Agostino Fossati

Italian painter (1830-1904)

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Wikimedia Commons category is Agostino Fossati

Born 1830-01-28 in La Spezia (Q8611)
Died 1904-12-07 in La Spezia (Q8611)

Agostino Fossati is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P4432Artists of the World ID00606071
P3782Artnet artist IDagostino-fossati
P7545askArt person ID11031955
P1871CERL Thesaurus IDcnp00567867
P1472Commons Creator pageAgostino Fossati
P8950Dizionario degli artisti IDfossati-agostino
P10925Galleria Recta artist IDfossati-agostino
P227GND ID122074211
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/120vzxr3
P9049ICCD agent IDaad16dbf58c7e48ea8d96197b1c3b153
P269IdRef ID126821275 person IDhk1868bfco
P244Library of Congress authority IDnr2007012213
P2268Musée d'Orsay artist ID146182
P6578MutualArt artist IDEB0A4B99293692CE
P12458Parsifal cluster ID796898
P11241Pittori Liguri IDfossati-agostino
P650RKDartists ID370623
P396SBN author IDLIGV000665
P1986Treccani's Biographical Dictionary of Italian People IDagostino-fossati
P214VIAF cluster ID18095990
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJcwGcttGgxQ7VmTp67bVC

P7763copyright status as a creatorcopyrights on works have expiredQ71887839
P27country of citizenshipKingdom of ItalyQ172579
P1343described by sourceAllgemeines KünstlerlexikonQ15649499
P69educated atAccademia Ligustica di Belle ArtiQ2822659
Brera AcademyQ338472
P734family nameFossatiQ1439408
P735given nameAgostinoQ18645188
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

Reverse relations

Q117019353Face of a boycreatorP170

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Agostino Fossatiwikimedia
      Agostino Fossatiwikipedia

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