Theis Lange

Danish Professor of Biostatistics and department head

Born 1978-02-22

Theis Lange is …
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P6178Dimensions author ID01306155330.89
P856official website
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-6807-8347
P1153Scopus author ID37031450700
P10861Springer Nature person ID01306155330.89
P214VIAF ID307252703
P1556zbMATH author IDlange.theis

P108employerUniversity of CopenhagenQ186285
P734family nameLangeQ16102227
P735given nameTheisQ30641190
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject MathematicsQ8487137
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q38693233"Current limits for understanding the underlying causal structures in observational epidemiology: reflections on refined mediation models and crude data".
Q34518094'Third wave' cognitive therapy versus mentalization-based therapy for major depressive disorder. A protocol for a randomised clinical trial
Q53623709A Methodology for Anatomic Ultrasound Image Diagnostic Quality Assessment.
Q40392561A longitudinal study of coordination in mother-infant vocal interaction from age 4 to 10 months.
Q35783472Accumulation of Major Life Events in Childhood and Adult Life and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Q88047837Acute Pulmonary Embolism in a National Danish Cohort: Increasing Incidence and Decreasing Mortality
Q41590933Acute kidney injury with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.42 in severe sepsis.
Q57167120Additive Interaction in Survival Analysis
Q44003644Adherence to preventive statin therapy according to socioeconomic position
Q42008900Adiponectin and leptin as first trimester markers for gestational diabetes mellitus: a cohort study
Q61783674Administration of platelets to ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm patients before open surgery: a prospective, single-blinded, randomised study
Q92218282Agents intervening against delirium in the intensive care unit (AID-ICU) - Protocol for a randomised placebo-controlled trial of haloperidol in patients with delirium in the ICU
Q52985662Analysis of Systolic Backflow and Secondary Helical Blood Flow in the Ascending Aorta Using Vector Flow Imaging.
Q47169221Applied mediation analyses: a review and tutorial
Q61915661Assessing Natural Direct and Indirect Effects Through Multiple Pathways
Q57166328Atherosclerotic Lesions in the Superficial Femoral Artery (SFA) Characterized with Velocity Ratios using Vector Velocity Ultrasound
Q97567061Bayesian and heterogeneity of treatment effect analyses of the HOT-ICU trial - a secondary analysis protocol
Q91938980Body of evidence and approaches applied in the clinical development programme of fixed-dose combinations in the European Union from 2010 to 2016
Q61915656Bubble CPAP for pneumonia: perils of stopping trials early
Q40973607Burnout as a risk factor for antidepressant treatment - a repeated measures time-to-event analysis of 2936 Danish human service workers
Q37312969Can we believe the DAGs? A comment on the relationship between causal DAGs and mechanisms
Q96827207Causal mediation analysis in nested case-control studies using conditional logistic regression
Q91687140Cerebral palsy among children of immigrants in Denmark and the role of socioeconomic status
Q36698973Childhood height, adult height, and the risk of prostate cancer
Q50895466Clinical evaluation of synthetic aperture harmonic imaging for scanning focal malignant liver lesions.
Q44232671Clinical evaluation of synthetic aperture sequential beamforming ultrasound in patients with liver tumors.
Q50720629Cohort profile: the Social Inequality in Cancer (SIC) cohort study
Q92920278Commentary: Causal models adjusting for time-varying confounding- please send more data
Q40710697Commentary: Mediation Analyses in the Real World
Q91647562Conservative vs liberal fluid therapy in septic shock (CLASSIC) trial-Protocol and statistical analysis plan
Q36201544Copenhagen infant mental health project: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing circle of security -parenting and care as usual as interventions targeting infant mental health risks
Q38881611Course of Tourette Syndrome and Comorbidities in a Large Prospective Clinical Study
Q92985419Demonstrating Contribution of Components of Fixed-Dose Drug Combinations Through Longitudinal Exposure-Response Analysis
Q93156480Differences in regional cerebral oximetry during cardiac surgery for patients with or without postoperative cerebral ischaemic lesions evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging
Q46946191Direct and indirect effects in a survival context
Q39809722Does Perceived Stress Mediate the Association Between Workplace Bullying and Long-Term Sickness Absence?
Q93002607Early Discharge from the Emergency Department Based on Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR) Levels: A TRIAGE III Substudy
Q38388035Early goal-directed nutrition in ICU patients (EAT-ICU): protocol for a randomised trial
Q47763499Early goal-directed nutrition versus standard of care in adult intensive care patients: the single-centre, randomised, outcome assessor-blinded EAT-ICU trial
Q57167092Education and Cause-specific Mortality
Q90899053Education and Cognitive Aging: Accounting for Selection and Confounding in Linkage of Data From the Danish Registry and Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
Q46065180Education and risk of coronary heart disease: assessment of mediation by behavioral risk factors using the additive hazards model
Q35036644Educational differences in postmenopausal breast cancer--quantifying indirect effects through health behaviors, body mass index and reproductive patterns
Q57167068Educational inequality in alcohol-attributable events: A Danish register-based cohort study
Q57679641Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Supplementation on Intestinal Inflammation Assessed by PET/MRI Scans and Gut Microbiota Composition in HIV-Infected Individuals
Q40391980Effectiveness of an early versus a conservative invasive treatment strategy in acute coronary syndromes: a nationwide cohort study
Q91149373Effectiveness of health care workers and peer engagement in promoting access to health services among population at higher risk for HIV in Tanzania (KPHEALTH): study protocol for a quasi experimental trial
Q58612517Effects of anemia and blood transfusion on clot formation and platelet function in patients with septic shock: a substudy of the randomized TRISS trial
Q40349180Effects of fluid restriction on measures of circulatory efficacy in adults with septic shock
Q48218978Effects of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.42 vs. Ringer's acetate on cytokine levels in severe sepsis
Q48520138Effects of stress ulcer prophylaxis in adult ICU patients receiving renal replacement therapy (Sup-Icu RENal, SIREN): Study protocol for a pre-planned observational study
Q57167097Erratum to: Education and risk of coronary heart disease: assessment of mediation by behavioral risk factors using the additive hazards model
Q122949777Examining gender effects in postdivorce adjustment trajectories over the first year after divorce in Denmark.
Q39493442Family Relationships and Psychosocial Dysfunction Among Family Caregivers of Patients With Advanced Cancer
Q92443837Handling Oxygenation Targets in the Intensive Care Unit (HOT-ICU)-Protocol for a randomised clinical trial comparing a lower vs a higher oxygenation target in adults with acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure
Q93023081Healthcare processes of laboratory tests for the prediction of mortality in the intensive care unit: a retrospective study based on electronic healthcare records in the USA
Q44137779Hearing 25 years after surgical treatment of otitis media with effusion in early childhood
Q92011696Heterogeneity of treatment effect of stress ulcer prophylaxis in ICU patients: A secondary analysis protocol
Q50020907High-Target vs Low-Target Blood Pressure Management During Cardiopulmonary Bypass to Prevent Cerebral Injury in Cardiac Surgery Patients - A Randomized Controlled Trial
Q52578726Hormone replacement therapy, mammographic density, and breast cancer risk: a cohort study.
Q93161351How do early-life factors explain social inequalities in adolescent mental health? Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study
Q89542339IV estimation without distributional assumptions
Q40246038Immunoglobulin G for patients with necrotising soft tissue infection (INSTINCT): a randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled trial.
Q39614199Immunoglobulin for necrotising soft tissue infections (INSTINCT): protocol for a randomised trial
Q92068518Impact of 2 Distinct Levels of Mean Arterial Pressure on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy During Cardiac Surgery: Secondary Outcome From a Randomized Clinical Trial
Q39113074Impaired sleep and allostatic load: cross-sectional results from the Danish Copenhagen Aging and Midlife Biobank
Q91709772Incidence and risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in Denmark from 1994-2014
Q38773153Informal caregiving as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes in individuals with favourable and unfavourable psychosocial work environments: A longitudinal multi-cohort study
Q52984794Intra-Operative Vector Flow Imaging Using Ultrasound of the Ascending Aorta among 40 Patients with Normal, Stenotic and Replaced Aortic Valves.
Q37154114Introduction of a prognostic biomarker to strengthen risk stratification of acutely admitted patients: rationale and design of the TRIAGE III cluster randomized interventional trial
Q34366183Is the high-risk strategy to prevent cardiovascular disease equitable? A pharmacoepidemiological cohort study
Q53781676Job strain and informal caregiving as predictors of long-term sickness absence: A longitudinal multi-cohort study.
Q38667989Joint effect of alcohol consumption and educational level on alcohol-related medical events: A Danish register-based cohort study
Q43802187Language understanding and vocabulary of early cochlear implanted children
Q92071259Leptin and Adiponectin as markers for preeclampsia in obese pregnant women, a cohort study
Q39740025Long term end-stage renal disease and death following acute renal replacement therapy in the ICU.
Q91906378Long-term patient-important outcomes after septic shock: A protocol for 1-year follow-up of the CLASSIC trial
Q98306550Low-dose hydrocortisone in patients with COVID-19 and severe hypoxia (COVID STEROID) trial-Protocol and statistical analysis plan
Q90237322Lower short-term mortality in ICU patients on chronic dialysis than in those requiring acute dialysis
Q91809906Measles, mumps and rubella vs diphtheria-tetanus-acellular-pertussis-inactivated-polio-Haemophilus influenzae type b as the most recent vaccine and risk of early 'childhood asthma'
Q37567097Mediation analysis of the relationship between institutional research activity and patient survival
Q42908257Metformin treatment is associated with a low risk of mortality in diabetic patients with heart failure: a retrospective nationwide cohort study
Q93132121Multicohort study of change in job strain, poor mental health and incident cardiometabolic disease
Q60628651Network meta-analysis: the highest level of medical evidence?
Q61915658Novel Flow Quantification of the Carotid Bulb and the Common Carotid Artery with Vector Flow Ultrasound
Q38655759Occupational Social Class and Personality Traits in Relation to Leisure-Time Physical Activity Level: Cross-Sectional Results From the Copenhagen Aging and Midlife Biobank
Q37185067Onset of Impaired Sleep and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: A Longitudinal Study
Q35630178Onset of impaired sleep as a predictor of change in health-related behaviours; analysing observational data as a series of non-randomized pseudo-trials
Q93077187Outcomes of Prophylactic Pantoprazole in Adult Intensive Care Unit Patients Receiving Dialysis: Results of a Randomized Trial
Q91698600Pantoprazole in ICU patients at risk for gastrointestinal bleeding-1-year mortality in the SUP-ICU trial
Q57793470Pantoprazole in Patients at Risk for Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the ICU
Q92317817Pantoprazole prophylaxis in ICU patients with high severity of disease: a post hoc analysis of the placebo-controlled SUP-ICU trial
Q45035387Percutaneous pulmonary valve replacement after different duration of free pulmonary regurgitation in a porcine model: effects on the right ventricle.
Q61915679Performance on Wechsler intelligence scales in children with Tourette syndrome
Q36907304Perfusion Pressure Cerebral Infarct (PPCI) trial - the importance of mean arterial pressure during cardiopulmonary bypass to prevent cerebral complications after cardiac surgery: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Q37106075Pilot Randomized trial of Fibrinogen in Trauma Haemorrhage (PRooF-iTH): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Q58040909Predictors for major cardiovascular outcomes in stable ischaemic heart disease (PREMAC): statistical analysis plan for data originating from the CLARICOR (clarithromycin for patients with stable coronary heart disease) trial
Q92610682Predictors of the Clinical Course of Tourette Syndrome: A Longitudinal Study
Q35049465Prematurity and prescription asthma medication from childhood to young adulthood: a Danish national cohort study
Q54210339Prevalence and risk factors related to haloperidol use for delirium in adult intensive care patients: the multinational AID-ICU inception cohort study.
Q88504765Prompt admission to the ICU: an instrument to improve mortality for deteriorating ward patients
Q37380757Quantifying mediating effects of endogenous estrogen and insulin in the relation between obesity, alcohol consumption, and breast cancer
Q38733415Quetiapine extended release versus aripiprazole in children and adolescents with first-episode psychosis: the multicentre, double-blind, randomised tolerability and efficacy of antipsychotics (TEA) trial
Q90369290Re: Testing Differential Associations Between Smoking and Chronic Disease Across Socioeconomic Groups
Q91926220Repeatability and Reproducibility of Neonatal Echocardiography: The Copenhagen Baby Heart Study
Q61915655Reply to Drs Bianchi, Schonfeld & Laurent
Q39193926Risk of breast cancer in relation to combined effects of hormone therapy, body mass index, and alcohol use, by hormone-receptor status
Q90289198Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Patients' Sexual Problems and Satisfaction With Their Sex Life Following Anti-Cancer Treatment
Q89483193Sexual Activity and Sexual Satisfaction Among Older Adults in Four European Countries
Q47547493Sexual Arousal and Sexually Explicit Media (SEM): Comparing Patterns of Sexual Arousal to SEM and Sexual Self-Evaluations and Satisfaction Across Gender and Sexual Orientation
Q42460006Skin cancer as a marker of sun exposure: a case of serious immortality bias
Q35017447Sleep disturbances and cause-specific mortality: Results from the GAZEL cohort study
Q37700379Sleep impairment and prognosis of acute myocardial infarction: a prospective cohort study.
Q92181446Social inequality in tooth loss, the mediating role of smoking and alcohol consumption
Q91710170Storage time of red blood cells among ICU patients with septic shock
Q38728261Stress ulcer prophylaxis in the intensive care unit trial: detailed statistical analysis plan.
Q50558669Surveillance for hemodialysis access stenosis: usefulness of ultrasound vector volume flow
Q37148514Targeted tissue perfusion versus macrocirculation-guided standard care in patients with septic shock (TARTARE-2S): study protocol and statistical analysis plan for a randomized controlled trial
Q92180797The Mediating Effect of Pupils' Physical Fitness on the Relationship Between Family Socioeconomic Status and Academic Achievement in a Danish School Cohort
Q41712157The associations between workplace bullying, salivary cortisol, and long-term sickness absence: a longitudinal study
Q93176758The effect of early-life and adult socioeconomic position on development of lifestyle-related diseases
Q40110566The effect of obesity on early fetal growth and pregnancy duration: a cohort study.
Q112571547The effect of prostacyclin infusion on markers of endothelial activation and damage in mechanically ventilated patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection
Q123023247The future of divorce support: Is “digital” enough in presence of conflict?
Q89757167The handling oxygenation targets in the intensive care unit (HOT-ICU) trial: Detailed statistical analysis plan
Q64900540The increased purchase of asthma medication for individuals born preterm seems to wane with age: A register-based longitudinal national cohort study.
Q40047329The indirect and direct pathways between physical fitness and academic achievement on commencement in post-compulsory education in a historical cohort of Danish school youth.
Q31155877The joint effect of sleep duration and disturbed sleep on cause-specific mortality: results from the Whitehall II cohort study
Q39801637The role of poor sleep in the relation between workplace bullying/unwanted sexual attention and long-term sickness absence
Q24288961The thresholds for statistical and clinical significance - a five-step procedure for evaluation of intervention effects in randomised clinical trials
Q34071751Third-wave cognitive therapy versus mentalisation-based treatment for major depressive disorder: a randomised clinical trial
Q24288962Thresholds for statistical and clinical significance in systematic reviews with meta-analytic methods
Q41654152Thromboelastography in patients with severe sepsis: a prospective cohort study
Q92806012Time to onset of gastrointestinal bleeding in the SUP-ICU trial: A pre-planned substudy
Q56990101Timing of onset of gastrointestinal bleeding in the ICU: Protocol for a preplanned observational study
Q30633062Transforming students into digital academics: a challenge at both the individual and the institutional level
Q58698914Use of the prognostic biomarker suPAR in the emergency department improves risk stratification but has no effect on mortality: a cluster-randomized clinical trial (TRIAGE III)
Q60942650Validation of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale against both DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for depression
Q24185986Viewpoint: taking into account risks of random errors when analysing multiple outcomes in systematic reviews
Q61915659Volume Flow in Arteriovenous Fistulas Using Vector Velocity Ultrasound
Q35705470WHO classification 2008 of myeloproliferative neoplasms: a workshop learning effect--the Danish experience
Q50115799Weekly hours of informal caregiving and paid work, and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Q35865658Wellbeing and resilience: mechanisms of transmission of health and risk in parents with complex mental health problems and their offspring--The WARM Study
Q90940162What Is the Causal Interpretation of Sibling Comparison Designs?
Q35752853Work stress, caregiving, and allostatic load: prospective results from the Whitehall II cohort study
Q58294307Work-unit social capital and long-term sickness absence: a prospective cohort study of 32 053 hospital employees
Q47616995Workplace bullying and violence as risk factors for type 2 diabetes: a multicohort study and meta-analysis
Q93211525Workplace bullying and workplace violence as risk factors for cardiovascular disease: a multi-cohort study
Q45884600World Health Organization-defined classification of myeloproliferative neoplasms: morphological reproducibility and clinical correlations--the Danish experience

Q42157586University of Copenhagen Department of Public Healthdirector / managerP1037

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