Orlando Grosso

Italian painter (1882-1968)

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Wikimedia Commons category is Orlando Grosso

Born 1882-01-10 in Genoa (Q1449)
Died 1968-01-06 in Bonassola (Q270032)

Orlando Grosso is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P9097American Academy in Rome ID12430271
P10928Archivio della ceramica person IDG/Grosso Orlando
P4432Artists of the World ID00190192
P7545askArt person ID11036540
P2843Benezit IDB00079685
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID14975210s
P7865CoBiS author ID95a5yja38danygu695b5yc1n60wk4e0
P2163FAST ID1821877
P10925Galleria Recta artist IDgrosso-orlando
P227GND ID1055374752
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/12353nrs
P269IdRef ID088675742
P409Libraries Australia ID35641438
P244Library of Congress authority IDn86042488
P7293National Library of Poland Descriptor9810531944305606
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID122553683
P691NL CR AUT IDxx0266207
P1315NLA Trove people ID1024503
P1695NLP ID (old)a0000002299797
P1207NUKAT IDn2018041270
P648Open Library IDOL1163576A
P3762openMLOL author ID128400
P12458Parsifal cluster ID445855
P11241Pittori Liguri IDgrosso-orlando
P396SBN author IDCFIV050928
P3987SHARE Catalogue author ID4072
P9164Svenska Institutet i Rom ID8136
P1986Treccani's Biographical Dictionary of Italian People IDorlando-grosso
P8750Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche ID19074
P1017Vatican Library ID (former scheme)ADV10231904
P8034Vatican Library VcBA ID495/118963
P214VIAF cluster ID92976907
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJpVbQ3RbtcmpBQmWwrpfq

P7763copyright status as a creatorworks protected by copyrightsQ73555012
P27country of citizenshipItalyQ38
Kingdom of ItalyQ172579
P69educated atAccademia Ligustica di Belle ArtiQ2822659
P734family nameGrossoQ21492807
P101field of workarchaeologyQ23498
art of paintingQ11629
P735given nameOrlandoQ9053129
P1412languages spoken, written or signedItalianQ652
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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      Category:Orlando Grossowikimedia
      Orlando Grossowikipedia

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