AIP1 is a novel Agenet/Tudor domain protein from Arabidopsis that interacts with regulators of DNA replication, transcription and chromatin remodeling

scientific article published on 4 November 2015

AIP1 is a novel Agenet/Tudor domain protein from Arabidopsis that interacts with regulators of DNA replication, transcription and chromatin remodeling is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1048816783
P932PMC publication ID4634149
P698PubMed publication ID26538092
P5875ResearchGate publication ID283560463

P50authorDirk InzéQ2539349
Ito Liberato Barroso-NetoQ59544205
Paulo Cavalcanti Gomes FerreiraQ88364498
Nathalie GonzalezQ47502179
P2093author name stringAdriana S Hemerly
Nubia B Eloy
Juliana Nogueira Brasil
Luiz Mors Cabral
Luiza M F Primo
Letícia P Perdigão Grangeiro
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P577publication date2015-11-04
P1433published inBMC Plant BiologyQ15760766
P1476titleAIP1 is a novel Agenet/Tudor domain protein from Arabidopsis that interacts with regulators of DNA replication, transcription and chromatin remodeling

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