The Role of Soil Microorganisms in Plant Mineral Nutrition-Current Knowledge and Future Directions

scientific article published on 19 September 2017

The Role of Soil Microorganisms in Plant Mineral Nutrition-Current Knowledge and Future Directions is …
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P932PMC publication ID5610682
P698PubMed publication ID28974956

P50authorRichard P JacobyQ50921873
Antonella SuccurroQ52355577
Manuela PeukertQ59197462
Stanislav KoprivaQ38319879
P2093author name stringAnna Koprivova
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Flavonoid and isoflavonoid distribution in developing soybean seedling tissues and in seed and root exudatesQ83271120
A sensitive LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS method reveals novel phytosiderophores and phytosiderophore-iron complexes in barleyQ84399883
Natural variation of Arabidopsis response to nitrogen availabilityQ84939374
Profiling of secondary metabolites in root exudates of Arabidopsis thalianaQ86132989
A protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstructionQ24603373
BiGG Models: A platform for integrating, standardizing and sharing genome-scale modelsQ24698676
BioModels Database: a free, centralized database of curated, published, quantitative kinetic models of biochemical and cellular systemsQ25255639
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Metabolic Network Modeling of Microbial Interactions in Natural and Engineered Environmental SystemsQ26744686
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High-throughput generation, optimization and analysis of genome-scale metabolic modelsQ28291992
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Metabolic reconstruction and modeling of nitrogen fixation in Rhizobium etliQ28469320
Benzoxazinoids in root exudates of maize attract Pseudomonas putida to the rhizosphereQ28482500
Toward a Predictive Understanding of Earth's Microbiomes to Address 21st Century ChallengesQ28601657
Consistent responses of soil microbial communities to elevated nutrient inputs in grasslands across the globeQ28607736
Quantitative divergence of the bacterial root microbiota in Arabidopsis thaliana relativesQ28660491
Consequences of human modification of the global nitrogen cycleQ28681424
Natural variation of root exudates in Arabidopsis thaliana-linking metabolomic and genomic dataQ28831496
Soil and human security in the 21st centuryQ29543358
Network motifs: simple building blocks of complex networksQ29547340
Solutions for a cultivated planetQ29616000
Reconstruction of biochemical networks in microorganismsQ29616018
Root phenotyping: from component trait in the lab to breeding.Q38526965
Tracing the evolutionary path to nitrogen-fixing cropsQ38540284
Updates in metabolomics tools and resources: 2014-2015.Q38606497
A Diverse Community To Study Communities: Integration of Experiments and Mathematical Models To Study Microbial ConsortiaQ38770026
Take a Trip Through the Plant and Fungal Transportome of Mycorrhiza.Q38802788
Organic agriculture in the twenty-first centuryQ38850087
Biology and evolution of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in the light of genomics.Q38990533
Associations with rhizosphere bacteria can confer an adaptive advantage to plantsQ39457351
Stoichiometric interpretation of Escherichia coli glucose catabolism under various oxygenation rates.Q39858308
Interactions Between Plant Roots and Soil MicroorganismsQ40026613
Enhanced Mineral Uptake by Zea mays and Sorghum bicolor Roots Inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense.Q40073693
Phosphorus depletion in forest soils shapes bacterial communities towards phosphorus recycling systems.Q40185219
Resolving the 'nitrogen paradox' of arbuscular mycorrhizas: fertilization with organic matter brings considerable benefits for plant nutrition and growth.Q40383319
Root microbiota drive direct integration of phosphate stress and immunity.Q41734171
Root exudation of phytosiderophores from soil-grown wheatQ41814491
Feruloyl-CoA 6'-Hydroxylase1-dependent coumarins mediate iron acquisition from alkaline substrates in Arabidopsis.Q43493114
Small molecules below-ground: the role of specialized metabolites in the rhizosphereQ45055464
Root-secreted malic acid recruits beneficial soil bacteriaQ46344461
Fertilizer-dependent efficiency of Pseudomonads for improving growth, yield, and nutrient use efficiency of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).Q46702346
Long-term nitrogen addition causes the evolution of less-cooperative mutualistsQ46789690
Silencing the flavonoid pathway in Medicago truncatula inhibits root nodule formation and prevents auxin transport regulation by rhizobiaQ48087007
Competition between roots and microorganisms for nitrogen: mechanisms and ecological relevanceQ51166670
Consistent effects of nitrogen fertilization on soil bacterial communities in contrasting systemsQ51607816
Isoflavonoid exudation from white lupin roots is influenced by phosphate supply, root type and cluster-root stageQ52011631
Partial Differential Equations in Ecology: Spatial Interactions and Population DynamicsQ55839242
Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactionsQ56536017
The Role of Flavonoids in Root Nodule Development and Auxin Transport in Medicago truncatulaQ56603136
Consistent effects of nitrogen amendments on soil microbial communities and processes across biomesQ56742076
Plant-driven selection of microbesQ57003525
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria allow reduced application rates of chemical fertilizersQ57125713
Changes in enzyme activities and soil microbial community composition along carbon and nutrient gradients at the Franz Josef chronosequence, New ZealandQ57250005
Acquisition of phosphorus and nitrogen in the rhizosphere and plant growth promotion by microorganismsQ57269271
Boreal forest plants take up organic nitrogenQ57310556
Advances in plant growth-promoting bacterial inoculant technology: formulations and practical perspectives (1998–2013)Q57351473
The zigzag model of plant-microbe interactions: is it time to move on?Q57446982
Monitoring soil bacteria with community-level physiological profiles using Biolog™ ECO-plates in the Netherlands and EuropeQ57504706
Altered profile of secondary metabolites in the root exudates of Arabidopsis ATP-binding cassette transporter mutantsQ57783540
Multiple soil nutrient competition between plants, microbes, and mineral surfaces: model development, parameterization, and example applications in several tropical forestsQ57888803
New approach for capturing soluble root exudates in forest soilsQ58069218
Fate in Soil of Flavonoids Released from White Clover (Trifolium repensL.)Q58697994
Past, present and future of organic nutrientsQ58747078
Interactions between a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium, an AM fungus and a phosphate-solubilising fungus in the rhizosphere of Lactuca sativaQ58841685
Suitability of enzyme activities for the monitoring of soil quality improvement in organic agricultural systemsQ58887730
Population size and specific potential of P-mineralizing and -solubilizing bacteria under long-term P-deficiency fertilization in a sandy loam soilQ59165437
Release of plant-borne flavonoids into the rhizosphere and their role in plant nutritionQ59188884
Combination of 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes with flow cytometry for analyzing mixed microbial populationsQ29616751
Fat synthesis in adipose tissue. An examination of stoichiometric constraintsQ30051073
Piriformospora indica Stimulates Root Metabolism of Arabidopsis thalianaQ30314068
Non-targeted profiling of semi-polar metabolites in Arabidopsis root exudates uncovers a role for coumarin secretion and lignification during the local response to phosphate limitationQ30315871
Systematic evaluation of objective functions for predicting intracellular fluxes in Escherichia coliQ30479887
Plants can use protein as a nitrogen source without assistance from other organisms.Q30482016
The unseen majority: soil microbes as drivers of plant diversity and productivity in terrestrial ecosystemsQ33307777
16S rDNA analysis reveals low microbial diversity in community level physiological profile assaysQ33318731
The role of Variovorax and other Comamonadaceae in sulfur transformations by microbial wheat rhizosphere communities exposed to different sulfur fertilization regimesQ33320064
Influence of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions on rhizobacterial communities and natural variation in root exudatesQ33426238
Bacteria Are Smartphones and Mobile Genes Are Apps.Q33450881
The biodiversity of beneficial microbe-host mutualism: the case of rhizobia.Q33649326
Metabolic potential of endophytic bacteriaQ33709936
Metabolic resource allocation in individual microbes determines ecosystem interactions and spatial dynamicsQ33900751
Structure and Functions of the Bacterial Microbiota of PlantsQ34035373
Root Exudation and Rhizosphere BiologyQ34196780
Cultivation of unculturable soil bacteriaQ34329757
Revealing structure and assembly cues for Arabidopsis root-inhabiting bacterial microbiota.Q34363843
Bacterial genospecies that are not ecologically coherent: population genomics of Rhizobium leguminosarumQ34458252
Genome-wide association study of Arabidopsis thaliana leaf microbial community.Q34512510
Functional gene differences in soil microbial communities from conventional, low-input, and organic farmlandsQ34513555
Legume-nodulating betaproteobacteria: diversity, host range, and future prospects.Q34631529
Collaboration between grass seedlings and rhizobacteria to scavenge organic nitrogen in soilsQ34667370
The rhizosphere microbiome: significance of plant beneficial, plant pathogenic, and human pathogenic microorganisms.Q34780579
Response to flavonoids as a factor influencing competitiveness and symbiotic activity of Rhizobium leguminosarumQ34803970
Flavones and flavonols play distinct critical roles during nodulation of Medicago truncatula by Sinorhizobium meliloti.Q34825579
Comparative metatranscriptomics reveals kingdom level changes in the rhizosphere microbiome of plantsQ34830182
Data Mining Methods for Omics and Knowledge of Crude Medicinal Plants toward Big Data BiologyQ35136560
A synthetic community approach reveals plant genotypes affecting the phyllosphere microbiotaQ35151600
Structure and function of the bacterial root microbiota in wild and domesticated barley.Q35185946
Distinct soil microbial diversity under long-term organic and conventional farmingQ35371210
Going underground: root traits as drivers of ecosystem processesQ35473523
Linking Jasmonic Acid Signaling, Root Exudates, and Rhizosphere Microbiomes.Q35649694
Characterization of culturable bacterial endophytes and their capacity to promote plant growth from plants grown using organic or conventional practicesQ35718259
Multivariate Analysis in MetabolomicsQ35734334
The role of soil microbes in plant sulphur nutritionQ35794473
Microbial malaise: how can we classify the microbiome?Q35800258
Functional overlap of the Arabidopsis leaf and root microbiotaQ35860113
Comparative metagenomic, phylogenetic and physiological analyses of soil microbial communities across nitrogen gradientsQ35896308
Beneficial Microbes Affect Endogenous Mechanisms Controlling Root DevelopmentQ35923322
An Underground Revolution: Biodiversity and Soil Ecological Engineering for Agricultural SustainabilityQ35963439
Impact of Soil Salinity on the Structure of the Bacterial Endophytic Community Identified from the Roots of Caliph Medic (Medicago truncatula)Q36071383
The Plant Microbiota: Systems-Level Insights and PerspectivesQ36138092
Crop management as a driving force of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria physiologyQ36139272
Metabolic functions of Pseudomonas fluorescens strains from Populus deltoides depend on rhizosphere or endosphere isolation compartmentQ36158018
Microbiome and Exudates of the Root and Rhizosphere of Brachypodium distachyon, a Model for WheatQ36160472
Plant disease: a threat to global food securityQ36217833
Research priorities for harnessing plant microbiomes in sustainable agriculture.Q36325287
The role of root exudates in rhizosphere interactions with plants and other organismsQ36466505
Natural genetic variation in Arabidopsis for responsiveness to plant growth-promoting rhizobacteriaQ36762419
Diversity and heritability of the maize rhizosphere microbiome under field conditionsQ36781996
Cooperation through Competition-Dynamics and Microeconomics of a Minimal Nutrient Trade System in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal SymbiosisQ37039101
Regulation and function of root exudatesQ37368463
Root nodule symbiosis in Lotus japonicus drives the establishment of distinctive rhizosphere, root, and nodule bacterial communitiesQ37493378
Abiotic Stress Responses and Microbe-Mediated Mitigation in Plants: The Omics StrategiesQ37632971
Are root exudates more important than other sources of rhizodeposits in structuring rhizosphere bacterial communities?Q37725127
Roles of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Plant Nutrition and Growth: New Paradigms from Cellular to Ecosystem ScalesQ37851490
Soil Microorganisms Mediating Phosphorus Availability Update on Microbial PhosphorusQ37878763
The role of flavonoids in the establishment of plant roots endosymbioses with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi, rhizobia and Frankia bacteriaQ38009666
Receptor kinase signaling pathways in plant-microbe interactionsQ38037687
The genetic and molecular basis of plant resistance to pathogens.Q38077352
Flavonoids: Their Structure, Biosynthesis and Role in the Rhizosphere, Including AllelopathyQ38080484
Transport and metabolism in legume-rhizobia symbiosesQ38085643
Chemical signaling between plants and plant-pathogenic bacteriaQ38126557
Challenges in microbial ecology: building predictive understanding of community function and dynamicsQ38376483
Critical assessment of genome-scale metabolic networks: the need for a unified standard.Q38415568
P577publication date2017-09-19
P1433published inFrontiers in Plant ScienceQ27723840
P1476titleThe Role of Soil Microorganisms in Plant Mineral Nutrition-Current Knowledge and Future Directions

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