Kruppel-associated box (KRAB) proteins in the adaptive immune system

scientific article published on March 2014

Kruppel-associated box (KRAB) proteins in the adaptive immune system is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_knmmslneyrc5xiarx3klei5esu
P932PMC publication ID4049920
P698PubMed publication ID24699165
P5875ResearchGate publication ID261371561

P50authorFrancesca Romana Santoni de SioQ58860122
P2093author name stringFrancesca R Santoni de Sio
P2860cites workGenome-wide analysis of menin binding provides insights into MEN1 tumorigenesisQ21145267
Genome-wide analysis of KAP1 binding suggests autoregulation of KRAB-ZNFsQ21563454
Translating the Histone CodeQ22065840
Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) deficiency causes the autosomal recessive form of the Hyper-IgM syndrome (HIGM2)Q24290325
Sequence-specific transcriptional corepressor function for BRCA1 through a novel zinc finger protein, ZBRK1Q24290549
PARIS (ZNF746) repression of PGC-1α contributes to neurodegeneration in Parkinson's diseaseQ24294809
KRAB zinc finger proteins: an analysis of the molecular mechanisms governing their increase in numbers and complexity during evolutionQ42688627
A genome-wide RNAi screen identifies a new transcriptional module required for self-renewalQ43148740
KAP1 controls endogenous retroviruses in embryonic stem cellsQ43193929
Antagonistic interactions between Ikaros and the chromatin remodeler Mi-2beta determine silencer activity and Cd4 gene expressionQ46916233
KAP1-mediated epigenetic repression in the forebrain modulates behavioral vulnerability to stress.Q48309017
Trim28 is required for epigenetic stability during mouse oocyte to embryo transition.Q48652732
Process for immune defect and chromosomal translocation during early thymocyte development lacking ATM.Q50801008
The CD8alpha gene locus is regulated by the Ikaros family of proteinsQ51033020
ATM deficiency disrupts Tcra locus integrity and the maturation of CD4+CD8+ thymocytesQ52003055
Mice lacking the transcriptional corepressor TIF1beta are defective in early postimplantation development.Q52167677
KAP1 is associated with peritoneal carcinomatosis in gastric cancerQ53361170
TRIM28 prevents autoinflammatory T cell development in vivoQ54312343
Abnormal rearrangement within the alpha/delta T-cell receptor locus in lymphomas from Atm-deficient miceQ74232702
KAP1 regulates type I interferon/STAT1-mediated IRF-1 gene expressionQ80994497
Krüppel-associated box-associated protein 1 negatively regulates TNF-α-induced NF-κB transcriptional activity by influencing the interactions among STAT3, p300, and NF-κB/p65Q84652888
ZBRK1 represses HIV‐1 LTR‐mediated transcriptionQ84969726
MTA3 and the Mi-2/NuRD complex regulate cell fate during B lymphocyte differentiationQ24305562
Transcriptional repression by RING finger protein TIF1 beta that interacts with the KRAB repressor domain of KOX1Q24317298
KAP-1, a novel corepressor for the highly conserved KRAB repression domainQ24317676
A maternal-zygotic effect gene, Zfp57, maintains both maternal and paternal imprintsQ24322379
Cell-permeable peptide DEPDC1-ZNF224 interferes with transcriptional repression and oncogenicity in bladder cancer cellsQ24336884
A comprehensive catalog of human KRAB-associated zinc finger genes: insights into the evolutionary history of a large family of transcriptional repressorsQ24546068
Selective regulatory function of Socs3 in the formation of IL-17-secreting T cellsQ24547568
The Epstein-Barr virus replication protein BBLF2/3 provides an origin-tethering function through interaction with the zinc finger DNA binding protein ZBRK1 and the KAP-1 corepressorQ24558692
PRDM9 variation strongly influences recombination hot-spot activity and meiotic instability in humansQ24595214
Targeting histone deacetylase complexes via KRAB-zinc finger proteins: the PHD and bromodomains of KAP-1 form a cooperative unit that recruits a novel isoform of the Mi-2alpha subunit of NuRDQ24602561
Simple combinations of lineage-determining transcription factors prime cis-regulatory elements required for macrophage and B cell identitiesQ24617969
Degradation of Transcription Repressor ZBRK1 through the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway Relieves Repression of Gadd45a upon DNA DamageQ24653338
A novel member of the RING finger family, KRIP-1, associates with the KRAB-A transcriptional repressor domain of zinc finger proteinsQ24654804
Global mapping of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 reveals specificity and plasticity in lineage fate determination of differentiating CD4+ T cellsQ24655629
The KAP1 corepressor functions to coordinate the assembly of de novo HP1-demarcated microenvironments of heterochromatin required for KRAB zinc finger protein-mediated transcriptional repressionQ24672128
SETDB1: a novel KAP-1-associated histone H3, lysine 9-specific methyltransferase that contributes to HP1-mediated silencing of euchromatic genes by KRAB zinc-finger proteinsQ24685694
KRAB-containing zinc-finger repressor proteinsQ24792646
Mechanisms of Epigenetic Regulation of Leukemia Onset and ProgressionQ26861785
FOXP3: genetic and epigenetic implications for autoimmunityQ27003398
KAP1 regulates gene networks controlling T-cell development and responsiveness.Q27319505
Distinct and predictive chromatin signatures of transcriptional promoters and enhancers in the human genomeQ28131828
Biochemical analysis of the Kruppel-associated box (KRAB) transcriptional repression domainQ28140601
Ikaros DNA-binding proteins direct formation of chromatin remodeling complexes in lymphocytesQ28141631
Hetero-oligomerization among the TIF family of RBCC/TRIM domain-containing nuclear cofactors: a potential mechanism for regulating the switch between coactivation and corepressionQ28208645
Transcription Factor-Specific Requirements for Coactivators and Their Acetyltransferase FunctionsQ28260156
The chromatin remodeler Mi-2beta is required for CD4 expression and T cell developmentQ28266281
Inactivation of NuRD component Mta2 causes abnormal T cell activation and lupus-like autoimmune disease in miceQ28273291
KRAB-zinc finger proteins and KAP1 can mediate long-range transcriptional repression through heterochromatin spreadingQ28473103
A KRAB/KAP1-miRNA cascade regulates erythropoiesis through stage-specific control of mitophagy.Q36917344
Silencing of the Il2 gene transcription is regulated by epigenetic changes in anergic T cellsQ36926242
KAP1 regulates gene networks controlling mouse B-lymphoid cell differentiation and function.Q36931943
Liver-specific ablation of Krüppel-associated box-associated protein 1 in mice leads to male-predominant hepatosteatosis and development of liver adenoma.Q36972688
Lymphocytes from patients with type 1 diabetes display a distinct profile of chromatin histone H3 lysine 9 dimethylation: an epigenetic study in diabetesQ36975431
A DNA-PKcs mutation in a radiosensitive T-B- SCID patient inhibits Artemis activation and nonhomologous end-joining.Q37036037
KRAB-Zinc Finger Proteins: A Repressor Family Displaying Multiple Biological Functions.Q37065382
Epigenetics of the antibody responseQ37097751
The ZFP-1(AF10)/DOT-1 Complex Opposes H2B Ubiquitination to Reduce Pol II TranscriptionQ37200232
Opposing effects of SWI/SNF and Mi-2/NuRD chromatin remodeling complexes on epigenetic reprogramming by EBF and Pax5.Q37256859
Kruppel-associated box domain-associated protein-1 as a latency regulator for Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and its modulation by the viral protein kinaseQ37317681
Jmjd3 contributes to the control of gene expression in LPS-activated macrophagesQ37362954
Epigenetic control of T-helper-cell differentiationQ37371624
The NF-kappaB factor RelB and histone H3 lysine methyltransferase G9a directly interact to generate epigenetic silencing in endotoxin toleranceQ37459848
Roles of lineage-determining transcription factors in establishing open chromatin: lessons from high-throughput studiesQ37899813
Transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of CD4/CD8 lineage choice.Q37901617
Nuclear Factor-κB in Immunity and Inflammation: The Treg and Th17 ConnectionQ37938950
Pax5: a master regulator of B cell development and leukemogenesisQ37942333
Chromatin topology and the regulation of antigen receptor assemblyQ37973772
Progress in understanding the epigenetic basis for immune development, immune function, and the rising incidence of allergic diseaseQ38051180
The critical importance of epigenetics in autoimmunityQ38078660
Forkhead box P3: the peacekeeper of the immune system.Q38172563
Human heterochromatin proteins form large domains containing KRAB-ZNF genesQ38308578
Harnessing of the nucleosome-remodeling-deacetylase complex controls lymphocyte development and prevents leukemogenesisQ38461429
PRKDC mutations in a SCID patient with profound neurological abnormalitiesQ38955848
FoxP3 acts as a cotranscription factor with STAT3 in tumor-induced regulatory T cells.Q39046584
Zfp819, a novel KRAB-zinc finger protein, interacts with KAP1 and functions in genomic integrity maintenance of mouse embryonic stem cellsQ39108859
Role of WT1-ZNF224 interaction in the expression of apoptosis-regulating genes.Q39202260
The TRIM family protein KAP1 inhibits HIV-1 integration.Q39525383
B lymphocyte-specific, Cre-mediated mutagenesis in miceQ39719513
53BP1-dependent robust localized KAP-1 phosphorylation is essential for heterochromatic DNA double-strand break repairQ39750906
Comparative proteomic analysis of lung cancer cell line and lung fibroblast cell line.Q39816366
KRAB-type zinc-finger protein Apak specifically regulates p53-dependent apoptosis.Q39859206
Physical and functional interactions between STAT3 and KAP1.Q40044888
MAGE-A, mMage-b, and MAGE-C proteins form complexes with KAP1 and suppress p53-dependent apoptosis in MAGE-positive cell linesQ40066322
TRIM28 mediates primer binding site-targeted silencing of murine leukemia virus in embryonic cellsQ40070550
Chromatin relaxation in response to DNA double-strand breaks is modulated by a novel ATM- and KAP-1 dependent pathwayQ40252252
Removal of BRCA1/CtIP/ZBRK1 repressor complex on ANG1 promoter leads to accelerated mammary tumor growth contributed by prominent vasculatureQ40255561
Activating and inhibitory functions for the histone lysine methyltransferase G9a in T helper cell differentiation and function.Q40463701
The genetic defect in ataxia-telangiectasiaQ41464274
A viral mechanism for inhibition of p300 and PCAF acetyltransferase activityQ41608021
The zinc finger DNA-binding domain of K-RBP plays an important role in regulating Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus RTA-mediated gene expressionQ41906267
The Stat6-regulated KRAB domain zinc finger protein Zfp157 regulates the balance of lineages in mammary glands and compensates for loss of Gata-3Q28505725
RAG-1 and ATM coordinate monoallelic recombination and nuclear positioning of immunoglobulin lociQ28508203
Chato, a KRAB zinc-finger protein, regulates convergent extension in the mouse embryoQ28508361
Regulator of sex-limitation (Rsl) encodes a pair of KRAB zinc-finger genes that control sexually dimorphic liver gene expressionQ28508594
Targeted disruption of ATM leads to growth retardation, chromosomal fragmentation during meiosis, immune defects, and thymic lymphomaQ28509780
The mouse KRAB zinc-finger protein CHATO is required in embryonic-derived tissues to control yolk sac and placenta morphogenesisQ28513148
TRIM28 is required by the mouse KRAB domain protein ZFP568 to control convergent extension and morphogenesis of extra-embryonic tissuesQ28513391
Embryonic stem cells use ZFP809 to silence retroviral DNAsQ28592550
A mouse speciation gene encodes a meiotic histone H3 methyltransferaseQ28594595
Cutting Edge: a novel, human-specific interacting protein couples FOXP3 to a chromatin-remodeling complex that contains KAP1/TRIM28Q28771756
Class switch recombination and hypermutation require activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a potential RNA editing enzymeQ29547201
Genome-wide mapping of Polycomb target genes unravels their roles in cell fate transitionsQ29614512
Shaping the nuclear action of NF-kappaBQ29614600
The mammalian epigenomeQ29615763
Epigenetics: a landscape takes shapeQ29616623
X-linked neonatal diabetes mellitus, enteropathy and endocrinopathy syndrome is the human equivalent of mouse scurfyQ29619109
OTK18, a zinc-finger protein, regulates human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat through two distinct regulatory regionsQ31814830
A novel KRAB-Zinc finger protein interacts with latency-associated nuclear antigen of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and activates transcription via terminal repeat sequencesQ33265370
Adaptive evolution in zinc finger transcription factorsQ33396985
Evolution of C2H2-zinc finger genes revisitedQ33414872
Lineage-specific DNA methylation in T cells correlates with histone methylation and enhancer activity.Q33459679
Characterization of the contradictory chromatin signatures at the 3' exons of zinc finger genesQ33828243
TIF1beta regulates the pluripotency of embryonic stem cells in a phosphorylation-dependent mannerQ33934676
Epigenomics of T cell activation, differentiation, and memoryQ33941308
MDM2 interaction with nuclear corepressor KAP1 contributes to p53 inactivationQ34016183
PRDM9 is a major determinant of meiotic recombination hotspots in humans and miceQ34090633
B Lymphocyte Lineage Specification, Commitment and Epigenetic Control of Transcription by Early B Cell Factor 1Q34198252
RB·E2F1 complex mediates DNA damage responses through transcriptional regulation of ZBRK1.Q34236628
Molecular characterization of a putative antiretroviral transcriptional factor, OTK18.Q34285429
An epigenetic silencing pathway controlling T helper 2 cell lineage commitmentQ34286068
Immunodeficiency and infections in ataxia-telangiectasia.Q34311643
Citrullination of histone H3 interferes with HP1-mediated transcriptional repressionQ34426561
Interallelic and intergenic incompatibilities of the Prdm9 (Hst1) gene in mouse hybrid sterility.Q34469072
Ataxia telangiectasia-mutated protein and DNA-dependent protein kinase have complementary V(D)J recombination functionsQ34549990
Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (Atm) and DNA-PKcs kinases have overlapping activities during chromosomal signal joint formationQ34550115
RFX1 regulates CD70 and CD11a expression in lupus T cells by recruiting the histone methyltransferase SUV39H1Q34614096
Dynamic regulation of epigenomic landscapes during hematopoiesisQ34627603
Predominant interaction of both Ikaros and Helios with the NuRD complex in immature thymocytesQ34660281
PIAS1 interacts with the KRAB zinc finger protein, ZNF133, via zinc finger motifs and regulates its transcriptional activityQ34700703
The AID-Induced DNA Damage Response in ChromatinQ34715036
Emergence of the PI3-kinase pathway as a central modulator of normal and aberrant B cell differentiationQ34762309
ATM signaling facilitates repair of DNA double-strand breaks associated with heterochromatinQ34801409
CD4+ regulatory T cells control TH17 responses in a Stat3-dependent manner.Q35006074
Functional analysis of KAP1 genomic recruitmentQ35096261
Diverse targets of the transcription factor STAT3 contribute to T cell pathogenicity and homeostasis.Q35141261
Epigenetic tethering of AID to the donor switch region during immunoglobulin class switch recombination.Q35144590
In embryonic stem cells, ZFP57/KAP1 recognize a methylated hexanucleotide to affect chromatin and DNA methylation of imprinting control regionsQ35534127
ZBRK1 acts as a metastatic suppressor by directly regulating MMP9 in cervical cancerQ35610737
ATM deficiency impairs thymocyte maturation because of defective resolution of T cell receptor alpha locus coding end breaksQ35748584
Apak competes with p53 for direct binding to intron 1 of p53AIP1 to regulate apoptosis.Q35874908
STAT3 transcription factor promotes instability of nTreg cells and limits generation of iTreg cells during acute murine graft-versus-host disease.Q36231545
The molecular basis of the memory T cell response: differential gene expression and its epigenetic regulationQ36390497
JAK and STAT Signaling Molecules in Immunoregulation and Immune-Mediated DiseaseQ36404704
TRIM28 mediates chromatin modifications at the TCRα enhancer and regulates the development of T and natural killer T cellsQ36471255
Immunoglobulin class-switch DNA recombination: induction, targeting and beyondQ36534234
Deficiency of Th17 cells in hyper IgE syndrome due to mutations in STAT3Q36742247
Molecular mechanisms of antibody somatic hypermutation.Q36747477
Functional analysis of histone methyltransferase g9a in B and T lymphocytesQ36813502
Lymphocyte Development: Integration of DNA Damage Response SignalingQ36846366
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 UnportedQ18810331
P921main subjectDNA-binding proteinQ2252764
transcription factorQ407384
adaptive immune systemQ1645075
P577publication date2014-03-01
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inNucleusQ26842588
P1476titleKruppel-associated box (KRAB) proteins in the adaptive immune system

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