GBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Arf, is crucial for coxsackievirus B3 RNA replication

scientific article published on 09 September 2009

GBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Arf, is crucial for coxsackievirus B3 RNA replication is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID2772713
P698PubMed publication ID19740986
P5875ResearchGate publication ID26799383

P50authorFrank J. M. van KuppeveldQ87490343
Kjerstin H W LankeQ114401434
Hilde M van der SchaarQ114401452
P2093author name stringCatherine L Jackson
Qian Feng
George A Belov
Daniël Duijsings
Ellie Ehrenfeld
P2860cites workBrefeldin A acts to stabilize an abortive ARF-GDP-Sec7 domain protein complex: involvement of specific residues of the Sec7 domainQ22009364
Genome sequence, comparative analysis and haplotype structure of the domestic dogQ22122465
ADP-ribosylation factor/COPI-dependent events at the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi interface are regulated by the guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1Q24305198
Subversion of cellular autophagosomal machinery by RNA virusesQ24522711
Dynamics of GBF1, a Brefeldin A-sensitive Arf1 exchange factor at the GolgiQ24556576
Rab1b interacts with GBF1 and modulates both ARF1 dynamics and COPI associationQ24670064
Hijacking components of the cellular secretory pathway for replication of poliovirus RNAQ24675864
Cellular COPII proteins are involved in production of the vesicles that form the poliovirus replication complex.Q27469873
Mouse Hepatitis Coronavirus RNA Replication Depends on GBF1-Mediated ARF1 ActivationQ27486170
ARF proteins: roles in membrane traffic and beyondQ29618078
A critical role of a cellular membrane traffic protein in poliovirus RNA replicationQ33386005
Remodeling the endoplasmic reticulum by poliovirus infection and by individual viral proteins: an autophagy-like origin for virus-induced vesiclesQ33604281
Poliovirus proteins induce membrane association of GTPase ADP-ribosylation factorQ33788730
Inhibition of poliovirus RNA synthesis by brefeldin AQ33930647
Isoform-selective effects of the depletion of ADP-ribosylation factors 1-5 on membrane trafficQ34049667
Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) proteins 2A and 3BCD localize to nuclei and inhibit cellular mRNA transcription but not rRNA transcriptionQ34223097
Inhibition of protein trafficking by coxsackievirus b3: multiple viral proteins target a single organelleQ34716944
Effects of picornavirus 3A Proteins on Protein Transport and GBF1-dependent COP-I recruitment.Q35140000
Involvement of membrane traffic in the replication of poliovirus genomes: effects of brefeldin AQ35234487
MHC I-dependent antigen presentation is inhibited by poliovirus protein 3A.Q35575810
Molecular determinants of the interaction between coxsackievirus protein 3A and guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1Q35857493
100-kD proteins of Golgi- and trans-Golgi network-associated coated vesicles have related but distinct membrane binding propertiesQ36531520
Inhibition of cellular protein secretion by poliovirus proteins 2B and 3AQ37694671
Poliovirus 3A protein limits interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, and beta interferon secretion during viral infectionQ39606829
Differential requirements for COPI coats in formation of replication complexes among three genera of PicornaviridaeQ39685149
Genetic analysis of a hydrophobic domain of coxsackie B3 virus protein 2B: a moderate degree of hydrophobicity is required for a cis-acting function in viral RNA synthesisQ39872703
Differential membrane association properties and regulation of class I and class II ArfsQ39890654
A viral protein that blocks Arf1-mediated COP-I assembly by inhibiting the guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1.Q40247187
A proline-rich region in the coxsackievirus 3A protein is required for the protein to inhibit endoplasmic reticulum-to-golgi transportQ40441914
ADP-ribosylation factor is required for vesicular trafficking between the endoplasmic reticulum and the cis-Golgi compartmentQ41618588
Determinants for Membrane Association and Permeabilization of the Coxsackievirus 2B Protein and the Identification of the Golgi Complex as the Target OrganelleQ63914892
Characteristics of the poliovirus replication complexQ72063412
Antiviral effect of guanidineQ78994160
Inhibition of cellular protein secretion by picornaviral 3A proteinsQ81781504
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectguanineQ169313
P577publication date2009-09-09
P1433published inJournal of VirologyQ1251128
P1476titleGBF1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Arf, is crucial for coxsackievirus B3 RNA replication

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cites work (P2860)
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Q92376566A Redundant Mechanism of Recruitment Underlies the Remarkable Plasticity of the Requirement of Poliovirus Replication for the Cellular ArfGEF GBF1
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