Individual differences in self-reported self-control predict successful emotion regulation.

scientific article published on 24 March 2016

Individual differences in self-reported self-control predict successful emotion regulation. is …
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P932PMC publication ID4967798
P698PubMed publication ID27013102

P50authorHenrik WalterQ79149145
Rosa SteimkeQ85593191
Torsten SchubertQ89034142
P2093author name stringAmadeus Magrabi
Christine Stelzel
Lena M Paschke
Vera U Ludwig
Denise Dörfel
Ima Trempler
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P921main subjectself-controlQ1405524
P577publication date2016-03-24
P1433published inSocial Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceQ15716372
P1476titleIndividual differences in self-reported self-control predict successful emotion regulation

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