Clinical relevance of and risk factors for HSV-related tracheobronchitis or pneumonia: results of an outbreak investigation

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Clinical relevance of and risk factors for HSV-related tracheobronchitis or pneumonia: results of an outbreak investigation is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1045728545
P932PMC publication ID2246208
P698PubMed publication ID17996032
P5875ResearchGate publication ID5850919

P50authorPetra GastmeierQ33109894
Tobias WelteQ64039767
Ilka EngelmannQ96206045
P2093author name stringArjang Ruhparwar
Dorit Sohr
Frauke Mattner
Jens Gottlieb
Cornelia Henke-Gendo
Astrid Meier
Thomas Friedrich Schulz
P2860cites workMEGA3: Integrated software for Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis and sequence alignmentQ27860726
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Transmission of herpes-simplex virus type 1 in a nursery for the newborn. Identification of viral isolates by D.N.A. "fingerprinting".Q39485516
Nosocomial transmission of imipenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa following bronchoscopy associated with improper connection to the Steris System 1 processorQ39581172
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Nosocomial herpes simplex virus infection associated with oral endotracheal intubationQ45779403
Herpes simplex virus involvement of the lower respiratory tract following surgeryQ45781430
Transmission of herpes simplex virus type 1 to a newborn infant during endotracheal suctioning for meconium aspirationQ45796485
An outbreak of herpes simplex virus type 1 in an intensive care nursery.Q45797867
Herpes virus in an obstetric hospital. II: Asymptomatic virus excretion in staff membersQ45803013
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Unusual implication of biopsy forceps in outbreaks of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections and pseudo-infections related to bronchoscopy.Q47764186
Nosocomial outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections related to a flexible bronchoscopeQ51149675
Herpes simplex type 1 shedding is associated with reduced hospital survival in patients receiving assisted ventilation in a tertiary referral intensive care unitQ51642293
Occult herpes family viral infections are endemic in critically ill surgical patients.Q51664587
Immunodepression after major surgery in normal patientsQ52716094
Herpetic tracheobronchitisQ69831360
P921main subjectpneumoniaQ12192
P577publication date2007-01-01
P1433published inCritical CareQ5186602
P1476titleClinical relevance of and risk factors for HSV-related tracheobronchitis or pneumonia: results of an outbreak investigation

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