Federated Wiki

wiki engine

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Federated_Wiki

Abstract is: Federated Wiki (formerly Smallest Federated Wiki) is a software platform developed by Ward Cunningham which adds forking features found in source control systems and other software development tools to wikis. The project was launched at IndieWebCamp 2011. The software allows its users to fork wiki pages, maintaining their own copies. Federation supports what Cunningham has described as "a chorus of voices" where users share content but maintain their individual perspectives. This approach contrasts with the tendency of centralized wikis such as Wikipedia to function as consensus engines.

Federated Wiki is …
instance of (P31):
software frameworkQ271680
free and open-source softwareQ506883
JavaScript libraryQ783866
wiki softwareQ6686945

External links are
P973described at URLhttps://wardcunningham.github.io/
P646Freebase ID/m/012m633k
P2037GitHub usernamefedwiki
P8262npm packagewiki
P856official websitehttp://fed.wiki.org
P1324source code repository URLhttps://github.com/fedwiki/wiki

P275copyright licenseMIT LicenseQ334661
GNU General Public License, version 2.0Q10513450
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P1547depends on softwareminimistQ95953539
P178developerWard CunninghamQ7637
P1552has characteristicforkQ332903
P306operating systemcross-platformQ174666
P277programmed inJavaScriptQ2005
P348software version identifier0.33.0

Wikimedia Commons Images

P18: image

FileName: FedWikiOfficialWebsiteScreenshot.png

Description: A screenshot of the official Federal Wiki website running on its namesake wiki engine.

Artist: Ward Cunningham and others

Work is copyrighted.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Attribution is required.

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Catalan (ca / Q7026)Smallest Federated Wikiwikipedia
      Federated Wikiwikipedia
      Smallest Federated Wikiwikipedia
      Smallest Federated Wikiwikipedia

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