Transducin activation by nanoscale lipid bilayers containing one and two rhodopsins

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Transducin activation by nanoscale lipid bilayers containing one and two rhodopsins is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID17395586
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51378922

P2093author name stringStephen G Sligar
Daniel D Oprian
Timothy H Bayburt
Guifu Xie
Andrew J Leitz
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages7
P577publication date2007-03-29
P1433published inJournal of Biological ChemistryQ867727
P1476titleTransducin activation by nanoscale lipid bilayers containing one and two rhodopsins

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cites work (P2860)
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