Digit ratio (2D:4D) in Klinefelter's syndrome

scientific article published on October 9, 2012

Digit ratio (2D:4D) in Klinefelter's syndrome is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

External links are
P953full work available at URLhttps://api.wiley.com/onlinelibrary/tdm/v1/articles/10.1111%2Fj.2047-2927.2012.00013.x
P698PubMed publication ID23258636
P5875ResearchGate publication ID233964764

P2093author name stringJ. T. Manning
R. Trivers
L. P. Kilduff
P2860cites workDevelopmental basis of sexually dimorphic digit ratiosQ24635364
Klinefelter syndrome: clinical and molecular aspectsQ33693175
The 2nd to 4th digit ratio and autismQ33939294
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Meta-analysis of digit ratio 2D:4D shows greater sex difference in the right handQ34133070
The ratio of second- and fourth-digit lengths and congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiencyQ34159890
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X-chromosome inactivation patterns and androgen receptor functionality influence phenotype and social characteristics as well as pharmacogenetics of testosterone therapy in Klinefelter patientsQ34373619
Natural history of seminiferous tubule degeneration in Klinefelter syndromeQ34452169
The ratio of 2nd to 4th digit length: a predictor of sperm numbers and concentrations of testosterone, luteinizing hormone and oestrogenQ34483599
Finger length and distal finger extent patterns in humans.Q34528412
Klinefelter's syndromeQ34549452
2D:4D ratios in the first 2 years of life: Stability and relation to testosterone exposure and sensitivity.Q35126881
Resolving the role of prenatal sex steroids in the development of digit ratioQ35239788
Klinefelter's syndrome: a clinical and therapeutical update.Q37776099
Digit ratio (2D:4D) and performance in elite rugby playersQ42845222
Aggression, digit ratio, and variation in the androgen receptor, serotonin transporter, and dopamine D4 receptor genes in African foragers: the Hadza.Q43939196
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Early androgen deficiency in infants and young boys with 47,XXY Klinefelter syndromeQ46641304
A longitudinal study of digit ratio (2D:4D) and other finger ratios in Jamaican childrenQ47261300
Follow-up of 30 Klinefelter males treated with testosteroneQ48959071
Perturbations in finger length and digit ratio (2D:4D) in ICSI children.Q51583038
Second to fourth digit ratios, male genital development and reproductive health: a clinical study among fertile men and testis cancer patientsQ51895310
Syndrome Characterized by Gynecomastia, Aspermatogenesis without A-Leydigism, and Increased Excretion of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone1Q54230989
The second to fourth digit ratio and variation in the androgen receptor geneQ56115438
Re-examining the Manning hypothesis: androgen receptor polymorphism and the 2D:4D digit ratioQ56115439
Is CAG sequence length in the androgen receptor gene correlated with finger-length ratio?Q57268516
Genotype and phenotype in Klinefelter syndrome - impact of androgen receptor polymorphism and skewed X inactivationQ57632090
The 2nd to 4th digit ratio and autismQ64356507
The ratio of second to fourth digit length in azoospermic males undergoing surgical sperm retrieval: predictive value for sperm retrieval and on wubsequent fertilization and pregnancy rates in IVF/ICSI cyclesQ79214535
Aggression, Digit Ratio and Variation in Androgen Receptor and Monoamine Oxidase A Genes in MenQ85241142
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subject2D:4D ratioQ27500740
P577publication date2012-10-09
P1433published inAndrologyQ26839702
P1476titleDigit ratio (2D:4D) in Klinefelter's syndrome

Reverse relations

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