foliar Nutrients, Genetic Diversity, Patch Size, and Seed Viability
Q33685381Phragmites australis management in the United States: 40 years of methods and outcomes
Q47282105Phylogenetic analysis informed by geological history supports multiple, sequential invasions of the Mediterranean Basin by the angiosperm family Araceae
Q33819769Phylogenetic structure predicts capitular damage to Asteraceae better than origin or phylogenetic distance to natives
Q33769364Phylogenetically diverse group of native bacterial symbionts isolated from root nodules of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in South Africa
Q57802934Phylogenetically diverse native systems are more resistant to invasive plant species on Robben Island, South Africa
Q56766646Phylogenetically structured damage to Asteraceae: susceptibility of native and exotic species to foliar herbivores
Q56744595Phylogeographic consequences of different introduction histories of invasive Australian Acacia species and Paraserianthes lophantha (Fabaceae) in South Africa
Q33383365Phylogeography of native ploidy levels and invasive tetraploids of Solidago gigantea
Q118137766Physico-Chemical Soil Properties Affected by Invasive Plants in Southwest Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate)—A Case Study
Q113904198Physiochemical responses of Ailanthus altissima under the challenge of Verticillium dahliae: elucidating the decline of one of the world’s worst invasive alien plant species
Q118163707Physiological and Biochemical Responses to Water Stress and Salinity of the Invasive Moth Plant, Araujia sericifera Brot., during Seed Germination and Vegetative Growth
Q51180680Physiological integration in an introduced, invasive plant increases its spread into experimental communities and modifies their structure.
Q56767547Physiological integration increases the survival and growth of the clonal invader Carpobrotus edulis
Q111165434Physiological profiling of invasive plant species for ecological restoration of fly ash deposits
Q56767536Physiological responses to short-term water and light stress in native and invasive plant species in southern California
Q30624212Physiological stressors and invasive plant infections alter the small RNA transcriptome of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae.
Q114908110Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Evaluation of Antifungal Activity of Five Invasive Plant Species against Macrophomina Phaseolina (Tassi) Goid
Q118183355Phytochemical screening, antibacterial and allelopathic effects of few invasive plants of Kerala
Q120486205Phytoinhibitory activities and extraction optimization of potent invasive plants as eco-friendly weed suppressant against Echinochloa colona (L.) Link
Q120271029Phytotoxic activity of Ulex europaeus, an invasive plant on Chilean ecosystems: separation and identification of potential allelochemicals
Q117764228Phytotoxic and Antimitotic Potential of the Non-Native Invasive Plant Chromolaena odorata (L.) King and Robinson from the Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines
Q118109192Phytotoxic effect of Pinus Elliottii extracts on invasive plants from agricultural cultivation systems.
Q51172702Phytotoxic effects and a phytotoxin from the invasive plant Xanthium italicum Moretti.
Q46352340Phytotoxic property of the invasive plant Tithonia diversifolia and a phytotoxic substance
Q110757018Phytotoxicity of root exudates of invasive Solidago canadensis on co-occurring native and invasive plant species
Q56765595Pinus contorta invasion in the Chilean Patagonia: local patterns in a global context
Q56388269Pinus contorta invasion into treeless steppe reduces species richness and alters species traits of the local community
Q113708585Plant Invaders.
Q114912397Plant Invasions in China: What Can we Learn from the Checklists of Alien Invasive Plants during 1998-2008?
Q114912426Plant Pathogens and Biological Control of Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa: A Review of Projects and Progress (2011–2020)
Q55842259Plant community diversity and invasibility by exotics: invasion of Mediterranean old fields by Conyza bonariensis and Conyza canadensis
Q110745245Plant cover restoration to inhibit seedling emergence, growth or survival of an exotic invasive plant species
Q56742026Plant functional traits suggest novel ecological strategy for an invasive shrub in an understorey woody plant community
Q120556951Plant growth-promoting abilities and community structure of culturable endophytic bacteria from the fruit of an invasive plant Xanthium italicum
Q111161166Plant interactions modulate root litter decomposition and negative plant-soil feedback with an invasive plant
Q56771854Plant invasions along mountain roads: the altitudinal amplitude of alien Asteraceae forbs in their native and introduced ranges
Q120599415Plant migration due to winter climate change: range expansion of tropical invasive plants in response to warming winters
Q33421093Plant origin and ploidy influence gene expression and life cycle characteristics in an invasive weed
Q33441137Plant science. An invasive plant paradox
Q34280636Plant-associated bacterial populations on native and invasive plant species: comparisons between 2 freshwater environments
Q56766265Plant-soil feedback as a mechanism of invasion by Carpobrotus edulis
Q111805481Plant-soil feedback during biological invasions: effect of litter decomposition from an invasive plant ( Sphagneticola trilobata ) on its native congener ( S. calendulacea )
Q56770146Plant-soil feedback induces shifts in biomass allocation in the invasive plantChromolaena odorata
Q56433190Plant-soil feedbacks and competitive interactions between invasive Bromus diandrus and native forb species
Q56448924Plant-soil feedbacks between invasive shrubs and native forest understory species lead to shifts in the abundance of mycorrhizal fungi
Q91850956Plant-soil-foliage feedbacks on seed germination and seedling growth of the invasive plant Ageratina adenophora
Q110829835Planting native trees to restore riparian forests increases biotic resistance to nonnative plant invasions
Q56780187Plant–Soil Feedbacks Contribute to the Persistence of Bromus inermis in Tallgrass Prairie
Q120496327Plastic litter in coastal sand dunes: Degradation behavior and impact on native and non-native invasive plants
Q111156449Plasticity and selection drive hump‐shaped latitudinal patterns of flowering phenology in an invasive intertidal plant
Q45349746Plasticity in salt tolerance traits allows for invasion of novel habitat by Japanese knotweed s. l. (Fallopia japonica and F.xbohemica, Polygonaceae).
Q57066642Plasticity in the hormonal response to cold stress in the invasive plant Carpobrotus edulis
Q55871020Ploidy level and origin of the European invasive weed Senecio inaequidens (Asteraceae)
Q56425377Poa annua L. in the maritime Antarctic: an overview
Q56480593Poa pratensis L., current status of the longest-established non-native vascular plant in the Antarctic
Q38972850Pollen dispersal of tropical trees (Dinizia excelsa: Fabaceae) by native insects and African honeybees in pristine and fragmented Amazonian rainforest
Q56776345Pollen flow in Eucalyptus grandis determined by paternity analysis using microsatellite markers
Q34342042Pollen limitation causes an Allee effect in a wind-pollinated invasive grass (Spartina alterniflora).
Q56781629Pollination Ecology and Seed Production of Rhododendron Ponticum in Native and Exotic Habitats
Q57027555Pollination and reproduction of an invasive plant inside and outside its ancestral range
Q120074103Pollination biology of Sicyos angulatus: An invasive plant primarily pollinated by the native insects and introduced honeybee Apis mellifera
Q46346719Pollination of a native plant changes with distance and density of invasive plants in a simulated biological invasion
Q57015828Pollination of invasiveRhododendron ponticum(Ericaceae) in Ireland
Q57008753Pollination of the invasive exotic shrub Lupinus arboreus (Fabaceae) by introduced bees in Tasmania
Q33758750Pollinator Behavior Mediates Negative Interactions between Two Congeneric Invasive Plant Species
Q114940336Pollinator Visits to Threatened Species Are Restored Following Invasive Plant Removal
Q37490910Pollinator interactions with yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) across urban, agricultural, and natural landscapes
Q56388035Pollinator-mediated impacts of alien invasive plants on the pollination of native plants: the role of spatial scale and distinct behaviour among pollinator guilds
Q120029344Pollinators of the invasive plant, yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), in north-eastern Oregon, USA
Q56764400Polyploidy and invasion success: trait trade-offs in native and introduced cytotypes of two Asteraceae species
Q56763760Polyploidy in Phenotypic Space and Invasion Context: A Morphometric Study of Centaurea stoebe s.l
Q56780579Polyploidy in invasive plant species of Singapore
Q56780562Population Dynamics and Potential for Biological Control of an Exotic Invasive Shrub in Hawaiian Rainforests
Q57921725Population Structure and Curative Uses of Invasive Plants in and around the Protected Forests of Bangladesh: A Means of Utilization of Potential Invasive Species
Q51164863Population age structure and reproductive behavior of the monocarpic perennial Heracleum mantegazzianum (Apiaceae) in its native and invaded distribution ranges.
Q56785294Population densities of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) in Turkey
Q34007724Population divergence along lines of genetic variance and covariance in the invasive plant Lythrum salicaria in eastern North America
Q56771764Population genetic structure of native versus naturalized sympatric shrub willows (Salix ; Salicaceae)
Q56764591Population genetic structure of the noxious weed Amaranthus retroflexus in Central Europe
Q47838820Population genetics of an invasive species, Heracleum mantegazzianum: implications for the role of life history, demographics and independent introductions
Q43713275Population genomic analyses reveal a history of range expansion and trait evolution across the native and invaded range of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis).
Q33910259Population regulation by enemies of the grass Brachypodium sylvaticum: demography in native and invaded ranges
Q35566448Population size and relatedness affect fitness of a self-incompatible invasive plant
Q35041499Population structure and genetic diversity of native and invasive populations of Solanum rostratum (Solanaceae).
Q118126102Population structure and growth of a non-native invasive clonal plant on coastal dunes in Southern Brazil
Q57067473Populations evolving towards failure: costs of adaptation under competition at the range edge of an invasive perennial plant
Q124854203Positive association between emerald ash borer residence time and accumulation of invasive plants
Q56774908Positive feedbacks between plant invasions and fire regimes: Teline monspessulana (L.) K. Koch (Fabaceae) in central Chile
Q63389565Positive interaction between invasive plants: The influence of Pyracantha angustifolia on the recruitment of native and exotic woody species
Q111159778Positive interactions among native and invasive vascular plants in Antarctica: assessing the “nurse effect” at different spatial scales
Q56562335Positive plant-soil feedback may drive dominance of a woodland invader, Euonymus fortunei
Q34464778Possible impacts of the invasive plant Rubus niveus on the native vegetation of the Scalesia forest in the Galapagos islands
Q113084527Post-Fire Control of Invasive Plants Promotes Native Recovery in a Burned Desert Shrubland
Q56742050Post-clearing recovery of coastal dunes invaded by Acacia longifolia: is duration of invasion relevant for management success?
Q114237111Post‐introduction evolution of a rapid life‐history strategy in a newly invasive plant
Q114730952Potential Application of Invasive Plant Species Datura innoxia for the Scopolamine Extracts of the Plant Organs and Analysis Using UV–VIS Spectrophotometry
Q119669565Potential Bio-Oil Production from Invasive Aquatic Plants by Microscale Pyrolysis Studies
Q114943874Potential Distribution and Risk Assessment of an Invasive Plant Species: A Case Study of Hymenachne amplexicaulis in Australia
Q55839706Potential Interference Between a Threatened Endemic Thistle and an Invasive Nonnative Plant
Q101140572Potential Seawater Dispersal of Cypselas of Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski (Asteraceae), an Aggressive Invasive Alien Plant
Q111154600Potential Use of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) to Suppress Three Invasive Plant Species in Agroecosystems (Ageratum conyzoides L., Bidens pilosa L., and Galinsoga parviflora Cav.)
Q34459322Potential allelochemicals from an invasive weed Mikania micrantha H.B.K.
Q56342220Potential contribution to the invasion process of different reproductive strategies of two invasive roses
Q111173894Potential distribution and population dynamics of Pulvinariella mesembryanthemi, a promising biocontrol agent of the invasive plant species Carpobrotus edulis and C. aff. acinaciformis
Q33524481Potential distribution areas of alien invasive plant Flaveria bidentis (Asteraceae) in China
Q56777044Potential distribution of Solidago canadensis in China
Q30577924Potential distribution of an invasive species under climate change scenarios using CLIMEX and soil drainage: a case study of Lantana camara L. in Queensland, Australia
Q114208106Potential distribution of aquatic invasive alien plants, Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia molesta under climate change in Sri Lanka
Q56774987Potential distribution of the invasive tree Triadica sebifera (Euphorbiaceae) in the United States: evaluating climex predictions with field trials
Q51146420Potential distribution range of invasive plant species in Spain
Q111320536Potential distributional shifts in North America of allelopathic invasive plant species under climate change models
Q56923648Potential for higher invasiveness of the alien Oxalis pes-caprae on islands than on the mainland
Q56781226Potential for multiple lag phases during biotic invasions: reconstructing an invasion of the exotic tree Acer platanoides
Q111163140Potential impact of climate change on the distribution of six invasive alien plants in Nepal
Q113875754Potential impact of four invasive alien plants on the provision of ecosystem services in Europe under present and future climatic scenarios
Q111320154Potential interactive effects between invasive Lumbricus terrestris earthworms and the invasive plant Alliaria petiolata on a native plant Podophyllum peltatum in northeastern Ohio, USA
Q64064624Potential invasive plant expansion in global ecoregions under climate change
Q110862239Potential of Biochar to Mitigate Allelopathic Effects in Tropical Island Invasive Plants
Q121323401Potential of two invasive plant species, Lantana camara L. and Wedelia trilobata L. for selective heavy metal uptake
Q120644767Potential of utilizing pathogen‐derived mycotoxins as alternatives to synthetic herbicides in controlling the noxious invasive plant Xanthium italicum
Q51146432Potential phytotoxic and shading effects of invasive Fallopia (Polygonaceae) taxa on the germination of native dominant species
Q115466407Potential risk maps for invasive aquatic plants in Kanto region, Japan
Q110756560Potential risks of Invasive Alien Plant Species on native plant biodiversity in Sri Lanka due to climate change
Q111838174Potential risks of invasive alien plant species on agriculture under climate change scenarios in Sri Lanka
Q119968136Potential role of the seed bank in spreading invasive plants in a tundra-edge environment
Q114211180Potential spread of the invasive plant Hydrilla verticillata in South Africa based on anthropogenic spread and climate suitability
Q114128498Potential to use invasive plants in biomass energy production: A case study Prosopis juliflora in coastal wetlands of Sri Lanka
Q51188566Powdery mildew as invasive plant pathogens: new epidemics caused by two North American species in Europe.
Q111832629Practice cost and size differences in invasive plant management strategies: An empirical analysis of US Great Plains states
Q56923398Pragmatism required to assess impacts of invasive plants
Q42174790Preadaptation and post-introduction evolution facilitate the invasion of Phragmites australis in North America
Q56750643Preadapted for invasiveness: do species traits or their plastic response to shading differ between invasive and non-invasive plant species in their native range?
Q57901542Precipitation, decomposition and litter decomposability of Metrosideros polymorpha in native forests on Hawai'i
Q58462928Predator-mediated apparent competition between an introduced grass, Agrostis capillaris, and a native fern, Botrychium australe (Ophioglossaceae), in New Zealand
Q56763324Predators and invasive plants affect performance of amphibian larvae
Q56763383Predicted range expansion of Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) in forestlands of the southern United States
Q56418789Predicted range expansion of the invasive plant Leucaena leucocephala in the Hengchun peninsula, Taiwan
Q56775008Predicting Invasive Plants in Florida Using the Australian Weed Risk Assessment
Q56773623Predicting Potential Occurrence and Spread of Invasive Plant Species along the North Platte River, Nebraska
Q56446963Predicting climate change impacts on native and invasive tree species using radial growth and twenty-first century climate scenarios
Q124834412Predicting current and future global distribution of invasive Ligustrum lucidum W.T. Aiton: Assessing emerging risks to biodiversity hotspots
Q114022909Predicting distribution patterns and recent northward range shift of an invasive aquatic plant: Elodea canadensis in Europe
Q56766737Predicting invasive alien plant distributions: how geographical bias in occurrence records influences model performance
Q118129618Predicting invasive plants in California
Q56777881Predicting naturalization of southern African Iridaceae in other regions
Q56785210Predicting rapid invasion of the Florida Everglades by Old World Climbing Fern (Lygodium microphyllum)
Q56776726Predicting risk and benefit a priori in biological control of invasive plant species: A systems modelling approach
Q56550106Predicting successful replacement of forest invaders by native species using species distribution models: The case of Pittosporum undulatum and Morella faya in the Azores
Q111147519Predicting the Suitable Habitat of Invasive Alien Plant Conyza bonariensis based on Climate Change Scenarios
Q57082217Predicting the altitudinal distribution of an introduced phytophagous insect against an invasive alien plant from laboratory controlled experiments: case of Cibdela janthina (Hymenoptera:Argidae) and Rubus alceifolius (Rosaceae) in La Réunion
Q110758587Predicting the distribution and abundance of invasive plant species in a sub-tropical woodland-grassland ecosystem in northeastern India
Q56505223Predicting the distribution of invasive plants in the Ukrainian Carpathians under climatic change and intensification of anthropogenic disturbances: implications for biodiversity conservation
Q56775231Predicting the distribution of the invasive alien Heracleum mantegazzianum at two different spatial scales
Q56779629Predicting the economic benefits and costs of introducing new biological control agents for Scotch broom Cytisus scoparius into New Zealand
Q103041150Predicting the invasive trend of exotic plants in China based on the ensemble model under climate change: A case for three invasive plants of Asteraceae
Q56766234Predicting the post-fire establishment and persistence of an invasive tree species across a complex landscape
Q57054956Predicting the potential distribution of a riparian invasive plant: the effects of changing climate, flood regimes and land-use patterns
Q35850222Predicting the presence and cover of management relevant invasive plant species on protected areas
Q56752647Predicting the severity of Dothistroma on Pinus radiata under current climate in New Zealand
Q56777014Predicting the spatial distribution of an invasive plant species (Eupatorium adenophorum) in China
Q56773238Predicting the spread of an invasive plant: combining experiments and ecological niche model
Q56744744Predicting the subspecific identity of invasive species using distribution models: Acacia saligna as an example
Q33874908Predicting trends of invasive plants richness using local socio-economic data: an application in North Portugal.
Q112773334Prediction of Potential Distributions of Two Invasive Alien Plants, Paspalum distichum and Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Using Species Distribution Model in Korean Peninsula
Q114602540Prediction of potential distribution of the invasive plant Tagetes minuta L.(Wild Marigold) in Tibet under climate change
Q111440389Prediction of potential habitat of invasive plant Ambrosia trifida in China
Q120142068Prediction of the potential distribution area of invasive alien plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Northeast China
Q35578851Predictors, spatial distribution, and occurrence of woody invasive plants in subtropical urban ecosystems.
Q119605826Preface to the special issue: The current status of invasive plants in Central-Eastern Europe
Q111145827Preliminary analysis reveals sediment burial decreases mass loss and increases survival of the aquatic invasive plant Hydrilla verticillata following desiccation over short time scales
Q111440332Preliminary investigation and analysis of alien invasive plants in parks in Fuzhou City
Q110809038Presence and management of the invasive plant Gypsophila paniculata (baby’s breath) on sand dunes alters arthropod abundance and community structure
Q56549135Presence of an invasive plant species alters pollinator visitation to a native
Q56524345Presence—absence versus invasive status data for modelling potential distribution of invasive plants: Saltcedar in Argentina
Q55869539Present and potential distribution of invasive garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) in North America
Q60547396Preventing a new invasive alien plant from entering and spreading in the Euro-Mediterranean region: the case study of Parthenium hysterophorus
Q56776471Preventing horticultural introductions of invasive plants: potential efficacy of voluntary initiatives
Q120137249Prevention and Control of Invasive Alien Plants in Rangelands
Q120068834Pre‐ and post‐ingestive defenses affect larval feeding on a lethal invasive host plant
Q55842462Principles and Practices for Managing Rangeland Invasive Plants
Q107967982Principles for Ecologically Based Invasive Plant Management
Q101206293Principles of aquatic plant control
Q114037122Priorities for the Control and Management of Alien Invasive Plants on Islands
Q56945044Prioritisation of aquatic invasive alien plants in South America with the US Aquatic Weed Risk Assessment
Q114948679Prioritising areas for the management of invasive alien plants in the CFR: different strategies, different priorities?
Q114917868Prioritizing Invasive Forest Plant Management Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Minnesota, USA
Q119694120Prioritizing Invasive Plant Management Strategies
Q119798520Prioritizing Invasive Plant Management with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Q113929760Prioritizing sites for terrestrial invasive alien plant management in urban ecosystems
Q112669314Prioritizing terrestrial invasive alien plant species for management in urban ecosystems
Q108944823Priority effects: Emerging principles for invasive plant species management
Q56399566Priority invasive alien plants in the Tuscan Archipelago (Italy): comparing the EPPO prioritization scheme with the Australian WRA
Q114923219Private Forest Owners and Invasive Plants: Risk Perception and Management
Q33533380Probing native lignin macromolecular configuration in Arabidopsis thaliana in specific cell wall types: further insights into limited substrate degeneracy and assembly of the lignins of ref8, fah 1-2 and C4H::F5H lines
Q119847736Problems and Challenges of Invasive Ornamental Plants and Molecular Tools to Control Their Spread
Q120595287Processes and factors that affect regeneration and establishment of the invasive aquatic plant Cabomba caroliniana
Q120507687Production of high-quality silage from invasive plants plus agro-industrial by-products with or without bacterial inoculation
Q111163080Productivity of invasive saltmarsh plant Spartina alterniflora along the coast of China: A meta-analysis
Q56781710Progress in invasive plants research
Q111440096Progress in the use of DNA barcoding in invasive plants identification
Q111837063Proline and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species metabolism is involved in the tolerant response of the invasive plant species Ailanthus altissima to drought and salinity
Q110827079Propagating uncertainty from catchment experiments to estimates of streamflow reduction by invasive alien plants in southwestern South Africa
Q113869604Propagation of invasive plant species in the presence of a road
Q56435183Propagule Pressure and Disturbance Drive the Invasion of Perennial False-Brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum)
Q36859092Propagule Pressure, Habitat Conditions and Clonal Integration Influence the Establishment and Growth of an Invasive Clonal Plant, Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q56399749Propagule pressure and environmental conditions interact to determine establishment success of an invasive plant species, glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus), across five different wetland habitat types
Q56440576Propagule pressure from invasive plant species in gardens in low-density suburban areas of the Costa Brava (Spain)
Q35001986Propagule pressure-invasibility relationships: testing the influence of soil fertility and disturbance with Lespedeza cuneata
Q110758758Propagule quality mediates invasive plant establishment
Q117820036Prosopis juliflora: invasive alien plant species derived biomass carbon and its application in hazardous NO2 gas sensing
Q33862191Prosopis: a global assessment of the biogeography, benefits, impacts and management of one of the world's worst woody invasive plant taxa
Q56784236Prospects for utilising plant-adaptive mechanisms to improve wheat and other crops in drought- and salinity-prone environments
Q56775402Protogynous, pollen limitation and low seed production reasoned for the dieback of Spartina anglica in coastal China
Q125487594Proximity to forest plantations is associated with presence and abundance of invasive plants in landscapes of south-central Chile
Q118138161Public Health Implications of Invasive Plants: A Scientometric Study
Q56513681Public Perception of Invasive Plant Species: Assessing the impact of workshop activities to promote young students' awareness
Q56766336Public Reaction to Invasive Plant Species in a Disturbed Colorado Landscape
Q114921499Public attitude in the city of Belgrade towards invasive alien plant species
Q56749823Public preferences for controlling upland invasive plants in state parks: Application of a choice model
Q56364515Publisher Correction: Bioprospecting on invasive plant species to prevent seed dispersal
Q43742926Putative origin of clonal lineages of Amylostereum areolatum, the fungal symbiont associated with Sirex noctilio, retrieved from Pinus sylvestris, in eastern Canada
Q120260407Pyrolysis kinetics of invasive coastal plant Spartina anglica using thermogravimetric analysis
Q120494760Pyrolytic kinetics, products and reaction mechanisms of invasive plant and high-density polyethylene: TG, Py-GC/MS and DFT analysis
Q56419280Quantifying potential water savings from clearing invasive alien Eucalyptus camaldulensis using in situ and high resolution remote sensing data in the Berg River Catchment, Western Cape, South Africa
Q57063671Quantifying the levels of sexual reproduction and clonal spread in the invasive plant, Rosa multiflora
Q56737045Quantifying the potential for flow to remove the emergent aquatic macrophyte Sparganium erectum from the margins of low-energy rivers
Q110756432Quantifying the recent expansion of native invasive rush species in a UK upland environment
Q93338689Quantifying the sharing of foliar fungal pathogens by the invasive plant Ageratina adenophora and its neighbours
Q89765226Quantifying the social and economic benefits of the biological control of invasive alien plants in natural ecosystems
Q120499732Quantitative economic impact assessment of an invasive plant disease under uncertainty – A case study for potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) invasion into the European Union
Q56984500Quantitative economic impact assessment of invasive plant pests: What does it require and when is it worth the effort?
Q56774607QuickBird and Hyperion data analysis of an invasive plant species in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador: Implications for control and land use management
Q114091658Quite the appetite: juvenile island apple snails (Pomacea insularum) survive consuming only exotic invasive plants
Q61808061RNA Sequencing Characterizes Transcriptomes Differences in Cold Response Between Northern and Southern and Highlight Adaptations Associated With Northward Expansion
Q114944348Radiometric calibration framework for ultra-high-resolution UAV-derived orthomosaics for large-scale mapping of invasive alien plants in semi-arid woodlands:Harrisia pomanensisas a case study
Q50724915Ragweed in France: an invasive plant and its allergenic pollen.
Q90691387Rain-based soil solarization for reducing the persistent seed banks of invasive plants in natural ecosystems - Acacia saligna as a model
Q56782303Ramet Demography of a Clonal Invader, Arundo donax (Poaceae), in Southern California
Q56783407Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers reveal low genetic variation and a single dominant genotype in Eichhornia crassipes populations throughout China
Q56775450Range dynamics and invasive tendencies in Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia in eastern North America derived from herbarium and pollen records
Q119694151Rangeland Invasive Plant Management
Q56780037Ranking of invasive woody plant species for management on Réunion Island
Q51720354Rapid adaptation of insect herbivores to an invasive plant.
Q35020189Rapid adaptation to climate facilitates range expansion of an invasive plant
Q58115739Rapid and repeated local adaptation to climate in an invasive plant
Q30584267Rapid development of adaptive, climate-driven clinal variation in seed mass in the invasive annual Forb Echium plantagineum L.
Q34430754Rapid divergence of ecotypes of an invasive plant
Q35139778Rapid evolution and range expansion of an invasive plant are driven by provenance-environment interactions
Q35062736Rapid evolution of an invasive weed
Q117788266Rapid evolution of invasive traits facilitates the invasion of common ragweed,Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Q35960916Rapid evolution of morphology and adaptive life history in the invasive California wild radish (Raphanus sativus) and the implications for management
Q120068632Rapid evolutionary trade‐offs between resistance to herbivory and tolerance to abiotic stress in an invasive plant
Q44859822Rapid growth and early flowering in an invasive plant, purple loosestrife ( Lythrum salicaria L.) during an El Niño spring
Q51189139Rapid nutrient cycling in leaf litter from invasive plants in Hawai'i.
Q56421791Rapid purging of genetic load in a metapopulation and consequences for range expansion in an invasive plant
Q111826457Rapid response to shoot removal by the invasive wetland plant, alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides)
Q33488250Rapid separation of three glucosylated resveratrol analogues from the invasive plant Polygonum cuspidatum by high-speed countercurrent chromatography
Q118143860Real-Time Classification of Invasive Plant Seeds Based on Improved YOLOv5 with Attention Mechanism
Q48071601Rearrangement of actin cytoskeleton mediates invasion of Lotus japonicus roots by Mesorhizobium loti
Q111171211Reassociation of an invasive plant with its specialist herbivore provides a test of the shifting defence hypothesis
Q120558738Recent Advances in Invasive Aquatic Plant Biomass Pretreatments for Value Addition
Q56771602Recent hybrid origin and invasion of the British Isles by a self-incompatible species, Oxford ragwort (Senecio squalidus L., Asteraceae)
Q31090595Recent invasion of the mountain birch Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa above the treeline due to climate change: genetic and ecological study in northern Sweden
Q56432852Reciprocal contamination by invasive plants: analysis of trade exchange between Slovakia and Romania
Q51568206Reciprocal transplants demonstrate strong adaptive differentiation of the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana in its native range.
Q35553973Recognition of pyrrolizidine alkaloid esters in the invasive aquatic plant Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (Asteraceae).
Q110862498Recolonization of native and invasive plants after large-scale clearance of a temperate coastal dunefield
Q56785206Reconstructing 50 years of Opuntia stricta invasion in the Kruger National Park, South Africa: environmental determinants and propagule pressure
Q56752081Reconstructing the spread of invasive alien plants on privately-owned land in the Cape Floristic Region: Vergelegen Wine Estate as a case study
Q60562383Reconstructing the spread of invasive plants: taking into account biases associated with herbarium specimens
Q118178413Records of Sclerotinia minor infecting cultivated and invasive plants in the southern Pampas and northern Patagonia, Argentina, including comparative studies with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Q56943161Recovery Potential of Dune Ecosystems Invaded by an Exotic Acacia Species (Acacia longifolia)1
Q30404402Recovery of Physiological Traits in Saplings of Invasive Bischofia Tree Compared with Three Species Native to the Bonin Islands under Successive Drought and Irrigation Cycles
Q56407684Recovery of forest floor diversity after removal of the nonnative, invasive plantEuonymus fortunei1
Q56765582Recovery of indigenous butterfly community following control of invasive alien plants in a tropical island’s wet forests
Q56554784Recovery of native plant communities after the control of a dominant invasive plant species, Foeniculum vulgare: Implications for management
Q35233088Recruitment and herbivory affect spread of invasive Spartina alterniflora in China.
Q55870685Recruitment of three non-native invasive plants into a fragmented forest in southern Illinois
Q35661193Recurrent Water Level Fluctuation Alleviates the Effects of Submergence Stress on the Invasive Riparian Plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q56783817Red brome (Bromus rubens subsp. madritensis) in North America: possible modes for early introductions, subsequent spread
Q31096189Red turpentine beetle: innocuous native becomes invasive tree killer in China
Q55870642Reduced competitive ability in an invasive plant
Q53782551Reduced herbivore resistance in introduced smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) after a century of herbivore-free growth.
Q56379699Reduced mycorrhizal responsiveness leads to increased competitive tolerance in an invasive exotic plant
Q56458587Reduced pollen viability and achene development in Solidago ×niederederi Khek from Poland
Q56773511Reducing Persistent Seed Banks of Invasive Plants by Soil Solarization—The Case of Acacia saligna
Q57054970Reducing contention amongst organisations dealing with commercially valuable but invasive plants: The case of buffel grass
Q60563604Reducing landscape restoration costs: Feasibility of generating electricity from invasive alien plant biomass on the Agulhas Plain, South Africa
Q113108813Reducing the costs of landscape restoration by using invasive alien plant biomass for bioenergy
Q111147563Reduction of Native Diversity by Invasive Plants Depends on Habitat Conditions
Q55870617Reduction of riparian arthropod abundance and diversity as a consequence of giant reed (Arundo donax) invasion
Q119680878Reductive Roasting of Cathode Powder of Spent Ternary Lithium-Ion Battery by Pyrolysis of Invasive Plant Crofton Weed
Q117222422Reductive roasting of cathode powder of spent ternary lithium-ion battery by pyrolysis of invasive plant Crofton weed
Q55870800Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea) as a Biological Model in the Study of Plant Invasions
Q35075842Regeneration capacity of small clonal fragments of the invasive Mikania micrantha H.B.K.: effects of burial depth and stolon internode length
Q111172818Regime shift in the littoral ecosystem of volcanic Lake Atitlán in Central America: combined role of stochastic event and invasive plant species
Q111163642Region-wide assessment of fine-scale associations between invasive plants and forest regeneration
Q114908550Regional Patterns of Major Nonnative Invasive Plants and Associated Factors in Upper Midwest Forests
Q111840989Regional Vulnerability Assessment of Invasive Alien Plants in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province
Q124851409Regional habitat suitability for aquatic and terrestrial invasive plant species may expand or contract with climate change
Q113904224Regional strategy for invasive alien plant species: towards an integrative and biogeographic approach to the territory of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France
Q111840363Regulating invasive plants and use of weed risk assessments
Q114912455Regulation and Risk Assessment for Importations and Releases of Biological Control Agents Against Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa
Q56333399Regulation of the Invasive Plant Heracleum persicum by Private Landowners in Tromsø, Norway
Q56936510Relación entre la invasión de Acacia dealbata Link (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) y la riqueza de especies vegetales en el centro-sur de Chile
Q44554803Relatedness and environment affect traits associated with invasive and noninvasive introduced Commelinaceae
Q56546605Relationship between Invasive Plant Species and Forest Fauna in Eastern North America
Q118107989Relationship between seed dispersal and invasive plants on a revegetation slope dominated by Alnus sieboldiana Matsum.
Q56525965Relationships between Methylobacteria and Glyphosate with Native and Invasive Plant Species: Implications for Restoration
Q56768536Relationships between Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), soil nutrients, and plant diversity in the Garry oak savannah ecosystem
Q111165419Relationships between invasive plant species occurrence and socio-economic variables in urban green spaces of southwestern British Columbia, Canada
Q110705020Relationships between seed bank composition and an invasive plant in a floodplain wetland of the Murray–Darling Basin
Q56764627Relationships of Native Desert Plants with Red Brome (Bromus rubens): Toward Identifying Invasion-Reducing Species
Q56019600Relative Roles of Disturbance and Propagule Pressure on the Invasion of Humid Tropical Forest byCordia alliodora(Boraginaceae) in Tanzania
Q57015761Relative abundance of an invasive alien plant affects insect–flower interaction networks in Ireland
Q33869961Relative abundance of an invasive alien plant affects native pollination processes
Q114938195Relative abundance of invasive plants more effectively explains the response of wetland communities to different invasion degrees than phylogenetic evenness
Q56769365Relative allelopathic potential of invasive plant species in a young disturbed woodland1
Q117769472Relative floral density of an invasive plant affects pollinator foraging behaviour on a native plant
Q51189426Release from native root herbivores and biotic resistance by soil pathogens in a new habitat both affect the alien Ammophila arenaria in South Africa.
Q30885446Release of invasive plants from fungal and viral pathogens
Q117044760Remember your roots: Biogeographic properties of plants' native habitats can inform invasive plant risk assessments
Q56747735Remnant native Phragmites australis maintains genetic diversity despite multiple threats
Q111830933Remote Sensing Monitoring and Analysis of Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora in Tianjin Coastal Zone
Q117769104Remote Sensing and Invasive Plants in Coastal Ecosystems: What We Know So Far and Future Prospects
Q56783761Remote detection of invasive Melaleuca trees (Melaleuca quinquenervia) in South Florida with multispectral IKONOS imagery
Q56450501Remote detection of invasive plants: a review of spectral, textural and phenological approaches
Q56461984Remote sensing as a tool for monitoring plant invasions: Testing the effects of data resolution and image classification approach on the detection of a model plant species Heracleum mantegazzianum (giant hogweed)
Q114911504Remote sensing bio-control damage on aquatic invasive alien plant species
Q56379041Remote sensing object-oriented approaches coupled with ecological informatics to map invasive plant species
Q56420654Remote sensing of invasive plants: incorporating functional traits into the picture
Q111173869Remotely sensed characterization of Acacia longifolia invasive plants in the Cape Floristic region of the Western Cape, South Africa
Q56772071Removal of invasive shrubs reduces exotic earthworm populations
Q110809124Removing an invasive shrub (Chinese privet) increases native bee diversity and abundance in riparian forests of the southeastern United States
Q113269711Removing invasive plants is good for the birds and the bees
Q120328440Repellent and insecticidal effect of the invasive plantMelilotus officinalis(L.) Pall. onTenebrio molitorL.
Q57022923Replacement of estuarine communities by an exotic shrub: distribution and invasion history of Baccharis halimifolia in Europe
Q111147564Reports from the Field : Mahale, Tanzania : Invasive Plant in Chimpanzee Habitat at Mahale
Q60399055Reproduction Biology of an Alien Invasive Plant: A Case of Drought-Tolerant Aster squamatus on the Northern Adriatic Seacoast, Slovenia
Q57001344Reproductive Allocation Strategy of Two Herbaceous Invasive Plants Across Different Cover Classes
Q55842376Reproductive Ecology of a Native Hawaiian Grass (Heteropogon contortus; Poaceae) versus Its Invasive Alien Competitor (Pennisetum setaceum; Poaceae)
Q56770119Reproductive and recruitment traits as indicators of the invasive potential of Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Crassulaceae) and Stapelia gigantea (Apocynaceae) in a Neotropical arid zone
Q56777446Reproductive assurance through self-fertilization does not vary with population size in the alien invasive plant Datura stramonium
Q114930052Reproductive assurance through self-fertilization does not vary with population size in the alien invasive plantDatura stramonium
Q114930631Reproductive biological characteristics potentially contributed to invasiveness in an alien invasive plantBidens frondosa
Q101037087Reproductive biology characterististics of invasive alien plant Oenothera rosea
Q120563250Reproductive biology in an invasive plant Solidago canadensis
Q56776772Reproductive biology of the invasive exotic shrub, Rhododendron ponticum L. (Ericaceae)
Q56779354Reproductive constraints for the long-term persistence of fragmented Acacia dealbata (Mimosaceae) populations in southeast Australia
Q56768842Reproductive interference and salinity tolerance differentiate habitat use between two alien cockleburs: Xanthium occidentale and X. italicum (Compositae)
Q98283367Reproductive load modulates drought stress response but does not compromise recovery in an invasive plant during the Mediterranean summer
Q56777227Reproductive versus Vegetative Recruitment of the Invasive Tree Schinus terebenthifolius: Implications for Restoration on Reunion Island
Q111248692Research Progress on Growth Characteristics of Invasive Plants in Different Habitats
Q110614853Research Progress on Phenotypic Plasticity of Invasive Plants in Response to Drought Stress
Q119861499Research Progress on the Resource Utilization of Malignant Invasive Plant: Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.
Q51175476Research on invasive-plant traits tells us a lot.
Q114223871Reshaping of the soil microbiome by the expansion of invasive plants: shifts in structure, diversity, co-occurrence, niche breadth, and assembly processes
Q56447661Resident plant diversity and introduced earthworms have contrasting effects on the success of invasive plants
Q56115115Resilience of Native Plant Community Following Manual Control of Invasive Cinchona pubescens in Galápagos
Q33722524Resistance and recovery of soil microbial communities in the face of Alliaria petiolata invasions
Q56433139Resistance of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows to the spread of the introduced green alga Caulerpa cylindracea: assessment of the role of light
Q56775179Resistance of the generalist moth Trichoplusia ni (Noctuidae) to a novel chemical defense in the invasive plant Conium maculatum
Q56776327Resistance to Tan Spot and Stagonospora nodorum Blotch in Wheat-Alien Species Derivatives
Q114912412Resistance to triazole fungicides in <i>Pyricularia</i> species associated with invasive plants from wheat fields in Brazil
Q56779653Resolving the native provenance of invasive fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis Poir.) in the Hawaiian Islands as inferred from phylogenetic analysis
Q56766745Resource allocation to defence and growth are driven by different responses to generalist and specialist herbivory in an invasive plant
Q56781703Resource-Ratio Theory and the Control of Invasive Plants
Q60531316Resource-sharing strategies in ecotypes of the invasive clonal plantCarpobrotus edulis: specialization for abundance or scarcity of resources
Q34787726Resource-use strategies of native and invasive plants in Eastern North American forests
Q55842363Response of Native and Exotic Maple Seedling Banks to Removal of the Exotic, Invasive Norway Maple (Acer platanoides)
Q56493311Response of NonNative Invasive Plants to Large Scale Wind Damage
Q56775011Response of Pale Swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum rossicum) to Triclopyr Application and Clipping
Q113695398Response of an Invasive Plant Species (Cynanchum acutum L.) to Changing Climate Conditions and Its Impact on Agricultural Landscapes
Q56379939Response of an invasive plant, Flaveria bidentis, to nitrogen addition: a test of form-preference uptake
Q118111379Response of invasive plantFlaveria bidentisto simulated herbivory based on the growth and reproduction
Q56750813Response of macroarthropod assemblages to the loss of hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), a foundation species
Q56768932Response of native Egeria najas Planch. and invasive Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle to altered hydroecological regime in a subtropical river
Q35026377Response of native insect communities to invasive plants.
Q56773977Response of the invader Cortaderia selloana and two coexisting natives to competition and water stress
Q114186451Response of the invasive plant Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle and its two important natural enemies (Eucryptorrhynchus scrobiculatus (Motschulsky) and E. brandti (Harold)) to climate change
Q55842126Response of the non-indigenous Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh to the native seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile: effect of density of shoots and orientation of edges of meadows
Q56741192Response to Eichiner’s Note to McGlynn’s article “Native and invasive plant interactions in wetlands and the minimal role of invasiveness” in Biological Invasions (2009) 11:1929–1939
Q34227788Response to enemies in the invasive plant Lythrum salicaria is genetically determined
Q114752469Responses of Soil Microbial Community Size, Respiration Rate and Functional Diversity to Invasive Plant Species Richness
Q56959289Responses of insect pests, pathogens, and invasive plant species to climate change in the forests of northeastern North America: What can we predict?This article is one of a selection of papers from NE Forests 2100: A Synthesis of Climate Change Impa
Q56773141Responses of native and invasive plant species to selective logging in anAcacia koa-Metrosideros polymorphaforest in Hawai'i
Q118111330Responses of seed germination of the invasive plant Xanthium italicum to environmental factors
Q50718432Responses of soil N-fixing bacteria communities to invasive plant species under different types of simulated acid deposition.
Q118131372Responses of soil biota and nitrogen availability to an invasive plant under aboveground herbivory
Q56447222Responses of the invasive aquatic plant water hyacinth to altered nutrient levels under experimental warming in China
Q40029547Responses of two invasive plants under various microclimate conditions in the Seoul metropolitan region
Q121833725Responses to nutrient addition, shading and clipping in a range expanding invasive plant, Mikania micrantha
Q56773628Restoration Ecology and Invasive Plants in the Semiarid West
Q56775418Restoration Ecology and Invasive Riparian Plants: An Introduction to the Special Section on Tamarix spp. in Western North America
Q56783393Restoration of Arthropod Assemblages in a Spartina Salt Marsh following Removal of the Invasive Plant Phragmites australis
Q56785583Restoration of a Forest Understory After the Removal of an Invasive Shrub, Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii)
Q59237247Restoration of riparian systems through clearing of invasive plant species improves functional diversity of Odonate assemblages
Q110829290Restoration of water resources (natural capital) through the clearing of invasive alien plants from riparian areas in South Africa — Costs and water benefits
Q110758627Restoring fish habitat values on a tropical agricultural floodplain: Learning from two decades of aquatic invasive plant maintenance efforts
Q112312838Restoring restoration: removal of the invasive plant Microstegium vimineum from a North Carolina wetland
Q117818283Restrictions in the sprouting ability of an invasive coastal plant, Ammophila arenaria, from fragmented rhizomes
Q119597053Results of Survey and Evaluation of Invasive Plants in Ba Vi National Park, Vietnam
Q38952515Reticulate evolution in the natural range of the invasive wetland tree species Melaleuca quinquenervia
Q117047774Retraction Note to: Major environmental factors and traits of invasive alien plants determining their spatial distribution
Q124967658Revealing biogeographic patterns in genetic diversity of native and invasive plants and their association with soil community diversity in the Chinese coast
Q118130269Review on Allelopathy of Exotic Invasive Plants
Q56766329Reviewing the Role of Wildfire on the Occurrence and Spread of Invasive Plant Species in Wildland Areas of the Intermountain Western United States
Q117788596Rhizosphere and root fungal community of the invasive plant Galinsoga quadriradiata changes along its elevational expansion route
Q118164619Rhizospheric Bacillus-Facilitated Effects on the Growth and Competitive Ability of the Invasive Plant Ageratina adenophora
Q114928963Richness, not evenness, of invasive plant species promotes invasion success into native plant communities via selection effects
Q56421040Risk Assessments for Invasive Plants: A Midwestern U.S. Comparison
Q56769299Risk analysis of potential invasive plants in Spain
Q56744782Risk assessment, eradication, and biological control: global efforts to limit Australian acacia invasions
Q56766535Risk assessment: Simultaneously prioritizing the control of invasive plant species and the conservation of rare plant species
Q30715913Risk levels of invasive Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. in areas suitable for date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) cultivation under various climate change projections
Q47156882Risk to plant health in the EU territory of the intentional release of the bud‐galling wasp Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae for the control of the invasive alien plant Acacia longifolia
Q73479003Risks and Rewards: Assessing the Effectiveness and Safety of Classical Invasive Plant Biocontrol by Arthropods
Q57001655Risks to pollinators and pollination from invasive alien species
Q120648086River channel response to invasive plant treatment across the American Southwest
Q60315383Riverbanks as Battlegrounds: Why Does the Abundance of Native and Invasive Plants Vary?
Q56591549Roads as Corridors for Invasive Plant Species: New Evidence from Smooth Bedstraw (Galium mollugo)
Q114923023Roadside Distribution Patterns of Invasive Alien Plants Along an Altitudinal Gradient in Arunachal Himalaya, India
Q60493874Role of Allelopathy During Invasion Process by Alien Invasive Plants in Terrestrial Ecosystems
Q114952540Role of biological characteristics in the success of invasive alien plant species in tropical ecosystems of Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala, India
Q117981747Role of priority effects in invasive plant species management: Early arrival of native seeds guarantees the containment of invasion by Giant ragweed
Q56781289Role of sexual reproduction in the spread of an invasive clonal plant Solidago canadensis revealed using intersimple sequence repeat markers
Q111158457Roles of Dispersal Limit and Environmental Filtering in Shaping the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Invasive Alien Plant Diversity in China
Q56544419Root carbon flow from an invasive plant to belowground foodwebs
Q120572463Root characteristics explain greater water use efficiency and drought tolerance in invasive Compositae plants
Q108007241Root exudate chemical cues of an invasive plant modulate oviposition behavior and survivorship of a malaria mosquito vector
Q33918060Root pressure and specific conductivity in temperate lianas: exotic Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae) vs. native Vitis riparia (Vitaceae).
Q113904273Roots of invasive woody plants produce more diverse flavonoids than non-invasive taxa, a global analysis
Q60475563Rubbish dumps as invasive plant epicentres
Q111832187Rue and Brazilian peppertree essential oils inhibit the germination and initial development of the invasive plant lovegrass
Q39625086Russian wheat aphids (Diuraphis noxia) in China: native range expansion or recent introduction?
Q55870485SPAnDX: a process-based population dynamics model to explore management and climate change impacts on an invasive alien plant, Acacia nilotica
Q114907377SPECIAL ISSUE &ldquo; Nonnative Species and Vegetation Management &rdquo; Test for exterminating the invasive aquatic plant Parrotfeather (<I>Myriophyllum aquaticum</I> (Vell.) Verdc.)
Q117479766SRM Center for Professional Education and Development: Wildfires and Invasive Plants in American Deserts
Q51186404Salt tolerance and osmotic adjustment of Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae) and the invasive M haplotype of Phragmites australis (Poaceae) along a salinity gradient.
Q56784690Salt tolerance underlies the cryptic invasion of North American salt marshes by an introduced haplotype of the common reed Phragmites australis (Poaceae)
Q92188050Salt-tolerant native plants have greater responses to other environments when compared to salt-tolerant invasive plants
Q55870824Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) invasion alters organic matter dynamics in a desert stream
Q114911460Satellite-based annual evaporation estimates of invasive alien plant species and native vegetation in South Africa
Q120069138Scaling up qualitative research to harness the capacity of lay people in invasive plant management
Q51685752Science careers. Measuring the impact of invasive plants.
Q118178414Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infecting cultivated and invasive plants in the southern Pampas and northern Patagonia, Argentina
Q117046974Screening and Evaluation of Dermo-Cosmetic Activities of the Invasive Plant Species Polygonum cuspidatum
Q101107139Screening and Isolation of Cytotoxicityin vitro from Invasive Plant Macfadyena unguis-cati L. (Bignoniaceae)
Q125359800Screening antibiofilm activity of invasive plants growing at the Slope Merapi Mountain, Central Java, against Candida albicans
Q118129840Screening botanical herbicide for invasive plant <I>Ipomoea cairica</I>
Q56525432Seasonal Biomass and Starch Allocation of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) (Haplotype I) in Southern Alabama, USA
Q55870739Seasonal Changes in Height, Biomass and Biomass Allocation of Two Exotic Aquatic Plants in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake
Q56771160Seasonal Effects of Four Control Methods on the Invasive Morrow’s Honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii) and Initial Responses of Understory Plants in a Southwestern Pennsylvania Old Field
Q56776658Seasonal effect of the exotic invasive plantSolidago giganteaon soil pH and P fractions
Q55869716Seasonal estimates of actual evapo-transpiration from Tamarix ramosissima stands using three-dimensional eddy covariance
Q56524430Seasonal plasticity of Ludwigia grandiflora under light and water depth gradients: An outdoor mesocosm experiment
Q113901433Seasonal variations alter the effect of an invasive plant on the decomposition of a native plant in a subtropical eutrophic lake, China
Q110756612Secondary invasion and weedy native species dominance after clearing invasive alien plants in South Africa: Status quo and prognosis
Q57034237Secondary invasion of Acer negundo: the role of phenotypic responses versus local adaptation
Q56782403Secondary metabolite variation affects the oviposition preference but has little effect on the performance of Boreioglycaspis melaleucae: A biological control agent of Melaleuca quinquenervia
Q56775298Sediment burial stimulates the growth and propagule production of Spartina alterniflora Loisel
Q114926882Seed Coat Morphology and Sculpturing of Selected Invasive Alien Plants from Lesser Himalaya Pakistan and Their Systematic Implications
Q111165524Seed Rain and Disturbance Impact Recruitment of Invasive Plants in Upland Forest
Q39713046Seed Selection by the Harvester Ant Pogonomyrmex rugosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Coastal Sage Scrub: Interactions With Invasive Plant Species.
Q56395405Seed bank and growth comparisons of native (Virgilia divaricata) and invasive alien (Acacia mearnsii and A. melanoxylon) plants: implications for conservation
Q56777563Seed deposition of Eragrostis curvula, an invasive alien plant on a river floodplain
Q110829382Seed deposition of Eragrostis curvula, an invasive alien plant on a river floodplain
Q56782455Seed dispersal of fleshy-fruited invasive plants by birds: contributing factors and management options
Q56773014Seed dormancy, nitrogen nutrition and shade acclimation ofImpatiens glandulifera: implications for successful invasion of deciduous woodland
Q55842134Seed dynamics and seedling establishment in the invading perennial Solidago altissima under different experimental treatments
Q33913324Seed ecology of an invasive alien species, Acacia longifolia (Fabaceae), in Portuguese dune ecosystems
Q56768981Seed ecology of the invasive woody plant African olive (Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata): implications for management and restoration
Q59066218Seed germination and risks of using the invasive plantEichhornia crassipes(Mart.) Solms-Laub. (water hyacinth) for composting, ovine feeding and biogas production
Q56769907Seed germination and seedling survival traits of invasive and non-invasive congeneric Ruellia species (Acanthaceae) in Yucatan, Mexico
Q114920016Seed germination of invasive plant species of the genus Goldenrod (Solidago)
Q120328358Seed germination of native plants in soil transformed by invasive plants Acer negundo and Heracleum sosnowskyi
Q56501693Seed number and environmental conditions do not explain seed size variability for the invasive herb Lupinus polyphyllus
Q118111334Seed overwinter performance of two invasive plants: Xanthium italicum Moretti and X. spinosum Linnaeus in Xinjiang
Q100712270Seed persistence of the invasive aquatic plant, Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (Asteraceae)
Q56770069Seed predators and the evolutionarily stable flowering strategy in the invasive plant, Carduus nutans
Q56774336Seed production, seed bank dynamics, resprouting and long-term response to clearing of the alien invasive Solanum mauritianum in a temperate to subtropical riparian ecosystem
Q34280261Seed terminal velocity, wind turbulence, and demography drive the spread of an invasive tree in an analytical model
Q56770225Seed viability and seed dormancy of non-native Phragmites australis in suburbanized and forested watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay, USA
Q110704290Seed-bank dynamics in the invasive plant,Ambrosia artemisiifoliaL
Q56289148Seedling competition between native Populus deltoides (Salicaceae) and exotic Tamarix ramosissima (Tamaricaceae) across water regimes and substrate types
Q56560415Seedling defoliation, plant growth and flowering potential in native- and invasive-range Plantago lanceolata populations
Q56772122Seedling establishment of Asteraceae forbs along altitudinal gradients: a comparison of transplant experiments in the native and introduced ranges
Q55841626Seedling recruitment in the invasive clonal shrub, Mahonia aquifolium Pursh (Nutt.)
Q56784264Seedling recruitment of the exotic grass Andropogon gayanus (Poaceae) in northern Australia
Q56482970Seedlings of the introduced invasive shrub Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae) outperform those of its native and introduced non-invasive congeners in Florida
Q60562361Seeds contribute strongly to the spread of the invasive genotype of the common reed (Phragmites australis)
Q120417244Seeds over-wintering characteristics of Italian Cocklebur and Stab Cocklebur: Two invasive plants in Xinjiang, China
Q114642116Selecting a subset of spectral bands for mapping invasive alien plants: a case of discriminating Parthenium hysterophorus using field spectroscopy data
Q111818538Selecting replacements for invasive plants to support frugivores in highly modified sites: A case study focusing on Lantana camara
Q36534327Selection for chemical trait remixing in an invasive weed after reassociation with a coevolved specialist
Q56774148Selection of preadapted populations allowed Senecio inaequidens to invade Central Europe
Q51183975Selection on herbivory resistance and growth rate in an invasive plant.
Q113085053Selective and Non-Selective Control of Invasive Plants: The Short-Term Effects of Growing-Season Prescribed Fire, Herbicide, and Mowing in Two Texas Prairies
Q121741720Self-incompatibility limits sexual reproduction rather than environmental conditions in an invasive aquatic plant
Q111349072Semi-field demographic performance of the invasive planthopper, Orosanga japonica (Hemiptera: Ricaniidae) on two host plants
Q110862826Semi-parametric Geographically Weighted Regression (S-GWR): a Case Study on Invasive Plant Species Distribution in Subtropical Nepal
Q28729164Sensitivity analysis of CLIMEX parameters in modelling potential distribution of Lantana camara L
Q41884555Sensitivity of the invasive geophyte Oxalis pes-caprae to nutrient availability and competition
Q114730724Sensor Fusion with Deep Learning for Autonomous Classification and Management of Aquatic Invasive Plant Species
Q120143413Sentinel-2 Time Series and Classifier Fusion to Map an Aquatic Invasive Plant Species along a River—The Case of Water-Hyacinth
Q33927288Sequencing and de novo transcriptome assembly of Brachypodium sylvaticum (Poaceae).
Q51190692Sexual reproduction in the invasive species Fallopia japonica (Polygonaceae).
Q30764190Sexual reproduction of Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica s.l.) at its northern distribution limit: new evidence of the effect of climate warming on an invasive species
Q56775192Sexual reproduction of cordgrass hybrids (Spartina foliosa x alterniflora) invading tidal marshes in San Francisco Bay
Q56342153Shade tolerance of Ailanthus altissima revisited: novel insights from southern Switzerland
Q56766956Shading by invasive shrub reduces seed production and pollinator services in a native herb
Q111323443Shift in competitive ability mediated by soil biota in an invasive plant
Q34609066Shift in cytotype frequency and niche space in the invasive plant Centaurea maculosa
Q124841684Shifting hotspots: Climate change projected to drive contractions and expansions of invasive plant abundance habitats
Q111163050Shifting ranges of eleven invasive alien plants in China in the face of climate change
Q55845303Shifts in dominance of native and invasive plants in experimental patches of vegetation
Q56335556Shifts in growth and competitive dominance of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides under different nitrogen and phosphorus supply
Q56785057Shoreline Development Drives Invasion of Phragmites australis and the Loss of Plant Diversity on New England Salt Marshes
Q33579065Short delay in timing of emergence determines establishment success in Pinus sylvestris across microhabitats
Q33410084Short lag times for invasive tropical plants: evidence from experimental plantings in Hawai'i
Q56773533Short- and long-term impacts of Acacia longifolia invasion on the belowground processes of a Mediterranean coastal dune ecosystem
Q55841719Short-term effects of nutrient enrichment of the sediment and interactions between the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and the introduced green alga Caulerpa taxifolia in a Mediterranean bay
Q114944250Short-time response in root morphology of alien invasive plant Amaranthus retroflexus to water level gradient
Q120070301Short‐term effects of the control of the invasive plant Asclepias syriaca: Secondary invasion of other neophytes instead of recovery of the native species
Q114227274Should tourists care more about invasive species? International and domestic visitors’ perceptions of invasive plants and their control in New Zealand
Q60562363Should we care about purple loosestrife? The history of an invasive plant in North America
Q56779397Side-effects of botanical insecticides derived from Meliaceae on coccinellid predators of the date palm scale
Q114755140Silver nanoparticles intensify the allelopathic intensity of four invasive plant species in the Asteraceae
Q56764943Similar biotic factors affect early establishment and abundance of an invasive plant species across spatial scales
Q56767531Similarities in the impact of three large invasive plant species on soil seed bank communities
Q112806197Similarity in fine-to-total root mass ratio leads to comparative plant–soil feedbacks between co-occurring native and invasive plants
Q55112535Simulated Acid Rain Accelerates Litter Decomposition and Enhances the Allelopathic Potential of the Invasive Plant Wedelia trilobata (Creeping Daisy)
Q113698173Simulated Herbivory Weakens Plant-Soil Feedbacks in Competitive Mixtures of Native and Invasive Woodland Plants
Q120572381Simulated aboveground herbivory is not a source of context dependence in plant-soil feedbacks for individually-grown native and invasive woodland plants
Q112833844Simulated nitrogen deposition induces shifts in growth and resource-use strategies during range expansion of an invasive plant
Q56783091Simulating control strategies for a spatially structured weed invasion: Spartina alterniflora (Loisel) in Pacific Coast estuaries
Q30601824Simulating the effects of climate change on the distribution of an invasive plant, using a high resolution, local scale, mechanistic approach: challenges and insights
Q56781633Simulating the effects of different disturbance regimes on Cortaderia selloana invasion
Q114104199Simulation of potential distribution patterns of the invasive plant species Xanthium spinosum L. (Bathurst burr) in Xinjiang under climate change
Q118460785Situation and countermeasure of alien invasive plants in Northeast China
Q117997642Size Matters: Genome Size Influences Plant Tolerance Of Abiotic Stress In Native Versus Invasive Plants
Q56506839Size-symmetric competition in a shade-tolerant invasive plant
Q111629325Size-symmetric competition in a shade-tolerant invasive plant
Q56768344Slow spread of the aggressive invader, Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass)
Q117045984Small Mammals Perceive Most Fruits of Invasive Plants as Low-Quality Forage in a Pennsylvanian Forest and Meadow
Q119932162Social preferences for invasive plant management: A case Study from the interior Northwest of the United States
Q111840667Socio-economic and environmental impacts of invasive plant species in selected districts of Bale Zone, Southeast Ethiopia
Q56462699Socioeconomics drive woody invasive plant richness in New England, USA through forest fragmentation
Q125024365Socio‐ecological interactions promote outbreaks of a harmful invasive plant in an urban landscape
Q90637589Sodium, potassium and nitrogenous osmolyte accumulation inrelation to the adaptation to salinity of Elytrigia pycnantha,an invasive plant of the Mont Saint-Michel Bay
Q35030045Soil Bacteria and Fungi Respond on Different Spatial Scales to Invasion by the Legume Lespedeza cuneata
Q114909494Soil Microbial-Community Alteration in Response to Heterotheca subaxillaris – an Invasive Alien Plant
Q35230482Soil and plant changing after invasion: the case of Acacia dealbata in a Mediterranean ecosystem
Q33240461Soil biota and invasive plants
Q33973858Soil biota drive expression of genetic variation and development of population-specific feedbacks in an invasive plant.
Q38584477Soil biota reduce allelopathic effects of the invasive Eupatorium adenophorum
Q56772001Soil biota, but not soil nutrients, facilitate the invasion of Bidens pilosa relative to a native species Saussurea deltoidea
Q110625902Soil fauna responses to invasive alien plants are determined by trophic groups and habitat structure: a global meta‐analysis
Q56782673Soil feedback and pathogen activity in Prunus serotina throughout its native range
Q30839001Soil fungal abundance and diversity: another victim of the invasive plant Centaurea maculosa
Q56451938Soil fungi rather than bacteria were modified by invasive plants, and that benefited invasive plant growth
Q56289074Soil lichen and moss cover and species richness can be highly dynamic: The effects of invasion by the annual exotic grass Bromus tectorum, precipitation, and temperature on biological soil crusts in SE Utah
Q56433473Soil microbes alleviate allelopathy of invasive plants
Q117788256Soil microbes alter competition between native and invasive plants
Q57052423Soil microbial communities alter allelopathic competition between Alliaria petiolata and a native species
Q56767762Soil microbial community structure and biomass as affected by Pinus pinea plantation in two Mediterranean areas
Q56775571Soil modification by invasive plants: effects on native and invasive species of mixed-grass prairies
Q60549593Soil nitrogen availability and herbivore attack influence the chemical defenses of an invasive plant (Linaria dalmatica; Plantaginaceae)
Q57046445Soil phosphorus enhancement below stormwater outlets in urban bushland: spatial and temporal changes and the relationship with invasive plants
Q117769190Soil phosphorus form affects the advantages that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi confer on the invasive plant species, Solidago canadensis, over its congener
Q56455818Soil quality: a key factor in understanding plant invasion? The case of Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br
Q56999192Soil recovery after removal of the N2-fixing invasive Acacia longifolia: consequences for ecosystem restoration
Q94476589Soil resource heterogeneity competitively favors an invasive clonal plant over a native one
Q55841862Soil seed bank and growth rates of an invasive species, Piper aduncum, in the lowlands of Papua New Guinea
Q107461713Soil solarization based on natural soil moisture: a practical approach for reducing the seed bank of invasive plants in wetlands
Q56449575Soil space and nutrients differentially promote the growth and competitive advantages of two invasive plants
Q56772376Soil type, microsite, and herbivory influence growth and survival of Schinus molle (Peruvian pepper tree) invading semi-arid African savanna
Q47939855Soil water exploitation after fire: competition between Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) and two native species
Q56941585Soil-mediated eco-evolutionary feedbacks in the invasive plantAlliaria petiolata
Q92735527Soil-mediated impacts of an invasive thistle inhibit the recruitment of certain native plants
Q56542782Soil–Occupancy Effects of Invasive and Native Grassland Plant Species on Composition and Diversity of Mycorrhizal Associations
Q56434066Solidago canadensis impacts on native plant and pollinator communities in different-aged old fields
Q51147190Solidago canadensis invasion affects soil N-fixing bacterial communities in heterogeneous landscapes in urban ecosystems in East China.
Q119806254Solidago gigantea Ait. and Calamagrostis epigejos (L) Roth invasive plants as potential forage for goats
Q23818456Solidago ×snarskisii nothosp. nov. (Asteraceae) from Lithuania and its position in the infrageneric classification of the genus
Q34348225Somatic mutation-mediated evolution of herbicide resistance in the nonindigenous invasive plant hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata).
Q34771974Some perspectives on the risks and benefits of biological control of invasive alien plants in the management of natural ecosystems
Q56459007Some plants like it warmer: Increased growth of three selected invasive plant species in soils with a history of experimental warming
Q111147488Song variation of a native songbird in a modified habitat by invasive plant
Q56770820Sonneratia apetala Buch.Ham in the mangrove ecosystems of China: An invasive species or restoration species?
Q35158001Sorption and transport of sulfamethazine in agricultural soils amended with invasive-plant-derived biochar.
Q90970955South Africa beats back invasive plants
Q56777592South African Iridaceae with rapid and profuse seedling emergence are more likely to become naturalized in other regions
Q110990278Southern Appalachian urban forest response to three invasive plant removal treatments
Q56448946Space matters when defining effective management for invasive plants
Q56288683Spartina alterniflora and invasive Phragmites australis stands have similar greenhouse gas emissions in a New England marsh
Q33785005Spartina alterniflora invasion increases soil inorganic nitrogen pools through interactions with tidal subsidies in the Yangtze Estuary, China
Q56771859Spartina alterniflora invasions in the Yangtze River estuary, China: An overview of current status and ecosystem effects
Q56384461Spartina versicolor Fabre: Another case of Spartina trans-Atlantic introduction?
Q118143841Spatial Distribution Pattern and Risk Assessment of Invasive Alien Plants on Southern Side of the Daba Mountain Area
Q114920241Spatial Spread of Invasive Foreign Plants Clidemia hirta (L.) D. Don in Bung Hatta Forest Park, Padang, West Sumatra
Q56750914Spatial distribution and performance of native and invasive Ardisia (Myrsinaceae) species in Puerto Rico: the anatomy of an invasion
Q56514482Spatial distribution of an invasive plant Spartina alterniflora and its potential as biofuels in China
Q111161676Spatial distribution of invasive alien plants in Pokhara valley, Nepal
Q125463851Spatial distribution of the four invasive plants and their impact on natural communities’ dynamics across the arid and semi-arid environments in northwest Pakistan
Q110862711Spatial patterns of presence, abundance, and richness of invasive woody plants in relation to urbanization in a tropical island setting
Q30641170Spatial risk assessment of alien invasive plants in China
Q56433187Spatial similarity in the distribution of invasive alien plants and animals in China
Q101410294Spatially explicit removal strategies increase the efficiency of invasive plant species control
Q56767893Spatially-explicit sensitivity analysis for conservation management: exploring the influence of decisions in invasive alien plant management
Q111158753Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Climatic Niche Dynamics of an Invasive Plant Mikania micrantha Kunth and Its Potential Distribution Under Projected Climate Change
Q60367633Spatio-temporal analysis of an invasive plant pathogen (Phytophthora ramorum) in England and Wales
Q111492912Spatio-temporal dynamics of the invasive plant speciesElytrigia athericaon natural salt marshes
Q105731322Spatiotemporal Analysis of Three Common Wetland Invasive Plant Species Using Herbarium Specimens and Geographic Information Systems
Q35788604Specialist Insect Herbivore and Light Availability Do Not Interact in the Evolution of an Invasive Plant
Q90895295Specialized lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferases contribute to unusual fatty acid accumulation in exotic Euphorbiaceae seed oils
Q114914923Species composition of alien invasive plants in Heilongjiang Province
Q57061566Species groups occupying different trophic levels respond differently to the invasion of semi-natural vegetation by Solidago canadensis
Q111440388Species investigation and related analysis of the alien invasive plants in Inner Mongolia
Q56772107Species richness of both native and invasive aquatic plants influenced by environmental conditions and human activity
Q110829133Species-Specific Impacts of Invasive Plant Success on Vertical Profiles of Soil Carbon Accumulation and Nutrient Retention in the Minjiang River Tidal Estuarine Wetlands of China
Q34586481Species-specific identification from incomplete sampling: applying DNA barcodes to monitoring invasive solanum plants
Q34796910Spectral Discrimination of the Invasive Plant Spartina alterniflora at Multiple Phenological Stages in a Saltmarsh Wetland
Q56420991Spectral Wavelength Selection and Detection of Two Invasive Plant Species in an Urban Area
Q111819233Spectral fingerprinting revealed modulation of plant secondary metabolites in providing abiotic stress tolerance to invasive alien plants Lantana camara (L.), Parthenium hysterophorous (L.), Ricinus communis (L.), and Ageratum conyzoides (L.) (plant
Q114944362Spectrally segmented principal component analysis of hyperspectral imagery for mapping invasive plant species
Q114922728Spermacoce latifolia – a predominant alien invasive plant in root crops and its management in Lomaivuna ,Viti Levu, Fiji
Q120142526Spermatophyta (Plantae) and invasive alien plants of Wanda Mountains in China: a first checklist
Q56780175Spread and current potential distribution of an alien grass, Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees, in the southwestern USA: comparing historical data and ecological niche models
Q110873172Spread of an Aquatic Invasive Plant, Iris pseudacorus, Following Replacement of a Hydraulic Structure
Q56766039Spread of invasive Phragmites australis in estuaries with differing degrees of development: genetic patterns, Allee effects and interpretation
Q118129253Spread of invasive plants along trails in two national parks in West Java, Indonesia
Q111147567Spreading and Distribution of Lactuca scariola, Invasive Alien Plant, by Habitat Types in Korea
Q56926089Stable coexistence of an invasive plant and biocontrol agent: a parameterized coupled plant-herbivore model
Q114238822Stable isotope mixing models demonstrate the role of an invasive plant in wetland songbird food webs
Q114868719Stable isotopes reveal an invasive plant contributes more than native sources to anuran larvae diets
Q110872334Stage-dependent effects of a non-native invasive saltmarsh plant on the seedling establishment of a native seagrass
Q60538820Stakeholder Perceptions of an Ecosystem Services Approach to Clearing Invasive Alien Plants on Private Land
Q110744883Stakeholders’ perceptions of the impacts of invasive exotic plant species in the Mediterranean region
Q111170142Stakeholders’ perceptions towards non-native acacias and implications for their management in Portugal
Q121746498Stand biomass decreases towards the edge of a range expanding invasive plant, Mikania micrantha, but only on thick soil layers
Q56783590Stand dynamics of an insular population of an invasive tree, Acer platanoides
Q55870770Stand dynamics of introduced black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) plantation under different disturbance regimes in Korea
Q114941095Stand-alone or co-occurring invasive plant species do not modify the diversity of the soil N2-fixing bacterial community
Q56781525Standardisation in Mapping and Monitoring of Invasive Alien Plant Species
Q47157032Statement on the assessment of the risk posed to plant health in the EU territory by the intentional release of biological control agents of invasive alien plant species
Q111165633Stationary soil steaming to combat invasive plant species for soil relocation
Q57921741Status and ethno-medicinal usage of invasive plants in traditional health care practices: a case study from northeastern Bangladesh
Q114919725Status and impacts of invasive alien plant species in Parsa National Park, central Nepal
Q114751021Status of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Urban Forest of Hetauda, Nepal
Q111164967Status of ethnobotanical invasive plants in western Madhya Pradesh, India
Q114930254Status of invasive alien plants included in EPPO Lists in Turkey
Q57277730Status, invasiveness and environmental threats of three tropical American invasive weeds (Parthenium hysterophorus L., Ageratum conyzoides L., Lantana camara L.) in India
Q111160551Steeplebushes conquer the countryside: influence of invasive plant species on spider communities (Araneae) in former wet meadows
Q117788250Stem density induces differential effects of litter on native and invasive plants
Q110809109Stem-galling moths provide cetoniine beetles with feeding sites via sap exudation of invasive alien plants
Q56925499Still no evidence that pathogen accumulation can revert the impact of invasive plant species
Q111819761Stomatal and pollen dependant metabolic changes as a metric of stress tolerance and invasive potential of invasive plant – Lantana camara (L.) growing under abiotic stress like conditions
Q91980995Stormwater ponds: An overlooked but plentiful urban designer ecosystem provides invasive plant habitat in a subtropical region (Florida, USA)
Q114951485Strategies for preventing invasive plant outbreaks after prescribed fire in ponderosa pine forest
Q57048856Stream ecosystems respond to riparian invasion by Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica)
Q117046455Streamlining Agroecological Management of Invasive Plant Species: The Case of Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav
Q46395432Strong population structure characterizes weediness gene evolution in the invasive grass species Brachypodium distachyon
Q112313643Strong regeneration ability from rhizome fragments in two invasive clonal plants (Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea)
Q34027572Strong response of an invasive plant species (Centaurea solstitialis L.) to global environmental changes
Q111805331Stronger ability to absorb nitrate and associated transporters in the invasive plant Xanthium strumarium compared with its native congener
Q114954169Structural Variability and Co-Occurrence Pattern Differentiation in Rhizosphere Microbiomes of the Native Invasive Plant Echinochloa caudate in Momoge National Nature Reserve, China
Q92708986Structural equation modeling of a winnowed soil microbiome identifies how invasive plants re-structure microbial networks
Q110862106Study of invasive plants in tropical dry deciduous forests – biological spectrum, phenology, and diversity
Q118111328Study on pollination biology of the invasive plant Xanthium italicum Moretti
Q118111351Study on the dispersal mechanism of invasive plant based on spatially explicit individual-based model and Remote sensing technology: a case study ofSpartina alterniflora
Q118111279Study on the flora and risk distribution of dominant invasive plants in Shenzhen
Q31126316Substantial heritable variation for susceptibility to Dothistroma septosporum within populations of native British Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris).
Q56776958Substitution and phase shift within the Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows of NW Mediterranean Sea
Q111805479Success of native and invasive plant congeners depends on inorganic nitrogen compositions and levels
Q56770982Successful biological control of diffuse knapweed, Centaurea diffusa, in British Columbia, Canada
Q117769632Suitability of Eight Northeastern U.S. Native Shrubs as Replacements for Invasive Plants in a Difficult Landscape Site with White-tailed Deer Pressure
Q114920337Suitability of the Weber-Gut risk assessment methodology used in Central Europe for determining invasive woody plant species in Estonian historical parks
Q56650151Superior performance and nutrient-use efficiency of invasive plants over non-invasive congeners in a resource-limited environment
Q29542166Superiority in competition for light: A crucial attribute defining the impact of the invasive alien tree Schinus molle (Anacardiaceae) in South African savanna
Q107137310Supporting proactive management in the context of climate change: prioritizing range-shifting invasive plants based on impact
Q113080893Supporting the spatial management of invasive alien plants through assessment of landscape dynamics and connectivity
Q118127706Suppression of a plant hormone gibberellin reduces growth of invasive plants more than native plants
Q110756347Suppression of an Invasive Native Plant Species by Designed Grassland Communities
Q36057136Suppression of reproductive characteristics of the invasive plant Mikania micrantha by sweet potato competition
Q118126962Suppression of the Invasive Plant Watermeal (Wolffia columbiana) by Interfering with Floatation
Q35077400Suppression of the invasive plant mile-a-minute (Mikania micrantha) by local crop sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) by means of higher growth rate and competition for soil nutrients
Q56771010Surveillance protocols for management of invasive plants: modelling Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana) in Australia
Q114916512Survey and documentation of the potential and actual invasive alien plant species and other biological threats to biodiversity in Awash National Park, Ethiopia
Q114948668Survey of invasive alien plants in urban municipal reserves, Gauteng Province, South Africa
Q56763738Survival and growth of Acacia dealbata vs. native trees across an invasion front in south-central Chile
Q28239247Survival and performance of the invasive vine Vincetoxicum rossicum (Apocynaceae) from seeds of different embryo number under two light environments
Q56438366Survival of invasive aquatic plants after air exposure and implications for dispersal by recreational boats
Q114948635Survival strategies of selected alien invasive plants in parts of Thulamela Local Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Q113858321Susceptibility of native and invasive submersed plants in New Zealand to florpyrauxifen-benzyl in growth-chamber exposure studies
Q120500676Sustainable carbonaceous biochar adsorbents derived from agro-wastes and invasive plants for cation dye adsorption from water
Q101090926Switzerland and the invasive plant species issue
Q39976796Synergic effect of salinity and CO2 enrichment on growth and photosynthetic responses of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora.
Q111439895Synergistic effects of two surfactants on 70% sulfometuron methyl WP against the invasive plant Mikania micrantha
Q57008668Synergistic interactions between an exotic honeybee and an exotic weed: pollination of Lantana camara in Australia
Q35183561Synthesis of the allelochemical alliarinoside present in garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), an invasive plant species in North America
Q34068292Tackling contentious invasive plant species: a case study of buffel grass in Australia
Q55841723Tahiti's native flora endangered by the invasion of Miconia calvescens DC. (Melastomataceae)
Q114930582Taking a closer look at invasive alien plant research: A review of the current state, opportunities, and future directions for UAVs
Q56377756Tamarix (Tamaricaceae) hybrids: the dominant invasive genotype in southern Africa
Q59420698Taxon specific response of carabids (Coleoptera, Carabidae) and other soil invertebrate taxa on invasive plant Amorpha fruticosa in wetlands
Q114919989Techniques to control woody invasive plants in Indiana hardwood forests
Q110862300Temperate deciduous forests embedded across developed landscapes: Younger forests harbour invasive plants and urban forests maintain native plants
Q111162330Temperature-dependent performance of competitive native and alien invasive plant species
Q56424950Temporal changes in the impacts on plant communities of an invasive alien tree, Acacia longifolia
Q51146399Temporal introduction patterns of invasive alien plant species to Australia
Q56418423Temporal- and density-dependent impacts of an invasive plant on pollinators and pollination services to a native plant
Q56775515Test of the enemy release hypothesis: The native magpie moth prefers a native fireweed (Senecio pinnatifolius) to its introduced congener (S. madagascariensis)
Q34024821Testing assumptions of the enemy release hypothesis: generalist versus specialist enemies of the grass Brachypodium sylvaticum
Q58775154Testing for allelopathy in invasive plants: it all depends on the substrate!
Q51188432Testing for ecological and genetic Allee effects in the invasive shrub Senna didymobotrya (Fabaceae).
Q36263309Testing genotypic variation of an invasive plant species in response to soil disturbance and herbivory
Q56779250Testing mechanistic models of seed dispersal for the invasive Rhododendron ponticum (L.)
Q111164393Testing the Australian Post-Border Weed Risk Management (WRM) system for invasive plants in Iran
Q114930332Testing the assumption of environmental equilibrium in an invasive plant species over a 130 year history
Q56437860Testing the co-invasion hypothesis: ectomycorrhizal fungal communities on Alnus glutinosa and Salix fragilis in New Zealand
Q34122378Testing the directed dispersal hypothesis: are native ant mounds (Formica sp.) favorable microhabitats for an invasive plant?
Q57054910Testing the discrimination and detection limits of WorldView-2 imagery on a challenging invasive plant target
Q55968999Testing the enemy release hypothesis: a comparison of foliar insect herbivory of the exotic Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) and the native sugar maple (A. saccharum L.)
Q46161552Testing the role of genetic factors across multiple independent invasions of the shrub Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius).
Q56774649Tests of the antibiotic properties of the invasive vine Vincetoxicum rossicum against bacteria, fungi and insects
Q119821852Textural Discrimination of an Invasive Plant, <I>Schinus terebinthifolius</I>, from Low Altitude Aerial Digital Imagery
Q56780635Texture augmented analysis of high resolution satellite imagery in detecting invasive plant species
Q105621535The Alien Invasive Plants in Zhejiang Province, China
Q114923060The Allelopathic Potentials of the Non-Native Invasive PlantMicrostegium vimineumand the NativeAgeratina altissima: Two Dominant Species of the Eastern Forest Herb Layer
Q114911989The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 1. Eriochloa villosa (Thunb.) Kunth
Q114912008The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 10. Nymphoides peltata (S. G. Gmel.) Kuntze
Q114911999The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 11. Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb., T. chinensis Lour. and hybrids
Q114911995The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 12.Pueraria montanavar.lobata(Willd.) Sanjappa & Predeep
Q57049553The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 2. Cynanchum rossicum (Kleopow) Borhidi [= Vincetoxicum rossicum (Kleopow) Barbar.] and Cynanchum louiseae (L.) Kartesz & Gandhi [= Vincetoxicum nigrum (L.) Moench]
Q114911980The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 3. Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer var. rudis (Sauer) Costea & Tardif
Q114911976The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 4. Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier
Q57049513The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 5. Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. & Zucc. [= Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decr.]
Q114911971The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 6. Berteroa incana (L.) DC
Q114911968The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 7. Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray
Q114912016The Biology of Invasive Alien Plants in Canada. 8. Lepidium latifolium L.
Q119628956The Biology of an Invasive Plant
Q59155061The Costs and Benefits of Biological Control of Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa
Q114911746The Distribution and Problems of the Invasive Alien Plant, &lt;i&gt;Mimosa diplotricha&lt;/i&gt; C. Wright ex Sauvalle (Mimosaceae) in Nigeria
Q60367573The EFSA assessment of Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae as biocontrol agent of the invasive alien plant Acacia longifolia : a new area of activity for the EFSA Plant Health Panel?
Q56945203The EPPO prioritization process for invasive alien plants
Q56289154The Economic Value of Controlling an Invasive Shrub
Q89965856The Ecophysiological Response of Two Invasive Submerged Plants to Light and Nitrogen
Q114923210The Effect of Biochar on Native and Invasive Prairie Plant Species
Q119953024The Effect of Lignocellulose Filler on Mechanical Properties of Filled-High Density Polyethylene Composites Loaded with Biomass of an Invasive Plant Solidago canadensis
Q118106893The Effect of Temperature on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Two Invasive Plants in Rorippa
Q56380343The Effect of the Invasive Plant Species Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. on Energy Recovery Parameters of Semi-Natural Grassland Biomass
Q111153749The Effects of Soils from Different Forest Types on the Growth of the Invasive Plant Phytolacca americana
Q96023817The Evolution of an Invasive Plant, Sorghum halepense L. ('Johnsongrass')
Q114918333The First Evidence of the Insecticidal Potential of Plant Powders from Invasive Alien Plants against Rice Weevil under Laboratory Conditions
Q112765962The Global Potential Distribution of Invasive Plants: Anredera cordifolia under Climate Change and Human Activity Based on Random Forest Models
Q57609728The Herbivorous Arthropods Associated with the Invasive Alien Plant,Arundo donax, and the Native Analogous Plant,Phragmites australis, in the Free State Province, South Africa
Q34392577The Human Release Hypothesis for biological invasions: human activity as a determinant of the abundance of invasive plant species
Q113033599The Human Release Hypothesis for biological invasions: human activity as a determinant of the abundance of invasive plant species
Q124883945The Human Release Hypothesis for biological invasions: human activity as a determinant of the abundance of invasive plant species
Q120146346The Impact of Root-Invasive Fungi on Dominant and Invasive Plant Species in Degraded Grassland at Nanshan Pasture
Q55839394The Impact of Temperature on the Northern Distribution Limits of the Introduced Species Fallopia japonica and Impatiens glandulifera in North-West Europe
Q35859940The Impact of the Invasive Alien Plant, Impatiens glandulifera, on Pollen Transfer Networks
Q105625594The Impacts of the Alien Invasive Plants on Biodiversity in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of Southwest China
Q117046738The Importance of Very-High-Resolution Imagery to Map Invasive Plant Species: Evidence from Galapagos
Q111147525The Influence of Habitat Type and the Presence of an Invasive Wetland Plant (Phalaris arundinacea) on Capture Rates of Sympatric Rare and Common Gartersnake Species (Thamnophis butleriandThamnophis sirtalis)
Q118106926The Influence of the Invasive Plant Taraxacum officinale (FH Wigg) on Soil Characteristics
Q56774534The Invasion and Spread of Phragmites australis during a Period of Low Water in a Lake Erie Coastal Wetland
Q56770499The Invasive Buddleja davidii (Butterfly Bush)
Q117769078The Invasive Plant Impatiens glandulifera Manipulates Microbial Associates of Competing Native Species
Q56776097The Invasive Species Assessment Protocol: A Tool for Creating Regional and National Lists of Invasive Nonnative Plants that Negatively Impact Biodiversity
Q56768341The Meuse river as a corridor for range expansion of the exotic plant species Sisymbrium austriacum: evidence for long-distance seed dispersal
Q119691833The Natives Are Restless: Proceedings from the ASHS Invasive Plants Research Interest Group 2017 and 2018 Workshops
Q56777231The Politics of Invasive Weed Management: Gender, Race, and Risk Perception in Rural California
Q100989494The Problem and Status of the Alien Invasive Plants in China
Q56772828The Rationale for Monitoring Invasive Plant Populations as a Crucial Step for Management
Q101104706The Relationship between Fire and Invasive Plant Species
Q56440898The Relationship between the Distribution of Invasive Plant Alternanthera philoxeroides and Soil Properties is Scale-Dependent
Q114922106The Relationship of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions Regarding Non-native Texas Invasive Plant Species
Q56458980The Relative Risk of Invasion: Evaluation of Miscanthus × giganteus Seed Establishment
Q118125851The Responses of Invasive Plant <i>Alternanthera p</i><i>hiloxeroides</i> to Combined Treatments of N and P Supply
Q110828729The Riparian Vegetation Disturbed by Two Invasive Alien Plants, Sicyos angulatus and Paspalum distichum var. indutum in South Korea
Q114920057The Role of Abiotic Soil Parameters as a Factor in the Success of Invasive Plant Species
Q114921907The Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and Dark Septate Fungi in an Invasive Plant of Patagonian Wetlands
Q60545487The Role of Invasive Plant Species in Urban Avian Conservation
Q56508545The Runaway Weed: Costs and Failures of Phragmites australis Management in the USA
Q56518111The Scotch broom,Cytisus scoparius(Fabaceae), a paradox in Denmark - an invasive plant or endangered native species?
Q124880466The Sky Is Not the Limit: Use of a Spray Drone for the Precise Application of Herbicide and Control of an Invasive Plant in Managed Wetlands
Q124845446The Study of Exotic and Invasive Plant Species in Gullele Botanic Garden, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Q38463526The Transcriptome and Terpene Profile of Eucalyptus grandis Reveals Mechanisms of Defense Against the Insect Pest, Leptocybe invasa
Q59066437The Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes: an invasive plant in the Guadiana River Basin (Spain)
Q48569912The Wilhelmine W. Key 2002 Invitational Lecture. Phylogeography, haplotype trees, and invasive plant species
Q56752245The absence of fire can cause a lag phase: The invasion dynamics ofBanksia ericifolia(Proteaceae)
Q70577387The activity of extracts of seven common invasive plant species on fungal phytopathogens
Q35908777The allelopathic effects of invasive plant Solidago canadensis on seed germination and growth of Lactuca sativa enhanced by different types of acid deposition
Q111440307The analysis on the alien invasive plants in Anhui Province
Q111163672The annual invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera reduces hyphal biomass of soil fungi in deciduous forests
Q56763733The application of cutting plus waterlogging to control Spartina alterniflora on saltmarshes in the Yangtze Estuary, China
Q114911493The assessment of invasive alien plant species removal programs using remote sensing and GIS in two selected reserves in the eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal
Q56781978The austral cordgrass Spartina densiflora Brong.: its taxonomy, biogeography and natural history
Q60464756The beginning of a new invasive plant: a history of the ornamental Callery pear in the United States
Q60563605The benefits and costs of clearing invasive alien plants in northern Zululand, South Africa
Q55870802The biogeography of invasive alien plants in California: an application of GIS and spatial regression analysis
Q111373249The biology of invasive alien plants in Canada. 9. Impatiens glandulifera Royle
Q114927508The biology of invasive alien plants in Canada. 14. Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.
Q113301717The categorization and analysis on the geographic distribution patterns of Chinese alien invasive plants
Q56752144The challenges of managing invasive alien plants on private land in the Cape Floristic Region: insights from Vergelegen Wine Estate (2004–2015)
Q34252700The chestnut blight fungus world tour: successive introduction events from diverse origins in an invasive plant fungal pathogen.
Q51182868The citrus canker epidemic in Florida: the scientific basis of regulatory eradication policy for an invasive species.
Q124830785The co-phytotoxicity of two Asteraceae invasive plants Solidago canadensis L. and Bidens pilosa L. with different invasion degrees
Q120250976The complete chloroplast genome of Mimosa pigra L. (Fabaceae), a notorious invasive plant
Q111344741The complete chloroplast genome of the invasive plant Senecio vulgaris L. (Asteraceae)
Q114940794The complete chloroplast genome sequence and phylogenetic analysis of Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze, an invasive alien plant species in China
Q120251265The complete chloroplast genome sequence of an invasive plant Lonicera Maackii (Caprifoliaceae)
Q104580531The complete chloroplast genome sequence of an invasive plant Solanum rostratum (Solanaceae)
Q34185940The dark side is not fastidious--dark septate endophytic fungi of native and invasive plants of semiarid sandy areas
Q111321758The decomposition process and nutrient release of invasive plant litter regulated by nutrient enrichment and water level change
Q114948593The dispersal and spread of invasive alien Myrtillocactus geometrizans in the southern Karoo, South Africa
Q56779717The dispersal characteristics of the invasive plant Mimulus guttatus and the ecological significance of increased occurrence of high-flow events
Q111327391The dispersal-related traits of an invasive plant Galinsoga quadriradiata correlate with elevation during range expansion into mountain ranges
Q56336155The distribution in bankside habitats of three alien invasive plants in the U.K. in relation to the development of control strategies
Q56766214The distribution of an invasive plant in a fragile ecosystem: the rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora) in oases of the Baja California peninsula
Q114908560The distribution pattern and determinant factors of the main invasive alien plants in national nature reserves in China
Q114948645The diversity and the spread of alien invasive plant species in the Nylsvley Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Q110828526The diversity of invasive plantSpartina Alterniflorarhizosphere bacteria in a tidal salt marshes at Chongming Dongtan in the Yangtze River estuary
Q111830017The dynamics of volunteer motivations for engaging in the management of invasive plants: insights from a mixed-methods study on Scottish seabird islands
Q56773714The ecological barriers to the recovery of bridal creeper (Asparagus asparagoides(L.) Druce) infested sites: Impacts on vegetation and the potential increase in other exotic species
Q56766914The ecological niche and reciprocal prediction of the disjunct distribution of an invasive species: the example of Ailanthus altissima
Q114944673The ecology of non-native invasive plant species: are there consistent patterns?
Q124740050The economic costs of invasive aquatic plants: A global perspective on ecology and management gaps
Q34748222The economics of fuel management: wildfire, invasive plants, and the dynamics of sagebrush rangelands in the western United States
Q60563592The economics of landscape restoration: Benefits of controlling bush encroachment and invasive plant species in South Africa and Namibia
Q121826500The ecosystem resilience approach to control the invasive alien species Australian swamp stonecrop (Crassula helmsii)
Q56768873The effect of Lantana camara Linn. invasion on soil chemical and microbiological properties and plant biomass accumulation in southern China
Q114919916The effect of accessibility and value addition on the costs of controlling invasive alien plants in South Africa: A three-species system dynamics model in the fynbos and grassland biomes
Q56773528The effect of herbivory on seedling survival of the invasive exotic species Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus in a Mediterranean ecosystem of Central Chile
Q55845387The effect of introduced honeybees on native bee visitation and fruit-set in Dillwynia juniperina (Fabaceae) in a fragmented ecosystem
Q56780902The effect of invasive plant management on the rate of removal of vertebrate-dispersed fruits
Q56777989The effect of nutrients on seedling growth of native and introduced Phragmites australis
Q56482384The effect of soil legacy on competition and invasion by Acacia dealbata Link
Q55842137The effect of terrestrial invasive alien plants on water scarcity in South Africa
Q120282124The effect of the armored scale,Rhizaspidiotus donacis(Hemiptera: Diaspididae), on shoot growth of the invasive plantArundo donax(Poaceae: Arundinoideae)
Q56380281The effect of treefall gaps on the spatial distribution of three invasive plants in a mature upland forest in Maryland
Q56529941The effectiveness of classical biological control of invasive plants
Q114177872The effects of climate change on the invasive alien plant Hypericum pseudohenryi in South Africa
Q120596118The effects of complete submergence on the morphological and biomass allocation response of the invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q110756481The effects of dissolved organic matter from a native and an invasive plant species on juvenile Daphnia survival and growth
Q56769052The effects of eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) invasion and removal on a dry bluff prairie ecosystem
Q112324410The effects of extreme climate on the invasive plant Gutenbergia cordifolia: implications for its future management in savannah ecosystems
Q47229481The effects of gap size and disturbance type on invasion of wet pine savanna by cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica (Poaceae).
Q55870991The effects of herbivory and competition on the invasive alien plant Senecio inaequidens (Asteraceae)
Q56923057The effects of past management practices for invasive alien plant control on subsequent recovery of fynbos on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa
Q114919296The efficiency of implantation of invasive plant species into urban phytocenoses
Q110862048The emerging invasive alien plants of the Drakensberg Alpine Centre, southern Africa
Q114912191The evolution of fire and invasive alien plant management practices in fynbos
Q51146391The exotic invasive plant Vincetoxicum rossicum is a strong competitor even outside its current realized climatic temperature range
Q56526210The expansion of sterile Arundo donax (Poaceae) in southeastern Australia is accompanied by genotypic variation
Q35961026The extent of hybridization and its impact on the genetic diversity and population structure of an invasive tree, Ulmus pumila (Ulmaceae).
Q111146937The first record of Puccinia abrupta var. partheniicola, on Parthenium hysterophorus an invasive alien plant species in Pakistan
Q34783539The genetic structure of an invasive pest, the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae)
Q56768901The genus Acacia as invader: the characteristic case of Acacia dealbata Link in Europe
Q35019155The geographical patterns of symbiont diversity in the invasive legume Mimosa pudica can be explained by the competitiveness of its symbionts and by the host genotype
Q36118851The growth and phosphorus acquisition of invasive plants Rudbeckia laciniata and Solidago gigantea are enhanced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Q56772424The habitat and conduit functions of roads in the spread of three invasive plant species
Q54741871The hierarchical spatial distribution of chloroplast DNA polymorphism across the introduced range of Silene vulgaris.
Q56781252The historical spread of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in France from herbarium records
Q114945624The history, distribution and rate of spread of the invasive alien plant, bridal creeper, Asparagus asparagoides (L.) Wight, as determined from a questionnaire survey of landholders in south-western Australia
Q114911500The identification and remote detection of alien invasive plants in commercial forests: An Overview
Q56770166The impact of Solanum elaeagnifolium, an invasive plant in the Mediterranean, on the flower visitation and seed set of the native co-flowering species Glaucium flavum
Q55869762The impact of an invading alien grass (Agropyron cristatum) on species turnover in native prairie
Q56773273The impact of an invasive African bunchgrass (Pennisetum setaceum) on water availability and productivity of canopy trees within a tropical dry forest in Hawaii
Q51168364The impact of an invasive plant changes over time.
Q57229450The impact of an invasive weed Tradescantia fluminensis on native forest regeneration
Q57273543The impact of defoliation on nitrogen translocation patterns in the woody invasive plant,Buddleia davidii
Q114922887The impact of forest infrastructure reconstruction on expansion of potentially invasive plant species: First results from a study in Latvia
Q56946441The impact of invasive aquatic plants on ecosystem services and human well-being in Wular Lake, India
Q60510581The impact of invasive fish and invasive riparian plants on the invertebrate fauna of the Rondegat River, Cape Floristic Region, South Africa
Q93054222The impact of invasive plant management on the foraging ecology of the Warbler Finch (Certhidea olivacea) and the Small Tree Finch (Camarhynchus parvulus) on Galápagos
Q56422697The impact of spatial resolution on the classification of plant species and functional types within imaging spectrometer data
Q58046299The impact of the flower mite Aceria acroptiloni on the invasive plant Russian knapweed, Rhaponticum repens, in its native range
Q51172237The impact of the invasive shrub Lonicera maackii on the decomposition dynamics of a native plant community.
Q57015818The impacts of an invasive alien plant and its removal on native bees
Q56782114The impacts of invasive plant species on the biodiversity of Australian rangelands
Q56491246The importance of roads, nutrients, and climate for invasive plant establishment in riparian areas in the northwestern United States
Q56779582The influence of abiotic stress and phenotypic plasticity on the distribution of invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides along a riparian zone
Q111172814The influence of an invasive plant on denitrification in an urban wetland
Q56484231The influence of an invasive plant species on the pollination success and reproductive output of three riparian plant species
Q56773032The influence of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) on biodiversity in an arid Australian landscape
Q111440044The influence of fertilization and competition on photosynthetic characteristics of four native weeds and the invasive plant Flaveria bidentis
Q51146077The influence of mowing regime on the soil seed bank of the invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia L
Q119815185The influence of process parameters of screen-printed invasive plant paper electrodes on cyclic voltammetry
Q111163249The influence of small-scale resource heterogeneity caused by human activities on the growth phenotype of invasive aquatic plants
Q56543715The influence of the invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii, on leaf decomposition and microbial community dynamics
Q55328335The invasion of Central Europe by Senecio inaequidens DC. - a complex biogeographical problem
Q57277736The invasion of Lantana camara L. in Forty Mile Scrub National Park, north Queensland
Q56782772The invasion of two native Eucalypt forests by Pinus radiata in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia
Q56772552The invasive Sorghum halepense harbors endophytic N2-fixing bacteria and alters soil biogeochemistry
Q114135099The invasive alien Hypericum canariense in South Africa: Management, cost, and eradication feasibility
Q114908101The invasive alien plant species in organic crops in Vojvodina
Q60510888The invasive alien plant speciesSolidago giganteaalters ecosystem properties across habitats with differing fertility
Q110829373The invasive alien plant, Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan Balsam), and increased soil erosion: causation or association? Case studies from a river system in Switzerland and the UK
Q56448028The invasive aquatic plant Ludwigia grandiflora affects pollinator visitants to a native plant at high abundances
Q33910252The invasive grass Agropyron cristatum doubles belowground productivity but not soil carbon
Q56775503The invasive grass, Melinis minutiflora, inhibits tree regeneration in a Neotropical savanna
Q35080514The invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides was suppressed more intensively than its native congener by a native generalist: implications for the biotic resistance hypothesis
Q111162442The invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera affects soil fungal diversity and the bacterial community in forests
Q111165319The invasive plant Mikania micrantha affects the soil foodweb and plant-soil nutrient contents in orchards
Q114023573The invasive plant Pittosporum undulatum Ventenat (Pittosporaceae) hosting pest-stink bugs in Southern Brazil
Q56772354The invasive plant Solidago canadensis L. suppresses local soil pathogens through allelopathy
Q90751753The invasive plant Solidago canadensis exhibits partial local adaptation to low salinity at germination but not at later life-history stages
Q101036764The invasive plant Tithonia diversifolia in China
Q117819859The invasive plant data landscape: a synthesis of spatial data and applications for research and management in the United States
Q56780006The invasive plant species Centaurea maculosa alters arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in the field
Q111824302The invasive plant species in the flora of Sakhalin
Q28606830The invasive plant, Brassica nigra, degrades local mycorrhizas across a wide geographical landscape
Q56619084The invasive plantAlliaria petiolata(garlic mustard) inhibits ectomycorrhizal fungi in its introduced range
Q101036476The invasive plants in Yunnan
Q56775205The invasive shrub Buddleja davidii performs better in its introduced range
Q56780952The invasive shrub European buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica, L.) alters soil properties in Midwestern U.S. woodlands
Q33872041The invasive shrub Prosopis juliflora enhances the malaria parasite transmission capacity of Anopheles mosquitoes: a habitat manipulation experiment
Q51189753The invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii, reduces growth and fecundity of perennial forest herbs.
Q33350260The invasive species Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) increases soil nutrient availability in northern hardwood-conifer forests
Q56742634The invasive weed Lantana camara increases fire risk in dry rainforest by altering fuel beds
Q35058585The invasive wetland plant Alternanthera philoxeroides shows a higher tolerance to waterlogging than its native Congener Alternanthera sessilis
Q57566784The invertebrate fauna on broom, Cytisus scoparius,in two native and two exotic habitats
Q114924394The load of invasive plant species in the Labe riverbank vegetation
Q35766224The long-tongued hawkmoth pollinator niche for native and invasive plants in Africa
Q33696445The making of a rapid plant invader: genetic diversity and differentiation in the native and invaded range of Senecio inaequidens
Q34537951The molecular basis of invasiveness: differences in gene expression of native and introduced common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in stressful and benign environments
Q118130133The most dangerous invasive plant in Protected Areas of the Mountain Crimea
Q60538942The movers and the shakers: Invasive Alien Plant dispersal interactions with disturbances
Q46885340The myriad surprises of unwanted guests: invasive plants and dynamic soil carbon pools
Q118126124The native stem holoparasitic Cuscuta japonica suppresses the invasive plant Ambrosia trifida and related mechanisms in different light conditions in northeast China
Q111165440The occurrence of invasive plant species differed significantly across three urban greenspace types of Metro Vancouver, Canada
Q114912201The opportunity cost of not utilising the woody invasive alien plant species in the Kouga, Krom and Baviaans catchments in South Africa
Q56395334The other sides of invasive alien plants of India—With special reference to medicinal values
Q31107584The physiology of invasive plants in low-resource environments
Q120251293The plastid genome sequence of the invasive plant common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Asteraceae)
Q52865055The population dynamics of an introduced tree, Sesbania punicea, in South Africa, in response to long-term damage caused by different combinations of three species of biological control agents.
Q56388344The population genetics of the fundamental cytotype-shift in invasive Centaurea stoebe s.l.: genetic diversity, genetic differentiation and small-scale genetic structure differ between cytotypes but not between ranges
Q33910388The population genomic basis of geographic differentiation in North American common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.).
Q56771858The positive and negative effects of exotic Spartina alterniflora in China
Q56777046The potential and exotic invasive plant: Solanum rostratum
Q58849113The potential for birds to disperse the seeds ofAcacia cyclops, an invasive alien plant in South Africa
Q44257689The potential for genetic assimilation of a native dandelion species, Taraxacum ceratophorum (Asteraceae), by the exotic congener T. officinale
Q111170930The potential for mass ratio and trait divergence effects to explain idiosyncratic impacts of non‐native invasive plants on carbon mineralization of decomposing leaf litter
Q120651648The potential for synthesized invasive plant biochar with hydroxyapatite to mitigate allelopathy of Solidagocanadensis
Q57043082The potential global distribution of the invasive weed Nassella neesiana under current and future climates
Q56426817The potential of symptomless potted plants for carrying invasive soilborne plant pathogens
Q56764248The potential role of seed banks in the recovery of dune ecosystems after removal of invasive plant species
Q56774758The presence of a showy invasive plant disrupts pollinator service and reproductive output in native alpine species only at high densities
Q111830241The presence of potentially invasive alien plant species in Laiwangi-Wanggameti National Park and vicinity, Sumba, Indonesia
Q57027616The presence of the invasive plant Solanum elaeagnifolium deters honeybees and increases pollen limitation in the native co-flowering species Glaucium flavum
Q34212973The prioritisation of invasive alien plant control projects using a multi-criteria decision model informed by stakeholder input and spatial data.
Q56764297The putative niche requirements and landscape dynamics of Microstegium vimineum: an invasive Asian grass
Q111827549The rapid evolution of an invasive plant due to increased selection pressures throughout its invasive history
Q56771596The rapid evolution of self-fertility in Spartina hybrids (Spartina alterniflora × foliosa) invading San Francisco Bay, CA
Q114948614The rate of regeneration of native plant species after the eradication of invasive alien plant species in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Q111440380The regulation of gibberellins on the vegetative growth and clonal propagation of the invasive plant Eichhornia crassipes
Q117043568The relationship between Invasive Alien Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. characters and impacts in different habitats
Q56770421The relative generality of plant invasion mechanisms and predicting future invasive plants
Q88159574The relative importance of allelopathy in interference: the effects of an invasive weed on a native bunchgrass
Q56439249The relative importance of immediate allelopathy and allelopathic legacy in invasive plant species
Q114752742The relative importance of multiple invasion mechanisms
Q34191356The reproductive biology of the invasive ferns Lygodium microphyllum and L. japonicum (Schizaeaceae): implications for invasive potential
Q33937998The rhizosphere microbiota of plant invaders: an overview of recent advances in the microbiomics of invasive plants
Q56771213The rise and fall of the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) in the “Siro Negri” Forest Reserve (Lombardy, Italy): lessons learned and future uncertainties
Q56605741The role of UV-B radiation in the invasion of Hieracium pilosella—A comparison of German and New Zealand plants
Q120410911The role of ammonium oxidizing communities in mediating effects of an invasive plant on soil nitrification
Q56748232The role of avian frugivores in germination of seeds of fleshy-fruited invasive alien plants
Q111160330The role of disturbance in invasive plant establishment in a changing climate: insights from a drought experiment
Q114659410The role of environmental context in mapping invasive plants with hyperspectral image data
Q63614540The role of invasive marine plants for macrofauna nutrition in the Wadden Sea
Q114150846The role of invasive plant species in drought resilience in agriculture: the example of sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa L.)
Q56750105The role of long-distance seed dispersal in the local population dynamics of an invasive plant species
Q30317872The role of propagule pressure, genetic diversity and microsite availability for Senecio vernalis invasion
Q111160545The role of protected area zoning in invasive plant management
Q114948601The role of southern Africa alien invasive plants in the search for new antibiotics
Q58592788The role of the expansion of native-invasive plant species in coastal dunes: The case of Retama monosperma in SW Spain
Q56670488The roles of climatic factors in spatial patterns of alien invasive plants from America into China
Q56431218The showy invasive plant Ranunculus ficaria facilitates pollinator activity, pollen deposition, but not always seed production for two native spring ephemeral plants
Q39353941The social dimensions of invasive plants
Q94461023The social-ecological system driving effective invasive plant management: two case studies of non-native Phragmites
Q56779868The spatial pattern and dispersion of Lygodium microphyllum in the Everglades wetland ecosystem
Q56784500The spread of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) in Québec: A spatio-temporal perspective
Q117952457The status of alien invasive plants in the major rivers of the Namib Naukluft Park
Q118175017The status of invasive plants and animals in Cu Lao Cham biosphere reserve, Quang Nam province, Vietnam
Q56771583The suitability of weed risk assessment as a conservation tool to identify invasive plant threats in East African rainforests
Q114908093The survey of invasive and potentially invasive plant species in Serbia and neighbouring countries for the purpose of determining their status at the national level
Q111440317The taxonomic affinites and species characteristics and flora analysis of invasive alien plants in Chengdu City,Sichuan Province,China
Q55841943The taxonomic distribution of invasive angiosperm plants: Ecological insights and comparison to agricultural weeds
Q60552011The threat of native-invasive plant species to biodiversity conservation in coastal dunes
Q64285386The use of strip-seeding for management of two late-season invasive plants
Q119996780The victorious battles of the lost war against aquatic invasive plants: “Fluid” categorisation and multiple forms of ordinary commitment
Q57052080The voluntary Code of conduct on invasive alien plants in Belgium: results and lessons learned from the AlterIAS LIFE+ project
Q56513121The widely invasive treePinus radiatafacilitates regeneration of native woody species in a semi-arid ecosystem
Q56419773Thermal and Morphological Analysis of Novel Composites Made with Fibers from Invasive Wetland Plants and Poly-(3-Hydroxybutyrate-co-3-Hydroxyvalerate)
Q114940028Thermo-decompositional Analysis of Sawdust Blends of Invasive Alien Plants
Q114924992Threat of Invasive Alien Plants to Native Flora and Forest Vegetation of Eastern Polynesia
Q114204554Threats and benefits of invasive alien plant species on pollinators
Q56974680Thyme invasion and soil properties in the Central Otago region of New Zealand
Q110862375Ticking time bombs - current and potential future impacts of four invasive plant species on the biodiversity of lowland tropical rainforests in south-east Viti Levu, Fiji
Q111164964Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl) A. Gray. (Asteraceae: Heliantheae), an invasive plant of significant ethnopharmacological importance: A review
Q101357092Title: Low concentrations of glyphosate in water and sediment after direct over-water application to control an invasive aquatic plant
Q56654802To spend or to save? Assessing energetic growth-storage tradeoffs in native and invasive woody plants
Q35949247Torrefaction of invasive alien plants: Influence of heating rate and other conversion parameters on mass yield and higher heating value.
Q34975312Toward consensus-based actions that balance invasive plant management and conservation of at-risk fauna
Q56781108Toward ecologically-based invasive plant management on rangeland
Q112513672Towards a framework for invasive aquatic plant survey design in Great Lakes coastal areas
Q111160987Towards global dominance of invasive alien plants in freshwater ecosystems: the dawn of the Exocene?
Q97561291Toxic Potential and Metabolic Profiling of Two Australian Biotypes of the Invasive Plant Parthenium Weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.).
Q120597128Trade-offs among growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction in an invasive plant Spartina alterniflora responding to inundation and clonal integration
Q125940606Trade-offs between chemical resistance to herbivory and responses to abiotic stresses in invasive plants
Q56514608Traditional coppice forest management drives the invasion of Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia into deciduous forests
Q56425970Training Environmental Managers to Control Invasive Plants: Acting to Close the Knowing–Doing Gap
Q91201647Trait convergence and niche differentiation of two exotic invasive free-floating plant species in China under shifted water nutrient stoichiometric regimes
Q35393126Trait differences between naturalized and invasive plant species independent of residence time and phylogeny
Q107461719Trait differentiation between native and introduced populations of the invasive plant Sonchus oleraceus L. (Asteraceae)
Q90609608Trait divergence, not plasticity, determines the success of a newly invasive plant
Q33660839Trait- and density-mediated indirect interactions initiated by an exotic invasive plant autogenic ecosystem engineer
Q46057078Trait-mediated interactions and lifetime fitness of the invasive plant Centaurea solstitialis
Q51187775Traits of invasives reconsidered: phenotypic comparisons of introduced invasive and introduced noninvasive plant species within two closely related clades.
Q96136255Transcriptional analyses reveal the molecular mechanism governing shade tolerance in the invasive plant Solidago canadensis
Q35744643Transcriptome Analysis of Invasive Plants in Response to Mineral Toxicity of Reclaimed Coal-Mine Soil in the Appalachian Region
Q34476078Transcriptome de novo assembly from next-generation sequencing and comparative analyses in the hexaploid salt marsh species Spartina maritima and Spartina alterniflora (Poaceae).
Q33797376Transcriptome profiling of the rice blast fungus during invasive plant infection and in vitro stresses
Q118138147Transgenerational Herbivory Effects on Performance of Clonal Offspring of the Invasive Plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q56556182Tree species versus regional controls on ecosystem properties and processes: an example using introduced Pinus contorta in Swedish boreal forests1This article is one of a selection of papers from the 7th International Conference on Disturbance Dynami
Q57054890Triggering dieback in an invasive plant: endophyte diversity and pathogenicity
Q110676259Tropical dendrochronology applied to invasive tree species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Q44809753Tsetse flies are attracted to the invasive plant Lantana camara
Q56654609Turn bane into a boon: Application of invasive plant species to remedy soil cadmium contamination
Q56773310Twelve invasive plant taxa in US western riparian ecosystems
Q36805779Twelve years of repeated wild hog activity promotes population maintenance of an invasive clonal plant in a coastal dune ecosystem
Q56331324Twenty years of change in riverside vegetation: what role have invasive alien plants played?
Q56502702Two Invasive Plants Alter Soil Microbial Community Composition in Serpentine Grasslands
Q46686415Two new dimeric coumarins isolated from Murraya exotica
Q118152173Two-level K-nearest neighbors approach for invasive plants detection and classification
Q118180993Types of Invasive Plants and Threats to Animal Conservation in National Park
Q111161916Typha (Cattail) Invasion in North American Wetlands: Biology, Regional Problems, Impacts, Ecosystem Services, and Management
Q111826168UAV and a deep convolutional neural network for monitoring invasive alien plants in the wild
Q114930623Uncertainty, Economics, and the Spread of an Invasive Plant Species
Q56777311Understanding invasion as a process: the case of Phalaris arundinacea in wet prairies
Q56770524Understanding invasion history: genetic structure and diversity of two globally invasive plants and implications for their management
Q111845980Understanding invasive plant management on family forestlands: An application of protection motivation theory
Q56437488Understanding the Effects of the Invasive Plants on Rural Forest-dependent Communities
Q92011641Understanding the Environmental Background of an Invasive Plant Species (Asclepias syriaca) for the Future: An Application of LUCAS Field Photographs and Machine Learning Algorithm Methods
Q52583021Understanding the dynamics in distribution of invasive alien plant species under predicted climate change in Western Himalaya.
Q114188236Understanding the efficacy of different techniques to manage Chromolaena odorata L., an Invasive Alien Plant in the sub-Himalayan tall grasslands: Toward grassland recovery
Q55839773Understory Influence of the Invasive Norway Maple (Acer platanoides)
Q56744814Understory Invasion by Acacia longifolia Alters the Water Balance and Carbon Gain of a Mediterranean Pine Forest
Q120496837Understory vegetation, soil structure and soil invertebrates in Congolese eucalypt plantations, with special reference to the invasive plant Chromolaena odorata and earthworm populations
Q111147557Unearthing the habitat of a hyperaccumulator: case study of the invasive plant yellowtuft (Alyssum; Brassicaceae) in Southwest Oregon, USA
Q56783491Unexpected insularity effects in invasive plant mating systems: the case of Carpobrotus (Aizoaceae) taxa in the Mediterranean Basin
Q119820550Up Scaling Invasive Plant Biomass Briquette Production: Case of Kendu Bay, Lake Victoria, Kenya
Q56763317Uprooting and Burial of Invasive Alien Plants: A New Tool in Coastal Restoration?
Q110829432Urban riparian systems function as corridors for both native and invasive plant species
Q56768238Urban rivers as dispersal corridors for primarily wind-dispersed invasive tree species
Q119813076Use of Herbicides to Control the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Plants
Q68168022Use of Ulex europaeus agglutinin I in the identification of lymphatic and blood vessel invasion in previously stained microscopic slides
Q114912212Use of a rapid roadside survey to detect potentially invasive plant species along the Garden Route, South Africa
Q119680281Use of different doses of glyphosate to control invasive plants: Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis, Digitaria insularis, Ipomoea grandiofolia and Tridax procumbens
Q100250359Use of environmental DNA to detect the invasive aquatic plants Myriophyllum spicatum and Egeria densa in lakes
Q56395719Use of environmental DNA to survey the distribution of an invasive submerged plant in ponds
Q111171607Use of multispectral satellite datasets to improve ecological understanding of the distribution of Invasive Alien Plants in a water‐limited catchment, South Africa
Q110829951Use of textural measurements to map invasive wetland plants in the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve with IKONOS satellite imagery
Q56765744Uses of invasive alien plant species in Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh
Q56959691Using Expert Knowledge to Satisfy Data Needs: Mapping Invasive Plant Distributions in the Western United States
Q56943114Using a WebMapping Platform to Engage Volunteers to Collect Data on Invasive Plants Distribution
Q34621177Using habitat suitability models to target invasive plant species surveys
Q30895733Using high-resolution future climate scenarios to forecast Bromus tectorum invasion in Rocky Mountain National Park
Q114098559Using local hay seed for suppressing invasive alien plants in grasslands
Q56777800Using map algebra to determine the mesoscale distribution of invasive plants: the case of Celastrus orbiculatus in Southern Illinois, USA
Q94552320Using open-source software and digital imagery to efficiently and objectively quantify cover density of an invasive alien plant species
Q112669764Using phenology data to improve control of invasive plant species: A case study on Midway Atoll NWR
Q56433171Using range filling rather than prevalence of invasive plant species for management prioritisation: the case of Spathodea campanulata in the Society Islands (South Pacific)
Q124851573Using remote sensing data within an optimal spatiotemporal model for invasive plant management: the case of Ailanthus altissima in the Alta Murgia National Park
Q112803747Using revegetation to suppress invasive plants in grasslands and forests
Q33777805Using soil seed banks to assess temporal patterns of genetic variation in invasive plant populations
Q113088085Using spatial models to identify refugia and guide restoration in response to an invasive plant pathogen
Q57064462Using strategically applied grazing to manage invasive alien plants in novel grasslands
Q123129554Using ‘sentinel’ plants to improve early detection of invasive plant pathogens
Q119810471Utilisation potentials of invasive plants in the Owabi dam in the Ashanti region of Ghana
Q56355694Utility of unmanned aerial vehicles for mapping invasive plant species: a case study on yellow flag iris (Iris pseudacorus L.)
Q114746852Utilization of biochar prepared by invasive plant species Alternanthera philoxeroides to remove phenanthrene co-contaminated with PCE from aqueous solutions
Q98627257Utilization of biochar produced from invasive plant species to efficiently adsorb Cd (II) and Pb (II)
Q111373131Utilization of the invasive plant Impatiens parviflora DC. by the snail Columella edentula Draparnaud in oak-hornbeam forests
Q120558753Valorisation of Biowaste and Aquatic Invasive Plants Through Compost Production for Agricultural Use
Q114751766Valorisation of invasive plant species in the production of polyelectrolytes
Q104613907Valorization of Gleditsia triacanthos Invasive Plant Cellulose Microfibers and Phenolic Compounds for Obtaining Multi-Functional Wound Dressings with Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties
Q115582787Valorization of Invasive Plant Extracts against the Bispecies Biofilm Staphylococcus aureus–Candida albicans by a Bioguided Molecular Networking Screening
Q111149146Valorization of Invasive Plants from Macaronesia as Filler Materials in the Production of Natural Fiber Composites by Rotational Molding
Q118138102Valorization of Pennisetum setaceum: From Invasive Plant to Fiber Reinforcement of Injected Composites
Q118138042Value-Added Use of Invasive Plant-Derived Fibers as PHBV Fillers for Biocomposite Development
Q37326850Variability and cryptic heteromorphism of Ambrosia artemisiifolia seeds: What consequences for its invasion in France?
Q111491025Variable Effects on Benthic Community From Diking to Eradicate Invasive Plants in the Yangtze Estuary Salt Marsh
Q111249053Variation Among Genotypes and Source Habitats in Growth and Fecundity of the Wetland Invasive Plant Phalaris arundinacea L
Q45349952Variation in herbivore-mediated indirect effects of an invasive plant on a native plant
Q51175202Variation in plant defense against invasive herbivores: evidence for a hypersensitive response in eastern hemlocks (Tsuga canadensis).
Q51183699Variation in resource acquisition and utilization traits between native and invasive perennial forbs.
Q125473387Variation in root traits and phenotypic plasticity between native and introduced populations of the invasive plant Chromolaena odorata
Q55841918Variation in self-fertility and the reproductive advantage of self-fertility for an invading plant (Spartina alterniflora)
Q56384465Variation in tussock architecture of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora along the Pacific Coast of North America
Q56768777Variation of Self‐Incompatibility within Invasive Populations of Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) from Eastern North America
Q115234285Variation of thermal plasticity for functional traits between populations of an invasive aquatic plant from two climatic regions
Q118130079Vegetation Analysis of Invasive Plants in Batang Gadis National Park Resort 7 Sopotinjak
Q114041335Vegetation Succession Along New Roads at Soqotra Island (Yemen): Effects of Invasive Plant Species and Utilization of Selected Native Plant Resistence Against Disturbance
Q111245220Vegetation analysis and species diversity of the invasive plant Heliotropium curassavicum growing naturally in heterogeneous habitats
Q56923477Vegetative regeneration in invasive Reynoutria (Polygonaceae) taxa: the determinant of invasibility at the genotype level
Q83583227Vermicomposting--An effective tool for the management of invasive weed Parthenium hysterophorus
Q112487513Virulence and Host Range of Fungi Associated With the Invasive Plant Ageratina adenophora
Q33526439Virulence of soil-borne pathogens and invasion by Prunus serotina
Q113904234Vulnerability of non-native invasive plants to novel pathogen attack: do plant traits matter?
Q46350535WHIPPET: a novel tool for prioritizing invasive plant populations for regional eradication
Q58849473Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi) as a potential dispersal agent for fleshy-fruited invasive alien plants: effects of handling behaviour on seed germination
Q114653661Wanted and Unwanted Nature: Invasive Plants and the Alien–Native Dichotomy
Q100528932Warming and shifting phenology accelerate an invasive plant life cycle
Q56773666Water dispersal as an additional pathway to invasions by the primarily wind-dispersed tree Ailanthus altissima
Q104384516Water soluble phenolic compounds of the marine phanerogam Posidonia oceanica in a Mediterranean area colonised by the introduced chlorophyte Caulerpa taxifolia
Q120562225Waterlogging tolerance of the invasive plant Aegilops tauschii translates to increased competitiveness compared to Triticum aestivum
Q117042486We don't know what we're missing: Evidence of a vastly undersampled invasive plant pool
Q56752198Weed Risk Assessments Are an Effective Component of Invasion Risk Management
Q56342087Weeds on the web: conflicting management advice about an invasive non-native plant
Q56771724Wetland Restoration and Invasive Species: Apple snail (Pomacea insularum) Feeding on Native and Invasive Aquatic Plants
Q56923184What Attributes Make Some Plant Species More Invasive?
Q111164430What are family forest owners thinking and doing about invasive plants?
Q56925933What are the key drivers of spread in invasive plants: dispersal, demography or landscape: and how can we use this knowledge to aid management?
Q114920270What contributions are invasive plant species making to ecosystem services?
Q56658842What is the impact of Impatiens glandulifera on species diversity of invaded riparian vegetation?
Q120282063What is the problem with absentee landowners? Invasive plant management by residential and absentee amenity rural landowners
Q56486851What is the “real” impact of invasive plant species?
Q114943763What kind of legislation can contribute to on-site management?: Comparative case studies on legislative developments in managing aquatic invasive alien plants in France, England, and Japan
Q56943123What we don’t seed: the role of long-lived seed banks as hidden legacies of invasive plants
Q56783121Wheat-Alien Species Derivatives
Q56770689When Invasive Plants Disappear: Transformative Restoration Possibilities in the Western United States Resulting from Climate Change
Q56777263When Oskar meets Alice: Does a lack of trade-off in r/K-strategies make Prunus serotina a successful invader of European forests?
Q110809018When a seed-feeding beetle is a predator and also increases the speed of seed germination: an intriguing interaction with an invasive plant
Q117769798When an invasive plant fails to invade
Q56774914When invasion increases population genetic structure: a study with Centaurea diffusa
Q33286139When there is no escape: the effects of natural enemies on native, invasive, and noninvasive plants
Q110809361Whence and Whither the Convolvulus Psyllid? An Invasive Plant Leads to Diet and Range Expansion by a Native Insect Herbivore
Q120370907Where Do We Go From Here? The Challenges of Risk Assessment for Invasive Plants
Q56521848Where do they come from and where do they go? European natural habitats as donors of invasive alien plants globally
Q111826319Where will Invasive Plants Colonize in Response to Climate Change: Predicting the Invasion of Galinsoga quadriradiata in China
Q60344912Which Perspective of Institutional Change Best Fits Empirical Data? An Agent-Based Model Comparison of Rational Choice and Cultural Diffusion in Invasive Plant Management
Q110757069Which factor contributes most to the invasion resistance of native plant communities under the co-invasion of two invasive plant species?
Q111321849Which factor explains the life-history of Xanthium strumarium L., an aggressive alien invasive plant species, along its altitudinal gradient?
Q120792976Which features at home make a plant prone to become invasive?
Q40278764Which role can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi play in the facilitation of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. invasion in France?
Q118138188Whole-Genome Sequence, Assembly and Annotation of an Invasive Plant, Lonicera maackii (Amur Honeysuckle)
Q118627251Why Are Invasive Plants Successful?
Q108591874Why Is the Invasive Plant Sphagneticola trilobata More Resistant to High Temperature Than Its Native Congener?
Q51635285Why only tetraploid Solidago gigantea (Asteraceae) became invasive: a common garden comparison of ploidy levels.
Q51175944Why research on traits of invasive plants tells us very little.
Q46107965Widespread seed limitation affects plant density but not population trajectory in the invasive plant Centaurea solstitialis
Q56767271Wild and Cultivated Potato (Solanum sect. Petota) Escaped and Persistent Outside of its Natural Range
Q117479754Wildfire and Invasive Plants in American Deserts: A Special Feature
Q56766954Wildfire promotes dominance of invasive giant reed (Arundo donax) in riparian ecosystems
Q113226411Will Extreme Climate Facilitate an Invasive Plant Gutenbergia Cordifolia? Implications for its Future Management in Savannah Ecosystems
Q30684449Will climate change drive alien invasive plants into areas of high protection value? An improved model-based regional assessment to prioritise the management of invasions.
Q56783769Wind effects on dispersal patterns of the invasive alien Cortaderia selloana in Mediterranean wetlands
Q111147443Wind effects on habitat distributions of wind-dispersed invasive plants across different biomes on a global scale: Assessment using six species
Q39211802Windows of opportunity: historical and ecological controls on Berberis thunbergii invasions
Q56777039Winter litter disturbance facilitates the spread of the nonnative invasive grass Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus
Q111160418Winter low temperature disturbance in the southern subtropics of China promotes the competitiveness of an invasive plant
Q114922966Wintering grassland bird responses to vegetation structure, exotic invasive plant composition, and disturbance regime in coastal prairies of Texas
Q120623298With or without you: stem-galling of a tephritid fly reduces the vegetative and reproductive performance of the invasive plant Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) both alone and in combination with another agent
Q118126993Within-Plant Distribution and Diversity of Mites Associated with the Invasive PlantSchinus terebinthifolius(Sapindales: Anacardiaceae) in Florida
Q113142586Within-Population Trait Variation in a Globally Invasive Plant Species Mayweed Chamomile (Anthemis cotula): Implications for Future Invasion and Management
Q119589764Wood dyes from invasive alien plants
Q56212521Woody plant invasion of grasslands: establishment of honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa var.glandulosa) on sites differing in herbaceous biomass and grazing history
Q112304029Woody plant secondary chemicals increase in response to abundant deer and arrival of invasive plants in suburban forests
Q56781913World-Wide Importance of Phoma Stem Canker (Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa) on Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus)
Q119821838WorldView-2 High Spatial Resolution Improves Desert Invasive Plant Detection
Q104818236Worldwide Invasive Plant, Solanum mauritianum Scop. (Solanaceae) Newly Naturalized in the Izu Peninsula, Japan
Q113200883Would history repeat? Detection of Cabomba furcata, a potential invasive plant in natural ecosystems of Sri Lanka
Q48024072Would the control of invasive alien plants reduce malaria transmission? A review
Q46911079Yeast diversity associated with invasive Dendroctonus valens killing Pinus tabuliformis in China using culturing and molecular methods.
Q119783890Ziaul Haque and Mujeebur Rehman Khan, Invasive Plant Parasitic Nematodes, ISBN-13: 9781789247367 (hardback); 9781789247374 (ePDF); 9781789247381 (ePub) Open Access,
Q33290165[Application of ISSR molecular marker in invasive plant species study].
Q79850865[Biomass structure of exotic invasive plant Galinsona parviflora]
Q97889070[Effects of Brachythecium plumosum and Plagiomnium venustum on seed germination and seedling growth of invasive plants]
Q51175650[Effects of nitrogen and carbon addition and arbuscular mycorrhiza on alien invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia].
Q92654719[Spatial variation and driving factors of invasive plants in Fujian Province, China]
Q120499848‘Bio-insecurities’: managing demand for potentially invasive plants in the bioeconomy
Q119610080„Dimitrie Brandza” Botanic Garden, Potential Centre for the Dispersal of Invasive Plants?
Q113692791An impact assessment of alien invasive plants in South Africa generally dispersed by native avian species
Q114728732Corrigenda: Sirbu C, Miu IV, Gavrilidis AA, Gradinaru SR, Niculae IM, Preda C, Oprea A, Urziceanu M, Camen-Comanescu P, Nagoda E, Sirbu IM, Memedemin D, Anastasiu P (2022) Distribution and pathways of introduction of invasive alien plant species
Q114728725Defining invasive species and demonstrating impacts of biological invasions: a scientometric analysis of studies on invasive alien plants in Brazil over the past 20 years
Q113692790Distribution and pathways of introduction of invasive alien plant species in Romania
Q117804653Escape from the garden: spreading, effects and traits of a new risky invasive ornamental plant (Gaillardia aristata Pursh)
Q124958893Field studies of the ecological impacts of invasive plants in Europe
Q114575097Scanning the horizon for invasive plant threats using a data-driven approach
Q111343334The distribution and impact of an invasive plant species (Senecio inaequidens) on a dune building engineer (Calamagrostis arenaria)
Q124829037Weed wide web: characterising illegal online trade of invasive plants in Australia

Q18421053Reynoutria japonicainstance ofP31
Q1213245952023 Hawaii wildfireshas contributing factorP1479
Q7228328Category:Invasive plantscategory's main topicP301
Q16201500list of invasive plant species in Oregonis a list ofP360
Q8552184Category:Invasive plant species in the United Statescategory combines topicsP971

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