Genes, hormones, and circuits: an integrative approach to study the evolution of social behavior.

scientific article published on 14 December 2010

Genes, hormones, and circuits: an integrative approach to study the evolution of social behavior. is …
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review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID21163292
P5875ResearchGate publication ID49688248

P50authorLauren A. O'ConnellQ26961328
Hans A. HofmannQ30347666
P2860cites workQuantitative genomics of aggressive behavior in Drosophila melanogasterQ21145257
Evolution at two levels: on genes and formQ21563630
Interspecific profiling of gene expression informed by comparative genomic hybridization: A review and a novel approach in African cichlid fishesQ22066035
Deep homology and the origins of evolutionary noveltyQ22122207
Catecholamines are active compounds in plantsQ22251220
Dopamine Mediates Context-Dependent Modulation of Sensory Plasticity in C. elegansQ22251257
Evolution of the Telencephalon in NonmammalsQ22337031
Neuronal control of leech behaviorQ22337324
Forebrain evolution in bony fishesQ22337346
Systematic discovery of nonobvious human disease models through orthologous phenotypesQ24600277
Genes and social behaviorQ24604464
High-resolution analysis of parent-of-origin allelic expression in the mouse brainQ24626579
Testosterone and aggression: Berthold, birds and beyondQ24632358
A C. elegans model of nicotine-dependent behavior: regulation by TRP-family channelsQ24632974
Neuroendocrinology of sexual plasticity in teleost fishes.Q24634307
The neuroendocrine basis of social recognitionQ34597814
Brain function and chromatin plasticityQ34620395
Neuropeptides and social behavior: animal models relevant to autismQ34763277
Epigenetics and the environmental regulation of the genome and its functionQ35015846
Sex determination in flies, fruitflies and butterfliesQ35026753
Functional genomics of neural and behavioral plasticityQ35027457
Valence-sensitive neurons exhibit divergent functional profiles in gregarious and asocial speciesQ35130864
The development of phenotypic plasticity: where biology and psychology meetQ35148821
Developmental plasticity in neural circuits controlling birdsong: sexual differentiation and the neural basis of learningQ35661803
Steroid receptor control of reproductive behaviorQ35718210
Social learning about predators: a review and prospectusQ35782736
Developmental sculpting of social phenotype and plasticityQ35789688
Emerging principles of regulatory evolutionQ35808449
Queen pheromone modulates brain dopamine function in worker honey beesQ35844683
Oxytocin, vasopressin, and social recognition in mammalsQ35890733
Addiction research in a simple animal model: the nematode Caenorhabditis elegansQ35908711
Evolutionary insights into the regulation of courtship behavior in male amphibians and reptilesQ35920174
Sexual behavior in male rodentsQ35951264
Maternal programming of individual differences in defensive responses in the rat.Q36022721
Estrogenic encounters: how interactions between aromatase and the environment modulate aggressionQ36148561
Recognition and avoidance of the odors of parasitized conspecifics and predators: differential genomic correlatesQ36213320
The smell of danger: a behavioral and neural analysis of predator odor-induced fearQ36226566
Dopamine, the medial preoptic area, and male sexual behaviorQ36246165
Attention, short-term memory, and action selection: a unifying theoryQ36300488
Biological hierarchies and the concept of homologyQ36459574
Sensory acquisition in active sensing systemsQ36463105
The zebrafish as a model system for assessing the reinforcing properties of drugs of abuseQ36523432
A normative perspective on motivationQ36537022
A rapid neuromodulatory role for steroid hormones in the control of reproductive behaviorQ36541028
6. Social dominance and serotonin receptor genes in crayfishQ36543842
Neuropeptidergic regulation of affiliative behavior and social bonding in animalsQ36557013
Dopamine and monogamyQ36584561
Getting his act together: roles of glutamate, nitric oxide, and dopamine in the medial preoptic areaQ36590105
Insulin signaling is involved in the regulation of worker division of labor in honey bee coloniesQ36670223
A critique of comparative studies of brain sizeQ24675273
Topography in the preoptic region: differential regulation of appetitive and consummatory male sexual behaviorsQ24684135
Rapid behavioral and genomic responses to social opportunityQ24812019
Epigenetic programming by maternal behaviorQ27860466
The functions of animal microRNAsQ27860621
Evo-Devo and an Expanding Evolutionary Synthesis: A Genetic Theory of Morphological EvolutionQ28111693
Endless FormsQ28111897
Manipulations of the AVT system shift social status and related courtship and aggressive behavior in the bluehead wrasseQ28208038
Repeated morphological evolution through cis-regulatory changes in a pleiotropic geneQ28235451
A role for central vasopressin in pair bonding in monogamous prairie volesQ28264999
Molecular pathways of steroid receptor actionQ28282239
Analyzing the coordinated gene network underlying temperature-dependent sex determination in reptilesQ28301484
PAX-6 in development and evolutionQ28305141
Dopaminergic system in birdsong learning and maintenanceQ28748894
Breeding-context-dependent relationships between song and cFOS labeling within social behavior brain regions in male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)Q28756855
Role of the midbrain dopaminergic system in modulation of vocal brain activation by social contextQ28756925
Social modulation during songbird courtship potentiates midbrain dopaminergic neuronsQ28757174
Evolution and functions of long noncoding RNAsQ29614331
Predictive reward signal of dopamine neuronsQ29615397
The neurobiology of pair bondingQ29618579
What is the role of dopamine in reward: hedonic impact, reward learning, or incentive salience?Q29618655
Getting formal with dopamine and rewardQ29618725
Essential role of BDNF in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway in social defeat stressQ29618764
Molecular adaptations underlying susceptibility and resistance to social defeat in brain reward regionsQ29620063
Molecular basis of long-term plasticity underlying addictionQ29620539
Sex with knockout models: behavioral studies of estrogen receptor alphaQ30304213
Leech locomotion: swimming, crawling, and decisionsQ30442675
Social cues shift functional connectivity in the hypothalamusQ30476052
Dynamic limbic networks and social diversity in vertebrates: from neural context to neuromodulatory patterningQ30479304
Bioluminescence in the ocean: origins of biological, chemical, and ecological diversityQ34113999
Influence of gene action across different time scales on behaviorQ34125539
Naturally occurring differences in maternal care are associated with the expression of oxytocin and vasopressin (V1a) receptors: gender differencesQ34127595
Dopamine reveals neural circuit mechanisms of fly memoryQ34163919
Neuropeptides and the evolution of social behaviorQ34175894
Variations in maternal care in the rat as a mediating influence for the effects of environment on development.Q34227674
Dopamine signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans-potential for parkinsonism researchQ34237464
Developmental system drift and flexibility in evolutionary trajectoriesQ34244194
Gene Expression Profiles in the Brain Predict Behavior in Individual Honey BeesQ34269159
Evolution and cell biology of dopamine receptors in vertebratesQ34274292
Mate searching in Caenorhabditis elegans: a genetic model for sex drive in a simple invertebrate.Q34343340
Ligand-independent activation of progestin receptors in sexual receptivityQ34355066
The effect of social experience on serotonergic modulation of the escape circuit of crayfishQ34370542
The polyvagal theory: phylogenetic substrates of a social nervous systemQ34392345
Drosophila: genetics meets behaviour.Q34443580
Cocaine dependence: a disease of the brain's reward centersQ34453329
Variability, compensation and homeostasis in neuron and network functionQ34540735
Pheromone-mediated gene expression in the honey bee brainQ34582907
Arginine vasotocin effects on courtship behavior in male white perch (Morone americana).Q44058169
Tyrosine hydroxylase expression is affected by sexual vigor and social environment in male Cnemidophorus inornatusQ44313004
Phenotypic and genetic relations between initial response to electric shock and rate of avoidance learning in miceQ44396039
Directional avoidance turns encoded by single interneurons and sustained by multifunctional serotonergic cells.Q44396280
Resource defense and juvenile hormone: the "challenge hypothesis" extended to insectsQ44461546
Peptide effects on social behavior: effects of vasotocin and isotocin on social approach behavior in male goldfish (Carassius auratus).Q44919215
6-hydroxydopamine lesions in anuran amphibians: a new model system for Parkinson's disease?Q45015559
Distribution of androgen and estrogen receptor mRNA-containing cells in the rat brain: an in situ hybridization studyQ45020200
Neuronal generation of the leech swimming movementQ45045201
Female-induced sexual arousal in male mice and rats: behavioral and testosterone responseQ45157271
Sexually mature male goldfish release large quantities of androstenedione into the water where it functions as a pheromoneQ45216157
Molecular analysis of flies selected for aggressive behavior.Q45933902
Treatment with arginine vasotocin alters mating calls and decreases call attractiveness in male túngara frogs.Q45940816
Dopamine receptor activation by honey bee queen pheromone.Q45970675
Paternity, parental behavior and circulating steroid hormone concentrations in nest-tending male bluegill.Q46009462
A genome-wide analysis of courting and mating responses in Drosophila melanogaster females.Q46043308
Juvenile hormone levels are increased in winners of cockroach fightsQ46461587
Anatomical interrelationships of the medial preoptic area and other brain regions activated following male sexual behavior: a combined fos and tract-tracing studyQ47802516
Neuroanatomical evidence for indirect connections between the medial preoptic nucleus and the song control system: possible neural substrates for sexually motivated songQ48018923
Impaired discrimination of and aversion to parasitized male odors by female oxytocin knockout mice.Q48208913
Responses of monkey dopamine neurons to reward and conditioned stimuli during successive steps of learning a delayed response taskQ48323891
Bidirectional connections of the medial amygdaloid nucleus in the Syrian hamster brain: simultaneous anterograde and retrograde tract tracingQ48403054
The effect of chronic exposure to highly aggressive mice on hippocampal gene expression of non-aggressive subordinates.Q48552587
Beyond the central pattern generator: amine modulation of decision-making neural pathways descending from the brain of the medicinal leechQ48580034
Punishment prediction by dopaminergic neurons in Drosophila.Q48705741
44 Immunocytochemistry of steroid hormone receiving cells in the central nervous systemQ48839391
Steroid modulation of neurotransmitter function to alter female reproductive behaviorQ48864995
Differential distribution of serotoninergic inputs on the goldfish Mauthner cellQ49102255
Preferential activation of midbrain dopamine neurons by appetitive rather than aversive stimuliQ49158461
Changed environmental conditions weaken sexual selection in sticklebacks.Q50709389
Estrogen-serotonin interactions: implications for affective regulation.Q50858412
Brain transcriptomic analysis in paper wasps identifies genes associated with behaviour across social insect lineages.Q51576919
Active sensing in a mormyrid fish: electric images and peripheral modifications of the signal carrier give evidence of dual foveation.Q51692819
Sexual and social stimuli elicit rapid and contrasting genomic responses.Q51725393
Roles of octopaminergic and dopaminergic neurons in mediating reward and punishment signals in insect visual learning.Q52003466
A gender-specific mechanism for pair bonding: oxytocin and partner preference formation in monogamous voles.Q52014616
Shoaling generates social learning of foraging information in guppiesQ52194213
Serotonin and octopamine have opposite modulatory effects on the crayfish's lateral giant escape reaction.Q52279180
Song as a reinforcer in the white-crowned sparrow.Q52319837
Aggression and mating success in Drosophila melanogaster.Q52431741
Competitive interactions in Drosophila melanogaster: recurrent selection for aggression and response.Q52459439
Dopamine-mushroom body circuit regulates saliency-based decision-making in Drosophila.Q52681020
Comparative genomics: grasping human transcriptome evolution: what does it all mean?Q52840995
On aims and methods of EthologyQ54300336
The challenge hypothesis and seasonal changes in aggression and steroids in male northern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus).Q55067741
Social transmission of maladaptive information in the guppyQ61050718
Selection for territoriality in Drosophila melanogaster: correlated responses in mating success and other fitness componentsQ64032594
Heritable variation for territorial success in two Drosophila melanogaster populationsQ64032599
A laboratory study of male territoriality in the sibling species Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulansQ64032602
F prostaglandins function as potent olfactory stimulants that comprise the postovulatory female sex pheromone in goldfishQ68020396
Circulating steroid hormones during rapid aggressive responses of territorial male mountain spiny lizards, Sceloporus jarroviQ68536738
Prostaglandin-F2 alpha stimulates reproductive behavior of female paradise fish (Macropodus opercularis)Q69834537
Hormonal response of free-living male white-crowned sparrows to experimental manipulation of female sexual behaviorQ70600921
Prostaglandin induction of spawning behavior in Cichlasoma bimaculatum (Pisces cichlidae)Q70646120
Social interactions and androgen levels in birds. I. Female characteristics associated with increased plasma androgen levels in the male ring dove (Streptopelia risoria)Q70871945
Evidence for androgen independence of male mounting behavior in white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii)Q71168036
Oxytocin administered centrally facilitates formation of a partner preference in female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster)Q72702740
Interactions between behavior and plasma steroids within the scramble mating system of the promiscuous green turtle, Chelonia mydasQ73042082
Neural connections of the anterior hypothalamus and agonistic behavior in golden hamstersQ73851737
Connections of the rat lateral septal complexQ73913094
Functional connectivity among limbic brain areas: differential effects of incubation temperature and gonadal sex in the leopard gecko, Eublepharis maculariusQ74015583
The role of neurosteroids and non-genomic effects of progestins and androgens in mediating sexual receptivity of rodentsQ77354305
Integration of sensory and motor processing underlying social behaviour in túngara frogsQ79665341
Functional mapping of the auditory midbrain during mate call receptionQ81152586
Independent versus nonindependent mate choice: do females copy each other?Q83791474
The genetic and environmental basis of adaptive differences in shoaling behaviour among populations of Trinidadian guppies, Poecilia reticulataQ84258956
Plasticity or fixed adaptive traits? Strategies for predation avoidance in Rana arvalis tadpolesQ89569352
Hormonal modulation of phonotaxis and advertisement-call preferences in the gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor)Q30484294
Candidate neural locus for sex differences in reproductive decisionsQ30485207
Genetic analysis of crawling and swimming locomotory patterns in C. elegansQ30485789
The vertebrate social behavior network: evolutionary themes and variationsQ30492986
Nonapeptides and the evolutionary patterning of socialityQ30492993
Seasonal differences of gene expression profiles in song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) hypothalamus in relation to territorial aggressionQ30975339
Evaluating faces on trustworthiness: an extension of systems for recognition of emotions signaling approach/avoidance behaviorsQ31152094
Watching fights raises fish hormone levels.Q32020907
Functional genomics of odor-guided behavior in Drosophila melanogasterQ32129272
Oxytocin, vasopressin, and the neuroendocrine basis of pair bond formation.Q33534889
Functional architecture of vasopressin/oxytocin receptorsQ33540003
The prairie vole: an emerging model organism for understanding the social brainQ33653500
The medial extended amygdala in male reproductive behavior. A node in the mammalian social behavior networkQ33692782
Psychobiology and molecular genetics of resilienceQ33707604
The evolution of neuronal circuits underlying species-specific behavior.Q33745314
The dopamine hypothesis of reward: past and current statusQ33756130
Preoptic GnRH and AVT: axes for sexual plasticity in teleost fishQ33774029
Re-valuing the amygdalaQ33823251
Casting a genetic light on the evolution of eyesQ33845074
Courtship in DrosophilaQ33926232
Early developmental patterning sets the stage for brain evolutionQ33933400
Sexual behavior induction of c-Fos in the nucleus accumbens and amphetamine-stimulated locomotor activity are sensitized by previous sexual experience in female Syrian hamsters.Q33937625
Gene co-option in physiological and morphological evolutionQ33960431
Winning territorial disputes selectively enhances androgen sensitivity in neural pathways related to motivation and social aggressionQ33981928
Sociogenomics: social life in molecular termsQ33985684
Evolution of the basal ganglia: new perspectives through a comparative approach.Q33989346
Brain diversity evolves via differences in patterningQ34006574
Molecular mechanisms of sex determination in reptilesQ34053997
Behavioral and physiological plasticity: rapid changes during social ascent in an African cichlid fishQ34070040
Genes and addictionQ34076144
Long noncoding RNA genes: conservation of sequence and brain expression among diverse amniotesQ34080272
Behavioural sensitization after repeated exposure to Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cross-sensitization with morphine.Q34102344
Epigenetics and its implications for behavioral neuroendocrinologyQ36672565
Striatal contributions to reward and decision making: making sense of regional variations in a reiterated processing matrixQ36784861
Neural mechanisms of aggressionQ36856434
Evidence that dopamine within motivation and song control brain regions regulates birdsong context-dependentlyQ37015466
Non-genomic actions of estrogens and their interaction with genomic actions in the brain.Q37033380
Fish and chips: functional genomics of social plasticity in an African cichlid fishQ37058151
Evolution of cis-regulatory sequences in DrosophilaQ37087574
Neuroplasticity in the mesolimbic dopamine system and cocaine addictionQ37111631
Epigenetics, brain evolution and behaviourQ37148602
From gene to aggressive behavior: the role of brain serotoninQ37209627
Oxytocin, vasopressin and socialityQ37227032
Oxytocin and the maternal brainQ37227311
Reliable neuromodulation from circuits with variable underlying structureQ37239928
Gene-expression signatures of Atlantic salmon's plastic life cycleQ37251823
The role of dopamine and serotonin in suicidal behaviour and aggressionQ37260919
Genetic and genomic analyses of the division of labour in insect societiesQ37273278
Comparative analysis of circadian clock genes in insectsQ37284000
Beyond neuroanatomy: novel approaches to studying brain evolutionQ37287008
Dopamine regulation of social choice in a monogamous rodent speciesQ37312517
Honey bee aggression supports a link between gene regulation and behavioral evolution.Q37314294
Oxytocin, vasopressin, and the neurogenetics of socialityQ37319197
Decision ecology: foraging and the ecology of animal decision making.Q37334644
Neuroendocrinology of social behaviorQ37357654
Evaluating the neurobiology of sexual rewardQ37357658
Steroid hormone action in the brain: cross-talk between signalling pathwaysQ37383617
A neural circuit mechanism integrating motivational state with memory expression in Drosophila.Q37427422
Testosterone release and social context: when it occurs and why.Q37473632
Serotonin: modulator of a drive to withdrawQ37473882
Genetics of human aggressive behaviourQ37511813
Dopamine receptors in the learning, memory and drug reward circuitryQ37533300
Beating the boojum: comparative approaches to the neurobiology of social behaviorQ37547405
Seasonal and hormonal modulation of neurotransmitter systems in the song control circuit.Q37588139
The prokaryotic origin and evolution of eukaryotic chemosignaling systemsQ37603114
Evo-devo and the evolution of social behavior: brain gene expression analyses in social insectsQ37620021
Genetic mechanisms underlying male sex determination in mammalsQ37624359
Nature versus nurture in social insect caste differentiation.Q37682429
Evolving concepts of arousal: insights from simple model systemsQ37732192
Non-genomic and genomic effects of steroids on neural activityQ37773155
Epigenetics and parental effectsQ37774968
Nonapeptide mechanisms of social cognition, behavior and species-specific social systemsQ37790027
Changes in gene expression within the nucleus accumbens and striatum following sexual experienceQ38331673
Effect of incubation temperature and androgens on dopaminergic activity in the leopard gecko, Eublepharis maculariusQ38441239
The fruit fly: a model organism to study the genetics of alcohol abuse and addiction?Q38551436
The telencephalon of tetrapods in evolutionQ38558702
Neuronal networks underlying the escape response in goldfish. General implications for motor controlQ38686475
Chronic alterations in serotonin function: dynamic neurochemical properties in agonistic behavior of the crayfish, Orconectes rusticusQ38844868
Winning fights elevates testosterone levels in California mice and enhances future ability to win fights.Q40410916
Immediate early gene expression associated with induction of brooding behavior in Japanese quailQ40501197
Social approach-avoidance behavior of inbred mouse strains towards DBA/2 miceQ40528900
The progesterone challenge: steroid hormone changes following a simulated territorial intrusion in female Peromyscus californicusQ40550573
Peptides in the limbic system: neurochemical codes for co-ordinated adaptive responses to behavioural and physiological demandQ40621892
Steroid-neuropeptide interactions that control reproductive behaviors in an amphibianQ40638745
Vasopressin and serotonin interactions in the control of agonistic behaviorQ40638752
The role of neurohypophyseal peptides in the central mediation of complex social processes--evidence from comparative studiesQ40916507
Molecular neurobiology and pharmacology of the vasopressin/oxytocin receptor family.Q41041878
Sexual selection for sensory exploitation in the frog Physalaemus pustulosusQ41222695
The neurobiology of drug addictionQ41581028
Serotonin, social status and aggressionQ41701630
Dopamine modulates acute responses to cocaine, nicotine and ethanol in DrosophilaQ41723276
Genome-wide transcriptional plasticity underlies cellular adaptation to novel challengeQ41770997
Vocal-acoustic circuitry and descending vocal pathways in teleost fish: convergence with terrestrial vertebrates reveals conserved traitsQ42523656
Behavioral and physiological responses of a wild teleost fish to cortisol and androgen manipulation during parental care.Q42976011
The challenge hypothesis in an insect: juvenile hormone increases during reproductive conflict following queen loss in Polistes waspsQ43048901
Role of the striatum and nucleus accumbens in paced copulatory behavior in the female rat.Q43557487
The role of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens and striatum during sexual behavior in the female rat.Q43581730
Social context influences androgenic effects on calling in the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea).Q43804669
P577publication date2010-12-14
P1433published inFrontiers in NeuroendocrinologyQ15716620
P1476titleGenes, hormones, and circuits: an integrative approach to study the evolution of social behavior

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cites work (P2860)
Q98465411A Teleost Fish Model to Understand Hormonal Mechanisms of Non-breeding Territorial Behavior
Q56891180Abstracts of the 11th Annual UT-ORNL-KBRIN Bioinformatics Summit 2012. Louisville, Kentucky, USA. March 30-April 1, 2012
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Q43424258Arginine vasotocin and androgen pathways are associated with mating system variation in North American cichlid fishes.
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Q92889181Conservation and diversity in expression of candidate genes regulating socially-induced female-male sex change in wrasses
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