Surrogate end points in clinical trials: are we being misled?

scientific article published on October 1996

Surrogate end points in clinical trials: are we being misled? is …
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review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID8815760

P2093author name stringDeMets DL
Fleming TR
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date1996-10-01
P1433published inAnnals of Internal MedicineQ564416
P1476titleSurrogate end points in clinical trials: are we being misled?

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cites work (P2860)
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Q38019467Pioglitazone and vitamin E for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: a cost utility analysis.
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Q37633008Potential use of circulating endothelial cells as a biomarker of renal cell carcinoma
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Q45288765Practical issues arising in an exploratory analysis evaluating progression-free survival as a surrogate endpoint for overall survival in advanced colorectal cancer
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Q43246029Prostate-specific antigen: a misused and maligned prostate cancer biomarker
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Q83575095Proteinuria as a surrogate end point—more data are needed
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Q53010254Quantifying the treatment effect explained by markers in the presence of measurement error
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Q36771454Role of biomarkers in developing new therapies for vascular disease
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