scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Lewis E. Kay | Q29046014 |
P2093 | author name string | Andrew J Baldwin | |
P2860 | cites work | Relaxation Processes in a System of Two Spins | Q21651547 |
Alternate binding modes for a ubiquitin-SH3 domain interaction studied by NMR spectroscopy | Q24311367 | ||
A consensus view of protein dynamics | Q24682188 | ||
Effects of Diffusion on Free Precession in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiments | Q27355457 | ||
Open-to-closed transition in apo maltose-binding protein observed by paramagnetic NMR | Q27648890 | ||
Recognition dynamics up to microseconds revealed from an RDC-derived ubiquitin ensemble in solution | Q27650851 | ||
Theoretical and experimental demonstration of the importance of specific nonnative interactions in protein folding | Q27651198 | ||
Structures of invisible, excited protein states by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy | Q27651564 | ||
Multiple conformational changes in enzyme catalysis | Q28206522 | ||
Dynamical contributions to enzyme catalysis: critical tests of a popular hypothesis | Q28239049 | ||
Molecular dynamics and protein function | Q28248486 | ||
Dynamics of folded proteins | Q28287584 | ||
Backbone dynamics of proteins as studied by 15N inverse detected heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy: application to staphylococcal nuclease | Q29547582 | ||
Intrinsic dynamics of an enzyme underlies catalysis | Q29616406 | ||
The dynamic energy landscape of dihydrofolate reductase catalysis | Q29616409 | ||
Dynamic personalities of proteins | Q29616723 | ||
Isotope labeling methods for studies of excited protein states by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy | Q30157066 | ||
Phi-value analysis of a three-state protein folding pathway by NMR relaxation dispersion spectroscopy | Q30157745 | ||
Identification of a collapsed intermediate with non-native long-range interactions on the folding pathway of a pair of Fyn SH3 domain mutants by NMR relaxation dispersion spectroscopy | Q30159636 | ||
Abp1p and Fyn SH3 domains fold through similar low-populated intermediate states | Q30159675 | ||
Low-populated folding intermediates of Fyn SH3 characterized by relaxation dispersion NMR. | Q30163903 | ||
Slow Dynamics in Folded and Unfolded States of an SH3 Domain | Q30167790 | ||
The folding kinetics and thermodynamics of the Fyn-SH3 domain. | Q30176267 | ||
Comparison of the backbone dynamics of a folded and an unfolded SH3 domain existing in equilibrium in aqueous buffer. | Q30193714 | ||
Studying excited states of proteins by NMR spectroscopy. | Q30329160 | ||
Conformational changes in the active site loops of dihydrofolate reductase during the catalytic cycle. | Q30349857 | ||
Protein folding and misfolding: mechanism and principles. | Q30368801 | ||
Polymer principles in protein structure and stability. | Q30371172 | ||
Direct observation of the dynamic process underlying allosteric signal transmission. | Q30374830 | ||
Reconstructing NMR spectra of "invisible" excited protein states using HSQC and HMQC experiments | Q44173306 | ||
Direct Observation of Protein−Ligand Interaction Kinetics | Q44592422 | ||
Carbonyl carbon transverse relaxation dispersion measurements and ms-micros timescale motion in a protein hydrogen bond network | Q44795584 | ||
Millisecond protein folding studied by NMR spectroscopy | Q45276869 | ||
Measurement of methyl axis orientations in invisible, excited states of proteins by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy | Q46428875 | ||
Multistate folding of the villin headpiece domain | Q46842230 | ||
Solution NMR spin relaxation methods for characterizing chemical exchange in high-molecular-weight systems | Q47386308 | ||
An 15N NMR spin relaxation dispersion study of the folding of a pair of engineered mutants of apocytochrome b562. | Q51510708 | ||
Fractional 13C enrichment of isolated carbons using [1-13C]- or [2-13C]-glucose facilitates the accurate measurement of dynamics at backbone Cα and side-chain methyl positions in proteins | Q58045305 | ||
A microscopic view of chemical exchange: Monte Carlo simulation of molecular association | Q58428553 | ||
Nature of Forces between Large Molecules of Biological Interest* | Q59063408 | ||
Quantitative dynamics and binding studies of the 20S proteasome by NMR | Q59082478 | ||
Probing Chemical Shifts of Invisible States of Proteins with Relaxation Dispersion NMR Spectroscopy: How Well Can We Do? | Q59102877 | ||
Dynamics of ligand binding to myoglobin | Q67337334 | ||
Internal motion of proteins: nuclear magnetic resonance measurements and dynamic simulations | Q69647559 | ||
An x-ray study of azide methaemoglobin | Q72922745 | ||
Flap opening and dimer-interface flexibility in the free and inhibitor-bound HIV protease, and their implications for function | Q73047075 | ||
Extending the range of amide proton relaxation dispersion experiments in proteins using a constant-time relaxation-compensated CPMG approach | Q73161333 | ||
Exchange of hydrogen atoms in insulin with deuterium atoms in aqueous solutions | Q73612009 | ||
Remarkably slow folding of a small protein | Q73626506 | ||
Evidence for flexibility in the function of ribonuclease A | Q78056538 | ||
Probing structure in invisible protein states with anisotropic NMR chemical shifts | Q80653432 | ||
The folding pathway of an FF domain: characterization of an on-pathway intermediate state under folding conditions by (15)N, (13)C(alpha) and (13)C-methyl relaxation dispersion and (1)H/(2)H-exchange NMR spectroscopy | Q80774504 | ||
Quantifying two-bond 1HN-13CO and one-bond 1H(alpha)-13C(alpha) dipolar couplings of invisible protein states by spin-state selective relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy | Q81403738 | ||
Using relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy to determine structures of excited, invisible protein states | Q81510160 | ||
Protein dynamism and evolvability. | Q30376087 | ||
Analysis of slow interdomain motion of macromolecules using NMR relaxation data | Q30656510 | ||
Dramatic acceleration of protein folding by stabilization of a nonnative backbone conformation | Q30932059 | ||
Sub-microsecond protein folding | Q33241430 | ||
Visualizing transient events in amino-terminal autoprocessing of HIV-1 protease. | Q33559311 | ||
Visualizing lowly-populated regions of the free energy landscape of macromolecular complexes by paramagnetic relaxation enhancement | Q33595258 | ||
Theory, practice, and applications of paramagnetic relaxation enhancement for the characterization of transient low-population states of biological macromolecules and their complexes. | Q33671554 | ||
Protein folding: the stepwise assembly of foldon units | Q33935275 | ||
Protein dynamics from NMR. | Q34019517 | ||
Enzyme dynamics during catalysis | Q34115429 | ||
Quantitative NMR spectroscopy of supramolecular complexes: dynamic side pores in ClpP are important for product release | Q34133375 | ||
Construction and evaluation of the kinetic scheme associated with dihydrofolate reductase from Escherichia coli | Q34173585 | ||
Spin glasses and the statistical mechanics of protein folding | Q34358450 | ||
The depth of chemical time and the power of enzymes as catalysts. | Q34465289 | ||
Detecting transient intermediates in macromolecular binding by paramagnetic NMR. | Q34518214 | ||
Visualization of transient encounter complexes in protein-protein association. | Q34575140 | ||
Complexity and simplicity of ligand-macromolecule interactions: the energy landscape perspective | Q34604753 | ||
Complementarity of ensemble and single-molecule measures of protein motion: a relaxation dispersion NMR study of an enzyme complex | Q35033085 | ||
The mechanism of rate-limiting motions in enzyme function. | Q35901179 | ||
Measurement of bond vector orientations in invisible excited states of proteins | Q36276828 | ||
Dynamic requirements for a functional protein hinge | Q36388178 | ||
Recent successes of the energy landscape theory of protein folding and function | Q36577998 | ||
Tailoring relaxation dispersion experiments for fast-associating protein complexes | Q36871716 | ||
On the relationship between folding and chemical landscapes in enzyme catalysis | Q36893577 | ||
Conformational relaxation following hydride transfer plays a limiting role in dihydrofolate reductase catalysis | Q36924776 | ||
Probing invisible, low-populated States of protein molecules by relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy: an application to protein folding | Q37084781 | ||
From the first protein structures to our current knowledge of protein folding: delights and scepticisms | Q37199653 | ||
Sending signals dynamically | Q37440289 | ||
An enzymatic molten globule: efficient coupling of folding and catalysis. | Q37511760 | ||
A 21st century revisionist's view at a turning point in enzymology | Q39961656 | ||
Mechanism of coupled folding and binding of an intrinsically disordered protein | Q40210194 | ||
Proton magnetic resonance studies of the tyrosine residues of hen lysozyme-assignment and detection of conformational mobility | Q40323066 | ||
Complete tyrosine assignments in the high field proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor | Q40340785 | ||
Investigation of protein motions via relaxation measurements | Q40576278 | ||
NMR analysis of the conformational properties of the trapped on-pathway folding intermediate of the bacterial immunity protein Im7. | Q41837313 | ||
The spectrum of biomolecular states and motions | Q41902515 | ||
Protein folding intermediates: native-state hydrogen exchange | Q42322493 | ||
Linkage between dynamics and catalysis in a thermophilic-mesophilic enzyme pair | Q43016326 | ||
P433 | issue | 11 | |
P921 | main subject | spectroscopy | Q483666 |
NMR spectroscopy | Q10359898 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 808-814 | |
P577 | publication date | 2009-11-01 | |
P13046 | publication type of scholarly work | review article | Q7318358 |
P1433 | published in | Nature Chemical Biology | Q904026 |
P1476 | title | NMR spectroscopy brings invisible protein states into focus | |
P478 | volume | 5 |
Q35729373 | "Invisible" conformers of an antifungal disulfide protein revealed by constrained cold and heat unfolding, CEST-NMR experiments, and molecular dynamics calculations. |
Q30658580 | 19F NMR Studies of a Desolvated Near-Native Protein Folding Intermediate |
Q30387964 | A New Method for Determining Structure Ensemble: Application to a RNA Binding Di-Domain Protein |
Q38706821 | A Secondary Structural Element in a Wide Range of Fucosylated Glycoepitopes. |
Q28728370 | A Simple Model Predicts Experimental Folding Rates and a Hub-Like Topology |
Q27664400 | A Transient and Low-Populated Protein-Folding Intermediate at Atomic Resolution |
Q42292504 | A dynamic hydrophobic core orchestrates allostery in protein kinases. |
Q26747194 | A growing toolbox of techniques for studying β-barrel outer membrane protein folding and biogenesis |
Q38113523 | A personal perspective on chemistry-driven RNA research. |
Q45832372 | A single-molecule dissection of ligand binding to a protein with intrinsic dynamics |
Q35694226 | AMP-activated protein kinase β-subunit requires internal motion for optimal carbohydrate binding |
Q30400806 | Advances in automated NMR protein structure determination |
Q27684554 | Allosteric inhibition through suppression of transient conformational states |
Q38011292 | Allostery and binding cooperativity of the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A by NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. |
Q37795355 | Allostery and population shift in drug discovery |
Q30396213 | Alternate states of proteins revealed by detailed energy landscape mapping |
Q37213900 | An Intrinsically Disordered Photosystem II Subunit, PsbO, Provides a Structural Template and a Sensor of the Hydrogen-bonding Network in Photosynthetic Water Oxidation |
Q41044009 | An exact solution for R2,eff in CPMG experiments in the case of two site chemical exchange |
Q34700484 | An introduction to NMR-based approaches for measuring protein dynamics |
Q47407025 | An invisible ubiquitin conformation is required for efficient phosphorylation by PINK1. |
Q30402785 | An optimal distance cutoff for contact-based Protein Structure Networks using side-chain centers of mass |
Q27678195 | Analysing the visible conformational substates of the FK506-binding protein FKBP12 |
Q35674791 | Assessment of chemical exchange in tryptophan-albumin solution through (19)F multicomponent transverse relaxation dispersion analysis. |
Q90495462 | Atomic-level insight into mRNA processing bodies by combining solid and solution-state NMR spectroscopy |
Q34059733 | Automated NMR relaxation dispersion data analysis using NESSY |
Q55618585 | BRET-based RAS biosensors that show a novel small molecule is an inhibitor of RAS-effector protein-protein interactions. |
Q36619961 | Backbone resonance assignment of N15, N30 and D10 T cell receptor β subunits. |
Q30787844 | Banding of NMR-derived methyl order parameters: implications for protein dynamics |
Q33577589 | Biophysical characterization of recombinant proteins: a key to higher structural genomics success |
Q39270511 | Capturing Invisible Motions in the Transition from Ground to Rare Excited States of T4 Lysozyme L99A. |
Q83412093 | Carbohydrate dynamics: Antibody glycans wiggle and jiggle |
Q36143440 | CcpNmr AnalysisAssign: a flexible platform for integrated NMR analysis. |
Q64114481 | Characterising side chains in large proteins by protonless C-detected NMR spectroscopy |
Q48116648 | Characterization of Chemical Exchange Using Relaxation Dispersion of Hyperpolarized Nuclear Spins |
Q34727544 | Characterization of the conformational fluctuations in the Josephin domain of ataxin-3. |
Q37377420 | Circular dichroism and site-directed spin labeling reveal structural and dynamical features of high-pressure states of myoglobin |
Q50739068 | Computational gibberellin‐binding channel discovery unraveling the unexpected perception mechanism of hormone signal by gibberellin receptor |
Q37856296 | Computational medicinal chemistry in fragment-based drug discovery: what, how and when. |
Q35910026 | Conformational kinetics reveals affinities of protein conformational states. |
Q37395119 | Conformer-specific characterization of nonnative protein states using hydrogen exchange and top-down mass spectrometry. |
Q36492798 | Conservation of flexible residue clusters among structural and functional enzyme homologues |
Q30651701 | Defining a length scale for millisecond-timescale protein conformational exchange |
Q37222622 | Detergent-mediated protein aggregation. |
Q30008999 | Determination of pseudocontact shifts of low-populated excited states by NMR chemical exchange saturation transfer |
Q30891766 | Development of a method for reconstruction of crowded NMR spectra from undersampled time-domain data |
Q92782906 | Different Dynamics in 6aJL2 Proteins Associated with AL Amyloidosis, a Conformational Disease |
Q60325852 | Differential Conformational Dynamics Encoded by the Linker between Quasi RNA Recognition Motifs of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein H |
Q28484318 | Differential dynamic engagement within 24 SH3 domain: peptide complexes revealed by co-linear chemical shift perturbation analysis |
Q37079732 | Dynamical Structures of Hsp70 and Hsp70-Hsp40 Complexes. |
Q27679038 | Dynamics Induced by β-Lactam Antibiotics in the Active Site of Bacillus subtilis l,d-Transpeptidase |
Q37917268 | Dynamics of biomolecules from picoseconds to seconds at atomic resolution |
Q41606174 | Effect of amino acid mutations on the conformational dynamics of amyloidogenic immunoglobulin light-chains: A combined NMR and in silico study. |
Q45881818 | Energetics of Protein Stability at Extreme Environmental Temperatures in Bacterial Trigger Factors |
Q34386177 | Ensemble-based methods for describing protein dynamics |
Q42837926 | Entropy redistribution controls allostery in a metalloregulatory protein |
Q37787433 | Enzymatic activity in disordered states of proteins |
Q54217176 | Enzymes at work are enzymes in motion |
Q87861184 | Erratum to: CcpNmr AnalysisAssign: a flexible platform for integrated NMR analysis |
Q50602128 | Evaluating the influence of initial magnetization conditions on extracted exchange parameters in NMR relaxation experiments: applications to CPMG and CEST. |
Q34622934 | Exploring sparsely populated states of macromolecules by diamagnetic and paramagnetic NMR relaxation |
Q38121830 | Fast Real‐Time NMR Methods for Characterizing Short‐Lived Molecular States |
Q36438743 | From sequence and forces to structure, function, and evolution of intrinsically disordered proteins |
Q98222196 | Genetically detoxified pertussis toxin displays near identical structure to its wild-type and exhibits robust immunogenicity |
Q64252817 | Globally correlated conformational entropy underlies positive and negative cooperativity in a kinase's enzymatic cycle |
Q90389143 | How internal cavities destabilize a protein |
Q84014715 | How to remain nonfolded and pliable: the linkers in modular α‐amylases as a case study |
Q41251796 | IDPs: Less Disordered and More Ordered than Expected |
Q42183216 | INEPT-based separated-local-field NMR spectroscopy: a unique approach to elucidate side-chain dynamics of membrane-associated proteins |
Q36971343 | Identification by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of an active-site hydrogen-bond network in human monoacylglycerol lipase (hMGL): implications for hMGL dynamics, pharmacological inhibition, and catalytic mechanism |
Q90258126 | Impact of charge state on 193 nm ultraviolet photodissociation of protein complexes |
Q58443497 | Impact of two-bond N-N scalar couplings on N transverse relaxation measurements for arginine side chains of proteins |
Q35081474 | Impaired protein conformational landscapes as revealed in anomalous Arrhenius prefactors |
Q27684410 | Incorporation of protein flexibility and conformational energy penalties in docking screens to improve ligand discovery |
Q30375668 | Integrating atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, experiments, and network analysis to study protein dynamics: strength in unity. |
Q38002804 | Intrinsically disordered proteins: from sequence and conformational properties toward drug discovery |
Q43649980 | Investigating the Structural Dynamics of α-1,4-Galactosyltransferase C from Neisseria meningitidis by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
Q30650258 | Investigating the mechanisms of amylolysis of starch granules by solution-state NMR. |
Q38303011 | Ligand-detected relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy: dynamics of preQ1-RNA binding |
Q96613819 | Local frustration determines loop opening during the catalytic cycle of an oxidoreductase |
Q64058050 | Local unfolding of the HSP27 monomer regulates chaperone activity |
Q85239177 | Loss of Structure—Gain of Function |
Q33461267 | Mapping protein conformational heterogeneity under pressure with site-directed spin labeling and double electron-electron resonance |
Q35793814 | Mapping the conformational landscape of a dynamic enzyme by multitemperature and XFEL crystallography. |
Q41316433 | Mapping transiently formed and sparsely populated conformations on a complex energy landscape |
Q46219687 | Mass spectrometric characterization of protein structures and protein complexes in condensed and gas phase |
Q26797492 | Mechanisms of amyloid formation revealed by solution NMR |
Q54968538 | Modulation of Hoogsteen dynamics on DNA recognition. |
Q47674816 | Molten globule nature of Plasmodium falciparum P2 homo-tetramer |
Q93253670 | Multi-state recognition pathway of the intrinsically disordered protein kinase inhibitor by protein kinase A |
Q30010111 | Multi-timescale conformational dynamics of the SH3 domain of CD2-associated protein using NMR spectroscopy and accelerated molecular dynamics |
Q91367192 | NMR Methods of Characterizing Biomolecular Structural Dynamics and Conformational Ensembles |
Q38589798 | NMR Spectroscopic Studies of the Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins |
Q37910066 | NMR Studies of Metalloproteins |
Q91985735 | NMR and computational methods for molecular resolution of allosteric pathways in enzyme complexes |
Q30366295 | NMR approaches in structure-based lead discovery: recent developments and new frontiers for targeting multi-protein complexes |
Q38198240 | NMR contributions to structural dynamics studies of intrinsically disordered proteins |
Q37853113 | NMR reveals novel mechanisms of protein activity regulation |
Q38107722 | NMR spectroscopy on domain dynamics in biomacromolecules |
Q101216811 | Nearest-neighbor NMR spectroscopy: categorizing spectral peaks by their adjacent nuclei |
Q52666594 | New insights into RAS biology reinvigorate interest in mathematical modeling of RAS signaling. |
Q34568741 | Nonadditivity in Conformational Entropy upon Molecular Rigidification Reveals a Universal Mechanism Affecting Folding Cooperativity |
Q47133897 | Outer membrane protein folding from an energy landscape perspective |
Q30503489 | Pathway and mechanism of drug binding to G-protein-coupled receptors. |
Q37599762 | Phosphorylation releases constraints to domain motion in ERK2. |
Q34408218 | Picosecond-resolved fluorescence studies of substrate and cofactor-binding domain mutants in a thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase uncover an extended network of communication |
Q33752775 | Picosecond-resolved fluorescent probes at functionally distinct tryptophans within a thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase: relationship of temperature-dependent changes in fluorescence to catalysis |
Q38340794 | Polyketide synthase and non-ribosomal peptide synthetase thioesterase selectivity: logic gate or a victim of fate? |
Q30394581 | Predicting Real-Valued Protein Residue Fluctuation Using FlexPred |
Q50352585 | Pressure Dependence of 15N Chemical Shifts in Model Peptides Ac-Gly-Gly-X-Ala-NH2. |
Q30397163 | Principles of protein structural ensemble determination |
Q28601207 | Probabilistic validation of protein NMR chemical shift assignments |
Q90224651 | Probing the Transition State in Enzyme Catalysis by High-Pressure NMR Dynamics |
Q86392482 | Protein Conformational Space Populated in Solution Probed with Aromatic Residual Dipolar 13C–1H Couplings |
Q30419233 | Protein activity regulation by conformational entropy |
Q37812513 | Protein dynamics and allostery: an NMR view |
Q44437557 | Protein dynamics: Catch them if you can. |
Q30399457 | Protein folding at single-molecule resolution |
Q37850929 | Protein stability and enzyme activity at extreme biological temperatures |
Q37287783 | Psychrophilic enzymes: from folding to function and biotechnology |
Q36593975 | Pulsed EPR characterization of HIV-1 protease conformational sampling and inhibitor-induced population shifts |
Q84114905 | Putting a Stop to l,d-Transpeptidases |
Q58480041 | Quantifying millisecond time-scale exchange in proteins by CPMG relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy of side-chain carbonyl groups |
Q46052682 | Quantum clustering and network analysis of MD simulation trajectories to probe the conformational ensembles of protein–ligand interactions |
Q51540209 | Quaternary Dynamics of αB-Crystallin as a Direct Consequence of Localised Tertiary Fluctuations in the C-Terminus |
Q35870006 | RNA dynamics by design: biasing ensembles towards the ligand-bound state. |
Q38068611 | RRM–RNA recognition: NMR or crystallography…and new findings |
Q37705713 | Recent advances in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance techniques to quantify biomolecular dynamics |
Q30396412 | Recent excitements in protein NMR: Large proteins and biologically relevant dynamics |
Q39182229 | Reconstructing Ancient Proteins to Understand the Causes of Structure and Function |
Q30671380 | Recovering a representative conformational ensemble from underdetermined macromolecular structural data |
Q36983557 | Regulated unfolding of proteins in signaling |
Q26864737 | Revealing the properties of plant defensins through dynamics |
Q55689469 | Role of conformational dynamics in the evolution of novel enzyme function. |
Q37290105 | Role of conformational entropy in the activity and regulation of the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A. |
Q34083006 | Scalable NMR spectroscopy with semiconductor chips |
Q26822841 | Seeing the invisible by paramagnetic and diamagnetic NMR |
Q37645549 | Shedding light on protein folding landscapes by single-molecule fluorescence |
Q36502645 | Side-chain dynamics reveals transient association of Aβ(1-40) monomers with amyloid fibers. |
Q46639526 | Siderocalin Q83 exhibits differential slow dynamics upon ligand binding |
Q48050340 | Simultaneous NMR characterisation of multiple minima in the free energy landscape of an RNA UUCG tetraloop |
Q36123052 | Simultaneous analysis of enzyme structure and activity by kinetic capillary electrophoresis-MS. |
Q48092478 | Simultaneous quantification of protein order and disorder |
Q37076848 | Solution NMR Spectroscopy for the Study of Enzyme Allostery |
Q40368686 | Solution NMR Studies of an Alternative Mode of Sin3 Engagement by the Sds3 Subunit in the Histone Deacetylase-Associated Sin3L/Rpd3L Corepressor Complex |
Q27682103 | Spatial elucidation of motion in proteins by ensemble-based structure calculation using exact NOEs |
Q56814442 | Spatially-controlled complex molecules and their applications |
Q54367996 | Strategies for the thermodynamic characterization of linked binding/local folding reactions within the native state application to the LID domain of adenylate kinase from Escherichia coli. |
Q92941872 | Structural Analysis of Biomolecules through a Combination of Mobility Capillary Electrophoresis and Mass Spectrometry |
Q35638953 | Structural Insights into the Dynamic Process of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Signaling |
Q43514234 | Structural Insights into the Trp‐Cage Folding Intermediate Formation |
Q55053696 | Structural biology: Proteins in dynamic equilibrium. |
Q38134535 | Structural characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins by NMR spectroscopy. |
Q35333283 | Structural disorder of folded proteins: isotope-edited 2D IR spectroscopy and Markov state modeling |
Q30412983 | Structural features that predict real-value fluctuations of globular proteins |
Q27675417 | Structure and dynamics of a primordial catalytic fold generated by in vitro evolution |
Q30376203 | Structure-Based Assignment of Ile, Leu, and Val Methyl Groups in the Active and Inactive Forms of the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 2 |
Q35616068 | Structure-relaxation mechanism for the response of T4 lysozyme cavity mutants to hydrostatic pressure |
Q38098794 | Structures composing protein domains |
Q27679786 | Structures of the Excited States of Phospholamban and Shifts in Their Populations upon Phosphorylation |
Q27021967 | Synergistic applications of MD and NMR for the study of biological systems |
Q92297299 | Systems NMR: single-sample quantification of RNA, proteins and metabolites for biomolecular network analysis |
Q41774543 | T4 Lysozyme as a Pac-Man: How Fast Can It Chew? |
Q51570059 | Tat peptide‐calmodulin binding studies and bioinformatics of HIV‐1 protein–calmodulin interactions |
Q27324546 | The Impact of a Ligand Binding on Strand Migration in the SAM-I Riboswitch |
Q57825646 | The RING Domain of the Scaffold Protein Ste5 Adopts a Molten Globular Character with High Thermal and Chemical Stability |
Q30830554 | The alteration of the C-terminal region of human frataxin distorts its structural dynamics and function. |
Q39576129 | The feasibility of parameterizing four-state equilibria using relaxation dispersion measurements |
Q42352746 | The role of protein dynamics in allosteric effects-introduction |
Q58695919 | Theoretical analysis of inducer and operator binding for cyclic-AMP receptor protein mutants |
Q37594147 | Time-resolved multidimensional NMR with non-uniform sampling |
Q58749822 | Tracing a protein's folding pathway over evolutionary time using ancestral sequence reconstruction and hydrogen exchange |
Q38646018 | Transmembrane allosteric energetics characterization for strong coupling between proton and potassium ion binding in the KcsA channel. |
Q52335746 | Two states or not two states: Single-molecule folding studies of protein L. |
Q54446510 | Unraveling a phosphorylation event in a folded protein by NMR spectroscopy: phosphorylation of the Pin1 WW domain by PKA. |
Q33794709 | Update 1 of: Tunneling and Dynamics in Enzymatic Hydride Transfer |
Q36318668 | Variable region identical immunoglobulins differing in isotype express different paratopes |
Q103802080 | Viewing rare conformations of the β2 adrenergic receptor with pressure-resolved DEER spectroscopy |
Q34464287 | Visualizing transient dark states by NMR spectroscopy. |
Q30153235 | pH-dependent transient conformational states control optical properties in cyan fluorescent protein |
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