human | Q5 |
P496 | ORCID iD | 0000-0003-0566-2209 |
P3829 | Publons author ID | 1202618 |
P1053 | ResearcherID | C-3716-2009 |
P1153 | Scopus author ID | 7102355745 |
P166 | award received | Burton Medal | Q67856316 |
P69 | educated at | University of Cambridge | Q35794 |
P108 | employer | University of Toronto | Q180865 |
Hospital for Sick Children | Q3140964 | ||
Laboratory of Molecular Biology | Q185800 | ||
P735 | given name | John | Q4925477 |
John | Q4925477 | ||
P106 | occupation | researcher | Q1650915 |
P21 | sex or gender | male | Q6581097 |
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