scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Boris Birmaher | Q63214888 |
Erika E. Forbes | Q37368602 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Ronald E Dahl | |
David A Axelson | |||
Douglas E Williamson | |||
Neal D Ryan | |||
P2860 | cites work | Child's stress hormone levels correlate with mother's socioeconomic status and depressive state. | Q54396895 |
DSM-III disorders from age 11 to age 15 years | Q68060196 | ||
Dexamethasone suppression test in children with major depressive disorder | Q68095991 | ||
Neuroendocrine aspects of primary endogenous depression. I. Cortisol secretory dynamics in patients and matched controls | Q68982294 | ||
Nocturnal cortisol, thyroid stimulating hormone, and growth hormone secretory profiles in depressed adolescents | Q70199452 | ||
Retrospective assessment of prepubertal major depression with the Kiddie-SADS-e | Q70454595 | ||
The relationship between longitudinal clinical course and sleep and cortisol changes in adolescent depression | Q71702425 | ||
Increased evening activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in depressed patients | Q72173921 | ||
Pituitary-adrenal function in adolescent psychiatric patients: impact of depressive symptoms | Q73800819 | ||
Epidemiology of DSM-III-R major depression and minor depression among adolescents and young adults in the national comorbidity survey | Q74564491 | ||
A rating scale for depression | Q24564540 | ||
Psychobiological mechanisms of resilience and vulnerability: implications for successful adaptation to extreme stress | Q28241720 | ||
A.E. Bennett Research Award. Developmental traumatology. Part I: Biological stress systems | Q28377121 | ||
Maternal care, gene expression, and the transmission of individual differences in stress reactivity across generations | Q29615802 | ||
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL): initial reliability and validity data | Q29616031 | ||
Pathophysiology of childhood anxiety disorders | Q33795317 | ||
The potential role of hypocortisolism in the pathophysiology of stress-related bodily disorders | Q33816283 | ||
Environmental enrichment reverses the effects of maternal separation on stress reactivity. | Q33961285 | ||
Mineralocorticoid receptor function in major depression | Q34168296 | ||
Development and natural history of mood disorders | Q34934338 | ||
Experience effects on brain development: possible contributions to psychopathology | Q35054901 | ||
Mood disorders and allostatic load | Q35189620 | ||
The neuroendocrinology of posttraumatic stress disorder: new directions | Q35744010 | ||
Nonhuman primate model of alcohol abuse: effects of early experience, personality, and stress on alcohol consumption | Q37581360 | ||
Cortisol secretion in prepubertal children with major depressive disorder. Episode and recovery | Q38686988 | ||
An epidemiological study of disorders in late childhood and adolescence--I. Age- and gender-specific prevalence | Q39410828 | ||
Growth and physiological development during adolescence | Q39890061 | ||
Psychosocial and endocrine features of chronic first-episode major depression in 8-16 year olds | Q43728704 | ||
Diurnal salivary cortisol in pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder | Q43957437 | ||
Comorbidity of unipolar depression: II. Comorbidity with other mental disorders in adolescents and adults | Q44049974 | ||
Puberty and depression: the roles of age, pubertal status and pubertal timing | Q44075236 | ||
Estrogen mediates sex differences in stress-induced prefrontal cortex dysfunction | Q44625519 | ||
Twenty-four-hour cortisol secretion patterns in prepubertal children with anxiety or depressive disorders | Q44991313 | ||
Depressive disorders in childhood. IV. A longitudinal study of comorbidity with and risk for anxiety disorders | Q46752725 | ||
Panic induced by carbon dioxide inhalation and lack of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation | Q48169396 | ||
Cortisol secretion in endogenous depression. I. Basal plasma levels | Q48456214 | ||
24-hour cortisol measures in adolescents with major depression: a controlled study | Q48903659 | ||
Cortisol secretion in adolescents with major depressive disorder | Q48940260 | ||
Auditory arousal thresholds during sleep in hyperkinetic children | Q49030590 | ||
Sleep onset abnormalities in depressed adolescents | Q49057256 | ||
Corticotropin-releasing hormone challenge in prepubertal major depression | Q49116720 | ||
Ages of onset of psychiatric disorders in a community population of older adolescents | Q52025902 | ||
Comorbidity of unipolar depression: I. Major depression with dysthymia | Q52050439 | ||
Hamilton Depression Scores Can Be Extracted from the K-SADS-P in Adolescents | Q52412071 | ||
P433 | issue | 1 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | cortisol | Q190875 |
teenager | Q1492760 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 24-30 | |
P577 | publication date | 2005-08-22 | |
P1433 | published in | Biological Psychiatry | Q4914961 |
P1476 | title | Peri-sleep-onset cortisol levels in children and adolescents with affective disorders | |
P478 | volume | 59 |
Q37120361 | A critical review of the empirical literature on the relation between anxiety and puberty |
Q39752958 | A randomised controlled trial of cognitive-behaviour therapy for behavioural insomnia of childhood in school-aged children |
Q35230826 | Adolescents' cortisol reactivity and subjective distress in response to family conflict: the moderating role of internalizing symptoms |
Q35106677 | Altered amygdala and hippocampus function in adolescents with hypercortisolemia: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of Cushing syndrome |
Q34765088 | Ambulatory sleep-wake patterns and variability in young people with emerging mental disorders |
Q38594160 | Annual Research Review: Sleep problems in childhood psychiatric disorders--a review of the latest science |
Q48165175 | Antenatal maternal anxiety is related to HPA-axis dysregulation and self-reported depressive symptoms in adolescence: a prospective study on the fetal origins of depressed mood. |
Q38222994 | Anxiety disorders and comorbid sleep problems in school-aged youth: review and future research directions. |
Q33388652 | Association of depressive symptoms and anxiety with bone mass and density in ever-smoking and never-smoking adolescent girls |
Q34069078 | Behavioral adjustment in a community sample of boys: links with basal and stress-induced salivary cortisol concentrations |
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Q43608474 | Circadian cortisol profiles, anxiety and depressive symptomatology, and body mass index in a clinical population of obese children |
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Q47439731 | Control Over Anxiety and Dispositional Coping Tendencies Are Associated With Presleep Arousal Among Children Referred for Anxiety Problems |
Q43632772 | Depressed suicidal adolescent males have an altered cortisol response to a pharmacological challenge |
Q48028266 | Depressive symptoms, body composition and bone mass in young adults: a prospective cohort study |
Q37774129 | Elucidation of neurobiology of anxiety disorders in children through pharmacological challenge tests and cortisol measurements: a systematic review |
Q48593626 | Foster children's diurnal production of cortisol: an exploratory study |
Q30493639 | Healthy adolescents' neural response to reward: associations with puberty, positive affect, and depressive symptoms |
Q88238304 | How children's anxiety symptoms impact the functioning of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis over time: A cross-lagged panel approach using hierarchical linear modeling |
Q34978595 | Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysregulation in depressed children and adolescents: a meta-analysis |
Q34984994 | In Search of HPA Axis Dysregulation in Child and Adolescent Depression |
Q39229995 | Insomnia symptoms, objective sleep duration and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in children |
Q99605713 | Movement Behaviors and Perceived Loneliness and Sadness within Alaskan Adolescents |
Q47282591 | Neuroendocrine Response to School Load in Prepubertal Children: Focus on Trait Anxiety. |
Q37172248 | Objective sleep in pediatric anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder |
Q33808467 | Pediatric depression: is there evidence to improve evidence-based treatments? |
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Q45824222 | Reciprocal associations between adolescents' night-time sleep and daytime affect and the role of gender and depressive symptoms. |
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Q90560215 | [Review: Sleep and mental disorders in childhood and adolescence] |
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