scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Nicole Gorfinkiel | Q37838524 |
P2093 | author name string | L Mahadevan | |
Richard J Adams | |||
Alexandre J Kabla | |||
Guy B Blanchard | |||
Benedicte Sanson | |||
Lucy C Butler | |||
Nora L Schultz | |||
P2860 | cites work | The forces that shape embryos: physical aspects of convergent extension by cell intercalation | Q28276123 |
Reconstruction of zebrafish early embryonic development by scanned light sheet microscopy | Q28296496 | ||
Mechanisms of convergence and extension by cell intercalation | Q30306607 | ||
Mechanical control of global cell behaviour during dorsal closure in Drosophila | Q30487548 | ||
Multiple forces contribute to cell sheet morphogenesis for dorsal closure in Drosophila. | Q30859086 | ||
Oriented cell divisions and cellular morphogenesis in the zebrafish gastrula and neurula: a time-lapse analysis | Q32124763 | ||
The influence of cell mechanics, cell-cell interactions, and proliferation on epithelial packing | Q33310528 | ||
Remodelling epithelial tubes through cell rearrangements: from cells to molecules | Q34360741 | ||
Dynamic analysis of dorsal closure in Drosophila: from genetics to cell biology | Q34731335 | ||
Cooperation of polarized cell intercalations drives convergence and extension of presomitic mesoderm during zebrafish gastrulation | Q36404910 | ||
Physical modeling of cell geometric order in an epithelial tissue | Q36458942 | ||
The dorsal involuting marginal zone stiffens anisotropically during its convergent extension in the gastrula of Xenopus laevis | Q40971251 | ||
The cellular basis of the convergence and extension of the Xenopus neural plate | Q44292770 | ||
Forces for morphogenesis investigated with laser microsurgery and quantitative modeling | Q44307030 | ||
N-cadherin is required for the polarized cell behaviors that drive neurulation in the zebrafish | Q47073566 | ||
Myosin-dependent junction remodelling controls planar cell intercalation and axis elongation | Q47363099 | ||
A dynamic fate map of the forebrain shows how vertebrate eyes form and explains two causes of cyclopia | Q48381167 | ||
Multicellular rosette formation links planar cell polarity to tissue morphogenesis | Q50713462 | ||
Discrete rearranging disordered patterns, part I: robust statistical tools in two or three dimensions | Q51887483 | ||
Cell intercalation during Drosophila germband extension and its regulation by pair-rule segmentation genes | Q52537238 | ||
Real-time imaging of cell-cell adherens junctions reveals that Drosophila mesoderm invagination begins with two phases of apical constriction of cells | Q52585685 | ||
Dpp signalling orchestrates dorsal closure by regulating cell shape changes both in the amnioserosa and in the epidermis | Q52684854 | ||
Control of cell flattening and junctional remodeling during squamous epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila | Q52691885 | ||
Cell shape changes indicate a role for extrinsic tensile forces in Drosophila germ-band extension. | Q52697723 | ||
Shaping the zebrafish notochord | Q78826461 | ||
P433 | issue | 6 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | morphogenesis | Q815547 |
cell biology | Q7141 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 458-464 | |
P577 | publication date | 2009-05-03 | |
P1433 | published in | Nature Methods | Q680640 |
P1476 | title | Tissue tectonics: morphogenetic strain rates, cell shape change and intercalation | |
P478 | volume | 6 |
Q28818306 | A cell-based computational model of early embryogenesis coupling mechanical behaviour and gene regulation |
Q40926682 | A dynamic microtubule cytoskeleton directs medial actomyosin function during tube formation |
Q46898371 | A new model for cell division and migration with spontaneous topology changes |
Q36995381 | A toolbox to explore the mechanics of living embryonic tissues |
Q34510104 | ACME: automated cell morphology extractor for comprehensive reconstruction of cell membranes |
Q40987679 | Active Vertex Model for cell-resolution description of epithelial tissue mechanics |
Q60301609 | Actomyosin-Driven Tension at Compartmental Boundaries Orients Cell Division Independently of Cell Geometry In Vivo |
Q38205109 | Advances in whole-embryo imaging: a quantitative transition is underway |
Q37596612 | Apical constriction: a cell shape change that can drive morphogenesis. |
Q47139275 | Apical surface supracellular mechanical properties in polarized epithelium using noninvasive acoustic force spectroscopy |
Q37845413 | Apoptotic force: active mechanical function of cell death during morphogenesis. |
Q39139181 | Bending and twisting the embryonic heart: a computational model for c-looping based on realistic geometry |
Q28245798 | Brachyury cooperates with Wnt/β-catenin signalling to elicit primitive-streak-like behaviour in differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells |
Q47656368 | Cell Sheet Morphogenesis: Dorsal Closure in Drosophila melanogaster as a Model System. |
Q52697723 | Cell shape changes indicate a role for extrinsic tensile forces in Drosophila germ-band extension. |
Q37078319 | Cellular Pressure and Volume Regulation and Implications for Cell Mechanics |
Q35672116 | Cellular self-organization by autocatalytic alignment feedback |
Q30525785 | Characterizing the mechanics of cultured cell monolayers |
Q38064445 | Collective epithelial and mesenchymal cell migration during gastrulation |
Q38468576 | Colloquium: Mechanical formalisms for tissue dynamics |
Q27335608 | Contractile and mechanical properties of epithelia with perturbed actomyosin dynamics |
Q27313331 | Control of cell-cell forces and collective cell dynamics by the intercellular adhesome |
Q33895299 | Correlating cell behavior with tissue topology in embryonic epithelia. |
Q28597667 | Distinct shape-shifting regimes of bowl-shaped cell sheets - embryonic inversion in the multicellular green alga Pleodorina |
Q37867601 | Dynamic lineage analysis of embryonic morphogenesis using transgenic quail and 4D multispectral imaging |
Q50671351 | Dynamic ordering of nuclei in syncytial embryos: a quantitative analysis of the role of cytoskeletal networks. |
Q27305138 | Emergent material properties of developing epithelial tissues |
Q36459929 | EpiTools: An Open-Source Image Analysis Toolkit for Quantifying Epithelial Growth Dynamics |
Q26863220 | Epithelial machines of morphogenesis and their potential application in organ assembly and tissue engineering |
Q35740301 | Epithelial machines that shape the embryo |
Q53205409 | Evolution of spur-length diversity in Aquilegia petals is achieved solely through cell-shape anisotropy |
Q33697782 | Forces generated by cell intercalation tow epidermal sheets in mammalian tissue morphogenesis |
Q38109316 | Forces in Tissue Morphogenesis and Patterning |
Q30579846 | Formation of adherens junctions leads to the emergence of a tissue-level tension in epithelial monolayers |
Q38873946 | Friction forces position the neural anlage. |
Q47918216 | From cells to tissue: A continuum model of epithelial mechanics. |
Q39058950 | Generating suspended cell monolayers for mechanobiological studies |
Q30844764 | Geometry can provide long-range mechanical guidance for embryogenesis. |
Q50051690 | Global morphogenetic flow is accurately predicted by the spatial distribution of myosin motors. |
Q41922273 | High plasticity in epithelial morphogenesis during insect dorsal closure. |
Q55416346 | Identifying Genetic Players in Cell Sheet Morphogenesis Using a Drosophila Deficiency Screen for Genes on Chromosome 2R Involved in Dorsal Closure. |
Q40383398 | Image-based modelling of organogenesis |
Q37407662 | Increasing β-catenin/Wnt3A activity levels drive mechanical strain-induced cell cycle progression through mitosis. |
Q41560486 | Ingression-type cell migration drives vegetal endoderm internalisation in the Xenopus gastrula |
Q48053211 | Integration of actomyosin contractility with cell-cell adhesion during dorsal closure |
Q37821423 | Integrative approaches to morphogenesis: lessons from dorsal closure |
Q34147630 | Intercellular mechanotransduction during multicellular morphodynamics |
Q36071712 | Interplay of cell dynamics and epithelial tension during morphogenesis of the Drosophila pupal wing |
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Q33992172 | Limbs made to measure |
Q27346459 | Mechanical Coupling between Endoderm Invagination and Axis Extension in Drosophila |
Q30487548 | Mechanical control of global cell behaviour during dorsal closure in Drosophila |
Q39203490 | Mechanical design in embryos: mechanical signalling, robustness and developmental defects. |
Q47412078 | Mechanical regulation of transcription controls Polycomb-mediated gene silencing during lineage commitment |
Q30524362 | Mechanical state, material properties and continuous description of an epithelial tissue |
Q27302988 | Mechanics of blastopore closure during amphibian gastrulation. |
Q30498328 | Mechanics of head fold formation: investigating tissue-level forces during early development |
Q38738888 | Mechanocellular models of epithelial morphogenesis. |
Q30436910 | Micromechanical regulation in cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts: implications for tissue remodeling |
Q46465753 | Multi-scale quantification of tissue behavior during amniote embryo axis elongation. |
Q36951037 | Myosin-II-mediated cell shape changes and cell intercalation contribute to primitive streak formation. |
Q27318625 | Non-straight cell edges are important to invasion and engulfment as demonstrated by cell mechanics model |
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Q36833084 | On Buckling Morphogenesis |
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Q35465465 | Segmentation and tracking of adherens junctions in 3D for the analysis of epithelial tissue morphogenesis |
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