Network-based approaches for linking metabolism with environment

scientific article

Network-based approaches for linking metabolism with environment is …
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review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1013601465
P8608Fatcat IDrelease_owyq662qcvhybn6seuzo56ijhq
P932PMC publication ID2614483
P698PubMed publication ID19040774
P5875ResearchGate publication ID23553740

P50authorSarath Chandra JangaQ40284874
Mohan Madan BabuQ56084741
P2860cites workOn the Evolution of Biochemical SynthesesQ24522220
Modularity and community structure in networksQ24548534
A metabolic network in the evolutionary context: multiscale structure and modularityQ24548560
KEGG Atlas mapping for global analysis of metabolic pathwaysQ24646257
The large-scale organization of metabolic networksQ29547498
Enzyme recruitment in evolution of new functionQ29615890
Hierarchical organization of modularity in metabolic networksQ29618451
Functional metagenomic profiling of nine biomesQ30014835
Functional cartography of complex metabolic networksQ30481006
Interplay between network structures, regulatory modes and sensing mechanisms of transcription factors in the transcriptional regulatory network of E. coliQ33294540
Modular co-evolution of metabolic networksQ33295231
Environmental variability and modularity of bacterial metabolic networksQ33299957
On the origin of metabolic pathwaysQ33732437
Small-molecule metabolism: an enzyme mosaicQ33955985
The growing scope of applications of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions using Escherichia coliQ34785166
Genome evolution reveals biochemical networks and functional modulesQ34787866
Metabolic pathways in the post-genome era.Q35135595
The evolution of modularity in bacterial metabolic networks.Q36657624
Large-scale reconstruction and phylogenetic analysis of metabolic environmentsQ36936268
Coordination logic of the sensing machinery in the transcriptional regulatory network of Escherichia coliQ41935002
Principles of transcriptional regulation and evolution of the metabolic system in E. coliQ42021181
Influence of metabolic network structure and function on enzyme evolutionQ42235124
A network perspective on the evolution of metabolism by gene duplication.Q42613163
Adaptive evolution of bacterial metabolic networks by horizontal gene transfer.Q54474627
Internal-sensing machinery directs the activity of the regulatory network in Escherichia coli.Q54474632
The small world inside large metabolic networks.Q55016270
Functional metagenomic profiling of nine biomesQ57191914
On earlier states of the biochemical systemQ67285593
P921main subjectcomputational biologyQ177005
P577publication date2008-11-24
P1433published inGenome BiologyQ5533480
P1476titleNetwork-based approaches for linking metabolism with environment

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