scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Judith Klumperman | Q45929310 |
Catherine Rabouille | Q47158649 | ||
P2860 | cites work | The organisation of the Golgi apparatus | Q77159590 |
Decoding of sorting signals by coatomer through a GTPase switch in the COPI coat complex | Q22253875 | ||
The debate about transport in the Golgi--two sides of the same coin? | Q24290401 | ||
Novel isotypic gamma/zeta subunits reveal three coatomer complexes in mammals | Q24305239 | ||
Giantin, a novel conserved Golgi membrane protein containing a cytoplasmic domain of at least 350 kDa | Q24310732 | ||
CASP, the alternatively spliced product of the gene encoding the CCAAT-displacement protein transcription factor, is a Golgi membrane protein related to giantin | Q24537148 | ||
Small cargo proteins and large aggregates can traverse the Golgi by a common mechanism without leaving the lumen of cisternae | Q24652373 | ||
The membrane transport factor TAP/p115 cycles between the Golgi and earlier secretory compartments and contains distinct domains required for its localization and function. | Q24682925 | ||
Two syntaxin homologues in the TGN/endosomal system of yeast | Q27937369 | ||
Coatomer is essential for retrieval of dilysine-tagged proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum | Q27938624 | ||
Mechanisms of intracellular protein transport | Q28131681 | ||
Concentration of intracellular hepatic apolipoprotein E in Golgi apparatus saccular distensions and endosomes | Q28571083 | ||
Golgin tethers define subpopulations of COPI vesicles | Q28580199 | ||
Coatomer interaction with di-lysine endoplasmic reticulum retention motifs | Q28609806 | ||
Bidirectional transport by distinct populations of COPI-coated vesicles | Q28609833 | ||
The Golgi apparatus: balancing new with old | Q28631852 | ||
Scale formation in algae | Q33529958 | ||
Protein sorting by directed maturation of Golgi compartments | Q33676844 | ||
The road taken: past and future foundations of membrane traffic | Q33824729 | ||
Organellar relationships in the Golgi region of the pancreatic beta cell line, HIT-T15, visualized by high resolution electron tomography | Q33935943 | ||
Organization of the Golgi apparatus | Q33954550 | ||
A resident Golgi protein is excluded from peri-Golgi vesicles in NRK cells | Q34190064 | ||
The mammalian Golgi--complex debates | Q34931836 | ||
Cisternal maturation and vesicle transport: join the band wagon! (Review). | Q35189830 | ||
Iterative fractionation of recycling receptors from lysosomally destined ligands in an early sorting endosome | Q36222118 | ||
Overlapping distribution of two glycosyltransferases in the Golgi apparatus of HeLa cells | Q36232261 | ||
Variations on the Intracellular Transport Theme: Maturing Cisternae and Trafficking Tubules | Q36276382 | ||
Exclusion of golgi residents from transport vesicles budding from Golgi cisternae in intact cells | Q36293742 | ||
ARFGAP1 plays a central role in coupling COPI cargo sorting with vesicle formation. | Q36321109 | ||
Peri-Golgi vesicles contain retrograde but not anterograde proteins consistent with the cisternal progression model of intra-Golgi transport | Q36381406 | ||
Connections between the various elements of the cis- and mid-compartments of the Golgi apparatus of early rat spermatids | Q36718467 | ||
Golgi enzymes are enriched in perforated zones of golgi cisternae but are depleted in COPI vesicles. | Q37538065 | ||
Direct continuities between cisternae at different levels of the Golgi complex in glucose-stimulated mouse islet beta cells | Q37682041 | ||
Immunohistochemical localization of procollagens. II. Electron microscopic distribution of procollagen I antigenicity in the odontoblasts and predentin of rat incisor teeth by a direct method using peroxidase linked antibodies | Q39558660 | ||
Redrawing compartmental boundaries in the exocytic pathway | Q40463795 | ||
Secretory traffic triggers the formation of tubular continuities across Golgi sub-compartments. | Q40500388 | ||
Retention and retrieval in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus | Q40647410 | ||
Kin recognition between medial Golgi enzymes in HeLa cells. | Q40790740 | ||
A role for ADP ribosylation factor in the control of cargo uptake during COPI-coated vesicle biogenesis | Q40908409 | ||
A cisternal maturation mechanism can explain the asymmetry of the Golgi stack | Q41604797 | ||
GTP hydrolysis by arf-1 mediates sorting and concentration of Golgi resident enzymes into functional COP I vesicles | Q42680908 | ||
Beta-COP localizes mainly to the cis-Golgi side in exocrine pancreas | Q42770080 | ||
Sorting of Golgi resident proteins into different subpopulations of COPI vesicles: a role for ArfGAP1. | Q42952095 | ||
Getting through the Golgi complex | Q47721647 | ||
Localization of proteins to the Golgi apparatus | Q47721715 | ||
Procollagen Traverses the Golgi Stack without Leaving the Lumen of Cisternae | Q57705543 | ||
Stepwise assembly of functionally active transport vesicles | Q72636717 | ||
Megavesicles implicated in the rapid transport of intracisternal aggregates across the Golgi stack | Q74278666 | ||
P433 | issue | 10 | |
P304 | page(s) | 812-817 | |
P577 | publication date | 2005-10-01 | |
P13046 | publication type of scholarly work | review article | Q7318358 |
P1433 | published in | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | Q1573120 |
P1476 | title | Opinion: The maturing role of COPI vesicles in intra-Golgi transport | |
P478 | volume | 6 |
Q92860218 | A Kinetic View of Membrane Traffic Pathways Can Transcend the Classical View of Golgi Compartments |
Q36957817 | A novel small molecule regulator of guanine nucleotide exchange activity of the ADP-ribosylation factor and golgi membrane trafficking. |
Q42575658 | A role for phosphatidic acid in COPI vesicle fission yields insights into Golgi maintenance |
Q34359527 | A three-stage model of Golgi structure and function |
Q34299170 | ARFGAP2 and ARFGAP3 are essential for COPI coat assembly on the Golgi membrane of living cells |
Q47871584 | An Overview of Protein Secretion in Plant Cells |
Q36095697 | Analysis of de novo Golgi complex formation after enzyme-based inactivation |
Q37866547 | Architecture of the Mammalian Golgi |
Q38027101 | ArfGAP1 function in COPI mediated membrane traffic: currently debated models and comparison to other coat-binding ArfGAPs |
Q35694109 | ArfGAP1 promotes COPI vesicle formation by facilitating coatomer polymerization |
Q92299151 | Blocking expression of inhibitory receptor NKG2A overcomes tumor resistance to NK cells |
Q33260346 | COPI activity coupled with fatty acid biosynthesis is required for viral replication |
Q41285526 | COPI is essential for Golgi cisternal maturation and dynamics. |
Q34506701 | COPI selectively drives maturation of the early Golgi |
Q33327377 | COPI vesicle transport is a common requirement for tube expansion in Drosophila |
Q33649868 | Calpain 8/nCL-2 and calpain 9/nCL-4 constitute an active protease complex, G-calpain, involved in gastric mucosal defense |
Q50320977 | Carboxyl-terminal Tail-mediated Homodimerizations of Sphingomyelin Synthases Are Responsible for Efficient Export from the Endoplasmic Reticulum. |
Q42617271 | Co-regulation of the arf-activation cycle and phospholipid-signaling during golgi maturation |
Q36387676 | Coxsackievirus mutants that can bypass host factor PI4KIIIβ and the need for high levels of PI4P lipids for replication |
Q41943225 | Distinct functions for Arf guanine nucleotide exchange factors at the Golgi complex: GBF1 and BIGs are required for assembly and maintenance of the Golgi stack and trans-Golgi network, respectively |
Q38322064 | Division of the intermediate compartment at the onset of mitosis provides a mechanism for Golgi inheritance |
Q30833421 | Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition drives a pro-metastatic Golgi compaction process through scaffolding protein PAQR11. |
Q34016461 | Following the fate in vivo of COPI vesicles generated in vitro. |
Q38010009 | Glycosylation disorders of membrane trafficking |
Q37858330 | Golgi Bypass: Skirting Around the Heart of Classical Secretion |
Q38129714 | Golgi apparatus analyzed by cryo-electron microscopy |
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Q24321259 | Golgi localization of glycosyltransferases requires a Vps74p oligomer |
Q59058669 | Golgi maturation visualized in living yeast |
Q27329064 | Group IV phospholipase A(2)alpha controls the formation of inter-cisternal continuities involved in intra-Golgi transport |
Q36898643 | Heparan sulfate-binding foot-and-mouth disease virus enters cells via caveola-mediated endocytosis |
Q30478704 | Identification and characterization of COPIa- and COPIb-type vesicle classes associated with plant and algal Golgi. |
Q58772303 | Intermediate compartment (IC): from pre-Golgi vacuoles to a semi-autonomous membrane system |
Q28253094 | IntraGolgi distribution of the Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex |
Q35015163 | Journeys through the Golgi--taking stock in a new era. |
Q37457113 | Mechanisms of COPI vesicle formation |
Q34915147 | Mechanisms of regulated unconventional protein secretion |
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Q61829356 | Migration-associated secretion of melanoma inhibitory activity at the cell rear is supported by KCa3.1 potassium channels |
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Q35857493 | Molecular determinants of the interaction between coxsackievirus protein 3A and guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1 |
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