Secretory outposts for the local processing of membrane cargo in neuronal dendrites

scientific article published on 04 June 2008

Secretory outposts for the local processing of membrane cargo in neuronal dendrites is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID2572994
P698PubMed publication ID18532987
P5875ResearchGate publication ID5324666

P2093author name stringMichael D Ehlers
Cyril Hanus
P2860cites workAsymmetric CLASP-dependent nucleation of noncentrosomal microtubules at the trans-Golgi networkQ24307694
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Synaptopodin-deficient mice lack a spine apparatus and show deficits in synaptic plasticityQ28591445
Bi-directional protein transport between the ER and GolgiQ29615233
Recycling endosomes supply AMPA receptors for LTPQ29616060
Protein synthesis within dendrites: glycosylation of newly synthesized proteins in dendrites of hippocampal neurons in culture.Q30469206
Polarity and intracellular compartmentalization of Drosophila neuronsQ30479457
Plasticity-induced growth of dendritic spines by exocytic trafficking from recycling endosomesQ30479671
Dual modes of endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transport in dendrites revealed by live-cell imaging.Q48251594
Cell type and pathway dependence of synaptic AMPA receptor number and variability in the hippocampusQ48377872
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Calcium-Evoked Dendritic Exocytosis in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons. Part I: Trans-Golgi Network-Derived Organelles Undergo Regulated ExocytosisQ48407692
Activity bidirectionally regulates AMPA receptor mRNA abundance in dendrites of hippocampal neurons.Q48450791
Three-dimensional organization of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in hippocampal CA1 dendrites and dendritic spines of the immature and mature rat.Q48823521
On the structure of nerve cells. 1898.Q49134153
Centrosome localization determines neuronal polarity.Q52042486
Reduced temperature prevents transfer of a membrane glycoprotein to the cell surface but does not prevent terminal glycosylationQ57960257
PDZ Domain Suppression of an ER Retention Signal in NMDA Receptor NR1 Splice VariantsQ60326408
Polarized Distribution of the Trans-Golgi Network Marker TGN38 During the In Vitro Development of Neocortical Neurons: Effects of Nocodazole and Brefeldin AQ61054357
Translocation machinery for synthesis of integral membrane and secretory proteins in dendritic spinesQ73567682
Dendritic and postsynaptic protein synthetic machineryQ77742589
Involvement of the secretory pathway for AMPA receptors in NMDA-induced potentiation in hippocampus.Q31813232
Polarity orientation of microtubules in hippocampal neurons: uniformity in the axon and nonuniformity in the dendriteQ33666684
Endosomal compartments serve multiple hippocampal dendritic spines from a widespread rather than a local store of recycling membrane.Q34118635
Diffusion in inhomogeneous media: theory and simulations applied to whole cell photobleach recoveryQ34173998
Stores not just for storage. intracellular calcium release and synaptic plasticityQ34362067
Dentritic spines : structure, dynamics and regulationQ34457241
Dendritic protein synthesis, synaptic plasticity, and memoryQ34571206
Endoplasmic reticulum architecture: structures in flux.Q34684405
Targeted trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors to synaptic sitesQ34976666
Stimulation of glutamate receptor protein synthesis and membrane insertion within isolated neuronal dendritesQ35316948
The Control of Dendrite DevelopmentQ35558409
Compartmentalized synthesis and degradation of proteins in neurons.Q35558440
Organelles and trafficking machinery for postsynaptic plasticityQ35809213
Secretory trafficking in neuronal dendritesQ35825878
The roles of enzyme localisation and complex formation in glycan assembly within the Golgi apparatusQ35840109
Molecular basis for Golgi maintenance and biogenesisQ35840114
Neural cell adhesion molecule promotes accumulation of TGN organelles at sites of neuron-to-neuron contactsQ36323783
Postsynaptic membrane addition depends on the Discs-Large-interacting t-SNARE GtaxinQ36331300
Fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus in neurodegenerative diseases and cell deathQ36424379
The formation of TGN-to-plasma-membrane transport carriersQ36528788
The centrosome in neuronal developmentQ36786169
AMPA receptor biogenesis and traffickingQ36809422
mRNA localization and ER-based protein sorting mechanisms dictate the use of transitional endoplasmic reticulum-golgi units involved in gurken transport in Drosophila oocytesQ37657254
Evidence for a satellite secretory pathway in neuronal dendritic spinesQ38302937
Using temperature-sensitive mutants of VSV to study membrane protein biogenesis.Q38316054
ERK1c regulates Golgi fragmentation during mitosisQ39725450
NMDA receptor content of synapses in stratum radiatum of the hippocampal CA1 area.Q40891988
Heterogeneous distribution of the cAMP receptor protein RII in the nervous system: evidence for its intracellular accumulation on microtubules, microtubule-organizing centers, and in the area of the Golgi complexQ41483667
Asymmetrical allocation of NMDA receptor epsilon2 subunits in hippocampal circuitryQ42440931
Cell type-specific dendritic polarity in the absence of spatially organized external cuesQ42520300
Growing dendrites and axons differ in their reliance on the secretory pathwayQ42572163
An NMDA receptor ER retention signal regulated by phosphorylation and alternative splicing.Q43581705
Activity-dependent mRNA splicing controls ER export and synaptic delivery of NMDA receptorsQ44671463
Activity-dependent regulation of dendritic synthesis and trafficking of AMPA receptorsQ44760632
Endoplasmic reticulum export site formation and function in dendrites.Q44844947
Polarized secretory trafficking directs cargo for asymmetric dendrite growth and morphogenesis.Q46842844
Identification of E2/E3 ubiquitinating enzymes and caspase activity regulating Drosophila sensory neuron dendrite pruningQ47071604
Local caspase activity directs engulfment of dendrites during pruning.Q47071864
Activity-dependent dendritic arborization mediated by CaM-kinase I activation and enhanced CREB-dependent transcription of Wnt-2.Q47602516
P577publication date2008-06-04
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inTrafficQ1572846
P1476titleSecretory outposts for the local processing of membrane cargo in neuronal dendrites

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