An integrative machine learning strategy for improved prediction of essential genes in Escherichia coli metabolism using flux-coupled features.

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An integrative machine learning strategy for improved prediction of essential genes in Escherichia coli metabolism using flux-coupled features. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID28671706

P50authorAbhishek SubramanianQ41581829
Ram Rup SarkarQ57563256
Sutanu NandiQ88437725
P2093author name stringRam Rup Sarkar
Sutanu Nandi
Abhishek Subramanian
P2860cites workGenBankQ21056874
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How to identify essential genes from molecular networks?Q33509914
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Investigating the predictability of essential genes across distantly related organisms using an integrative approachQ34559562
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Evolutionary Conservation of Bacterial Essential Metabolic Genes across All Bacterial Culture MediaQ35493810
Uncovering major genomic features of essential genes in Bacteria and a methanogenic ArchaeaQ35666678
The importance of bottlenecks in protein networks: correlation with gene essentiality and expression dynamicsQ35753717
Monitoring of gene knockouts: genome-wide profiling of conditionally essential genesQ35906460
Predicting Essential Metabolic Genome Content of Niche-Specific Enterobacterial Human Pathogens during Simulation of Host EnvironmentsQ35925844
Expanded metabolic reconstruction of Helicobacter pylori (iIT341 GSM/GPR): an in silico genome-scale characterization of single- and double-deletion mutantsQ36217271
Essential Genes Embody Increased Mutational Robustness to Compensate for the Lack of Backup Genetic RedundancyQ36229579
Biological impacts and context of network theoryQ36798117
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Bacterial genomic G+C composition-eliciting environmental adaptationQ37595674
It's the machine that matters: Predicting gene function and phenotype from protein networksQ37773558
Systems-biology approaches for predicting genomic evolutionQ37909892
Essential genes as antimicrobial targets and cornerstones of synthetic biologyQ38040912
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Experimental and computational assessment of conditionally essential genes in Escherichia coliQ41063583
The organisational structure of protein networks: revisiting the centrality-lethality hypothesisQ41859361
Removal of a ribosome small subunit-dependent GTPase confers salt resistance on Escherichia coli cellsQ41860035
Update on the Keio collection of Escherichia coli single-gene deletion mutantsQ42912234
β-Ketoacyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Synthase III (FabH) Is Essential for Bacterial Fatty Acid SynthesisQ44605232
Gene essentiality prediction based on fractal features and machine learning.Q45948672
Predicting essential genes based on network and sequence analysis.Q45963787
Comparison of codon usage bias across Leishmania and Trypanosomatids to understand mRNA secondary structure, relative protein abundance and pathway functionsQ46719404
Escherichia coli transcriptome dynamics during the transition from anaerobic to aerobic conditionsQ50722060
Comparative analysis of essential genes and nonessential genes in Escherichia coli K12.Q54432611
Escherichia coli di-iron YtfE protein is necessary for the repair of stress-damaged iron-sulfur clusters.Q54447064
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Gene Selection for Cancer Classification using Support Vector MachinesQ56535529
In silico network topology-based prediction of gene essentialityQ57763606
P921main subjectEscherichia coliQ25419
machine learningQ2539
P577publication date2017-07-01
P1433published inMolecular BioSystemsQ3319467
P1476titleAn integrative machine learning strategy for improved prediction of essential genes in Escherichia coli metabolism using flux-coupled features

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cites work (P2860)
Q48507473Machine Learning Methods for Analysis of Metabolic Data and Metabolic Pathway Modeling
Q91796642Machine and deep learning meet genome-scale metabolic modeling
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