Mario Birkholz


Born 1958-01-01 in Hamburg (Q1055)

Mario Birkholz is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P11496CiNii Research ID1140282266838647552
P2456DBLP author ID190/9186
P6178Dimensions author ID07643525211.79
P4872GEPRIS person ID1004249
P1960Google Scholar author IDIdZlQmoAAAAJ
P269IdRef ID103465480
P6479IEEE Xplore author ID37321046400
P8189J9U ID987007317199005171
P244Library of Congress authority IDnb2005018677
P271NACSIS-CAT author IDDA15354018
P691NL CR AUT IDntk2018983616
P1015NORAF ID6001664
P1207NUKAT IDn2005137165
P856official website
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-5818-7379
P2038ResearchGate profile IDMario-Birkholz
P1153Scopus author ID7003908185
P214VIAF cluster ID40027782

P27country of citizenshipGermanyQ183
P69educated atFree University BerlinQ153006
P108employerTechnische Universität BerlinQ51985
Innovations for High Performance MicroelectronicsQ829654
Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin FilmsQ1452025
P734family nameBirkholzQ36853055
P101field of workphysics of thin layersQ130798467
materials scienceQ228736
materials engineeringQ1710723
P735given nameMarioQ3362622
P1412languages spoken, written or signedGermanQ188
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q101235359An Approach to Ring Resonator Biosensing Assisted by Dielectrophoresis: Design, Simulation and Fabrication
Q56287513Continuously Operating Biosensor and Its Integration into a Hermetically Sealed Medical Implant
Q55953821Corrosion-resistant metal layers from a CMOS process for bioelectronic applications
Q55951536Crystal-field induced dipoles in heteropolar crystals I: Concept
Q56059980Crystal-field induced dipoles in heteropolar crystals II: Physical significance
Q56037989Interatomic distances in pyrite-structure disulfides - a case for ellipsoidal modeling of sulfur ions
Q41033917Micro-Electromechanical Affinity Sensor for the Monitoring of Glucose in Bioprocess Media.
Q56505931Modelling of diffraction from fibre texture gradients in thin polycrystalline films
Q57257237Nanocomposite layers of ceramic oxides and metals prepared by reactive gas-flow sputtering
Q60358232Neue Entwicklungen beim Hohlkatoden-GasflusssputternNew Developments in Hollow Cathode Gas Flow Sputtering
Q48124379Prolonged Corrosion Stability of a Microchip Sensor Implant during In Vivo Exposure
Q38635902Sensing glucose concentrations at GHz frequencies with a fully embedded Biomicro-electromechanical system (BioMEMS).
Q91867897Separation, Characterization, and Handling of Microalgae by Dielectrophoresis
Q91176168Spiral microfluidic devices for cell separation and sorting in bioprocesses
Q21708551Sulfur deficiency in iron pyrite ( FeS 2 − x ) and its consequences for band-structure models
Q129227023Sustainable use of a smartphone and regulatory needs
Q38590532Technology modules from micro- and nano-electronics for the life sciences.
Q29542880The crystal energy of pyrite
Q55951684Ultrathin TiN Membranes as a Technology Platform for CMOS-Integrated MEMS and BioMEMS Devices
Q60358236X-ray diffraction study on residual stress and preferred orientation in thin titanium films subjected to a high ion flux during deposition

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