Analytical solutions for (13)C isotopomer analysis of complex metabolic conditions: substrate oxidation, multiple pyruvate cycles, and gluconeogenesis

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Analytical solutions for (13)C isotopomer analysis of complex metabolic conditions: substrate oxidation, multiple pyruvate cycles, and gluconeogenesis is …
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P698PubMed publication ID14734252

P2093author name stringA Dean Sherry
Craig R Malloy
F Mark H Jeffrey
P2860cites workIsotopomer analysis of citric acid cycle and gluconeogenesis in rat liver. Reversibility of isocitrate dehydrogenase and involvement of ATP-citrate lyase in gluconeogenesisQ27436694
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Propionate metabolism in the rat heart by 13C n.m.r. spectroscopy.Q42817430
Metabolic compartmentation of pyruvate in the isolated perfused rat heartQ42869418
Pyruvate carboxylation as an anaplerotic mechanism in the isolated perfused rat heartQ42874438
Alterations in substrate utilization in the reperfused myocardium: a direct analysis by 13C NMRQ43508107
Model equations for condensation biosynthesis using stable isotopes and radioisotopesQ43670464
13C isotopomer analysis of glutamate by tandem mass spectrometry.Q43846444
The flux of pyruvate in perfused rat heartQ43881375
Contribution of exogenous substrates to acetyl coenzyme A: measurement by 13C NMR under non-steady-state conditionsQ44278764
Analysis of tricarboxylic acid cycle of the heart using 13C isotope isomersQ44503799
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Carbon flux through citric acid cycle pathways in perfused heart by 13C NMR spectroscopy.Q52603786
Gluconeogenesis from labeled carbon: estimating isotope dilutionQ52645545
Metabolic heterogeneity of carbon substrate utilization in mammalian heart: NMR determinations of mitochondrial versus cytosolic compartmentationQ67549895
The effect of insulin and growth hormone on the flux of tracer from labelled lactate in perfused rat heartQ68667414
Determination of gluconeogenesis in vivo with 14C-labeled substratesQ70082220
Metabolic compartmentation of lactate in the glucose-perfused rat heartQ71435130
Pyruvate carboxylase and propionyl-CoA carboxylase as anaplerotic enzymes in skeletal muscle mitochondriaQ71523597
Modeling of liver citric acid cycle and gluconeogenesis based on 13C mass isotopomer distribution analysis of intermediatesQ72190985
Tracing hepatic gluconeogenesis relative to citric acid cycle activity in vitro and in vivo. Comparisons in the use of [3-13C]lactate, [2-13C]acetate, and alpha-keto[3-13C]isocaproateQ72428531
Sources of acetyl-CoA entering the tricarboxylic acid cycle as determined by analysis of succinate 13C isotopomersQ72551898
14C-labeled propionate metabolism in vivo and estimates of hepatic gluconeogenesis relative to Krebs cycle fluxQ72602813
Pyruvate and lactate metabolism in the in vivo dog heartQ72810043
Non-invasive tracing of liver intermediary metabolism in normal subjects and in moderately hyperglycaemic NIDDM subjects. Evidence against increased gluconeogenesis and hepatic fatty acid oxidation in NIDDMQ74303244
Quantification of gluconeogenesis in cirrhosis: response to glucagonQ77620744
P921main subjectgluconeogenesisQ191835
P577publication date2004-01-01
P1433published inMetabolic EngineeringQ6822334
P1476titleAnalytical solutions for (13)C isotopomer analysis of complex metabolic conditions: substrate oxidation, multiple pyruvate cycles, and gluconeogenesis

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