
chemical compound

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Lactulose

Abstract is: Lactulose is a non-absorbable sugar used in the treatment of constipation and hepatic encephalopathy. It is used by mouth for constipation and either by mouth or in the rectum for hepatic encephalopathy. It generally begins working after 8–12 hours, but may take up to 2 days to improve constipation. Common side effects include abdominal bloating and cramps. A potential exists for electrolyte problems as a result of the diarrhea it produces. No evidence of harm to the baby has been found when used during pregnancy. It is generally regarded as safe during breastfeeding. It is classified as an osmotic laxative. Lactulose was first made in 1929, and has been used medically since the 1950s. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. It is available as a generic and brand-name product. Lactulose is made from the milk sugar lactose, which is composed of two simple sugars, galactose and glucose.

Wikimedia Commons category is Lactulose


β-lactulose is …
instance of (P31):
type of chemical entityQ113145171

sublass of (P279):

External links are
P7049AICS Chemical ID (BEING DELETED)8774
P267ATC codeA06AD11
P233canonical SMILESC(C1C(C(C(C(O1)OC2C(OC(C2O)(CO)O)CO)O)O)O)O
P231CAS Registry Number4618-18-2
P683ChEBI ID6359
P661ChemSpider ID10856
P3073CosIng number34837
P715DrugBank IDDB00581
P8494DSSTOX compound identifierDTXCID3025833
P3117DSSTox substance IDDTXSID5045833
P232EC number225-027-7
P2566ECHA Substance Infocard ID100.022.752
P646Freebase ID/m/04rs8t
P12385Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana IDlactulosa
P1296Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID (former scheme)0118750
P2057Human Metabolome Database IDHMDB0000740
P2017isomeric SMILESC([C@@H]1[C@@H]([C@@H]([C@H]([C@@H](O1)O[C@@H]2[C@H](O[C@@]([C@H]2O)(CO)O)CO)O)O)O)O
P665KEGG IDD00352
P10245MedlinePlus drug identifiera682338
P486MeSH descriptor IDD007792
P672MeSH tree codeD09.698.629.305.423
P6366Microsoft Academic ID2777448540
P8189National Library of Israel J9U ID987007541642905171
P2115NDF-RT IDN0000146930
P2840NSC number757082
P10283OpenAlex IDC2777448540
P3636PDB ligand IDW9T
P638PDB structure ID3W9T
P11199Probes And Drugs IDPD001919
P662PubChem CID11333
P1579Reaxys registry number93773
P3345RxNorm ID6218
P5076Römpp online IDRD-12-00169
P11089UniChem compound ID555205
P11143WikiProjectMed IDLactulose
P2347YSO ID14421

P4250defined daily dose6.7
P527has part(s)hydrogenQ556
P366has usemedicationQ12140
P2175medical condition treatedhepatic encephalopathyQ642548
hepatic comaQ18554341
P3489pregnancy categoryUS pregnancy category BQ28123616
P3364stereoisomer ofmaltuloseQ106054650
P2868subject has roleessential medicineQ35456
gastrointestinal agentQ50377202
P2275World Health Organisation international non-proprietary namelactulose

Reverse relations

drug or therapy used for treatment (P2176)
Q18554341hepatic coma
Q642548hepatic encephalopathy

research intervention (P4844)
Q61979586A Clinical Standardization Study of the Preferred Acupuncture Treatment Protocol to Treat Functional Constipation
Q113895937A Clinical Study to Assess the Effect of Increasing Intake Amounts of Two Novel Glycans on the Gut Microbiota of Healthy Subjects
Q113912281A Study Exploring the Use of Challenge Agents in Healthy Volunteers - Intervention Specific Appendix
Q63393381Blood Glucose Response After Oral Intake of Lactulose in Mildly Constipated Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Q113913121Comparison of Oral Lactulose Versus Polyethylene Glycol for Bowel Preparation
Q63062267Comparison of TCM and Laxatives for Adults With Chronic Constipation
Q113928555Crosstalk Between Mucosal-Associated Invariant T (MAIT) Cells and the Gut Microbiota and Mucosa in the Development of Type 1 Diabetes in Children
Q63393112Effect of Genetic Variation in Starch-digesting Enzymes on Digestibility and Glycemic Index of Cold and Hot Rice
Q61932344Effect of Lactulose on Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy and Health-Related Quality of Life
Q61938839Effects of Gum Chewing on Appetite and Digestion
Q113917428Efficacy and Safety of E.Coli Nissle 1917 in Patients With Mild (Stage 1-2) or Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q63062848Efficacy of Combined Oral L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate and Lactulose in Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q113918279GI Effects of Iron in Healthy Volunteers
Q63573321Hydrogen Breath Test an Instrument to Predict Rifaximin-Response in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Predominant Diarrhea
Q113911470Improved Bowel Preparation Method for Colonoscopy Based on Different Risk Stratification
Q63571598Intestinal Permeability in Preterm Infants
Q113921967Lubiprostone for Functional Constipation in the Under 18 Years Patients
Q63341052Method of Assessment of Driving Ability in Patients Suffering From Wakefulness Pathologies.
Q86244449Movicol in Childhood Constipation (ProMotion Study) (2000-10-31)
Q63404473Phase II Study of Lactulose and Circadian Rhythms in Patients With Cirrhosis
Q63339279Pilot Study of the Effect of Lactulose on Post Caesarean Section Constipation
Q97045453Polyethylene Glycol Versus Lactulose on Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients With Cirrhosis;(PEGHE Trial)
Q61934458RICE Trial: Rifaximin In Chronic Hepatic Encephalopathy - A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Q62818407Rifaximin Soluble Solid Dispersion (SSD) Tablets Plus Lactulose for the Treatment of Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy (OHE)
Q63321505S. Endotoxin, Inflammatory Mediators and MRS Before and After Treatment in MHE
Q61909226To Assess Efficacy of Nutritional Therapy in Secondary Prophylaxis of Hepatic Encephalopathy Versus Lactulose in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis.
Q61909101To Assess the Efficacy of High-Volume Plasma Exchange and GCSF Versus GCSF Alone in Patients of Acute on Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF).
Q63401191To Compare Efficacy and Safety of Lactulose Versus Polyethylene Glycol for Treatment of Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy in Cirrhotics.

main subject (P921)
Q50704728"If they can't tell the difference between duphalac and digoxin you've got patient safety issues". Nurse Lecturers' constructions of students' dyslexic identities in nurse education.
Q94208782194 Lactulose and hydrogen-rich water protect against fusarium mycotoxin-induced intestinal injury in female piglets
Q35678957A 14-day elemental diet is highly effective in normalizing the lactulose breath test
Q58780885A Galacto-Oligosaccharides Preparation Derived From Lactulose Protects Against Colorectal Cancer Development in an Animal Model
Q59384767A Lactulose Bienzyme Biosensor Based on Self-Assembled Monolayer Modified Electrodes
Q88397413A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Nitazoxanide Plus Lactulose With Lactulose Alone in Treatment of Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q57826472A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Efficacy of a Combination of Rifaximin and Lactulose with Lactulose only in the Treatment of Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q67879935A clinical comparative study of crystalline pure lactulose and powder pure lactitol in portasystemic encephalopathy of cirrhotic patients
Q37649460A combination of rifaximin and neomycin is most effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome patients with methane on lactulose breath test
Q33457676A combined nutrient and lactulose challenge test allows symptom-based clustering of patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Q47209314A comparative study of the mouth to caecum transit time in children and adults using a weight adapted lactulose dose
Q55040187A comparative study: the efficacy of liquid paraffin and lactulose in management of chronic functional constipation.
Q72590138A comparison of Agiolax and lactulose in elderly patients with chronic constipation
Q54261546A comparison of the effect of 9.5 gram/day resistant starch and lactulose on colon function.
Q104275452A comparison of the safety and efficacy of polyethylene glycol 4000 and lactulose for the treatment of constipation in pregnant women: a randomized controlled clinical study
Q48882051A controlled clinical trial of lactulose in hepatic encephalopathy
Q33441314A dietary fiber mixture versus lactulose in the treatment of childhood constipation: a double-blind randomized controlled trial
Q77635659A lactulose sensor based on coupled enzyme reactions with a ring electrode fabricated from tetrathiafulvalen-tetracyanoquinodimetane
Q24673627A link between irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia may be related to findings on lactulose breath testing
Q37993086A literature review of two laxatives: lactulose and polyethylene glycol
Q44974978A longitudinal systems biology analysis of lactulose withdrawal in hepatic encephalopathy
Q53939038A multi-centre, general practice comparison of ispaghula husk with lactulose and other laxatives in the treatment of simple constipation.
Q60290574A new enzymatic spectrophotometric assay for the determination of lactulose in milk
Q84542513A pilot study on crystalline lactulose for colonoscopy bowel preparation
Q47624674A pilot study using lactulose in management of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in children with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction
Q57645017A possible case of minimal hepatic encephalopathy treated successfully with lactulose
Q33824656A randomised, double-blind study of polyethylene glycol 4000 and lactulose in the treatment of constipation in children
Q48655913A randomized controlled trial comparing lactulose, probiotics, and L-ornithine L-aspartate in treatment of minimal hepatic encephalopathy
Q51222196A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial comparing rifaximin plus lactulose with lactulose alone in treatment of overt hepatic encephalopathy.
Q70787369A rapid gas-liquid chromatography method for the determination of lactulose and mannitol in urine: clinical application in studies of intestinal permeability
Q72613507A rapid method for the assay of lactulose
Q46868553A reference interval study of urinary lactulose excretion: a useful test of intestinal permeability in adults
Q70465942A simple enzymatic method for the assay of urinary lactulose
Q44590290A study of the methodological and clinical validity of the combined lactulose hydrogen breath test with scintigraphic oro-cecal transit test for diagnosing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in IBS patients
Q92147760A study of the prebiotic effect of lactulose at low dosages in healthy Japanese women
Q43674298ACP Journal Club. Adding rifaximin to lactulose increased reversal and decreased mortality in hepatic encephalopathy
Q37822613ACP Journal Club. Review: Polyethylene glycol is more effective than lactulose for chronic constipation in children and adults
Q44503804Abdominal distension after colonic lactulose fermentation recorded by a new extensometer
Q69439350Absorption of Lactulose in Man
Q41439105Absorption of lactulose from mammalian gastrointestinal tract
Q56774700Acid production from lactulose by dental plaque bacteria
Q89254899Aetiological spectrum, clinical differentiation and efficacy of polyethylene glycol over lactulose in children with constipation: Experience of 316 cases
Q69619259Ammonia and glutamine metabolism of the intestine. The effect of lactulose and neomycin
Q71216106Ammonia production by intestinal bacteria: the effects of lactose, lactulose and glucose
Q50860492An Approach for Lactulose Production Using the CotX-Mediated Spore-Displayed β-Galactosidase as a Biocatalyst.
Q104108998An Open-Label, Head to Head Comparison Study between Prucalopride and Lactulose for Clozapine Induced Constipation in Patients with Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia
Q48267520An efficient process for obtaining prebiotic oligosaccharides derived from lactulose using isomerized and purified whey permeate.
Q68029927An open, randomised, parallel group study of lactulose versus ispaghula in the treatment of chronic constipation in adults
Q46604042An open-label randomized controlled trial of lactulose and probiotics in the treatment of minimal hepatic encephalopathy
Q50794710Analysis of hospitalizations comparing rifaximin versus lactulose in the management of hepatic encephalopathy.
Q41622741Antifibrotic Effect of Lactulose on a Methotrexate-Induced Liver Injury Model
Q70599312Antioxidant vitamins or lactulose for the prevention of the recurrence of colorectal adenomas. Colorectal Cancer Study Group of the University of Modena and the Health Care District 16
Q43342388Application of Oral Lactulose in Combination With Polyethylene Glycol Electrolyte Powder for Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation in Patients With Constipation
Q43743325Assessment of gastrointestinal permeability by lactulose test in sheep after repeated indomethacin treatment.
Q73717646Assessment of protein quality of infant milk food formula supplemented with lactulose
Q35858688Assessment of the Effect of Intestinal Permeability Probes (Lactulose And Mannitol) and Other Liquids on Digesta Residence Times in Various Segments of the Gut Determined by Wireless Motility Capsule: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Q33465703Assessment of the impacts of traditional Persian medical schemes and recommendations on functional chronic constipation compared to a classic medicine lactulose, a randomized clinical trial
Q50085703Assessment of the pharmacokinetics, removal rate of hemodialysis, and safety of lactulose in hemodialysis patients
Q28366938Assessment of the reproducibility of the lactulose H2 breath test as a measure of mouth to caecum transit time
Q51636561Association between chronic use of proton pump inhibitors and small- intestinal bacterial overgrowth assessed using lactulose hydrogen breath tests.
Q33458349Association between symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and methane and hydrogen on lactulose breath test
Q70813852Automated anion-exchange chromatographic method for the quantitation of lactulose in physiological fluids and processed milks
Q68737441Automated enzymatic assays for the determination of intestinal permeability probes in urine. 1. Lactulose and lactose
Q33431832Basal fecal fermentation and with lactulose in patients with flatulence
Q85347592Batch and continuous synthesis of lactulose from whey lactose by immobilized β-galactosidase
Q45918321Benefits of breath hydrogen testing after lactulose administration in analysing carbohydrate malabsorption.
Q92400418Beyond Lactulose: Treatment Options for Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q95491844Beyond Lactulose: Treatment Options for Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q43281074Bifidobacterium combined with fructo-oligosaccharide versus lactulose in the treatment of patients with hepatic encephalopathy
Q53445762Bifidobacterium longum and lactulose suppress azoxymethane-induced colonic aberrant crypt foci in rats.
Q57634599Biocatalytic Approaches Using Lactulose: End Product Compared with Substrate
Q58797877Blood glucose response after oral intake of lactulose in healthy volunteers: A randomized, controlled, cross-over study
Q85519052Borate enhances the production of lactulose from lactose by cellobiose 2-epimerase from Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus
Q48892613Branched-chain amino acids vs lactulose in the treatment of hepatic coma: a controlled study
Q38952471Breath hydrogen concentrations after oral lactose and lactulose in tropical malabsorption and adult hypolactasia
Q45032657Breath hydrogen excretion or plasma acetate levels during the lactulose tolerance test?
Q34391507Breath hydrogen response to lactulose in healthy subjects: relationship to methane producing status
Q51608412Breath hydrogen test using water-diluted lactulose in patients with gastrointestinal amyloidosis
Q44700987Breath testing to evaluate lactose intolerance in irritable bowel syndrome correlates with lactulose testing and may not reflect true lactose malabsorption
Q43328365Can diarrhea induced by lactulose be reduced by prolonged ingestion of lactulose?
Q33449473Can partially hydrolyzed guar gum be an alternative to lactulose in treatment of childhood constipation?
Q43250316Carbohydrate intolerance in patients with self-reported food hypersensitivity: comparison of lactulose and glucose
Q44249373Cellobiose and lactulose coupled with mannitol and determined using ion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection, are reliable probes for investigation of intestinal permeability
Q70366958Changes in intestinal permeability to lactulose induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy
Q43338845Changes in intestinal transit time after proctocolectomy assessed by the lactulose breath test
Q69874575Changes in the bacterial population of the intestine following lactulose administration
Q67256006Changes in the levels of ammonia and free phenols in patients with portocaval shunt treated with lactulose and/or neomycin compared to a low protein diet (author's transl)
Q43029113Characterisation of a novel cellobiose 2-epimerase from thermophilic Caldicellulosiruptor obsidiansis for lactulose production
Q62083585Characterization of galactooligosaccharides derived from lactulose
Q53447871Chemoprevention of colorectal tumors: role of lactulose and of other agents.
Q35218494Chronic constipation in long stay elderly patients: a comparison of lactulose and a senna-fibre combination.
Q72109575Cirrhosis, hyperammonemia and Lactulose
Q39674496Cleavage of lactulose by Bacillus megaterium
Q93018150Clinical benefit of oral lactulose for postoperative care of pateints with complicated appendicitis using propensity score matching analysis
Q37660968Clinical effects of rifaximin in patientswith hepatic encephalopathy intolerant or nonresponsive to previous lactulose treatment: An open-label, pilot study
Q48577164Clinical efficacy and safety of lactulose for minimal hepatic encephalopathy: a meta-analysis
Q73939817Clinical efficacy of lactulose in cirrhotic patients with and without subclinical hepatic encephalopathy
Q71905993Clinical studies with the laxative Duphalac
Q51503436Clinical value of radionuclide small intestine transit time measurement combined with lactulose hydrogen breath test for the diagnosis of bacterial overgrowth in irritable bowel syndrome.
Q48159208Cochrane systematic review highlights the importance of lactulose in the management of hepatic encephalopathy.
Q46693619Colonic fermentation from lactulose inhibits lipolysis in overweight subjects
Q71885636Colonic transit times and the effect of lactulose or lactitol in hospitalized patients
Q60301622Combination of rifaximin and lactulose improves clinical efficacy and mortality in patients with hepatic encephalopathy
Q100631849Combined PEG3350 Plus Lactulose Results in Early Resolution of Hepatic Encephalopathy and Improved 28-Day Survival in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure
Q35010368Combined human growth hormone and lactulose for prevention and treatment of multiple organ dysfunction in patients with severe chronic hepatitis B.
Q34152148Combined oro-caecal scintigraphy and lactulose hydrogen breath testing demonstrate that breath testing detects oro-caecal transit, not small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in patients with IBS
Q46093660Combined orocecal scintigraphy and lactulose hydrogen breath testing demonstrate that breath testing detects orocecal transit, not small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Q88362959Comment on: Treatment of Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy: Comparing the Effects of Adding Rifaximin to Lactulose on Patient Outcomes
Q51867865Comparative effects of lactulose and magnesium sulfate on urea metabolism and nitrogen excretion in cirrhotic subjects.
Q96773771Comparative efficacy and safety of lactulose plus paraffin vs polyethylene glycol in functional constipation: a randomised clinical study
Q24548115Comparative modes of action of lactitol and lactulose in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
Q48598965Comparative study of basal arterial ammonemia and of orally-induced hyperammonemia in chronic portal systemic encephalopathy, treated with neomycin, lactulose, and an association of neomycin and lactulose
Q69765325Comparative study of lactulose and neomycin in the treatment of porto-systemic encephalopathy
Q70152864Comparison between neomycin and lactulose in 173 patients with hepatic encephalopathy: a randomized clinical study
Q66847578Comparison between sucrose and lactulose in a suspended salivary system
Q64055170Comparison of Polyethylene Glycol versus Lactulose Oral Solution for Bowel Preparation prior to Colonoscopy
Q47649667Comparison of Rifaximin Plus Lactulose with the Lactulose Alone for the Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q35855681Comparison of a Chinese Herbal Medicine (CCH1) and Lactulose as First-Line Treatment of Constipation in Long-Term Care: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, and Placebo-Controlled Trial
Q24670446Comparison of a low dose polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution with lactulose for treatment of chronic constipation
Q84277926Comparison of abdominal bloating severity between Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients with high and low levels of breath hydrogen excretion in a lactulose breath test
Q86602044Comparison of an enzymatic assay with liquid chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection for the determination of lactulose and mannitol in urine of healthy subjects and patients with active celiac disease
Q67542512Comparison of an in vitro faecal hydrogen test with the lactulose breath test: assessment of in vivo hydrogen-producing capability in Burmese village children
Q34475212Comparison of bran, ispaghula, and lactulose on colon function in diverticular disease
Q34486592Comparison of diarrhea induced by ingestion of fructooligosaccharide Idolax and disaccharide lactulose: role of osmolarity versus fermentation of malabsorbed carbohydrate
Q46150586Comparison of inulin and lactulose as reference standards in the breath hydrogen test assessment of carbohydrate malabsorption in patients with chronic pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
Q83800501Comparison of lactulose and glucose breath test for diagnosis of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Q41667246Comparison of lactulose and inulin as reference standard for the study of resistant starch fermentation using hydrogen breath test.
Q34255207Comparison of lactulose and neomycin in the treatment of chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy. A double blind controlled trial
Q44012834Comparison of polyethylene glycol 3350 and lactulose for treatment of chronic constipation in children
Q35026388Comparison of preference and safety of powder and liquid lactulose in adult patients with chronic constipation
Q41867374Comparison of probiotics and lactulose in the treatment of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in rats
Q43496339Comparison of results of long-term treatment of chronic hepatic encephalopathy with lactulose and sorbitol
Q33628162Comparison of rifaximin and lactulose for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy: a prospective randomized study
Q73014209Comparison of scintigraphy and lactulose breath hydrogen test for assessment of orocecal transit: lactulose accelerates small bowel transit
Q91833881Complex-oligosaccharide composed of galacto-oligosaccharide and lactulose ameliorates loperamide-induced constipation in rats
Q51865185Conservation of mannitol, lactulose, and raffinose by the human colon.
Q67585502Constipation in childhood: a controlled comparison between lactulose and standardized senna
Q71738593Constipation in long-stay elderly patients: its treatment and prevention by lactulose, poloxalkol-dihydroxyanthroquinolone and phosphate enemas
Q43285872Constipation in pregnant women - use of Duphalac
Q39553691Constipation in the elderly. II. Prevalence and causes of the use of laxatives and experiences with volume expanders and lactulose in nursing home patients
Q91306652Continuous enzymatic synthesis of lactulose in packed-bed reactor with immobilized Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase
Q43207024Continuous production of lactulose by immobilized thermostable beta-glycosidase from Pyrococcus furiosus
Q35196429Continuous synthesis of lactulose in an enzymatic membrane reactor reduces lactulose secondary hydrolysis
Q102069777Contribution to the Process Development for Lactulose Production through Complete Valorization of Whey Permeate by Using Electro-Activation Technology Versus a Chemical Isomerization Process
Q41031710Control of endotoxinemia in liver disease by lactulose and paromomycin
Q70199227Controlled comparison of nalidixic acid or lactulose with placebo in shigellosis
Q40827469Controlled trial on the usefulness of low-dose lactulose in the treatment of digestive disturbances
Q89596811Correction: Improving the detection of environmental enteric dysfunction: a lactulose, rhamnose assay of intestinal permeability in children aged under 5 years exposed to poor sanitation and hygiene
Q92722501Correlation between Lactulose and Furosine in UHT-Heated Milk
Q41816620Correlation of intestinal lactulose permeability with exocrine pancreatic dysfunction
Q50086100Corrigendum to "Assessment of the pharmacokinetics, removal rate of hemodialysis, and safety of lactulose in hemodialysis patients" [J Food Drug Anal 24 (2016) 876-880].
Q33449140Cost-effective treatment of constipation in the elderly: a randomized double-blind comparison of sorbitol and lactulose
Q94701918Cost-effectiveness of macrogol 4000 compared to lactulose in the treatment of chronic functional constipation in the UK
Q90040679Cross-over study in hyperammonemia patients for efficacy, safety, and acceptability of a new lactulose preparation (SK-1202) compared to approved drug
Q30909115Crystal structure and n.m.r. analysis of lactulose trihydrate
Q34155056Crystalline lactulose and oral preparations of micro-organisms for the treatment of chronic aspecific diarrhea in children. A controlled clinical study
Q50175851Crystalline lactulose in the therapy of hepatic cirrhosis. Evaluation of clinical and immunological parameters. Preliminary results
Q46636613Culture-proven small intestinal bacterial overgrowth as a cause of irritable bowel syndrome: response to lactulose but not broadspectrum antibiotics
Q45163600Deadaption and readaptation with lactose, but no cross-adaptation to lactulose: a case of occult colonic bacterial adaptation
Q34529459Delayed mouth-caecum transit of a lactulose labelled liquid test meal in patients with steatorrhoea caused by partially treated coeliac disease
Q36339442Design and application of a lactulose biosensor
Q46572204Detection of bacterial overgrowth in IBS using the lactulose H2 breath test: comparison with 14C-D-xylose and healthy controls
Q67351283Determination of Mannitol and Lactulose in Urine of Colorectal Cancer Patient by Ion-Exchange Chromatography
Q70769827Determination of boron impurities in syrups containing lactulose
Q69549809Determination of lactulose and soya oligosaccharides in infant formula milk feeds
Q69750677Determination of lactulose in lactulose syrup
Q67942657Determination of mannitol and lactulose in urine by capillary gas chromatography
Q35649153Determination of rifaximin treatment period according to lactulose breath test values in nonconstipated irritable bowel syndrome subjects.
Q52964083Development, optimization and validation of an HPLC-ELSD method for the analysis of enzymatically generated lactulose and saccharide by-products.
Q97587678Diagnosing Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: A Comparison of Lactulose Breath Tests to Small Bowel Aspirates
Q46718728Diagnosis of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in children: the use of lactulose in the breath hydrogen test as a screening test
Q35596086Dietary fructo-oligosaccharides and lactulose inhibit intestinal colonisation but stimulate translocation of salmonella in rats
Q43784855Dietary lactulose decreases apparent nitrogen absorption and increases apparent calcium and magnesium absorption in healthy dogs
Q44034164Different therapeutic approaches for chronic diffuse liver lesions using ornicetil, lactulose, etimizol and corinfar
Q72590071Differential in vivo and in vitro intestinal permeability to lactulose and mannitol in animals and humans: a hypothesis
Q90617047Differentiation of functional gastrointestinal disorders from healthy volunteers by lactulose hydrogen breath test and test meal
Q60489966Digestion of human milk oligosaccharides by healthy infants evaluated by the lactulose hydrogen breath test
Q44351749Dilemmas of clinical experimentation: use of lactulose in portocaval encephalopathy
Q44259783Diminished efficacy of colonic adaptation to lactulose occurs in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in remission
Q30469690Direct analysis of mannitol, lactulose and glucose in urine samples by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulse amperometric detection. Clinical evaluation of intestinal permeability in human immunodeficiency virus infection
Q43779963Disturbance of liver functions and dysbiosis in patients with lipid distress syndrome and its treatment with lactulose preparation "Duphalac" (lactulose)
Q34778501Do colonic bacteria contribute to cholesterol gall-stone formation? Effects of lactulose on bile
Q46425077Does 'sugar' permeability reflect macromolecular absorption? A comparison of the gastro-intestinal uptake of lactulose and beta-lactoglobulin in the neonatal guinea pig.
Q41195510Dose-Dependent Prebiotic Effect of Lactulose in a Computer-Controlled In Vitro Model of the Human Large Intestine
Q54528178Double blind study of lactulose in 8 patients with chronic hepatic encephalopathy after portocaval shunt
Q69336005Double blind study of lactulose in 8 patients with chronic hepatic encephalopathy after portocaval shunt
Q58108357Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study of Rifaximin and Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test in Gulf War Veterans with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Q37037795Double-blind controlled randomised study of lactulose and lignin hydrolysed combination in complex therapy of atopic dermatitis
Q43135485Double-blind prospective randomized study comparing polyethylene glycol to lactulose for bowel preparation in colonoscopy
Q33434211Double-blind randomized evaluation of clinical and biological tolerance of polyethylene glycol 4000 versus lactulose in constipated children
Q52039402Double-blind, double-dummy comparison between treatment with rifaximin and lactulose in patients with medium to severe degree hepatic encephalopathy.
Q41761034Drinking hydrogen water and intermittent hydrogen gas exposure, but not lactulose or continuous hydrogen gas exposure, prevent 6-hydorxydopamine-induced Parkinson's disease in rats
Q43739663Duphalac in combination therapy of patients with hepatic cirrhosis
Q43871015Economic impact of low dose polyethylene glycol 3350 plus electrolytes compared with lactulose in the management of idiopathic constipation in the UK.
Q49350073Effect of Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 (Align) on the Lactulose Breath Test for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Q68081961Effect of Carbolevure on intestinal fermentation induced by the ingestion of lactulose
Q60199025Effect of Lactitol and Lactulose Administration on the Fecal Flora in Cirrhotic Patients
Q93232474Effect of Lyophilized, Encapsulated Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactulose Feeding on Growth Performance, Heavy Metals, and Trace Element Residues in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Tissues
Q91889343Effect of Storage Temperature on Lactulose and 5-hydroxymethyl-furfural Formation in UHT Milk
Q70301448Effect of acetylsalicylic acid on symptoms and hydrogen excretion in the disaccharide tolerance test with lactose or lactulose
Q72712340Effect of acute lactulose administration on serum acetate levels in cirrhosis
Q44386476Effect of colonic lactulose availability on the timing of drug release onset in vivo from a unique colon-specific drug delivery system (CODES).
Q34538983Effect of combined administration of bile duct decompression and lactulose in mechanical jaundice
Q35834282Effect of dietary lactulose supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, meat quality, relative organ weight, and excreta microflora in broilers
Q67510826Effect of feeding infant formula containing lactulose on intestinal flora in the infant
Q82212183Effect of fluid intake on the outcome of constipation in children: PEG 4000 versus lactulose
Q34071360Effect of four days of preoperative lactulose on posthaemorrhoidectomy pain: results of placebo controlled trial
Q57657944Effect of inclusion of lactulose and Lactobacillus plantarum on the intestinal environment and performance of piglets at weaning
Q43326826Effect of lactose, lactulose and bisacodyl on gastrointestinal transit studied by metal detector.
Q54611248Effect of lactulose and Saccharomyces boulardii administration on the colonic urea-nitrogen metabolism and the bifidobacteria concentration in healthy human subjects.
Q41466129Effect of lactulose and fiber-rich diets on bile in relation to gallstone disease: an update
Q88165157Effect of lactulose intervention on gut microbiota and short chain fatty acid composition of C57BL/6J mice
Q39185191Effect of lactulose on ammonia production in a fecal incubation system
Q46584872Effect of lactulose on bacterial translocation and intestinal adaptation in a rat model of short bowel syndrome
Q54564700Effect of lactulose on bacterial translocation.
Q68964600Effect of lactulose on biliary lipid composition
Q46665667Effect of lactulose on biotransformation of isoflavone glycosides to aglycones in soymilk by lactobacilli
Q80277126Effect of lactulose on calcium and magnesium absorption: a study using stable isotopes in adult men
Q51577547Effect of lactulose on carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes mellitus.
Q34473821Effect of lactulose on cerebral metabolism in patients with chronic portosystemic encephalopathy
Q35064528Effect of lactulose on establishment of a rat non-alcoholic steatohepatitis model
Q42719993Effect of lactulose on growth performance and intestinal morphology of pre-ruminant calves using a milk replacer containing Enterococcus faecium
Q40350689Effect of lactulose on rabbits fed on a low residue diet
Q72998548Effect of lactulose on short-chain fatty acids and lactate production and on the growth of faecal flora, with special reference to Clostridium difficile
Q68583687Effect of lactulose on the metabolism of short-chain fatty acids
Q42479946Effect of lactulose supplementation on growth performance, intestinal histomorphology, cecal microbial population, and short-chain fatty acid composition of broiler chickens
Q39267011Effect of lactulose, neomycin and antacid on colonic pH recorded continuously with an implanted electrode
Q28361895Effect of long term lactulose ingestion on secondary bile salt metabolism in man: potential protective effect of lactulose in colonic carcinogenesis
Q34527975Effect of loperamide and naloxone on mouth-to-caecum transit time evaluated by lactulose hydrogen breath test
Q33296911Effect of oral lactulose on clinical and immunohistochemical parameters in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a pilot study
Q89876095Effect of polyethylene glycol versus lactulose on abdominal pain in children occult constipation: a randomized controlled study
Q42560239Effect of preoperative lactulose on posthaemorrhoidectomy pain
Q43220595Effect of protein and lactulose on the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid by faecal Escherichia coli
Q90840945Effect of purification of galactooligosaccharides derived from lactulose with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on their capacity to bind immune cell receptor Dectin-2
Q45169657Effect of rectal lactulose administration with oral therapy on time to recovery from hepatic encephalopathy: a randomized study
Q69062092Effect of the protein, citrate and phosphate content of milk on formation of lactulose during heat treatment
Q43308884Effectiveness of lactulose syrup after cardiac surgery.
Q70830583Effects of autohydrolyzed lignin and lactulose on gallbladder bile composition in hamsters
Q43547273Effects of cyclophosphamide and lactulose on the release of ammonia and medium-molecular-weight substances from the intestine into blood in rats.
Q42720098Effects of inulin and lactulose on the intestinal morphology of calves
Q93811964Effects of lactulose and Lactobacillus acidophilus on the fecal flora
Q44555650Effects of lactulose and lactitol on coliform bacteria and bacterial translocation in the caecum during 72-h starvation in rats
Q53447876Effects of lactulose and lactitol on colonic microflora and enzymatic activity.
Q41941926Effects of lactulose and lactitol on protein digestion and metabolism in conventional and germ free animal models: relevance of the results to their use in the treatment of portosystemic encephalopathy
Q70265691Effects of lactulose and neomycin on urea metabolism in cirrhotic subjects
Q41981421Effects of lactulose and other laxatives on ileal and colonic pH as measured by a radiotelemetry device
Q45250883Effects of lactulose and polyethylene glycol on colonic transit
Q54447129Effects of lactulose and silymarin on liver enzymes in cirrhotic rats.
Q44522066Effects of lactulose on intestinal endotoxin and bacterial translocation in cirrhotic rats.
Q41466142Effects of lactulose on nitrogen metabolism
Q64973852Effects of lactulose on renal function and gut microbiota in adenine-induced chronic kidney disease rats.
Q44208033Effects of lactulose on the intestinal microflora of periparturient sows and their piglets
Q47235231Effects of lactulose supplementation on performance, blood profiles, excreta microbial shedding of Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli, relative organ weight and excreta noxious gas contents in broilers
Q46577928Effects of lactulose supplementation on the growth of bifidobacteria and biotransformation of isoflavone glycosides to isoflavone aglycones in soymilk
Q44551514Effects of lactulose treatment on the course of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy
Q44323656Effects of melatonin and lactulose on the liver and kidneys in rats with obstructive jaundice
Q90976312Effects of sialylated lactulose on the mouse intestinal microbiome using Illumina high-throughput sequencing
Q39637656Effects of the prebiotics inulin and lactulose on intestinal immunology and hematology of preruminant calves.
Q46745530Effects of therapeutic doses of lactulose vs. polyethylene glycol on isotopic colonic transit
Q64885661Efficacy and safety of a crystalline lactulose preparation (SK-1202) in Japanese patients with chronic constipation: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding study.
Q90418278Efficacy and safety of lactulose for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome
Q38178702Efficacy and side-effect profiles of lactulose, docusate sodium, and sennosides compared to PEG in opioid-induced constipation: a systematic review
Q38286627Efficacy and tolerability of rifaximin in combination with lactulose in end-stage liver disease patients with MELD greater than 20: a single center experience
Q73009209Efficacy of lactulose in cirrhotic patients with subclinical hepatic encephalopathy
Q38867092Efficacy of lactulose in the prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients presenting gastrointestinal bleeding
Q44056361Efficacy of lactulose plus 13C-acetate breath test in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal motility disorders
Q43409650Efficacy of rifaximin versus lactulose for reducing the recurrence of overt hepatic encephalopathy and hopitalizations in cirrhosis
Q43332613Efficacy of senna versus lactulose in terminal cancer patients treated with opioids.
Q86168458Efficient lactulose production from cheese whey using sodium carbonate
Q50962687Efficient production of lactulose from whey powder by cellobiose 2-epimerase in an enzymatic membrane reactor.
Q62083613Egg shell as catalyst of lactose isomerisation to lactulose
Q42094687Emergency treatment of portal-systemic encephalopathy with lactulose enemas. A controlled study
Q89184509Enhancement of isomerization activity and lactulose production of cellobiose 2-epimerase from Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus
Q52073272Enterococcus lactic acid bacteria strain SF68 and lactulose in hepatic encephalopathy: a controlled study.
Q90125226Enzymatic generation of lactulose in sweet and acid whey: Optimization of feed composition and structural elucidation of 1-lactulose
Q38115162Enzymatic production of lactulose and 1-lactulose: current state and perspectives
Q43025319Enzymatic production of lactulose and epilactose in milk
Q42640490Enzymatic synthesis and identification of two trisaccharides produced from lactulose by transgalactosylation.
Q28370851Epidemiology of altered intestinal permeability to lactulose and mannitol in Guatemalan infants
Q43341347Estimation of intestinal trehalase activity from a laxative threshold of trehalose and lactulose on healthy female subjects
Q49679832Evaluation of Anti-Wrinkle Effects of DuOligo, Composed of Lactulose and Galactooligosaccharides
Q58030981Evaluation of Oligosaccharide Synthesis from Lactose and Lactulose Using β-Galactosidases from Kluyveromyces Isolated from Artisanal Cheeses
Q52984024Evaluation of computed tomographic enterography with an orally administered lactulose solution in clinically normal dogs.
Q44096046Evaluation of hydrogen excretion after lactulose administration as a screening test for causes of irritable bowel syndrome
Q34408142Evaluation of intestinal permeability in patients with inflammatory bowel disease using lactulose and measuring antibodies to lipid A
Q91844696Evaluation of lactulose, lactose, and fructose breath testing in clinical practice: A focus on methane
Q70359076Evaluation of mannitol, lactulose and 51Cr-labelled ethylenediaminetetra-acetate as markers of intestinal permeability in man
Q73046170Evaluation of oro-coecal transit time: a comparison of the lactose-[13C, 15N]ureide 13CO2- and the lactulose H2-breath test in humans
Q38319952Evaluation of rifaximin, placebo and lactulose in reducing the levels of benzodiazepine-like compounds in patients with liver cirrhosis: a pilot study.
Q39488616Evaluation of the effect of rifaximin in colon diverticular disease by means of lactulose hydrogen breath test
Q30885569Evaluation of the inclusion of a mixture of organic acids or lactulose into the feed of pigs experimentally challenged with Salmonella Typhimurium
Q70780988Excess pulmonary excretion of hydrogen in response to lactulose
Q69637612Experimental and clinical study of lactulose in obstructive jaundice
Q54270771Expression and characterization of two β-galactosidases from Klebsiella pneumoniae 285 in Escherichia coli and their application in the enzymatic synthesis of lactulose and 1-lactulose.
Q102370820External use of Mirabilite combined with Lactulose improves postoperative gastrointestinal mobility among older patients undergoing abdominal surgery
Q43250020Faecal ammonia and pH during lactulose administration in man: comparison with other cathartics
Q46253420Faecal bacterial microbiota in patients with cirrhosis and the effect of lactulose administration.
Q67964480Faecal steroids and colorectal cancer: the effect of lactulose on faecal bacterial metabolism in a continuous culture model of the large intestine
Q28842810Fast Calculation of Molecular Polar Surface Area as a Sum of Fragment-Based Contributions and Its Application to the Prediction of Drug Transport Properties
Q51017097Fed-batch operation for the synthesis of lactulose with β-galactosidase of Aspergillus oryzae.
Q43706559Formation kinetics of hydroxymethylfurfural, lactulose and furosine in milk heated under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions.
Q59087731Formation of Lactulose and Tagatose from Lactose in strongly heated Milk
Q77415763Fructooligosaccharides and lactulose cause more symptoms in lactose maldigesters and subjects with pseudohypolactasia than in control lactose digesters
Q87514261Galacto-oligosaccharides and lactulose as protectants against desiccation of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulcaricus
Q34820621Galacto-oligosaccharides derived from lactulose exert a selective stimulation on the growth of Bifidobacterium animalis in the large intestine of growing rats
Q59280921Galactooligosaccharides derived from lactose and lactulose: Influence of structure on Lactobacillus, Streptococcus and Bifidobacterium growth
Q71686243Galactosamine hepatitis, endotoxemia, and lactulose
Q43108371Gastric emptying and orocaecal transit time of meals containing lactulose or inulin in men.
Q45028942Gastric emptying of maltose, sucrose, lactose and lactulose in rats with ontogenic lactase deficiency
Q74256879Gastrointestinal complications of dermatomal herpes zoster successfully treated with famciclovir and lactulose
Q71106479Gut permeability to human alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, mannitol, and lactulose in celiac disease
Q46160482Gut permeability to lactulose and mannitol differs in treated Crohn's disease and celiac disease patients and healthy subjects
Q56485422Heat-treated milk differentiation by a sensitive lactulose assay
Q39409390Helicobacter pylori infection is associated with high methane production during lactulose breath test
Q48712540Hepatic encephalopathy evaluated by automatic period analysis of the electroencephalogram during lactulose treatment.
Q87427546Heterofunctional hydrophilic-hydrophobic porous silica as support for multipoint covalent immobilization of lipases: application to lactulose palmitate synthesis
Q43874779Home lactulose enema: prevention of hepatic encephalopathy at home
Q33436461Hospitalizations during the use of rifaximin versus lactulose for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
Q70650642Human intestinal methanogens and lactulose administration
Q69571648Hydrogen excretion after ingestion of five different sugar alcohols and lactulose
Q77734191Hydrogen production in dogs adapts to addition of lactulose and to a meat and rice diet
Q55515018Hydrogen-Rich Water and Lactulose Protect Against Growth Suppression and Oxidative Stress in Female Piglets Fed Fusarium Toxins Contaminated Diets.
Q89614388Hydrolysis and transgalactosylation catalysed by β-galactosidase from brush border membrane vesicles isolated from pig small intestine: A study using lactulose and its mixtures with lactose or galactose as substrates
Q66943461Hyperammoniemia and porta-caval encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis. Personal results of lactulose treatment
Q67582800Hypernatremia after the administration of lactulose
Q71669819Hypernatremia and lactulose therapy
Q67543143Hypocholesterolemic effect of lactulose in man: a preliminary report
Q95364173I recently had a lactose breath test to check for lactose intolerance. I'm not lactose intolerant, but now my doctor has ordered a lactulose breath test. Why do I need two tests?
Q44781590IBS subjects with methane on lactulose breath test have lower postprandial serotonin levels than subjects with hydrogen
Q91136997Idiopathic pneumatosis intestinalis secondary to lactulose use in patients with cirrhosis
Q72749360Ileal pH and apparent absorption of magnesium in rats fed on diets containing either lactose or lactulose
Q70514315Ileus-like symptoms following lactulose
Q102216831Immobilization of Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase in cation functionalized agarose matrix and its application in the synthesis of lactulose
Q90921975Impact of Amorphization Methods on the Physicochemical Properties of Amorphous Lactulose
Q90975677Impact of Oral-Cecal Transit Time on the Interpretation of Lactulose Breath Tests After RYGB: a Personalized Approach to the Diagnosis of SIBO
Q87550634Impact of high-intensity ultrasound on the formation of lactulose and Maillard reaction glycoconjugates
Q86971506Improvement of efficiency in the enzymatic synthesis of lactulose palmitate
Q91060483Improvements in the production of Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase crosslinked aggregates and their use in repeated-batch synthesis of lactulose
Q37659678Improving the detection of environmental enteric dysfunction: a lactulose, rhamnose assay of intestinal permeability in children aged under 5 years exposed to poor sanitation and hygiene
Q73327884In vitro and in vivo lactose and lactulose effects on colonic fermentation and portal-systemic encephalopathy parameters
Q46822301In vitro fermentation of lactulose by human gut bacteria
Q71212096Incidence of endotoxemia in pigs with ischemic hepatic necrosis treated by hemodialysis. Prevention of endotoxemia with lactulose
Q69602918Increased concentrations of liver cholesterol in rats fed lactulose
Q73377053Increased lactulose/rhamnose ratio during fluid load is caused by increased urinary lactulose excretion
Q51632861Increased superior mesenteric artery blood flow after glucose but not lactulose ingestion.
Q42125724Increasing the intestinal resistance of rats to the invasive pathogen Salmonella enteritidis: additive effects of dietary lactulose and calcium
Q43319878Ineffectiveness of Lactobacillus GG as an adjunct to lactulose for the treatment of constipation in children: a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial
Q33901797Infant Nutritional Status, Feeding Practices, Enteropathogen Exposure, Socioeconomic Status, and Illness Are Associated with Gut Barrier Function As Assessed by the Lactulose Mannitol Test in the MAL-ED Birth Cohort
Q52275335Influence of alcohol on gastrointestinal motility: lactulose breath hydrogen testing in orocecal transit time in chronic alcoholics, social drinkers and teetotaler subjects.
Q34531455Influence of chronic lactulose ingestion on the colonic metabolism of lactulose in man (an in vivo study)
Q50252224Influence of lactulose on interventional therapy for HCC patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism
Q79578879Influence of long-term administration of lactulose and Saccharomyces boulardii on the colonic generation of phenolic compounds in healthy human subjects
Q35593417Influences of operating conditions on continuous lactulose synthesis in an enzymatic membrane reactor system: A basis prior to long-term operation.
Q40322171Inhibition of bacteria by lactulose preparations.
Q53523730Inhibition of secondary bile acid formation in the large intestine by lactulose in healthy subjects of two different age groups.
Q69388596Interactions of lactulose and neomycin
Q38780447Interpreting the Lactulose Breath Test for the Diagnosis of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Q34391744Interval sampling of end-expiratory hydrogen (H2) concentrations to quantify carbohydrate malabsorption by means of lactulose standards
Q55515198Intestinal Microbiota Ecological Response to Oral Administrations of Hydrogen-Rich Water and Lactulose in Female Piglets Fed a Fusarium Toxin-Contaminated Diet.
Q57651397Intestinal absorption of the intact peptide carnosine in man, and comparison with intestinal permeability to lactulose
Q54464916Intestinal ammoniogenesis in normal rats. Comparative study of the action of antibiotics and lactulose
Q35157486Intestinal anti-inflammatory effects of oligosaccharides derived from lactulose in the trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid model of rat colitis.
Q72663595Intestinal calcium absorption in rats is stimulated by dietary lactulose and other resistant sugars
Q34131240Intestinal effects of mannanoligosaccharides, transgalactooligosaccharides, lactose and lactulose in dogs
Q47720376Intestinal fructose malabsorption is associated with increased lactulose fermentation in the intestinal lumen
Q33437461Intestinal gas in plain abdominal radiographs does not correlate with symptoms after lactulose challenge
Q90473206Intestinal microbiome analysis demonstrates azithromycin post-treatment effects improve when combined with lactulose
Q51048563Intestinal permeability induced by lipopolysaccharide and measured by lactulose, rhamnose and mannitol sugars in chickens.
Q43773013Intestinal permeability testing using lactulose and rhamnose: a comparison between clinically normal cats and dogs and between dogs of different breeds
Q44964748Intestinal permeability to lactulose and mannitol in growing rats with iron-deficiency anemia
Q44270655Intestinal permeability to mannitol and lactulose in children with type 1 diabetes with the HLA-DQB1*02 allele
Q45184727Investigation on the precaecal and faecal digestibility of lactulose and inulin and their influence on nutrient digestibility and microbial characteristics
Q42132744Is Hydrogen Breath Test with Lactulose Feasible for Measuring Gastrocecal Transit in Critically Ill Children? Pilot Study about Modification of the Technique.
Q50210136Is Lactulose Plus Rifaximin Better than Lactulose Alone in the Management of Hepatic Encephalopathy?
Q89657080Kinetic study on the digestibility of lactose and lactulose using small intestinal glycosidases
Q44344322Kinetics of hydroxymethylfurfural, lactulose and furosine formation in milk with different fat content
Q33432461L-Rhamnose increases serum propionate after long-term supplementation, but lactulose does not raise serum acetate
Q51494335L-rhamnose and lactulose decrease serum triacylglycerols and their rates of synthesis, but do not affect serum cholesterol concentrations in men.
Q33466486Lactitol and lactulose for the treatment of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients. A randomised, cross-over study
Q33454293Lactitol in the treatment of chronic hepatic encephalopathy--a randomized cross-over comparison with lactulose
Q37867650Lactitol or lactulose in the treatment of chronic constipation: result of a systematic.
Q28318920Lactitol or lactulose in the treatment of chronic hepatic encephalopathy: results of a meta-analysis
Q61577524Lactitol versus lactulose in the treatment of acute portal systemic encephalopathy (PSE)
Q33471561Lactitol versus lactulose in the treatment of chronic hepatic encephalopathy. A double-blind, randomised, cross-over study
Q45019764Lactitol vs. lactulose in the treatment of acute hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients: a double-blind, randomized trial
Q70221905Lactitol vs. lactulose in the treatment of chronic recurrent portal-systemic encephalopathy
Q69905329Lactitol, lactulose, and blood ammonia
Q69909422Lactitol, lactulose, and blood ammonia
Q62056607Lactosamine from lactulose via the Heyns rearrangement: a practical protocol
Q88084717Lactose electroisomerization into lactulose: effect of the electrode material, active membrane surface area-to-electrode surface area ratio, and interelectrode-membrane distance
Q72126189Lactulose (Chronulac) for constipation
Q67860984Lactulose (cephulac) in portosystemic encephalopathy
Q48052838Lactulose Breath Test Gas Production in Childhood IBS Is Associated With Intestinal Transit and Bowel Movement Frequency.
Q63199359Lactulose Breath Test to Assess Oro-cecal Transit Delay and Estimate Esophageal Dysmotility in Scleroderma Patients
Q92675047Lactulose Breath Testing Can Be a Positive Predictor Before Weight Gain in Participants with Obesity Submitted to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Q91117798Lactulose Breath Testing as a Predictor of Response to Rifaximin in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Diarrhea
Q35817564Lactulose Challenge Determines Visceral Sensitivity and Severity of Symptoms in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Q36082987Lactulose Differently Modulates the Composition of Luminal and Mucosal Microbiota in C57BL/6J Mice
Q44616982Lactulose Enemas
Q36747480Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test Result Is Associated with Age and Gender
Q40356862Lactulose Is Associated With Decreased Risk of Clostridium difficile Infection in Decompensated Cirrhosis
Q91248073Lactulose Management of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy: A Systematic Review
Q44594261Lactulose Reduces Intracolonic Acetaldehyde Concentration and Ethanol Elimination Rate in Rats
Q96136886Lactulose Suppresses Osteoclastogenesis and Ameliorates Estrogen Deficiency-Induced Bone Loss in Mice
Q33471970Lactulose Syrup Assessed in a Double-Blind Study of Elderly Constipated Patients
Q39073380Lactulose Therapy in Shigella Carrier State and Acute Dysentery
Q48858007Lactulose Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Outpatients
Q84081533Lactulose a day keeps encephalopathy at bay
Q86787688Lactulose accelerates liver regeneration in rats by inducing hydrogen
Q45172904Lactulose ameliorates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats by inducing hydrogen by activating Nrf2 expression
Q34057157Lactulose and Lactobacillus plantarum, a potential complementary synbiotic to control postweaning colibacillosis in piglets
Q98734230Lactulose and Melibiose Attenuate MPTP-Induced Parkinson's Disease in Mice by Inhibition of Oxidative Stress, Reduction of Neuroinflammation and Up-Regulation of Autophagy
Q95323070Lactulose and Melibiose Inhibit α-Synuclein Aggregation and Up-Regulate Autophagy to Reduce Neuronal Vulnerability
Q69909487Lactulose and ammonia
Q41168195Lactulose and combination therapy of hepatic encephalopathy: the role of the intestinal microflora
Q72810261Lactulose and mannitol as probe markers for in vivo assessment of passive intestinal permeability in healthy cats
Q46985830Lactulose and mannitol intestinal permeability detected by capillary electrophoresis
Q77688964Lactulose and neomycin attenuate leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion in an animal model of inflammatory bowel disease
Q72544764Lactulose and other non-absorbable sugars in infant milk feeds
Q41466160Lactulose and renal failure
Q69804346Lactulose and severe lactic acidosis
Q57436121Lactulose as a marker of intestinal barrier function in pigs after weaning1
Q89059995Lactulose as a novel template for anticancer drug development targeting galectins
Q69374694Lactulose as an anti-endotoxin in liver transplantation
Q71884752Lactulose as an antiendotoxin in experimental colitis
Q52650539Lactulose attenuates METH-induced neurotoxicity by alleviating the impaired autophagy, stabilizing the perturbed antioxidant system and suppressing apoptosis in rat striatum.
Q82588921Lactulose biosynthesis by β-galactosidase from a newly isolated Arthrobacter sp
Q46944578Lactulose breath test results in patients with persistent abdominal symptoms following Giardia lamblia infection
Q46315990Lactulose breath testing and irritable bowel syndrome
Q46678855Lactulose breath testing does not discriminate patients with irritable bowel syndrome from healthy controls
Q44729241Lactulose breath testing, bacterial overgrowth, and IBS: just a lot of hot air?
Q47850724Lactulose decreases neuronal activation and attenuates motor behavioral deficits in hyperammonemic rats
Q88360506Lactulose determination in UHT milk by CZE-UV with indirect detection
Q68257405Lactulose detoxifies in vitro short-chain fatty acid production in colonic contents induced by blood: implications for hepatic coma
Q90134544Lactulose drives a reversible reduction and qualitative modulation of the faecal microbiota diversity in healthy dogs
Q69468429Lactulose enemas
Q49997865Lactulose enemas in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. Do we help or harm?
Q36222808Lactulose enhances neuroplasticity to improve cognitive function in early hepatic encephalopathy.
Q42477659Lactulose feeding in piglets: a model for persistent diarrhea and colitis induced by severe sugar malabsorption
Q35929321Lactulose feeding lowers cecal densities of clostridia in piglets
Q66903253Lactulose for hepatic encephalopathy
Q36020921Lactulose for minimal hepatic encephalopathy in patients with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction
Q85260876Lactulose for reduction of nitrogen products in patients with chronic kidney disease
Q61454255Lactulose for the treatment of Chinese children with chronic constipation: A randomized controlled trial
Q44898117Lactulose hydrogen and [14C]xylose breath tests in patients with ileoanal anastomosis
Q51432735Lactulose hydrogen breath test and functional symptoms in pediatric patients.
Q72048477Lactulose hydrogen breath test in orocecal transit assessment. Critical evaluation by means of scintigraphic method
Q45130807Lactulose hydrogen breath test in the diagnosis of bacterial overgrowth
Q92861868Lactulose improves cognition, quality of life, and gut microbiota in minimal hepatic encephalopathy: A multicenter, randomized controlled trial
Q34576485Lactulose improves cognitive functions and health-related quality of life in patients with cirrhosis who have minimal hepatic encephalopathy
Q73094796Lactulose improves psychometric testing in cirrhotic patients with subclinical encephalopathy
Q67021644Lactulose in baby milks
Q67574282Lactulose in baby milks causing diarrhoea simulating lactose intolerance
Q41092752Lactulose in clinical use.
Q83201115Lactulose in fat-free milk, rather than increased ghrelin and motilin level, might help for solving constipation: author update
Q69931058Lactulose in hepatic encephalopathy
Q71623108Lactulose in liver failure
Q35466505Lactulose in the management of constipation: a current review
Q43983607Lactulose in the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection.
Q69647717Lactulose in the therapy of porto-systemic encephalopathy
Q48822132Lactulose in the treatment of acute and chronic hepatic encephalopathy
Q47958015Lactulose in the treatment of acute hepatic encephalopathy
Q72603669Lactulose in the treatment of chronic hepatic encephalopathy: report of three cases
Q47792483Lactulose in the treatment of chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy. A double-blind clinical trial
Q39183199Lactulose in the treatment of hepatic (pre)coma
Q84600560Lactulose in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy: new evidence for an old modality
Q70705269Lactulose in the treatment of portacaval encephalopathy
Q48925251Lactulose in the treatment of portal-systemic encephalopathy. Report of a symposium.
Q68478690Lactulose in the treatment of symptomatic diverticular disease: a comparative study with high-fibre diet
Q44347870Lactulose in treatment of hepatic encephalopathy in patient with liver cirrhosis
Q69588435Lactulose in trimethylaminuria, the fish-odour syndrome
Q67055140Lactulose in vincristine-induced constipation
Q27312447Lactulose increases equol production and improves liver antioxidant status in barrows treated with Daidzein
Q104739090Lactulose ingestion causes an increase in the abundance of gut-resident bifidobacteria in Japanese women: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial
Q77734187Lactulose ingestion has No effect on plasma acetate in dogs studied with [1-13C] acetate
Q33431282Lactulose ingestion increases faecal bifidobacterial counts: a randomised double-blind study in healthy humans.
Q28334317Lactulose inhibits endotoxin induced tumour necrosis factor production by monocytes. An in vitro study
Q30461931Lactulose interferes in the alkaline picrate assay for creatinine
Q86367000Lactulose is highly potential in prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis and upper gastrointestinal bleeding: results of a controlled randomized trial
Q85828768Lactulose leaves the leaky gut
Q51679154Lactulose lowers arterial ammonia in hepatic failure
Q28362351Lactulose may help prevent urinary tract infections
Q104472611Lactulose may reduce Clostridium difficile-related diarrhea among patients receiving antibiotics
Q46018290Lactulose mediates suppression of dextran sodium sulfate-induced colon inflammation by increasing hydrogen production.
Q70877027Lactulose or lactose in hepatic encephalopathy?
Q72483767Lactulose or paromomycin do not affect ammonia generation in the isolated perfused rat small intestine
Q43351259Lactulose oral solution for the treatment of postpartum constipation
Q40487967Lactulose production by a thermostable glycoside hydrolase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Caldivirga maquilingensis IC-167.
Q44691863Lactulose production by beta-galactosidase in permeabilized cells of Kluyveromyces lactis
Q51625483Lactulose production from cheese whey using recyclable catalyst ammonium carbonate.
Q48799041Lactulose production from efficient isomerization of lactose catalyzed by recyclable sodium aluminate
Q82709735Lactulose production from lactose as a single substrate by a thermostable cellobiose 2-epimerase from Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus
Q57220800Lactulose production from milk concentration permeate using calcium carbonate-based catalysts
Q35062183Lactulose promotes equol production and changes the microbial community during in vitro fermentation of daidzein by fecal inocula of sows
Q87843650Lactulose reduces bacterial DNA translocation, which worsens neurocognitive shape in cirrhotic patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy
Q77995359Lactulose stimulates calcium absorption in postmenopausal women
Q90996394Lactulose synergizes with CpG-ODN to modulate epithelial and immune cells cross talk
Q70632683Lactulose therapy in chronic renal failure
Q69365940Lactulose therapy of periodontal diseases
Q71470566Lactulose therapy of the hepatoportal Encephalopathy
Q64117086Lactulose to the Rescue: A Case of Toxic Hepatic Encephalopathy Caused by Portosystemic Shunting and Epistaxis in a Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
Q81319593Lactulose treatment for hepatic encephalopathy, gastrointestinal symptoms, and health-related quality of life
Q70463521Lactulose treatment in three patients with chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy
Q48919350Lactulose treatment of chronic hepatoportal encephalopathy. A clinical and electroencephalographic study
Q48953086Lactulose treatment of hepatic encephalopathy: effects on carbohydrate metabolism and colonic hydrogen ion concentration
Q42904596Lactulose use in bowel preparation before pediatric colonoscopy
Q24236813Lactulose versus Polyethylene Glycol for Chronic Constipation
Q24242671Lactulose versus Polyethylene Glycol for Chronic Constipation
Q92433081Lactulose versus polyethylene glycol for disimpaction therapy in constipated children, a randomized controlled study
Q87237494Lactulose vs Polyethylene Glycol for Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q95370877Lactulose vs Polyethylene Glycol for Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q87237498Lactulose vs Polyethylene Glycol for Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy-Reply
Q38423365Lactulose vs polyethylene glycol 3350--electrolyte solution for treatment of overt hepatic encephalopathy: the HELP randomized clinical trial
Q73781135Lactulose vs sorbitol for treatment of obstipation in hospice programs
Q70288908Lactulose, 51Cr-labelled ethylenediaminetetra-acetate, L-rhamnose and polyethyleneglycol 400 [corrected] as probe markers for assessment in vivo of human intestinal permeability
Q41494458Lactulose, disaccharides and colonic flora. Clinical consequences
Q40913091Lactulose, lactic acid bacteria, intestinal microecology and mucosal protection
Q38070363Lactulose, rifaximin or branched chain amino acids for hepatic encephalopathy: what is the evidence?
Q91654309Lactulose: A Model System to Investigate Solid State Amorphization Induced by Milling
Q47885367Lactulose: A Simple Sugar in a Complex Encephalopathy
Q39185197Lactulose: A drug in search of a modus operandi
Q94493622Lactulose: Mannitol Test as an Indicator of a Potential Modifier of the Effect of Specialized Nutritious Foods in the Treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition in Sierra Leone (P10-122-19)
Q92600785Lactulose: Patient- and dose-dependent prebiotic properties in humans
Q71953140Lactulose: a crucial element in treating hepatic encephalopathy
Q70107569Lactulose: a gas-liquid chromatography method of determination and evaluation of its use to assess intestinal mucosal damage
Q39920415Lactulose: a review of its therapeutic and pharmacological properties with particular reference to ammonia metabolism and its mode of action of portal systemic encephalopathy
Q41840451Lactulose: an effective preventive and therapeutic option for ischemic stroke by production of hydrogen
Q71052835Lactulose: an ideal laxative for children
Q82239371Lactulose: an indirect antioxidant ameliorating inflammatory bowel disease by increasing hydrogen production
Q48720872Lactulose: comments on mechanism of action and current status
Q84902523Lactulose: how many ways can one drug be prescribed?
Q30409601Lactulose: mannitol diagnostic test by HPLC and LC-MSMS platforms: considerations for field studies of intestinal barrier function and environmental enteropathy
Q68247807Lactulose: pharmacodynamic evaluation
Q37920381Lactulose: production, purification and potential applications
Q44543465Lactulose: toxicological evaluation
Q43352702Laxation of critically ill patients with lactulose or polyethylene glycol: a two-center randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Q87578649Letter: probiotics vs. lactulose for minimal hepatic encephalopathy therapy
Q87578651Letter: probiotics vs. lactulose for minimal hepatic encephalopathy therapy--authors' reply
Q93074861Long-Term Effect of Rifaximin with and without Lactulose on the Active Bacterial Assemblages in the Proximal Small Bowel and Faeces in Patients with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q52014877Long-term effects of Enterococcus faecium SF68 versus lactulose in the treatment of patients with cirrhosis and grade 1-2 hepatic encephalopathy.
Q44530370Long-term efficacy of lactulose in patients with subclinical hepatic encephalopathy
Q64890901Long-term management of hepatic encephalopathy with lactulose and/or rifaximin: a review of the evidence.
Q43144206Low serum levels of short-chain fatty acids after lactulose ingestion may indicate impaired colonic fermentation in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Q46863102Low-dose lactulose produces a tonic contraction in the human colon.
Q44259746Lower frequency of MMC is found in IBS subjects with abnormal lactulose breath test, suggesting bacterial overgrowth
Q41987205Lowered prevalence of infection with lactulose therapy in patients in long-term hospital care
Q51595664Lowering effects of a preparation containing fibres and lactulose on glucose and insulin levels in obesity.
Q59137457METH-Induced Neurotoxicity Is Alleviated by Lactulose Pretreatment Through Suppressing Oxidative Stress and Neuroinflammation in Rat Striatum
Q54343620MR enterography with oral contrast agent composed of methylcellulose, low-dose barium sulfate, sorbitol, and lactulose: assessment of diagnostic performance, reliability, image quality, and patient tolerance.
Q51796902Maillard conjugation of lactulose with potentially bioactive peptides.
Q72155656Marked deterioration in glycemic control with change in brand of lactulose syrup
Q51628199Measurement of intestinal permeability to mannitol and lactulose as a means of diagnosing food allergy and evaluating therapeutic effectiveness of disodium cromoglycate.
Q92498308Measurement of intestinal permeability using lactulose and mannitol with conventional five hours and shortened two hours urine collection by two different methods: HPAE-PAD and LC-MSMS
Q28377346Measurement of intestinal permeability using mannitol and lactulose in children with diarrheal diseases
Q28370712Measurement of small intestinal permeability markers, lactulose, and mannitol in serum: results in celiac disease
Q46306562Measurement of the orocaecal transit time after an oral lactulose load--does the fasting breath hydrogen concentration affect the feasibility of the test?
Q44924808Megacolon during treatment with lactulose
Q35802519Mesalazine release from a pH dependent formulation: effects of omeprazole and lactulose co-administration
Q44367935Methane production during lactulose breath test is associated with gastrointestinal disease presentation
Q73191367Method development for the quantitative determination of lactulose in heat-treated milks by HPAEC with pulsed amperometric detection
Q63968586Microbiota stability in healthy individuals after single-dose lactulose challenge - a randomized controlled study
Q57788665Microbiota stability in healthy individuals after single-dose lactulose challenge-A randomized controlled study
Q51540254Microwave-assisted isomerisation of lactose to lactulose and Maillard conjugation of lactulose and lactose with whey proteins and peptides.
Q56485420Milk lactose and lactulose determination by the differential pH technique
Q92504912Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in Indians: Psychometric Hepatic Encephalopathy Score and Inhibitory Control Test for Diagnosis and Rifaximin or Lactulose for Its Reversal
Q64997016Modern approach for determination of lactulose, mannitol and sucrose in human urine using HPLC-MS/MS for the studies of intestinal and upper digestive tract permeability.
Q104455608Modulation of gut microbiota and intestinal metabolites by lactulose improves loperamide-induced constipation in mice
Q63391480Modulation of the intestinal ecosystem by probiotics and lactulose in children during treatment with ceftriaxone
Q35023584Molecular monitoring of the fecal microbiota of healthy human subjects during administration of lactulose and Saccharomyces boulardii
Q91225634Morphological and Structural Properties of Amorphous Lactulose Studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy, Polarized Neutron Scattering, and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Q64239814Morphological and molecular response of small intestine to lactulose and hydrogen-rich water in female piglets fed mycotoxins contaminated diet
Q43010311Multistrain probiotic and lactulose in the treatment of minimal hepatic encephalopathy.
Q40918214Neomycin-sorbitol and lactulose in the treatment of acute portal-systemic encephalopathy. A controlled, double-blind clinical trial
Q69910811New mode of action for lactulose
Q72867141New reactions of dextransucrase: α-d-glucosyl transfers to and from the anomeric sites of lactulose and fructose
Q33437214Nightly high dose lactulose infusion could be a cost-effective treatment for hepatic encephalopathy, renal insufficiency and heart failure
Q44900141Nitrogen in fecal bacterial, fiber, and soluble fractions of patients with cirrhosis: effects of lactulose and lactulose plus neomycin.
Q24185782Non-absorbable disaccharides versus placebo/no intervention and lactulose versus lactitol for the prevention and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy in people with cirrhosis
Q24185895Non-absorbable disaccharides versus placebo/no intervention and lactulose versus lactitol for the prevention and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy in people with cirrhosis
Q61687720Normalization of lactulose breath testing correlates with symptom improvement in irritable bowel syndrome a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
Q44318836Normalization of lactulose breath testing correlates with symptom improvement in irritable bowel syndrome. a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
Q38841972Novel Lactulose and Melibiose Targeting Autophagy to Reduce PolyQ Aggregation in Cell Models of Spinocerebellar Ataxia 3.
Q44675268Nutritional status and breath hydrogen test with lactose and lactulose in Terena Indian children
Q44675263Nutritional status and breath hydrogen test with lactose and lactulose in children
Q36412162Observations on the curative effect of lactulose for postpartum constipation based on a large sample study
Q72213370On the action mechanism of lactulose in hepatic coma--clarification of colon urease activity using C-14 urea in rats
Q86403602Optimisation of synthesis of oligosaccharides derived from lactulose (fructosyl-galacto-oligosaccharides) with β-galactosidases of different origin
Q53343940Optimization of lactulose synthesis from whey lactose by immobilized β-galactosidase and glucose isomerase.
Q46576255Oral administration of lactulose: a novel therapy for acute carbon monoxide poisoning via increasing intestinal hydrogen production
Q46052385Oral chenodeoxycholic acid increases small intestinal permeability to lactulose in humans.
Q39939518Organization of nocturnal sleep in patients with liver cirrhosis: changes before and after treatment with levodopa and lactulose
Q73736472Orthograde whole gut irrigation with mannite versus paromomycine + lactulose as prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis and upper gastrointestinal bleeding: results of a controlled randomized trial
Q90475433Outcome of non-surgical dietary treatment with or without lactulose in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts
Q92678748Outcomes of lactulose plus branched-chain amino acid infusion and lactulose alone for hepatic encephalopathy: A retrospective cohort study using a national inpatient database
Q35826009Overanticoagulation associated with combined use of lactulose and acenocoumarol or phenprocoumon
Q24685783PEG 3350 (Transipeg) versus lactulose in the treatment of childhood functional constipation: a double blind, randomised, controlled, multicentre trial
Q58089305PEG 3350 Versus Lactulose for Treatment of Functional Constipation in Children: Randomized Study
Q28337550Pancreatic islet cell surface glycoproteins containing Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc-R identified by a cytotoxic monoclonal autoantibody
Q89070664Patient Acceptance of Lactulose Varies Between Indian and American Cohorts: Implications for Comparing and Designing Global Hepatic Encephalopathy Trials
Q46772457Peroral CT enterography with lactulose solution: preliminary observations
Q64984380Pharmacoeconomic Impact of Low-Dose Macrogol 3350 plus Electrolytes Compared with Lactulose in the Management of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation among Ambulant Patients in Belgium.
Q38293783Pharmacological inhibition of galectin-1 by lactulose alleviates weight gain in diet-induced obese rats
Q90959668Phenylboronic Acid Functionalized Adsorbents for Selective and Reversible Adsorption of Lactulose from Syrup Mixtures
Q42529006Physical exercise and intermittent administration of lactulose may improve autism symptoms through hydrogen production
Q44845678Physiological effects of lactulose and inulin in the caecum of rats
Q51792651Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis following lactulose and steroid treatment in a liver transplant patient with an intermittently enlarged scrotum.
Q37641048Polyethylene Glycol and Lactulose versus Lactulose Alone in the Treatment of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients with Cirrhosis: A Non-Inferiority Randomized Controlled Trial
Q92129306Polyethylene Glycol vs. Lactulose in Infants and Children with Functional Constipation: Evidence-Based Medicine Viewpoint
Q92129312Polyethylene Glycol vs. Lactulose in Infants and Children with Functional Constipation: Pediatric Gastroenterologist's Viewpoint
Q83149183Polyethylene glycol 4000 vs. lactulose for the treatment of neurogenic constipation in myelomeningocele children: a randomized-controlled clinical trial
Q39268985Polyethylene glycol more effective than lactulose for relief of chronic constipation
Q41404397Porcine intestinal ammonia liberation. Influence of food intake, lactulose and neomycin treatment
Q34396164Portal and peripheral blood short chain fatty acid concentrations after caecal lactulose instillation at surgery
Q71061954Portal systemic encephalopathy--should lactulose and neomycin be used together
Q70613068Portal systemic encephalopathy-sorbitol--a potential replacement for lactulose
Q44618518Possible interesting dietetic effects of lactulose as a feed additive in pig feed
Q43028034Prebiotic effect of lactulose in preterm infants.
Q92311428Prebiotic effect of two grams of lactulose in healthy Japanese women: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial
Q96645463Prebiotic galactooligosaccharides production from lactose and lactulose by Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CRL450
Q45953153Predictors of nonresponse to lactulose for minimal hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis.
Q43222247Predictors of nonresponse to lactulose in patients with cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy
Q69397780Preliminary study of the use of lactulose (1,4-beta-galactoside-fructose) in the long-term treatment of portal systemic encephalopathy
Q52585759Preparation of High-purity Lactulose through Efficient Recycle of Catalyst Sodium Aluminate and Nanofiltration: A Pilot-scale Purification.
Q51598519Prevalence and consistency of low breath H2 excretion following lactulose ingestion. Possible implications for the clinical use of the H2 breath test.
Q45285907Preventative effects of lactulose in the trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid model of rat colitis
Q72908722Prevention of cholesterol gallstones by lignin and lactulose in the hamster
Q104609738Prevention of hepatic encephalopathy by administration of rifaximin and lactulose in patients with liver cirrhosis undergoing placement of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS): a multicentre randomised, double blind, placebo contro
Q70153882Prevention of postoperative renal dysfunction in patients with obstructive jaundice: a multicentre study of bile salts and lactulose
Q84164852Primary prophylaxis of overt hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis: an open labeled randomized controlled trial of lactulose versus no lactulose
Q42535168Probiotic and lactulose: influence on gastrointestinal flora and pH value in minimal hepatic encephalopathy rats.
Q41839416Probiotics and antibiotic associated diarrhoea. Lactulose is effective
Q85582404Production of 1-lactulose and lactulose using commercial β-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis in the presence of fructose
Q58030967Production of lactulose oligosaccharides by isomerisation of transgalactosylated cheese whey permeate obtained by β-galactosidases from dairy Kluyveromyces
Q52229929Production rate of acetate during colonic fermentation of lactulose: a stable-isotope study in humans.
Q34996031Profile of hepatic encephalopathy in children with cirrhosis and response to lactulose
Q47561074Promising Prebiotic Candidate Established by Evaluation of Lactitol, Lactulose, Raffinose, and Oligofructose for Maintenance of a Lactobacillus-Dominated Vaginal Microbiota.
Q82724683Prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy in acute variceal bleed: a randomized controlled trial of lactulose versus no lactulose
Q83988811Prospective randomized crossover trial comparing fibre with lactulose in the treatment of idiopathic chronic constipation
Q44841392Prospective, randomized, parallel-group trial to evaluate the effects of lactulose and polyethylene glycol-4000 on colonic flora in chronic idiopathic constipation.
Q45104385Protective effect of lactulose on dextran sulfate sodium-induced colonic inflammation in rats
Q50136217Protective effects of dietary lactulose and calcium phosphate against Salmonella infection
Q58040763Protective effects of prebiotics inulin and lactulose from cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in human colon adenocarcinoma cells
Q53466356Protective role of lactulose in intestinal carcinogenesis.
Q48358873Proton MR spectroscopic measurement of neurometabolites in hepatic encephalopathy during oral lactulose therapy.
Q43260317Proton pump inhibitor therapy does not affect hydrogen production on lactulose breath test in subjects with IBS.
Q71202583Pulmonary hydrogen and methane and plasma ammonia after the administration of lactulose or sorbitol
Q59503277Purification of Lactulose from Mixtures with Lactose Using Pressurized Liquid Extraction with Ethanol−Water at Different Temperatures
Q85803125Randomised controlled trial of lactulose versus rifaximin for prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with acute variceal bleed
Q51045284Randomized controlled trial comparing lactulose plus albumin versus lactulose alone for treatment of hepatic encephalopathy.
Q91574341Randomized controlled trial of polyethylene glycol versus lactulose for the treatment of overt hepatic encephalopathy
Q58287657Rapid Determination of Lactulose in Milk Using Seliwanoff's Reaction
Q92568721Rapid HPLC method for monitoring of lactulose production with a high yield
Q67289922Rapid and simultaneous determination of lactulose and mannitol in urine, by HPLC with pulsed amperometric detection, for use in studies of intestinal permeability
Q42557473Rapid and simultaneous quantification of rhamnose, mannitol, and lactulose in urine by HPLC for estimating intestinal permeability in pediatric practice
Q60290579Rapid determination of lactulose in milk by microdialysis and biosensors
Q72188062Rapid gas-chromatographic assay of lactulose and mannitol for estimating intestinal permeability
Q38303615Rapid small intestinal permeability assay based on riboflavin and lactulose detected by bis-boronic acid appended benzyl viologens
Q92245914Ratio of Lactulose to Furosine as Indicator of Quality of Commercial Milks
Q36088033Recent advances on prebiotic lactulose production.
Q42627988Reducing effect of calcium in combination with magnesium and lactulose on body fat mass in middle-aged Japanese women
Q91645977Reevaluating our understanding of lactulose breath tests by incorporating hydrogen sulfide measurements
Q43143733Regular lactulose use is associated with lower peritonitis rates: an observational study
Q70678710Relationship between refractive index and dry-substance content for lactulose syrups
Q33449179Relationships among the lactulose breath test, intestinal gas volume, and gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
Q41954671Repeatability of lactulose hydrogen breath test in subjects with normal or prolonged orocecal transit
Q72151154Repeatability of the sugar-absorption test, using lactulose and mannitol, for measuring intestinal permeability for sugars
Q53247056Repeated-batch operation for the synthesis of lactulose with β-galactosidase immobilized by aggregation and crosslinking.
Q69502689Reproducible lactulose hydrogen breath test as a measure of mouth-to-cecum transit time
Q36053291Revealing the combined effects of lactulose and probiotic enterococci on the swine faecal microbiota using 454 pyrosequencing
Q35934935Review: lactulose or lactitol may improve hepatic encephalopathy but may be less effective than antibiotics
Q37327505Review: rifaximin is equally or more effective than other antibiotics and lactulose for hepatic encephalopathy.
Q33456102Rifaximin treatment for the irritable bowel syndrome with a positive lactulose hydrogen breath test improves symptoms for at least 3 months
Q33465655Rifaximin vs. lactulose in treatment of minimal hepatic encephalopathy
Q102979876Role of Lactulose Rhamnose Permeability Test in Assessing Small Bowel Mucosal Damage in Children with Celiac Disease
Q35693125Role of gut bacteria in the therapy of hepatic encephalopathy with lactulose and antibiotics.
Q88781758Safe and effective administration of lactulose retention enema in the ED using specialized rectal medication administration catheter
Q28256089Safety and efficacy of a bulk laxative containing senna versus lactulose in the treatment of chronic constipation in geriatric patients
Q47148948Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to lactulose and decreasing potentially pathogenic gastro-intestinal microorganisms (ID 806) and reduction in intestinal transit time (ID 807) pursuant to Article 13(1) of Regulatio...
Q84403028Secondary prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhosis: an open-label, randomized controlled trial of lactulose, probiotics, and no therapy
Q34985317Secondary prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy: an open-label randomized controlled trial of lactulose versus placebo
Q92817539Sensory profile and technological characterization of boneless dry-cured ham with lactulose added as a prebiotic
Q61695394Severe allergic reaction to lactulose in a child with milk allergy
Q44211909Short duration exercise increases breath hydrogen excretion after lactulose ingestion: description of a new phenomenon
Q69575330Short term effect of lactulose therapy in patients with chronic renal failure
Q96346106Short-course Rifaximin therapy efficacy and lactulose hydrogen breath test in Chinese patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome
Q59111411Simultaneous Determination of Lactulose and Lactose in Conserved Milk by HPLC-RID
Q77085999Simultaneous HPLC determination with light-scattering detection of lactulose and mannitol in studies of intestinal permeability in pediatrics
Q67562996Simultaneous administration of lactulose and 51Cr-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. A test to distinguish colonic from small-intestinal permeability change
Q43519229Simultaneous determination of lactulose and mannitol in urine of burn patients by gas-liquid chromatography
Q44668741Simultaneous gas-chromatographic measurement of rhamnose, lactulose and sucrose and their application in the testing gastrointestinal permeability
Q92612015Simultaneous hydrolysis of cheese whey and lactulose production catalyzed by β-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis NRRL Y1564
Q70598649Simultaneous quantification of mannitol, 3-O-methyl glucose, and lactulose in urine by HPLC with pulsed electrochemical detection, for use in studies of intestinal permeability
Q85388372Simultaneous synthesis of mixtures of lactulose and galacto-oligosaccharides and their selective fermentation
Q47592533Sleep disturbances in patients of liver cirrhosis with minimal hepatic encephalopathy before and after lactulose therapy
Q67888857Small bowel transit time measured with native lactulose breath hydrogen test
Q34410185Small intestinal permeability to mannitol and lactulose in the three ethnic groups resident in west Birmingham
Q70493470Small intestinal permeability to mannitol, lactulose, and polyethylene glycol 400 in celiac disease
Q72116253Sodium benzoate and lactulose for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
Q36195620Some instrumental methods applied in food chemistry to characterise lactulose and lactobionic acid
Q43844648Some observations of the use of lactulose in the treatment of obstipation in geriatric patients
Q48924719Some observations on the effects of treatment with lactulose on patients with chronic hepatic encephalopathy
Q49082130Spectral electroencephalogram in liver cirrhosis with minimal hepatic encephalopathy before and after lactulose therapy
Q71834442Spectrophotometric determination of lactulose
Q84013377Spirulina enhances the viability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus E/N after freeze-drying in a protective medium of sucrose and lactulose
Q87096257Stability of oligosaccharides derived from lactulose during the processing of milk and apple juice
Q33717298Standardising the lactulose mannitol test of gut permeability to minimise error and promote comparability
Q68253267Starch absorption by healthy man evaluated by lactulose hydrogen breath test
Q28371990Stool water content and colonic drug absorption: contrasting effects of lactulose and codeine
Q35815166Studies of osmotic diarrhea induced in normal subjects by ingestion of polyethylene glycol and lactulose
Q34493855Studies on breath methane: the effect of ethnic origins and lactulose
Q44841729Studies on intestinal permeability of cirrhotic patients by analysis lactulose and mannitol in urine with HPLC/RID/MS.
Q44217502Studies on lactulose formulations for colon-specific drug delivery
Q44179060Study of lactulose oxidation by periodic acid
Q42508815Sub chronic toxicity studies of lactulose in rats.
Q90388841Subtype Classification of Functional Constipation in Child: PEG versus Lactulose
Q28331136Successful use of vancomycin hydrochloride in the treatment of lactulose resistant chronic hepatic encephalopathy
Q89738240Sustainable Electroisomerization of Lactose into Lactulose and Comparison with the Chemical Isomerization at Equivalent Solution Alkalinity
Q92071162Sustainable Valorization of Whey by Electroactivation Technology for In Situ Isomerization of Lactose into Lactulose: Comparison between Electroactivation and Chemical Processes at Equivalent Solution Alkalinity
Q47629252Synbiotic formulation of probiotic and lactulose combination for hepatic encephalopathy treatment: a realistic hope?
Q58040754Synbiotics: the impact of potential prebiotics inulin, lactulose and lactobionic acid on the survival and growth of lactobacilli probiotics
Q97646072Synthesis of Lactulose in Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor With β-Galactosidase of Apergillus oryzae Immobilized in Monofunctional Glyoxyl Agarose Support
Q38808198Synthesis of Oligosaccharides Derived from Lactulose (OsLu) Using Soluble and Immobilized Aspergillus oryzae β-Galactosidase
Q57129425Synthesis of galacto-oligosaccharides derived from lactulose by wild-type and mutant β-galactosidase enzymes from Bacillus circulans ATCC 31382
Q61444538Synthesis of galacto-oligosaccharides derived from lactulose by wild-type and mutant β-galactosidase enzymes from Bacillus circulans ATCC 31382
Q51017723Synthesis of lactulose in batch and repeated-batch operation with immobilized β-galactosidase in different agarose functionalized supports.
Q46644920Synthesis of oligosaccharides derived from lactulose and pectinex ultra SP-L.
Q57279508Synthesis of prebiotic galactooligosaccharides from lactose and lactulose by dairy propionibacteria
Q38318939Synthetic lactulose amines: novel class of anticancer agents that induce tumor-cell apoptosis and inhibit galectin-mediated homotypic cell aggregation and endothelial cell morphogenesis
Q64128700Targeting the Gut Microbiota to Investigate the Mechanism of Lactulose in Negating the Effects of a High-Salt Diet on Hypertension
Q72313117Tests with a milk formula containing lactulose for the feeding of newborns
Q60199021The Effect of Lactulose and Lactitol Administration on Fecal Fat Excretion in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
Q52724032The Effect of Lactulose on the Faecal Flora of Patients With Hepatic Encephalopathy
Q63242408The Effect of Lactulose on the Survival of Lactobacillus rhamnosus in the Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME) and in vivo
Q36979345The Effect of the Gelatinous Lactulose for Postoperative Bowel Movement in the Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section
Q89509548The Efficacy of Lactulose for the Treatment of Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy Due to Severe Heart Failure
Q43934378The H2-lactulose breath test in the study of functional colonopathies
Q88521531The Heyns Rearrangement Revisited: An Exceptionally Simple Two-Step Chemical Synthesis of D-Lactosamine from Lactulose
Q46642364The Lactulose Breath Test in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Is It All Hot Air?
Q41590437The Lactulose Hydrogen Breath Test as a Diagnostic Test for Small-Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth
Q88044927The North American Consensus on Breath Testing: The Controversial Diagnostic Role of Lactulose in SIBO
Q89492627The advantage of polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution combined with lactulose in patients with long interval preparation-to-colonoscopy
Q47560763The association between a positive lactulose methane breath test and rectocele in constipated patients
Q33451768The characteristics of the positivity to the lactulose breath test in patients with abdominal bloating
Q43249285The cost-effectiveness of macrogol 3350 compared to lactulose in the treatment of adults suffering from chronic constipation in the UK.
Q28332903The degradation of amino acids, proteins, and blood to short-chain fatty acids in colon is prevented by lactulose
Q38346364The effect of (a) neomycin and lactulose treatment on systemic and portal serum GABA levels in rats and (b) pH changes on [3H] GABA binding to isolated rat hepatocytes
Q51327931The effect of aspirin and smoking on urinary excretion profiles of lactulose and mannitol in young women: toward a dynamic, aspirin augmented, test of gut mucosal permeability.
Q53578739The effect of dietary lactulose on experimental large bowel cancer.
Q93689956The effect of dose and osmolality of lactulose on the oral-caecal transit time determined by the hydrogen breath test and the reproducibility of the test in normal subjects
Q50769768The effect of ingested lactulose on absorption of L-rhamnose, D-xylose, and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose in subjects with ileostomies.
Q63242398The effect of lactose derivatives lactulose, lactitol and lactobionic acid on the functional and technological properties of potentially probiotic Lactobacillus strains
Q93554842The effect of lactulose in prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)
Q71622895The effect of lactulose on DNA damage induced by DMH in the colon of human flora-associated rats
Q52091648The effect of lactulose on psychomotor performance tests in alcoholic cirrhotics without overt hepatic encephalopathy.
Q93554968The effect of lactulose on tolerance of gastric feeding in long term ICU patients
Q41682774The effect of lactulose on urea metabolism and nitrogen excretion in cirrhotic patients
Q37291959The effect of lactulose supplementation on fecal microflora of patients with chronic kidney disease; a randomized clinical trial
Q45891201The effect of lactulose, pectin, arabinogalactan and cellulose on the production of organic acids and metabolism of ammonia by intestinal bacteria in a faecal incubation system
Q28317480The effect of oral-administered lactulose on colonic nitrogen metabolism and excretion
Q98466000The effects of concurrent treatment of silymarin and lactulose on memory changes in cirrhotic male rats
Q43251341The effects of lactulose supplementation to enteral feedings in premature infants: a pilot study
Q73215312The effects of sodium deoxycholate, lactulose and glutamine on bacterial translocation in common bile duct ligated rats
Q74508070The electroanalysis of mannitol, xylose and lactulose at copper electrodes: voltammetric studies and bioanalysis in human urine by means of HPLC with electrochemical detection
Q71602272The fermentation of lactulose by colonic bacteria
Q46189349The immunomodulatory effect of lactulose on Enterococcus faecium fed preruminant calves.
Q43315083The influence of ispaghula husk and lactulose on the in vivo and the in vitro production capacity of short-chain fatty acids in humans
Q43431051The lactulose breath hydrogen test and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
Q46308126The lactulose breath test (LBT): modified, but still a lot of hot air?
Q46678858The lactulose breath test for diagnosing SIBO in IBS patients: another nail in the coffin
Q67914944The lactulose challenge. Part 1. On the cholesterol lowering effect of lactulose
Q67914946The lactulose challenge. Part 2. Importance of regulation of enteric bile acid circulation by lowering pH value for lithogenesis
Q54026347The lactulose hydrogen breath test as a measure of orocaecal transit time.
Q43324679The laxative effects of lactulose in normal and constipated subjects
Q45150959The many effects of lactulose: a rational approach to its therapeutic use.
Q43555582The mechanism of action of lactulose in portal systemic encephalopathy: colonic bacterial urease activity and bacterial flora in rats
Q48830440The mechanism of action of lactulose in portal-systemic encephalopathy. Non-ionic diffusion of ammonia in the canine colon
Q67919416The menstrual cycle has no effect on gastrointestinal transit time. Evaluation by means of the lactulose H2 breath test
Q43888404The metabolism of lactulose by the fecal flora
Q38300275The potential of lactulose and melibiose, two novel trehalase-indigestible and autophagy-inducing disaccharides, for polyQ-mediated neurodegenerative disease treatment
Q71076112The role of lactulose in the prevention of bacterial translocation in surgical trauma
Q43635098The use of lactulose in portal-systemic encephalopathy
Q43309350The use of lactulose in post-haemorrhoidectomy patients
Q67404494The use of lactulose syrup for the control of hyperammonemia in Reye's syndrome: report of case
Q67843388Therapeutic approach in constipation with special reference to lactulose
Q69390549Therapeutic effect of lactulose on shunt encephalopathy and blood ammonia concentration in cirrhosis patients
Q42129404Therapeutic effect of vancomycin hydrochloride, a nonabsorbable antibiotic, on intractable (lactulose resistant) chronic hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients
Q44285482Therapy of salmonella enteritis with special reference to lactulose (author's transl)
Q43571034Thermodynamics of hydrolysis of disaccharides. Lactulose, alpha-D-melibiose, palatinose, D-trehalose, D-turanose and 3-o-beta-D-galactopyranosyl-D-arabinose
Q42218541Thin-layer chromatographic determination of urinary excretion of lactulose, simplified and applied to cystic fibrosis patients.
Q38873815Tolerance and Long-Term Efficacy of Polyethylene Glycol 4000 (Forlax®) Compared to Lactulose in Elderly Patients with Chronic Constipation
Q39450187Tolerance and efficacy of polyethylene glycol 3350/electrolyte solution versus lactulose in relieving opiate induced constipation: a double-blinded placebo-controlled trial
Q91483906Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation of acupuncture points enhances therapeutic effects of oral lactulose solution on opioid-induced constipation
Q30919355Transformation of lactulose trihydrate into anhydrous lactulose by fluidized bed drying and its characterization
Q33420504Transitory laxative threshold of trehalose and lactulose in healthy women.
Q86525469Treatment of Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy: Comparing the Effects of Adding Rifaximin to Lactulose on Patient Outcomes
Q35003452Treatment of chronic constipation with lactulose syrup: results of a double-blind study
Q72429516Treatment of chronic hepatic coma with lactulose
Q71519067Treatment of chronic hepatic encephalopathy with lactulose (30 cases)
Q45165187Treatment of chronic portal-systemic encephalopathy with lactulose (synthetic disaccharide: one molecule of galactose and one of fructose)
Q72346253Treatment of chronic porto-systemic encephalopathy with lactulose
Q53962044Treatment of endotoxemia in galactosamine hepatitis by lactulose administered intravenously.
Q79836144Treatment of faecal impaction with polyethelene glycol plus electrolytes (PGE + E) followed by a double-blind comparison of PEG + E versus lactulose as maintenance therapy
Q40332192Treatment of healthy salmonella carriers with lactulose beta-galactosido-fructose (author's transl)
Q24563355Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy: it's not lactulose
Q33484105Treatment of porto-systemic encephalopathy with lactitol verus lactulose: a randomized controlled study.
Q33575746Understanding measurements of intestinal permeability in healthy humans with urine lactulose and mannitol excretion
Q35604987Urinary mannitol: lactulose excretion ratios and jejunal mucosal structure
Q47296785Urinary recovery of lactulose compared to D-xylose absorption kinetics in HIV patients with diarrhea and weight loss
Q83990819Urinary recovery of orally administered chromium 51-labeled EDTA, lactulose, rhamnose, d-xylose, 3-O-methyl-d-glucose, and sucrose in healthy adult male Beagles
Q91111799Use Of Quantitative Modelling To Elucidate The Roles Of The Liver, Gut, Kidney, And Muscle In Ammonia Homeostasis And How Lactulose And Rifaximin Alter This Homeostasis
Q89969666Use of Lactulose Breath Tests to Predict Response to Rifaximin in Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Diarrhea: The Positives and Negatives
Q50206879Use of lactulose (Amivalex) in the treatment of Salmonella excretors
Q60288244Use of lactulose as prebiotic and its influence on the growth, acidification profile and viable counts of different probiotics in fermented skim milk
Q71237354Use of lactulose in chronic constipation. (Preliminary report)
Q44770660Use of lactulose in the treatment of chronic renal failure
Q70468100Use of lactulose in the treatment of porto-systemic encephalopathy and chronic constipation
Q78622262Use of lactulose to create a preponderance of Lactobacilli in the intestine of bottle-fed infants
Q26860326Use of the lactulose to mannitol ratio to evaluate childhood environmental enteric dysfunction: a systematic review
Q42852399Usefulness of lactulose breath test for the prediction of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in irritable bowel syndrome
Q44849698Using a simplex centroid to study the effects of pH, temperature and lactulose on the viability of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis in a model system
Q37681281Utility of the wireless motility capsule and lactulose breath testing in the evaluation of patients with Parkinson's disease who present with functional gastrointestinal symptoms
Q37236392Utility of wireless motility capsule and lactulose breath testing in the evaluation of patients with chronic functional bloating
Q42139240Validated HPLC-RI Method for the Determination of Lactulose and its Process Related Impurities in Syrup
Q37538998Validation of an LC-MS/MS Method for Urinary Lactulose and Mannitol Quantification: Results in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Q73064989Viscosity and density of lactulose solutions
Q53468580Wheat fibre, lactulose and rectal mucosal proliferation in individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer.
Q51162012Wrong Idea, Good Results (the Lactulose Story)
Q73053752[A clinical study of the use of a combination of glucomannan with lactulose in the constipation of pregnancy]
Q71146147[A study of carbohydrate absorption by expiratory hydrogen test (EHT). 1. Studies by ingestion of lactulose and lactose (author's transl)]
Q71247230[Bifidum-milk and lactulose in the therapy of chronic liver diseases]
Q92459796[Christmas article: CO2 footprint of lactulose in Scandinavia]
Q80013719[Clinical efficacy of duphalac in the treatment of functional constipations]
Q85912433[Clinical observation of prophylactic lactulose for prevention of oral morphine-induced constipation]
Q93828024[Comparative study of portocaval encephalopathy treatment with lactulose, lactobacilli and antibiotics]
Q70271145[Comparison of refractometric and ultraviolet detection methods in lactulose assay by high performance liquid chromatography]
Q70387777[Determination of some components of a lactulose isomer-mixture and syrup]
Q74692187[Duphalac (lactulose) in the treatment of chronic constipation in children]
Q68923611[Effect of lactulose on ammonia metabolism during exercise]
Q84774528[Effect of lactulose on interleukin-18 madiatid multiple orgern function in severe burned rats]
Q68650409[Effects of lactulose on blood ammonia levels in beagles with end-to-side portacaval shunt]
Q70245158[Effects of lactulose on intestinal functions in mice and rats]
Q85912422[Efficacies of lactulose plus live combined Bacillus subtilis and Enterococcus faecium capsules in the treatment of functional constipation: a multicenter, randomized, double blind, controlled trial]
Q95525930[Efficacy and safety of lactulose on the treatment of puerperal constipation]
Q53792576[Efficiency and tolerance of lactulose in constipation in pregnant women]
Q78885844[Excretion ratio of lactulose and mannitol as intestinal permeability index in healthy Chinese volunteers]
Q78500079[Experimental alteration of fecal flora in healthy adults caused by eugalan capsules, lactose & Petuely's lactulose syrup.]
Q71444395[Faecal bacterial flora in cirrhotic patients and effects of administration of antibiotics or lactulose (author's transl)]
Q95480931[Hepatic encephalopathy -- preventative effects of lactulose]
Q54195444[Hepatic encephalopathy and its therapy with lactulose]
Q54324416[Influence of lactitol and lactulose on adhesion properties of Bacillus subtilis probiotic strains].
Q92969606[Influencing Factors on Lactulose Breath Test Results]
Q93654598[Ion chromatographic determination of lactulose and epilactose in the presence of lactose and other carbohydrates in milk and milk products]
Q70600774[Lactulose (Bifiteral)--a physiologically active intestinal agent for constipation, Salmonella and hepatic encephalopathy]
Q72834018[Lactulose and its derivatives--treatment of hepatic encephalopathy and other possible indications for its use]
Q67700197[Lactulose and portocaval encephalopathy: value of its administration by rectal route]
Q77589839[Lactulose and the microecology of the large intestine]
Q69807828[Lactulose as an accelerating method in the x'rays diagnostics of the small intestine (author's transl)]
Q72685516[Lactulose fermentation and lactose absorption in Chilean patients with liver cirrhosis: importance for hepatic encephalopathy therapy]
Q70952872[Lactulose hydrogen breath test in small intestinal bacterial overgrowth]
Q68869863[Lactulose in the treatment of chronic portosystemic encephalopathies]
Q77600402[Lactulose mannitol ratio in patients after operation]
Q85912426[Lactulose plus live binary Bacillus subtilis in the treatment of elders with functional constipation]
Q70717964[Lactulose therapy for chronic renal failure]
Q69375734[Lactulose treatment in 80 cirrhotics: basic considerations and results]
Q71399437[Laxative effect and tolerance of lactulose administrated in one or two intakes in the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation. Groupe d'Investigateurs O'Ile-de-France (GIIF)]
Q72382907[Mannitol and lactulose assay in urine by capillary gas chromatography]
Q77898917[Measurement of urinary content of lactulose and mannitol by gas chromatography as an index of permeability of the gut]
Q71594290[Mechanism of action of lactulose in the therapy of hepatic coma]
Q83747321[Micronized lactulose + paraffin (gel) in constipation]
Q88205070[Milk, Daily products and Bone health.The effect of lactulose on bone health.]
Q71843023[New medicine Lactulose (Duphalac)]
Q95856334[Physiological effects, mechanisms of action and application of lactulose]
Q70764284[Plasma amino acids in patients with liver cirrhosis treated with lactulose]
Q69498497[Possible therapeutic uses of lactulose other than in porto-systemic encephalopathy]
Q54337495[Prebiotic properties of lactite and lactulose under creation of synbiotics of bacillus genus bacteria].
Q54125194[Study of the laxative effect of Lactitol as opposed to lactulose in an open, randomized comparative study]
Q72044599[The cariologic aspects of two laxatives--Senna (Fikonsirap) and Duphalac]
Q72820230[The dilemma in constipation: laxatives or lactulose]
Q72203546[The lactulose challenge--history and future of a drug]
Q54428272[Therapeutic efficacy of vancomycin hydrochloride, a nonabsorbable antibiotic, on intractable (lactulose resistant) chronic hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients].
Q71694029[Therapeutic news. I. Crystalline lactulose]
Q69486752[Treatment of constipation with lactulose in acute and chronic hepatopathy]
Q71117316[Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy with lactulose]
Q68467125[Treatment of patients with chronic liver diseases with lactulose and bifidum milk. Principles and problems]
Q73475130[Use of lactulose in products of children's dietetic and therapeutic nutrition]
Q52539866[Value of lactulose in the treatment of chronic porto-cave encephalopathy (20 cases)]
Q56679234Über den Bifidusfaktor Lactulose

Q106054650maltulosestereoisomer ofP3364
Q97479031LAKTULOSA SANDOZhas active ingredientP3781
Q37155World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicineshas part(s)P527
Q838966irritable bowel syndromepossible treatmentP924