Comprehensive association testing of common mitochondrial DNA variation in metabolic disease

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Comprehensive association testing of common mitochondrial DNA variation in metabolic disease is …
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P932PMC publication ID1474138
P698PubMed publication ID16773565
P5875ResearchGate publication ID7009255

P50authorDavid AltshulerQ5230746
Vamsi MoothaQ7913059
Leif GroopQ27214742
Joel HirschhornQ56277942
Paul I W de BakkerQ85643659
Bo IsomaaQ29839548
Richa SaxenaQ30431575
Mark Joseph DalyQ39071290
P2093author name stringKristin G Ardlie
Daniel Gaudet
Noel Burtt
Karyn Singer
P2860cites workClassification of European mtDNAs from an analysis of three European populationsQ24533221
Natural selection shaped regional mtDNA variation in humansQ24541289
The role of selection in the evolution of human mitochondrial genomesQ24545808
Reduced-median-network analysis of complete mitochondrial DNA coding-region sequences for the major African, Asian, and European haplogroupsQ24563892
Mitochondrial DNA mutations in human diseaseQ24676881
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A haplotype map of the human genomeQ24679827
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Mitochondrial DNA inherited variants are associated with successful aging and longevity in humansQ28143058
Mitochondrial polymorphisms and susceptibility to type 2 diabetes-related traits in FinnsQ46687091
A common mitochondrial DNA variant associated with susceptibility to dilated cardiomyopathy in two different populationsQ46732754
Analysis of European mitochondrial haplogroups with Alzheimer disease riskQ47246890
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms as risk factors for Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's disease dementiaQ47989626
Mutation in mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR) gene in a large pedigree with maternally transmitted type II diabetes mellitus and deafnessQ50537181
Type 2 diabetes is associated with a common mitochondrial variant: evidence from a population-based case-control studyQ51542628
A common mitochondrial DNA variant is associated with insulin resistance in adult lifeQ51571319
Genome-wide strategies for detecting multiple loci that influence complex diseasesQ53624440
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms and risk of Parkinson's disease in Spanish population.Q54657414
Role of the mitochondrial DNA 16184–16193 poly-C tract in type 2 diabetesQ57943302
Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and APOE4 allele are non-independent variables in sporadic Alzheimer's diseaseQ58451971
A combination of three common inherited mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms promotes longevity in Finnish and Japanese subjectsQ59698100
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism: its role in longevity of the Irish populationQ61054675
Association of the mitochondrial DNA haplogroup J with longevity is population specificQ61758423
Altered glycolytic and oxidative capacities of skeletal muscle contribute to insulin resistance in NIDDMQ73497254
Variation is the spice of lifeQ73594237
Mitochondrial genotype associated with longevityQ74118307
A mitochondrial DNA variant associated with left ventricular hypertrophy in diabetesQ75184572
Association testing in 9,000 people fails to confirm the association of the insulin receptor substrate-1 G972R polymorphism with type 2 diabetesQ81052868
Association testing of variants in the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha gene with risk of type 2 diabetes in 7,883 peopleQ81448175
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms associated with longevity in a Finnish populationQ28217719
Efficiency and power in genetic association studiesQ28278645
Mitochondrial disordersQ28281393
Integrated analysis of protein composition, tissue diversity, and gene regulation in mouse mitochondriaQ28593536
Mitochondrial Polymorphisms Significantly Reduce the Risk of Parkinson DiseaseQ29398392
PGC-1alpha-responsive genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation are coordinately downregulated in human diabetesQ29547229
A mitochondrial paradigm of metabolic and degenerative diseases, aging, and cancer: a dawn for evolutionary medicineQ29547303
Impaired mitochondrial activity in the insulin-resistant offspring of patients with type 2 diabetesQ29614548
Genetic Power Calculator: design of linkage and association genetic mapping studies of complex traitsQ29614876
Dysfunction of mitochondria in human skeletal muscle in type 2 diabetesQ29616567
Mitochondrial dysfunction and type 2 diabetesQ29617913
Mitochondrial dysfunction in the elderly: possible role in insulin resistanceQ29618783
Mining disease susceptibility genes through SNP analyses and expression profiling using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometryQ33202394
Mitochondrial involvement in Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, hereditary spastic paraplegia and Friedreich's ataxiaQ33540916
Inherited variability of the mitochondrial genome and successful aging in humans.Q33981607
Mitochondrial diabetes, DIDMOAD and other inherited diabetes syndromes.Q34091089
Quality and completeness of SNP databasesQ34185532
A cluster of metabolic defects caused by mutation in a mitochondrial tRNA.Q34551734
Mechanisms of insulin resistance in humans and possible links with inflammationQ36095510
Mitochondrial DNA and diseaseQ36194900
An evolutionary perspective on pathogenic mtDNA mutations: haplogroup associations of clinical disordersQ36239884
Mitochondria take center stage in aging and neurodegenerationQ36264218
Mitochondrial medicine: a metabolic perspective on the pathology of oxidative phosphorylation disordersQ36363369
Human brain contains high levels of heteroplasmy in the noncoding regions of mitochondrial DNA.Q37238111
Effects of purifying and adaptive selection on regional variation in human mtDNA.Q39413917
The Human MitoChip: a high-throughput sequencing microarray for mitochondrial mutation detection.Q40559987
Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups influence the Friedreich's ataxia phenotypeQ43073786
The presence of a common mitochondrial DNA variant is associated with fasting insulin levels in Europeans in Auckland.Q44208896
Mitochondrial genotypes and cytochrome b variants associated with longevity or Parkinson's diseaseQ45055025
Deficiency of subsarcolemmal mitochondria in obesity and type 2 diabetesQ45199109
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectmitochondrial DNAQ27075
P577publication date2006-05-24
P1433published inAmerican Journal of Human GeneticsQ4744249
P1476titleComprehensive association testing of common mitochondrial DNA variation in metabolic disease

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cites work (P2860)
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