Regulation of MSV and WDV virion-sense promoters by WDV nonstructural proteins: a role for their retinoblastoma protein-binding motifs.

scientific article published on February 2003

Regulation of MSV and WDV virion-sense promoters by WDV nonstructural proteins: a role for their retinoblastoma protein-binding motifs. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID12642104
P5875ResearchGate publication ID10851933

P50authorMaría Fernández LobatoQ54917944
Carmen FenollQ55029537
Angeles Muñoz-MartínQ73139039
P2093author name stringPhilip M Mullineaux
Sylvie Collin
Esther Herreros
P2860cites workInteraction of Sp1 with the growth- and cell cycle-regulated transcription factor E2FQ24317554
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P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectretinoblastomaQ500695
P1104number of pages11
P577publication date2003-02-01
P1433published inVirologyQ7934867
P1476titleRegulation of MSV and WDV virion-sense promoters by WDV nonstructural proteins: a role for their retinoblastoma protein-binding motifs

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