Ecological and genomic profiling of anaerobic methane-oxidizing archaea in a deep granitic environment.

scientific article published on 8 September 2017

Ecological and genomic profiling of anaerobic methane-oxidizing archaea in a deep granitic environment. is …
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P932PMC publication ID5739000
P698PubMed publication ID28885627

P50authorJillian BanfieldQ6193127
Urumu TsunogaiQ54115583
Toyoho IshimuraQ59394247
Yoko TogoQ59693057
Kazumasa ItoQ82546901
Brian C. ThomasQ131575654
P2093author name stringKatsunori Yanagawa
Michinari Sunamura
Yohey Suzuki
Shingo Kato
Takashi Mizuno
Teruki Iwatsuki
Mariko Kouduka
Akari Fukuda
Yuki Amano
Daisuke D Komatsu
Uta Konno
Akinari Hirota
Kohei Ino
Alex W Hernsdorf
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P921main subjectmethaneQ37129
P577publication date2017-09-08
P1433published inThe ISME JournalQ7741240
P1476titleEcological and genomic profiling of anaerobic methane-oxidizing archaea in a deep granitic environment

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