Prediction of P-glycoprotein substrates by a support vector machine approach.

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Prediction of P-glycoprotein substrates by a support vector machine approach. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/jcisd/XueYSCWC04
P698PubMed publication ID15272858
P5875ResearchGate publication ID8436573

P50authorChun Wei YapQ57056600
Ying XueQ42837170
P2093author name stringChen YZ
Cao ZW
Wang JF
Sun LZ
P2860cites workA general pattern for substrate recognition by P‐glycoproteinQ54145580
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Choosing Multiple Parameters for Support Vector MachinesQ56906379
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Handbook of Molecular DescriptorsQ62968825
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship of Multidrug Resistance Reversal AgentsQ73626792
Structure-activity relationships of P-glycoprotein interacting drugs: kinetic characterization of their effects on ATPase activityQ73705879
Quantum-Chemical Descriptors in QSAR/QSPR StudiesQ77646254
Structure and mechanism of ABC transportersQ78725214
Knowledge-based analysis of microarray gene expression data by using support vector machinesQ27939386
Assessing the accuracy of prediction algorithms for classification: an overviewQ29615358
Drug design by machine learning: support vector machines for pharmaceutical data analysisQ30668015
An accelerated procedure for recursive feature ranking on microarray data.Q30810344
Classification of multidrug-resistance reversal agents using structure-based descriptors and linear discriminant analysisQ30966916
Support vector machine classification and validation of cancer tissue samples using microarray expression dataQ31835844
Biochemical, cellular, and pharmacological aspects of the multidrug transporterQ33636699
Structure and function of multidrug transporters.Q33767171
The drug transporter P-glycoprotein limits oral absorption and brain entry of HIV-1 protease inhibitorsQ34065800
Screening with tumor markers: critical issuesQ34551044
Feature subset selection for splice site predictionQ34973905
SVM-Prot: Web-based support vector machine software for functional classification of a protein from its primary sequenceQ35208363
Predicting protein--protein interactions from primary structureQ40710149
P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistanceQ41239416
Structure-activity relationships for xenobiotic transport substrates and inhibitory ligands of P-glycoproteinQ42015740
A computational ensemble pharmacophore model for identifying substrates of P-glycoproteinQ43963966
Prediction of torsade-causing potential of drugs by support vector machine approach.Q44771784
Multi-class protein fold recognition using support vector machines and neural networksQ48681384
Molecular Diversity and Representativity in Chemical DatabasesQ50695147
Traditional topological indices vs electronic, geometrical, and combined molecular descriptors in QSAR/QSPR researchQ51652447
Novel computer program for fast exact calculation of accessible and molecular surface areas and average surface curvatureQ52013462
Support Vector Machines for predicting HIV protease cleavage sites in proteinQ52043614
Theoretical calculation and prediction of P-glycoprotein-interacting drugs using MolSurf parametrization and PLS statisticsQ54049500
P4510describes a project that usessupport vector machineQ282453
P921main subjectsupport vector machineQ282453
P577publication date2004-07-01
P1433published inJournal of Chemical Information and Computer SciencesQ104614957
P1476titlePrediction of P-glycoprotein substrates by a support vector machine approach

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cites work (P2860)
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