Peri-sleep-onset cortisol levels in children and adolescents with affective disorders

scientific article published on 22 August 2005

Peri-sleep-onset cortisol levels in children and adolescents with affective disorders is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID2692857
P698PubMed publication ID16112658
P5875ResearchGate publication ID7647425

P50authorBoris BirmaherQ63214888
Erika E. ForbesQ37368602
P2093author name stringRonald E Dahl
David A Axelson
Douglas E Williamson
Neal D Ryan
P2860cites workChild's stress hormone levels correlate with mother's socioeconomic status and depressive state.Q54396895
DSM-III disorders from age 11 to age 15 yearsQ68060196
Dexamethasone suppression test in children with major depressive disorderQ68095991
Neuroendocrine aspects of primary endogenous depression. I. Cortisol secretory dynamics in patients and matched controlsQ68982294
Nocturnal cortisol, thyroid stimulating hormone, and growth hormone secretory profiles in depressed adolescentsQ70199452
Retrospective assessment of prepubertal major depression with the Kiddie-SADS-eQ70454595
The relationship between longitudinal clinical course and sleep and cortisol changes in adolescent depressionQ71702425
Increased evening activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in depressed patientsQ72173921
Pituitary-adrenal function in adolescent psychiatric patients: impact of depressive symptomsQ73800819
Epidemiology of DSM-III-R major depression and minor depression among adolescents and young adults in the national comorbidity surveyQ74564491
A rating scale for depressionQ24564540
Psychobiological mechanisms of resilience and vulnerability: implications for successful adaptation to extreme stressQ28241720
A.E. Bennett Research Award. Developmental traumatology. Part I: Biological stress systemsQ28377121
Maternal care, gene expression, and the transmission of individual differences in stress reactivity across generationsQ29615802
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL): initial reliability and validity dataQ29616031
Pathophysiology of childhood anxiety disordersQ33795317
The potential role of hypocortisolism in the pathophysiology of stress-related bodily disordersQ33816283
Environmental enrichment reverses the effects of maternal separation on stress reactivity.Q33961285
Mineralocorticoid receptor function in major depressionQ34168296
Development and natural history of mood disordersQ34934338
Experience effects on brain development: possible contributions to psychopathologyQ35054901
Mood disorders and allostatic loadQ35189620
The neuroendocrinology of posttraumatic stress disorder: new directionsQ35744010
Nonhuman primate model of alcohol abuse: effects of early experience, personality, and stress on alcohol consumptionQ37581360
Cortisol secretion in prepubertal children with major depressive disorder. Episode and recoveryQ38686988
An epidemiological study of disorders in late childhood and adolescence--I. Age- and gender-specific prevalenceQ39410828
Growth and physiological development during adolescenceQ39890061
Psychosocial and endocrine features of chronic first-episode major depression in 8-16 year oldsQ43728704
Diurnal salivary cortisol in pediatric posttraumatic stress disorderQ43957437
Comorbidity of unipolar depression: II. Comorbidity with other mental disorders in adolescents and adultsQ44049974
Puberty and depression: the roles of age, pubertal status and pubertal timingQ44075236
Estrogen mediates sex differences in stress-induced prefrontal cortex dysfunctionQ44625519
Twenty-four-hour cortisol secretion patterns in prepubertal children with anxiety or depressive disordersQ44991313
Depressive disorders in childhood. IV. A longitudinal study of comorbidity with and risk for anxiety disordersQ46752725
Panic induced by carbon dioxide inhalation and lack of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activationQ48169396
Cortisol secretion in endogenous depression. I. Basal plasma levelsQ48456214
24-hour cortisol measures in adolescents with major depression: a controlled studyQ48903659
Cortisol secretion in adolescents with major depressive disorderQ48940260
Auditory arousal thresholds during sleep in hyperkinetic childrenQ49030590
Sleep onset abnormalities in depressed adolescentsQ49057256
Corticotropin-releasing hormone challenge in prepubertal major depressionQ49116720
Ages of onset of psychiatric disorders in a community population of older adolescentsQ52025902
Comorbidity of unipolar depression: I. Major depression with dysthymiaQ52050439
Hamilton Depression Scores Can Be Extracted from the K-SADS-P in AdolescentsQ52412071
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectcortisolQ190875
P577publication date2005-08-22
P1433published inBiological PsychiatryQ4914961
P1476titlePeri-sleep-onset cortisol levels in children and adolescents with affective disorders

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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