Behavioral and body size correlates of energy intake underreporting by obese and normal-weight women

scientific article published in March 1999

Behavioral and body size correlates of energy intake underreporting by obese and normal-weight women is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID10076581

P2093author name stringGreen MW
Fong AK
Kretsch MJ
P2860cites workOverweight and obesity in the United States: prevalence and trends, 1960–1994Q64133342
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Dieting and binging. A causal analysisQ69835291
How restrained eaters perceive the amount they eatQ71721302
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The eating attitudes test: psychometric features and clinical correlatesQ34274122
Accuracy of weighed dietary records in studies of diet and healthQ35168401
A study of repeatability of dietary data over a seven-year periodQ36416912
The effects of dieting on eating behavior: a three-factor modelQ40832038
A method to assess energy expenditure in children and adultsQ41603661
The Eating Attitudes Test: an index of the symptoms of anorexia nervosaQ41757454
Energy expenditure in obese and nonobese adolescentsQ43438476
Depressive symptoms in overweight and obese older adults: a test of the "jolly fat" hypothesisQ43550640
Question-induced cognitive biases in reports of dietary intake by college men and womenQ43922195
Unexpectedly low levels of energy expenditure in healthy women.Q46561695
Multimethod training increases portion-size estimation accuracyQ47315460
The association of body weight, dietary intake, and energy expenditure with dietary restraint and disinhibitionQ47358655
Underestimation of energy intake by 3-d records compared with energy intake to maintain body weight in 269 nonobese adultsQ47365372
What are people really eating? The relation between energy intake derived from estimated diet records and intake determined to maintain body weightQ47426981
Restraint and food intake: an experimental study of eating patterns in the laboratory and in normal lifeQ48968629
The three-factor eating questionnaire to measure dietary restraint, disinhibition and hungerQ48984819
Impairment of cognitive performance associated with dieting and high levels of dietary restraintQ51135585
Dietary methods research in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: underreporting of energy intakeQ52002684
Who underreports dietary intake in a dietary recall? Evidence from the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyQ52016078
The reliability of questionnaire-derived historical dietary information and temporal stability of food habits in individualsQ52091683
Estimates of food quantity and calories: errors in self-report among obese patientsQ52098861
Body composition and energy intake: do overweight women overeat and underreport?Q52425714
Discrepancy between self-reported and actual caloric intake and exercise in obese subjectsQ54255594
The Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) for assessment of restrained, emotional, and external eating behaviorQ56875022
Low-End Specificity of Four Depression Measures: Findings and Suggestions for the Research Use of Depression TestsQ57697770
Evaluation of four methods for determining energy intake in young and older women: comparison with doubly labeled water measurements of total energy expenditureQ58580156
P921main subjectobesityQ12174
P304page(s)300-6; quiz 307-8
P577publication date1999-03-01
P1433published inJournal of the American Dietetic AssociationQ15751299
P1476titleBehavioral and body size correlates of energy intake underreporting by obese and normal-weight women

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