Josefa Antón


Josefa Antón is …
instance of (P31):

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P496ORCID iD0000-0002-5823-493X
P3829Publons author ID2485916
P1153Scopus author ID7006164869

P734family nameAntónQ41654940
P735given nameJosefaQ617272
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Invasion BiologyQ56241615
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072

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author (P50)
Q33369523Ammonia-oxidizing Crenarchaeota and nitrification inside the tissue of a colonial ascidian
Q34087720Bacteria associated with Copestylum (Diptera, Syrphidae) larvae and their cactus host Isolatocereus dumortieri.
Q33561429Bacterial diversity in dry modern freshwater stromatolites from Ruidera Pools Natural Park, Spain
Q60134838Comparative Restriction Maps of the Archaeal Megaplasmid pHM300 in Different Haloferax mediterranei Strains
Q112583466Distinct ecotypes within a natural haloarchaeal population enable adaptation to changing environmental conditions without causing population sweeps
Q30976715Diversity of bacteria and Archaea in sulphate-reducing enrichment cultures inoculated from serial dilution of Zostera noltii rhizosphere samples.
Q30907517Diversity of extremely halophilic cultivable prokaryotes in Mediterranean, Atlantic and Pacific solar salterns: Evidence that unexplored sites constitute sources of cultivable novelty.
Q60332309Diversity ofpufMgenes, involved in aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis, in the bacterial communities associated with colonial ascidians
Q39219648Effects of the 2015 heat wave on benthic invertebrates in the Tabarca Marine Protected Area (southeast Spain).
Q33598810Epibiosis of oxygenic phototrophs containing chlorophylls a, b, c, and d on the colonial ascidian Cystodytes dellechiajei
Q35192201Eukarya associated with the stony coral Oculina patagonica from the Mediterranean Sea.
Q34772625Extremely halophilic microbial communities in anaerobic sediments from a solar saltern.
Q22122304Fine-scale evolution: genomic, phenotypic and ecological differentiation in two coexisting Salinibacter ruber strains
Q34760450From community approaches to single-cell genomics: the discovery of ubiquitous hyperhalophilic Bacteroidetes generalists
Q43033732Functions of carotenoids in xanthorhodopsin and archaerhodopsin, from action spectra of photoinhibition of cell respiration
Q50048682Genomic comparison between members of the Salinibacteraceae family, and description of a new species of Salinibacter (Salinibacter altiplanensis sp. nov.) isolated from high altitude hypersaline environments of the Argentinian Altiplano
Q60134847Halobacterial megaplasmids are negatively supercoiled
Q21133514High metabolomic microdiversity within co-occurring isolates of the extremely halophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber
Q36279479Interactions between closely related bacterial strains are revealed by deep transcriptome sequencing
Q35513484Is there a common water-activity limit for the three domains of life?
Q48075225Metabolic evidence for biogeographic isolation of the extremophilic bacterium Salinibacter ruber
Q33287439Metagenomic approach to the study of halophages: the environmental halophage 1.
Q125683946Metagenomics UnveilsPosidonia oceanica“Banquettes” as a Potential Source of Novel Bioactive Compounds and Carbohydrate Active Enzymes (CAZymes)
Q33872099Metatranscriptomic analysis of extremely halophilic viral communities.
Q33269168Microbial community associated with the colonial ascidian Cystodytes dellechiajei
Q33245644Microbial diversity in Maras salterns, a hypersaline environment in the Peruvian Andes
Q35118583New insights into Oculina patagonica coral diseases and their associated Vibrio spp. communities.
Q34975377Occurrence of Halococcus spp. in the nostrils salt glands of the seabird Calonectris diomedea.
Q33257494Phylogenetic position of Salinibacter ruber based on concatenated protein alignments
Q92838302Predominance of deterministic microbial community dynamics in salterns exposed to different light intensities
Q92009857Prokaryotic and viral community of the sulfate-rich crust from Peñahueca ephemeral lake, an astrobiology analogue
Q91366697Prokaryotic and viral community structure in the singular chaotropic salt lake Salar de Uyuni
Q33341147Prokaryotic diversity in Tuz Lake, a hypersaline environment in Inland Turkey
Q42561461Reconstructing viral genomes from the environment using fosmid clones: the case of haloviruses
Q43030875Response to adverse conditions in two strains of the extremely halophilic species Salinibacter ruber
Q44682447Retinal-binding proteins mirror prokaryotic dynamics in multipond solar salterns
Q31048220Salicola marasensis gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic bacterium isolated from the Maras solar salterns in Peru.
Q46797107Salty worlds underwater
Q36881458Selection of the N-Acylhomoserine Lactone-Degrading Bacterium Alteromonas stellipolaris PQQ-42 and of Its Potential for Biocontrol in Aquaculture
Q33850538Single-virus genomics reveals hidden cosmopolitan and abundant viruses
Q43034317Spatial and seasonal prokaryotic community dynamics in ponds of increasing salinity of Sfax solar saltern in Tunisia
Q46791483Structural studies on the acidic exopolysaccharide from Haloferax denitrificans ATCC 35960.
Q38815970Structure and temporal dynamics of the bacterial communities associated to microhabitats of the coral Oculina patagonica
Q43033679Substrate uptake in extremely halophilic microbial communities revealed by microautoradiography and fluorescence in situ hybridization
Q37834388The low diverse gastric microbiome of the jellyfish Cotylorhiza tuberculata is dominated by four novel taxa
Q33609163The metavirome of a hypersaline environment.
Q46234190The structure of the exocellular polysaccharide produced by the Archaeon Haloferax gibbonsii (ATCC 33959).
Q42200213Unveiling viral-host interactions within the 'microbial dark matter'.
Q34383992Virioplankton community structure in Tunisian solar salterns.
Q42705104Xanthorhodopsin: a proton pump with a light-harvesting carotenoid antenna.

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