Kevin Boyack


Kevin Boyack is …
instance of (P31):

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P2456DBLP author ID16/2425
P6178Dimensions author ID01340127426.82
P2798Loop ID290811
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-7814-8951
P1153Scopus author ID6603501746
P10861Springer Nature person ID01340127426.82

P734family nameBoyackQ36938822
P735given nameKevinQ605834
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097

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author (P50)
Q58830767A Call to Researchers
Q102220258A detailed open access model of the PubMed literature
Q34378301A list of highly influential biomedical researchers, 1996-2011.
Q99546603A novel approach to predicting exceptional growth in research
Q109416226A principled methodology for comparing relatedness measures for clustering publications
Q92564059A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field
Q113207361AI Research Funding Portfolios and Extreme Growth
Q58830692An Introduction to Modeling Science: Basic Model Types, Key Definitions, and a General Framework for the Comparison of Process Models
Q57437859Approaches to understanding and measuring interdisciplinary scientific research (IDR): A review of the literature
Q112297780Assessment of transparency indicators across the biomedical literature: How open is open?
Q45954443Bibliometrics: Is your most cited work your best?
Q58830641Characterization of the Peer Review Network at the Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health
Q34041995Characterization of the peer review network at the Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health
Q58830585Characterizing in-text citations in scientific articles: A large-scale analysis
Q58830663Characterizing the emergence of two nanotechnology topics using a contemporaneous global micro-model of science
Q36124104Citation Metrics: A Primer on How (Not) to Normalize
Q89524647Citation metrics for appraising scientists: misuse, gaming and proper use
Q114263637Citations and certainty: a new interpretation of citation counts
Q58830656Classification of individual articles from all of science by research level
Q28741835Clustering more than two million biomedical publications: comparing the accuracies of nine text-based similarity approaches
Q58830709Co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately?
Q30736654Comparative analysis of multiple genome-scale data sets
Q58830598Comparison of topic extraction approaches and their results
Q42341594Correction: Multiple Citation Indicators and Their Composite across Scientific Disciplines
Q58830668Creation of a highly detailed, dynamic, global model and map of science
Q28727206Design and update of a classification system: the UCSD map of science
Q58830762Domain visualization using VxInsight® for science and technology management
Q58830781Dual-stokes cars system for simulataneous measurement of temperature and multiple species in turbulent flames
Q47547356Dynamics of co-authorship and productivity across different fields of scientific research
Q35203804Estimates of the continuously publishing core in the scientific workforce
Q58830745Evaluation of Laboratory Directed Research and Development investment areas at Sandia
Q114608308How relevant is climate change research for climate change policy? An empirical analysis based on Overton data
Q58830735Identifying a better measure of relatedness for mapping science
Q58830637Identifying emerging topics in science and technology
Q58830686Improving the accuracy of co-citation clustering using full text
Q58830646Including cited non-source items in a large-scale map of science: What difference does it make?
Q58830753Indicator-assisted evaluation and funding of research: Visualizing the influence of grants on the number and citation counts of research papers
Q58830605Investigating the effect of global data on topic detection
Q58830650Mapping altruism
Q35667134Mapping knowledge domains: characterizing PNAS
Q58830747Mapping the backbone of science
Q58830713Mapping the structure and evolution of chemistry research
Q58830729Mapping, illuminating, and interacting with science
Q114257900Massive covidization of research citations and the citation elite
Q58830721Measuring science–technology interaction using rare inventor–author names
Q35083000Metrics associated with NIH funding: a high-level view
Q36065928Multiple Citation Indicators and Their Composite across Scientific Disciplines
Q58830704OpenOrd: an open-source toolbox for large graph layout
Q58830776Prosperity Game to Teach Global Competitiveness to University Students
Q58830740Quantitative evaluation of large maps of science
Q59793592Reproducible research practices, transparency, and open access data in the biomedical literature, 2015-2017
Q58830612Research portfolio analysis and topic prominence
Q58830742Robust Methods for Microarray Analysis
Q57986600The Closer the Better: Similarity of Publication Pairs at Different Cocitation Levels
Q28584127The Research Focus of Nations: Economic vs. Altruistic Motivations
Q58830618Thesaurus-based methods for mapping contents of publication sets
Q58830723Thought leadership: A new indicator for national and institutional comparison
Q56600499Thousands of scientists publish a paper every five days
Q58830622Topic identification challenge
Q58830715Toward a consensus map of science
Q58830711Toward an objective, reliable and accurate method for measuring research leadership
Q58581529Toward predicting research proposal success
Q100678361Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators
Q58830717Using detailed maps of science to identify potential collaborations
Q58830706Using global mapping to create more accurate document-level maps of research fields
Q108476548Visualizing knowledge domains
Q58830591Which Type of Citation Analysis Generates the Most Accurate Taxonomy of Scientific and Technical Knowledge?
Q98161888Work honored by Nobel prizes clusters heavily in a few scientific fields

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