Biblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio

public library in Italy

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: The Archiginnasio of Bologna is one of the most important buildings in the city of Bologna; once the main building of the University of Bologna, it currently houses the Archiginnasio Municipal Library and the Anatomical Theatre. In the heart of the palace is the university , a reflection of history.

DBpedia resource is:'Archiginnasio

Abstract is: The Biblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio (Archiginnasio Municipal Library) is a public library in Bologna, Italy. It is located inside the Palace of the Archiginnasio in Bologna since 1838, when a section of the building was destined to preserve the books collected from the closure of the religious orders made by Napoleon. The increase of the collections was pursued by purchasing and by donations from eminent people and scholars of Bologna, among them the cardinal Giuseppe Mezzofanti, Giovanni Gozzadini, Marco Minghetti, Giovanni Pascoli, Jacob Moleschott, Luigi Serra, Laura Bassi, Aurelio Saffi, Riccardo Bacchelli, Pelagio Palagi. It is the largest library in Emilia-Romagna, it boasts some 850.000 volumes and pamphlets, 2.500 incunabula, 15.000 16th century editions, 8.500 manuscripts and then letters, collections of autographs, prints and drawings, and 250 archives. The library has also a section of 7.500 magazines. All of this material, handwritten and printed collections are of the utmost importance. They deal mainly with the civil, cultural, religious and social history of Bologna and its territory from the Middle Ages to the present day.

Wikimedia Commons category is Biblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio (Bologna)

(P625, lat/long)44.49205 / 11.3434055

Biblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio is …
instance of (P31):
public libraryQ28564
library of an Italian territorial bodyQ124750618

External links are
P10667ACNP library IDBO701
P7764Archives Portal Europe IDIT-BO0304
P9984CANTIC ID981060557341006706
P11496CiNii Research ID1140000791825635328
P7865CoBiS author ID95a5yja38danygu695b5yc1h64u3ed8
P1612Commons Institution pageBiblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio
P8168FactGrid item IDQ779800
P8861FINA Wiki ID6312
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/121qflrg
P8189J9U ID987007258744805171
P244Library of Congress authority IDn50052613
P1004MusicBrainz place IDc98cd731-c899-4093-9346-50e8945ed476
P271NACSIS-CAT author IDDA09102677
P691NL CR AUT IDko2004238706
P856official website
P11693OpenStreetMap node ID4556891292
P1329phone number+39 051276811
P12063Pinakes institution ID187
P3500Ringgold ID17986
P5504RISM IDinstitutions/30001741
P11550RISM siglumI-Bca
P4662SAN archive conservator ID14251
P9756Schoenberg Database of Manuscripts name ID7766
P3987SHARE Catalogue author ID215120
P11686University of Barcelona authority ID981060557341006706
P214VIAF cluster ID126175387
P2186Wiki Loves Monuments ID08A9440303

P1436collection or exhibition size2500
P1037director / managerAlessandra CurtiQ112244890
P121item operatednational document deliveryQ124639915
international interlibrary document deliveryQ124639917
intersystemic document deliveryQ124639918
library loanQ104126111
national interlibrary loanQ124613687
intersystemic interlibrary loanQ124613858
P131located in the administrative territorial entityBolognaQ1891
P276locationPalazzo dell’ArchiginnasioQ1476981
P463member ofNational Collective Archive of PeriodicalsQ3600584
Biblioteche BolognaQ104156391
Polo unificato bologneseQ106370811
P1448official nameBiblioteca comunale dell'Archiginnasio
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikidata:Gruppo Wikidata per Musei, Archivi e Biblioteche/Anagrafe ICCU/Biblioteche dell'Emilia-RomagnaQ112758811
P3025open daysMondayQ105
P361part oflibraries of BolognaQ118583239
P6375street addresspiazza Galvani, 1 - 40124 Bologna
Piazza Galvani 1, 40124 Bologna
P1174visitors per year21904
P2848Wi-Fi accessyesQ6452715

Reverse relations

employer (P108)
Q3607883Albano Sorbelli
Q104692893Ambrogio Bongiovanni
Q17276575Gaspare Ungarelli
Q3767635Giovanni Marchetti
Q104812787Lino Sighinolfi
Q112244889Maurizio Avanzolini
Q112245026Rosa Spina
Q107169953Teresita Mariotti Zanichelli

has works in the collection (P6379)
Q107906360Elisabetta Macchiavelli
Q101244874Salvatore Lorenzo Cassar

digitised by (P8791)
Q131425049Notizie de' professori del disegno cioè pittori, scultori e architetti bolognesi e forestieri di sua scuola
Q131425069Aggiunta di molti professori di pittura scultura architettura non nominati dall'Orlandi

Q123161603Minuscule 2482collectionP195
Q68431625Giovanna DelcornoaffiliationP1416
Q104156391Biblioteche Bolognahas part(s)P527

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