2D:4D Suggests a Role of Prenatal Testosterone in Gender Dysphoria

scientific article published on 23 January 2020

2D:4D Suggests a Role of Prenatal Testosterone in Gender Dysphoria is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID7031197
P698PubMed publication ID31975034

P2093author name stringAli Talaei
Behzad S Khorashad
Johannes Hönekopp
Mostafa Sadr
Nasrin Fazeli
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P921main subjectgender dysphoriaQ1049021
2D:4D ratioQ27500740
P577publication date2020-01-23
P1433published inArchives of Sexual BehaviorQ635842
P1476title2D:4D Suggests a Role of Prenatal Testosterone in Gender Dysphoria

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Q101476229Digit ratio (2D:4D) and transgender identity: new original data and a meta-analysis
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