Ilka Engelmann


Ilka Engelmann is …
instance of (P31):

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P496ORCID iD0000-0001-7489-3786

P734family nameEngelmannQ786779
P735given nameIlkaQ1096368

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author (P50)
Q33908204A comprehensive analysis of gene expression changes provoked by bacterial and fungal infection in C. elegans
Q38993867Activation status of cord blood gamma delta T cells reflects in utero exposure to Plasmodium falciparum antigen
Q57102113An outbreak of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis caused by a new intermediate adenovirus 22/H8 identified by molecular typing
Q39238492Anti-coxsackievirus B4 (CV-B4) enhancing activity of serum associated with increased viral load and pathology in mice reinfected with CV-B4.
Q40166957Bifidobacteria-derived lipoproteins inhibit infection with coxsackievirus B4 in vitro
Q36465385Clinical relevance of and risk factors for HSV-related tracheobronchitis or pneumonia: results of an outbreak investigation
Q42269037Clinically severe Epstein-Barr virus encephalitis with mild cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities in an immunocompetent adolescent: a case report.
Q43707472Community-acquired respiratory viral infections in lung transplant recipients: a single season cohort study
Q49793532Comparison of two commercial quantitative PCR assays and correlation with the first WHO International Standard for human CMV.
Q52685431Comparison of two commercial quantitative PCR assays for EBV DNA detection and their correlation with the first WHO International Standard for EBV.
Q39138391Coxsackievirus B4 can infect human pancreas ductal cells and persist in ductal-like cell cultures which results in inhibition of Pdx1 expression and disturbed formation of islet-like cell aggregates.
Q45385817Detection of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in peripheral blood is associated with the development of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation
Q41391190Diagnosis of viral infections using myxovirus resistance protein A (MxA).
Q38993864Differing activation status and immune effector molecule expression profiles of neonatal and maternal lymphocytes in an African population
Q95317637Donor-to-recipient transmission and reactivation in a kidney transplant recipient of an inherited chromosomally integrated HHV-6A: Evidence and outcomes
Q92376577Emergence of Fluoxetine-Resistant Variants during Treatment of Human Pancreatic Cell Cultures Persistently Infected with Coxsackievirus B4
Q89968776Enhancing and neutralizing anti-coxsackievirus activities in serum samples from patients prior to development of type 1 diabetes
Q40070182Enterovirus D68 detection in respiratory specimens: Association with severe disease
Q27008445Enterovirus persistence as a mechanism in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes
Q99725238Enteroviruses and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: An Overlooked Relationship in Some Regions
Q38693613Enteroviruses in blood of patients with type 1 diabetes detected by integrated cell culture and reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR.
Q92499498Evaluation of the reverse transcription strand invasion based amplification (RT-SIBA) RSV assay, a rapid molecular assay for the detection of respiratory syncytial virus
Q108832228Fluoxetine Can Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 In Vitro
Q45360416High intrahepatic HHV-6 virus loads but neither CMV nor EBV are associated with decreased graft survival after diagnosis of graft hepatitis
Q36267534In Vivo Persistence of Human Rhinoviruses in Immunosuppressed Patients
Q37870130Innate immunity in C. elegans
Q50187389Modulatory upregulation of an insulin peptide gene by different pathogens in C. elegans
Q61196556Modulatory upregulation of an insulin peptide gene by different pathogens inC. elegans
Q39141892Necessity to critically review the automatic results of the Xpert Flu assay
Q91304858Paediatric enterovirus meningitis without cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis
Q92575062Pancreatic beta cells persistently infected with coxsackievirus B4 are targets of NK cell-mediated cytolytic activity
Q38732011Persistent coxsackievirus B4 infection induces microRNA dysregulation in human pancreatic cells.
Q36643005Placental Plasmodium falciparum infection: causes and consequences of in utero sensitization to parasite antigens
Q88413413Relapsing Pityriasis Rosea With HHV-7 Reactivation in an 11-Year-Old Girl
Q92752834Relationship between immune parameters during a severe exacerbation in allergic asthmatic children and asthma outcomes in the following year
Q89566024Repeated viral meningitis in a newborn
Q51860571Rhinovirus and asthma: reinfection, not persistence
Q42244449Serum-dependent enhancement of coxsackievirus B4-induced production of IFNα, IL-6 and TNFα by peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q40725588Severe Adenovirus Pneumonia Followed by Bacterial Septicaemia: Relevance of Co-Infections in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Q94467176Severe preschool asthmatics have altered cytokine and anti-viral responses during exacerbation
Q47069380Unusual regulation of a STAT protein by an SLC6 family transporter in C. elegans epidermal innate immunity
Q45355627Viremia after lung transplant: a cohort study on risk factors and symptoms associated with detection of Epstein-Barr virus
Q42230921Virus and cystic fibrosis: rhinoviruses are associated with exacerbations in adult patients.
Q45324856Virus-triggered exacerbation in allergic asthmatic children: neutrophilic airway inflammation and alteration of virus sensors characterize a subgroup of patients.
Q90937254miRNAs in enterovirus infection

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