The cellular basis of the convergence and extension of the Xenopus neural plate

scientific article

The cellular basis of the convergence and extension of the Xenopus neural plate is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_l3k6nufbbvcozotqhaxrvizmca
P698PubMed publication ID1600240
P5875ResearchGate publication ID21555971

P2093author name stringKeller R
Shih J
Sater A
P2860cites workHomeogenetic neural induction in Xenopus.Q30446899
Mesodermal control of neural cell identity: floor plate induction by the notochordQ34257473
Mapping of the presumptive brain regions in the neural plate of Xenopus laevisQ34334693
Planar induction of convergence and extension of the neural plate by the organizer of XenopusQ34432075
Neural fold formation at newly created boundaries between neural plate and epidermis in the axolotlQ34522031
Expression of Epi 1, an epidermis-specific marker in Xenopus laevis embryos, is specified prior to gastrulationQ41266471
Notochordal induction of cell wedging in the chick neural plate and its role in neural tube formationQ41309512
Signals from the dorsal blastopore lip region during gastrulation bias the ectoderm toward a nonepidermal pathway of differentiation in Xenopus laevisQ42154751
Shaping and bending of the avian neuroepithelium: morphometric analysesQ42435346
Changes in the shape of the developing vertebrate nervous system analyzed experimentally, mathematically and by computer simulationQ43736996
Mediolateral cell intercalation in the dorsal, axial mesoderm of Xenopus laevisQ46131164
Vital dye mapping of the gastrula and neurula of Xenopus laevis. II. Prospective areas and morphogenetic movements of the deep layerQ46907145
Expression of an epidermal antigen used to study tissue induction in the early Xenopus laevis embryoQ51213201
Die totale Exogastrulation, eine Selbstablösung des Ektoderms vom Entomesoderm : Entwicklung und funktionelles Verhalten nervenloser OrganeQ53057509
Time-lapse cinemicrographic analysis of superficial cell behavior during and prior to gastrulation in Xenopus laevisQ91585469
P577publication date1992-03-01
P1433published inDevelopmental DynamicsQ59752
P1476titleThe cellular basis of the convergence and extension of the Xenopus neural plate

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cites work (P2860)
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