Antipater II Etesias

Macedonian monarch

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Abstract is: Antipater Etesias (Greek: Ἀντίπατρος Ἐτησίας, Ἀntípatros Ἐtēsías) was a king of Macedon. He was the son of Cassander's brother Phillip. He became king after the death of Ptolemy Keraunos and the ousting of Meleager. His reign lasted only a period of 45 days. The Macedonians gave Antipater the name Etesias, because the etesian winds blew during the short time that he was king. He failed as the leader of the army and was deposed by Sosthenes, possibly an officer in the army of Lysimachus in the 280's or 279 BC. Despite this he still had a following in some parts of Macedon and was defeated by Antigonus II Gonatas. After this he fled to Egypt where he is mentioned 20 years later, encouraged by the king Ptolemy III Euergetes as a potential rival claimant to the Macedonian throne.

Born -0400-01-01Died -0278-01-01

Antipater II Etesias is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/03cpr2r
P11835Numista ruling authority ID1376
P8069ToposText person ID13011

P27country of citizenshipMacedoniaQ83958
P1343described by sourcePauly–WissowaQ1138524
P53familyAntipatrid dynastyQ581531
P735given nameΑντίπατροςQ117827300
P1412languages spoken, written or signedAncient GreekQ35497
P1559name in native languageἈντίπατρος ὁ Ἐτησίας
P39position heldking of MacedoniaQ622602
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P2348time periodclassical antiquityQ486761

Reverse relations

Q19989254Antipatros 14 (Pauly-Wissowa)main subjectP921

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Антипатър II Етесийwikipedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)Antípatre II Etèsieswikipedia
      Antipatros Etesiaswikipedia
      Antipater Etesias af Makedonienwikipedia
      Antipatros II.wikipedia
      Αντίπατρος ο Ετησίαςwikipedia
      Antipater Etesiaswikipedia
      Antípatro Etesiaswikipedia
      Antipatros Etesiaswikipedia
      Antipater II Étésiaswikipedia
      אנטיפטרוס השניwikipedia
      Antipatro Etesiawikipedia
      Antypater II Etezjaszwikipedia
      Antípatro Etésiaswikipedia
      Антипатр II Этесийwikipedia
      Антипатер Етезијаwikipedia
      Antipater II av Makedonienwikipedia
      Антипатр II Этесийwikipedia
      Антипатр Етесwikipedia
      Antipater Etesiaswikipedia

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