A neural circuit for spatial summation in visual cortex

scientific article

A neural circuit for spatial summation in visual cortex is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1027215833
P2888exact matchhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/pub.10.1038/nature11526
P932PMC publication ID3621107
P698PubMed publication ID23060193
P5875ResearchGate publication ID232236383

P50authorMassimo ScanzianiQ90870582
P2093author name stringZ Josh Huang
Hillel Adesnik
Hiroki Taniguchi
William Bruns
P2860cites workOrientation-selective inhibition from beyond the classic visual receptive fieldQ45283870
Length and width tuning of neurons in the cat's primary visual cortex.Q45937806
Effects of contrast and size on orientation discrimination.Q47438127
Contrast's effect on spatial summation by macaque V1 neuronsQ48158343
Corticofugal feedback influences the generation of length tuning in the visual pathwayQ48193424
Endstopped neurons in the visual cortex as a substrate for calculating curvatureQ48198605
Targeted whole-cell recordings in the mammalian brain in vivoQ48199504
Area map of mouse visual cortexQ48238007
Generation of end-inhibition in the visual cortex via interlaminar connections.Q48367681
Visual spatial summation in macaque geniculocortical afferents.Q48439166
Comparative electrophysiology of pyramidal and sparsely spiny stellate neurons of the neocortex.Q48450597
Direction- and velocity-specific responses from beyond the classical receptive field in the middle temporal visual area (MT).Q48542376
GABAergic cell subtypes and their synaptic connections in rat frontal cortex.Q48632270
Contrast dependence of contextual effects in primate visual cortex.Q48721611
Lateral inhibition between orientation detectors in the cat's visual cortexQ51108012
The neurophysiology of figure-ground segregation in primary visual cortexQ72575609
High-performance genetically targetable optical neural silencing by light-driven proton pumpsQ24608810
A FLEX switch targets Channelrhodopsin-2 to multiple cell types for imaging and long-range circuit mappingQ24651191
The subcellular organization of neocortical excitatory connectionsQ24652761
Millisecond-timescale, genetically targeted optical control of neural activityQ27860591
The suppressive field of neurons in lateral geniculate nucleusQ28283428
Highly selective receptive fields in mouse visual cortexQ30498204
Synaptic and network mechanisms of sparse and reliable visual cortical activity during nonclassical receptive field stimulation.Q30500941
The most numerous ganglion cell type of the mouse retina is a selective feature detectorQ30524841
Spatial integration and cortical dynamicsQ33565929
Receptive-field properties of V1 and V2 neurons in mice and macaque monkeys.Q33896097
Lateral competition for cortical space by layer-specific horizontal circuitsQ34013633
A resource of Cre driver lines for genetic targeting of GABAergic neurons in cerebral cortex.Q34219089
Visual representations by cortical somatostatin inhibitory neurons--selective but with weak and delayed responsesQ34403231
Inhibitory stabilization of the cortical network underlies visual surround suppressionQ34983527
Dynamics of spatial summation in primary visual cortex of alert monkeysQ35732891
Supralinear increase of recurrent inhibition during sparse activity in the somatosensory cortex.Q36457589
Contribution of feedforward, lateral and feedback connections to the classical receptive field center and extra-classical receptive field surround of primate V1 neuronsQ36607884
Suppressive surrounds and contrast gain in magnocellular-pathway retinal ganglion cells of macaque.Q37005500
Origin and dynamics of extraclassical suppression in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the macaque monkeyQ42062870
Neuronal responses to static texture patterns in area V1 of the alert macaque monkeyQ43960085
Selectivity and spatial distribution of signals from the receptive field surround in macaque V1 neuronsQ44211129
Relationship between excitation and inhibition underlying size tuning and contextual response modulation in the cat primary visual cortex.Q44762681
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2012-10-01
P1433published inNatureQ180445
P1476titleA neural circuit for spatial summation in visual cortex

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q46209734Distinct recurrent versus afferent dynamics in cortical visual processing.
Q95278598Distinct roles of parvalbumin and somatostatin interneurons in gating the synchronization of spike times in the neocortex
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Q92855552Diversity and Function of Somatostatin-Expressing Interneurons in the Cerebral Cortex
Q50078108Diversity and connectivity of layer 5 somatostatin-expressing interneurons in the mouse barrel cortex.
Q99636355Dynamic Contextual Modulation in Superior Colliculus of Awake Mouse
Q35565962Effects of isoflurane anesthesia on ensemble patterns of Ca2+ activity in mouse v1: reduced direction selectivity independent of increased correlations in cellular activity
Q34297375Efficient training protocol for rapid learning of the two-alternative forced-choice visual stimulus detection task
Q50673197El-Boustani et al. reply.
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Q34410802Experience-dependent specialization of receptive field surround for selective coding of natural scenes.
Q95840630Fast and reversible neural inactivation in macaque cortex by optogenetic stimulation of GABAergic neurons
Q37309555Fast hemodynamic responses in the visual cortex of the awake mouse.
Q47560646Feature-Specific Organization of Feedback Pathways in Mouse Visual Cortex
Q35933341Feature-based attention modulates surround suppression
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Q54962573Feedforward Inhibition Allows Input Summation to Vary in Recurrent Cortical Networks.
Q64080947Feedforward inhibition ahead of ictal wavefronts is provided by both parvalbumin- and somatostatin-expressing interneurons
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Q57460040Flow stimuli reveal ecologically appropriate responses in mouse visual cortex
Q30400977Frequency-specific adaptation and its underlying circuit model in the auditory midbrain
Q27007130From circuit motifs to computations: mapping the behavioral repertoire of cortical interneurons
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Q35634989Functional dissection of synaptic circuits: in vivo patch-clamp recording in neuroscience
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Q57785357GABA, not BOLD, reveals dissociable learning-dependent plasticity mechanisms in the human brain
Q34573359GABA-A receptor inhibition of local calcium signaling in spines and dendrites
Q37167275GABAergic Interneurons in the Neocortex: From Cellular Properties to Circuits
Q38432728GABAergic Neurons in Ferret Visual Cortex Participate in Functionally Specific Networks.
Q30440282GABAergic synapses: their plasticity and role in sensory cortex
Q92402484GABAergic-astrocyte signaling: A refinement of inhibitory brain networks
Q50113411Generation of diverse cortical inhibitory interneurons.
Q38183368Genetic dissection of GABAergic neural circuits in mouse neocortex
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Q37142362How might novel technologies such as optogenetics lead to better treatments in epilepsy?
Q27335265Human brain networks function in connectome-specific harmonic waves.
Q61443776Hyperexcitability of the local cortical circuit in mouse models of tuberous sclerosis complex
Q48568310Imaging population dynamics of surround suppression in the superior colliculus.
Q55076916Imbalanced amplification: A mechanism of amplification and suppression from local imbalance of excitation and inhibition in cortical circuits.
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Q33624988In vivo optogenetic identification and manipulation of GABAergic interneuron subtypes
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Q64101016Inferring neural circuit structure from datasets of heterogeneous tuning curves
Q38806388Inferring neuronal network functional connectivity with directed information
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Q49541177Interneuron Cooperativity in Cortical Circuits.
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Q37469694Jointly reduced inhibition and excitation underlies circuit-wide changes in cortical processing in Rett syndrome
Q34132757Lack of functional specialization of neurons in the mouse primary visual cortex that have expressed calretinin
Q50026602Large Visual Stimuli Induce Two Distinct Gamma Oscillations in Primate Visual Cortex.
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Q94544508Light Up the Brain: The Application of Optogenetics in Cell-Type Specific Dissection of Mouse Brain Circuits
Q40957543Locomotion controls spatial integration in mouse visual cortex
Q43223717Long-range recruitment of Martinotti cells causes surround suppression and promotes saliency in an attractor network model
Q90121898Low-threshold spiking interneurons perform feedback inhibition in the lateral amygdala
Q30446209Magnetic tracking of eye position in freely behaving chickens
Q39022689Mean-field analysis of orientation selectivity in inhibition-dominated networks of spiking neurons.
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Q92726421Mechanisms underlying the response of mouse cortical networks to optogenetic manipulation
Q35927100Membrane Potential Dynamics of Spontaneous and Visually Evoked Gamma Activity in V1 of Awake Mice.
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Q35690724Modeling Inhibitory Interneurons in Efficient Sensory Coding Models
Q38839168More Gamma More Predictions: Gamma-Synchronization as a Key Mechanism for Efficient Integration of Classical Receptive Field Inputs with Surround Predictions.
Q47867386Morphological and Functional Characterization of Non-fast-Spiking GABAergic Interneurons in Layer 4 Microcircuitry of Rat Barrel Cortex.
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Q39503082Neocortical somatostatin neurons reversibly silence excitatory transmission via GABAb receptors
Q46317946Network-Level Control of Frequency Tuning in Auditory Cortex.
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Q48320106Nonuniform surround suppression of visual responses in mouse V1.
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Q48291420Orientation-tuned surround suppression in mouse visual cortex.
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Q39316929Principles of Synaptic Organization of GABAergic Interneurons in the Striatum
Q35210761Principles of designing interpretable optogenetic behavior experiments.
Q37543674Rapid homeostasis by disinhibition during whisker map plasticity.
Q36335809Rat superior colliculus neurons respond to large visual stimuli flashed outside the classical receptive field
Q108792441Recurrent network dynamics shape direction selectivity in primary auditory cortex
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Q52804782Single synaptic inputs drive high-precision action potentials in parvalbumin expressing GABA-ergic cortical neurons in vivo.
Q26738420Somatostatin and Somatostatin-Containing Neurons in Shaping Neuronal Activity and Plasticity
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Q96136048Somatostatin enhances visual processing and perception by suppressing excitatory inputs to parvalbumin-positive interneurons in V1
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Q90711365Somatostatin-expressing interneurons in the auditory cortex mediate sustained suppression by spectral surround
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Q98564826Stimulus-specific regulation of visual oddball differentiation in posterior parietal cortex
Q64082029Stochastic neural field model of stimulus-dependent variability in cortical neurons
Q47551187Suppression and facilitation of human neural responses
Q38786346Surround Integration Organizes a Spatial Map during Active Sensation.
Q35560157Surround suppression and temporal processing of visual signals
Q27302914Synaptic Conductance Estimates of the Connection Between Local Inhibitor Interneurons and Pyramidal Neurons in Layer 2/3 of a Cortical Column
Q90238458Synaptic Mechanisms for Bandwidth Tuning in Awake Mouse Primary Auditory Cortex
Q38600022Synaptic Mechanisms of Feature Coding in the Visual Cortex of Awake Mice
Q89850567Synaptic Zinc Enhances Inhibition Mediated by Somatostatin, but not Parvalbumin, Cells in Mouse Auditory Cortex
Q44151017Systematic population spike delays across cortical layers within and between primary sensory areas
Q33823547Systemic Nicotine Increases Gain and Narrows Receptive Fields in A1 via Integrated Cortical and Subcortical Actions
Q55309338TRPC1 Channels Are Expressed in Pyramidal Neurons and in a Subset of Somatostatin Interneurons in the Rat Neocortex.
Q34391868Target-specific effects of somatostatin-expressing interneurons on neocortical visual processing
Q34624232Tasks for inhibitory interneurons in intact brain circuits
Q37265566Texture Segregation Causes Early Figure Enhancement and Later Ground Suppression in Areas V1 and V4 of Visual Cortex
Q36908512Thalamocortical Innervation Pattern in Mouse Auditory and Visual Cortex: Laminar and Cell-Type Specificity
Q57817567The Attentional Suppressive Surround: Eccentricity, Location-Based and Feature-Based Effects and Interactions
Q26741113The Current Status of Somatostatin-Interneurons in Inhibitory Control of Brain Function and Plasticity
Q35944216The Effect of Attentional Cueing and Spatial Uncertainty in Visual Field Testing
Q41125542The coherent organization of mental life depends on mechanisms for context-sensitive gain-control that are impaired in schizophrenia
Q26782898The fiber-optic imaging and manipulation of neural activity during animal behavior
Q36611219The impact of inhibitory mechanisms in the inner retina on spatial tuning of RGCs
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Q34945268Top-down beta rhythms support selective attention via interlaminar interaction: a model
Q55135576Top-down feedback controls spatial summation and response amplitude in primate visual cortex.
Q28655639Toward a genetic dissection of cortical circuits in the mouse
Q30547533Tracing inputs to inhibitory or excitatory neurons of mouse and cat visual cortex with a targeted rabies virus
Q47548771Transient and localized optogenetic activation of somatostatin-interneurons in mouse visual cortex abolishes long-term cortical plasticity due to vision loss.
Q37175590Tuned thalamic excitation is amplified by visual cortical circuits
Q55137223Vision and Locomotion Shape the Interactions between Neuron Types in Mouse Visual Cortex.
Q48020384Visual Cortex Limits Pop-Out in the Superior Colliculus of Awake Mice
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Q58771160Visual Processing by Calretinin Expressing Inhibitory Neurons in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex
Q42266171Visual processing mode switching regulated by VIP cells
Q28087500What single-cell stimulation has told us about neural coding

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